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Lesson B2-07 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1 Get used to Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps, Conversation 1 ‘Man: How's the new job? Woman: Good, but I'm stil not used to the long ‘Man: Really? How long is i? Woman: I's three hours. Man: ittime, Youll gat used toi. Woman: I'm rot ‘about that. Conversation 2 ‘Man: How is the new computer? Woman: OK, but i's, gotting used to the new ‘operating system. ‘Man: Yeah, butit should be . right? Woman: Wrong. Im used to my old keyboard shorteuts, These ones are: ‘Man: Yeah, but you'll gt used to itin Woman: | guess. But for now, is frustrating Conversation 3 ‘Man: Have you ever worked 2 Woman: Yeah, | worked in Japan for two years. ‘Man: Oh, really? How was it? Woman: Great, but it took awhile getting used to _ there, ‘Man: Really? What was hard geting used to? Woman: Well, using chopsticks for one. Also, how to interact with people, ‘Man: Wow, that does sound dificult. Woman: It was hard , but | got used to it eventually Conversation 4 ‘Man: How's the new baby? Woman: Great! Life coukin't be ‘Man: How are you daing on sleep? Woman: Good. | only sleep a fewhours a night, but I'm used to ft. ‘Man: | could _get used to that. Woman: People say that, but once you » it not that bad. ‘Man: Says you! Quiz 1) Does the woman think she will get used fo the commute? 2) Yes, she does. By, ee doce nat c) She does nat say. 2 SSE Ie 2) dept pt a) Eating oie ‘abe ens tutto a) Sleeping less b) Speaking to a bat 8 eechinglors baby Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con#t Gon#2 Con. Con #4 give diferent living getting commute faster kowing better eachway notime overseas deal with it sure hard alist never Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) re you feng confident abou your diving? 2} Hondo you feo abou wearing ®t to work? 3} Bayou mina working na ny offce? 4) Why dont you ke your new phone? 3} Wnts te hardest para iva in icy? (__) Yes, but! hope I'l get used to the noise eventually. No, 'm stil geting used to driving Ittok 2 long time for me to get Used to the subway. | was uncomfortable aes but ot used it | was gelting used tot, but the O8 updated again! What about you? Share your answers to the questions, isi ‘ee Lesson B2-13 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1 No Longer Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Do you stil work with JI? ‘Woman: No, | don't work with her Man: Oh, really, why? ‘Woman: She no ‘works in my department. Quiz 1) Why does she no longer tak to JI? a) They are no longer fiends. b) dil longer works there. ©) She does not say why. 2} Who no longer plays golf? a) The woman no longer plays. B} Te mannengerlas ¢) They both st pay 3) Whatis tre about Joe? a) He still works with the woman. 'b) He still lives in town. 6) He no longer works wih her. 4) What do they say about the dance studio? gestae b)Itis no longer there, ) He can no longer afford it Grammar Challenge Man: Oh, that's too bad. | know you really liked with her. ‘Woman: Yeah, work's not longer te ‘now that she's gone. Conversation 2 Man: Do you stil have that set of golf cbs? ‘Woman: No, ‘anymore. | sold them, Man: What? You sold them? Why? ‘Woman: Well, | don't play anymore, so Ino longer them, Man: Oh, bummer! Ineed some clubs for ‘Woman: Well, 'm sure youcan__ some at the club. Conversation 3 Man: Do you stil hang out with Joo? Woman: No, not that anymore. He moved. Man: Oh really? | didnt know that. Why did he move?” ‘Woman: His company. longer needed him. Man: Oh! 'm really sory to hear that. Is he OK? ‘Woman: Yeah, he's OK. He got back on his. He got another job, but ust in another town. Man: Well, that's good to. Conversation 4 ‘Woman: Do you and your wife do salsa dancing? Man: No, not anymore, We just don't have time. Woman: Oh, really? That's oo bad. | know you liked it Man: Yeah, plus the studio is no longer Itmoved across town. Its actualy by where you live now. ‘Woman: Oh, really? I should check it out Man: Yeah, if you go, | ‘even drive across town to join you. ‘Woman: Id lke that. Use the words below to complete each conversation, Con#t — Con#2—Con#3.— Con working needed © much there longer rent fet really same not no. right anymore tomorrow hear stil Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions, 41) Do you stil go to those dance classes? 2) Could | have the squid ink pasta, please? 43) Shall we grab lunch at the cafe outside school? 48) Do you know if our history professor sil teaches? 55) Are-Jenny and Ron no longer dating? (_) Didn't you hear? The cafe isn't open anymore. () Sony that pasta iso longer on our menu {7 )fno longeratend the classes, | dont have enough Aine! T) Not anymore, they broke up years ago. {=} Mearotathe doesnt eats mato anymore, scr What about you? Share your answers to the questions. Quiz Lesson B2-21 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1 Although / While / Though Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Woman: What do you think of the new cold medicine thatthe. ‘medical journal recommends? ‘Man: ma litle skeptical some tests were done in Clinical trials, | stil think more research needs to be done with it. Woman: | agree with that, Itwas tested with a trusted laboratory. ‘Man: True, but I'd like to see more data on i, my seal of approval Woman: So, | quess we're not going to give it to customers just yet ‘Man: No, not yet. Le’s hold off a ite longer we have ‘more information about it Woman: Sounds prudent. think that's the right decision for now. ving it Conversation 2 ‘Man: Hello, can | ask you some questions about this washing machine? Woman: Sure, | don't know too much about lean try ‘Man: Well, my main concen is that itis worth the price. Woman: Yes, itis a bit pricey, _it does come with a three-year warranty. ‘Man: Yeah, stil think | want to shop around. I think | can find it cheaper elsewhere, Woman: That's understandable. ‘might have cheaper prices, they delivery, and free installation. ‘Man: OK. you've changed my mind. Il take it. Woman: Great! Please follow me to the register hile other stores won't have free Conversation 3 Woman: Thanks for meeting me during your lunch break ‘Man: My pleasure. I usually eat at my desk __. Woman: Wel, while | don’t usually hold meetings this way, | find ‘casual meetings often are the most productive. ‘Man: Agreed. So, what would you like to talk about? Woman: | would ike to talk about sales projections for next financial quarter. ‘Man: Well the economic forecast doss not look great, think we can increase sales noxt quarter. Woman: | like your positive attitude, think we should keep modest expectations. ‘Man: That's understandable. Let me pull up my data and show 41) What does the man say about the medicine? 4) He supports it »b) He can not approve it yet. (©) He does nat say. 2) Why does the man decide to get the washing ‘machine? 2) Cheap price 5) Soed ws 6) Fee instalation 3) What does the man think will happen next quarter? a) Sales can go up. ») Sales will o down. ©) The economy will be good, 4) What job will the woman most ikely work? a) A bank b) A startup ©) Ahospital Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation, Con#t Con#2—Con#3.— Con though although anyway but until but athough sounds before However. while pass up white likely stil about Conversation 4 Man: So, hws the job hunting going? Woman: Good, | haves few offers, One from a big bank. Man: Thats great. | hea they pay high salaries. Woman: Yes, ui the pay i great the hours are very long and the ob is stressful Man: Yeah, tha’ expected. What the other job? Woman: The other jb is fom a smal startup inthe health industry, Man: Oh that sounds interesting. Hows the pay? Woman: Wel, while the pays not great, the work seems interesting and | could be helping others. Man: Wall, lke you made up your rind. Woman: Yes, but hard to all that money.

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