Larson Et Al 2011 Heat Capacities and Volumes of Dissociation of Phosphoric Acid (1st 2nd and 3rd) Bicarbonate Ion and

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Heat capacities and volumes of dissociation of phosphoric acid (kt, 2nd, and 3rd),

bicarbonate ion, and bisulfate ion in aqueous solution

Departtnent of Chemistry and Oil Satzds Research Laboratory, University of L e t l ~ b r i d ~Lethbridge,

e, Alta., Canada T l K 3 M 4
Received January 18, 1982

JOHNW. LARSON, KEVING. ZEEB,and LORENG. HEPLER.Can. J. Chem. 60,2141 (1982).

Measurements at 25'C with aflow calorimeter and aflow densimeter have led to heat capacities and densities of aqueous solutions
of H,PO,, NaH2P04,Na2HP04,Na,P04, NaHCO,, Na2C0,, H 2 S 0 4 ,and various buffer solutions. Results are presented in terms of
apparent molar heat capacities (4,) and apparent molar volumes (4,). Analysis of the experimental 4, values to obtain the desired
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 02/09/24

standard state 4,O values for single electrolytes requires that allowance be made for hydrolysis and dissociation reactions of certain
solutes, along with extrapolation to zero concentration. Analysis of 4, values requires similar considerations of hydrolysis and
dissociation reactions, allowance for enthalpy and equilibrium changes ("relaxation") during calorimetric measurements, and
extrapolation to zero concentration. Procedures for these calculations are presented. The and 4,O values that result from all of
these measurements and calculations are used to obtain ACpOand AVO values for acid dissociation reactions, which are then related
to effects of temperature and pressure on other thermodynamic properties.

JOHNW. LARSON,KEVING. ZEEBet LORENG. HEPLER.Can. J. Chem. 60,2141 (1982).

Des mesures a 2S°C, l'aide d'un calorimttre a Ccoulement et d'un densirnetre a 6coulement, ont conduit aux capacites
calorifiques et aux densites des solutions aqueuses de H3P04, NaH2P04, Na2HP04,Na,P04, NaHCO,, H2S0, et de plusieurs
solutions tampons. On prksente les resultats en termes de capacites calorifiques molaires apparentes, (I$,), et de volumes molaires
apparents, (4,). Lorsqu'on effectue une analyse des valeurs experimentales de I$,, en vue d'obtenir les valeurs 4,O de 1'Btat
standard d'electrolytes specifiques, on doit tenir compte des reactions d'hydrolyse et de dissociation de certains solutes en plus de
faire une extrapolation b dilution infinie. Pour faire une analyse des valeurs I$,, on doit aussi prendre en consideration les reactions
d'hydrolyse et de dissociation, on doit tenir compte des variations d'enthalpie et d'tquilibre ("relaxation") pendant les mesures
calorimCtriques et faire une extrapolation b concentration zero. On presente les marches b suivre pour ces calculs. On a utilise les
valeurs de et de 4,O qui resultent de toutes ces mesures et de tous ces calculs, pour obtenir les valeurs de AC,,O et de A V0 pour les
reactions de dissociation des acides que l'on peut alors relier aux effets de temperature et de pression sur d'autres proprietes
[Traduit par le journal]

Introduction effects that are associated with the changes in

The thermodynamic properties of the aqueous equilibrium states that occur with changing
acids listed in the title are important in such fields as temperature during the course of calorimetric
boiler water chemistry, interaction of aqueous measurements of heat capacities.
solutions with minerals, biochemistry, marine
science, and analytical chemistry. The research to Experimental
be described in this paper was undertaken to Our heat capacity measurements have been made with a
Picker flow calorimeter of the type previously described (1). A
provide information about changes in heat capacity small systematic error in measurements with this calorimeter
(ACP0)and volume (AVO) accompanying dissocia- has been detected and corrected on the basis of measurements
tion of these acids and then to use these values in (2-4) on NaCl (aq) solutions. Densities of solutions were
calculations of the thermodynamics of dissociation measured with a flow densimeter (5). Results of all of these
over ranges of temperature and pressure. Obtain- +
measurements refer to (25.0 0.1)"C.
BDH AnalaR grade Na2C0, was dried at 270°C. BDH reagent
ing the desired standard state changes in volume grade NaH2P04and Na3P04 were recrystallized from water-
from measured densities of solutions requires ethanol and dried at 150°C. Fisher certified Na2HP04.7H20and
appropriate extrapolations to zero concentration Baker reagent grade NaHCO, were used as received. The
and also "corrections" for such chemical reactions Na2HP0,.7H20 was analyzed for water by heating to constant
weight at 150°C.
as hydrolysis and dissociation, for which we have All compounds mentioned above were titrated with
developed convenient methods. Evaluation of standardized HCI or NaOH and found to contain no appreciable
standard state changes in heat capacities involves acid-base impurities 'ind had overall purities of not less than
similar "corrections" and extrapolations and also 99.7%.
requires that allowance be made for "relaxation" Stock solutions of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid were
prepared from ACS reagent grade concentrated acids and
distilled water, and were then analyzed by titration with
'Visiting scientist from Department of Chemistry, Marshall standardized NaOH solutions.
University, Huntington, W. VA. 25701, U.S.A. Buffer solutions of NaHCO,/Na,CO, and NaH2P04/Na2H-

0 1 9 8 2 National Research Council of Canada/Conseil national de recherches du Canada
CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 60, 1982

TABLE1. Apparent molar heat capacities and volumes of aqueous NaH2P0,/Na2HP0,

buffers at 25.0°C

1?1 4c 4v m 4c 4v
mol kg-' J K-' mol-' cm3mol-I mol kg-' J K-' mol-' cm3 mol-'
F2 = 0.900 F2 = 0.500
0.0440 2.2 27.95 0.0501 -61.2 17.73
0.0820 5.0 28.28 0.0719 -53.1 17.80
0.1235 11.7 28.78 0.1004 -43.9 18.68
0.1558 12.7 28.50 0.1177 -37.9 18.85
0.2206 20.4 28.76 0.1565 -30.2 19.58
0.2394 26.7 29.63 0.2028 - 19.9 20.00
0.3185 30.9 29.35 0.2460 -12.1 20.40
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0.3951 41.6 30.48 0.2792 2.5 20.78

0.4823 45.1 30.10 0.3500 6.8 2 1.42
0.6921 60.9 30.99 0.4189 15.9 22.01
0.8286 73.2 32.34 0.493 1 26.9 22.58
F2 = 0.100
0.0366 -116.1 7.27
0.0538 - 112.2 7.63
0.0641 - 106.5 7.96
0.1025 -93.1 8.74
0.1030 -91.3 8.86
0.1450 -76.6 9.63
0.1681 -69.8 9.78
0.2035 -58.0 10.52
0.2410 -49.2 10.81
0.2870 -35.9 11.63
0.3504 -21.7 12.17

PO4 were prepared from known masses of the solids and apparent molar heat capacities and volumes, are
distilled water. These buffer solutions were made with mole listed in ~ ~ 1, 2,b and l3. ~ ~ ~ ~of these ~
ratios equal to 911, 111, and 119. Solutions of N a 3 P 0 4 were
DreDared from known masses of solid and distilled water. is described in the
FuAher solutions were prepared by quantitative dilutions of paragraphs.
several of these solutions. Our principal interest in this investigation has
been to obtain the +,O and +,O values for zero
Experimental results and analyses of data
concentration that are identical to the correspond-
Results of measurements with the Picker flow ing partial molar quantities that then lead to ACpO
calorimeter are heat capacities per unit volume of and AVO values for various dissociation reactions.
solution. Combination of these heat capacities with Analysis of our apparent molar volumes for this
the densities that we have also measured leads to purpose requires that appropriate allowance be
heat capacities per unit mass of solution. Further made for hydrolysis and dissociation reactions of
combination of these latter heat capacities with the certain solutes along with extrapolation to zero
already known (6) heat capacity of water concentration. Analysis of our apparent molar heat
(4.1793 JK-I g-l) leads to apparent molar heat capacities requires similar considerations of
capacities. Similarly, densities of solutions in hydrolysis and dissociation reactions, allowance
combination with the already known density of for enthalpy and equilibrium changes during
water (0.997044 g ~ m - ~lead
) to apparent molar calorimetric measurements, along with extrapola-
volumes. These apparent molar properties are tions to zero concentration. Because of their
defined according to relative simplicity, we consider volumes first.
[I1 +Y = Y(so1'n) - n lYlOI Cn, Apparent molar volumes of reasonably dilute
i> 1 solutions of electrolytes are accurately represented
in which Y is the extensive property (heat capacity by equations of the form
or volume) of a specified quantity of solution, n1 is [2] +, = +,O + Av(d1°)11Z(o)31Z(m) +
lIz Bvom
the number of moles of water in the specified
quantity of solution, Y10 is the molar property of in which AV and o come from the Debye-Hiickel
pure water, and ni for i > 1 represents the numbers theory and Bv is an adjustable parameter for each
of moles of solutes. Results of our measurements of solute. We have used
heat capacities and densities, expressed in terms of AV(dlO)llZ= 1.865 cm3 molk3I2kg1I2

2. Apparent molar heat capacities and volumes of aqueous NaHC031Na,C03 buffers
at 25.O"C

171 4c(4csp) 4v m 4c(4cW) 4v

mol kg-I J K-I mol-I cm3mol-I mol kg-I J K-' mol-I cm3 mol-I
F, = 0.900 F, = 0.500
0.0660 -25.2(-25.7) 20.85 0.0568 -82.7(-87.7) 10.30
0.0788 - 15.9(- 16.9) 2 1.60 0.0844 -82.2(-85.3) 9.95
0.1418 - 12.3(- 12.5) 2 1.44 0.1021 -74.8(-77.3) 10.39
0.1621 -7.3(-7.5) 21.93 0.1518 -68.5(-70.1) 10.72
0.2435 -2.4(-2.5) 21.96 0.1847 -61.2(-62.5) 11.14
0.2837 3.6(3.5) 22.50 0.2376 -57.1(-58.1) 11.39
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0.3887 9.7(9.6) 22.53 0.2903 -45.5(-46.3) 11.95

0.4556 15.7(15.6) 22.86 0.3172 -43.2(-44.0) 12.04
0.5127 17.7(17.7) 22.96 0.3872 -31.9(-32.5) 12.56
0.6023 25.5(25.5) 23.37 0.4265 -27.5(-28.0) 12.69
0.7080 32.6(32.6) 23.54 0.5227 - 16.5(- 17.0) 13.3 1
0.8369 39.2(39.2) 24.03
F2 = 0.100
0.0326 - 121.0(171.1) -2.60
0.0584 - 127.5(- 158.1) - 1.44
0.0815 -123.1(-145.6) - 1.01
0.0958 - 123.6(- 142.8) -0.60
0.1293 -116.6(- 131.1) -0.19
0.1526 - 115.9(- 128.2) 0.24
0.2063 - 101.9(- 111.1) 0.79
0.2150 -99.5(- 108.4) 1.06
0.2904 -83.2(-90.0) 1.79
0.3048 -81.7(-88.2) 2.02
0.4148 -60.6(-65.7) 2.96

3. Apparent molar heat capacities and volumes of aqueous acids and salts at

m 4c(4cSP) 4v m 4c(4cW) 4v
mol kg-I J K-I mol-' ~ m ~ m o l - ~ mol kg-' J K-I mol-I cm3 mol-'

H3PO4 Na3P0,
70.4(61.4) 43.78 0.0203 -3.3(-341.7) - 18.19
80.1(74.2) 45.32 0.0405 -39.q-301.8) - 17.22
84.5(79.8) 45.89 0.0617 -56.6(-270.8) -16.29
89.3(85.3) 46.18 0.0825 -65.1(-249.5) -15.42
90.0(86.4) 46.39 0.1028 -70.4(-235.1) - 14.68
93.8(90.6) 46.50 0.1295 -70.3(-217.2) - 13.88
0.1746 -66.7(- 195.2) - 12.84
H2S04 Na3P04 in 0.020171 NaOH
47.6(-53.5) 29.73
51.9(-14.9) 32.81 0.0150 35.5(-315.5) -16.73
55.3(-3.2) 33.15 0.0234 -7.4(-309.0) - 18.27
52.9(0.4) 33.97 0.0499 -42.q-260.9) - 15.96
55.5(9.7) 33.93 0.0766 -55.3(-234.3) - 14.82
53.q12.6) 34.50 0.1035 -61.7(-217.3) - 13.90
56.q19.1) 34.39 0.1310 -60.5(-200.8) -13.03
55.5(22.3) 34.92 0.1671 -56.q- 183.9) -12.02
56.3(28.9) 35.21

from Millero (7) and the "valence factor" o as molality. For non-electrolytes and undissociated
commonly defined (8) is weak electrolytes such as H,PO,(aq) we have
[2'] instead of [2]:
[3] o = Z/m = (0.5 Evizi2mi)/m
in which Z is the mold ionic strength. m; is the [2'1 4 v = 4v0 + Bvm
molality of a particular solute, and >
is the total Many of our measurements have been made on
2144 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 60, 1982

buffer solutions that are described as containing TABLE

5. Standard state heat capacities and vol-
component solutes in ratios equal to 911, 111, and umes of aqueous solutes at 25.O"C
119. We now define solute mole fractions F2and F3
according to 4c0 41.O
Solute J K-I mol-I cm3mol-I
H3P04(aq,undiss.) 94.5 48.1
and NaH2P04(aq) 8.6 30.1
Na,HPO,(aq) - 168.1 2.8
Na3P04(aq) -367 -22.4
NaHC03(aq) -11.6 23.6
in which subscript 2 refers to a 1:1 electrolyte and Na2C03(aq) -215.5 -6.8
subscript 3 refers to a 2: 1 electrolyte. For F2values + H+(aq) HS0,-(aq) 21.7 35.2
of 0.9, 0.5, and 0.1 we have o values equal to 1.2,
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 02/09/24

2.0, and 2.8, respectively. As shown in Tables 1

and 2, we have made measurements on solutions dissociated (cr) from K6 and the Davies equation for
having three different F2values at several different activity coefficients (y):
total molalities. +
[7] log y = ( - A Z ~ I " ~ ) / ( ~Ill2) + 0.1z21
For our NaH2P04/Na2HP04 and NaHC031
Na2C03 buffer solutions we find that hydrolysis The apparent molar volumes of solutions of
and dissociation corrections are negligible. We phosphoric acid are expressed as
have therefore obtained values of +v5 and Bv by [81 +V = (1 - cr)+v(H3PO,) + @+V(H++ H2P04-)
least-squares fitting of 4, - Av(d10)112 (o)312(m)112
against o m , as suggested by eq. [Z], with results Substitution of the appropriate version of eq. [2]
that are given in Table 4. Further linear least- and [Z'] in [8] leads us to obtain the desired
squares fits of +,O values for buffers against apparent molar volume of undissociated phos-
corresponding F2 values lead to +,,,O and +,,,O phoric acid, +,0(H3P04), by extrapolating
values for single electrolyte components of the
buffers, as reported in Table 5. Using +
bv - crbvO(H+ H2P04-) - (u)312Av(d10)112(tn)1
(1 - a )
to zero concentration. Our value for +,0(H3P04) is
from Millero (7), based on the useful convention listed in Table 6.
that The hydrolysis of solutions of sodium phosphate
is represented by
we then obtain the conventional ionic volumes [9] PO,'- (aq) + H,O(liq) = HPO,,~-(aq)+ OH-(aq)
for H2P04-(aq), HP0,2-(aq), HC03-(aq), and We have calculated cr (fraction hydrolyzed) values
C032-(aq)that are listed in Table 6. from the equilibrium constant (9) and activity
For solutions of phosphoric acid we need coefficients (10). The apparent molar volumes of
consider only the first dissociation as in solutions of sodium phosphate are then expressed
for which we have the equilibrium constant K6 [lo] +, = (1 - cr)+,(3Na+ +
from a recent review (9). We calculate the fraction + ~ + ~ ( 2 N +a +HP042-) + c+(Na+ + OH-)
- cr V0(H20)
4. Parameters for eqs. [2] and [16] for aqueous NaH,PO,/
Na,HPO, and NaHC031Na,C03 buffers at 25.O"C Substitution of appropriate versions of eq. [2] in
[lo] and rearrangement of the resulting compli-
4c0 Bc 4v0 BI, cated expression has led us to extrapolate
J K-' mol-I J K-I m01-~kg cm3 mol-I
F2 cm3 mol-z kg
+ HP042-)
[+V- ~t+~O(2Na+
~ +OH-) + cr V0(H20)
- E + ~ O ( N+
- (6 - 2~t)A~(d,~)~~~(Z)'~~]
- a)

NaHC0,1Na2C03 to zero ionic strength to obtain the desired

0.900 -32.7 39.1 20.5 1.2 +,O(3Na+ + that is listed in Table 5 and
0.500 -112.1 35.9 8.4 1.1 thence the conventional +v0(P043-)that is listed in
0.100 -195.8 38.7 -3.8 1.2
Table 6.

TABLE6. Standard state heat capacities experimental apparent molar heat capacity is from
and volumes for aqueous species at 25.O"C, the thermal effects associated with changes in
based on cbYo(H+)= 0 for ions chemical equilibrium ("relaxation") and is desig-
nated We therefore have
Species J K- mol-
H3P04(ad The contribution of "relaxation" to the apparent
H2P04-(aq) molar heat capacity is given (1 1, 12) by
C032-(aq) Thus the desired contributions due to the aqueous
HS0,-(aq) solute species can be obtained as
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"From ref. 19.
bFrom ref. 7.
Procedures for calculating (daldr) from equilib-
rium constants, enthalpies, and activity coeffi-
Sulfuric acid in our solutions is completely cients for systems of various charge types follow
dissociated into H+(aq) and HS0,-(aq) and some of those previously described (11, 12) and recently
the bisulfate ions are further dissociated as in extended (13). The required equilibrium constants
and enthalpies have been taken from a recent
review (9).
We have calculated a (fraction of HSO,- dis- The "relaxation" effects on heat capacities of
sociated) values from the equilibrium constant the NaH2P04/Na2HP04buffer systems are very
(9) and the Davies equation (10). The apparent small compared with the experimental uncertain-
molar volumes of sulfuric acid solutions are ties. We have therefore taken +,
= +cSP for these
expressed as solutions and used the +,
values in Table 1 for our
subsequent calculations for this system. For all
other systems we have calculated +,"
values by
way of experimental +,
values and eq. [15], which
has involved calculation of AH(da/dT) as de-
Substitution of the appropriate forms of eq. [2] scribed in detail elsewhere (11-13), with results
in [12] and rearrangement lead us to obtain presented in parentheses in Tables 2 and 3.
+vO(H+ HS0,-) by extrapolation of The next step has been to analyse the +cSP values
in Tables 2 and 3 and the ( = +,")+,values in
Table 1 on the basis of the equation
to zero ionic strength to obtain the +vO(H+ +
HS0,-) that is listed in Table 5. The conventional in which Ac is derived from the Debye-Hiickel
+,O(HSO,-) is listed in Table 6. theory and Bc is an adjustable parameter. We have
Analysis of experimental apparent molar heat used
capacities for reactive systems to obtain the
desired +,O values of specified solute species
requires that we allow for the temperature from Desnoyers (14,15). In this connection we note
dependent state of equilibrium and related thermal that there is recent evidence (16, 17) for a slightly
effects. These "relaxation" effects have been larger value of AC(dl0)li2,but the difference is not
considered previously for other systems by enough to be significant for our present purposes.
Woolley and Hepler (11) and by Jolicoeur, We have used our +," results with eq. [16] in
Lemelin, and Lapalme (12). As these earlier carrying out calculations and extrapolations to zero
investigations have shown, experimental apparent concentration in ways that are equivalent to those
molar heat capacities (+,) can be regarded as a sum already described in detail for our +, values. The
of two kinds of contributions. One contribution is resulting +cO values are listed in Tables 4 and 5.
from the solute species present in the solution These +cO values have been combined with the
of interest and is designated +,";
it is this conventional +cO(H+)= 0 and +,O(Na+) = 43 J K-I
contribution that we will relate to the desired mol-I and +C0(S042-)= -278 J K-I mol-I from
standard state heat capacities of various solute earlier work (18, 19) to obtain the conventional +,O
species. The other contribution to the total values listed in Table 6.
2146 CAN. J . CHEM. VOL. 60. 1982

TABLE7. Standard state changes in heat capacity and -16.2cm3 mol-I for the first dissociation of
volume for acid dissociation reactions at 25.0°C, from phosphoric acid. More recently, Lo Surdo, Bern-
+,O and values in Table 6
strom, Jonsson, and Millero (21) have reported
AC, O AVO AVO = - 16.26cm3 mol-' for this dissociation. All
of these results are in good agreement with our AVO
Reaction J K-I mol-I cm3 mol-l
= - 16.8cm3 mol-I.
Hamann (20) has listed AVO = -24.0 and
-24.1 cm3 mol-' for the second dissociation of
phosphoric acid, for which Lo Surdo et al. (21)
have recently reported AVO = -25.85 cm3 mol-I.
Our AVO = -26.1 cm3 mol-I for this dissociation
provides support for the value from Lo Surdo et al.
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We have used the conventional standard state (21) in preference to the earlier values.
heat capacities and volumes listed in Table 6 for Lo Surdo et al. (21) have also reported AVO =
calculation of ACpO and AVO for the acid -35.96cm3 mol-' for the third dissociation of
dissociation reactions listed in Table 7. It should be phosphoric acid, for which we found AVO =
emphasized that the arbitrariness in setting -24.0 cm3 mol-I. There is no obvious explanation
(PyO(H+)=0 to obtain the conventional values in for the difference in these values.
Table 6 cancels out of the calculations leading to We also note that the cPVO values reported by Lo
Table 7 so that the reported ACpOand AVO values Surdo et al. (21) for H3P04(aq),NaH2P04(aq),and
are independent of the conventional values chosen Na2HP04(aq) are all in good agreement with our
for +,O(H+). corresponding values in Table 5. On the other
We estimate that uncertainties in most of our +,O hand, their 4,O for Na3P04(aq)is in poor agreement
and 4 , O values are about f0.6cm3 mol-I and about with our value.
f 4 J K-I mol-I, respectively; exceptions are Previous reviews by Millero (7) and by Hamann
Na3P04(aq), P043-(aq), and HS0,-(aq) for which (20) have led to a choice of AVO = -27.7 cm3 mol-I
uncertainties are larger than for the other solutes. for dissociation of HC03-(aq). The more recently
Our further estimates for uncertainties in 4,O are reported partial molar volumes of Perron, Des-
about f 3 cm3 mol-I for Na3P04(aq)and P043-(aq) noyers, and Millero (8) lead to AVO = -28.4cm3
and about f 0.8 cm3 mol-I for HS0,-(aq). We also mol-I. As shown in Table 7, our measurements
estimate that uncertainties in are about lead to AVO = -29.2cm3 mol-I for this dissocia-
f 20 J K-I mol-I for Na3P04(aq)and P043-(aq) and tion. We suggest that both of the latter two values
about f 8 J K-I mol-I for HS0,-(ad. As shown in are more accurate than the first value quoted
the next section, results of several earlier above.
investigations provide evidence that most of our Both Millero (7) and Hamann (20) chose AVO =
4,O values (Tables 5 and 6) and related AVO values -21.7 cm3 mol-I for dissociation of HS0,-(aq).
(Table7) are reliable to within the estimated More recent volumetric measurements by Rohwer,
uncertainties; the only exceptions are Na3P04(aq) Brink, and Cruywagen (22) lead to AVO =
and P043-(aq) and the related AVO for dissociation -20.0 f 1.0 cm3 mol-I. These earlier values are in
of HP042-(aq), for which the true uncertainties good agreement with our AVO = -21.2cm3 mol-I
may be larger than our estimates above. Uncertain- for this dissociation.
ties in most earlier ACpO values are so large that We now turn to some comparisons of our heat
they provide little evidence for or against our ACpO capacities with earlier results.
values and our estimates of their uncertainties. Bates (23) has evaluated the first dissociation
constant of H3P04(aq) at 5" intervals from 0 to
Comparisons of results 60°C. An equation of type log K = f(T) has been
There have been many investigations of partial fitted to the results; two differentiations with
molar volumes and also dissociation constants at respect to T have led to a reported ACpO =
various pressures that have yielded volumes to be - 154 f 5 J K-I mol-I at 25°C. More recently, Mes-
compared with our values in Tables 6 and 7. Nearly mer and Baes (24) have investigated the first
all such results obtained before 1973 have been dissociation of H3P04(aq)at 25" intervals from 0 to
cited and summarized in Hamann's excellent 300°C. Their results have led to ACiO =
review (20). Now we also have some useful results 34 f 29 J K-I mol-I for the neutralization reaction
from more recent investigations.
Hamann (20) has listed AVO = - 16.6 and

Combination of this result with ACpO= -215 J K-I experimental results of Harned and Scholes (29)
mol-1 for dissociation of water from a recent slightly differently to obtain ACpO= -282JK-I
review (9) leads to ACpO= - 186 f 30 J K-' mol-' mol-I for this dissociation. More recently, Plum-
for the first dissociation of H,PO,(aq). Because of mer and Busenberg (3 1) have analyzed equilibrium
the well-known magnification of uncertainties and data over a wider range of temperature; double
errors associated with double differentiation and differentiation of their log K = f(T) now leads us to
also because of the difficulties in evaluating accu- ACpO= -291 JK-I mol-I at 298.15K. Plummer
rately the relatively small pK of H3P04(aq) as (31) has also found that different selection and
reviewed recently by Pitzer and Silvester (23, we treatment of the equilibrium constants leads to less
believe that our ACpO= - 128J K-I mol-I is the negative ACpOvalues. Perron, Desnoyers, and
best available for the first dissociation of Millero (8) have measured heat capacities of aque-
H,PO,(aq) - ous solutions of NaHCO, and Na2C03. We have
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For the second dissociation of phosphoric acid used their reported c$cO values in calculating ACpO
we have four separate values of ACpOto compare = -214 J K-I mol-I for the dissociation of HC0,--
with our value. Bates and Acree (26) have deter- (aq). We know, however, that their reported c$,O
mined this dissociation constant at 5" intervals from values for these salts and this calculated ACpOvalue
0 to 60°C; two differentiations of the derived log K are incorrect because of neglect of the chemical
= f(T) have led to ACpO= -226 J K-I mole'. Bates relaxation effect ( 1 1-13), which had not yet been
and Acree (26) also calculated ACpO= - 189J K-I recognized (1 1) at the time Perron, Desnoyers, and
mol-I from the earlier dissociation constants of Millero (8) wrote their paper. We have therefore
Nims (27), determined over the temperature range made use of eqs. [13]-[15] with their experimental
20 to 50°C. Grzybowski (28) has determined disso- results to obtain a corrected ACpO= -249 JK-I
ciation constants at 5°C intervals from 5 to 50°C and mol-I for the dissociation of HC0,-(aq). We also
has similarly calculated ACpO= -200 f 9.5 J K-I note that Peiper and Pitzer (32) have independently
mol-I for the second dissociation. Finally, Mesmer and by a slightly different procedure (also using
and Baes (23) have determined equilibrium con- slightly different auxiliary data) made "relaxation
stants for corrections" to the results of Perron. Desnovers.
d ,

and Millero (8) to obtain ACpO= -260 J K-1 mol-I

for the dissociation of HC0,-(aq). These "cor-
at 25" intervals from 0 to 300°C and have calculated rected" ACpOvalues from the measurements of
ACP0= 32 25 J K-I mol-I for this neutralization Perron, Desnoyers, and Millero (8) are in good
reaction. Combination of this result with ACpOfor agreement with our ACpO= -247 J K-I mol-I for
dissociation of water (9) leads to ACpO = this dissociation.
- 183 f 26 J K-I mol-I for the second dissociation For dissociation of HS0,-(aq) we have several
of phosphoric acid. We suggest that our ACpO= values for ACpOas follows. Lietzke, Stoughton, and
-220 J K-' mol-I is the best available value. Young (33) have determined equilibrium constants
Although we are generally skeptical of ACpOvalues at temperatures from 25 to 225°C and have obtained
based on double differentiation of log K = f(T), we an equation of type In K = f(T) from which we now
note that the equilibrium constants of Bates and calculate ACpO= -209 J K-I mol-I for the dissocia-
Acree (26) and Grzybowski (28) appear to have tion of HS0,-(aq) at 298.15 K. Marshall and Jones
been determined with considerable skill and accu- (34) have determined equilibrium constants from 25
racy; it is therefore gratifying to note that their (26, to 350°C and have calculated ACpO= -238 J K-I
28) ACpOvalues are in good agreement with our mol-I. Young, Singleterry, and Klotz (35) have
value. reported results of their determinations of equili-
We do not know of any earlier results that permit brium constants at 10" intervals from 5 to 55°C and
calculation of the heat capacity change for the third have calculated two values for the heat capacity
dissociation of phosphoric acid to compare with change associated with dissociation of HS0,-(aq):
our ACpO= -242 J K-I mol-I. ACpO= - 192 and -238 J K-I mol-'. Readnour and
For the dissociation of HC0,-(aq) we have Cobble (36) have measured enthalpies of solution
several ACpOvalues to compare with our value. of Na2S04(c) in water and in dilute hydrochloric
Harned and Scholes (29) have determined the acid at several temperatures and have calculated
equilibrium constant at 5" intervals from 0 to 50°C ACpO = -356 J K-I mol-I for dissociation of
and by double differentiation of the resulting equa- HS0,-(aq) at 25°C. More recently, Criss (37) has
tion of type log K = f(T) have obtained ACpO= used the experimental results of Readnour and
-276 JK-I mol-I. Nakayama (30) has treated the Cobble (36) in some improved calculations and has
CAN. I. CHEM. VOL. 60. 1982

8. Selected standard state thermodynamic properties for acid dissociation reactions in aqueous
solution at 298.15 K and 1 atm


Reaction Ka J mol-I J K-I mol-I J K-I mol-I cm3 mol-I

"All K values here are based on compositions of solutions expressed in terms of molalities (mol kg-') of solutes and the hypothetical
one molal standard slate so that activity coefficients approach unit)1 as m approaches zero.
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 02/09/24

obtained ACpO= -280 J K-I mol-' for dissociation Pitzer, Roy, and Silvester (46) have also calculated
of HS0,-(aq) at 25°C. We believe that our ACpO= a AH2,,.,,O value for dissociation of HS0,-(aq),
-300 J K-I mol-I, supported by the value from which we have considered along with values
Criss (37), is the best value available for the derived from investigations already cited (33-35)
dissociation of HS0,-(aq) at 25°C. and from several calorimetric investigations (47).
Our selected value is given in Table 8. We have also
Thermodynamic calculations selected ACpOfrom our results, in good agreement
A principal purpose of this research has been to with the recalculated ACpOfrom Criss, Readnour,
obtain AVO and especially ACpOvalues for acid and Cobble (36, 37). The selected AVO is based on
dissociation reactions with a view toward using our results and those cited earlier (7, 20,22).
these values in calculating the dependences of Afirst approximation to the effect of temperature
other thermodynamic properties on pressure and on thermodynamic properties associated with
temperature. For these calculations we want the chemical reactions is to take ACpO= 0. In this
"best7' available values for the equilibrium con- approximation both AH0 and AS0 are independent
stant K, AH0, AS0, ACpO,and AVO for dissociation of temperature and the effect of temperature on the
reactions at 298.15 K and 1atm. Our selected equilibrium constant is expressed as follows:
values for these quantities are given in Table 8;
sources of these values are as follows.
Equilibrium constants for the first and second
dissociations of phosphoric acid have already been
cited (23-28). For the third dissociation we select
the K value from Quist and Vanderzee (38). En-
thalpies for these dissociations have been selected
from values calculated with dln K/dT = AH0/RT2
(23, 24, 26-28) and from results of calorimetric
measurements (39-43). The selected ACpOvalues The ACpOvalues in Table 8 show that ACpO= 0 is a
are all based on our calorimetric results as reported poor approximation for the reactions of interest in
in this paper. Selected AVO values are based on our this paper; hence eqs. [19]-[21] can be regarded as
results and on other values already cited (20, 21). useful only when T is very close to 298.15K. We
We take the equilibrium constant at 298.15 K for therefore go on to the next approximation, a
dissociation of HC0,-(aq) from Harned and non-zero ACpOthat is considered to be independent
Scholes (29) and the enthalpy of dissociation from of temperature.
Berg and Vanderzee (44). Our selected ACpOis Integration of (dAHO/dT) = ACpO with ACpO
based on the present calorimetric results and the taken to be independent of temperature leads to
"corrected" results from Perron, Desnoyers, and
Millero (8). The selected AVO is a weighted average
of the values cited earlier in this paper. and similar integration of (dASO/dT)= ACpO/Tleads
For the dissociation of HS0,-(aq) we have to
equilibrium constants from investigations already
cited (33-35) and many others, especially including
Covington, Dobson, and Srinivasan (45) and Pit-
Combinations of eqs. [22] and [23] with
zer, Roy, and Silvester (46). We select the K,,,.,,
value in Table 8 from this last investigation (46).

or integration of Effects of pressure on enthalpies and entropies

dln KIdT = AH01RT2 of reaction can be calculated with

with [22] leads to the following: [28] (dAHO/dP), = AVTO- T(dAVO/dT)p

[24] In KT= In K2,,,15 (AH2,,,,,0/298.15RT)
x (T - 298.15) - (ACP0/RT)(T -298.15) [29] (dASO/dP), = -(dAVO/dT),
+ (~c-01~) ln (T/298.15) Of more immediate use to us in relation to the data
that we have available (AVO, but not usually
T (298.151T) lnK298.,5+ (AS298.1s0/RT) dAVO/dT) is
[251 I ~ K =
(T - 298.15) - (ACpO/RT)(T - 298.1')
[30] (d ln K/dPlT= - AVO/RT
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 02/09/24

ACpO/R)In (Tl298.15)
Integration of eq. [30] taking AVO to be independent
[261 In KT = -(AH298.,s0IRT) + ( A S Z ~ ~ . I ~ O / R )of pressure leads to
- (ACpO/RT)(T - 298.15)
+ (ACpO/R)In (Tl298.15) in which K, represents the equilibrium constant at
Calculations with eqs. [24]-[26] and compari- 1atm and P is the pressure of interest expressed in
sons with experimental K values for several reac- atm. Use of K and AVO values from Table 8 in eq.
tions show (48) that these equations yield very [311 leads to calculated Kp values that are in good
accurate K values over the temperature range agreement with experimental results (20) over
0- 100°C (273-373 K) and yield moderately accurate moderate ranges of pressure. Better accuracy over
K values at temperatures to 200°C (473 K) or even wide ranges of pressure can be obtained by consid-
higher. ering AVO to be dependent on pressure (non-zero
According to eqs. [19]-[21], In K should be a partial molar compressibility changes) as sum-
linear function of 1IT.
. , with no minimum or maxi- marized elsewhere (7, 20, 21).
mum. It is, however, known that In K is not Acknowledgments
generally a linear function of 1/T and that In K
versus 1/T or T often passes through a minimum or We are grateful to the Alberta Oil Sands Tech-
maximum. Equations [24]-[26] are substantial nology and Research Authority and the Natural
improvements over eqs. [19]-[21] in that the equa- Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
tions containing ACpOallow for non-linearity of Canada for support of this research. We also thank
plots of In K versus 1IT and also permit a minimum Dr. Gregory Allred for his helpful advice. Finally,
or maximum. Consideration of we thank Dr. K. S. Pitzer and Dr. L. N. Plummer
for sending us manuscript copies of their papers
(31, 32) and Dr. C. M. Criss for sending us the
shows that In K will go through a minimum or results of his recent calculations.
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