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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC


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Name: Nguyễn Thị Minh Hoà ID: BTFTIU23010

Class: Chemistry Laboratory_S1_2023-24_G26
Date of experiment:
Pre-Lab for Experiment 4: Chemical Equilibrium

I/ Purposes of the experiments

1.1. General purposes
The objective of the experiment is to learn the explore the effects of introducing
stress factors on chemical systems at equilibrium. Additionally, utilizing Le
Chatelier's Principle to describe alterations within the system.
1.2. Applications
The principle of equilibrium transition is one of the basic concepts in chemistry that
plays a vital role for clearly understanding the chemical reaction process. This is a
method that quantifies chemical activities and helps optimize the production process.
With this principle, adjusting the conditions to conduct chemical reactions effectively
and with high efficiency. This is known as Le Chatelier’s principle. This experiment
is to examine how the introduction of factors affects various chemical systems at
equilibrium and to establish whether its results correlate with Le Chatelier's principle.
II/ Pr ocedur e
2.1. Acid/Base equilibria
Based on the Equilibrium system: 2 CrO42- (aq) + 2H+(aq) ↔ Cr2O72-(aq) + H2O(I)
In this experiment, initiated the process by preparing three test tubes: A, B, and C,
each containing 10 drops of a 0.5M K2CrO4 solution. In the first step, observe the
color change in solution A. For solution B, add 5 drops of concentrated HCl
continuously, then compare the resulting color with that of solution A to identify any
differences. In the case of solution C, apply the same procedure as for solution B, but
add 10 drops of 6M NaOH to observe the color change and make a comparison with
solution B.
2.2. Equilibria of acid/base indicators

Based on the Equilibrium system: H(MV) (aq) + H2O(aq) ⇌ H3O+(aq) + MV−(aq)

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Two drops of methyl violet are added to a cylinder containing 20 mL of distilled

water, and the mixture is then equally divided into two test tubes. In the first test tube,
the color change is immediately observed. In the second test tube, 6M HCl is added,
and the color change is monitored. Subsequently, 6M NaOH is added, followed by
consecutive additions of 6M HCl, with careful attention to add these substances
wisely. Continue monitoring the color change until no significant alteration is
observed, ensuring that excessive amounts are not added in each step.

2.3. Equilibria of acid/base indicators

Based on the Equilibrium system: Ca2+ (aq) + C2O42-(aq) ↔ CaC2O4(s)

5 mL of 0.1M CaCl2 is divided into two test tubes. One test tube is used for adding 1
mL of 0.1M Na2C2O4 to monitor the color change. Additionally, the other test tube is
designated for adding 1 mL of 0.1M H2C2O4 to observe and compare the color with
the first test tube. Following this procedure, 10 drops each of 6M hydrochloric acid
and 6M ammonia solution are added in equal proportions, and the color change is
observed after each addition.
2.4. Temperature effects on equilibria
Based on the Equilibrium system:
Dispense 3 mL of 0.1M CoCl2 into a test tube. Gradually add HCl drop by drop until
the liquid changes to a purple-violet hue. If, however, the liquid transforms into a
deep blue color, repeat the procedure. The original test tube should be divided into
three separate test tubes for conducting three distinct experiments.
In the first experiment, observe the color of the first test tube at room temperature.
For the second experiment, inspect the color of the second test tube in warm water
and make a comparison with the first test tube. Subsequently, transfer this liquid into
an ice bath and continue to monitor the color, comparing it with the initial test tube.
In the final experiment, evaluate the color of the third test tube in the ice bath and
compare it with the first test tube. Then, transfer this liquid into a hot water bath and
persist in monitoring the color, making further comparisons with the initial test tube.
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Chemical Waste Disposal: kindly ensure the proper disposal of cobalt ions (Co2+)
into the designated toxic waste container.
III/ Safety precautions
Be cautious when handling tubes, especially those used for experiments such as
cylinders and test tubs. Additionally, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a potent acid that can
cause significant risks, so when performing the experiment must follow laboratory
rules such as wearing medical gloves and being careful with chemicals to prevent
chemical poisoning. After conducting the above tests, ensure that the test tube is
thoroughly cleaned and maintained in its original condition to prevent cracking or
IV/ Suggested question
1. What are the objectives of today's lab work?
2. What is chemical equilibrium in a reversible chemical reaction? And when the
equilibrium state of a chemical reaction can be obtained?
Chemical equilibrium refers to a state within a reversible chemical reaction where
there is no net alteration in the quantities of both reactants and products.At the point
where the rates of the forward and reverse reactions have achieved equilibrium with
each other.
3. Please define dynamic equilibrium and static equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium happens when a reaction is in a stable state, with the forward
and backward reactions occurring at the same speed. Static equilibrium, which is also
called mechanical equilibrium, is when the reaction has completely stopped, and
everything is still. In biology, system equilibrium is called homeostasis, which means
keeping things balanced and stable.
4. Please describe factors that can disturb a reversible reaction at its equilibrium
Several factors can disturb a reversible reaction at its equilibrium state: concentration
(raising reactant concentration favors the product side, while lowering it shifts
towards the reactant side); temperature (raising the temperature promotes the forward
reaction, while in exothermic reactions, it encourages the reverse reaction); pressure
changes (adjusting the pressure can lead to a shift in equilibrium favoring the side
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with a greater quantity of gas moles); volume (expanding the volume shifts
equilibrium toward the side with more gas moles, while reducing volume shifts it
toward the side with fewer gas moles).
5. What is Le Chatelier's Principle about?
Le Chatelier's Principle states that when a system at equilibrium is subjected to an
external change in conditions, it will adjust itself to counteract the effect of that
change and restore a new state of equilibrium.
6. Please write the Equilibrium equation

aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

In this equation:
"a" and "b" are the coefficients of the reactants A and B.
"c" and "d" are the coefficients of the products C and D.

The double arrow (⇌) represents the reversible nature of the reaction, indicating that

the reaction can proceed in both the forward and reverse directions.
The equilibrium constant expression (Kc) for this reaction is given by:
[C]c [D]d
[A]a [B]b
[C], [D], [A], and [B] represent the molar concentrations of the respective species at
7. Please fill out the following table.
Reaction favors Reaction lies to (left / center
(reactants / products) / right)

K << 1 Reactants Right

K~1 Reactants-Products Center

K >> 1 Products Left

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8. Please predict the outcome of today lab work and fill out the following table

Description of
System No. System name Predicted outcome

Initial solution Yellow

Dark yellow or
1 Acid/base equilibria + Conc. HCl

+ 6N NaOH Yellow

None (control) Purple

Equilibria of 6M HCl Yellow-green

acid/base indicators 6M NaOH Colorless

6M HCl Colorless

None (control)

0.01M FeCl3

0.01M KSCN
Complex ion
3 formation 6M NaOH



0.1M AgNO3

Test tube 1: 0.1M

White precipitation
Equilibria of Na2C2O4

4 precipitation Test tube 2: + 0.1M

Gray precipitation
reactions H2C2O4

Test tube 2: +6M HCl White precipitation

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Test tube 2: +6M NH4OH White precipitation

Nothing changed(control) Violet

Temperature effects
5 Hot water bath Blue
on equilibria
Ice-water bath Red

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