Q1 Peh 11 DLL (W3)

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Lesson Plan in Physical Education and Health 11

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of fitness

and exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit;
as requisite for physical activity assessment
performance, and as a career opportunity.

Performance Standards: The learner leads fitness events with proficiency

and confidence resulting in independent pursuit
and in influencing others positively.

Learning Competencies and Code: 1. Relates health behaviors (eating habits sleep
and stress management) to health risks factors and
physical activity performance.

2. Differentiates types of eating (fuelling for

performance, emotional eating, social eating,
eating while watching TV or sports events.

Quarter: First Week:3 Day: Once a week

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the learners are expected to:

1. Relates health behaviors (eating habits sleep and stress management) to health
risks factors and physical activity performance and differentiates types of eating.
2. Make a magazine, brochure or booklet about best practices on how to maintain
good health and bad health habits on eating habits and sleep and stress
3. Appreciates the importance of healthy habits in physical activity performance

II. Content

Subject Matter: Let’s be Health Aware and Eat Right for Healthy Life
Integration: TLE – The different foods we eat
Strategies: Cooperative Learning, Question and Answer, Brainstorming
Materials: Book, Laptop, pictures, art materials
References: Health Optimizing Physical Education Manual (pp. 8-16)

III. Learning Tasks

Preliminaries Opening Prayer

Classroom management
Checking the attendance
Present and clarify the course’s learning objectives and

Review of previous lesson Let them differentiate the three energy systems

A. Activity Know me more!

Post a keyword on the board, and let the student say
something about it and give them a follow up questions
base on their answers.


B. Analysis Processing questions:

What are the factors that affect stress? How about sleep?

Do you think that what you eat actually affects your

performance, including your energy level?

C. Abstraction Eating Habits

There is nothing wrong with eating. It only goes wrong
if we consume less or more than what our body needs.

Sleep Management
Sleep is essential to everyone’s health. Normally, we
need 6 to 8 hours of night sleep every day to all allow
the body to rest and regenerate.

Bad sleeping habits

 Staying up all night
 Internet addiction
 Eating before sleeping

Stress Management
Learning to cope with stress in the right way, if not
properly dealt with, it can lead to many health concerns.

Types of Eating

 Fuelling for Performance- athlete needs the right
kind of food that can provide the proper fuel for
his or her energy requirement.

 Emotional Eating- the practice of consuming

large amounts of foods in response to emotions
instead of hunger

 Social Eating- we get invited to partake of all the

scrumptious food on the table during

 Distracted Eating- eating while watching your

favorite show

D. Application Group Activity

Group the students and let them bring out their art and
research materials and present the rubrics for the

Tell them to make a magazine, brochure or booklet

about best practices on how to maintain good health and
bad health habits on eating habits sleep and stress

IV- Assessment/Evaluation

Rubric for Brochure/ Magazine / Booklet

Task Description:

Make a magazine, brochure or booklet about best practices on how to maintain good health
and bad health habits on eating habits and sleep and stress management.

Excellent Very Good Good
Criteria Improvement
(20 points) (15 points) (10 points)
(5 points)
Content  Demonstrates  Demonstrates  Demonstrates  Lacks
in depth understanding little understandin
understanding of the topic understanding g of topic
of topic of topic
 Employs  Reports only
 Accurately research  Employs the most
utilizes information research basic parts of

researched with an information the
information in adequate with a fair information
the brochure degree of degree of
accuracy accuracy

 Well  Content is  Content lacks  Unorganized

organized organized organization content
 Format is  Format is  Hard to
 Attractive and adequate difficult to follow
well-designed follow and
 Message is  Message
format poorly
sufficiently difficult to
 Clear and understood understand;
Written easily  Message not tendency to
 Handwritten
understood clearly wander or
or Computer
message understood ramble
 Handwritten with  Handwritten  Handwritten
or Computer acceptable or Computer or computer
generated eye appeal generated but generated
with strong poorly with little
visual appeal designed organization
or skill

 Imaginative;  Creativity is  Little  No

original acceptable creativity used originality
 Use of  Use of  Poor selection  Graphics do
graphics make graphics of graphics not tie in with
the message adequate to the message
“come alive” present

Score ________________

1. Do you have a healthy eating habits and sleep?
2. How do you manage your stress?
3. What are the effects of unhealthy habits to our health and physical activity

IV. Assignment/Enrichment

Directions: Imagine that you are writing an article for health magazine. Your task
is to write a persuasive essay about health awareness. Remember to point out the
best practices on how to maintain good health habits. Your essay should be brief
and easy to read.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%:
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation:
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson:
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation:
F. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did this work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me
H. What motivation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teacher?
A. No. of learners achieve 80%:


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