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Trac CV


Education and professional qualifications

Education and professional qualifications
Subject / Qualification Place of study Grade / Result Year obtained

Mbbs 68 percent 2019

Fcps part 1(pakistan) Pass 2021

Mrcem primary 133/180 2023

Oet B grade 2024

Training courses attended

Training courses attended
Course title Training provider Duration Year completed

Basic life support provider course American heart association 2 years 2023

Advanced cardiac life support American heart association 2 years 2024

Professional registration
Professional registration
Professional body

Please provide details below

Registration done with Pakistan medical and dental council after completion of my mbbs from Pakistan in 2019.

Membership / Registration number


Expiry / renewal date

Further qualifications
Further qualifications
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Please provide details of any proposed further qualifications
I am 3rd year emergency medicine resident working in Pakistan with more than two and half years of experience in emergency medicine
on registrar level. I have passed my Mrcem part A exam on Nov 2023 and currently preparing for mrcem part B exam happening this
September 2024.Iam also preparing for intermediate module exam which happens midway of residency in Pakistan which is supposed to
happen this august 2024.


Employment history
Employment history

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Employer name
Brig Adil

Employer address
CMH Lahore Pakistan

Type of business
Army hospital

Reporting to (job title)



Your job title

Resident emergency medicine

Start date
January 2022

End date



Period of notice

Reason for leaving (if applicable)

It has been more than two and half years of me doing emergency medicine residency and it's supposed to end on January 2027.

Brief description of your duties & responsibilities

I am able to run emergency department on registrar level.
I am responsible to maintain good working environment in ED.
I am responsible to make sure all the life saving equipments are available in ED.
I am responsible to teach medical students and interns about emergencies in ED
I am responsible to assist senior residents in management of critical emergencies.
I am responsible to do life saving emergency procedures such as endotracheal intubations,central lines, chest drains, suturing, sampling,
reduction and fixation of fractures,POP application,lumbar punctures,needle aspiration,ascitic tap,pleural tap and tracheostomy tube
passing and many more procedures.

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Employer name

Employer address

Type of business

Reporting to (job title)


Your job title

Start date

End date



Period of notice

Reason for leaving (if applicable)

Brief description of your duties & responsibilities

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Employer name
Professor muratab

Employer address
Gulab devi chest hospital Lahore, Pakistan

Type of business
Government hospital

Reporting to (job title)

Emergency medical officer


Your job title

Emergency Medicine officer

Start date
April 2021

End date
November 2021



Period of notice

Reason for leaving (if applicable)

I left this job because I had to prepare for residency induction exam(fcps part 1) which was about to happen three months later.

Brief description of your duties & responsibilities

I was able to attend emergencies specially cardiac emergencies.
I was supposed to maintain good working environment in ED.
I was supposed to assist my seniors in management of patients.
I was supposed to supervise nursing staff.
I was supposed to teach medical students about basic management of emergencies.

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Employer name
Dr Hassan

Employer address
Faiz ul Hassan hospital narowal,Punjab, Pakistan

Type of business
Private hospital

Reporting to (job title)

Medical officer


Your job title

Medical officer

Start date
August 2020

End date
February 2021

Medical officer


Period of notice

Reason for leaving (if applicable)

I left because I wanted to go to better hospital with better salary package.

Brief description of your duties & responsibilities

I was able to manage patients in emergency department on SHO level.
I was able to help my seniors by updating and and making notes of patients in ED.
I was able to assist seniors in doing emergency interventions.
I was able to pass NG tube, Foley's Catheter,ABG sampling, suturing of small lacerations and external jugular lines.
I was able to teach medical students about basic management of emergencies.

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Employer name
Brig Adil

Employer address
CMH Hospital Lahore, Pakistan

Type of business

Reporting to (job title)

House officer(FY1)


Your job title

House officer

Start date
May 2019

End date
May 2020



Period of notice

Reason for leaving (if applicable)

Brief description of your duties & responsibilities

I did my internship from CMH Lahore Pakistan which was for period of one year.
I was able to manage patients in medical and surgical wards on a intern level.
I was able to handle emergencies being an intern in emergency department.
I was able to put patient's charts on time.
I was able to assist my seniors with surgical procedures.
I was able to regularly monitor the patients in wards and ICU

Gaps in employment
Gaps in employment
If you have any gaps within your employment history, please state the reasons for the gaps below.
I don't have any gap of more than 6 months in last 5 years.


Personal statement
Personal statement

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Provide a personal statement which you can use as a starting point to your supporting information for specific applications.
I am a 3rd year resident emergency medicine with work experience of more than two and half years in Emergency medicine.i have also
passed my Mrcem primary exam and currently preparing for mrcem intermediate this year.i have passed oet this year also.apart from
these,I am able to run ED on registrar level with skill set required to do so.
I am able to make diagnosis in ED in most cases without wasting much time.
I have good hand's on skills especially with endotracheal intubations and chest drains,pacemakers and central lines.
I have the experience of working in intense situations in ED in aggressive patient load as our hospital has quite busy emergency
I belong to Pakistan and I am applying for Sponsorship so that I get to learn more and gain experience and in return offer my services in
emergency department with work experience that I already have.
I love emergency medicine and I want to Excel in this field that's why I want to spend good 2 years at your organization so that I learn and
gain more about emergency.
I also have experience of teaching medical students and house officers at my hospital about emergency management.

Preferred employment type

Preferred employment type
What is your preferred employment type?
Full time

Medical and/or dental practical experience

Medical and/or dental practical experience
Please list your practical experience. This should refer to verifiable Log Book/Portfolio Evidence which will need to be presented by all
appointed candidates. Please list the most recent first.

Practical experience Number completed under senior supervision Number completed independently

Chest tubes Yes Yes

Endotracheal intubation Yes Yes

Incision and drainage Yes Yes

Suturing in truama Yes Yes

Art line Yes Yes

Central line Yes Yes

External jugular vein cannulation Yes Yes

Please briefly describe the extent of your proficiency and experience in the procedures highlighted above, along with any particular clinical
skills/experience/special interests you possess that you may wish to highlight.
As I have more than two and half years in Emergency Medicine and our emergency received alot of trauma on daily basis,that is why
residents at our setting must have and they eventually develop good procedural skills.
I am good at intubations, chest drains and temporarily pacing of heart and passing central lines all of these in stress situation under quick
My interest is trauma tho I love emergency medicine as a whole I love working in ED.

In reflecting on your own skills and abilities, are there any areas where you might seek further development and support?
I love emergency medicine and anything related to emergency attracts me and keeps me going.
I love managing cardiac emergencies like heart blocks and passing pacemakers in ED
I am able to do neonatal resuscitation but I want to seek further development in peadiatric and neonatal emergency management.

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Please briefly describe both formal and informal teaching you may have undertaken, the main topics taught, your audience (numbers and
composition) and which teaching methods you have used. If you have attended formal training or courses on teaching, please identify
them here, and include any feedback you may have received about your teaching skills.

Please provide details about your teaching experience

Teaching medical students and house officers in ED on daily rounds.

Do you hold any particular qualifications in teaching?

No.residents usually teach students in our hospital.

Please list details of up to six presentations you have made (most significant first).

Multiple presentations such as pneumothorax diabetic ketoacidosis etc.


Year presented

Management and leadership experience

Management and leadership experience
Please highlight experience you may have, not necessarily limited to professional activities.
I have a total of more than 3 years of experience in emergency department including more than 2.5 years of it on being a resident
emergency medicine.
I have done courses on emergency radiology.
I have basic life support and advance cardiac life support certification.
I have experience in playing football for my college team for 5 years.
I have experience in writing essays and won many competition on division level.
I have experience in singing too.

Team working
Team working

Describe situations where you have been involved in working in a team, not necessarily limited to professional activities.
Our hospital has arranged multiple workshops on ED cases where we have worked on it and organized it.
We have done presentations on multiple cases weekly.
We have arranged weekly meetings on assessment of mortality ratio in ED.

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