Present Continuous

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Text 1

Under the bright sun in Greenfield Park, a delightful scene unfolds as a group of friends
gathers for a cheerful picnic by the tranquil lake. The air is filled with laughter and the enticing
aroma of freshly made sandwiches. Colorful picnic blankets are spread beneath the comforting
shade of trees, creating the perfect setting for an afternoon of joy.

Amidst the laughter and munching of sandwiches, Alex, with a guitar in hand, decides to
add a musical touch to the gathering. He strums a cheerful tune, enhancing the vibrant
atmosphere. Meanwhile, Emma and Jake are engrossed in lively conversation, sharing stories
and jokes. The lake, with its gentle ripples, provides a soothing backdrop to the delightful picnic
scene. This moment captures the essence of friendship, nature, and simple pleasures on a sunny
day in Greenfield Park.

1. The friends are having a picnic by the tranquil lake in Greenfield Park. T/F

2. Alex is swimming in the lake during the picnic. T/F

3. Everyone is sipping on lemonade during the picnic. T/F

4. The picnic is unfolding under the comforting shade of colorful trees. T/F

Text 2

In the lively village of Sunnydale, a group of friends has teamed up to create a beautiful
community garden. The sun shines warmly as they work together, turning an empty area into a
vibrant place filled with colors and life. Busy hands dig into the soil, planting various flowers
that will soon make the village look even more delightful.

Right now, Amy is carefully watering the sunflowers, making sure they get the sunlight
and care they need. On the other side, Jake and Mia are working together to make a small pond
for colorful fish. Laughter and joy fill the air as each friend brings their unique talents to the
project, transforming the community garden into a place of shared effort and accomplishment.

1. A group of friends is creating a community garden in Sunnydale. T/F

2. Amy is planting sunflowers in the garden. T/F

3. Jake and Mia are making a small pond for colorful fish in the garden. T/F

4. The community garden project is causing boredom in Sunnydale. T/F

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