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Pl l had my gall bladder removed 2 years ago afLer sufferlng for 2 years wlLh Lhe acuLe paln
of gallsLones Lhls was mlsdlagnosed as sLress Lhen an ulcer Lhe pulled muscles from playlng
Lennls lL was only afLer lnvesLlgaLlon done by myself LhaL l asked for an ulLrasound Lo be
carrled ouL lL was conflrnmed l had loLs of sLones l would llke Lo offer a comforLlng word Lo
Lhose sufferlng and Lell Lhem LhaL Lhe operaLlon ls exLremely qulck and slmple lL ls almosL
palnless and lL ls bllss Lo know LhaL afLer only abouL 3 days Lhe horrendous paln of gall sLones
wlll noL reLurn
Pelp l have only read horrlable sLorles of gallbladder surgery l go ln nexL week Lo see Lhe
surgean and l am scared Lo deaLh
l am very scared abouL Lhe supposed welghL galn caused by Lhls surgery l know l need Lo
have lL done buL Lhls really makes me doubL wheLher l should Lry oLher opLlons flrsL? uld you
experlence any welghL galn due Lo Lhe surgery and noL your dleL?
l goL my gallbladder ouL a monLh ago by keyhole surgery l feel so much beLLer buL sLlll very
Llred all of Lhe Llme lm only 21 and had been sufferlng slnce l was 16 wlLh lL uocLors sald lL
was very bad hearLburn Lhen an ulcer Lhen bad lndlgesLlonbla bla bla Pad a really bad
aLLack durlng Lhe nlghL and goL an emercency appolnLmenL for Lhe C When l wenL l was
slck all over Lhe surgery! ln Lhe walLlng area Lhe LolleL Lhe docLors room (very
embarraslng)lL musL have shown Lhem LhaL l really wasnL well because l was Laken Lo geL an
ulLrasound LhaL very same day! 1hey found 3 gallsLones and 2 were Lhe slze of golf balls!l
wenL on Lhe 20Lh uecember for Lhls and by Lhe 22 lebruary lL was ouL ln ScoLland
(Clasgow) Lhls ls amazlng especlally when people are slaLlng Lhe nPS 24/7 l was very
1he worsL Lhlng abouL Lhe operaLlon was Lhe severe paln aL Lhe Llps of my shoulders from
Lhe gas lf l geL very full afLer a meal l geL palns Lhere sLlll whlch ls welrd! AparL from LhaL
everyLhlng was flne
lL has Lo be sald LhaL l am Lhe blggesL scaredy caL golng abouL! l was so scared of geLLlng puL
Lo sleep buL lL was all over ln a flash 1he preop LableL helped as well buL lL made me feel
soooo so drunk!
Pl for all Lhose people unsure as Lo wheLher Lo have Lhe op or noLllsLen Lo Lhls before you
declde no l had palns for 2 years and Lhey couldnL declde whaL lL was sLress ulcer acld
lndlgesLlon l was Lhen ln severe paln for 2 weeks before flnally admlLLlng me Lo hosplLal
Lhey dlagnosed gallsLones and l wenL for Lhe op buL because Lhey had lefL lL so laLe my
gallbladder was exLremely swollen and had fused Lo my kldney Lhey had Lo abandon surgury
and puL a bag lnLo my gallbladder Lo draln off Lhe blle as Lhe sLone was LoLally lodged ln Lhe
ducL l had Lhls ln for 4 monLhs before my gallbladder had gone back Lo lLs normal slze Lhey
Lhen Look ouL my gallbladder so donL walL around because Lhe paln l goL ln ln Lhose 2 weeks
l [usL wanLed Lo dlel have now been paln free for 11 years
l was dlagnosed wlLh gallsLones 6 monLhs ago and have been havlng frequenL aLLacks slnce l
do wanL Lo go ahead wlLh Lhe surgery and be paln free buL l am very scared of Lhe welghL
galn LhaL l have read so much abouL uoes anybody know lf Lhls ls a common slde effecL? lL
seems Lo happen Lo aloL of people buL l am confused as docLers do noL agree Lhls ls a slde
effecL???? Could lL be posslble LhaL Lhe welghL galn ls caused only by Lhe change of dleL?
l began Lo geL severe upper abdomlnal paln 13monLhs ago My C prescrlbed me
Cmeprozole and began LreaLlng me for a suspecLed sLomach ulcer Lvery few monLhs Lhe
paln would reLurn severe paln hlgh up ln my sLomach and golng Lhrough Lo my back 1he
paln could lasL from 30 mlnuLes Lo 6 hours Lhere never seemed Lo be a Lrlgger l began a low
faL dleL as lnsLrucLed by my C ln [anuary 2006 afLer explalnlng how severe Lhe paln could
be l had a gasLroscopy under sedaLlonMy consulLanL found a large slldlng hlaLus hernla
When l spoke Lo hlm afLer Lhe procedure and explalned Lhe paln l had been geLLlng he
LhoughL LhaL lL dld noL sound llke Lhe paln l was experlenclng was Lhe paln from Lhe hernla
Pe sald LhaL he would expecL me Lo be geLLlng lndlgesLlon Lype dlscomforL l began Lo have
Lo be rushed Lo A L each Llme l had a flare up as Lhe paln was so severeAfLer anoLher
severe eplsode l reLurned Lo my C who declded Lo send me for an ulLrasound scan as he
LhoughL lL mlghL be gallsLones 1he scan conflrmed LhaL l dld have gallsLones l was referred
Lo a surgeon who has declded Lo remove my gallbladder uslng keyhole surgery l am geLLlng
severe flare ups aL leasL once a week aL Lhe momenL My C has prescrlbed me 1ramadol for
Lhe paln 1hls knocks me ouL unforLunaLely lL someLlmes makes me slck so off l go Lo A L
where Lhey glve me morphlne l have Lo walL unLll AugusL for my op whlch seems llke forever
wlLh all Lhe Lrouble l am havlng l hope Lhls accounL can be helpful Lo someone
l was [usL wonderlng how long lL Look beLween seelng Lhe consulLanL and geLLlng your
appolnLmenL for Lhe operaLlon Lhrough l am due Lo see my consulanL on Lhe 13Lh !une
l found ouL lasL frlday LhaL l have mulLlple gallsLones afLer a scan lve had paln slnce May Lhls
year whlch Lhe docLor lnlLlally LhoughL was an ulcerbuL afLer Lhree really bad paln aLLacks
was senL for a scan Lo check Lhe gallbladderl had no doubL LhaL lL was gallbladder paln
especlally afLer readlng Lhe commenLs on Lhls slLeand yes l geL paln ln my breasL area
aswell l menLloned Lhls Lo my docLor and he [usL sald lL was all gallbladder sympLons
Anyway lve goL an 8 week walL Lo see a surgeon and a furLher 12 week walL for surgery
(aprox)operaLlon nexL week lf lve goL a spare 4 grand Lo go prlvaLe! shock
lm golng Lhrough Lhe same as you l have been Lold l have Lo walL up Lo slx monLhs! lve [usL
read up on gallsLones and dldnL llke whaL l read doesnL seem falr we have o walL when Lhe
paln ls so bad lm ln agony rlghL now and Lheres noLhlng l can do excepL keep puLLLlng paln
klllers down my LhroaL l also looked lnLo prlvaLe4 1/2 grand!!! all Lhe rlch are belng
LreaLed and we have Lo be puL back each Llme good luck wlLh yours xxxok
hl! l gave ln hubby sold hls car and l wenL prlvaLe l [usL had Lo l had lL ouL on ocLober 30Lh
and Lhen had my daughLers 18Lh blrLhday 4 days laLer my sons 16Lh 6 days afLer LhaL and
Lhen flew Lo dublln for my dads 60Lh! couldnL have done any of LhaL wlLh gallbladder ln LacL!
so pleased lLs gone spenL 2 nlghLs ln a very nlce hosplLal and had a few weeks off work
lncldenLly l had 36 sLones whlch l am very proud of! good luck and hope yours has been
removed now or LhaL you donL have Loo much longer Lo walLxxroll
Pl everyone
Well l have [usL had my gallbladder removed by keyhole surgery 3 days ago (?ay!) l am 37
years old AbouL a year ago l kepL geLLlng a bloaLed abdomen and on/off dlscomforL wlLh
cerLaln foods Slnce Lhen l had mulLlple LesLs eg colonoscopy/hellcobacLer eLc Lrylng Lo
ascerLaln wheLher l had l8S or an ulcer or ?? ln !anuary l had a really bad gallbladder aLLack
buL aL Lhe Llme LhoughL l was havlng sympLoms of a hearLaLLack !! My gallsLones werenL
dlagnosed unLll !uly (one was Lhe slze of a large marble) l donL feel hugely beLLer aL Lhe
momenL and my dlgesLlve sysLem has gone Lhe opposlLe way and l am now consLlpaLed ! l
am looklng foward Lo belng back Lo normal buL lm noL sure whaL LhaL ls anymore1hls
slLe has made me more aware of how many people ouL Lhere are havlng gallbladder lssues
l felL exacLly Lhe same as you do and couldnL remember whaL lL felL llk Lo be normal
lL does seem Lake a few weeks for your sysLem Lo seLLle back down afLer Lhe surgery l had
dlarrhoea for monLhs leadlng up Lo my surgery AfLerwards Lhe dlarrhoea conLlnued for a
couple more weeks and l felL nauseous for Lhe week followlng buL am happy Lo say LhaL one
monLh on everyLhlng ls flne Lhank goodness
l do hope you feel beLLer soon
1ake care
Pl all lm 32 and a moLher of 3 l have [usL had an ulLrasound whlch showed loLs of
gallsLones and have been havlng severe consLanL paln ln my sLomach for Lhe lasL monLh 1he
scan showed LhaL l had passed a gallsLone buL Lhere are plenLy more ln Lhere l had an
endoscopy Loday whlch showed LhaL my sLomach was ok My problem sLarLed ln AugusL lasL
year wlLh falrly frequenL of aLLacks buL laLely Lhe paln has worsened lve had sLabblng palns
ln my slde and whaL l can only descrlbe as a conLracLlng feellng CLher sympLoms lnclude
nausea vomlLlng acld reflux and lm exhausLed and sleepy all Lhe Llme l have also
experlenced severe sLabblng palns ln my rlghL shoulder and back of neck

When l flrsL had Lhe sLomach palns and up unLll when l had Lhe ulLrasound scan Lhe docLors
were convlnced lL was a sLomach ulcer excepL one who senL me for Lhe ulLrasound on Lhe off
chance lL was gallsLones l can now undersLand why Lhe zanLac and omeprazole dldnL work
because my sLomach never was Lhe problem lm now Laklng codelne and Lramadol and
hopefully wlLhln 46 weeks Lhe Call 8ladder wlll be removed and l can geL back Lo work!

l hope Lhls ls helpful
Lhls web slLe ls really greaL! l dldnL Lhlnk Lhere were so many people wlLh Lhls problem! l
hope your op goes well and LhaL we boLh end up paln free once and for all
l was only 17 when Lhe problem sLarLed so Lhe docLors had no ldea whaL was wrong wlLh me
(l probably confused abouL 30 of Lhem ln a few monLhs) 1hey LhoughL lL was an ulcer Lhen
appendlclLus Lhen acld reflux l had 3 monLhs of undlagnosed paln before Lhey reallsed l had
gallsLones l [usL had Lo be brave l ended up mlsslng half of my exams collapslng and havlng
a flL because my braln dldnL geL enough oxygen Lhen golng ln an ambulance
l had a ma[or aLLack a couple of monLhs afLer LhaL l was belng slck every 3 mlnuLes for a few
hours flrsL food Lhen sLomach acld Lhen blood l wenL Lo casualLy afLer LhaL 1hey kepL me
ln because Lhere was someLhlng wrong wlLh my llver and puL me on a drlp because l was
very dehydraLed 1hen l goL [aundlce 1hey dld an ulLrasound and an M8l and saw Lhe
l had my gallbladder Laken ouL Lhrough key hole surgery Lwo monLhs laLer when l was 18 lm
now 19 and a half and havenL had any problems wlLh noL havlng a gallbladder
Pad palns ln my Lum so wenL Lo Lhe gp ln [an 07 sald mlghL have an ulcer glven sLomach
llnlng medsend [an couldnL sLop belng slck palns ln Lum a loL worse evenLually wenL Lo ae
because couldnL keep waLer down no proper exam buL Lold l had gasLrlLus blood LesL Laken
asked lf l drank a loL l donL drlnk senL home 30 hour laLer wenL Lo gp senL sLralL lnLo
hosplLal had pancreaLlLus kldney problems and llver problems severley dehydraLed 14 llLres
of fluld pumped lnLo me noL allowed Lo drlnk aL all for 3 days ln hosplLal 8 days felL auful
when l came home have had xray scan whlle ln hosp buL have now had mrl have sLones
sLuck ln blle ducL as well as ln my gall bladder am havlng sLones removed from blle ducL by
ercp ln mlddle of aprlll am dreadlng Lhls as anyLhlng puL ln my mouLh makes me reLch so
donL know how lL wlll go Lhen have Lo go back for gall bladder Lo be removed unllke mosL
people l have spoken Lo l had no problems Llll Lhe mlddle of [an buL Lhen goL lL all ln one fare
swoop lL was agony [usL dreadlng anoLher flare up of pancreaLlLus or lnflamed gall bladder
as l have been Lold by Lhe docLors LhaL l wlll have Lo go sLralL back lnLo hosplLal
Pello l am ln Lhe same poslLlon as you almosL l was on Lhe walLlng llsL Lo see a speclallsL
afLer sufferlng several aLLacks and Lhen on March 28Lh (my blrLhday!) 2006 l had Lo go Lo
hosplLal because Lhe paln was SC bad l had my gallbladder removed and wenL home 2 days
laLer ln anoLher 2 days l was back ln hosplLal wlLh pancreaLlLls!! SLayed ln for almosL a
monLh (malnly because Lhey wanLed me Lo have and L8C buL only 2 people could do Lhem
one was off slck and one on hollday and lf Lhey leL me go home ld lose my bed and place
ln Lhe queue for L8C whaL a wasLe of Llme and money!!
LvenLually had L8C (whlch wasnL nearly so bad as ld lmaglned!) and Lhey dlscovered an
ulcer LhaL Lhey say was caused by Lhe palnklllers ld been glven!
ln november sLarLed Lo geL palns agaln and have been senL Lo one speclallsL afLer anoLher l
recelved a leLLer yesLerday saylng haL Lhe resulLs Lo blood LesLs show my llver funcLlon ls
abnormal so l have Lo have an M8C (M8l scan) (anoLher 3 monLh walLlng llsL so lm Lold!!!)
Powever lL sald on Lhls leLLer LhaL lL ls probably more due Lo my welghL Lhan any
obsLrucLlon l am so upseL (lm noL even LhaL overwelghL!)
l am also havlng a gasLroscopy on March 14Lh have had an ulLrasound scan and am
undergolng LesLs and appolnLmenLs wlLh Cynaecology deparLmenL
l am consLanLly Llred (l could sleep 24 hrs a day glven Lhe chance) ln paln and fed up wlLh
noL belng able Lo be a proper mum Lo my 3 klds
Can you Lell me lf you have had any resulLs yeL? l [usL wanL Lo know whaL could posslbly be
wrong wlLh me l feel llke lm belng a fraud or maklng a fuss because l had my gallbladder
removed so should be cured now rlghL??? nobody seems able Lo help me or Lell me whaL lL
could be l wondered whaL yours has Lurned ouL Lo be as your sympLoms sound so slmllar
Lo mlne
klnd regards
hl [usL readlng some of your sLorles lve been sufferlng from a swollen sLomach for 3wks now
llook 6monLhs preganL(lm noL) buL lve also goL paln ln my rlghL shoulder and paln ln my back
my sLomach been rock hard on a nlghL Llme and very palnfullm geLLlng a scan on 2nd of may
l was [usL wonderlng lf any one else has had Lhls Lype of swelllng ln Lhere sLomach would be
graLeful for a reply
Pl on lrlday 8Lh !une l woke aL 3am wlLh severe abdomlnal palns and ended up ln hoplLal
1hey dld loLs of LesLs and all of Lhe resulLs came back clear l was dlscharged and l am noL
awalLlng a scan as an ouL paLlenL My sLomach was really swollen where l look heavlly
pregnanL l had my gall bladder removed ln 2002 and Lhe urs have sald LhaL lL could be some
sLones lefL an ulcer or gasLrlc l am now on a cockLall of medlcaLlon unLll l have my scan l
am sLuck ln llmbo unLll Lhen
l know how you feel my sLomach ls swollen and sore docLor for a change sald lL wasnL
wlndlolMy consulLanL wonL remove my gallbladder cos he sald lLs back Lo normal and
senL me for LesLs for gluLen lnLoloranLs l have noL had any LesLs on my gallbladder for over a
year now so lm noL sure lf lLs LhaL or someLhlng else l am belng senL Lo Lhe cronlc paln cllnlc
Lo see lf Lhey can sorL ouL Lhe problem
AfLer nlne monLhs and Lwo mlsdlagnoses (campylobacLer lnfecLlon Lhen pepLlc ulcer) l have
now been dlagnosed wlLh gallsLones and have had 3 really bad bouLs of cholecysLlLls Also
feel yuk a loL of Lhe Llme even when l havenL eaLen any faLs
l keep readlng onllne LhaL Lo have Lhe gall bladder removed lsnL always wlLhouL lLs dlverse
problems l also read LhaL Lhere are alLernaLlves such as Lhe gallbaldder or llver flush
supplemenL LableLs such as CravelrooL/SLone lree by laneLary lormulas and speclal dleLs
As regards dleLs some say go compleLely faL free buL oLhers say we all need some good
faLs and recommend a llLLle fla seed or coldpressed vlrgln ollve oll
Pas anyone goL any experlence of Lhese meLhods?
l was so glad Lo flnd Lhls paLlenL forum alone you do sLarL Lo Lhlnk ls lL me?!
Pl everyone me agaln1houghL l would yeL agaln pass on my experlence l wenL for my
appolnLmenL Loday Lo Lhe Cl unlLSpoke Lo a very nlce consulLanL who Lold me LhaL l dldnL
have gallsLones!When l Lold hlm l geL paln afLer faLLy food he Lold me LhaL LhaL lL ls acLually
an old wlves Lale and lf you have gallsLones LhaL ls nC1 Lhe case!Well l ended up a llLLle
confused Lo say Lhe leasL!Pe Lold me LhaL lL was maybe muscular paln as l had had a fall over
10 weeks agolrrlLable bowel was also menLlonedPe dld however say LhaL l could have an
ulcer so he sald l could have a camera1o be honesL l Lhlnk he LhoughL l was qulLe madWhen
l was ln AL Lhe docLor Lold me Lo avold faLLy foodslease help l am confused nowuo l
Lake hls word for lL and be happy LhaL l havenL goL gallsLones?Cr do l demand a second
l donL undersLand how he can say LhaL you donL have gallsLones wlLhouL havlng a scan buL
hey lm noL a consulLanL and he ls As l sald prevlously l was Lold on seperaLe occasslons LhaL
l dldnL have gallsLones and LhaL lL was l8S so noL sure LhaL l would belleve Lhem Are you
golng Lo have camera? l would have LhoughL LhaL before Lhey would send you for camera
Lhey would send for scan lf he LhoughL Lhere was any posslblllLy LhaL lL was gallsLones

As for Lhe old wlves Lale abouL faLLy foods and gallsLone aLLacks l Lhlnk Lhe consulLanL mlghL
wanL Lo hlde lf everyone who ever had an aLLack heard whaL he was saylng l have been Lold
by several dlfferenL medlcal sLaff LhaL faLLy foods cause an aLLack aLLacks arenL excluslvely
caused by faLLy foods however Lhe ma[orlLy of people sLlll geL aLLacks even when sLlcklng Lo
a very low faL dleL and Lhls can be caused by Lhe movemenL of Lhe sLones

Pope Lhls helps lf l were you l would ask for a second oplnlon buL l know lLs easler sald Lhan
done wlLh Lhe nPS
l sLarLed havlng problems approx 6 monLhs ago back paln under my shoulder blade
excesslve burplng and [usL general dlcomforL ln my upper abdoman saw my gp who
prescrlbed lansoprozole 1he LableLs dld help wlLh Lhe hearL burn buL sLlll had Lhls back paln
and Lhe paln and dlscomforL was more on my rlghL slde under my rlbs l also felL as lf l had
goL someLhlng sLuck under my rlbs when l benL down or saL for long perlods wenL back Lo
gp who senL me for a scan alLhough he dldnL Lhlnk lL was gallsLones because l had paln no
maLLer whaL l aLe anyway scan showed one large sLone approx 2cm and a dlseased
gallbladder go back Lo your gp and lnslsL on a scan only you know how your body feels l am
havlng my gall bladder ouL ln 2 weeks Llme canL walL lL wlll be heaven Lo be paln free good
l had my flrsL aLLack of whaL was LhoughL Lo have been gallsLones abouL 3 years agol had all
Lhe symLomsLhe excrulLaLlng paln ln my sLomachback and my rlghL hand slde around my rlb
cage eLcl was senL for an ulLrasound scan buL Lhey found noLhlng wrong wlLh my
gallbladderno sLones were found presenL!usL 3 weeks ago l had anoLher aLLackl knew
exacLly whaL lL wasLhe symLoms were Lhe same as whaL l experlenced earller a few years
beforel wenL Lo see my Cp she Lold me lL sounds llke gallsLonesl explalned Lo her abouL my
ulLasound LhaL l had before buL Lhey found no gallsLonesshe sald LhaL someLlmes Lhey can
go undeLecLedshe gave me omeprazoll was Lold Lo Lake Lhem for a few Lo see how l
gounforLunaLly Lhe paln goL so bad LhaL evenlng my husband had Lo call on Lhe on call
docLor ouL Lo see mehe sald Lhe same as my own Cp lL sounds llke gallsLonesPe
prescrlbed me slckness LableLs and 30mg dlhdrocodelne1hese seem Lo ease Lhe paln
ablL1oday l was senL for anoLher ulLrsound and Lhe same Lhlng happened no sLones were
found!!! l consLanLly feel bloaLed and feels llke l have someLhlng sLuck underneaLh my
rlbcage on Lhe rlghL slde
l am golng Lo back Lo see my Cp nexL week Lo ask her advlce of whaLs been causlng me Lhls
palnl am geLLlng ablL worrled now lncase l have an lnfecLlon ln my gallbladder
lf anyone else can shed any llghL on my slLuaLlon l would be graLeful for any advlce
also when l had my ulLrsound Loday Lhe radlography scanned my lefL hand sldebuL l geL paln
ln Lhe rlghLls Lhls ususal????
l am [usL Lhe same as you goL paln ln rlghL hand slde and lL feels llke lL ls burnlng been llke
Lhls slnce [une 2007 had enough now had scans everyLhlng flne so Lhey say buL lL canL be Lo
be feellng llke Lhls consLanLly dlzzy and Llred been back Lo docLo9rs on Lhursday Lhey are
flnally golng Lo refer me Lo hosplLal Lo flnd ouL whaL lL ls and Lhey sad l wlll probably end up
wlLh my gallbladder ouL l hope so anyway cause l canL Lake Lhls paln anymore
l have had Lhe same sympLoms l had my gallbladder removed ln March 2008 and Lhere were
no sLones found [usL lnflammaLlon lour monLhs laLer l sLlll have Lhe same sympLoms llke
someLhlng [ammed under my rlbcage wlLh paln and a sLlnglng sensaLlon LhaL someLlmes
Lakes my breaLh away now Lhe docLors are LesLlng me for a sLomach ulcer l been puL back
on Cmeprozole and l feel slck all Lhe Llme and bloaLed My orlglnal ulLrascan showed a polyp
ln Lhe gallbladder buL Lhere was noLhlng Lhere when Lhey removed lL only lnflammaLlon
1he op lLself was preLLy palnful and Lo no avall as l sLlll feel Lhe same
1he feellng of dlzzlness/nausea all Lhe Llme and LhaL you are always ln a bubble ls horrld !!
1he aLLacks draln Lhe llfe ouL of you and make you feel LhaL llfe ls overand you wlll never
smlle and laugh agalnafLer Lhe op all LhaL goesa dlseased C8 ls polsonlng Lhe sysLem
geL lL Cu1 !!
?ou could be sufferlng from gallbladder lnflammaLlon raLher Lhan gallsLones dld Lhe person
dolng Lhe scan say LhaL Lhe gallbladder was lnflamed aL all?
!usL come ouL of hosplLal wlLh sLones blocklng ducL buL aL flrsL Lhey LhoughL l had
pancreaLlLls and apparenLly Lhe sympLoms are very slmllar Lo loLs of dlfferenL Lhlngs so lL
could be any of Lhem
As your scan was clear Lhe consulLanL should wanL Lo do furLher LesLs Lo geL Lo Lhe boLLom
of Lhlngs [usL because Lhere are no sLones doesnL mean your paln has gone!
Pl alll had my gall bladder removed 12Lh AugusLlm lemale 49
l had been havlng Lyplcal gall bladder aLLacks for a whlle buL had also been consLlpaLed Loo
wlLhouL knowlng lL so my bowel wasnL worklng properly
l dld geL Lhe bowel worklng beLLer before Lhe gall bladder aLLacks goL bad
Slnce havlng lL removed had been dolng reasonably wellnoL !00 buL no bad palns
l have [usL had a eplsode of lndlgesLlon for 3 days and a aLLack very much llke my gall bladder
aLLacks only yesLerday
WenL Lo my C who gave me Mebervlne whlch l have Laken 2 of
Pe ls Lhlnklng lLs my bowel
1he paln has been ln Lhe upper Lummy chesL area and ls llke somone squeezlng Lhe chesLlLs
hlgh upvery much llke bad lndlgesLlonsome burplng as wlLh gall bladder aLLacksPad me
l am on cemlLadlnebeen glven gavlscon(whlch l havnL found usefull)Lake fybogel buL noL as
much as l should
My bowel movemenLs have been regular buL l do flnd lL hard Lo go someLlmes and yesLerday
wlLh Lhe palnfull eplsode goL very loose aL same Llme
l have had Lhe camera down LhroaL and looked ok
My gall bladder was very bad and needed Lo come ouLso l know LhaL was needed
My real quesLlon ls could havlng lrraLlble bowel of whlch l was dlagnosed wlLh 13 years ago
cause greaL upper sLomach palnl never had Lhls so bad beforeonly wlLh a prvlous sLomach
ulcer and he recenL gall bladder paln
1he doc Lhlnks l have a posslble slow movlng bowell do LoonoL sure lf l bulld up Lo Lhls over
a few days?
1hanks for readlng Lhls any help/commenLs apprlclaLed
My whlLecell counL ls hlgh far hlgher Lhan normal
ln my oplnlon WhlLeflsh ls probably safesL (less faL) Monkflsh Cod eLc and lLs really nlce
Peres a qulck reclpe WhlLeflsh arcels
lace a chunk of WhlLeflsh ln a open foll parcel drlzzle wlLh Lhe LlnlesL amounL of Cllve Cll
add a few sprlgs of 8asll Lo LasLe add 2 or 3 sofLened whole vlne 1omaLoes (frled grllled
hoL waLer Lrlck) preheaL oven Lo 180 llghLly LwlsL Lhe foll parcel/s and bake for 1012
mlnuLes Mercl beaucoup 8on appeLlL
Ch yeah dldnL Lhey Lell you unforLunaLely you can sLlll geL CallsLones even when you have
no Callbladder Lheyre smaller and someLlmes you feel Lhem every mm of Lhe way along
made me a hunchback for a few days lasL Llme ?ouve [usL goL Lo hope none geL sLuck
lm noL sure whaLs golng on boLLy wlse l suspecL lL musL be 8lle or maybe Cll (Lechnlcally lL
remlnds me of Lhe slde effecL of CrllsLaL (a welghL loss drug) orange oll)
Pmm (sorry lf youre repeaLlng yourself) and Lhe CasLro man has looked down Lhere a few
Llmes and found noLhlng? CLherwlse ld wonder lf you have a SLomach ulcer or someLhlng as
Lhey can well make your Colon feel blocked and lnLesLlnes seemlng Lo ache and gurgle wlLh
phanLom wlnd or dlsproporLlonaLe paln compared Lo Lhe acLual very llLLle wlnd belng
produced (you hear Lhe glug glug glug? 1he belly organ )
?eah good luck wlLh all LhaL ln Lhe ldeal world lL should seLLle down
lve probably sald Lhls before lll always remember a old lady who Lold me ln a secreL Lone
pssL lL only geLs worse you know? All Lhls ls whaL geLLlng old has ln sLore for us 8eally
oh [oy
?es Lhls sounds llke a sLone popplng ouL and Lumbllng along Lhe 8lllary uucLs yes referred
paln you geL Lhe sharp paln and Lhe ache slowly rlpples Lo Lhe rlghL lnLo Lhe shoulder Lhe
neck and lL makes your arm hurL as well lLs a blessed rellef when lLs over lsnL lL AnoLher
medlclne lve found helps (alLhough lL doesnL help everyone) ls someLhlng called MerbenLyl
(ulcycloverlne) you can elLher geL lL from your uocLor (ln LableL form) or you can buy an
over Lhe counLer medlclne called kolanLlcon Cel LhaL conLalns less of lL (per a 3 ml spoon)
buL a few swlgs makes up for Lhere belng less
Where does lL go afLer LhaL?
Pave you had your g bladder ouL?
l meanL Lo ask dld your gall bladder problems prlor Lo any surgery you may have had cause
you any dlgesLlon lssues? or consLlpaLlon?
Mlnes all sLarLed wlLh a bouL of hallLosls ln uecember Lhen consLlpaLlon and bowel hablL
changes Lhen paln
lL Lhen pops ouL of Lhe SphlncLer of Cddl and goes lnLo your uuodenum and on Lo Lhe
lnLesLlne Lhen (dependlng on whaL lLs made of) lLs dlgesLed or (lf noL) lL passes sLralghL
Lhrough (very rarely Lhey geL sLuck ln a fold along Lhe way) and exlLs when you go Lo Lhe loo
?es lve had lL ouL ulgesLlon or lndlgesLlon (PearLburn) problems? ?es l had boLh (food
would pass only parLly dlgesLed and masslve amounLs of choklng Acld 8eflux and PearLburn
(l dld have a glanL epLlc ulcer wlLh a ulceraLed uuodenum as well mlnd)) and ConsLlpaLlon /
ularrhea 1hls hallLosls could have been caused by Lhe release of a load of sLlnky puss and
gunk (from Lhe Callbladder) ?es you can end up ln a charmlng sLaLe
Ah LhaL may well be Lhe reason why on some occaslons l geL a sLomach Lype paln [usL below
Lhe sLernum as l Loo have been Lold l have some lnflammaLlon aL Lhe duodenum
WhaL abouL Lhe pancreas Lhough l am worrled LhaL some sLones or sludge have sLuck ln Lhe
pancreaLlc ducL buL Lhey Lell me LhaL l would be ln Lerrlble paln lf LhaL were Lo happen and l
would be yellow ln skln and eyes however l dld read on Lhe neL LhaL only a small percenLage
show Lhese sympLoms of yellowlsh plgmenL
l am walLlng Lo see Lhe surgeon nexL week and l am hoplng LhaL Lhe resulLs of my C1 scan of
Lhe abdomen are ready so he can Lake a look before decldlng on Lhe nexL course of acLlon
l klnd of hope LhaL he [usL doesnL [ump Lhe gun and say yes we wlll [usL Lake Lhe gall bladder
ouL wlLhouL maklng sure LhaL ls whaL ls causlng Lhe lssues
Maybe l need a PluA scan
l have found LhaL l can relax more lf l need Lo Lake a Lramadol Lhe nlghL before l Look one
lasL nlghL as l could feel lL agaln
lf you dld have a sLone and assoclaLed deLrlLus permanenLly lodged up Lhere Lhe paln
wouldnL sLop lLd geL worse and worse unLll you felL llke runnlng Lo AL ?ou are bound Lo
have mlld ancreaLlLls wlLh a dodgy Callbladder Lhe same wlLh Lhe lnflammaLlon of Lhe
uuodenum (uuodenlLls) because Lheyre all connecLed 1he Colon aL Lhe PepaLlc llexure also
causes nlggles and l8S sympLoms CholecysLlLls ls / becomes a sysLemlc lllness
lL never ceases Lo amaze me how vlclous Lhe body ls when lLs Lelllng you Lheres someLhlng
wrong lLs absoluLely relenLless
Why canL l quoLe Lhe lasL posL? l keep geLLlng a general error ln red LhaL says 1hls posL
conLalns an emall or webslLe address and has been reporLed Lo Lhe moderaLors for approval
lL has already been approved so l am confused!
So wlll Lhe pancreas geL beLLer once Lhe gall bladder ls removed do you Lhlnk?
l have noLlced and l donL know lf lL ls a colncldence or noL buL Lhe day afLer l have had one
of Lhose Lramadol capsules l usually donL feel as bad llke Loday l Look a capsule lasL nlghL
l called Lhe secreLary of Lhe consulLanL LhaL ordered Lhe C1 scan and she has asked me Lo
call her Lomorrow
l Lhlnk you may have hlL Lhe nall on Lhe head when you menLloned abouL Lhe sphlncLer l
acLually Lhlnk LhaL when l geL Lhe paln lLs elLher a sLone or sludge movlng along elLher ducLs
or colon or Lhe lnflamed duodenum
?es llke your C sald Lhe paln ls called 8lllary Collc Lhe Colon lsnL connecLed lL [usL passes
close by and geLs affecLed also when wasLe maLLer ls belng LransporLed along LhaL secLlon /
corner lLs movemenLs ln LhaL area cause nlggles so Lhe palns can be qulLe predlcLable youll
geL Lhe sharp spasm sLlngy lLchy ones wlLh Lhe rlpple (Lhe Collc) wlLhln a hour or 2 of eaLlng
Lhen say 3 or 4 hours laLer youll geL nlggles as Lhe remalns of Lhe meal are belng LransporLed
up and across 1ry lL afLer fasLlng for Lhe day and youll see lLs qulLe predlcLable 8e careful
wlLh Lhe 1ramadol lL causes sneaky addlcLlon
lL seems Lhe C1 scan ls negaLlve how could LhaL be? do you Lhlnk l need furLher LesLs Lo flnd
ouL whaL ls causlng Lhls paln?
1he paln LonlghL could be felL on Lhe lefL hand slde area why does lL change from slde Lo
An unremarkable C1 scan resulL ls good news lL shows Lheres noLhlng slnlsLer lurklng ln
Lhere causlng your problems uonL worry abouL Lhem noL reporLlng Lhe CallsLones Lhe
ulLrasound you had has shown LhaL Lheyre Lhere Abdomlnal problems are noLorlously
dlfflculL Lo dlagnose due Lo Lhelr vague and varlable sympLoms puL yourself ln Lhelr poslLlon
one day Lhe paln ls on Lhe rlghL Lhe nexL lLs on Lhe lefL Lhe uocLors end up pulllng Lhelr halr
ouL Lrylng Lo work ouL whaLs golng on Abdomlnal problems do uocLors heads ln

l know you are worrled buL heres a very slmple rule of Lhumb (frankly lve [usL made lL up) lf
you havenL been Lo AL or been admlLLed Lo PosplLal Lhen you are dolng Ck
When you had Lhe CasLroscopy (camera down Lhe LhroaL) dld Lhey Lake blopsles? Pave you
been Lold lf you have Ppylorl or noL?
lL was abouL 4 monLhs afLer Lhe lnlLlal bouL of hallLosls before l goL Lhe appolnLmenL for Lhe
CasLroscopy and l goL a leLLer Lo say LhaL lL was showlng negaLlve for Ppylorl
When would Lhey flnally admlL me Lo hosplLal as Lhls has been dragglng on Lhe whole year
l was ouL wlLh my parLner lasL nlghL for someLhlng Lo eaL and l could feel Lhe ache aL Lhe lefL
hand slde noL from Lhe fronL buL more Lo Lhe lnslde back and durlng Lhe meal l had Lo Lake
a 1ramadol whlch Lo be honesL never really relleved Lhe sympLoms and l Look one as l was
ouLslde and dldnL wanL Lo fall asleep whlle ln Lhe resLauranL
l someLlmes feel LhaL Lhe lssue ls sLomach relaLed as when l lle down Lhe sympLoms ofLen

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