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Texto: England’s Oldest Times

Back in England’s oldest times, people lived in big groups called tribes. They were
farmers, they grew their food, and kept animals for meat and eggs. They lived in
villages, in wooden or mud houses, and there was often fighting between the
different tribes. Life was simples but dangerous.

Linha a Linha:

Back in England’s oldest times,

Antigamente nos tempos mais antigos da Inglaterra,
people lived in big groups called tribes.
as pessoas viviam em grande grupos chamados tribos.
They were farmers,
Eles eram fazendeiros,
they grew their food,
eles cultivavam sua comida,
and kept animals for meat and eggs.
e criavam animais para carne e ovos.
They lived in villages,
Eles vivam em aldeias,
in wooden or mud houses,
em casas de madeira ou barro,
and there was often fighting
e havia frequentemente brigas
between the different tribes.
entre as diferentes tribos.
Life was simples but dangerous.
A vida era simples, mas perigosa.

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