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9o ano - Exercises 1) Conjugue os verbos no SIMPLE PRESENT na forma

afirmativa, usando as regrinhas do S, ES e IES e traduza-os:

AwakeS Break Catch CutS Draw Fall Fly Give Have Leave Let
Become Bring Choose Do Drink Feed FeelForget Go Hear HoldLose
Begin Build Come Drive Fight Find Forgive Keep Make
Buy Cost Eat Fit Get Know

2) Conjugue os verbos To Be e To have no simple present.

3) Conjugar os verbos no presente simples e traduzi-los.

a. I usually ________to school.(to go)

b. They __________ us often. (to visit)
c. You ____________ basketball once a week. (to play)
d. Tom _____________ every day. (to work)
e. He ______________ us funny stories. (to tell)
f. She ____________ me with that! (to help)
g. Martha and Kevin _______________ twice a week. (to swim)
h) I __________ my homework. (to do)
i) She __________ her homework. (to do)
j) He __________ with her brother. (to play)
k) My mom and my sister drink_________ milk. (to drink)
l) João ________ his grandpas every Saturday. (to visit)
m) You ___________ at Padre Martinho Stein School. (to study)

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