PBT C8 - Week 34

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Hanoi Star Primary and Secondary School ADVANCED HANDOUT

Name:……………………………………………. GRADE 8 - Week: 34

Class:………………………………...………………….. AH.G8.E.W34


Module 34: Comparatives & Superlatives

Exercise 1: Complete using the comparative forms of the words in capitals.

Exercise 2: Complete using the superlative forms of the words in capitals.

Exercise 3: Circle the correct word.

Exercise 4: Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between TWO AND FIVE

WORDS in each gap.


Module 34: Literature

Exercise 1: Add the related words.

Exercise 2: Circle the correct words.

Exercise 3: Replace the underlined word(s) with another word that has a similar meaning in the context.

Exercise 4: Complete the synopsis of the novel with words from the box, in the correct form.

Exercise 5: What was the last novel you read? Give a synopsis of it.















Exercise 1: You will hear five different people talking about what they discovered when they read autobiographies by famous people.

For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A – H) what each person says that they discovered. Use the letters only once There are three extra letter which

you do not need to use.

A He had a terrible life before becoming famous. Speaker 1 19 _______

В He is a nicer person than he appears to be. Speaker 2 20 _______

C He is exactly the same in private as he is in public. Speaker 3 21 _______

D He would have preferred a different career. Speaker 4 22 _______

E He has a sad personal life. Speaker 5 23 _______

F He feels that he is a very important person.

G He believes family to be the most important thing

H He was very unkind to other people after he became famous.

Exercise 2: You will hear an interview with someone whose daughters are appearing in a show in London.

For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

24. What does Jackie say about Olivia’s role in Annie?

A. Olivia had difficulty learning such a big role.

B. Olivia had always wanted to have such a big role.

C. Olivia hadn’t expected to get such a big role.

25. Jackie says that Olivia’s performance in Annie

A. did not surprise other members of her family.

B. was helped by advice from an agent.

C. contrasted with her normal personality.

26. When Olivia tried to get a part in Mary Poppins, she

A. did not really expect to get the part.

B. was extremely upset not to get the part.

C. was immediately rejected for the part.

27. What happened at the first auditions for The Sound of Music?

A. Jackie’s children were told they would have to come back the next day.

B. The family arrived later than they had been told to arrive.

C. There were so many people that the family considered leaving.

28. For the second audition, both girls

A. decided to wear similar clothes.

B. were required to sing two songs.

C. felt they had to improve.

29. At the final audition,

A. neither of the girls appeared to be nervous.

B. Jackie told them they looked right for the parts.

C. both girls made jokes about the event.

30. How have the girls reacted to getting the parts?

A. They are a bit concerned that their lives will change.

B. The achievement has made them more self-confident.

C. Their behaviour has remained the same as it was before.


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

Question 1. A. unaffected B. unanimous C. unbeatable D. uncertain

Question 2. A. carriage B. dosage C. massage D. voyage

Question 3. A. wicked B. sacred C. helped D. beloved

Question 4. A. architecture B. immature C. manufacture D. superstructure

Question 5. A. circuit B. building C. guiltless D. unsuitable

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.

Question 6. A. agricultural B. environmental C. biological D. geographical

Question 7. A. reservoir B. wilderness C. microwave D. enthronement

Question 8. A. temporarily B. historically C. immediately D. remarkably

Question 9. A. cannonball B. biosphere C. cholesterol D. automobile

Question 10. A. accommodate B. dedicate C. emigrate D. maximize


III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

Question 11. He’s on his own now – he’ll have to _________ his own canoe!

A. ride B. row C. paddle D. steer

Question 12. The performance was spoilt by the leading actor losing his train of thought and _________ over his works in the final scene.

A. stammering B. stuttering C. splattering D. stumbling

Question 13. I was astonished that he turned down the job - I _________ it would have been ideal for him.

A. have thought B. would have thought

C. am thinking D. had been thinking

Question 14. He looks very aggressive and threatening, and so his soft gentle voice is rather ______.

A. disembodied B. disconcerting C. dismissive D. discordant

Question 15. Claims for compensation could _________ run into billions of pounds.

A. far B. much C. well D. most

Question 16. When his accomplices failed to turn up at the meeting point, it _________ on him that he had been tricked.

A. dawned B. broke C. awoke D. became clear

Question 17. They live in a very _________ populated area of Italy.

A. sparsely B. scarcely C. hardly D. barely

Question 18. Tourism provides people with jobs – albeit often rather _________ ones!

A. superficial B. remedial C. trivial D. menial

Question 19. According to the opinion polls, over 20% of voters in the _________ General Election have yet to make up their minds.

A. forthcoming B. future C. impending D. incumbent

Question 20. Whenever he had an important decision to make, he _________ a cigar, supposedly to calm his nerves.

A. had lit B. would have lit C. would light D. would be

Question 21. I’m opting out of the _________ race and going to live on a small farm in the countryside.

A. horse B. rat C. dog D. cat and mouse

Question 22. I am sorry to have bothered you – I was under the _________ that you wanted me to call you.

A. mistake B. miscalculation C. misconception D. misapprehension

Question 23. During her vacation in Europe, Margaret visited museums, went shopping, and _________ a lot of interesting people.

A. had met B. was meeting C. met D. has been meeting

Question 24. When travelling in a foreign country, one should be careful to carry _________ at all times.

A. their passport B. your passport C. one’s passport D. hers passport

Question 25. Learning to do routine car maintenance oneself is often easier _________ competent people to do it.

A. as to find B. as finding C. than to find D. than finding

Question 26. If we had known _________, we could have invited him to speak at our ceremonies.

A. whom was B. who he was C. who was he D. he was who

Question 27. During the height of the season, tourists arrive in _________ to see Shakespeare’s birthplace.

A. loads B. flocks C. shoals D. droves

Question 28. I am rather suspicious of your brother’s sudden concern for your welfare and fear that he may have _________ motives.

A. ulterior B. underlying C. aggrieved D. aggravated

Question 29. I have no idea whether the restaurant will be open – we’’ll just have to take pot _____.

A. choice B. chance C. luck D. fortune

Question 30. The Red Cross is _________ an international aid organization.

A. intriguingly B. intrusively C. intrinsically D. intrepidly


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