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Short Answer-

1.What are the challenges in processing low-resource languages in NLP?

2.Discuss the role of NLP in healthcare applications.
3.Describe how neural networks can be used for text classification tasks.
4.What is POS tagging?
5.Explain the concept of syntactic parsing and its applications.
6.How is sentiment analysis performed using machine learning techniques?
7.Explain the concept of NLP and its applications.
8.What is the role of syntax and semantics in NLP?
9.Discuss the application of NLP in information retrieval systems.
10.Describe the process of text summarization.
11.Explain the concept of word sense disambiguation and its importance.
12.What is transfer learning and how is it applied in NLP?
13.Explain the role of NLP in chatbot development and its challenges.
14.What are language models and how are they used in NLP tasks?
15.Describe the main challenges in automatic speech recognition.
16.What is dependency parsing and why is it important in NLP?
17.Discuss the applications of NLP in sentiment analysis.
18.Explain the concept of attention mechanism in the context of neural networks.
19.What are GRUs and how do they differ from LSTMs?
20.Describe the architecture of a basic Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).
21.What is the significance of context in word embeddings? Explain with examples.
22.Discuss the concept of word embeddings and their significance in NLP.
23.What is a bag-of-words model?
24.Explain the concept of tokenization in NLP and its importance.
25.Explain Finite State Morphological Parsing.
26.Briefly explain the challenges and opportunities of utilizing NLP in low-resource
27.Discuss the trade-offs between traditional rule-based and modern machine learning
approaches in NLP.
28.What are the primary challenges in NLP when dealing with understanding and generating
human language?
29.Explain the concept of part-of-speech tagging and its significance in NLP applications.
30.Discuss the importance of stemming and lemmatization in text normalization.
31.Compare and contrast the bag-of-words model and the word embeddings approach in
32.Explain the working principle of attention mechanisms in NLP, providing an example.
33.Explain the concept of transfer learning in NLP and its benefits.
34.Discuss the role of pre-trained language models (e.g., BERT, GPT) in various NLP tasks.
35.How do word sense disambiguation (WSD) techniques contribute to improving the
accuracy of NLP applications?
36.Explain the concept of co-reference resolution and its relevance in NLP.
37.Explain the role of attention mechanisms in neural machine translation (NMT) systems.
38.Discuss the impact of domain adaptation techniques on NLP performance when
transferring models across different domains.
39.Discuss the challenges of multilingual NLP and potential strategies for addressing them.
40.Explain the concept of sequence-to-sequence modelling and its applications in NLP.
41. Explain the concept of attention mechanisms in the context of neural machine translation.
42.Discuss the importance of domain-specific knowledge in building robust NLP systems.
43.Describe the process of feature engineering in traditional machine learning-based NLP
44.Discuss the challenges of discourse analysis in NLP and potential applications.
45.Describe the process of building a text summarization system using NLP techniques.
46.Discuss the impact of NLP advancements on human-computer interaction and future
trends in the field.
47.Explain the Markov Chain.
48.What is Naive Baye's text classification?
49.Explain NLP and Regular Expression.

Long Answer-
1.What are the ethical implications of using NLP in surveillance?
2.Explain the application of NLP in e-commerce.
3.Describe the process of creating a sentiment analysis model using deep learning.
4.Discuss the role of semantic parsing in NLP.
5.Describe the concept and applications of automatic text generation.
6.Discuss the role of NLP in social media analysis.
7.What are convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and how are they used in NLP?
8.Explain the concept of language modelling and its applications.
9.Describe the process of building a chatbot using NLP techniques.
10.Describe the process of building a chatbot using NLP techniques.
11.Explain the concept of transfer learning with examples in NLP.
12.What are the differences between supervised and unsupervised learning in NLP.
13.Compare BERT and GPT models in terms of architecture and applications.
14.Discuss the concept of zero-shot and few-shot learning in NLP.
15.How is topic modelling performed in NLP? Describe LDA as an example.
16.Describe the architecture and working principle of a typical recurrent neural network
(RNN) used in NLP, highlighting its advantages and limitations.
17.Discuss the evolution of NLP from traditional rule-based systems to modern deep learning
approaches, highlighting key milestones and breakthroughs.
18.Discuss the challenges and strategies for building NLP systems that can handle multiple
languages effectively.
19.Discuss the challenges and opportunities of using NLP techniques for extracting structured
information from unstructured text data, such as named entity recognition and relation
20.Describe the concept of sentiment analysis in NLP and discuss different approaches for
sentiment classification, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and deep
learning methods.
21.Explain the concept of topic modelling in NLP, including popular techniques like Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and discuss its applications in text analysis.
22.Discuss the ethical considerations involved in designing and deploying NLP systems,
including issues like bias, privacy, and fairness.
23.Describe the process of building a chatbot using NLP techniques, including natural
language understanding (NLU), dialogue management, and natural language generation
24.Discuss the challenges and strategies for handling noisy and ambiguous text data in NLP
tasks such as text classification and information retrieval.
25.Discuss the role of knowledge graphs in NLP, including how they can be used to enhance
natural language understanding and reasoning.
26.Discuss the challenges and opportunities of using NLP techniques for analysing social
media data, including sentiment analysis, topic detection, and user profiling.
27.Discuss the challenges and strategies for building NLP systems that can understand and
generate human-like text with high fluency and coherence.
28.Describe the process of building a text summarization system using NLP techniques,
including extractive and abstractive summarization methods.
29.Discuss the impact of NLP advancements on search engine and information retrieval
systems, including techniques like query understanding and document ranking.
30.Explain the concept of style transfer in NLP, including how it can be used to modify the
style or tone of a given text while preserving its content.
31.Discuss the future directions of NLP research and development, including emerging
trends, challenges, and potential applications in areas like healthcare, finance and education.

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