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If searched by a particular text, only cols containing that text is displayed.

Underline members involved in navigation path, do below

Right click data module, see option to create TABLE UING SQL, as below.
You can type in sql using the above

If you create a view pointing to existing table in data module, you can see the same in below.

Suppose we have 2 members in data module as below

To show only 2 value, set below option
Do below
We have only 2 members as below,
How to find navigation paths in data module

Data Server Connections

Go to datasource connections and test as below, here it is Audit

Check if JDBC connection is fine, as below

To make this data source available as a data server, enable below

We can a new data server for Audit , as below. Testing it is a success.
Adv of DM over FM

1. Does not need a client tool like FM to be installed, DM is a web module.

2. Automatic creation of relative time filters (YTD, MTD, etc..) and measures (YTD Actuals, MTC
Actuals, etc…)
3. Navigation paths are simpler ways to create DMR models
4. Sort by same or other col in table, clean, group options without writing custom code.
5. Easy integration of excel data
6. Automatic extraction of year, month, day from date data types
(Split date to yr,mth and date)
7. In-memory materialized views (data sets) can be added to DM , not FM.
As in screenshots below, we are able to type and get a dashboard created automatically by
cognos in NG Cognos version ( 11.1.7..) if data source is excel.
When data source is a FM, it did not work , below error
Now after above, we can type create dashboard and get automatic dashboard creation in

Dashboard referring to DM ( if DM refers to excel) can be used for automatic dashboard

Dashboard referring to DM ( if DM refers to unenriched FM package) cannot be used for
automatic dashboard creation, as there will not be any data, as below.
Dashboard referring to DM ( if DM refers to enriched FM package) can be used for automatic
dashboard creation,

Alias in DM
IN reports from FM we were able to get lineage as below, that would tell col present in bus
layer, DB layer , data source etc..
IN DM , we do not have data lineage
Data modules currently don't support some of the modeling capabilities that
Framework Manager provides
1. Stored procedures In Framework Manager, you can import database stored
procedures as a query object that can accept parameters, and can either
retrieve or update data based on the nature of the stored procedure.
2. Prompt Info properties In Framework Manager, you can set the default prompt
properties, such as the prompt type, use and display values, or filter item
reference, on each query item in the user interface.
3. Object security
In Framework Manager you can specify security on the reporting objects,
such as query subjects and query items (tables and columns). The object
security determines which objects a user can see in the metadata tree in
reports or dashboards.
4. Parameter maps
In Framework Manager, modelers can dynamically substitute one value
for another by using parameter maps. The parameter maps have two
columns, one column for the value that you want to pass in via a macro
expression that is calling the parameter map, and the other column for
the value that you would like to substitute the first value with.
5. Governors
Governors in a Framework Manager model allow to modify queries at
run-time. For example, by using governors, you can specify the maximum
number of report tables or the query execution-time limit. Data modules
don't have the user interface to specify governors. For more information,
see Governors and data modules .
6. Publish, change impact, and report dependencies
In Framework Manager, you can find report dependencies on specified
objects, as well as a publish impact based on changes made to the
7. Model Advisor
Model Advisor in Framework Manager is used to analyze models. It looks
for problem areas based on the Cognos Analytics modeling guidelines.
8. Namespaces
Framework Manager namespaces are containers that organize and
uniquely qualify content in a model. We can only create folders
9. Data modules that are based on dimensional data sources, such as PowerCubes,
dynamic cubes, TM1 data sources, and dimensionally-modeled relational (DMR)
data sources, are not supported.
10. Data modules and Framework Manager packages cannot be combined in the same
11. In IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson 11.1.7 and earlier versions, only one data
module can be used as a source for a report. Starting with Cognos
Analytics 11.1.7 FP1, multiple data modules can be used as sources for one report.

If we upload multiple files, each file is bought as a new table

If we want to insert sql directly in DM, use below way

Here if Native sql is entered, we will get error as below

So enter Cognos sql , as below

This table can be used for further processing

Above we can use macros for prompts as below

We cannot preview data when using macros in DM, but when we use in report, we can see 2

1. Properties of query is less when report points to DM as against FM

Compare this to query properties referring to FM pkg

All the ones yellow are not available in DM, basically ability to choose DB
processing/Limited local processing and most of governor settings except for Max rows

2. SQL ask to enter prompt values , as in expected due to macro in sql

Going back to DM, if we want to customise filter on table, by entering a prompt, its not
possible, as below…we can only choose to filter values from below
If we use below option
Above exp not valid in DM, but we see the filter as below and we can see it is before

There are no validation issue in model

The above filter is like a stand alone filter and not embedded, as qry generated for table
in DM does not show this filter

Only If filter is dropped in filter, then that filter gets applied

Suppose , we create a filter in table or in individual col , as below
This is a embedded filter, as can be seen in qry for the table

So standalone filters we are able to put prompt macros, but not in embededed ..

Table level filter we can use macro functions, as below

In DM, we can sort one col by another as below
We can see order by in qry in report as below, only when Network col is used in qry..

DM steps
1. Import data
2. Set usage attribute of each col correctly
3. Create joins
4. Create filters/calc
5. Create Navigation grps
6. Save the DM

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