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Do you care for a chat and get to know each other more better?

Okay dear Cool and nice to chat with you dear now 😍😍

where you from???

Okay dear i guess that is a nice place to live 😍😍

i'm from Huston Texas dear

How old are you dear?

I’m 30years and I will be 31 on the 14th of february dear 🩷

My birthday is coming up soon and I hope am not too young for you dear ?

Age doesn’t matter to me

All that matters most to me is true love and understanding between each other
dear 🩷

Are you single,married how about kids ?

Am single never married with no kids,but I have been in a bad relationship before
and I don't want that to happen to me anymore dear 😪

what happened to your last relatioship if you dont mind me asking????

My ex-hurt and cheated on me a lot that is why i broke up with him cause dying
little by little while cheating on me that is why i broke up with him 😪😪

How long have you been single and do you like being single ?

Am single now over 1yr and I hate it cause it is lonely 😪😪

How long have you been on this site and what are you really looking for on here???

I’m looking for a trustworthy man that we can have a serious relationship together
with true love and care for each other and am glad to have found you dear

Dear 😍 I will like to tell you little about myself and I want you to give me your
attention 😍😍😍

Dear 😍 I am a woman who looks beyond what may be the obvious and I want you to know
that character is worth more than flashiness because I am a woman who appreciates
honesty and a great sense of humor 😍😍

Dear 😍 I love to laugh and to enjoy the simple things in life and I really
appreciate a person who has a good sense of who he is and a sense of direction
about where he wants to be😍😍

Dear 😍 I like discovering new things about my man and I am a person who looks for
the possibilities versus what cannot be achieved life is better going through with
a special one instead of just any one and am very happy to have you in my life 😍😍

Darling 😍 I believe in smiling-even when things are not going as perfect as you had
hoped because a smile can brighten someone's day that’s why I like smiling it is
one of my hobbies dear 😍

Darling 😍 I feel we should give each other the best and we should exercise respect
and honesty because I appreciate genuine companionship and soul inspired
relationship my darling 😍😍

Darling 😍 I am honest, dependable, loving, gentle, affectionate and have good

friendship dear

Darling 😍 that’s all I have to tell you about myself dear

Thank you so much for listening and understanding my words dear 😍😍


I’m searching for my life long partner to share a Great Life of Love with, romance,
long slow kisses, feeling very special, intimacy, spirituality, pleasurable
communication, dancing, meeting of the minds A GREAT LIFE of LOVE!!

I believe it’s not just what you are like on the outside, but more about what you
are like on the inside, (no game playing please) with someone who appreciates some
of the same temperaments and interests I enjoy.................

Dear 😍 I want our relationship should based upon honesty and acceptance because I
want to be with you and show you how I do care for you, spend forever with you 🥰🥰

Dear 🥰 there is one secret to a successful relationship and I will like to tell you
that my dear 🥰🥰

One key secret to a successful relationship is compromise my darling 🥰🥰

Meeting halfway on things shows your partner that you really do care about their
viewpoint and you are willing to work on making each other happy

Darling😍 I want you to know that love is the most beautiful song, with its sweet
melody coming from the bottom of the heart my darling 😍😍😍

Darling 😍 Do you know what love feels like?

Dear that feeling that makes your heart so warm you would never need the summer to
come again I want you to accept me as your wife so we can help each other
financially and we support each other very much

What do you do for a living?

i'm a stylist, i work from 6am to 3pm in the afternoon every day except Sunday

What do you seek for in a relationship?

I want a serious and long term relationship that involves commitment with the right
man for me and am happy to have you in my life dear

how do you treat your woman??

I will treat you like a king and respect you always dear
how much did you think you can please your woman ?

I will please you with everything, with sex and do whatever he asked for because i
dont like man my to be complaining about me dear

what qualities are important in your mate you look for in a woman and what would
you want from your partner?

Dear I want you to be calm both inside and outside, honest, loving, caring,
trustworthy, hardworking, God fearing, kind, romantic, passionate, kid loving,
generous and respect 💝💝

S I want you to love me for me and me alone and not love me for what I do for you
because I give it all when it comes to a relationship and always there for my man,
if you do this, I will treat you like no woman as ever treated you and make you my
one and only Love 💝💝

Tell me more about your parent?

Dear i dont have parents anymore because i lost my mother since the day i was
given bith and i lost my father 3yrs ago 🥹🥹

Did you live alone?

Dear i live alone

what position are you in your family???

Dear i'm the only daughter of my parents.. i dont have siblings at all 😢

what did you do for fun??

Dear I enjoy slow or fast dancing, walking in the woods holding, hands,
candlelight dinners, travel, shopping and watching movie, i enjoy swimming alot,
dinners watching movies cuddling with the one i love 💝💝

whats your height??

Dear i'm 5'6

Did you smoke or drink??

Dear i dont smoke but i drink occasionally 💝💝

Did you want children??

Dear i want to have my own kids someday

What do you like to do in the evening after work hours?

Dear not a whole kicking back and relaxing talking to someone special to me with
is you 💝💝

What is one thing that you value most in a relationship and do you like to talk
about future?
Dear caring, supportive and respect for each other... I do like to talk about
future when in a right relationship 💝💝

What turns you on in a relationship?

Dear caring, open minded, self esteem and achievements.... Hmm kissing and sitting
at the forefront telling each other sweet things 💝💝

what turns you off in a relationship??

Dear cheating, lies and dishonesty... playing with others emotional feelings... I
believe you understand what i meant by that !!!

Okay dear
whats makes you angry??

Okay dear
whats makes you sad??

Okay dear
whats makes you happy??

Okay dear
whats makes you smile??

Did you get jealous or very pretectve??

Dear I don't usually get jealous,but could be protective at times,I have every
reason to be jealous because you’re my one and only love so why won't I be
jealous ?

What is your favorite season?

Dear my Favorite season is the Summer and I love the Christmas season too,I just
appreciate the love in the atmosphere during Christmas 💝💝

What is your favorite food?

Dear I love apple pie, Mexican tamales, Pizza, taquitos and burritos, I also love
french and Italian fries 🍟 💝💝

whats your favorite color??

Dear my favorite color are blue and pink 💝💝

Did you like or have tattoos??

Dear i like tattoos but i dont have it on my body 💝💝

what religion are you??

Dear i'm a christian

How often do you attend church?

Dear I attend church every Sunday... My relationship with God is improving day by
day. It's a process. I talk to him like he's my best friend and I pray to him
because he's my Father in heaven 🙏💝💝
What did you notice first about me be honest??

Dear I noticed that you’re charming and amazing handsome 💝💝

How do you handle anger?

Dear If I'm mad I'll try to think before I speak because I have to be careful of
the words that come out of my mouth, the bible says that life and death are in the
tongue ,I don't like to argue even though sometimes you can't avoid it,I prefer to
discuss it in a civil way without strangling each other 💝💝

Do you have any pets?

Dear yes i have dog.. my dog name is max

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