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N/B In Response to the Huge Costs Associated in Coming Up with Such/Similar

Resources Regularly, We inform us All, MARKING SCHEMES ARE NOT FREE OF
CHARGE. However Similar QUESTIONS, Inform of soft Copies, are Absolutely
FREE to Anybody/Everybody. Hence NOT FOR SALE
by Amobi Group of Examiners.
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

1. Study the photograph labeled Z of some animals in a certain ecosystem and answer the
questions that follow.
1. Study the3. Below are photographs
photograph labeledof Z
of someobtained from
animals inplants.
a Examine the photographs.
(a) State the type of biotic relationship shown in the photograph. (1mk)
(b) Identify which of the two animals M and N will have the least biomass. (1mk)
(c) Give two reasons for your answer in (b) above. (2mks)
(d)Explain the concept of “survival for the fittest” in relation to the organisms in photograph Z

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(e)Explain three visible survival adaptive features for the organisms. (6 mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
3. Below are photographs NUMBER:
of specimens 02plants. Examine the photogra
obtained from


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(a) In the table below name the mode of dispersal and the features that adapt the specimen(s) to
that mode of dispersal. (12mks)



(a) (I) State the type of placentation in specimen A (1mk)

(ii) Name the structure labeled K in specimen E (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
The photographs below show three bean seedlings that are of the same age but grown under
different environmental conditions. Examine them.

a) Based on external appearance of the seedling, suggest the conditions under which seedling R
and S were grown.
i) R ………………………………………………………. (1mk)

ii) S ………………………………………………………. (1mk)

b) State 3 observable differences between seedling R and S. (3mks)

c) i) Name the term used to describe the phenomenon exhibited by specimen S. (1mk)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
ii)State the significance of the above named phenomenon in c(i) above. (1mk)
d) Account for the difference in the length of the stems of specimen R and S. (2mks)
e) Name the response exhibited by seedling Q. (1mk)
f) (i) State the type of germination that occurs in the three seedlings. (1mk)
ii) Give a reason for your answer in f(i) above. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(a) Examine photographs J and K below and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the organ labeled Q in photograph J and the organ in photograph K.

i) Q:......................................................................... (1mk)

ii) K:...................................................................... (1mk)

b) State the class of organisms from which organ in photograph K was obtained. (1mk)

c) State the common function performed by the organs shown in the photographs. (1mk)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
d) Highlight two adaptations that are common to organ Q and the organ in photograph K. (2mks)

e) i) Name the part labeled P, in the photograph J. (1mk)

ii) Using observable features only, state how the structure you named in e (i) above is
adapted to its function. (1mk)

f) Name the part of the body from where the structure labeled Q on photograph J is found.(1mk)

g) Using observable features only, state three adaptations of specimen K to its functions. (3mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
Below are photographs of two seedlings labeled K and L. Examine them.

a) Given that the two plants belongs to the same class, name the class and give a reason based
on the observable features in any of the two seedlings or both. (2mks)
b) i) State giving a reason, the type of germination that occurs in each of the two seedlings (4mks)

K: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

L: ……………………………………………………………...…………………………………..

ii) Explain how the two types of germination you have stated in (b) (i) above occur (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
c) Name the parts labelled H and G on the seedling (2mks)

H: ………………………………………………………………

G: …………………………………………………………………

d) As germination progresses, both seedlings straightens. Explain how this occurs. (4mks)
e) Name the type(s) of root system that will develop in the two seedlings (1mk)
f) State another observation that will be made as seedling L straightens (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
The photographs below are specimens from the same animal of two different bones each shown
in two views. Examine them.

a) Identify the two specimens (2mks)

Specimen V……………………………………………………………………………………….

Specimen W………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Give four observable differences between bones V and W (4mks)

Bone V Bone W

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
c) Name the structure that articulates with part labeled A (1mk)
d) State two roles of opening labeled B (2mks)
e) Name the part labelled E and state its role (2mks)
Name: …………………………………………………………………

Role: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

f) Which of the labelled part(s) are used for articulation with adjacent vertebra (1mk)
g)State a common role of the parts labelled H and J (1mk)
h) Which of the labeled part(s) is(are) used for muscle attachment (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
2. Study the photographs shown below then answer the questions.
7. Study the photographs shown below then answer the questions.



(a) Suggest the identity of substance labeled P on S1.

(a) Suggest the identity of substance labeled P on S1. (1mk)

(b) State the mode of nutrition of R1 and S1 and for each case give a reason for your answer.
Mode of nutrition…………………………………………………………….. (1mk)
Reason for mode of nutrition (1mk)
Mode of nutrition………………………………………………………… (1mk)
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Reason for mode of nutrition (1mk)
(a) Name parts labeled S2 and T.
S2………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
T…………………………………………………………………. (1mk)
(d) Name structures responsible for reproduction in S1 ………………..………..…… (1mk)
(e) Explain the importance of organism S1 in nature. (1mk)
(f) Name generations M and N
M………………………………………………………… (1mk)
N…………………………………………………............ (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
3. Study photographs
8. Study photographs shownshown below then
below then answer
answerthe questions.
the questions.

3. Study photographs shown below then answer the questions.
Q Q1 R
Q Q1 R




A1 1

A 1

(a) State the type of evolution represented by structures Q1, R1 and S1. B (1mark)
(a) State the type of evolution represented by structures Q1, R1 and S1. (1mk)
A1 1

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(b) Explain the type of evolution identified in (a) above. (1mk)
(c) Give the evolution term used to describe structures:
(i) Q1, R1 andS1. (1mk)

(i) A1, B1 and C1. (1mk)


d). What type of evolution is illustrated by the limbs (A1, B1 and C1)? (1mk)


e) (i) Name class for each Q, R and S.

Q ………………………………………………………… (1mk)

R ………………………………………………………… (1mk)

S ………………………………………………………… (1mk)
(ii) Give two observable reasons for your answer for class S. (2mks)

(f) (i) Suggest the diet of animals B and R.

B……………………………………………………… (1mk)

R……………………………………………………… (1mk)

(ii) How is beak of animal B adapted to its function? (2mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
9. a). You are provided with a photograph with part of human skeleton. Use it to answer
questions that follow.

i) Name the first vertebra labelled E and state how it is adapted to its function. (4mks)


ii) Name the structure in the skull that articulates with the vertebra E (1mk)

(iii) Below are two photographs of plants.

(a) Identify support structures used by 19 of in
the plants 151photographs M and R shown above. (2marks)
Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

(a) Identify support structures used by the plants in photographs M and R shown above. (2mks)

(b) Other than the structures illustrated above, name any one support structure in herbaceous
plants. (1mk)

b) The photographs below represent some skeletal materials obtained from a certain mammal.

Study them then answer the questions that follow.

i) Identify fused bone labelled X (1mk)

ii) Name parts S and T on photograph A and part U on photograph B (3mks)

iii) Name the type of joint formed at the proximal and distal end of bone B (2mks)

Proximal end…..……………………………………………………………………………

Distal end…………………………………………………………………………………...

iv) Name the type of joint found in structure labelled X ………………………………. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
10 You are provided with photograph M and N below. Examine them.


a) With reasons, name the class to which each of organisms belongs. (4 marks)
Organism Class Reason

b) State two similarities and one difference in the two species.

i. Similarities- (2mks)
ii. Difference- (1mk)

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c) Based on external features, suggest the habitat of the animal in photograph M and state your
i. Habitat: (1 mark)
ii. Reasons: (3 marks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

11. Examine the photograph of a seedling specimen shown below and answer the questions that

a) Name the parts labeled A,C ,D and E (4 marks)





b) i) Name the class to which the specimen belongs (1mk)

ii) Give three reasons, using observable features to support your answer in (b) (i) above (3mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
c) Give three functions of the structure labeled D during germination. (3mks)

d) (i) Which of the parts labeled A-F is the first to emerge from the seed during germination.(1mk)

ii) Why is it necessary that the part you mentioned in d (i) above to emerge first? (1mk)

e) Name the type of germination exhibited by the seedling. Give a reason for your answer. (2 mark)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
12.The photograph below is of a mammalian heart. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the parts labelled D and F. (2mks)

D: ........................................................................................
E: .......................................................................................
b) State the role of part D (1mk)
c) Account for the structural differences between the parts marked C and E. (3mks)
d) State the function of
i)Valve A (1mk)
ii) Part B (1mk)
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e) i) Name the part marked G. (1mk)
ii) Account for the structural differences between the parts marked G and E. (3mks)

f) i) Name the blood vessel marked M (1mk)
ii) State two defects of the circulatory system. (2mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
13. You are provided with three sets of seedlings, labelled Set A1, set A2 and Set B. Examine
them and use them to answer the questions that follow.

i)Name the phenomenon exhibited by seedlings in set A1. (1mk)

ii) Give a reason why plants exhibit the phenomenon named in (i) above. (1mk)
iii) Name the response exhibited by the seedlings in Set B. (1mk)

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iv) Explain how the response named in (iii) above occurred. (3mks)
v) State four differences between seedlings in set A1 and A2 (4mks)
Set A1 Set A2

iv) State the conditions under which th seedlings in set A1 and A2 were grown. (2mks)

Set A1 .......................................................................................................................

Set A2 ......................................................................................................................

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
14. Below are photographs of a variety of invertebrates. Examine them and answer the
questions that follow.

a. Complete the dichotomous key given below. (5mks)

1a. Animal with three pairs of legs…………………………………………….………..go to 2
b. ________________________________________...................................................go to 5
2a. Animal with wings…………………………………………………………..…….go to 3
b. Animal without wings……………………………………………………...Hymenoptera
3a. Animal with one pair of wings…………………………………………………….Diptera
b. ________________________________________.....................................................go to 4
4a. Fore wings hard……………………………….………………………………..Orthoptera
b. Fore wings membranous………………………………………………………….Odonata
5a. _________________________________________....................................................go to 6
b. Animal with more than four pairs of walking legs…………………………………go to 7
6a. _________________________________________................................................Crustacea
b. Animal without antennae…………………………………………………………..Arachnida
7a. _________________________________________………….…………………..Chilopoda
b. Animal with two pairs of legs in each body segment …………………………..Diplopoda

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
b. Use the dichotomous key to identify the specimen in the photographs above. (8mks)

Specimen Steps followed Identity









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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
All members of plant division Spermatophyta exhibit alternation of generation. The
photographs below show stages in the growth and development of a spermatophyte.
a. i. Processes I, II and III. (3mks)
ii. Structures K, P, R and W. (4mks)
iii. The cell division process that occurs in structures J. (1mk)
iv. The products of the process named in (iii) above. (1mk)

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b. Explain the role of the following in promoting process II in the flowering plants.
i. Petals (2mks)
ii. Filaments. (2mks)
c. The photographs above represents one of the phases in alternation of generations in
spermatophytes. Name the phase. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
16The diagrams below show different types of fruits. Use them to answer the question that
Q2. The diagrams below show different types of follow.
fruits. Use them to answer the question that follow.

R1 R2

R3 R4

R5 R6
2 (a) i) Name the type of placentation shown in photograph R5 and R6 (2 Mark)
2 (a) i) Name the type of placentation shown in photograph R5 and R6 (2mks)



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(ii) Draw a well labeled diagram of one on the fruits in photograph R1 in the diagram above (3mks)

(b) State the mode of dispersal and give reasons for the fruits shown in photograph R1, R2 and R3
R 2…………………………………………………………
R 3…………………………………………………………
c) Explain two adaptations of fruit shown in photograph R 4. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
diagrams belowbelow
diagrams showshow
different bones
different of the
bones of appendicular skeleton.
the appendicular Use
skeleton. them
Use to to
them answer
the question that follows.
the question that follows.

S1 S2

S3 S4
(a). (i) On the diagram, label three parts of the bone labeled S1 (3 Marks)
(a) (i) On the diagram, label three parts of the bone labeled S1 (3Mks)
ii) State the function of at least one part that you have labeled in the diagram above (1 Marks)
ii) State the function of at least one part that you have labeled in the diagram above (1mks)

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b) Identify S2 and S3 and give reasons for your answer. (4mks)
c) i) Name bone S4 …………………………………………………………. (1 Mark)
ii) State two adaptation of bone named in c (i) above to its function (1 Mark)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
18. Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow.

a) (i) Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D. (4mks)

(ii) State the adaptation of the part labeled A to its function. (2mks)
(iii) State one function of the part labeled C. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(b) State three adaptations of the parted labeled D. (3mks)
(c) Identify the structures that perform similar function as D, above, in:

(i) Amoeba……………………………………………………………………….. (1mk)

(ii) Fish ……………………………………………………………………….. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
19. The diagram below illustrates the life cycle of a certain organism.

a) (i) Giving reasons, name the division to which the organism belongs.
Division…………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
Reasons (2mks)
(ii) Which portion of the plant’s life is independent? (1mk)
b) (i) Name the parts labeled A and B. (2mks)

A ………………………………………………………………………….

B …………………………………………………………………………

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(ii) State one function of the part labeled B. (1mk)
(i) Define the term alternation of generation. (1mk)
(ii) Identify the generations labeled K and L. (2mks)

K …………………………………………………………………………….

L ……………………………………………………………………………
(iii) In what way is generation L advantageous to generation K? (2mks)


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20.You are provided with a photograph of specimen Z. Examine it and use it to answer the
questions that follow.

(a)i) Identify specimen Z (1mk)

ii) Give a reason for your answer in (a) (i) above. (1mk)
(b) Specimen Z is an organ obtained from mammals. One of its functions is protection.
i) Explain how specimen Z is adapted to provide;
Mechanical protection. (2mks)
Chemical protection. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
Protection against predators. (1mk)
(c) Other than protection, state two other functions of specimen Z. (2mks)
(d) (i) Explain how sprinkling of common table salt on specimen Z leads to its preservation. (3mks)
ii) Give a reason for your answer. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
21 The photograph below is that of a plant seedling. Examine it.

(a) (i) Using observable features only, state the class to which the plant belongs. (1mk)
(ii) Give reason(s) for your answer in (a) (i) above. (2mks)
(b) State the roles of the structures labeled T during germination. (2mks)
c)i) Name the part of the seedling labelled K and L (2mks)

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ii) State the significance of the curvature on part K (1 mark)
d) Name the type of germination exhibited by the seedling. (1 mark)
e) As germination progresses, the curvature on part K straightens. Explain how this occurs(3marks)


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22. Study the photomicrographs below and use them to answer questions that follow.



a) Identify the type of cell division above. (1mk)

b) Give a reason for your answer (i) above. (1mk)
c) With a reason identify each stage. (4mks)

Diagram Stage Reason





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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(d) The photographs below show two fruits and their half-sections.

(i)Through which plane has the sections been cut? (1mk)

(ii) State two differences between specimens S and T. (2mks)

(iii) With reasons, in each case state the type of fruit and method of dispersals for

specimen S and T. (2mks)

Specimen S

Type of fruit: ……………………………………………………………………….

Reason: …………………………………………………………………………

Method of dispersal: …………………………………………………………………

Reason: ……………………………………………………………………………..

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Specimen T (2mks)

Type of fruit:………………………………………………………………………..


Method of dispersal:……………………………………………………………….


(iv)Draw and label a diagram ofcut specimens S. (4marks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
1. Study the organisms below
1. Study the organisms below

a) Complete and use the key below to identify the organisms (2mks)
1.a) Organism with endoskeleton ………………………………………………………...go to 2
1. b) ______________________________________........................................................go to 4

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
a) Complete and use the key below to identify the organisms (2mks)
1.a) Organism with endoskeleton ………………………………………………………...go to 2
1. b) ______________________________________........................................................go to 4
2. a) Has scales on the body …………………………………………………………..…..go to 4
2 b) Has no scales on the body ………………………………………………….…mammalian
3a) Has cephalothorax ………………………………………………………………...Arachnida
3b) Has no cephalothorax ……………………………………………………….………..go to 5
4a) _________________________________.......................................................................Pisces
4b) Has no fins ……………………………………………………………………………go to 7
5a) Has three pairs of legs ………………………………………………………………..Insect
5b) Has more than three pairs of legs …………………………………………………….go to 6
6a) Two pairs of legs per segment …………………………………………………..Diplopoda
6b) One pair of legs per segment …………………………………………………….Chilopoda
7a) Has feathers ………………………………………………………………………… Aves
7b) Has no feathers ………………………………………………………………………go to 8
8a) Has a tail ……………………………………………………………………………Reptilia
8b) Has no tail …………………………………………………………………………Amphibia

b) Identify the organisms above using the completed key above (6mks)
Specimen Steps followed Identity
A ______________________________ _______________________________
B ______________________________ ______________________________
C _______________________________ ______________________________
D _______________________________ ______________________________
E _______________________________ _______________________________
F _______________________________ _______________________________

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c) Name the phylum in which specimens C, E and F belong to. (1mk)
d) Give three reasons for your answer in (c) above (3mks)
e) Name one feature that is common in organisms B, E and D (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
24 The photographs below shows specimen of different types of fruits. Examine them and
answer the questions that follow.

a) State four differences between specimen P and R (4mks)


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b) State the types of gynoecium and placentation of specimen P, S and V (4mks)
i)Specimen P Gynoecium …………………………………………..
Placentation ………………………………………….
ii) Specimen S Gynoecium …………………………………………….
iii) Specimen V Gynoecium ……………………………………………..
Placentation ……………………………………………..

c) In the table below name the mode of dispersal for each specimen and the features that adapt
the specimen to its mode of dispersal. (6mks)
Specimen Mode of dispersal Adaptive features

d) Draw and label a plan diagram of specimen V (4mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
25. Below are photographs of invertebrates which belong to the same class. Examine them

a) To which class do the above invertebrates belong? 1Mark

b) State two characteristics of the class named in (a) above 2 Marks

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
c) Complete the dichotomous key below to identify the invertebrates to their orders 3marks
1a. Animal with wings …………………………………………………… go to 3
b. ______________________ ………………….…………………………….go to 2
2a. Animal with hairy body ……………………………………………………Siphonoptera
b. Animal with smooth body……………………………………………………Isoptera
3a. Animal with one pair of wings………………………………………………...Diptera
b. ______________________ ………………………………………….........go to 4
4a. Fore wings hard/elytra…………………………………………………………Coleoptera
b. ______________________ …………………………………………………. ....Go to 5
5a. Long slender abdomen…………………………………………………………Odonata
b. Short broad abdomen…………………………………………………………..Hymenoptera

d) Using the dichotomous key above, identify to which orders the various organisms belong.
In each case write down the steps that you followed to arrive at your answer. (6mks)

Specimen Steps Identity







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26 You are provided with specimen K. Use it to answer the questions that follow
a) Describe the floral parts (3Mks)
b) Cut the specimen K longitudinally. Draw one of the sections (4mks)

c) With a reason state the agent of pollination (2Mks)

d) The photographs labelled Q, R,and S are sections of some plant parts.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(i ) Name the type of placentation in the specimens shown in photographs Q, R and S (3mks)




(ii) Giving a reason in each case, name the mode of dispersal of the specimen in photograph Q
and S (4mks)


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27. You are provided with specimen A and B
a) Name the sub-division to which the specimen belong (1mk)
b) Name the class to which the specimens belong (2mks)
c) State three observable differences between the leaves of specimen A and B (3mks)
Leaves A Leaves B

d) The diagram below show the cross-sections of stems obtained from specimens A and B

(i) Match the stem cross-sections with the specimens (2mks)

(ii) Outline three differences between the two stems (3mks)
Specimen A1 Specimen B1

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e) Suggest the agent of pollination of the flowers of specimen A (1mk)
Give reason for your answer (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
28You are provided with photographs of specimens labeled K (gills) and L (lungs). Examine
them and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the class of organisms from where the specimens were obtained (2mks)
Specimen Class

(b) Label all the parts of specimen K on the photograph (3mks)

(c) State the functions of each of the parts you have labeled in (b) above (3mks)

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(d) State three ways in which the part labeled L is adapted to its functions (6mks)
(e) State the functional relationship between specimens K and L (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
29 Study the specimens provided then answer the questions below.

(a)Name the parts labeled U1, W1, W2 and V3 (4mks)


(b)(i) Suggest the mode of dispersal of the specimen labeled U (1mk)

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in b (i) above. (1mk)
(c) (i) Suggest the mode of dispersal of the specimen labeled X. (1mk)

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(ii) Give a reason for your answer in C (i) above (1mk)
(d) The Photograph shown below was taken from a tree bark. Study it then answer the
(d)The Photograph shown below was taken from a tree bark. Study it then answer the questions.

Tree bark


(i). Name organism labeled Q…………………………………..…………………… (1mk)

(ii) Name two organisms that make up Q (2mks)

(iii) Suggest the feeding relationship between the identified organisms in b (i) above
explaining the role of each in the relationship. (1mk)

(iv) Identify the two possible Kingdoms represented by organism Q. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
30. Examine the photograph which shows parts of the urogenital system of a female rat and
answer the questions that follow. The organ marked 1 is the stomach.

a) (i) Name the organ marked 2 (1mk)

(ii) State two functions of the organ (2mks)
(iii) What is the functional unit of the organ in (a)(i) above (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
b) (i) Identify and name each of the organs marked 3 and 4 (2mks)



(ii) State two functions of the part marked 4 (2mks)

c) (i) Identify the organs marked 5 (2mks)
(ii) Explain two functions of the organ named in c (i) above. (2mks)
d) The organ marked 6 is the large intestine. State three function of the large intestine. (3mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
1. You are provided with seven specimens of plants. They are labeled D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6,
and D7.
The dichotomous key

1.a) Leaves needle like …………………………………………………………..go to 2

b) Leaves broad ………………………………………………………………….….. go to3
2. a) Leaves arranged in clusters on stem……………………….………….. Pinnacea
b) Leaves not arranged in clusters on stem ………………………….….. Araucariaceae
3. a) Leaves compound……………………………………………..………….. go to 4
b) Leaves simple…………………………………………………….…………… go to 7
4.a) Leaflets pointed at the end ………………………………....……………….go to 5
b) Leaflets rounded at the end…………………………………….………………go to 6
5.a) Leaflets attached to many small stalks that join the main one ……….….Mimosaceae
b) Leaflets attached to one stalk ………………………………….…………Rosaceae
6. a) Leaflets attached to many small stalks that join the main one………..… Bignonaceae
b) Leaflets attached to one stalk ……………………….………………Compositae
7. a) Leaves green ………………………………………………..………………….go to 8
b) Leaves purple ……………………………………………….……………….. go to 9
8. a) Leaves parallel veined ………………………………………..…….……..Graminae
b) Leaves net veined ………………………………………………….….……. Geranaceae
9. a) Leaves parallel veined ………………………………………….…Commelinaceae
b) Leaves net veined …………………………………………………..…….Euphorbiaceae

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
a) Use the dichotomous key to identify the taxonomics group of each of the seven specimens
in the photographs provided. (7mks)

Specimen Steps followed Identity








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b) (i) Suggest the possible habitat that specimen D4 is adapted to (1mk)
(ii) Name one observable feature that adopts D4 to the habitat you have mentioned in (b) (i)
above (1mk)
(iii) Give a reason for your answer in (b) (i) above (1mk)
(iv) State the importance of the structure labeled S in specimen D4 (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
32. Below is a diagram showing a type of metamorphosis exhibited by a butterfly

a) Give the name of the type of metamorphosis in the diagram above. (1mk)
b) Write down two importance of metamorphosis. (2mks)
c) Name stages Q and R ` (2mks)


d) Give three differences in the biological activities between development stages R and S.
Development stage R Development stage S

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e) Name the two major hormones that are associated with metamorphosis in Insects. (2mks)
f) (i) Name the class to which the organisms T in the diagram above belongs. (1mk)
(ii)Give a reason for your answer in f (i) above. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
33Study the diagrams set A1, set E1, set M1 and set B carefully and answer the questions below

(a) State the conditions under which each set up was grown. (3mks)
Set A1
Set E1
Set B
(b) (i) Name the phenomenon exhibited by seedlings in set E1 (1mk)
(ii) Give a reason why plants exhibit the phenomenon named in (b) (i) above (1mk)
(c) (i) Name the response exhibited by the seedlings in set B. (1mk)
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(ii) Explain how the response named in (c) (i) above occurred (2mks)

(d)(i) State the type of germination exhibited by seedlings in set A1 and set M1. (2mks)

Set A1 ………………………………………………………………………….

Set M1 …………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (d) (i) above (2mks)
Set A1
Set M1
(iii) State the mode of dispersal in set A above when mature. (1mk)
(iv) Name the type of fruit formed by M1 on maturity. (1mk)

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34 Study the photographs below and hence answer the questions that follow
34 Study the photographs below and hence answer the questions that follow


(i) To(i)which phylum

To whichdoes
phylum does organisms
organisms x,y andx,yzand z belong
belong to. to. (1 mark) (1mk)
(ii) Name the classes to which X, Y and Z belongs to. (3 marks)
(ii) Name………………………………………………………………………………………
the classes to which X, Y and Z belongs to. (3mks)

(iii) Give two important economic roles of specimen Y. (2mks)
(iv) Give one harmful effect of specimen X to animals. (1mk)

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(v) With reasons identify two modes of locomotion of specimen Y. (4mks)

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35 The photographs
35 The photographsbelow
below represent
representtwigs fromvarious
twigs from variousplant
plant species.
species. Study
Study themthem and answer
and answer
the questions thatthat
the questions follow




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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
a) Complete the dichotomous key below using observable features
1(a) Twigs with simple leaves …………………………………………………..go to 2
(b) Twigs with compound leaves……………………………………………go to 5
2(a) Leaves with parallel venation…………………………………………..go to 3
(b) Leaves with network venation ………………………………………..go to 4
3(a) Purple leaves…………………………………………………………..Tradescantia
(b) Green leaves…………………………………………………………..Kikuyu grass
4(a) Leaves with opposite arrangement………………………………… Verbenaceae
(b)Leaves with alternate arrangement …………………………………Hibiscus
5(a) Leaves trifoliate…………………………………………………………......go to 6
(b)……………………………………………………………………………………go to 7
6(a) Leaves with serrated margin……………………………………………Bidens bilosa
(b) Leaves with lobed margin……………………………………………….Oxalis
7(a) Pinnate leaves………………………………………………………………..go to 8
8(a) Leaflets with rounded apex……………………………………………Papilionaceae
(b) Leaflets with pointed apex……………………………………………..Rose

b) Using the completed dichotomous key identify the twigs and show the steps followed (4mks)
Identity steps followed
P……………………………………… …………………………………………………

Q……………………………………… …………………………………………………

T………………………………………. ………………………………………………….

U……………………………………….. …………………………………………………

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
36. You are provided with photographs of specimens labeled S1, S2, Q, X and Y.
Examine them carefully and answer the questions that follow.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(a) Using observable features in the photographs, complete the dichotomous key given below (3mks)
1. (a) Leaves parallel veined …………………………………………… …. go to 2
(b) Leaves net veined……………………………………………………… go to 3

2. (a) Leaves green………………………………..…………………… Graminae

(b) Leaves purple …..……………………………………….…….Commelinaceae

3. (a) Leaves simple …………………………..……………………… …. go to 4

(b) ___________________………………………………………………… go to 5
4. (a) Leaves margin smooth ………………………………………Nyctaginaceae

(b) ___________________……………………………………….……Malvaceae
5. (a) Trifoliate leaf ……………………..……………………………….Asteraceae

(b) _____________________………………………………….…………Cassia

(b) Use the completed dichotomous key to identify the family to which each specimen belongs.
S1 ……………………………….…………………….. ………………………….……….
S2 …………………………………………………….... …………………………………..
Q ……………………………………………………….. ……………….………..……….
X ………………………………………………………... ……………………….……….
Y …………………………………………………….... …………………………..…….
(c) State how specimen S2 is adapted to its mode of pollination. (3mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
37. The photographs below show an experiment that was set to investigate a certain response in
bean seedlings. Examine them.

At the beginning after 24 hours

a) Which response was being investigated? (1mk)
b) Account for the observed results for seedling A after 24 hours. (5mks)
c) Explain why in seedling B the root continued growing straight down. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
d) Explain the significance of the response you stated in (a) above to the plant. (2mks)
b) Below is a photograph of a mammalian bone, labelled Q.

i)Identify the bone (1mk)

ii) State how the bone is adapted to its functions. (3mks)
iii) Name the bone that articulates with the bone Q at part labelled X. (1mk)
iv) Name the specific type of joint formed at this articulation. (1mk)
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
38 The photographs below shows two organs labeled X and Y obtained from the same mammal.

a) i) Identify the two organs (2mks)


ii) Give one reason for the identity of organ labeled X in (a) (i) above. (1mk)

b) Photograph X1 is the longitudinal section of organ labeled X. Name the parts labeled A,
B and C.



c) i) Name the substance contained in the structure labeled Z in organ labeled Y (1mk)

ii) State two functions of substance you have identified in (d) (i) above. (2mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
e) Give two homeostatic functions of the organ labeled Y. (2mks)

f) Name one disease that affects organs labeled X and Y (2mks)



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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
39 Examine the photographs I and II of seedling specimen shown below and answer the questions
that follows;

a) Name the parts labelled A, C and D. (3mks)




b)(i) Name the class to which the specimen belongs. (lmk)

(ii) Give two reasons, using observable features to support your answer in (b) (i) above (2mks)
(c) Give two functions of the structure labeled D. (2mks)
d) Explain how the curvature labeled C is formed (3mks)

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e) Name the type of germination exhibited by the seedlings. Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)

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40.Study the photographs below representing certain processes in insects. Use them to answer
the questions that follow.

(a) With reasons, name the type of the process represented by plates 1 and 2. (2mks)
Plate Name Reason

(b) Name stages Q, R and D. (3mks)

Q …………………………………………….
R ………………………………………………
D ……………………………………………..

(c) Give an advantage of the process in plate 1 over the process in plate 2. (1mk)

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(d) Arrange stages A, B, C and D in their correct sequence. (1mk)
(e) State two differences in the biological activities between the developmental sages R and S.
(f) Insects are the most populous and widespread in phylum Arthropoda. Give a reason to
explain this observation. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
41(a) Study the diagrams T1 and S1 carefully and answer the following questions:

(i) Name the parts labeled S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6. (5mks)
S2 __________________________________________________

S3 __________________________________________________

S4 __________________________________________________

S5 __________________________________________________

S6 __________________________________________________

(ii) Name the parts labeled T2, T3, T4 and T5. (4mks)
T2 _________________________________

T3 _________________________________

T4 _________________________________

T5 ________________________________

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(iii) Complete the following table showing the type of fruit and reasons for each answer

Specimen Type of fruit Reasons



(iv) Complete the table below showing method of dispersal and reasons for each answer.

Specimen Method of Reasons




Max 2mks

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
42 Study the diagrams Q and R carefully and answer the following questions.

(a) (i) Name the phylum to which specimens R and Q belong. (1mk)
(ii) State two reasons for your answer in a (i) above. (2mks)
(b) (i) Name the class to which each of R and Q belong (2mks)
R _____________________________________

Q _____________________________________

(ii) State reasons for your answer in (b) (i) above (2mks)
R ______________________________________

Q ______________________________________

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
43. Below is a photograph of a dissected rat with abdominal organs spread out. Examine it

a) State two characteristics that distinguish the dissected animal into its taxonomic class.(2mks)


b) Name the parts labelled (3mks)

i) B…………………………..................................

ii) C..........................................................................

iii) F………………………………………………..

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
c) State

i) Two functions of part labelled A (2mks)


ii) The function of D (1mk)


d) Other than homeostasis and excretion state two functions of structure E (2mks)


e) Given the magnification of the specimen in the photo as X 0.67, calculate the length of the
rat from X to Y (2Mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
44. Study photograph labeled V which is a display of internal organs of a small mammal.
Photograph F is an inset of internal structure of part labeled L. Study them carefully.

Photograph F Photograph V

(a) Name the part of the mammalian body where the organs shown in the photograph are found.
(b) Identify the organ system that consists of parts J and L in the photographs. (1mk)

(c)(i) Name the parts labelled J and K. (2mks)

J: …………………………………………………………
K: …………………………………………………………
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(ii) Give the function of the part labelled G. (1mk)


(d) State two adaptations of organ in L to its functions (2mks)

(e) F (a) is an inset of the internal structure of part L showing the position of the functional
units of L. One of these functional units is shown in the inset F (b).
(i) Identify the functional unit shown in inset F(b) and give its function. (2mks)
(ii) Give one observable feature in the structure you have named in (e)(i) above that
adapt it to its function. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
45. You are provided with seven photographs of plant specimens. They are labelled specimen
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7.

(a) Use the dichotomous key to identify the taxonomic group of each of the seven specimens in
the photographs provided.

The dichotomous key

1.(a) Leaves needle like ------------------------------------- go to 2
(b) Leaves broad ------------------------------------- go to 3

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
2.(a) Leaves arranged in clusters on stem ------------- Pinaceae
(b) Leaves not arranged in clusters on stem ------------- Auraucariaceae
3.(a) Leaves compound ------------------------------------- go to 4
(b) Leaves simple ------------------------------------- go to 7
4.(a) Leaf pinnate ------------------------------------- go to 5
(b) Leaf bipimate ------------------------------------- go to 6
5.(a) Leaflets attached to many small stalks that join the
main one --------------------- Mimosaceae
(b) Leaflets attached to one stalk --------------------- Rosaceae
6.(a) Leaflets attached to many small stalks that join the
main one --------------------- Bignonaceae
(b) Leaflets attached to one stalk --------------------- Compoistae
7.(a) Leaves green -------------------------------------- go to 8
(b) Leaves purple -------------------------------------- go to 9
8.(a) Leaves parallel veined ------------------------------ Graminae
(b) Leaves net veined ------------------------------ Geranaceae
9.(a) Leaves parallel veined ------------------------------ Commelinaceae
(b) Leaves net veined ------------------------------ Euphorbiaceae

Specimen Steps followed Identify

(b) Suggest the possible habitat that specimen D4 is adapted to. (1mk)


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46. The diagram below represents bones obtained from a mammal.

elow represents bones obtained
A1 from a mammal. Y

A3 A3 Z
A3 Z

(a) Identity bones. (3

(a) Identity bones. (3
(a) Identity bones. (3mks)

A1 _________________________________________________________________
A2 _________________________________________________________________

A3 _________________________________________________________________

bones. (b) Name parts labelled. (3 (3mks)

X ____________________________________________________________________

Y ____________________________________________________________________

Z ____________________________________________________________________
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(c) From which region of the body was bone labelled A2 obtained. (1mk)

(d) State the function of part labelled X. (1mk)
(e) State two adaptations of bone labelled A1 to its function. (2mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
47 Below is a photograph of a dissected mammal. Examine the photograph.

a. Name the parts labeled A, B, C, D and G (5mks)






b. State the function of the structure labeled E and F (2mks)



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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
c. i) Name the sex of the mammal in the photograph _________________________ (1mk)

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (c) (i) above (1mk)

d. The actual length of dissecting tool placed at the anterior end of the mammal is 11.5 cm
(i) Determine the length of the dissecting tool in the photograph (1mk)

(ii) Calculate the magnification of the photograph (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
48 Below is a photograph of a developing human foetus. Examine the photograph

a) Name the parts labelled 1,2,3 and 4 (4mks)

b) State one function in each case of the structure labelled 3 and 4 (2mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
c) i) Name three substances that are allowed to pass through structure labelled 1 from the
mother’s blood to the foetus (3mks)

ii) Name two substances that are allowed to pass through structure labelled 1 from the foetus
to the material circulation (1mk)
iii) Other than the passage of materials state one other function of the organ labelled 1 (1mk)
iv) Explain why pregnant mothers are advised not to drink alcohol (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
49. Below are sections of a dicotyledonous plant organs labeled X and Y
(a) Give three observable differences between the sections. (3mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(b) On the diagram, label any three parts of section Y. (3mks)

(c) Identify and state the functions of the parts labeled A and B. (4mks)

A: ……………………………………………………….


B: ………………………………………………………


(d) How would section X compare with that of a monocotyledonous plant? (3mks)


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
50 You are provided with photographs of specimens U,X Y and Z.

a) Name U1, U2, U3, X, Y and Z (6mks)

b) i) Name the fluid substance found between X1 and Y1. (1mk)
ii) State the function of the fluid substance named in b) i) above (1mk)
c) Name the structure that joins the bones together at the joint formed between X1 and Y1 (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
d) i) State the difference between a hinge and the one formed between U3 and U2 (2mks)
ii) State two structures labeled in the photograph that forms a ball and socket joint (2mks)
e) Name the structure at the elbow that performs the same function as the patella (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
51. X1 and X2 are diagrams of bones from the mammalian skeleton

1. X1 and X2 are diagrams of bones from the mammalian skeleton


X1 X2
a) Identify
Identify X
X11 and
and X
X22.. (2mks)(2 Marks)
b) Name the parts labeled 1, 2, 5 and 6. (4Mks)
c) State the functions of the parts labeled 1, 5 and 6. (3mks)
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d) Name the type of joints formed at 3 and 5. (2mks)
At 3 ……………………………………………………….

At 5 ……………………………………………………….

e)i) Name the bone that articulates with X1 at 3. (1mk)

ii) Name the structure that articulates with X2 at 5. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
52 . The following figures represents the forelimbs of certain animal species.
Study them and answer the questions that follow.

2.(a) Name the parts labeled E F and G. (3mks)

E _____________________________________


G ____________________________________

(b) State the type of skeleton represented in Figure 1. (1mk)

(c) Name the type of joint at point K. (1mk)


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(d) Which figures represent:

(i) Analogous structures. (1mk)

(ii) Homologous structure. (1mk)

(iii) Give a reason for d(i) above. (1mk)
(e)(i) What are vestigial organs. (1mk)

(ii) Give an example of vestigial organ in man. (1mk)

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53. Study them and answer the questions that follow.
53. Study them and answer the questions that follow.


(a) Classify the organism M, J, N and L into their taxonomic units. (6mks)
(a) Classify the organism M,J,N and L into their taxonomic units. (6marks)
(i) Kingdom_________________________________________

(ii) Phylum___________________________________________


(b) State observable characteristics of organisms represented by figure K. (2mks)

(c) You are provided with an incomplete dichotomous key.

1.(a) Animals with segmented bodies Go to 2


2.(a) Animals with wings ……………………………………………………………. L

(b) Animals without wings…………………………………………………….. Go to 3

(a) Has four pairs of legs ……………………………………………………. M
(b) Has more than four pairs of legs …………………………………….. Go to 4

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4. (a) Has a pair of poisonous claw ………………………………………………….… J

(b) Without poisonous claw………………………………………………………… N

Fill in the missing step (1mk)

Using the key write down the steps used to identify the organisms. (5mks)



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54. 54.
Below areare
Below photographs
specimens obtained fromplants.
obtained from plants.Examine
Examinethethe photographs

a) For each of the specimens, name the mode of pollination and the features that adapt the
a) For each of the specimens, name the mode of pollination and the features that
specimen to the
the mode of pollination.
Specimen R
-Mode of pollination (1mk)
-Adaptive features. (2mks)
Specimen S1
-Mode of pollination (1mk)
-Adaptive features (2mks)

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b) Label any four parts on specimen R (2mks)
c). Name the structure labeled X on specimen S1. (1mk)
d). Using observable features, only state two differences between R and S. (2mks)
e).With a reason, name the class of the spermatophyta to which specimen R belongs. (2mks)

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55. The photographs labeled R, S, T and V are of bones obtained from a mammal.

a) Identify the bones and name the part of the mammalian body from which each
bone was obtained. (4mks)
Bone Identify Where found

b) i). Name the joint formed between bones S and T at point marked X. (1mk)

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ii) Give the characteristics of the joint named in (b) (i) above. (1mk)
c)i). Name the bone structure labeled Y. (1mk)
ii). State one function of the bone structure named in C (i) above. (1mk)
d)i). Using observable features give two adaptations of the bone labeled R. (2mks)
ii). On the bone in photograph V, draw a diagram of bone R to show the articulation
between the two bones. (2mks)

e). Name the part labeled Z in the photograph 5 and state its function. (2mks)
Part Z..............................................................................................................................
f). Name the joint formed by bone T with adjacent bones at its distal end. (1mrk)
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56. Below are two photographs of specimen D and specimen E.

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Study the photographs of specimen then answer the questions that follow.
Specimen D ……………………………………………………………………
Specimen E ……………………………………………………………………
(a) Identify the specimen D and E (2mks)

(b) State the distinguishing features of specimen D. (3mks)

(c) State the distinguish features of specimen E. (3mks)

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(d) Identify each of the labeled parts and state a function of each part. (8mks)

Part Identity Function





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57. Below are photographs labeled B and C of organs obtained from different animals.
The organs perform similar functions Example them and answer the questions that follow

(a) Name the organs (2mks)

(b) State the common functions performed by the organs stated above (1mk)
(c) Name the parts labeled B1,B2 and B3 in photo graph B. (3mks)
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(d) (i) Identify the parts labeled K1, K2 and K3 in photograph C. (3mks)
(ii) Using observable features, state how the parts labeled K1 and K3 you identify in
(d)(i) above are adapted to their functions. (4mks)

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58. During a field study ,a student took a photograph of a flower as shown below.

(a) Name the parts marked Q,R,S and X

Q:________________________________________________ (1mk)
R: ________________________________________________ (1mk)
S:________________________________________________ (1mk)
X:________________________________________________ (1mk)
(b) State the functions of parts X and R
X: _________________________________________________ (1mk)
R: _________________________________________________ (1mk)
(c) Briefly describe the nature of the corolla of the flower above (1mk)

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(d) Briefly describe the nature of the calyx of the flower above (1mk)
(e) What type of ovary does the flower have (1mk)
(f) (i) With reference to part labeled Q state the class of the plant from which the student
took the flower class (1mk)
(ii) Give a reason to support your answer in f(i) above (1mk)
(g) Giving reasons state the agent of pollination in this flower
(i)Agent__________________________________________________________ (1mk)
(h) Name the type of placentation in the ovary of this flower
Type of placentation__________________________________________ (1mk)

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59. The photographs below are of plants that are adapted to different habitats.
Examine them.

a.( i)Which of the plants are adapted to arid conditions. (2mks)

ii) Give four observable features that enable the plants you have stated in (a) (I) above to
survive in arid regions. (4mks)

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iii. State three other adaptive features not observable in the photographs of the plants you
stated in (a) above. (3mks)

iv. Give the term used for plants that are adapted to arid and semi — arid conditions. (lmk)

b. list three adaptations of plants that grow partially submerged in fresh water. (3mks)


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60. The photograph below is that of a blood smear. Examine it.

a) Identify the blood components labeled X, Y and Z (3mks)

X: …………………………………………………



b) State the functions of X and V. (2mks)


Y: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

c) Name the mineral ion and the vitamin required in the process brought about by the
components labeled X. (2mks)
Mineral ion……………………………………………………………………………………...


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(d) State a feature which is observable in the photograph that adapts the components labeled Z
to their functions. (2mks)

e)(I) Measure the diameter marked by the black line on the cell at the righ hand corner of the
photomicrograph in centimeters. (lmk)

ii) Calculate the actual diameter of the cell in micrometers. (qm) (2mks)

f) Suggest two changes that would occur to the components labeled Z if an athlete from a low
altitude area trains in a high altitude area. (2mks)


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61The photographs below shows a pair of mammalian organs with their blood supply. One of
the organs has been sectioned longitudinally. Examine them.

(a) Identify the pair of organs. (1mk)

(b) Name the blood vessels labelled M, N, P and Q. (2mks)
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(ii) Which of the blood vessels P and Q carries blood with a higher concentration of urea.
Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)
Blood vessels:…………………………………….

(c) Name the structure labelled R and state its function.

(d)(i) Name the parts Labelled J, T and V. (3mks)



(II) Name two parts of the nephron found in the part labelled S. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
62. Below is a photograph of specimen G 5.Study the photograph and then answer the questions
that follow.

(a) Identify specimen G5 (1mk)

(b) Name the parts labeled G6,G7 and G8 (3mks)




(c)State two functions of specimen G5 (2mks)


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(d)State the adaptation of specimen G5 to its function (6mks)

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63.You are provided with photograph of specimens labeled J1,J2,K1,K2.Examine them

(a)With a reason ,name the classes to which specimens J1,J2,K1 and K2 belongs. (4mks)
Class J1 and J2……………………………………………………………………………………


Class K1 and K2…………………………………………………………………………………..

Reason …………………………………………………………………………………………….

(b)(i) Name the part labeled X in specimen J (1mk)


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(ii)What is the importance of curvature (1mk)
(c) Explain how the curved part in J, will straighten so that the stem will look like that of J2.
(d) Name the part that protects the plumule in specimen K1 and K2 (1mk)
(e)(i)Which of the two types of seedling may form swellings on the roots later in its life? (1mk)
(ii) Give the name of the swellings in (e) (i)above (1mk)
(iii) Name the organism that will be found on the swellings (1mk)
(f) Name the structures found on the stems just below the leaves of specimen J2 (1mk)

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64.The following are leaves of different species of plants. Study them then answer the questions




Q7 Q8


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Use the dichotomous key shown below to identify the plants.

1 (a) Simple leaf …………………………………………………………………. Go to 2 (b)

Compound leaf ………………………………………………………….…. Go to 5

2. (a) Leaf parallel veined ………………………………………………………. Napier

(b) Leaf net veined …………..……………………………………………...… Go to 3

3. (a) Leaf lobed………………………………………………………….……… Castor oil

(b) Leaf unlobed …………………………………………………………..……. Go to 4

4. (a) Leaf with smooth margin………………………………………………. Bougainvillea

(b) Leaf with serrated margin ………………………………………………. Hibiscus

5. (a) Leaflets arising from same point at tip of petiole…………………………... Go to 6

(b) Leaflets arising from different points along a common stalk…………......... Go to 7

6. (a) Leaflets triangular narrow base and broad end…………………………..... Oxalis

(b) Leaflets broad in the middle and narrow at both ends………………..... Crotalaria

7. (a) All leaflets attached to one main stalk………………………... Mexican marigold

(b) Leaflets attached to several small stalks arising from main stalk………….. Go to 8

8. (a) Leaflets rounded at end and no terminal leaflet……………………….….. Flamboyant

(b)Leaflets pointed at end. Terminal present ………..……………………….…. Jacaranda

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(a)Use the Dichotomous key given above to identify all the specimen given. Show the steps
followed to arrive to the identity. (9mks)

Plant Steps followed Identity










(b) Photographs T and Q show organisms of the same species. Study the photographs then
answer the questions.

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Name the stage represented by photograph T.
(i) (1mk)

Give a reason for your answer in a(i) above. (1mk)

(ii) Classify organism Q according to its phylum and give a reason for your answer.

Phylum ………………………………………………………….. (1mk)

Reason (1mk)
Name structure labeled W.
(iii) (1mk)

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65.Below are photographs of tissues from a mammal. Study them and answer the questions.




(a) Identify the three bones labeled X,Y and Z (3mks)

X: ……………………………………………………

Y: ……………………………………………………

Z: ……………………………………………………

(b) Name parts Q, R and Y1. (3mks)


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(c) (i)
Name the bone that link bones X and Y at X1 and Q. (1mk)
(ii) Name the type of joint formed between the bone you named in c(i) above and bone Y (1mk)


(d) Give the function of parts labeled X1 and Y1. (2mks)

X1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………

(e) Name the bone which articulates with bone Z at point;

(i) S ………………………………………………………… (1mk)

(ii) T…………………………………………………………. (1mk)

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66. You are provided with specimens labelled A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

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A dichotomous key shown below can be used to identify them
1. a) Jointed legs present ------------------------------------- go to 2
b) Jointed legs absent -------------------------------------- go to 6

2. a) Three pairs of legs -------------------------------------- go to 3

b) More than three pairs of legs -------------------------- go to 5

3. a) Wings present ------------------------------------------- go to 4

b) Wings absent -------------------------------------------- Bedbug

4. a) Two pairs of wings ------------------------------------- Batesian butterfly

b) One pair of wings --------------------------------------- Apis mellifera

5. a) Antennae present ---------------------------------------- Crab

b) Antennae absent ----------------------------------------- Scorpion

6. a) Shell present --------------------------------------------- Snail

b) Shell absent ---------------------------------------------- go to 7

7. a) Prominent clitellum ------------------------------------- Earthworm

b) No clitellum visible ------------------------------------- Leech

a) Use the dichotomous key to identify each of the animal specimens provided.
In each case show the sequence of steps that you followed to arrive at the identity of each
specimen. (7mks)
Specimen Steps followed Identity

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b)i) Name the class to which specimen D belongs. (1mk)
ii)Name two observable features used to classify specimen D in (b) (i) above. (2mks)
c)i) Name the type of skeleton found in organism A. (1mk)
ii) Name one function of the skeleton found in c(i) above. (1mk)
d) State two economic importance of specimen A in an ecosystem. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 OR 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
67. Figure 1.1 below shows the lower surface of a dicotyledonous leaf.

a) Make a labelled drawing of the leaf.

Your drawing should be of the same size as that shown in the figure 1.1 (6 marks)

b) Figure 1.2 below shows part of the lower surface of the leaf in figure 1.1 as seen under a light

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i)On the figure 1.2, label using lines two different types of cells. (2mks)
ii) On the figure 1.2 put a circle around two of the cells where chloroplasts are normally present.
c) Suggest how you could determine the number of stomata present on one surface of a whole
leaf. (4mks)

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1.The photograph below represents the lower and upper jaw of a mammal. Study it and answer
the questions that follow.

a) Name the parts labelled (5mks)

A: …………………………………….

B : ……………………………………

C: ……………………………………

D: ……………………………………

F: …………………………………...

b) Name one observable structural difference between B and C


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c) i) Draw and label the external structure of part labelled B (3mks)

d) i) Define the term “dental formula”

ii) Write the dental formula from the diagram above (1mk)

e) Suggest the mode of feeding in the above animal

f) Name one common disease that affect part labelled D
g) What class of food is digested in the cavity shown in the diagram?

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69. You are provided with the photographs below labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G and a dichotomous
key. Use them to answer questions that follow.

h) Fill the missing information in the dichotomous key below (2mks)

1 (a) Animals with jointed appendages ……………………go to 3

(b) Animals without jointed appendages ………………...go to 2

2 (a) Animals with a slender long body ……………………Nematoda

(b) Animals with a thick short body ……………………..Mollusca

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3 (a) ………………………………………………………..go to 5
(b) Animals without wings ………………………………go to 4

4 (a) Animals with numerous legs ……………………….Myrioponda

(b) ………………………………………………………Hymenoptera

5 (a) Animals with short antenna …………………………Diptera

(b) Animals with a pair of long antenna ………………..go to 6

6 (a) Animals with cuticulized fore wings ………………..Dictyoptera

(b) Animals with a pair of membranous wings………….Hymenoptera

i) Use the completed dichotomous key to identify the family to which each plant belongs (7mks)
Identity Steps followed

A: ……………………………... …………………………………………..

B : ……………………………... …………………………………………..

C: ……………………………… …………………………………………..

D: ……………………………… …………………………………………..

E : ……………………………… …………………………………………..

F : ……………………………… …………………………………………..

G : ……………………………… …………………………………………..

c) Name two features that are used to classify B as phylum arthropoda. (2mks)

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70 The Diagram below shows two organisms (R and S) belonging to the same phylum


(a) Name the class in which the organisms shown above belong. (2mks)

i) Organism R
ii) Organism S
b) Other than presence of exoskeleton, listtwo observable similarities between the two
organisms (2mks)


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c) List two observable differences between the two organisms (2mks)


d) Explain how the organism labelled P is adapted to safeguard itself from the predator (2mks)
e)(i) Name the gaseous exchange system exhibited by organism S (1mk)
ii) State the respiratory surface used by organism S (1mk)
f) Discuss four functions of exoskeleton (4mks)

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71. The following micrographs show images taken from a transverse section of a various stems
by a light microscope. Analyze them closely and use them to answer questions that follow.

a) On the diagram, label part A, B and C (3mks)


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b) Explain the adaptation of the parts C and D to their functions (2mks)


b) Identify five differences between cross section T and Q and record them in the table below.

d) Explain how part B facilitates the process of secondary growth (4mks)


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