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1. There aren’t enough professionals to care for old people.

2. People need lots of training before doing important community work.
3. Community work can help young people gain important skills.
4. Working in the community can inspire people to be good citizens.
5. People rarely respond positively to things they have to do.
6. Helping others can reduce stress and improve people’s mental health.
7. Young people may lose job opportunities as a result of this policy.
8. Adults should have the right to choose how to spend their time.

Agree or disagree essay:

Should write a body passage and say why people would agree

In general, the question prompt will give you a good idea of whether an essay should be subjective or objective. If the
prompt asks for your personal opinion or asks you to argue a particular viewpoint, then it is likely that your essay
should be subjective. If the prompt asks you to present facts or describe a particular topic without giving your own
opinion, then your essay should be objective.

For example, if the prompt asks "What are the causes of climate change?", this is an objective question because it asks
for factual information. Your essay should be based on scientific data and research, without including your own
opinions or biases.

On the other hand, if the prompt asks "Do you think that social media has a positive or negative effect on society?",
this is a subjective question because it asks for your personal opinion. Your essay should be based on your own
thoughts and experiences, and should include persuasive language to convince the reader of your point of view.

In general, when you read a question prompt, think about what the question is asking you to do. If the question is
asking you to present information without including your own opinion, then your essay should be objective. If the
question is asking for your own thoughts or experiences, then your essay should be subjective.
Regenerate response

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