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6.24 - 6.


Plastic is ubiquitous. The world has been trying to curb the excessive use of polymers, especially single-
use plastic, which is contaminating our environment and contributing significantly to climate change.
Plastic is the biggest culprit in ruining our underground water resources and producing ocean-littering,
since it has non-decomposable properties. Govenments and general users shall bear the responsibility in
regulating the use of plastics as the future repurcussions are well in sight, and to be borne by the future
younger generations.

By far and large, every thing we are consuming is bound to have plastics, in shape of micro-plastic. It has
been leaching into our ground-water resources as most of the freshwater aquifers have tested to have
remnants of plastics in them. Another plight in suffering of marine life is that most of the plastic waste
(PET, PE bags, and PS packaging) is bound to end on the ocean's surface and large riverbeds; highly
disturbing the aquatic ecology and killing thousands of innocent sea-animals.

On a global scale, major social development organisations- UN, WHO, EPA- combined with different
potent countries are constantly struggling to address the exacerbating plastic pollution problem.
However, more pragmatic steps are needed to be taken, involving complete ban on the production of
toxic polymers, and bringing forth behavioural change in consumers that can help educate the general
population and ultimately reduce the waste generation. Nonetheless, only practical implementation on
both solutions can spur fruitful results.

Products made of plastic have wrecked havoc on a global scale as oceans are filling fast with used bottles
and packaging waste, putting immense stress on sea life; whereas, our water resouces are also giving
alarming signs of toxic elements which can adversely impact our healthcare. On the other hand,
govenments, with mutual understanding with their citizens shall take more preventive measures in
changing consumer behaviour and putting stringent laws in place for the plastic production.

Plastic is ubiquitous. The world has been trying to curb the excessive use of polymers, especially single-
use plastic, which is contaminating our environment and contributing significantly to climate change.
Plastic is the biggest culprit in ruining our underground water resources and producing ocean-littering,
since it has non-decomposable properties. Govenments and general users shall bear the responsibility in
regulating the use of plastics as the future repurcussions are well in sight, and to be borne by the future
younger generations.

By far and large, every thing we are consuming is bound to have plastics, in shape of micro-plastic. It has
been leaching into our ground-water resources as most of the freshwater aquifers have tested to have
remnants of plastics in them. Another plight in suffering of marine life is that most of the plastic waste
(PET, PE bags, and PS packaging) is bound to end on the ocean's surface and large riverbeds; highly
disturbing the aquatic ecology and killing thousands of innocent sea-animals.

On a global scale, major social development organisations- UN, WHO, EPA- combined with different
potent countries are constantly struggling to address the exacerbating plastic pollution problem.
However, more pragmatic steps are needed to be taken, involving complete ban on the production of
toxic polymers, and bringing forth behavioural change in consumers that can help educate the general
population and ultimately reduce the waste generation. Nonetheless, only practical implementation on
both solutions can spur fruitful results.

Products made of plastic have wrecked havoc on a global scale as oceans are filling fast with used bottles
and packaging waste, putting immense stress on sea life; whereas, our water resouces are also giving
alarming signs of toxic elements which can adversely impact our healthcare. On the other hand,
govenments, with mutual understanding with their citizens shall take more preventive measures in
changing consumer behaviour and putting stringent laws in place for the plastic production.
5.46 - 6.03

Dear Sir,

I am writing to provide a review that you have recently requested from your readers for the magazine's
upcoming article. 'The sThrilling Oceans' is one of my favourites to read. I will expound on the theme of
this book, and stress on how the book has been motivator for me and all of its readers.

To summarise, this book shares the horror from our oceans and seas, and highlights the existing
condition of elusive marine life. Overall, it cover a range of issues that marine life faces: from increasing
sea pollution to rising seawater temperatures. Reading such critical information has left a mark on me
and always pushes me to expand my subjective knowledge on the pressing issue.

The genre of this book is supporting existing climate issues, which attracts more readers who would like
to learn more about their environment and its well-being. This book is captivating; resoundingly
knowledgable; and highly extol its readers to contribute to the emerging aquatic issues.

I hope to have provide ample feedback for your article, and hope that your readers will find it insightful.

Thank you,

Wali Hassan

There are people who would spend their entire life living in their ancestoral places. Mostly individuals
attached to their birth places tend to live in a close-knit, combine-family system. The outmost cause of
such behavioural pattern can be having a fear of the unknown or simply their incapacity to move out of
their comfort zone by exploring some new areas. This sort of living can lead to several issues such as
lacking assimilation with the local culture and shigh self- esteem issues. On the other hand, prolonge
staying closer to inhereted houses helps in building sense of strong neighbourhood, and also help well in
understanding the local town dynamics.

Despite being stagnant, residents choose to live this way because they are afraid of x-factors that can
impact their lives when they decide to settle in a different area or other city. In Karachi, there are
countless instances, where three generations are residing in the same area, fearing the unknown if they
decide to move. Another reason is the comfort zone; where people do not want to strive by taking a
leap forward in improving their life style or social circles since they feel that they are well ensconced and
moving houses will simply engage them in a lot of exertion; such as getting familar with new routes and
places, matching-up with neighbours, bearing logistic expense, and so on.

People who keep looking for new places to live have good sense of neighbourhood with keen
understandin of their social circle. Since relocation requires a lot of engagement with new people,
municipal system, area-specific demographics; frequent relocators are well prepared for all those
challenges. While on the other side, people that remain in a single locality are less inclusive in nature,
and bound to have poor understanding of other cultures outside their zone. This sort of living can also
instigate low self-esteem issues in a person which can be transferd to their other family members. For
example, I have seen people who do not have knowledge of other regional language have mostly failed
to move out of their birth places, whereas they also have higher tendency to develop misunderstanding
with people from other faiths and ethnicities.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

cash, debit, credit card, in advance, annual fee, monthly membership, interest rate, deposit, tuition fee,
poverty, bank statement, money management, current amount, withdraw, low-risk investment,
11.38- 12.1

Dear Ali,

I haven't heard from you since an eternity. It's amazing to know that you got a placement in Southern
University's Mathametics department. Have you started looking for the accommodation yet? I've some
useful advice for you, while also try to share my experience in finding a decent place to stay.

Unlike most students, I choose to live in the school's dormitory. It's a bit bland, but comes with a range
of advantages, like cut-down distance from room to your department, and it come with a well organised
security system with 24/7 camera monitoring. I'll suggest you should put up an application on the
university's online portal to book a room in advance; rooms will be booked instantly before the
semester begin, so be quick!

In case you want to live off-campus, I'd say look for the student's hotel building in the downtown area.
Since occupants are mostly students, you won't have much trouble settling in; however, beware! costs
are a bit high- upto 1000 $ per month- but all ammenities are top-notch.

I'll say just evaluate the situation according your set budget and then make a decision. And, give me a
call if you need any help with, or we can simply meet-up this weekend. Let me know!

Best wishes,


There is a subtle increase in the demand of thrilling, crime stories. Both novels and TV series about
criminals' lifestories are captivating more audience than ever. The excitement and thrilling content is the
main catch that people are most intersted in watching as it is full of blatant acts of regression and
provides fulfilment of an inner-self. I think these themes are putting negative impact on the minds of the
young generation; resulting in surging criminal related activities across the globe.

Though precarious, the idea of looting a bank or running a cartel seems to be a life full of adventures.
Recently, there has been a shift in viewers' demand as they all want more thrilling content to read or
watch cinematography that mostly contains gang fights, drug dealings, or planning a bank heist; all these
ideas are the most wanted TV serials on the internet. For example, 'The Bank Robbers'- an infamous
Korean series on the Nexflix- was so much in demand that the director had to announce the release of a
sequal the very same year it was launched. To be honest, the show was a roller coaster ride!

On a more practical side, there has to be a limit or censorship in publishing criminal content. Since
teenagers are more vulnerable; there should be a viewer discretion of age 20 or above. Nonetheless, in
our digital era, no content is hidden. However, many developing countries- like the UK- has started
working on the revision of the laws and policies in broadcasting senstive material, that includes open
bloodshed and killings, or other explicit scences that are deemed inappropriate for juvenile consumers.

More people, especially younger ones, are giving more attention to ingratiating criminal content through
reading books, or watching online streaming sites. Although crime stories are more thrilling and fulfilling
compared to other storylines; still there impact on the inchoate minds can be deleterious; leading to
normalisation of violent activities and gang-culture in our defined social norms. There has to be more
stringent laws, and comprehensive viewership policies in place to promote harmony in our society
Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think
that it is important for children to go to school.

Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and
include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Good primary education can lead a child to a prospective future. Some people argue that
homeschooling is the most effective method of teaching since it may help parents with better
supervision and while also provides resourcefulness. On contrary, many guardians believe that attending
schools is person can make children socially proactive and can proivde them ample opportunities of
extracurriculum activities.

Childrens that are self-taught or home-schooled tend to be well monitored for their academic
performances. Since they spend most time at home, their teacher will have a better understanding of
their learning capacity and ability to consume the knowledge. In doing so, their progress can also be
evaluated in the parallel. Home learning also saves a tremendous amount of time required for travelling,
giving more monetary benefits to parents and also help conserving resources. For instance, many
institutions these day are turning to online classes so that both schools and children can save resources
and have maximum output by saving road-time.

Going to school is a convention perceived by our society. Childern can expand thier wings wide open by
having more social interaction with other students while involving in more extracurricular activities-
which might not be the case in homeschooling-. Undoubtedly, attending school on a fixed timetable can
discipline children while their learning is expedited through enhanced physical interactions with mentors
and classmates. For example, I myself, enjoyed schooling because I loved to play around in breaks, while
often attended different promotions at our school about sports and games (including video games);
indeed those memories have been captured for life and have sculpt my mind in setting future goals.

To conclude, both home and normal methods of schooling are widely acceptable. While homeschooling
provides good learning insight to parents, while also gets reasonably resourcesful since travelling is not
required. Similarly, conventional schooling has been practiced around decades and have proven results
in making children more socially-inclusive, providing countless avenues to young fledgling brains in
shape of extra curricularactivities.
10.28 It is important of taking risks both in their professional life and personal life. Do you think
advantages of taking risks outweighs the disadvantages?

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Many people are known for risks they took in climbing their success. Some people believe that risk
taking attitude comes with great benefits, such as making enhanced profits in a business, and expansion
in learning curve for individuals. On contrary, some people might see the flip side as it may sometimes
engender losses, while also endangering the safety of other people around us.

Taking bold steps is a mantra for successful leaders. Working in grey areas can help yield greater
benefits- both abstract and monetary. In open markets, projects requiring huge investments are always
tricky, however, ones through- it can achieve remarkable feats. It has proven impact of self-growth,
particularly on self-awareness. Since extrapolation is difficult, the end result provides valuable
experiences and helps in building wisdom. I always consdiered myself a reluctant person, however, the
bold and risky move I made in investing crypto currency has earned me lucrative returns; making profit
which I might not have dreamt before.

To be a little sceptic, risks are always associated with uncertainities. Taking irrational decisions might
bounce back and may contribute in our financial or moral defeat. In addition, risk takers are always
jeopardising the safety of those around them; for example, rash drivers- not only putting their lives at
stake- also threaten the safety of pedestrians. The ramifications of such an act is always greater, and

In conclusion, taking risks can be throughly fruitful; generating revenues and builds conscience.
However, though prospective, it may also be deletarious to individual's business or assets, and might
also make other people vulnerable in getting effected through an individual's course of action.

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