DynamiCA Test Procedure

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Step1: Select the Test and then click on “Start Test” as shown below.

Step 2: A popup will appear, click on “Ok”.

Step 3: A popup will appear as below , click on ‘Allow’.

Step 4:A popup will appear “DynamiCA wants to use your camera”. Click on ‘Allow’
Step 5: A popup will appear “Choose what to share”. Here first select on the screen
with your mouse (1) and then click on Share(2) as shown in below screenshot.

Step 6 : A popup will appear “DynamiCA wants to use your microphone”. Click on

Now you will be able to take the test.

Step 6:In some cases, due to permission restrictions If you are unable to view your
video below. Click on video camera icon as shown below , then select “continue
allowing DynamiCA access your camera and microphone’ , then click on “Done”.
Now “refresh” the page to view your video.
Step 7:Click on ‘Next’ to goto the next question and Click on ‘Finish’ to finish the test.

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