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Strategic management

- delegation is the most importsnt

-Philosopher Sun Tzu: Winning a battle without fighting is best way to win

- Win base primarily with price

- Ideas of Suntzu is still applied and study up to the present

10 important strategy (The Art of war by Sun Tzu)

1. Know yourself and your enemy

- Know your competitor

2. Warfare is based on deception

- predict what the opponent will do next

3. Oppurtunities Multiply as they seized

-If oppurtunity is difficult, you have to create it.

4. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting

- through diplomacy, negotiation, and psychological warfare

5. Appear weak when you are strong, strong when you are weak.

-manipulate perceptions to your advantage.

6. Know the Terrain

- Familairity with the environment or context of a conflict is crucial. Understanding the terrain and
adapting your strategies accordingly is essential.

7. Avoid Prolonged Campaigns

- Seek to resolve conflicts swiftly and decisively to conserve resources and maintain morale.

8. Keep your plans Flexible

- Strategies is adptable to the changes.

9. Divide and conquer

10 Winning without figthing

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