Thầy Cơ - Speaking Quý 1 - 2024

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August English

1. Home/ accommodation ........................................................................................................................ 5

2. Study ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

3. Work ................................................................................................................................................... 11

4. Robots................................................................................................................................................. 14

5. Geography ......................................................................................................................................... 14

6. Helping others ................................................................................................................................... 16

7. Gift/presents ...................................................................................................................................... 17

8. Fish and Fishing ................................................................................................................................ 19

9. Tea or Coffee ..................................................................................................................................... 22

10. Musical instruments ........................................................................................................................ 24

11. Noise ................................................................................................................................................. 26

12. Chatting ........................................................................................................................................... 28

13. Running............................................................................................................................................ 29

14. Map................................................................................................................................................... 30

15. Public transport............................................................................................................................... 33

16. Clothing............................................................................................................................................ 35

17. Travelling ......................................................................................................................................... 36

18. Video Game ..................................................................................................................................... 38

19. Sunglasses ........................................................................................................................................ 38

20. Social Media..................................................................................................................................... 39

21. Colors ............................................................................................................................................... 39

22. Cakes and other sweet things ......................................................................................................... 40

23. Memory ............................................................................................................................................ 41

24. Advertisements/commercials ......................................................................................................... 42

25. Feeling bored ................................................................................................................................... 43

26. Singing.............................................................................................................................................. 44

27. Spending money .............................................................................................................................. 45

28. News ................................................................................................................................................. 46

29. Crowded place ................................................................................................................................. 47

30. Losing things.................................................................................................................................... 47

August English

Part 2+3 ........................................................................................................................................ 49

1. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy................................................................................... 49
2. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in.......................................................... 53
3. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others .......................................................................... 57
4. Describe an impressive work of art (such as a painting or sculpture) you saw........................... 62
5. Describe a park or a garden in your city ........................................................................................ 66
6. Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well ............................ 70
7. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about ...................................... 75
8. Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business) ....................... 78
9. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions ............................................................ 82
10. Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways................................................. 86
11. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited ............................................................................. 91
12. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer ........................................... 93
13. Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work ....................................................... 95
14. Describe a time when you gave good advice to someone ............................................................. 98
15. Describe an activity that made you feel tired ............................................................................. 101
16. Describe a party that you enjoyed ............................................................................................... 104
17. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing ......................................... 107
18. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics,etc.) ......................... 109
19. Describe a time you received bad service in restaurants/shops ................................................ 112
20. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event ............................ 115
21. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful ............................................................ 121
22. Describe a difficult task that you campleted at work/study that you felt proud of ................. 123
23. Describe an exciting activity that you experience ...................................................................... 129
24. Describe a historical period you are interested in ...................................................................... 133
25. Describe a person you study or work with who is successful in his/her life ............................. 137
26. Describe a place-not in your home- where you go to relax........................................................ 143
27. Describe something you did or you need to do quickly in a short time .................................... 148
28. Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person.................................... 153
29. Describe a job you would not like to do. ..................................................................................... 159

August English

30. Describe an occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise......................... 161
31. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot .................................................................... 164
32. Describe an occasion when you used a map ................................................................................ 168
33. Describe a peson who is good at teamwork................................................................................. 174
34. Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school.............................. 179
35. Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school............................................................ 183
36. Describe an important journey that was delayed ....................................................................... 187
37. Describe a time when you helped someone (you worked or studied with) ............................... 192
38. Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after watching it .......................................... 196
39. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently that makes you happy ............. 201
40. Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live without it .................................... 204
41. Describe a street market you have been to ................................................................................. 206
42. Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager .......................................... 210
43. Describe a time when you were very busy .................................................................................. 213
44. Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time ............................................................... 215
45. Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on ............................................................... 217
46. Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something in the public (in
the restaurant or other place) ............................................................................................................ 220
47. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home...................... 225
48. Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved ............................................ 229
49. Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work.............................................. 234
50. Describe somethings lost by others but found by you ................................................................ 238

August English

Part 1

1. Home/ accommodation
What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two bathrooms and a
lovely back garden. It’s not really a spacious house, but it’s just right for me and my family.

Who do you live with?

I live with my parents and my siblings. We always get on well with each other and have a lot of

How long have you lived there?

I’ve lived there since I was a child, until I graduated from high school and moved to the city to
enroll at university, where I lived in a student dormitory during the semester.

(If you answer you haven't lived there long)

What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the

Living in a dorm with other roommates is totally different from living in my own house.

My current residential area is quite small and it’s very noisy because there are a lot of people there
and I don’t have my own space. Conversely, when I was living at home, I had my own spacious
room and it made me feel comfortable.

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

To be honest, I intend to buy an apartment in an urban area after I graduate from university. I can
decorate and design my ideal home with whatever facilities I want.

Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

It’s definitely the kitchen. Not only lunch or dinner time but all our family reunions take place in
the kitchen where all the family members get together to eat tasty meals, and chat to each other –
it’s a really harmonious atmosphere.

August English

Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

To be honest, most of the transport facilities to my place are not very modern. The bus service
from my work place to home is irregular and usually overcrowded.

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

I prefer living in a house to a flat because I value my privacy and need my own space. Owning an
independent house, I can plan and design a house layout to suit myself. Moreover, I can modify a
house according to the size of the family.

Please describe the room you live in.

My current room is actually more like a bedsit. It is a multi – purpose room, I use it to sleep and
study as well. It is painted in pink, that’s my favorite color with a bed, a cupboard and desk. It’s
not really spacious but it’s just right for me.

What part of your home do you like the most ?

I prefer my bedroom most due to its convenience and privacy. Because of my stressful work I want
to be in a quiet place and concentrate on my work. In my own room, I’m never disturbed by anyone

Moreover, in my own space I can do whatever I want without bothering others.


Terraced house (noun): (ngôi nhà trong dãy nhà cùng kiểu) a house connected on both sides by
other properties

Ex: In England, most people seem to live in terraced houses with lovely back gardens.

Back garden (noun phrase): (vườn ở phía sau nhà) a garden at the rear of the house.

Ex: I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two bathrooms
and a lovely back garden.

August English

Spacious (adjective): (rộng rãi) (of a room or building) large and with plenty of space for people
to move around in

Ex: The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable.

Sibling(s) (noun): (anh/ chị em) a brother or sister

Ex: The younger children were badly treated by older siblings.

Get on well with sb (phrasal verb): (hòa hợp với ai đó) to have a friendly relationship with

Ex: She and her sister have never really got on well with each other.

Dormitory (noun): (kí túc xá) a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other

Ex: I’ve lived there since I was a child, until I graduated high school and moved to the city to
enroll in university where I lived in a dormitory.

Residential area (noun): (nơi ở) (of an area of a town) suitable for living in; consisting of houses
rather than factories or offices

Ex: It was not safe to locate the chemicals factory in a residential area.

Urban area (noun): (vùng thành thị) connected with a town or city

Ex:Pollution has reached disturbingly high levels in some urban areas.

Reunion (noun): (tụ họp, xum họp) a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who
have not seen each other for a long time

Ex: The College has an annual reunion for former students.

Harmonious (adjective): (ấm cúng, yên bình) friendly, peaceful and without any disagreement

Ex: It is important to have harmonious relations between the country's ethnic groups.

Irregular (adjective): not happening at the arranged time intervals

August English

Ex: His irregular attendance at school resulted in his failure in the final exams.

Overcrowded (adjective): with too many people or things in it

Ex: The train was so overcrowded this evening that I was unable to find an empty seat.

Privacy (noun): being alone and not disturbed by other people

Ex: I read the letter in the privacy of my own room.

Suit oneself (verb): to do exactly what you like/want

Ex: Everyone had a different opinion about what colour to paint my room, so in the end I decided
to just suit myself.

Modify (verb): (sửa đổi, thay đổi) to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more
suitable for a particular purpose

Ex: We found it cheaper to modify the existing equipment rather than buy new.

Bedsit (noun): (phòng vừa để ngủ vừa để học, tiếp khách) a room that a person rents and uses for
both living and sleeping in

Ex: He lives in a tiny student bedsit used for both sleeping and studying.

Multi-purpose (adjective): (đa chức năng) having many different uses

Ex: This room is multi-purpose – we use it for meetings, interviews and taking breaks.

2. Study
Describe your education

I started primary school when I was 7. 5 years later, I went to secondary school at 12. Then at 16,
I made it to a high school for gifted students in my hometown. In my country, highschool education
lasts 3 years, then I went onto higher education at the Foreign Trade University where I’m
currently studying economics.

August English

What is your area of specialization?

Well, my major is External Economics. I have mastered the basics of economics and socio-
economics, combined with business knowledge mainly related to the import and export business.

Why did you choose to study that major?

I think it would help to fulfill my dream of introducing my country’s agricultural products to the
world. Vietnamese goods have a real potential, but they still struggle to make a name for
themselves, you know.

Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, of course. Studying economics, especially external economics is interesting and practical. It
helps me to keep up with current affairs and it improves my analytical and problem-solving skills
as well.

What kind of school did you go to as a child?

As a child, I attended a public elementary school. It’s quite a big school in my hometown which
provides both high quality education and a supportive environment, so I think I was quite lucky.

What was your favourite subject as a child?

Well, I used to be very passionate about drawing when I was a little girl. It was fun to work with
brushes and colors, you know, as it was the time when I could indulge in my own creative world.

Do you think your country has an effective education system?

To be honest, I don’t think so. Our system has somehow become unduly stressful, does not
promote creativity and the ability to be critical due to the fact that our society still cares way too
much about grades and schools consequently focuses on an exam-driven curriculum, which I
find quite impractical.

(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?

August English

Absolutely! It’s great to join the workforce, especially when I can do the job I love. Not only will
it pay the bills, but it’ll also give me the joy of making a contribution. It’s hard to be happy and
fulfilled without working, you know.


Higher education (chương trình đại học) [n] post-18 learning that take places at universities

Example: According to a research, nearly 50 percent of Vietnamese students in U.S. higher

education are studying either business or engineering, with business-related majors making up 38
percent of all enrollments in 2012/13

Master (tinh thông, nắm vững) [v] learn how to do sowmthing well

Example: She lived in Italy for several years but never quite mastered the language.

Make a name for oneself ( trở nên nổi tiếng) [idiom] become famous and respected by a lot of

Example: By the time he was thirty-five, he had made a name for himself as a successful railway

Keep up with (cập nhật thông tin về cái gì) [idiom] be aware of

Example: Even though he's been travelling, he's kept up with what's going on back home

Analytical (thuộc về phân tích) [adj] using analysis or logical reasoning

Example: Analytical skills are essential in the workplace to ensure necessary problem solving
occurs to keep productivity and other areas of the workforce functioning smoothly

Elementary school (trường tiểu học) [n] primary school, school for children between 7-11 years
old (in Vietnam)

Example: It’s essential that children at the official entry age for elementary school attend classes

August English

Unduly (quá mức, không chính đáng ) [adj] excessively/ to a level that more than is necessary,
acceptable, or reasonable

For every new parents, the decision about whether to vaccinate his or herchild has been unduly s

Exam-driven curriculum (chương trình học để phục vụ cho các kỳ thi) [expression] the courses
taught a school, college, which focus on teaching what will be on the exam

Example: Many parents believe that exam-driven curriculum can change their kid’s attitude
towards school in profoundly negative ways.

Pay the bills (trang trải cuộc sống) [ idioms] provide enough income to sustain one’s lifestyle

Example: Being a dentist isn’t so glamorous, but it pays the bills

3. Work
What do you do?

I’m currently working as a graphic designer for a fashion magazine for youngsters

What are your responsibilities?

Well I’m mainly responsible for designing the cover of the magazine. I normally work with the
concept team to make sure that the final product will both attract the potential buyer’s attention
and express the theme of the magazine.

Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?

I guess it’s because of my artistic passion. The process of creating beautiful things is somehow
intriguing to me, so I chose to be a graphic designer, which combines both art and technology.
It’s quite interesting, you know.

Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

August English

Well, if possible, I’d like to be a freelance writer. Actually I’m a big fan of action movies, and I
also care about healthy living, so, I’d love to write about these topics and share my stories with
people of the same interest.

Describe the company or organization you work for

My company is not huge, it’s just a small art designoffice, but is definitely an inspirational
workplace with a young, creative, and extremely passionate team. We work on the basis of mutual
understanding and respect for each other, so it’s kind of an ideal environment for me.

Do you enjoy your work?

Most of the time. It’s rewarding to co-work on projects with amazing people in an open and
supportive environment to bring out an art production that will ultimately give me a sense of
satisfaction and pride.

What do you like about your job?

Well, the perk of being a graphic designer is that you’ll surround yourself with inspiring images
everyday. My daily working life involves seeking out inspiration in all sorts of places, researching
incredible illustrations and graphics, and creating them too. It’s great, I think.

What do you dislike about your job

What I don’t like about this job is that our personal taste in design varies, and normally I’ll have
to do a thousand edits to get the final product that meets the demand of my boss while still *
relating / staying faithful to /remaining trueto the initial concept.

* conform means ‘to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are expected by a
group or society’ – this does not relate to things like ‘concepts’.

(Possibly)Do you miss being a student?

Sometimes, when I’m burdened with heavy workloads or the pressure of everyday life, I recall the
memories of being a student. We were all carefree and innocent back then. It’s a precious time that
I cherish.

August English


theme (đề tài,chủ đề) [n] the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc

Example: The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in her novels.

Intriguing ( hấp dẫn, gợi thích thú) [adj] very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious

Example: The Huns are intriguing not only because of their notoriously hawkish history,
but also because of their place as middlemen between Mongol and Turkic ethnicity

On the basis of (trên cơ sở) [idiom] base on

Example: Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.

Rewarding (bổ ích, đáng làm) [adj] giving pleasure, satisfation

Example: The most rewarding aspect of living forever is you have unlimited time to perfect your
abilities and accumulate wealth.

Ultimately (cuối cùng thì, rút cục) [adv] at the end of a process, period of time, etc.

Example: Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors
next week.

Perk ( đặc quyền, thù lao thêm) [n] an advantage or something extra that you are given because of
your job

Example: A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.

Conform (to sth) (tuân theo) [v] obey the rule or reach the necessary stated standard

Example: Before buying the baby's car seat, make sure that it conforms to
the official safetystandards.

Cherish (yêu mến, coi trọng) [v] keep hopes, memories in your mind because they are important
to you and bring you pleasure

Example: I cherish the memories of the time we spent together

August English

4. Robots
1. Do you know something about robots?

Yes, I do. My best friend has a deep interest in robotic engineering and he told me a lot about it. I
also subscribe to a journal dedicated to robots called “The Robot Workshop” and I am really
surprised about how robots can be used to help our society be better.

2. Did you like any film that had a robot in it when you were a child?

One of the most iconic robot-themed movies that I really loved when I was in high school was
“Wall-E” by Walt Disney Pictures. The film follows a solitary robot named WALL-E on a future,
uninhabitable, deserted Earth in 2805, left to clean up garbage. He is visited by a robot called EVE
sent from the starship Axiom, with whom he falls in love and pursues across the galaxy. The film
was widely named by critics and organizations as one of the best films of 2008, and is considered
among the greatest animated films ever made.

3. Do you use robots in your daily life?

Yes, I use Siri on my Iphone on a daily basis. It could be considered a robot, though not a very
smart one. It performs tasks and seeks information that you request. You could ask it almost any
question and it would do its best to find an answer.


 Uninhabitable (adj) not habitable (= suitable to live in)

Ex: If there's no roof then the house is uninhabitable

5. Geography
Have you ever studied geography at school?

Yes, actually geography is among the core subjects in my school curriculum. Unlike History with
its dry subject areas, learning Geography is more fascinating because you can discover some
interesting facts, traditions and customs of countries and continents or find out the causes of some
natural phenomena.

August English

Do you like geography?

Absolutely, I’m into discovering and explaining the formation and evolution of our planet, human
beings and other species. Geography lessons at school always keep me on the edge of my seat
and I always stay focused on the lesson, listening to all the geographical facts or dealing with the
charts and data, which is really like an eye-opener.

Are you good at reading a map?

Since I’m a person whose sense of direction is not very good, I’ve soon got used to using Google
maps to search for a route while commuting. Having said that, I’m only able to locate myself and
find out the way if the map is electronic and written in Vietnamese. Otherwise, I would seek help
from local people which is sometimes more reliable and accurate.

Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?

Yes, since I’m a curious person, I always want to explore new places located far from my country
rather than our national tourist attractions. It is because I’m familiar with Vietnam’s rich culture
and traditions as I really love and admire them, so I want to set foot in stranger places, somewhere
in the opposite hemisphere or on another continent.

1. be familiar with: quen thuộc với

You should be familiar with the surroundings.(Bạn nên quen với môi trường xung quanh.)

2. rich (adj): giàu có (về vật chất + giá trị tinh thần)
He has written a book about the island's rich history. (anh ta đã viết 1 cuốn sách về lịch sử lâu đời
và phong phú của hòn đảo)

3. set foot in (idiom): đặt chân tới đâu

August English

He refuses to set foot in an art gallery. (anh ta từ chối đến triển lãm)

4. in the opposite hemisphere: ở bên kia bán cầu

5. dry (adj): khô khốc, buồn tẻ, không thú vị
The book is packed with information but it is a little dry. (cuốn sách có khá nhiều thông tin
nhưng nó hơi khô khan)

6. fascinating (adj): thú vị, lý thú There are

fascinating destinations. (Có những điểm đến đầy hấp dẫn)
7. core subjects (n): các môn học chính
Maths and science are core subjects at school. (Toán và khoa học là những môn học cơ bản ở

8. Natural phenomena (n): những hiện tượng tự nhiên.

They are researching about the hail and other natural phenomena. (Họ đang nghiên cứu về mưa
đá và các hiện tượng thiên nhiên khác.)

6. Helping others
1. Do you usually help people around you?

Yes, I do. Helping others makes me feel happy and satisfied. If I’m good at something, I definitely
use it to help others. Also, I believe that being helpful to people is like getting good karma back
and thinking in positive always.

2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?

I think the best way to help people around us is to see them and acknowledge their needs. Whether
helping classmates with their studies, volunteering for local initiatives, or just taking care of friends
and family when needed, I find fulfillment in helping others and being an active member of my

August English

3. Do your parents teach you how to help others?

Well, Yes they do. I saw my parents helping many, within their means, and this had a good effect.
They were respectful while speaking to others, kind, and listened to what they said. They did not
restrict the help to money alone, they gave their valuable time by listening, suggesting and
supporting while also taking care of emotional aspects.


Acknowledge (verb) to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of


Ex: You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.

Fulfillment (noun) the fact of doing something that is necessary or something that someone
has wanted or promised to do:

Ex: We will ensure fulfilment of the employer's obligationstowards employees

7. Gift/presents
How often do you buy others gifts?

Not very often, I think. I used to send gifts to my friends on most occasions when I was younger,
but I haven’t been doing that these days.

Do you like to send expensive gifts?

Well I’m still a student, so sending expensive presents is a no-no for me. I prefer giving gifts
that show my love and care forthat person, for example handmade ones.

What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

August English

Birthday gifts, such as books, clothes or accessoriesare always popular. Or teddies; when I was
in secondary school and high school, we used to send each other teddies or photo frames as
birthday gifts.

Why do people send gifts?

I think people send gifts to show that they care for the other party and that they treasure the
relationship between the two. It can be more specific, like to express their affection, gratitude, or
even to ask for forgiveness.


To be a no-no for smb [expression] to be impossible or inadvisable for smb

e.g. Meeting this weekend is a no-no for me; I’ve already got something to do.

Handmade [adj] made by a person using their hands rather than by machines

e.g. He asked me to give him a handmade scarf on his birthday.

Accessory [n] something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative

e.g. She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories.

Treasure [v] to take great care of something because you love it or consider it valuable

e.g. I always treasure those memories of my dad.

 Affection [n] a feeling of liking for a person or place

e.g. She felt no affection for the child.

 Gratitude [n] the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks
e.g. He smiled at them with gratitude after he had opened their present.

August English

8. Fish and Fishing

1. Why do people go fishing?

 I think that many people consider going fishing a leisure activity, which helps them escape
from the hustle and bustle of city life and contemplate nature.

2. Do you like eating fish?

 I must say that I am a fish eater. Eating fish is believed to provide nutrition and calcium to
support our bodies.

3. Where can you see fish?

 Well, fish can be easily found in any rivers, ponds and oceans. In addition, an estuary might
also be an ideal place to see fish.


- Leisure activity (noun): hoạt động giải trí, thư giãn.

Ex: I have many leisure activities in my free time, such as listening to music or cooking.

- Hustle and bustle (noun): sự bận rộn, tấp nập.

Ex: I think I prefer the tranquil atmosphere in the countryside to the hustle and bustle of
metropolitan cities.

- Contemplate (verb): Chiêm ngưỡng, suy ngẫm.

Ex: This is the perfect spot to contemplate the sunset.

- Nutrition (noun): Chất dinh dưỡng.

Ex: Athletes need to eat healthy food to provide sufficient nutrition to support their bodies .

- Pond (noun): Ao.

Ex: There is a small pond near my house; many kids usually go there to swim during summertime.

August English

- Estuary (noun): Cửa sông.

Ex: An estuary is the wide part of a river where it joins the sea.

1. Do you like to watch films?

I absolutely love watching movies. It is a way to experience how others live. Each of us can only
have one life but we can experience so many different lifestyles in movies. It is kind of temporarily
putting oneself into another world.
2. Do you prefer foreign films or Vietnamese films?
I’m much more into imported filmsrather than domestically produced ones, because of a thing
called cultural exposure. People in different countries have different cultural norms and ideas that
come across in their film-making. To me, that’s important for broadening our horizons.
3. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?
I’m not really keen on watching films in the cinema. Therefore, I only go there when I have to
meet my friends, or sometimes when there is a blockbuster that I want to see immediately.
4. Do Vietnamese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?
I would say yes. I can see that movie theaters have become an important part of Vietnamese life,
and cinemas are packed whenever blockbusters are released. People like to go to a cinema to
watch films since they can enjoy the lively sound and images on the big screen and spectacular
special effects always have a wide appeal to audiences.
5. What kinds of movies do you like best?
I like adventure ones. They excite me, they keep me in anticipation, waitingto see amazing visual
effects, hear great soundtracks, cry, be scared, laugh, and think.
6. What was the first film that you watched?
Well, it’s hard to remember exactly. I guess it should be an animated film like Snow White and
the Seven Dwarfs or Nupakachi, which were the most popular films among children at my age in
the 1990s.

• CÁC TỪ THUỘC CHỦ ĐỀ: READING (sách collocations)
1. to broaden one’s horizons
Meaning: to widen the limit of your desires, interests or knowledge

August English

Example: Watching foreign films has broadened my horizons by showing me how people act
and think in different cultures.

• CÁC TỪ THUỘC CHỦ ĐỀ: READING (sách collocations)

1. to appeal to audiences
Meaning: to attract or interest those who go to watch a play or film.

Example: Plays which deal with contemporary social issues are likely to appeal to audiences.

1. imported films [noun]
Meaning: foreign films (phim nước ngoài)
Example: China appears to have relaxed its rule limiting the number of imported films that can
be shown each year.
2. domestically [adverb]
Meaning: in a way that relates to a person's own country (nội địa)
Example: The movie took in $77.9 million domestically, but only made $9.1 million overseas.
3. exposure [noun]
Meaning: the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular
situation or place (sự tiếp xúc, tiếp cận)
Example: You should always limit your exposure to the sun.
4. norm [noun]
Meaning: an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with
(qui tắc, tiêu chuẩn)
Example: He is into Europe's varied cultural, political and ethical norms.
5. blockbuster [noun]
Meaning: a book or film that is very successful (phim bom tấn)
Example: He is always waiting for blockbusters to be released, then he will go to the cinema to
see them.
6. packed [adjective]
Meaning: very full of people

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Example: The train was packed and every seat was occupied.
7. anticipation [noun]
Meaning: a feeling of excitement about something which is going to happen
Example: The football stadium was filled with anticipation as the game was about to start.
8. animated [adj]
Meaning: photographed or created by a computer and shown in a way that makes them move (hoạt
Example: Inside Out is considered as one of the best animated films of the 21st century so far.

9. Tea or Coffee
1. (Do Vietnamese people like to drink tea or coffee?)

(Answer) Well, both are Vietnamese people’s favorite drink, but I think tea is a more preferable

(Give a reason for your answer) In Vietnam, tea is said to appear in almost every social activity:
from wedding, birthday to anniversary and ritual ceremonies. A cup of hot tea in the early
morning after breakfast, some iced tea at small stalls while waiting for a friend, or a whole day
chilling out in a teahouse; that is the way tea penetrates into Vietnamese’ daily life.

2. (Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?)

(Answer) When it comes to treating my guests, I want them to experience a sense of warmth and
delight, so I most often choose tea. Tea and biscuits is the perfect combination for many people,
especially children. If I serve my guests a cup of coffee, this may somehow disturb their sleep
at night.

3. (When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?)

(Answer) Well, I drink coffee on a frequent basis, for the sake of my hectic schedule.

(Give a reason for your answer) Yesterday, I made myself a cup of coffee to prepare for the
demanding working deadline. Honestly, I want to break the habit of overusing coffee, but given
my demanding workload, that prospect seems out of the question, at least at the moment. It

August English

turns out that early morning coffee drinkers should also consider adjusting their schedule to better
optimize their caffeine intake. The best times to drink coffee — or caffeine in general — is
between 10 a.m. and noon, and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.


preferable [adj]: better or more suitable: được ưa thích hơn

Eg: Surely a diplomatic solution is preferable to war.

ritual [n]: a ritual is also any act done regularly, usually without thinking about it: nghi

Eg: My morning ritual includes reading the newspaper while I drink my coffee.

penetrate [v]: to move into or through something: thâm nhập

Eg: In a normal winter, the frost penetrates deeply enough to kill off insect eggs in the soil.

delight [n]: (something or someone that gives) great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness: sự vui

Eg: I read your letter with great delight.

disturb [v]: to interrupt what someone is doing: làm phiền

Eg: I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but my car's broken down and I don't have my phone with

for the sake of [expression]: in order to help or bring advantage to someone: vì lợi ích của

Eg: Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.

break the habit of [expression]: to stop doing a routine action or activity: phá vỡ thói

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Eg: I struggled to break the habit of biting my nails, but getting regular manicures

demanding [adj]: needing a lot of time, attention, or energy: đòi hỏi cao

Eg: She's hoping to find a job which is more demanding intellectually.

out of the question [expression]: not possible; having no chance; not permitted: không thể

Eg: I'm sorry, but your taking my car is out of the question.

optimize [v]: to make something as good as possible: tối ưu hóa

Eg: We need to optimize our use of the existing technology.

10. Musical instruments

1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?

I would say it’s the Violin. I started to like it when I was 15 after hearing a famous violinist perform
on the stage. I was lucky enough to find a good teacher and started playing a few months ago. I
love its sound and its whole playing mechanism; I find it difficult but rewarding!

2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

Yes, 4 months ago I started to learn to play the violin. I would say that the violin is the hardest
instrument to master. For example, a pianist has nearly the same to learn as a violinist but on a
piano the pitch of the notes is always the same, you can’t achieve as much intonation as you can
on a violin. No offense to other instruments but string instruments are easily the hardest to master.

3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?

Yes, I do. It might end up that a child is not talented in music, but they might end up being
outstanding. You will never know unless you give them an opportunity to try it.


August English

 Mechanism: a part of a machine, or a set of parts that work together:

Ex: These automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism.

 Offense: the condition of having your feelings hurt esp. because someone has
been rude or showed a lack of respect:
Ex: Do you think he took offense (= was upset) at the joke about his age?

9. Clothing

What's your favorite color of clothes?

I like most colors, but my most favorite colors to wear are black and white because these two colors
are classic and versatile, and they are easy to match with other accessories.

What kind of clothes do you never wear?

Well I could come up with some, for example T-shirts with large brand signs. I don’t like clothes
that a lot of people wear. I also wouldn’t wear clothes made from nylon fabric to protect the

What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

Well it depends on the weather for me. In summer, I like to wear ripped jeans or short shorts and a
shirt or crop top with a light jacket. But in winter, I would wear an oversized hoodie on top of a

Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?

No. I don’t. I have two sections in my wardrobe. While one section of clothes is reserved for
weekday wear that includes formal office wear, the weekend wear constitutes casual and party

August English


1. Constitutes (verb) to be or be considered as something:

Her refusal to sell the house constituted a major blow to our plans

2. versatile (adj) able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many
different purposes.
She’s a very versatile young actor.

11. Noise
- What natural sound(s) do you like (the most)? (Why?)

Answer: There is one sound that can lift my spirits, the sound of rain. You know, there are moments
I’m so stressed out and I immediately go online searching for rain sounds, which helps me feel
relaxed and calmed.

- What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)

Answer: I can’t bear the sound made by fingernails on the blackboard since it really drives me

- What sounds remind you of your childhood?

Answer: The airplane. I was studying at an elementary school which is located near an airport,
and we could hear the sound of plane engines every time they flew through my school.

- What (kinds of) music do you like the most?

Answer: Pop songs is one my top choices since they have catchy melodies and meaningful lyrics.

- Does your school have any quiet places for studying?

Answer: Yes. We have a study room where students are provided with tables, reading space,
computers, and of course, making noise there is not allowed.

- What are some places where there is a lot of noise?

Answer: Well, noise can be frequently heard around places such as airports, construction sites,
and train stations.

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- Do you mind noise? (Do any noises bother you?)

Answer: Absolutely. Unwanted noises really get on my nerves especially when I’m concentrating
on study.

- What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?

Answer: To be honest, I have to put up with a rich variety of noise on a daily basis. The first one
is the noise of vehicles at peak hours, and then heavy machinery from construction sites, which
easily distract me from work.


1. Lift someone’s spirits (v): Làm ai đó vui hơn.

He was disappointed with the decision and all we could do was cheer him up to lift up his spirits.

4. To bear something (v): Chịu đựng cái gì đó.

I can’t bear this noise anymore! Can you please close the door?

5. Top choice (n): Sự lựa chọn hàng đầu.

HM is always my top choice when it comes to shopping.

6. Catchy (adj): Hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn, dễ thuộc (bài hát).

This table has a catchy look! Should we buy it?

7. Construction sites (n): Công trình.

Turn right and you will see the post office, which is next to a construction site.

8. Put up with (v): Chịu đựng cái gì đó.

I can’t put up with this noise anymore! Can you please close the door?

9. On a daily basis (adj): Thường xuyên, hằng ngày.

You should do exercises on a daily basis in order to improve health conditions.

10. Peak hours (n): Giờ cao điểm.

August English

The train was filled with people since it was in peak hours.

11. Heavy machinery (n): Máy móc công trường.

You can hear the sound of heavy machinery from the building over there, which is

12. Chatting
1. Do you often chat with friends?

Yes, I frequently talk to my friends, both online and in person. I'm a fairly social person, so I enjoy
chatting with them about life and exchanging ideas as well as listening to their problems when
they're feeling down.

2. Do you prefer to chat online or face to face?

I prefer face to face communication because I love hanging out with friends, meeting up with them
in coffee shops, over meals in a restaurant, or in bars. It brings me happiness every time when I
am with them.

3. Do you prefer group chat or individual chat?

I'm pretty social, so I do enjoy both group and individual chat. Depending on the situation, I would
choose a suitable one. For example, if it is an individual discussion, I prefer one-on-one
conversations, while I would go for group chats if it comes to organizing events and gatherings.


 One-on-one conversation: If two people discuss something one-on-one, they discuss it

directly, without involving anyone else

August English

Ex: It's best to talk with him about the problem one-on-one

13. Running
1. Do you like running?

Honestly speaking, I have never thought I will ever take up a running hobby. I don’t like it
because each running session really drains me.

2. Have you ever taken a running class?

Well, no actually. I dread to think of having to run around 10 km on a daily basis. I don’t
think I’ll ever take part in any running class in the foreseeable future.

3. When was your last long run?

I haven’t run since my last physical education class in my second year. Now I’m in my 3rd
year. Thus, my last long run was like one year and a half ago.

4. Why do people need to run?

Running has been scientifically proved to be one of the very few sports which requires nearly
all the muscles to function, thus benefiting almost the whole body. Therefore, people need to
run to stay healthy through a very simple activity.

5. Where do you think is a good place to run?

Without a doubt, parks are the most ideal for runs. Since a larger amount of oxygen is needed
when running, it is better to run inside a place where the air is fresh and has enough oxygen
rather than polluted with carbon dioxide.

6. Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?

While the gym is eclipsing running in terms of popularity nowadays, I believe running is still
an effective way to stay healthy. It is also significantly more economical than gym.


1. to take up a hobby (phrase): bắt đầu một sở thích

Example: Why don’t you take up a hobbby?

August English

Tại sao bạn không bắt đầu một sở thích nào đó đi?

2. To dread (v): sợ hãi.

Example: I dread to think what would happen if he was left to cope on his own.

Tôi rất sợ hãi phải nghĩ chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra nếu anh ấy phải giải quyết 1 mình.

3. to stay healthy (phrase): giữ khỏe mạnh

Example: Eating a recommended amount of vegetables helps you stay healthy.

Ăn một lượng rau củ được khuyến nghị giúp bạn khỏe mạnh.

4. to eclipse (v): che mờ

Example: The economy has eclipsed all other issues during this election campaign.

Kinh tế đang che mờ tất cả các vấn đề khác (kinh tế quan trọng hơn) trong chiến dịch tranh
cử lần này

14. Map
1. (Do you (ever) use a map?)

(Answer) Yes, of course I do.

(Give a reason for your answer) Normally, I would take advantage of Google Maps on my phone
when I do not know the position of a road in my city. Besides, I also plan my journey to foreign
countries with the help of a map.

2. (When do you use a map?)

When I want to find out the fastest way to get to a certain destination, or when I travel to
unfamiliar places, so I would never have to worry about getting lost. Sometimes, I also use maps
in geography lessons to complete tasks given by the teachers.

August English

3. (How often do you use a map?)

(Answer) Quite frequently, actually

(Give a reason for your answer) As I have a lousy sense of direction, I find using maps extremely
helpful. Moreover, since I’m also a great fan of travelling, I usually keep a map with me for handy

4. (Who taught you how to use a map?)

At school, my geography teachers sometimes instruct students to read a map, but not in a detailed
way I think. When I was a child, I asked my parents about the symbols on the map and tried to
learn them by heart, which gave me a lot of fun.

5. (How did you learn to use (or read) a map?)

When I get older, I actually figured it out myself. In fact, nearly every map is well-designed and
tends to be self-explanatory, with common symbols and images. Using a map is such a necessary
life skill, so whenever I’m free from work, I try to learn new things about them.

6. (Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?)

Generally, an electronic map is a better choice for me as it offers more advantages. Firstly, you
can search for a place in just a minute with electronic maps. Besides, an electronic map can tell
you the current traffic flow so that you can steer clear of the terrible traffic congestion. In addition,
it can position you and guide you to your destination more quickly as compared to a conventional
paper map.


24. take advantage of [expression]: make use of sth: tận dụng

Eg: Let's take advantage of the good weather and go hiking.

25. destination [n]: the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or
taken: điểm đến

August English

Eg: We had to change planes twice before reaching our final destination.

26. unfamiliar [adj]: not known to you: không quen thuộc

Eg: He sounded very much like someone I knew, but his face was unfamiliar.

27. sense of direction [expression]: the ability to find places or to know which direction to go:
phương hướng
Eg: Which way is it? - I have a lousy sense of direction!

28. instruct [v]: to teach someone how to do something: hướng dẫn

Eg: I need someone to instruct me on how to use the computer.

29. detailed [adj]: having many details or facts; showing attention to detail: chi tiết
Eg: This is such a detailed book.

30. well-designed [adj]: made or done intentionally; intended; planned in a good way:
được thiết kế tốt
Eg: The well-designed building is open to the public tomorrow.

31. generally [adv]: usually, or in most situations: thường thường

Eg: The baby generally wakes up three times during the night.

32. traffic flow [n]: the flow of traffic: lưu lượng, dòng giao thông
Eg: Police are trying to regulate the traffic flow in the city.

33. steer clear of [expression]: to avoid someone or something that seems unpleasant,
dangerous, or likely to cause problems: tránh xa cái gì
Eg: They warned their children to steer clear of drugs.

34. position[v]: to put something or someone in a particular place: định vị

Eg: The army had been positioned to the north and east of the city.

35. conventional [adj]: traditional and ordinary: truyền thống, thông thường
Eg: We were raised in a conventional, middle-class family.
5. Do you put maps on the wall in your room, why?

August English

15. Public transport

1) What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
The most common vehicle in my hometown is the motorbike. As I’ve read in a current
newspaper, most Vietnamese adults have their own motorbikes. Moreover, I can easily catch
sight of motorbikes whenever I go outside.

a. How often do you take buses?

I take buses to go to school at least twice a day as I haven’t got my own vehicle yet. I also usually
use buses to visit my relatives or friends’ homes.

b. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Obviously, airplanes and trains have their own particular benefits for passengers. Regarding
planes, they have been the fastest means of passenger transport invented so far. They enable
people to travel all around the world in the shortest possible time.

The biggest advantage of trains is their impressive safety record. Accidents are rare, and so
people can feel relaxed and just sit back and admire the views from their comfortable seats.

c. Is driving to work popular in your country?

Yes. I’m pretty sure that private cars and motorbikes are the two most popular vehicles in my
country. Therefore, it is obvious that there are a large number of people who tend to drive to work.

d. Do you think people will drive more in the future?

Yes, I think so. There will be more drivers on the roads in the future due to the convenience of
motoring and the affordable prices of cars.

e. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

Yes. As I’m a young person, I like to do energetic activities to help me keep fit, so I will give
priority to a job that is within cycling distance of my home.

f. What will become the most popular means of transportation in Vietnam?

Personally, I think the prevalence of motorbikes will continue to dominate in Vietnam due to
their advantages, namely they are great for getting around quickly, they are easy to park and
economical to run.

g. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

August English

Although owning a private vehicle has various advantages, I prefer using public transportation in
order to economize as well as to help protect the environment.


 Catch sight of (expression): to see something only for a moment

Ex: I caught sight of someone with red hair, so I knew that it was you.
 Safety record (noun): details of how many accidents a company has had
Ex: With no accidents in the last 5 years, this airline has a good safety record.
 Admire (verb): to look at something and think that it is attractive/impressive
Ex: We stood for a few moments, admiring the beautiful view.
 Motoring (noun): the activity of driving a car
Ex: She’s planning a motoring holiday in France next year.
 Affordable (adjective): cheap enough for people to be able to buy
Ex: This type of car is affordable for people who have a low income.
 Give priority to (expression): deal with something first, because you think it is more
important than other things
Ex: This month I must give priority to revision for the exam, so I have taken some time off
 Prevalence (noun): the fact of being very common at a particular time or in a particular
Ex: There is a worrying increase in the prevalence of smoking among young people.
 Dominate (verb): to be the largest, highest or most obvious thing in a place
Ex: The skyline is dominated by smoking factory chimneys.
 Get around (phrasal verb): to move from place to place
Ex: Getting around in this city is hard, because there is too much traffic.
 Park (verb): to leave a vehicle that you are driving in a particular place for a period of
Ex: I parked my car in front of the supermarket while I did my shopping.
 Economical (adjective): providing good value in relation to the amount of money spent
Ex: Buy a small car – it will be more economical to run.

August English

 Run (verb): to own and use a car or other vehicle

Ex: On my low salary, I can’t afford to run a car.
 Economize (verb): to use less money than you normally use
Ex: In winter, don’t economize on heating – it is more important to keep warm

16. Clothing

What's your favorite color of clothes?

I like most colors, but my most favorite colors to wear are black and white because these two colors
are classic and versatile, and they are easy to match with other accessories.

What kind of clothes do you never wear?

Well I could come up with some, for example T-shirts with large brand signs. I don’t like clothes
that a lot of people wear. I also wouldn’t wear clothes made from nylon fabric to protect the

What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

Well it depends on the weather for me. In summer, I like to wear ripped jeans or short shorts and a
shirt or crop top with a light jacket. But in winter, I would wear an oversized hoodie on top of a

Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?

No. I don’t. I have two sections in my wardrobe. While one section of clothes is reserved for
weekday wear that includes formal office wear, the weekend wear constitutes casual and party


August English

3. Constitutes (verb) to be or be considered as something:

Her refusal to sell the house constituted a major blow to our plans

4. versatile (adj) able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many
different purposes.
She’s a very versatile young actor.

17. Travelling
1. Do you like to travel?

(Answer) Yes, absolutely.

(Explain) Travelling is my top hobby because whenever I travel, I can meet and get to know
many new people from different cultures and nations, which helps me to broaden my horizons.

2. Do you often travel by air?

(Answer) No, not much.

(Explain) Travelling by air too often is out of my reach for a student like me. However, I do
travel by air once or twice a year to an ASEAN member because the airfares to these destinations
are quite affordable.

3. How long was the longest trip you took?

(Answer) I went on a 9-day trip to Thailand and this was my longest trip ever.

(Extend) I spent 3 days in Bangkok, 2 days in Pattaya and 3 days in Phuket. The remaining one
day was allocated for moving.

4. Which country would you like to travel to in the future?

(Answer) Italy is my dream destination (explain) as it is home to the most stunning churches
in the world. Also, I love the Italian culture, language and friendly people whom I’ve met in

5. Would you like to travel to space?

(Answer) Yes, it sounds a bit weird and scary though.

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(Explain) I am curious about how other planets look and how I would be when there is no
gravity. This idea really scares me off but as it sounds pretty intriguing, I would like to try
travelling to space once.

1. To leave for: rời khỏi một nơi để đi đến nơi nào khác.
 Before leaving for Singapore, we had to check if we had all the documents needed at least

Trước khi đi đến Singapore, chúng tôi đã phải kiểm tra hơn 2 lần là đã có đủ giấy tờ cần thiết.

2. To broaden my horizons: mở rộng tầm nhìn.

 We should go to other countries, getting to know more people and their cultures to
broaden our horizons.

Chúng ta nên đi nước ngoài, làm quen với nhiều người và với nền văn hóa của họ để mở rộng
tầm nhìn hơn.

3. Out of someone’s reach: ngoài tầm với của ai đó.

 We should make sure that all the dangerous things are kept out of children’s reach.
Compromising on safety can make us pay a high price.

Chúng ta nên chắc chắn rằng tất cả những vật nguy hiểm được đặt ngoài tầm với của trẻ em,
việc Xem nhẹ sự an toàn có thể khiến chúng ta trả giá đắt.

4. To go on a trip: đi du lịch.
 We went on a long trip to Thailand last summer.

Chúng tôi có một chuyến đi dài ngày đến Thái Lan hè năm ngoái.

5. Be home to: là nơi ở của.

 A rain forest is home to a wide range of species of animals and plants.

Rừng mưa nhiệt đới là nơi ở của nhiều loài động vật và thực vật.

August English

18. Video Game

1. Do you like playing video games or watching others play video games?

I love watching others play video games. For me, it’s quiet relaxing to watch them sometimes.
Seeing a high level of play that is hard to reproduce can be exciting and give someone something
to aspire to. In addition, many people can’t afford games, but watching streamers or youtubers is

2. What kinds of video games do you like to play?

Definitely open world games with a third person view. I get kinda frustrated with just a gun
covering most of the screen. I like a long game with a great and touching story.

3. Is it good for young people to play video games?

Yes, in my opinion, video games can have a variety of benefits for children and teenagers
including: improving cognitive skills, encouraging creativity, reducing stress etc,. However, it's
important for parents to monitor their children's gaming habits and make sure that they are
playing appropriate games for their age and maturity level. It's also important to balance gaming
with other activities, such as physical activity, socializing, and spending time with family.

19. Sunglasses
Do people in your country wear sunglasses? Where can you buy sunglasses?

Yes. They are a must-have item when you are on the street because they protect your eyes from
the sun and dirt. Well, you can basically buy sunglasses everywhere, from a local market to a
luxury brand shop depending on your budget.

Do you like to wear sunglasses?

Definitely! They make me look fashionable and protect my eyes from dirt when driving


- Must-have items (expression): Phụ kiện phải có.

VD: Jewelry is a must-have item when you are wearing a dress.

- Luxury (adjective): xa xỉ.

August English

VD: They have a luxury life with many maids.

- Budget (noun): Kinh phí, túi tiền.

VD: My budget is quite tight. Can you choose other shoes?

- Fashionable (adjective): Thời thượng, sành điệu.

VD: These shoes are so fashionable! You should buy one.

20. Social Media

Do you like to use social media?

Yes, I do. I am active on many different platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok. I use these
sites to keep in touch with others, stay updated on what is going on in the world, and also for
entertainment too.

Do you think you or your friends use too much social media?

Well, I have to say yes. It is like an everyday occurrence for us. We spend plenty of time on social
media each day.

Do you want to work in social media? Why?

Well, I would say yes. I’ve been running my own social media accounts for years on Facebook
and Instagram, and I’ve got some experience in this field. Among all types of jobs in social media,
I’m particularly interested in content creation and community management.

What’s the most popular social media in VietNam? Why?

Some years ago, I would say it’s Facebook. But this year, I guess Tiktok ranks the top in terms of
popularity and the number of active users.

21. Colors
What is your favorite color?

Red is probably my favorite color since it reflects my dynamic personality. In addition, red also
inspires me in many things.

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Do you like dark colors?

Not really because they are usually associated with bad luck. In my country, people wear black
when a person in their family has passed away.

Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?

No, not really. I just wear red clothes in when I’m not in a good mood, which gives me confidence
and perks me up.

Are there any colors you dislike?

Well, if I had to choose, I would choose brown. Although it’s a nice color, for me it does not hold
any meaning and I really cannot associate it with anything.


Dynamic (adjective): Năng động.

VD: He loves socializing with people. He’s a dynamic person.

Associate with something (phrase): Đi kèm với, xem như là cái gì đó.

VD: People usually associate same-sex relationship with sickness.

- To pass away (phrase): Qua đời.

VD: My grandfather passed away because of heart attack.

- In a good mood (expression): Trong tâm trạng tốt.

VD: Dinner is on me! I’m in a good mood today.

- Lift up someone’s spirits (phrase): Làm cho tâm trạng ai tốt hơn.

VD: These advice really lift up my spirits.

22. Cakes and other sweet things

1. Do you like to eat sweets?

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I have always loved sweets, but try to stay away from sugar now. You know, eating too much sweet
stuff can have many negative health effects.

2. Do you like sweets more or less now compared to when you were child?

I’ve found that over the years that I’ve almost grown out of sweets, to the point where I actively
avoid eating candy. For me now, desserts are only served as a treat for special events like birthdays
or Christmas or the New Year holiday.

3. Is there any sweet food in your country?

Of course there is! Candies, biscuits, cakes, jams, juices and sugary drinks can be found
everywhere in my country. It is just the law of supply and demand. You know, where there is
demand there will be supply.

23. Memory
1. Why do some people have good memory while others just don’t?

I think some people have better memories by virtue of nature as genetics clearly plays a role in
brain function, which in turn relates to memory function. So, some people are just born with a
better memory.

2. Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?

Because smartphones offer many convenient functions. The reminder application in our phones
helps us a lot to memorize or remember things, especially for those people who are simply
forgetful. I’ve been using it for years and it plays an important role in reminding me of important
dates or events and I couldn’t be happier with it.

3. Are you good at memorizing things?

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Sadly, no. Although I have a sharp memory, I forget things sometimes because of my extremely
busy daily routine.

4. Have you ever forgotten something that was important?

Yes, absolutely. I think the most important thing which many people including me forget to
remember is the password of email accounts. As passwords are automatically saved on my mobile
phone and computer, I seldomly remember the password when I have to sign in on new devices.

24. Advertisements/commercials
Are there many advertisements in your country?

I would say yes. You can easily see a wide range of advertisements almost everywhere in my
hometown. For example, almost half of a newspaper is made up of ads.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

I guess it’s due to their benefits. First, advertising is an essential part of promotional
campaigns for companies to reach their end users. It helps raise the visibility of a company's
brand. Second, advertisements can act as decoration on the street. I find a street better-looking
with advertisements.

What are the various places where we see advertisements?

Today advertising gets to people through different forms of communication, from print media
to electronic ones, soyou can see advertisements on websites, social networks or in the
newspapers and magazines. There are also ads you see outdoors as well, for example, large
banners and posters hung on the roads, on the buses or trains.

How do you feel about advertisements?

Most people may find those ways of product promotion annoying, but I’m an exception. I’m
quite into advertisements. They’re colourful, brilliantly designed, illustrated, photographed or
typeset pieces and often have useful, informative contents.


August English

 Promotional campaign: [noun] A series of advertisements using various marketing tools

that share the same message and ideas to promote a business or event to a target audience.
Example: Promotional campaigns play a crucial role in the marketing strategy of a company.
 End users: [noun] Person or organization that actually uses a product
Example: We provide the best quality products to our end users.
 Print media: [noun] refers to paper publications circulated in the form of physical
editions of newspapers, articles, journals, etc
 Electronic media: [noun] refers to television, radio, etc
 Informative: [adjective] giving useful information
Example: The professor’s lecture was very informative and I learned a lot from it.

25. Feeling bored

1. What will you do when you feel bored?

Gardening. I love doing gardening when I am bored. I stay in an apartment where I don’t even
have a terrace garden but I have planted trees in the window. I love to do this as this activity really
makes me happy and reduces my stress.

2. What kind of things are boring to you?

For me, I feel bored when I am in the same routine everyday: the same 9–6 job, the same people
at home and the same household chores . That’s why I always hang out or go for a picnic at the
weekends so that I can refresh my mind.

3. Whom do you think get bored easily, the young or the old?

I think young people get bored more quickly than the old because they want to do something or
have something to do every minute of the day. I have a brother and he always wants someone to
entertain him every day. A lot of young people can’t sit down for very long, and they have to be
moving all the time. That’s why they get bored so quickly.

4. Do you think school is boring?

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I think school is very boring, no matter past or now. But when I recall things which are most
interesting and most memorable, I find the only things I can clearly remember happened in school.
We feel school is boring, but at the same time we get entertainment from school.

26. Singing
Do you often sing?

I love to sing, but I don’t sing in public. I sing almost every day when I’m alone in my room. I'm
not too good at singing, I can't reach high or too low notes, and sometimes I forget words to songs,
but I do heavily lip-sync. By heavy, I mean intense expressions, movements as if I'm in the song.
I always imagine myself doing some intense singing at a talent show, but I know I can't do that.

When do you like to sing?

Honestly, I mostly feel like singing when I’m feeling emotional and need a way to release my
emotions. I also sing when I hear a catchy song or just a song I love!

Is it difficult to sing well?

Yes. It is. Even those with a natural talent for singing have to learn the correct technique, which
can only really be taught/coached.

Do you want to be a singer?

I’d love to, but I am not talented enough to pursue it. Sometimes you have to recognise what you
are good at to be able to make your career decisions.

What kinds of music do you like to sing?

I sing for myself, and not in front of people I don't know, so I can sing whatever I like. Mostly I
sing ballads, R&B, country, and other genres.


Intense (adj) very great; very strong

 We were all suffering in the intense heat.

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Technique (n) a particular way of doing something, especially one in which you have to learn
special skills

 We have developed a new technique that corrects the problem.

27. Spending money

Did you save money when you were a child?

Yes. I still remember doing a part-time job to save money for a little toy. However, I found out
that I didn’t end up saving enough money for it.

Do your parents give you money for house cleaning?

Well, I used to get a small amount of money as a reward after I cleaned the house. I still
remember using that money to buy snacks and comic books.

Have you given money to other children?

Yes, several times. There are many children on the street who live by begging, and I usually
give them money so they can buy food.

Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Absolutely! I think that it is important that children should be taught about being on a tight
budget by their parents so that they can learn independence and self-management skills.


A reward (noun): Phần thưởng.

VD: I was rewarded a certificate for my dedication and leadership.

Live by begging (verb): Sống bằng việc ăn xin.

VD: Having been jobless for almost 1 year, he mostly lives by begging.

On a tight budget (expression): Thắt chặt chi tiêu, tiết kiệm.

VD: He’s on a tight budget to save money for his trip to Thailand.

Self-management (noun): Tự mình quản lí.

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VD: This course is mostly about self-management skills.

28. News
1. Do you prefer to read a newspaper or magazine?

 I think I would choose magazines. The way magazines display information looks really
appealing to me. Moreover, they always have in-depth articles to broaden my horizons about
specific fields such as education or science.

2. Do you prefer to read news online or in a newspaper?

 I’ll probably go with reading news online. Electronic newspapers are updated frequently,
which means I can keep abreast of new information immediately compared to obsolete
traditional newspapers.


- Display (verb): trình bày, chưng ra.

Ex: The exhibition displays many exotic items which draw a lot of attention of people.

- In-depth (adjective): chuyên sâu.

Ex: He has an in-depth knowledge about marketing so I am sure you can count on him.

- Broaden one’s horizons (verb): mở mang kiến thức cho ai đó.

Ex: Travelling abroad helps me broaden my horizons about different customs, culture.

- Electronic newspaper (noun): báo điện tử.

Ex: There are more people reading electronic newspapers than printed newspapers.

- Keep abreast of something (verb): cập nhật cái gì đó

Ex: Please keep me abreast of any change in his condition

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- Obsolete (adjective): Lạc hậu, lỗi thời.

Ex: These T-shirts are so obsolete. You should buy new ones.

29. Crowded place

1. What places do you think are often crowded?

 Well, I think well-known tourist attractions and shopping malls usually attract a lot of
people since these are ideal sites for them to broaden their knowledge as well as entertain

2. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

 It was actually yesterday when I visited Landmark 81, the tallest building in Vietnam. We
had to queue for 30 minutes before having a table at a restaurant there.

3. How do you feel when you are in a crowded place?

 To be honest, it depends on the events or places that I am participating in. For example, I
really love big crowds at concerts or bars, where I can socialize and bond with people


- Ideal (adjective): Lí tưởng.

Example: Going to Singapore would be ideal for this summer’s vacation.

- Broaden one’s knowledge (verb): Mở mang kiến thức.

Example: I think reading books can help me broaden my knowledge.

- Queue (verb): Xếp hàng.

Example: Everyone who wants to buy shoes please queue here.

- Bond (verb): Gắn chặt, thắt chặt (về mặt tình cảm)

Example: Going on a family trip is a great way to bond together.

30. Losing things

Have you ever lost things?

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Yeah, I lost my mobile phone when I was hanging out with my friend. I put it in my pocket and
unfortunately had it stolen. How careless I was! I felt bad about it for some time because that phone
was my birthday gift from my brother.

What would you do if you found something valuable for example a phone? (Why/Why not?)

If I found something that meant a lot to people or have high value, I’d definitely report it to the
police because it’s much more reliable. You know, they can solve the problem in a professional

Would you ever ask for help on social media to find something you’d lost? (Why/Why not?)

If the thing I lost was important or valuable and I would want to get it back, perhaps I'd post the
notice online on social networks, hoping to see miracles happen.

August English

Part 2+3

1. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy

What is the photo like

When and where you took this photo

How often you look at the photo

And explain why it makes you feel happy

(What is the photo like) The photo I want to talk about is a true gem that always brings a huge
smile to my face. It's a candid shot taken during my vacation in the breathtaking city of Hanoi.
This photo captures the essence of joy and adventure. The picture itself is like a postcard from
paradise. In the background, you can see the iconic Ho Chi Minh mausoleum, standing tall and
majestic against a backdrop of a clear blue sky. The sun is setting, casting a golden glow over the
entire scene. It's simply magical.

(When and where you took this photo) I took this photo about two years ago when I embarked
on a solo trip to Hanoi. It was a dream come true for me, as I had always wanted to immerse myself
in the beauty and charm of the capital city of Vietnam. I remember that day vividly. I wandered
through Ba Dinh Square, explored Imperial Academy, and finally made my way to the Ho Chi
Minh mausoleum, where this photo was taken.

(How often you look at the photo) Now, despite the fact that it's been a couple of years since I
took this photo, I still find myself gazing at it quite often. I have it as the wallpaper on my phone,
so every time I unlock my screen, it instantly transports me back to that incredible moment.

(And explain why it makes you feel happy) This photo makes me feel happy for a multitude of
reasons. Firstly, it reminds me of the sheer exhilaration and freedom I experienced during my solo
adventure. It was a time when I stepped out of my comfort zone, embraced new experiences, and
discovered my own strength and independence.

Secondly, the photo represents a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. Seeing myself standing
in front of such an iconic destination, I feel a sense of pride and achievement. It's a visual reminder
that dreams do come true if you have the courage to pursue them.

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Moreover, this photo reflects the beauty of travel and the joy of exploring new cultures. It reminds
me of the amazing people I met, the delicious food I savoured, and the moments of awe that took
my breath away. It's a snapshot of a time when I felt truly alive and connected to the world.


1. capture (v): to record or take a picture of something using a camera


A passer-by captured the whole incident on film.

Một người qua đường đã ghi lại toàn bộ sự việc trên phim.

2. majestic (adj): beautiful, powerful, or causing great admiration and respect


The majestic Montana scenery will leave you breathless.

Phong cảnh Montana hùng vĩ sẽ khiến bạn nghẹt thở.

3. step out of one’s comfort zone (adj): bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn


Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

Đôi khi bạn phải bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn của mình và thử thách bản thân.

3. step out of one’s comfort zone (phrase): bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn


Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

Đôi khi bạn phải bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn của mình và thử thách bản thân.

4. Imperial Academy (n): Quốc tử giám

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5. take someone's breath away (idiom): to be extremely beautiful or surprising


The beauty of the Taj Mahal took my breath away.

Vẻ đẹp của Taj Mahal khiến tôi nghẹt thở.


1. Do you think it’s important to be a professional photographer?

Absolutely! Being a professional photographer can be of great importance in today's visually-

driven world. In a sea of amateur snapshots, a skilled and experienced professional photographer
can truly stand out like a shining star. They have an eye for detail, technical expertise, and the
ability to capture moments in a way that tells a compelling story. Their work has the power to
evoke emotions, inspire, and leave a lasting impact on viewers. So, yes, I believe being a
professional photographer is indeed important.

2. Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?

Without a doubt! In this digital age, where smartphones are equipped with high-resolution
cameras and social media platforms are flooded with images, people are snapping photos left,
right, and centre. It's like a photo frenzy out there! With the convenience and accessibility of
capturing moments at our fingertips, people are capturing and sharing more photos than ever
before. It's become a common sight to see people holding their phones up, trying to capture the
perfect shot. It's safe to say that the quantity of photos being taken today far exceeds that of the

3. Is equipment important to photography?

Yes, equipment plays a crucial role in photography. Having the right gear can make a significant
difference in the quality and versatility of the photographs captured. A professional photographer
relies on a range of equipment, including high-quality cameras, lenses, tripods, lighting equipment,
and editing software. These tools enable them to capture images with precision, control lighting
conditions, and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. However, it's important to note that while

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equipment is important, it's the skills, creativity, and vision of the photographer that truly make a
photograph stand out.

4. Do you think being a professional videographer is a good job? Why?

Absolutely! Being a professional videographer can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling job.
In today's digital landscape, the demand for high-quality video content is skyrocketing. Whether
it's for marketing campaigns, documentaries, films, or social media platforms, videos have become
a powerful medium of communication. As a professional videographer, you have the opportunity
to bring stories to life, capture breathtaking visuals, and evoke emotions through the art of
filmmaking. It's a job that allows for creativity, innovation, and the chance to collaborate with
talented individuals across various industries. Moreover, the growth of online platforms and
streaming services has opened up new avenues and opportunities for professional videographers
to showcase their skills and reach global audiences. So, indeed, being a professional videographer
can be a fantastic career choice for those passionate about visual storytelling.


1. stand out (phrasal verb): nổi bật


The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.

Dòng chữ màu đen thực sự nổi bật trên nền màu cam đó.

2. have an eye for (idiom): to be good at noticing a particular type of thing


She has an eye for high fashion.

Cô ấy rất có có con mắt tinh tường về thời trang cao cấp.

3. be equipped with (phrase): được trang bị


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Their schools are very poorly equipped.

Trường học của họ được trang bị rất kém.

4. at one’s fingertips (idiom): If you have information at your fingertips, you can get it and use it
very easily.


He has all the latest statistics at his fingertips.

Anh ấy có tất cả số liệu thống kê mới nhất trong tầm tay.

2. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in

You should say:

What it is

Where it is

What people can do there

And explain why you would like to recommend it to visitors/travelers

(What it is) Well, I have to say it’s really hard to single out just one destination to introduce to
foreigners who visit our country…but I will opt for Da Nang city which is recognized as the most
livable city in Vietnam.

(Where it is) Da Nang is a major city located in the central region of Vietnam. It is endowed with
unspoiled nature and a diversified ecosystem with majestic mountains and sandy beaches.

(What people can do there) When setting foot in Da Nang, visitors can enjoy a wide range of
activities at reasonable prices including aquatic activity, cultural discovery, adventure travels and
sampling local specialities. Visiting some famous tourist spots such as Ba Na hill, Cham Island,

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or Marble Mountains is a must for every visitor to this city. Everyone who has visited has given
positive feedback about their experience and they especially love the cheap and fresh seafood here
as well as other whole-hearted services.

(why you would like to recommend it to visitors/travelers) Da Nang is not only famous for its
beautiful landscape but also for the diverse activities that tourists can experience. In addition to
that, the locals are very friendly. Take me as a telling example, I once was overcharged by a street
vendor next to My Khe beach in Da Nang, but a kind and lovely local woman who passed by
warned me of the sly vendor. But that was so long ago! Now there is hardly any tourist trap here
as the city authorities always keep a strict watch to ensure that tourists enjoy the trip to the fullest.
Finally, the clean atmosphere with a low level of pollution together with the light traffic system
are also the reasons why Da Nang is a must-visit city.

1. single out (phrasal verb): chọn ra 1 cái

Jamie was thrilled when the teacher singled out his poem and asked him to read it aloud. (Jamie
luôn sung sướng khi cô giáo chọn bài thơ của anh ta và bảo anh ta đọc to lên cho lớp nghe)

2. livable (adj): đáng sống

It was rated the most livable city in the States. (Nó được đánh giá là thành phố đáng sống nhất của
nước nước Mỹ)

3. be endowed with (idiom): có một nét đặt biệt (trong bài dịch là: được thiên nhiên ban tặng…)
Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty. (Một vài người may mắn được trời
phú cho một bộ não thiên tài và nhan sắc xinh đẹp)

4. sample (v): thử

As the food looked so good, he decided to sample a little from each dish. (Vì thức ăn trông quá
ngon, anh ấy quyết định ăn thử mỗi đĩa một ít)

5. (enjoy) to the fullest (phrase): hết mức có thể

This talent he exploited to the fullest. (Tài năng của anh ta được khai thác hết mức có thể)

August English

Part 3

1. Is it important to take photos while traveling?

Yes. Carrying a camera to capture beautiful landscapes and unforgettable memories has become
an indispensable part when going on a trip or a vacation. People take photos to store memories
when setting foot in a new place or to share with their friends and family after arriving home.
Other people take pictures of the place they visit to post on social media and share their experiences
with their followers…they are called travel bloggers. However, everything has two sides! Some
travellers are so obsessed with social networking sites and during their holiday, they spend hours
photographing and editing the pictures to make sure they look stunning and beautiful to receive
more ‘likes’ on Instagram. Consequently, those people just forget the true meaning of travelling,
which is unwinding.

1. be obsessed with something: ám ảnh với việc gì

Why are people so obsessed with money? (Tại sao em luôn bị ám ảnh bởi đồng tiền?)

2. set foot in (idiom): đặt chân đến nơi đâu

He refuses to set foot in an art gallery.(Anh ta từ chối đặt chân đến triển lãm tranh)

3. unwind (v): thư giãn

A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work. (1 ly rượu buổi tối giúp tôi thư giãn
sau giờ làm)

2. Can you trust other people’s travel journals on the Internet?

No. These days, most travel bloggers are not reliable anymore since they might be hired by a travel
agent to write some untrue feedback about a place or a tourist destination. In fact, there are a lot
of tourists being deceived by glowing reviews and attractive pictures posted on Instagram by
famous influencers. I think people should consider more carefully when deciding on a place to
visit on holiday and consult other travellers to avoid wasting their money on such a bad experience.

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1. glowing reviews (collocation): những lời khen có cánh

You really can't believe the glowing reviews. (Bạn thực sự không thể tin vào những lời khen có
cánh đó.)

2. consult (v): hỏi ý kiến, tham khảo I

If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor. (Nếu mà triệu chứng nặng hơn, hãy hỏi bác sĩ của
bạn đi)

3. What factors affect how people feel about travel?

From my point of view, money and the quality of services will have a great influence on people’s
feelings about travel. First, because money doesn’t grow on trees, tourists will enjoy a vacation
that is affordable and helps them save money. That’s why some airlines often carry out marketing
campaigns or offer a discount on flight tickets to draw a greater influx of tourists to a destination.
On the other hand, if unfortunately people are overcharged during their trip, this will affect their
mood throughout the rest of the vacation. Secondly, the quality of services is another factor that
contributes to the satisfaction of travellers. People normally prefer hotels or restaurants that are
friendly and whole-hearted in their commitment to customers.

1. money doesn’t grow on trees (idiom): tiền không mọc trên cây

"Mum, I'd like a new bike." "I'll have to think about it - money doesn't grow on trees, you know!"

(“Mẹ, con muốn mua xe đạp mới.” “Mẹ cần suy nghĩ thêm-tiền không mọc trên cây đâu con ạ”)

2. Affordable (adj): không đắt, vừa túi tiền, có thể chi trả được

They are meeting consumer demand for fashionable products at affordable prices. (Họ đang đáp
ứng nhu cầu của khách hàng đối với quần áo thời trang giá vừa phải)

3. Influx (n): một lượng lớn người đổ về đâu đó

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Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days. (Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
dự đoán sẽ đón một dòng người tị nạn vài ngày sắp tới)

3. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others

You should say:

(Who this person is) The person I want to talk about is my cousin, Mark. Let me tell you, he's a
culinary genius in the kitchen. Whenever he puts on his apron and starts cooking, it's like watching
a magician perform tricks with ingredients.

(What he/she likes to cook) Mark is incredibly versatile when it comes to his cooking skills.
However, his true passion lies in grilling and barbecuing. He's a self-proclaimed grill master and
knows how to work wonders with a sizzling hot grill. Whether it's mouthwatering steaks, juicy
burgers, or perfectly charred vegetables, he can turn any backyard gathering into a culinary

(Why he/she likes to cook) For him, cooking is not just about preparing a meal; it's a form of
expression and a way to connect with others. He believes that food brings people together and
creates unforgettable memories. Cooking allows him to show his love and care for others through
the dishes he prepares. He's always experimenting with new flavors, spices, and marinades,
constantly seeking to create a unique culinary experience for everyone around him.

(And explain how you feel about the cooking) When it comes to Mark's cooking, I can't help but
be in awe. Every bite is a flavor explosion, and his dishes are always cooked to perfection. He has
a way of infusing his food with just the right amount of spices and herbs, creating a symphony of
flavors that dance on your taste buds. His barbecue sauce is like liquid gold, adding a tangy and
smoky touch that elevates the dish to a whole new level.

Not only is Mark's cooking delicious, but it also has a way of bringing people together. Whenever
he hosts a barbecue party, the atmosphere is electric. The tantalizing aroma of grilled meat fills
the air, and friends and family gather around, eagerly awaiting their plates to be filled. It's a time
of laughter, storytelling, and pure enjoyment.


August English

1. put on (phrasal verb): mặc vào


He put on his jacket.

Anh ấy mặc áo khoác vào.

2. work wonders (idiom): to cause improvements or have a very good effect


A good night's sleep can work wonders for mind and body"

Một giấc ngủ ngon có thể mang lại điều kỳ diệu cho tâm trí và cơ thể.

3. Sizzling (adj): rất nóng


It's a sizzling hot day today!

Hôm nay là một ngày rất nóng nực!

4. Mouthwatering (adj): Mouthwatering food looks as if it will taste good


Look at those mouthwatering desserts!

Nhìn những món tráng miệng hấp dẫn chưa kìa!

5. stand/be in awe (phrase): ngưỡng mộ


We are all in awe of his immense knowledge of the field.

Tất cả chúng tôi đều ngưỡng mộ kiến thức sâu rộng của anh ấy về lĩnh vực này.

August English

6. tantalizing (adj): gây hưng phấn, thích thú, ham muốn


A tantalizing job offer.

Một lời mời làm việc hấp dẫn

7. aroma (noun): mùi mạnh, dễ chịu, thường là từ thức ăn hoặc đồ uống:


The aroma of freshly baked bread

Mùi thơm của bánh mì mới nướng.


1. Have you ever cooked for others?

Yes, I have cooked for others on multiple occasions. It has been a wonderful experience for me.
One memorable instance was when I hosted a dinner party for my friends. I took charge of the
kitchen, preparing a variety of dishes with great care and attention to detail. I really enjoyed every
moment of it. Seeing the smiles on my friends' faces as they savored the food was incredibly
rewarding. Another time I cooked for others was during a charity event. I volunteered to prepare
a meal for the attendees, and it was a great opportunity to contribute to a good cause. Cooking for
others allows me to share my passion for food and bring people together through a shared dining
experience. It's a fulfilling and enjoyable activity that I look forward to doing again in the future.

2. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?

When it comes to cooking, preparation is key. Before diving into the culinary adventure, we need
to make sure we have all the necessary ingredients at hand. It's essential to create a shopping list
and gather fresh produce, spices, and other essentials from the store. Additionally, we need to
ensure we have the right tools and equipment, such as knives, pots, pans, and measuring cups.
Proper preparation sets the stage for a successful cooking experience.

August English

3. Do you agree that food is an important part of Vietnamese festivals?

Absolutely! Food plays a pivotal role in Vietnamese festivals and holds a special place in our
cultural heritage. Vietnamese festivals are a celebration of family, community, and tradition, and
what better way to bring people together than through a sumptuous feast? Food is an integral part
of these festivities, with traditional dishes symbolizing prosperity, luck, and ancestral connections.
It is during these festivals that families gather, share meals, and pass down cherished recipes from
generation to generation.

4. Which dishes are a must at festivals?

When it comes to Vietnamese festivals, there are a few dishes that are must-haves on the dining
table. One such dish is "bánh chưng," a traditional sticky rice cake wrapped in banana leaves. Its
square shape symbolizes the earth, and it represents the gratitude for a bountiful harvest. Another
must-have dish is "nem rán," which are crispy fried spring rolls filled with a flavorful mixture of
meat, vegetables, and spices. These golden delights are believed to bring good luck and are a
favorite among festival-goers. Lastly, "chả giò" or Vietnamese fried rolls are also commonly
enjoyed during festivals. These rolls are packed with a delicious combination of ground meat,
noodles, and vegetables, creating a crispy and savory treat that is hard to resist.


1. take charge of (idiom): đảm nhiệm làm việc gì


She took charge of the project and made sure it was finished on time.

Cô ấy phụ trách dự án và đảm bảo nó hoàn thành đúng thời hạn.

2. dive in/dive into something (phrasal verb): to start doing something suddenly and
energetically, often without stopping to think


When I start a new project, I like to dive right in and see how it works.

August English

Khi tôi bắt đầu một dự án mới, tôi thích bắt tay ngay vào làm và xem nó hoạt động như thế nào.

3. set the stage (for something) (idiom): to make it possible for something else to happen


The new evidence sets the stage for a long and interesting trial.

Bằng chứng mới tạo tiền đề cho một phiên tòa kéo dài và thú vị.

4. Sumptuous (adj): xa xỉ, lộng lẫy


The celebrity guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns.

Các vị khách nổi tiếng xuất hiện trong trang phục dạ hội lộng lẫy.

5. Feast (n): yến tiệc, ăn cỗ (a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people)

6. pass down (phrasal verb): truyền lại


She will pass her diamond ring down to her niece.

Bà ấy sẽ truyền lại chiếc nhẫn kim cương của mình cho cháu gái.

7. must-have (adj): A must-have object is something that many people want to own


The iPod quickly established itself as a must-have device.

iPod nhanh chóng khẳng định nó là một thiết bị cần phải có.

8. cherished (adj): quý giá


August English

Her most cherished possession is a 1926 letter from F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Vật sở hữu quý giá nhất của cô là một bức thư năm 1926 của F. Scott Fitzgerald

4. Describe an impressive work of art (such as a painting or sculpture) you saw

What it is

Where and when you first saw this work of art

What it looks like

Explain why you like it

(What it is) The Renaissance in Europe gave birth to many a talented musician and artist.
Being a European culture enthusiast, I am especially attracted by masterpieces by the artists
from Europe, particularly those living in the Renaissance period. The piece of art that I aspire
to see once in real life is the portrayal of Mona Lisa, which brought glory to Picasso’s name.

(Where and when you first saw this work of art) I first saw this portrait in the book of world
art when I was in grade 4 or 5. Of course, it was in an art lesson that I stumbled upon this

(What it looks like) When hearing the name of the artwork, people can assume that it depicts
a woman named Mona Lisa. This artwork’s popularity went far beyond people’s imagination
as the woman depicted was not a public figure or so. But it is the enigma in her eyes and smile
that caught other artists’ attention and made Mona Lisa well-known worldwide till now.

(Explain why you like it) Like many other people, the subject's expression, which isfrequently
described as enigmatic, the subtle modelling of forms, and the atmospheric illusionism were
novel qualities that have contributed to my interest in the work. Moreover, the story of this
portrait painting is also another reason. It is believed that the painting has beenstolen and the
one in Louvre Museum is the fake one. Again, another mystery that has not beenshed light on.

1. Give birth to (phrase): sinh ra

This extraordinary experience gave birth to (= gave him the idea for) his latest novel.

August English

Lần trải nghiệm tuyệt vời này đã cho ra/sinh ra cuốn tiểu thuyết mới nhất của anh ấy.

2. Aspire (v): mong ước

We aspire to become full-service providers to our clients.

Chúng tôi mong ước sẽ trở thành nhà cung cấp toàn diện cho quý khách.

3. Stumble upon (phrase): vô tình thấy cái gì đó.

Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.

Những người công nhân vô tình thấy bức mosaic khi đang đào móng cho tòa nhà mới.

4. Depict (v): miêu tả bằng tranh/ảnh.

Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century.

Các bức tranh của cô ấy miêu tả đời sống của dân thường trong thế kỉ trước.

5. Public figure (n): người nổi tiếng

Ho Chi Minh is a Vietnamese public figure.

6. Enigma (n): sự bí ẩn

The newspapers were full of stories about the enigma of the plane's disappearance.

Báo chí tràn đầy các câu chuyện về sự mất tích đầy bí ẩn của máy bay.

7. Shed light on (phrase): đưa ra ánh sáng / làm rõ

Experts hope the plane’s flight recorders will shed light on the cause of the crash.

Các chuyên gia hi vọng rằng bộ thu âm sẽ làm rõ nguyên nhân của vụ rớt máy bay.

Part 3:

1. Do you like art?

August English

As a humanities major, there is no question of me not being interested in art. I have a great
passion for art, including music and architecture, especially classical art. I usually read art
history and learn to play classical songs composed in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

2. Do you think that art classes are necessary? Why?

In the prime age of technology, art is losing its position to subjects such as mathematics or
science. However, I believe that art still plays an irreplaceable role in the society as it is
instrumental in balancing the life, maintaining the human part and preventing it from being
too robotic.

3. How do you think art classes affect children’s development?

It has been scientifically reported that art is an important impetus for the development of
children. Given such exposure to artworks, children’s minds are triggered to think in order to
comprehend the work. This process can boost their creativity, intelligence as well as transform
them into better individuals after knowing the humanitarian value hidden in the piece of art.

4. What kind of arts do Vietnamese people like?

Absolutely traditional literature! We Vietnamese are famous for our traditional poetry which
talks about ordinary life of Vietnamese countryside. Love, patriotism, agricultural life are the
three main topics that our poems convey.

5. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

Painting is an effective stress reliever. Many people, even those working in the fields of
business or finance, learn to paint at weekends so that they use the spare time wisely to let off
steam while taking that chance to widen their social network.

6. Do you think people’s preference for arts changed in the past few years?

I really think so. As the society develops, people’s mindset also witnesses changes. People now
are more keen on the quality of the artwork, meaning that artworks now should be made with
a high quality if they aim at the general public. In the past, it is rather easy for a singer to
become famous as long as they can sing. However, a singer ability now will be evaluated on
their voice and the way they convey the song also.

August English

1. Lose position to something/someone: mất vị trí cho cái gì/ai đó.

As early as 2020, we could see Heathrow lose its position as the busiest European
airport to Charles de Gaulle airport.

Trước năm 2020, sân bay Heathrow sẽ mất vị trí là sân bay bận rộn nhất Châu Âu vào tay sân
bay Charles de Gaulle.

2. Instrumental (adj): rất quan trọng

She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.

Cô ấy đóng vai trò vô cùng quan trọng trong chiến dịch đổi mới nhà tù.

3. Impetus (n): sự thúc đẩy

Often the impetus for change in education has had to come

from outside the school establishment.

Thường thì sự thúc đẩy đổi mới trong giáo dục sẽ đến từ bên ngoài trường học.

4. To let off steam (phrase): giải tỏa căng thẳng

She jogs after work to let off steam.

Cô ấy chạy bộ sau giờ làm để giải tỏa căng thẳng.

5. General public (n): công chúng

When will the product be available to the general public?

Khi nào thì có sản phẩm cho công chúng?

6. To be evaluated on (phrase): được đánh giá trên cái gì đó.

Employees will be evaluated on their performance, attendance, and team skills.

Những người nhân viên sẽ được đánh giá dựa trên khả năng làm, độ siêng năng và khả năng
làm việc nhóm.

August English

5. Describe a park or a garden in your city

You should say

(When you often go there) One of my favorite places in my city is Central Park. It's a lush oasis
in the heart of the bustling metropolis, and I find myself drawn to it whenever I need a break from
the concrete jungle.

I often go to Central Park on weekends, especially when the weather is pleasant. It's the perfect
getaway to unwind and recharge. Whether I'm strolling along the winding pathways or finding a
cozy spot under a shady tree, Central Park never fails to provide a serene escape from the hectic
pace of city life.

(Where it is) The park is located right in the center of the city, surrounded by towering skyscrapers
and bustling streets. It covers a vast area, with beautifully manicured lawns, vibrant flower beds,
and tranquil ponds. It's truly a green oasis amidst the urban chaos.

(Who you often go there with) I often go to Central Park with my close friends or sometimes
even alone. It's a great place for socializing, picnicking, or simply enjoying some solitude. We
often bring a frisbee or a football and engage in friendly games, basking in the sun and relishing
the laughter and camaraderie.

(And explain what it is like) Central Park is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.
The air is filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, and the sound of chirping birds creates a
symphony of tranquility. The park is teeming with life, from families having a leisurely picnic to
joggers pounding the trails, and artists capturing the beauty of the surroundings on their canvases.
One of the highlights of Central Park is its iconic landmarks. The shimmering lake, with its
rowboats gliding gracefully on the water, is a sight to behold. And let's not forget the beloved
Central Park Zoo, where visitors can marvel at a diverse array of animals.


1. unwind (verb): thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi sau khi làm việc


Music helps me to unwind.

August English

Âm nhạc giúp tôi thư giãn.

2. bask (verb): to sit or lie in a place that is warm


All through the hot, still days of their holiday Amy basked in the sun.

Trong suốt những ngày nóng nực, tĩnh lặng của kỳ nghỉ, Amy luôn đắm mình dưới ánh mặt trời.

3. be teeming with sb/sth (phrasal verb): chứa số lượng lớn người hoặc động vật


The town centre was teeming with tourists.

Trung tâm thị trấn tràn ngập khách du lịch.

4. a sight to behold (phrase): một người hoặc vật đặc biệt ấn tượng hoặc đáng xem.


Selwyn's garden was a sight to behold

Khu vườn của Selwyn là một cảnh tượng đáng chiêm ngưỡng.

Part 3

1. Do young people like to go to parks?

Absolutely! Many young folks are drawn to the allure of parks. They see them as a breath of fresh
air amidst the digital chaos of our modern lives. Parks offer a plethora of attractions and activities
that cater to their adventurous spirits. Whether it's playing sports, having a kickabout with friends,
or simply chilling on the grass, parks provide a much-needed escape from the daily grind and a
chance to recharge their batteries.

2. What do old people like to do in parks?

August English

Older folks often find solace and tranquility in parks. They appreciate the serenity and beauty of
nature that parks offer. It's a place where they can take leisurely strolls, engage in gentle exercises
like tai chi or yoga, or simply sit on a bench and soak up the glorious sunshine. Parks provide a
haven for relaxation and contemplation, allowing them to connect with the sights, sounds, and
smells that evoke nostalgic memories.

3. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?

Going to the park provides a lot of advantages for both young and old individuals, offering a
refreshing escape from the daily routine and a chance to connect with nature.

For young people, the park serves as a veritable playground. It encourages physical activity,
allowing them to stretch their legs, engage in sports, and burn off excess energy. The park acts as
a social hub, fostering interactions with peers, promoting teamwork, and enhancing
communication skills. It's a place where friendships and memories are made, and a sense of
community is cultivated.

Older people, too, derive numerous benefits from visiting the park. It serves as a sanctuary for
relaxation and rejuvenation, offering a serene environment to unwind and recharge. Walking
amidst the greenery and fresh air invigorates their senses, providing a much-needed break from
the confines of indoor spaces. The park also facilitates gentle exercises, like yoga or tai chi, which
help improve balance, flexibility, and overall well-being. Additionally, the park acts as a social
gathering spot, allowing older individuals to connect with like-minded people, share stories, and
combat feelings of loneliness or isolation

4. Why do some people like planting flowers?

Some individuals have an innate passion for planting flowers, and it brings them immense joy and
satisfaction. Gardening is their way of connecting with the earth and embracing nature's beauty.
For them, planting flowers is like painting a living masterpiece, where they can create stunning
displays of colors and textures. It's a form of self-expression, where they can showcase their
creativity and cultivate a personal sanctuary in their own backyard. Watching the flowers bloom
and thrive brings a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, akin to witnessing a work of art come
to life.

August English


1. recharge your batteries (idiom): nghỉ ngơi và thư giãn trong một khoảng thời gian để bạn cảm
thấy tràn đầy năng lượng trở lại


She took a trip to the South of France to recharge her batteries.

Cô đã có một chuyến đi đến miền Nam nước Pháp để sạc lại năng lượng.

2. soak up (phrasal verb): to enjoy the effects or experience of something as much as possible


I love to lie on the beach and soak up the sun.

Tôi thích nằm trên bãi biển và tận hưởng ánh nắng.

3. tai chi (n): thái cực quyền


The practice of tai chi chuan may improve your balance and bone mineral density.

Việc tập thái cực quyền có thể cải thiện sự cân bằng và mật độ khoáng xương của bạn.

4. burn something off/up (phrasal verb): sử dụng hoặc loại bỏ năng lượng hoặc chất béo bằng
cách tập thể dục nhiều.


Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.

Chạy là một cách tuyệt vời để đốt cháy lượng calo dư thừa.

5. rejuvenation (n): hành động hoặc quá trình làm cho ai đó trông hoặc cảm thấy trẻ trung và tràn
đầy năng lượng trở lại

August English


Anyone can benefit from facial rejuvenation treatments.

Bất cứ ai cũng có thể được hưởng lợi từ các phương pháp điều trị trẻ hóa da mặt.

6. hang out (phrasal verb): dành nhiều thời gian ở một nơi hoặc với ai đó


You still hang out at the pool hall?

Cậu vẫn đi chơi ở phòng bi-a à?

Hét to nhất có thể là một cách tốt để trút bỏ nỗi thất vọng dồn nén.

7. like-minded (adj): Những người được mô tả là like-minded, có cùng quan điểm, ý tưởng hoặc
sở thích.


A dedicated football fan herself, she started the magazine for like-minded women.

Bản thân là một người hâm mộ bóng đá tận tâm, cô đã thành lập tạp chí dành cho những phụ nữ
có cùng chí hướng.

6. Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well
You should say

(Who this person is) I would like to talk about a remarkable foreigner I know who speaks
Vietnamese fluently. His name is John.

(Where he/she is from) He comes from the United States of America. John's journey of mastering
the Vietnamese language is truly impressive.

(How he/she learns Vietnamese) John loves Vietnam and its culture and his desire is to learn the
language. He initially started by taking Vietnamese language courses at a local university.
However, he quickly realized that to truly grasp the intricacies of the language, he needed to

August English

immerse himself in the Vietnamese community. He uses every opportunity to practice and engage
in conversations with native speakers. He would strike up conversations at local markets, cafes,
and even on public transportation. His determination to learn Vietnamese was unwavering, and
he embraced every chance to improve his language skills.

(And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well) What sets John apart is his willingness
to learn colloquial expressions and idioms. He understands that language is more than just
grammar and vocabulary; it's about capturing the essence and nuances of a culture. John would
often shadow Vietnamese friends, carefully observing their mannerisms, gestures, and
expressions. This hands-on approach allowed him to incorporate these idiomatic phrases and
colloquialisms into his everyday speech, making his Vietnamese sound natural and authentic.
Another factor contributing to John's proficiency in Vietnamese is his ability to adapt to different
accents and dialects. Vietnam is a linguistically diverse country, with various regional accents and
dialects. John made a conscious effort to expose himself to these different linguistic variations.
He listened to Vietnamese music, watched Vietnamese movies and TV shows, and engaged with
people from different regions. This exposure helped him develop an ear for the subtleties of the
language, enabling him to understand and communicate with people from all walks of life.
Moreover, John's genuine interest in Vietnamese culture and history has played a significant role
in his language acquisition. He has immersed himself in Vietnamese literature, studied historical
events, and embraced local traditions. This deep appreciation for the culture has motivated him to
dig deeper into the language, enabling him to connect with Vietnamese people on a profound level.

1. immerse yourself in something (phrase): đắm chìm vào cái gì đó


She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.

Cô lấy một số cuốn sách từ thư viện và đắm mình vào lịch sử và văn hóa Do Thái.

2. strike up (something) (phrasal verb): bắt đầu một mối quan hệ hoặc cuộc trò chuyện với ai


August English

It can be difficult to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger.

Có thể khó bắt chuyện với một người hoàn toàn xa lạ.

3. unwavering (adj): không bao giờ thay đổi hoặc giảm đi


Her belief in the project has been unwavering.

Niềm tin của cô vào dự án là không thể lay chuyển.

4. set someone/something apart (phrasal verb): làm cho ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó khác biệt hoặc
đặc biệt


Her original ideas set her apart from other students.

Những ý tưởng ban đầu của cô khiến cô khác biệt với những sinh viên khác.

5. hands-on (adj): thực tế, thực tiễn


Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic qualifications.

Nhiều nhà tuyển dụng coi kinh nghiệm thực tế cũng hữu ích như trình độ học vấn.

6. expose oneself to sth (phrase): Tiếp xúc với


The explanation may be that the young have a great opportunity to expose themselves to a variety
of distinctive cultures around the world thanks to the wide coverage of the Internet.

Nguyên nhân có thể là do giới trẻ có cơ hội tuyệt vời để tiếp xúc với nhiều nền văn hóa đặc sắc
trên khắp thế giới nhờ mức độ phủ sóng rộng rãi của Internet.

August English

7. have an ear for something (idiom): Nếu ai đó “have an ear for” âm nhạc hoặc ngôn ngữ, họ
có khả năng nghe, lặp lại và hiểu những âm thanh này rất tốt.


She's never had an ear for languages.

Cô ấy chưa bao giờ có năng khiếu về ngôn ngữ.

Part 3

1. What foreign languages do Vietnamese children learn?

Vietnamese children exhibit a strong inclination towards mastering foreign languages. Apart from
their native tongue, Vietnamese, children commonly delve into the realms of English, French,
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. These languages, with their unique cultural and professional
significance, capture the curiosity and ambition of young learners.

2. Why do Vietnamese children learn English?

Vietnamese children eagerly embrace the English language for multifaceted reasons. English
serves as a global lingua franca, facilitating effective communication on an international scale.
Additionally, English proficiency opens doors to higher education opportunities, enhances career
prospects, and fosters cultural exchange. Vietnamese children recognize the intrinsic value of
English in a rapidly globalizing world.

3. Why are so many people learning English?

The popularity of English as a second language stems from its unparalleled utility and global reach.
With English being the dominant language in fields such as business, technology, academia, and
travel, proficiency in English equips individuals with the ability to navigate these domains with
ease. Moreover, English acts as a catalyst for personal growth, expanding horizons and connecting
people from diverse backgrounds.

4. How can you help children learn English?

August English

As an advocate for children's English language acquisition, I employ a variety of strategies to

facilitate their learning journey. Interactive and immersive activities, such as language games and
role-plays, create an engaging environment that promotes language proficiency. Utilizing
authentic materials like books, movies, and songs exposes children to real-life language usage.
Additionally, providing opportunities for conversational practice, organizing language exchange
programs, and utilizing technology-based resources can further enhance their English language
skills and boost their confidence in using the language.


1. delve into something (phrasal verb): đi sâu vào cái gì đó, kiểm tra cái gì đó một cách cẩn thận
để khám phá thêm thông tin về một ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó.


It's not always a good idea to delve too deeply into someone's past.

Không phải lúc nào cũng là một ý tưởng hay khi tìm hiểu quá sâu về quá khứ của ai đó.

2. lingua franca (n): một ngôn ngữ được sử dụng để giao tiếp giữa các nhóm người nói các ngôn
ngữ khác nhau


The international business community sees English as a lingua franca.

Cộng đồng doanh nghiệp quốc tế coi tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ chung.

3. stem from (adj): bắt đầu hoặc phát triển như là kết quả của một cái gì đó


Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.

Sự bất đồng của họ bắt nguồn từ sự hiểu lầm.

August English

7. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about
Who this person is

How you knew this person

What you want to know more about this person

Explain why you would like to know this person more

(Who this person is) The passion for cultural exchange and exploration of the world has
developed a habit of writing snail mails to my pen pals as early as I turned 13 years old. Since
then, I have built relationships with an immense number of people from all around the world.
Many as I have got to know, I only maintain contact with a handful of them. Gabriel, an Italian
boy, stands out as the one that I aspire to meet in person once in my real life.

(How you knew this person) I met him on, which is a platform for those
sharing the same hobby of communicating with people from other cultural backgrounds like
me. He also is also a big fan of exchanging handwritten letters regardless of the
predominance of technology and the Internet. Therefore, I hit him up with a message
introducing myself and my hobbies, after which some hours I received a reply from Gabriel.
Since then, we have kept in touch by snail mails, from Vietnam to Italy and backwards.

(What you want to know more about this person) Although having been in touch for more
than 5 years, there are still some things that remain enigmatic to me. For example, I am yet to
know how his daily activities are as well as how an ordinary Italian is different a Vietnamese
one. Despite some conflicts or debates that could have caused a rift between us, we still get on
well with each other and such difference even gives us more incentives to explore each other

(Explain why you would like to know this person more) I would like to know and meet
Gabby, which is what he prefers to be called, in person as he is such a nice and open person in
whom I can confide. For example, whenever I am down in the dumps, he is someone to whom
I can talk to and explain what’s going on. He would stand by me and always be willing to give
me a hand by explaining my problems and find out what’s wrong before coming up with
solutions. That’s also why I aspire to meet him once in my life.

August English

1. Develop a habit (phrase): hình thành một thói quen

That he hangs out with those gangsters has developed a bad habit of swearing.

Việc anh ấy tụ tập với những người xấu đã hình thành hói quen chửi thề.

2. Snail mail (n): thư tay

We agreed the deal online, but we'll have to wait for snail mail to get the paperwork.

Chúng tôi đã đồng ý với hợp đồng qua mạng, nhưng phải chờ thư tay để có được giấy tờ cụ

3. To build a relationship with someone (phrase): xây dựng mối quan hệ với ai đó.

Many telecom companies are building relationships in developing countries.

Rất nhiều công ty viễn thông đang xây dựng quan hệ với các quốc gia đang phát triển.

4. Aspire (v): mong ước

We aspire to become full-service providers to our clients.

Chúng tôi mong ước sẽ trở thành nhà cung cấp toàn diện cho quý khách.

5. In person (adv): ngoài đời

You must apply for the license in person.

Bạn phải đăng ký giấy phép ngoài đời (không được đăng kí trên mạng)

6. Handful (noun): một ít

She invited all her friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.

Cô ấy mời tất cả bạn bè đến bữa tiệc, nhưng chỉ một ít trong số họ đến.

7. Regardless of (adv): không màng đến

This job is open to all, regardless of previous experience.

Công việc này mở ra cho tất cả mọi người, không màng đến kinh nghiệm.

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8. Predominance (n): sự thịnh hành/phổ biến

There is a áp đảo of people with an arts degree on the board of governors.

Có một sự áp đảo giữa số người có bằng nhân văn trong ban quản trị.

9. To hit someone up (phrase): nhắn tin ai đó.

Hit me up when you’re ready to go

Nhớ nhắn cho tôi khi nào bạn đã chuẩn bị xong.

10. Enigmatic (adj): bí ẩn

an enigmatic smile

một nụ cười đầy bí ẩn

11. To be down in the dumps (phrase): rất buồn

She's down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams.

Cô ấy rất buồn vì bị rớt một môn trong kì thi.

Part 3:

What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?

Establishing a friendship with those who are friendly, of course, sympathetic and unselfish is
one of my biggest dreams. Luckily, I have found some who share those traits and made friends
with them. They have given me the incentive to play to my strengths in order to succeed and
vice versa.

Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small groups of people?

To me, I have shifted focus from quantity to quality. Because as many friends as I have, if
they are not willing to stand by me in most crucial moments of my life, they are not my friends.
And I am highly appreciative of those who are not reluctant to give me a hand when I face

August English

1. Play to sb’s strengths (phrase): tận dụng điểm mạnh

The globalization of services in international business has played to India's strengths.

Sự toàn cầu hóa của dịch vụ trong kinh doanh quốc tế đã biết tận dụng điểm mạnh của Ấn Độ.

2. Vice versa (adv): ngược lại.

He doesn't trust her, and vice versa

Anh ấy không tin tưởng cô ấy, và ngược lại.

3. To shift focus from sth to sth (phrase): đổi sự tập trung vào cái gì đó sang cái gì khác.

A bonus-based incentive system shifts the focus from the behavior of sales people to
the results they deliver.

Hệ thống thưởng lương đã đổi sự tập trung của họ từ cách hành xử của người sales qua kết quả
mà họ đạt được.

4. Stand by (phrase): bên cạnh

She stood by him through his troubled career.

Cô ấy luôn luôn bên cạnh ủng hộ anh ấy trong sự nghiệp đầy sóng gió của anh ấy.

5. Reluctant (adj): không sẵn lòng

Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.

Rất nhiều bậc cha mẹ không sẵn lòng nói chuyện cởi mở với con cái họ.

8. Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business)

You should say

(Who the person is) I would like to talk about my close friend, Sarah, who I consider to be a
shining example of success.

(How did you know the person) I first met Sarah during our university days, where we were
classmates pursuing our business degrees. We instantly connected due to our shared ambition and
drive for success.

August English

(What he/she has achieved) Sarah has achieved remarkable accomplishments throughout her
career. After graduating, she joined a prominent multinational corporation and quickly climbed
the corporate ladder. She spearheaded several high-profile projects, consistently exceeding
expectations and delivering exceptional results. Her dedication and perseverance paid off when
she was promoted to a managerial position within just a few years.

(And explain why he/she is successful) What sets Sarah apart and contributes to her success is
her unwavering work ethic and her ability to think outside the box. She possesses a natural knack
for problem-solving and is not afraid to take calculated risks. She is always up to date with the
latest industry trends and embraces innovative approaches to tackle challenges head-on. Sarah's
strong leadership skills have earned her the respect and admiration of her colleagues and superiors.

Furthermore, Sarah is an exceptional communicator and possesses excellent interpersonal skills.

She fosters strong relationships with clients and colleagues alike, effortlessly building trust and
rapport. Her ability to inspire and motivate her team has led to a highly productive and cohesive
work environment.

In addition to her career achievements, Sarah maintains a healthy work-life balance. She actively
participates in community initiatives and volunteers her time to support causes close to her heart.
Despite her demanding schedule, she always finds time for her loved ones and prioritizes their


1. climb the corporate/career ladder (phrase): leo lên nấc thang sự nghiệp


If someone has a good work ethic, they should move up the career ladder.

Nếu ai đó có đạo đức làm việc tốt, họ nên thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp.

2. have a knack for (phrase): có khả năng( đặc biệt, bẩm sinh..), hay biết cách làm


August English

My younger brother has a real knack for fixing computers.

Em trai tôi thật sự có tài sửa chữa máy tính.

3. head-on (adj, adv): trực tiếp hoặc một cách trực tiếp


We should have sat down and addressed the issues head-on.

Lẽ ra chúng ta nên ngồi xuống và giải quyết vấn đề một cách trực tiếp.


1. What factors lead to success?

Success can be attributed to a myriad of factors, each playing a crucial role in one's journey towards
achieving their goals. Firstly, having a clear vision and setting achievable goals acts as a guiding
compass. Persistence and determination are essential, as success often requires overcoming
obstacles and setbacks. Additionally, honing one's skills through continuous learning and self-
improvement is vital. A strong work ethic, coupled with effective time management, helps
maximize productivity. Building a supportive network and seizing opportunities are also key
ingredients for success.

2. What do people need to sacrifice for success?

The pursuit of success often demands sacrifices. One frequently needs to forgo immediate
gratification and invest time and effort into long-term goals. Sacrifices may include relinquishing
leisure activities or socializing to focus on professional or educational pursuits. It may also involve
sacrificing personal comfort and stability, taking risks, and stepping outside one's comfort zone.
Success often requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to make short-term sacrifices for
long-term gains.

3. Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?

Striking a balance between business success and environmental sustainability is indeed

challenging but essential. While it may not be easy, it is possible for businesses to thrive without

August English

compromising the environment. Adopting eco-friendly practices, such as implementing

sustainable supply chains, reducing waste and pollution, and embracing renewable energy sources,
can contribute to both financial success and environmental preservation. By prioritizing corporate
social responsibility and adopting environmentally conscious strategies, businesses can achieve
success while minimizing their ecological footprint.

4. Which family businesses do you know?

I am familiar with several successful family businesses that have made their mark in various
industries. One notable example is the Johnson & Johnson company, renowned for its healthcare
products. Another well-known family business is the Ford Motor Company, which has been a
dominant player in the automotive industry for generations. Additionally, the Mars company,
famous for its confectionery and pet food products, is another prominent family business. These
family-owned enterprises have demonstrated resilience, longevity, and innovation, making them
exemplary models of success in the business world.


1. hone (v): làm cái gì đó hoàn hảo hoặc hoàn toàn phù hợp với mục đích của nó


Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.

Kỹ năng tranh luận của cô đã được mài giũa trong hội sinh viên.

2. seizing opportunities (collocation): có khả năng( đặc biệt, bẩm sinh..), hay biết cách làm


He seized the chance/opportunity of a free flight with both hands (= with eagerness or enthusiasm).

Anh ấy đã nắm bắt cơ hội của một chuyến bay miễn phí với sự háo hức hoặc nhiệt tình.

3. relinquish (v): từ bỏ một cái gì đó, chẳng hạn như một trách nhiệm hoặc yêu cầu


August English

He refused to relinquish control of his company.

Ông ấy từ chối từ bỏ quyền kiểm soát công ty của mình.

4. step out of/outside one’s comfort zone (adj): bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn


Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

Đôi khi bạn phải bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn của mình và thử thách bản thân.

5. strike a balance (idiom): cân bằng, thỏa hiệp , đáp ứng yêu cầu của cả 2 bên.


It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity.

Đó là vấn đề tạo ra sự cân bằng hợp lý giữa chất lượng và năng suất.

6. make a/your mark (on something) (idiom): có ảnh hưởng quan trọng đến cái gì đó


Daniel didn't work here for very long, but he definitely made his mark on the place.

Daniel làm việc ở đây không lâu nhưng anh ấy chắc chắn đã tạo được dấu ấn tại nơi này.

9. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions

You should say:

- Who this person is

- How do you know about his/ her ideas/ opinions

-And explain why you think his/ her ideas/ opinions are interesting

(Who this person is)

August English

Creativity and originality can benefit one person appreciably in many aspects in life. For
me, I always cast an envious look at my close friend, Nam, who never fails to come up with
intriguing ideas and opinions.

(How do you know about his/ her ideas/ opinions)

My daily interaction with Nam as a close friend has allowed me to know about his ideas and
perspectives. At school, he initiated many large scale projects, which were highly praised by
teachers and friends. Among the friends I have been in close interaction with, Nam stands
out with an incredible comical inclination and he can transform any serious situation into a
light-hearted and humorous one. Nobody ever gets bored when he’s around. You can talk at
length with him for about almost anything you can think of.

(And explain why you think his/ his ideas/ opinions are interesting)

From my observations, Nam is not merely endowed with the ability to originate interesting
ideas, but I also recognize his efforts to become an articulate and convincing speaker. Instead
of becoming set in his ways, he constantly reminds himself to try something different and
develop new skills. Besides, his interesting ideas may have originated from his readings of
different sources. He says that reading allows him see from several points of view and
afterwards he can derive his own opinions on breaking news and current topics.


1. originality [n]: the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as
anything or anyone else: sự độc đáo
Eg: We were impressed by the originality of the children's work.

2. appreciably[adv]: considerably: đáng kể

Eg: The risk of infection is appreciably highis among children.
3. envious [adj]: wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else; wanting
something that somebody else has: ghen tị
Eg: Minh saw the envious look in the othis boy's eyes when he won the match.

August English

4. intriguing [adj]: very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious: lý thú

Eg: He has a reall y intriguing personalit y.

5. initiate [v]: to begin something: khởi xướng

Eg: The automaker initiated a program to improve the recyclability of its automobiles at the
end of their useful life.
6. inclination [n]: a tendency to do sth: khuynh hướng, bản năng
Eg: There is an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject.
7. (be) endowed with [adj]: to have a particular quality or feature: được trời phú
Eg: Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.
8. articulate [adj]: able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this
quality: ăn nói lưu loát
Eg: Selena is an intelligent and highly articulate young woman.

9. set in one’s ways [expression]: to do the same things every day and to not want to change
those habits: bảo thủ, không thay đổi
Eg: As people get older, they often become set in their ways.
10. originate [v]: start from: xuất phát từ:
Eg: The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics.


1. Is there someone with good ideas that has changed people’s lives?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Needless to say, geniuses with their extraordinary
inventions have exerted a substantial influence on many people’s lives. Among them,
English scientist Tim Berners-Lee with his invention of the World Wide Web in 1989 has
changed our society a great deal. (Explain your reason or reasons) As we have already seen,
the World Wide Web has freed up information exchange between people around the world.
It has enabled anyone with an Internet connection the ability to access a wealth of

August English

information, to freely communicate within anyone else on the web, and, if they desire, start
their own business or platform.

2. When do children begin to have their own ideas?

(Give a direct answer to the question) I think children begin to form certain ideas when they
absorb and accumulate knowledge, normally in the first year of elementary school. (Explain
your reason or reasons) By the time a child is around eight-years-old, they will have a
relatively stable idea of their own personality traits and dispositions, and whether they feel
like a valuable and competent person. (Explain the opposite or alternative) However, some
kids with desirable intelligence and cognition tend to have ideas from a very young age as
compared to their peers.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?
(Give a direct answer to the question) On the one hand, rules provide the framework for
children to understand what is expected of them at home, with friends and at school. Rules
teach children self-discipline and self-management. (Give an example (often a personal
example)) It can be a big help if parents write down a thorough note of the kids’ duties —
make the bed, keep their room tidy, turn off lights, flush the toilet, feed the cat — so they
cannot claim ignorance. (Explain the opposite or alternative) However, rules or constraints
from parents that are arbitrary or unreasonable will likely carry far more adverse effects.

1. needless to say [expression]: of course: dĩ nhiên, tất nhiên
Eg: Needless to say, he'll be off work for a while.

2. substantial [adj]: large in size, value, or importance: đáng kể

Eg: The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and

3. platform [n]: the type of computer system or smartphone you are using, in relation to the
type of software (= computer programs) you can use on it: diễn đàn
Eg: This new personal banking software can be used with any Windows platform.

August English

4. accumulate [v]: to collect a large number of things over a long period of time: chất
Eg: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of
their incomes.
5. disposition [n]: the particular type of character that a person naturally has: tính khí
Eg: She is of a nervous/cheerful/sunny disposition.

6. competent [adj]: having enough skill or knowledge to do sth well : có năng lực, trình độ
Eg: Nam is regarded as the most competent employee.
7. desirable [adj]: that you would like to have or do; worth having or doing: đáng mong muốn,
thèm khát
Eg: The house has many desirable features.

8. self-management [n]: management of or by oneself; the taking of responsibility for one's

own behavior and well-being.: sự tự quản lý
Eg: Self-management is about making a choice to do more than you need to
9. thorough [adj]: detailed and careful: tường tận
Eg: They did a thorough search of the area but found nothing.
10. constraint [n]: something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits:
sự hạn chế
Eg: The constraints of politeness wouldn't allow his to say what he really thought about his

10. Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways
You should say

(When it was) One of the most transformative periods of my life was my transition from 5th grade
to 6th grade.

(Who you were with) At the time, I had just graduated from my primary school, which was in the
suburbs, to attend my new secondary school located in the city center. None of my friends from

August English

before could go to the same school as I did so I was basically alone in a new environment with
complete strangers, which was a nightmare for a shy kid like me.

(What happened at that time) Fortunately, some of the kids in the class decided to reach out to
me, which was great as it meant I didn’t have to actively talk to strangers by myself. It wasn’t long
before we got to know everyone in the class and talked to each other on a daily basis. That was
almost 10 years ago and even though most of us are no longer in the same school, let alone in the
same class, we still keep in touch with each other. We even agree to meet face-to-face every once
in a while.

(And explain why it changed your life) Even now, I still hold that memory dear. Not only did I
make new friends, some of whom are still currently good friends of mine, but I also changed as a
person myself. I went from a rather shy kid to someone who is comfortable talking to complete
strangers. Looking back at it now, I’m glad that things played out the way they did.

Part 3

1. Do children like to change schools when they are young?

I can’t speak for all children but personally, I think that most of them are comfortable and
sometimes, eager to move to a new school. The reason being most kids, at least the ones I’ve seen,
are rather sociable and would make friends with any other kids every chance they get. Because of
that, being able to change schools frequently would allow them to befriend as many children as
they want.

2. The impact of changing schools at an early age on children (positive/ negative)

While changing schools at a young age allows children to make many new friends, it is only true
for those who are amicable. For kids who are socially inept, changing schools often would deprive
them of a sense of belonging, making it a challenge for them to make new friends.

3. What children will learn in their new school?

August English

Apart from the same subjects that are taught in every school, I believe that moving to a new
environment also teaches kids to be more confident and sociable. It is because changing schools
would force kids to befriend complete strangers so as to not be isolated, therefore making them
more friendly.

4. Do children like change?

I believe that children like encountering new things. Reasons being they are rather curious and
because they are so young, they haven’t had the chance to see a lot. Changes, as a result, would
give them new experiences to look forward to.


1. reach out (phrasal verb): giao tiếp hoặc tiếp cận với ý tốt

She was a great person for reaching out and helping people.

Cô ấy là một người tốt vì cô ấy tiếp cận và giúp đỡ người khác.

2. let alone (phrase): huống hồ là/nói gì đến


He would never even read a newspaper, let alone a book.

Anh ấy không bao giờ đọc báo, nói gì đến một quyển sách.

3. every once in a while (idiom): thỉnh thoảng


We see each other every once in a while.

Thỉnh thoảng chúng tôi gặp nhau.

4. hold sth dear: trân trọng/yêu quý cái gì đó


I said farewell to those I hold dear.

August English

Tôi nói lời chia tay với những người tôi yêu quý.

5. play out (phrasal verb): diễn ra


The debate will play out over the next week or two.

Cuộc tranh luận sẽ diễn ra trong vòng một hai tuần sắp tới.

6. speak for (phrasal verb): thay mặt ai đó nói/nêu ý kiến


I speak for all my colleagues.

Tôi nói thay cho những người đồng nghiệp của tôi.

7. look forward to (phrasal verb): mong chờ, hào hứng với một việc sắp xảy ra

I'm really looking forward to my holiday.

Tôi rất hào hứng với kỳ nghỉ sắp tới.

12. Describe a problem you had when you used a computer

You should say

When and where it happened

This reminds me of a problem I encountered on my first laptop I got from my dad as a birthday
gift 3 years ago. Since I had been using this laptop for quite a long time, some of its functions were
really outdated, and some buttons were even starting to fall off. Unfortunately, I came across a
problem that I will never forget. A couple of months ago, as a college senior, I was obliged to do
a dissertation as a graduating requirement.

What the problem was

August English

Everything was going quite well until the very last day when I had to submit my essay. As I
finished proof-reading the whole thing, my laptop just suddenly went off without a warning and
refused to be turned back on. Even when I tried to recharge it, the screen remained black.

And explain how you solved the problem.

I was so terrified that the essay was affected and would lose me marks just because of an accident.
Aside from the assignments, I thought I was also going to lose all the data and pictures saved on
the laptop, so I immediately brought it to a computer store nearby. Thankfully, it was just a minor
technical incident and I was able to submit the essay on time.

Part 3

1. How do people learn to use a piece of equipment?

The easiest way to learn about how to use any tools is the Internet. This is because instructions on
everything are easily accessible with just a search bar. However, searching for an instruction online
is more common among young people. As for the older generation, they prefer to read the
manuscript and follow every step written.

2. Why don’t some people know how to solve these problems?

In my opinion, people who cannot solve problems related to equipment lack basic motor skills as
these issues require resourcefulness and handiness as well. In addition, those who are coddled by
parents from their early years can also find it difficult when it comes to problem solving.

3. Why do teenagers spend a lot of time on their screens?

The excessive amount of screentime stems from various reasons, one of which is the lack of open
space for them to engage in any outdoor activity. This is because open space is not economically
beneficial, leading to insufficient investment from the local authority. In addition, social media
can be extremely addictive. For instance, it is possible for a young person to spend their whole day
scrolling through meaningless content on Tiktok.

4. Do you think teenagers can live without technology?

August English

On paper, every addiction is preventable and technology addiction is not an exception. As a matter
of fact, although people like to portray youngsters as SNS maniacs, there are young people who
are actually aware of the lack of productivity technology brings about and try to reduce their
average screen time. However, when self awareness is off the table, adults should intervene and
moderate the usage of technology.


1. come across (phrasal verb): gặp phải


I came across some problems trying to use my car.

Tôi gặp phải một số vấn đề khi đang cố sử dụng xe hơi.

2. motor skills (phrase): khả năng vận động/sử dụng tay chân

Babies learn the most basic motor skills at 18 months of age.

Em bé học được kỹ năng vận động cơ bản lúc khoảng 18 tháng tuổi.

3. off the table (idiom): không bàn tới nữa


A dividend payment this year is definitely off the table.

Việc trả cổ tức trong năm nay là điều không còn được bàn tới nữa.

11. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited

- where it is
I would like to tell you about Singapore, which is my favorite city among the cities I have visited
so far. Singapore is a city-state located in Southeast Asia and it takes us nearly 2 hours to get
there from Ho Chi Minh City.

August English

- when you went there

I paid a visit to this wonderful city last summer with my friends and we stayed there for 5 days.
- what you did
Well, Singapore is well-known for its dynamic cultural hub and modernization, which attract
many tourists to visit this city each year. When I arrived in Singapore, I was blown away by the
look of the city. Everything seems civilized, and the streets are incredibly clean. I still remember
the moment when I returned to my hotel after a day wandering around the city without any dirt
on my shoes. During my stay in Singapore, I spent time going shopping and visiting some famous
landmarks such as the Merlion Statue, Art Gallery, Botanical Gardens and of course the iconic
building Marina Bay Sands Tower.
- and explain why you like it

For me, there are many reasons Singapore is a must-visit city. Firstly, the transportation system
there is extremely reliable and convenient. You just need to buy a Tourist Pass Ticket, which will
get you to most places in the city by MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) without being held up in traffic
jam for hours. Moreover, it is obvious that Singapore is one of the cities that has a multi-cultural
nature. After staying there for 5 days, I got acquainted with many people from different countries,
and backgrounds, but they were all welcoming and friendly, which I really appreciated. Since
English is the first language here, it was a great opportunity to talk with locals and travelers and
listen to their stories. Overall, I had a tremendous vacation in Singapore and I liked most of the
places there and I enjoyed it so much that I did not even notice how quickly the 5 days scheduled
time had passed.


1. City-state (noun): Một quốc gia độc lập nhưng thường chỉ có duy nhất một thành phố.

Example: Vatican City is one of three city-states in the world.

2. Pay a visit (noun): Ghé thăm.

Example: The President of the USA, Barack Obama, paid a visit to Vietnam last month.

3. Cultural hub (noun): Trung tâm của văn hóa.

Example: China is considered one of the cultural hubs in the world.

August English

4. To be blown away (expression): Kinh ngạc.

Example: I was blown away by the new technology.

5. Wander (verb): Đi lang thang.

Example: We spent a whole day wandering the neighborhood.

6. Famous landmarks (expression): Những địa điểm thú vị, nổi tiếng.
Example: The newly-built skyscraper, Landmark 81, has been listed as one of famous landmarks
in HCMC.

7. Iconic (adjective): Mang tính biểu tượng.

Example: Non La is the iconic hat of the Vietnamese people.

8. To be held up (expression): Bị kẹt

Example: I was held up in a traffic jam for 3 hours.

9. Multi-cultural nature (expression): Môi trường đa văn hóa.

Example: Travelling to countries that have a multi-cultural nature helps you expand your

10. Get acquainted with sb (phrase): Làm quen với.

Example: I haven’t got acquainted with my neighbors although I’ve been staying here for almost
a year.

12. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer
(When it happened) I had the honour of working as a front desk agent at one of the most beautiful
resorts in Southeast Asia named JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay in July 2020. As a front
desk agent, I relied on the computer a lot as it was the place in which all the information was
stored. I was preparing for the arrival of Mr. Barack Obama while I found out that the computer I
was using had suffered from a major breakdown.
(Where it was) The computer was located right at the front desk of the resort, which was the hub
of the whole resort. I was on edge and didn’t know how I could check Mr. Obama in with the

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computer being broken like this. Everything just messed up and I lost my own control and temper,
starting to pour scorn on IT associates as well as some of my front desk colleagues.
(Why the computer couldn’t work) After working around the problem, I managed to solve the
issue just 10 minutes before the arrival of Mr. Obama to the resort. I came to the realization that
the OPERA software, which was the property management system, crashed, causing the whole
computer to stop working as well. It took me quite a long time to restart the computer as well as
the software.
(And explain how you solved the problem at last) I quickly got to the root of the problem.
Usually, for cases like this, there is no other choice but to press the start button on the PC until the
computer is shut down and restarts. I used this way and it turned out relatively successfully.
1. Front desk agent (n): nhân viên lễ tân
A front desk agent is responsible for checking in and checking out hotel guests.
Nhân viên lễ tân có nhiệm vụ check in và check out khách lưu trú.
2. Breakdown (n): sự cố
Their car trip was a disaster – they had frequent breakdowns and never reached their destination.
Chuyến du lịch bằng ô tô của họ là một thảm họa vì những sự cố liên tục và họ đã không đến được

3. to be on edge (phrase): lo lắng

Is something wrong? You seem a bit on edge this morning.

Có gì đó không ổn hả? Bạn trông có vẻ lo lắng sáng nay.

4. to pour scorn on something/someone (idiom): chửi ai đó/cái gì đó

Critics of the president have been pouring scorn on the plan ever since it was first proposed.

Các nhà phê bình của tổng thống liên tục mắng nhiếc cái kế hoạch từ khi nó được đưa ra lần đầu

5. Crash (v): bị hư

My laptop's crashed again.

Laptop của tôi lại hư nữa rồi.

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6. Root (n): nguyên nhân gốc rễ

We must get to the root of (= discover the cause of) this problem.

Chúng ta cần phải tìm ra nguyên nhân gốc rễ của vấn đề.

13. Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work

You should say:

What it is
Why you don’t like it
How others feel about the rule
And explain whether you’ve followed the rule

(What it is) I’m not the rebellious kind of person who doesn’t like rules at all, but there are rules
that I find not very persuasive, especially rules relating to attendance when going to classes at my
university. If you’re absent more than 20% of a course, you won’t be able to take its final exam.

(Why you don’t like it) I find the concept of attending not very necessary for grown adults.
University students are mature people and can make their own decisions. Should they be absent
too much, they won’t get the knowledge needed and thus will fail the final exam anyway. Or if
they can still pass despite not going to class often, they shouldn’t be required to be in class and
waste their time learning something they already knew.

(How others feel about the rule) Some students still think attendance checking should be made
compulsory, but a majority of students I know agree that it is time institutions stopped enforcing
it and let students decide on their own. They can stay home or do other things when they don’t
feel the need to attend certain classes at certain points.

(And explain whether you’ve followed the rule) I personally still follow the rules because, as
we all know, rules are rules, and certain professors still implement attendance checking. But I
strongly believe it is not, and it shouldn’t be, mandatory. There’s a lot going on a student’s life
already, they don’t need any more pressure from having to be there in classes all the time.

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1. Rebellious (a): nổi loạn

Her teachers regard her as a rebellious, trouble-making girl.

Các giáo viên thấy nó là một cô gái nổi loạn, hay gây rắc rối.

2. Mature (a): trưởng thành

He's very mature for his age.

Anh ấy rất trưởng thành so với tuổi của mình.

3. Compulsory (a): bắt buộc

The law made wearing seat belts in cars compulsory.

Luật bắt buộc phải thắt dây an toàn trong ô tô.

4. Mandatory (a): bắt buộc

Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.

Các vận động viên phải trải qua một cuộc kiểm tra ma túy bắt buộc trước khi tranh chức vô địch.

5. Implement (v): thực hiện

Congress refused to pass the bill that would implement tax reforms.

Quốc hội từ chối thông qua dự luật thực hiện cải cách thuế.

Part 3

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1. What are the rules students should follow at school?

Schools usually have a set of rules and regulations that should be followed. Being on time is a
necessary rule to form punctuality and being nice to others is essential to forming a stable
relationship with one another.

2. Are the rules at school good or bad?

Generally speaking, rules are good, and they are there for a good purpose: making the school a
better environment, ensuring that students receive the best education possible, as long as they are
not absurd or unreasonable, of course.

3. Do people often violate the rules in Viet Nam?

From what I can see, the answer is a sad yes. Some people in Vietnam cannot come to terms with
following the rules or even thinking of people around them, especially when there’s no one
watching or telling them what to do. Riding mortobikes without helmets is super common, as
well as smoking in public places.

4. What rules should children follow at home?

At home, children should do the housework within their capability, of course this must be agreed
upon between children and parents. Not only can it keep them from being lazy, but it also helps
them to gain a sense of responsibility. Other rules should be followed include turning off the
lights and other electrical appliances when not using them, flushing the toilet after use, and being
nice with everyone in the family.


1. Regulation (n): qui định, nội quy

The correct procedure is laid down in the rules and regulations.

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Quy trình chính xác có trong bản các quy tắc và quy định.

2. Punctuality (n): sự đúng giờ

Punctuality has never been his strong point.

Đúng giờ chưa bao giờ là điểm mạnh của anh ấy.

3. Absurd (a): ngớ ngẩn, vô lý

Do I look absurd in this hat?

Tôi có trông ngớ ngẩn trong chiếc mũ này không thế?

4. Come to terms with sth (phrase): làm quen với / chấp nhận

He made no effort to come to terms with his critics.

Anh ấy không nỗ lực chấp nhận với những người chỉ trích mình.

5. Capability (n): khả năng

These tests are beyond the capability of a twelve-year-old.

Những bài kiểm tra này vượt quá khả năng của một học sinh mười hai tuổi

14. Describe a time when you gave good advice to someone

You should say:

- Who you gave it to

- What was the advice about

- What that person did after receiving it

- And how you felt about it

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August English

(What it was and who you gave it to)

Today, I would like to talk about some advice on studying that I gave to my younger sister. It was
2 years ago, when she completed her university graduation and had to decide what she wanted to do
in her life. At that time, I had been working for 5 years and accumulated a certain amount of
experience, so my sister decided to consult me.

(What was the advice about)

Back then, she was at a crossroads, where she had to choose between embarking on further studies
abroad or starting working full-time with her bachelor’s degree. She wanted an option, which would
provide her with a promising future. Understandably, higher academic qualifications nowadays are
virtually a prerequisite for employment, especially in grey-matter fields where rivalry is cut-throat
for graduates. On receiving her question, I talked to her a lot to find out what she really loved doing.
Eventually, I advised her to continue to study for a Master’s degree instead of working early.

(What that person did after receiving it)

I told her to do so because I believed that a master's degree can open many career doors for young
people, including certain career fields, offer advancement opportunities, and higher salaries.
Although taking a master's degree is by no means an easy task, this would challenge her to by step
out of her comfort zone. She trusted me and followed my advice.

(And how you felt about it)

I felt really happy to be there when she needed me the most and sailed her through such a challenging
phase of decision-making in life. After following my advice, my sister has achieved more on her
academic journey and she always feels grateful for my help. She told me that she always wanted to
see from my perspective before making any vital moves, as I often gave her insightful thoughts.

August English


5. accumulate [v]: to collect a large number of things over a long period of time: chất
Eg: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their
6. consult [v]: to discuss something with someone before you make a decision: tham khảo ý
Eg: This afternoon the president was consulting with his advisers.
7. at a crossroads [expression]: to be at a stage in your life when you have to make a very
important decision: đến bước ngoặc, đến bước quyết định
Eg: After earning her degree, I'm at a crossroads.
8. prerequisite [n]: something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or
happens: điều kiện tiên quyết
Eg: Passing a written test is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course.
9. cut-throat [adj]: competing in a strong and unfair way, without considering any harm caused
to others: quyết liệt
Eg: Scrapping of price fixing legislation led to a cut-throat battle for supermarket customers.
10. advancement [n]: the development or improvement of something: sự thăng tiến
Eg: All she was interested in was the advancement of her own career.

11. by no means [expression]: not at all: không hề

Eg: It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.

12. comfort zone [expression]: a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your
ability and determination are not being tested: vùng an toàn
Eg: Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones.
13. grateful [adj]: feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful: biết ơn
Eg: I'm very grateful to you for all your help.

14. insightful [adj]: having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive.: sâu sắc

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Eg: This is a very thoughtful, insightful analysis.

15. Describe an activity that made you feel tired

You should say

(What the activity was) One of the most exhausting events I have ever taken part in was a football
match a few months back.

(When it happened) It was the beginning of summer when my friends and I decided to meet up
with each other for a game of football.

(Where it took place) After some arguments, we decided to book a field in the suburban area of
the city.

(And explain why it made you feel tired) It was a rather hot day when the match was held and
even though we played in the afternoon, the temperature was still unbearable. Aside from the heat,
since there were just enough players for both teams, substitution was out of the question, meaning
we had to be on the field for the entirety of the game. We also agreed that there would be no half-
time for some reason. To add insult to injury, I decided not to eat anything before the game to
avoid throwing up, which also meant I was pretty low on energy. Needless to say, I was on the
verge of fainting after the match concluded. My team still won, however, which was a miracle.
Even though it was so tiring, we still had a lot of fun just being with each other. Since then, we
also have learned from our mistakes to make sure that every upcoming game would not be as tiring
for anyone involved.

Part 3

1. Does learning make people tired today?

It really depends on the type of what they are learning. If we talk about students in school, which
I'm really familiar with, then I'd say that it can get exhausting. Even if it doesn't seem so tiring as

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they only sit in one place while studying, the amount of information may still be too much for their
mind to handle in such a short time.

2. When do people usually feel tired?

It is obvious that people will feel tired when they do anything that is physically or mentally
demanding, such as playing sports or studying all day. However, I would like to add that a person’s
interest in the activity also affects whether they are exhausted or not, as enjoyment can be a
motivation and sometimes, even a source of energy for one to do something.

3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?

From my point of view, striving for both of these is beneficial in their own ways and should go
hand in hand. Endeavoring to learn allows people to acquire knowledge and problem-solving
abilities. Engaging in sports, on the other hand, can help people maintain a healthy body and
overall well-being.

4. How much free time do you think office workers should have?

I'm rather unfamiliar with this topic, but if we define free time as time spent without any work
involved, then I believe that office workers should get as much free time as possible. Even though
sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours a day doesn't seem particularly tiring, looking at a computer screen
constantly for a third of a day does drain a great amount of mental energy, which can also be
unhealthy in the long run. As much free time as possible can alleviate this mental drainage, even
if only partially.


1. take part in (idiom): tham gia


Students take part in different activities at recess.

Học sinh tham gia vào các hoạt động khác nhau trong giờ giải lao.

2. out of the question (idiom): bất khả thi/không được phép


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The class ends at 2, and leaving before then is out of the question.

Lớp học kết thúc lúc 2 giờ và ra về trước là không được phép.

3. add insult to injury (idiom): làm cho tình hình tệ còn tệ hơn
The nearest parking space was 2 kilometers away, and then, to add insult to injury, it began
to rain.

Bãi đậu xe gần nhất cách đây 2km và như thêm dầu vào lửa, trời bắt đầu mưa.

4. throw up (phrasal verb): nôn, ói


He threw up after eating too much.

Anh ấy đã nôn sau khi ăn quá nhiều.

5. needless to say (idiom): khỏi phải nói


Needless to say, because of the accident he won’t be at work for a while.

Không cần phải nói, vì vụ tai nạn nên anh ấy sẽ không đi làm một thời gian.

6. on the verge of (idiom): trên bờ vực, sắp


He was on the verge of saying something but stopped and shook his head.

Anh ta chuẩn bị nói gì đó nhưng lại dừng và lắc đầu.

7. hand in hand (adverb): đi đôi với nhau


She had the confidence that usually goes hand in hand with experience.

Cô ấy có sự tự tin đi kèm với kinh nghiệm.

August English

16. Describe a party that you enjoyed

You should say:
When it took place
Where it was
Whose party it was
What you did there
And how you felt about the party


(When it took place)

Being a student, I tend to follow the norm and attend a lot of parties, but the most
memorable one must be my first party ever during my freshman year.

(Where it was)
It was quite a small party of about forty people, and was held in a friend’s home not very
far from my own place. I even remember riding a bicycle to the party while wearing a dress,
which was—unfortunately and obviously—extremely awkward and unadvisable. Now that I
think about it, I should have taken an Uber something else.

(Whose party it was)

The host of the party was a Chinese girl called Li who had just joined my class. I was really
fond of her and thought she was such a sweet girl—we still keep contact!

(What you did there)

My main focus at every party is not the fun or dance, but the food! Like all parties, there
was a lot of junk food there including chips, burgers, coke, and so on. But what made this party
stand out was a whole selection of home-made food prepared by Li’s mother. It was such a rare
chance to experience authentic Chinese cuisine, so even though I was going on a diet, I couldn’t
stop snacking. I also heard a lot of gossip, but I knew I shouldn’t believe something I heard
through the grapevine, so I decided to act my age and kept myself wary about it. The most

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wonderful part of the party was the mini talent show that Li organized; I discovered that many
talented people had been hiding their light under a bushel all the time!

(And how you felt about the party)

After going to the party and catching up with friends, I felt like I was a bit behind the
times as there were so many things about my friends’ lives and trending issues that I had no idea
about. I guess going to a party was a great way to keep myself updated.


Từ vựng chủ đề Food and Diets

1. home-made food
Meaning: food which is prepared at home using individual ingredients
Example: In developed countries, the young generation must rediscover the art of preparing
home-made food, as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Nghĩa: các món ăn tự làm tại nhà sử dụng các nguyên liệu cá nhân

2. to have a snack
Meaning: to eat a small amount of food between main meals
Example: Unless people are doing vigourous exercise, it is a bad habit tohave a snack between
Nghĩa: ăn một ít thức ăn giữa các bữa chính

3. junk food

Meaning: food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat, but that is thought to be bad for your
Example: The consumption of too much junk food is a major factor in the increase of childhood
Nghĩa: Đồ ăn chế biến và ăn nhanh nhưng thường không tốt cho sức khỏe

4. to go on a diet

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Meaning: to eat less, or to eat only certain types of food in order to lose weight
Example: Many people in the West eat too much and – from time to time – have to go on a diet.
Nghĩa: ăn ít hơn hay chỉ ăn một số loại thức ăn nào đó để giảm cân

5. Chinese cuisine

Meaning: A type of food that is traditional in China – you can write ‘Italian cuisine/Vietnamese
cuisine’ in the same way
Example: Chinese cuisine is an important part of the traditional culture of the country.
Nghĩa: Các món ăn theo phong cách truyền thống của Trung Quốc – có thể nói ấm thực Việt
Nam, hay Ý theo cách như vậy

Từ vựng chủ đề News and Media

1. to be wary of something
Meaning: not completely trusting or certain about something
Example: Consumers must always be wary of the claims made in advertisements, because such
claims are often exagerrated or untrue.
Nghĩa: không hoàn toàn tin tưởng hay chắc chắn về cái gì

Từ vựng chủ đề Communication and Personality

1. to hide one’s light under a bushel

Meaning: to conceal one’s talents and skills
Example: Please don't hide your light under a bushel—the Society needs your valuable
Nghĩa: che giấu tài năng của ai đó

2. to hear something through the grapevine

Meaning: to hear news from someone who heard that news from someone else, to learn of
something informally and unofficially by means of gossip or rumor.

August English

Example: Never believe the gossip that you hear through the grapevine – always try to find the
truth from an official source.
Nghĩa: nghe tin tức từ một người nào đó mà người đó cũng nghe tin đó từ người khác, biết điều
gì đó một cách không chính thức thông qua lời đồn

3. to act one’s age

Meaning: to behave in a way suitable for someone as old as you are
Example: During the most recent years of her career, Madonna has faced criticism for her
revealing outfits, her outrageous performances and her decision to collaborate with her younger
contemporary contemporaries, with many calling for her to “act her age”.
Nghĩa: cư xử một cách phù hợp với đúng lứa tuổi của mình

4. behind the times

Meaning: refers to a person who is old-fashioned and has not adopted certain modern customs,
beliefs, or behaviors
Example: He was angry when they said that his accounting methods were behind the times
because he did not use computer software.
Nghĩa: người cổ hủ, lỗi thời và không bắt kịp những thói quen, cách cư xử mới.

17. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing
(What the thing was) It was a few months back when I had to wait for a trip to Da Lat with my

(Why did you wait so long) My classmates and I started organizing the trip, on which we will go
in July, way back in January. We all knew that the upcoming months were going to be rough with
all the tests and assignments thrown at us, so we decided to plan on the trip in advance. It took us
quite a while to workshop this 4-day vacation with all the attractions for us to choose from, but
eventually we were done and finally ready for the last semester in high school.

(And explain how you felt) Since it was the final semester in high school, it was a frustrating
period. Aside from the occasional tests, we all had to make preparations for university. We were
practically drowning in paperwork, as the amount of forms and applications we had to fill were
enough to make us feel like we were working 9-to-5. As if the paperwork wasn't enough, we also

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had to study extra hard for the approaching entrance exams. After half a year, when all was said
and done, it was finally July and we were all eager for the long-awaited trip. It was an amazing
tour and since it was the last time all my classmates and I got to be together, we made sure to enjoy
ourselves. The wait was definitely tedious even though there were things to take my mind off it,
but as people might say: all’s well that ends well.


1. On what occasion do many people wait for a long time?

Waiting is part and parcel of living and cannot be avoided, unfortunately. In our day to day life,
we can experience waiting in a line to get a coffee, for instance. There are also traffic jams, which
are especially common in Vietnam, making commuting a rather tedious task for many people. One
might also wait for a date, an appointment, a book to be published or just for their days to run out.
Even if we don't like it, we all know that waiting is inevitable.

2. Do people like waiting for a long time or not?

It’s safe to say that no-one likes waiting for a long time, regardless of whatever they’re waiting
for, as it can be frustrating and inconvenient. We tend to want things done as soon as possible.
Long waits are also a waste of valuable time that can instead be spent on activities that are more
productive or enjoyable.

3. Why do children have difficulties waiting for a long time?

It really depends on the child in question but in general, children tend to be full of energy and as
such, become restless easily. They also have shorter attention spans and less patience than adults,
and waiting for a long time can be frustrating and tedious.


1. in advance (phrase): làm trước


We planned this well in advance.

Chúng tôi đã lên kế hoạch từ trước.

August English

2. 9-to-5 (adverb/adjective): ý nói làm việc công sở từ 9h tới 5h


I don't have the stamina to work a standard nine-to-five.

Tôi không có đủ sức để làm công việc văn phòng.

3. when all is said and done (idiom): khi mọi việc xong xuôi
4. take someone’s mind off (idiom): dừng nghĩ về

A good meal will help me take my mind off work.

Một bữa ăn ngon sẽ giúp tôi ngừng suy nghĩ về công việc.

5. all’s well that ends well (idiom): Kết cục tốt là tốt

We almost didn't make it here, but all's well that ends well.

Chúng tôi suýt nữa đã không đến được đây, nhưng mọi chuyện đều kết thúc tốt đẹp.

6. part and parcel (idiom): tất yếu, không thể thiếu

Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a celebrity.

Được nhận ra trên đường là một phần không thể tránh khỏi khi làm người nổi tiếng.

7. run out (phrasal verb): được dùng hết


My phone ran out of battery.

Điện thoại tôi hết pin.

18. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics,etc.)
You should say

August English

(What subject it is) One science subject I'm particularly interested in is chemistry.

(How and where did you know this subject) Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated
by the various chemical reactions that can occur from mixing a few substances together. My first
official encounter with the subject, however, was not until my middle school years, precisely in
the 8th grade.

(How do you usually get information about this subject) As a child, I wasn't all that familiar
with technology aside from TVs - where I learned most about chemistry then, which made it rather
hard for me to acquire any new information. As life went on, technology also advanced and now,
with just a few taps on my smartphone, I can just look up anything I'm not clear about. I primarily
gather insights about chemistry through online platforms such as educational websites, science-
focused YouTube channels and research journals.

(And explain why you are interested in this subject) My interest in chemistry stems from its
applications in real-life situations. The subject shows the interaction of matters with one another
as well as the formation of matters, atoms, molecules and chemical reactions. From there,
chemistry also reveals what is inside the food and drinks we consume daily and how they interact
when eaten together, or how we can avoid dangerous materials and how we can use little things
around us to make life easier. Even though it is quite complex, chemistry gives me a different
perception on the various happenings in life and in rare cases, makes my life easier.

Part 3

1. Did you ever tell anybody that you are interested in this subject?

Technically I have never outright told anyone that I like chemistry, but I figure anyone can tell that
I'm interested in it, with all the Youtube videos that I watch and all my ramblings about chemical
reactions. I also do rather well on chemistry tests in school, which I think is sufficient to show my
friends my passion for the subject.

2. Some children don't like to study science subjects in school, why?

Students disliking science subjects in school is nothing new, and reasonably so, especially in
Vietnam. It is due to the fact that the way in which these subjects are taught is rather dull and

August English

monotonous, as oftentimes these children can only learn through textbooks or presentations
without any practical demonstrations of said subjects, making lessons rather boring and tedious.

3. Is it important to study science in school?

Absolutely, but I personally think that it doesn't owe much to the knowledge gained, but rather the
skills learned. Learning science subjects teaches children to think critically as well as how to solve
problems. Whether the knowledge will be used later in life or not depends on the interest of each
student, but critical thinking and problem-solving skills will come in handy regardless of their

4. Which science subject is the most important for children to study?

The importance of different science subjects can vary depending on the individual interests and
career goals of children. Chemistry, for instance, explores the properties and behavior of matter
and how substances interact while biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions
with the environment. However, I believe they are all equal in terms of importance because they
all teach children crucial skills as I have previously mentioned, which are critical thinking and
problem-solving abilities.


1. look up (phrasal verb): tìm hiểu thêm


If you're not sure what the word means, look it up in a dictionary.

Nếu bạn không rõ từ đó có nghĩa là gì, hãy tra nó trong từ điển.

2. stem from (phrasal verb): bắt nguồn từ


Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.

Sự bất đồng của học bắt nguồn từ một sự hiểu lầm.

3. ramblings (phrase): nói huyên thiên, dông dài

August English


Please forgive my incoherent ramblings over dinner last night.

Hãy thứ lỗi cho tôi vì đã nói chuyện huyên thiên vào bữa tối hôm qua.

4. come in handy (phrase): có ích


The money will come in handy when I want to travel.

Số tiền đó sẽ giúp ích khi tôi đi du lịch.

19. Describe a time you received bad service in restaurants/shops

You should say

When it happened

When I get this cue card, off the top of my head, I think of the time my family and I went to a
resort by the sea. I remember it was a summer vacation around 10 years ago when my mom decided
to plan a trip in order for me and my sibling to unwind after a stressful year of studying.

Why you went there

Since it had been a long time since we got a chance to go to the sea, we finally came to terms and
picked Da Nang as our destination. On top of that, Da Nang is a combination of a vibrant urban
area and a relaxing sanctuary.

What happened in the restaurants/shops

On our last day of the trip, my parents wanted to try out a local specialty called Bun cha so we
decided to go to a restaurant based on the reviews from the internet. Unfortunately, it was a total
rip-off as the price was unreasonably expensive compared to the low-quality cuisine they brought
to our table.

And explain why you think their service was bad

August English

When we tried to give feedback to the staff there, their response was extremely rude as they could
not handle criticism. After this, I learned a valuable lesson of not trusting online reviews at all
because they can be easily manipulated and bought.

Part 3

1. What kinds of services are bad services?

In my opinion, bad service reflects in the attitude of the employees. For instance, in a hospitality
environment, if an employee does not show any sense of welcoming toward the guests, that can
be considered as condescending. In addition, we can also experience uneventful customer service
when the products themselves are not up to standard. This can usually be seen in restaurants when
the dishes shown on the menu look nothing like what is served in reality.

2. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad service?

The choice of remaining silent can stem from 2 reasons. Firstly, the customers do not really like
to make a scene since it can draw a lot of attention from others within the area. This could be
because it is inappropriate for them to act so repulsively in public. Secondly, some understand that
the bad service is not a specific staff member’s fault. Hence, putting the blame on just one person
is not a civilized behavior.

3. Who should be responsible for bad service?

Since the reasons for bad service vary and depend on specific cases, it is very difficult to pinpoint
a person to be blamed. However, since service is from a business, higher-level managerial
individuals should take accountability for how their employees provide service. On the other hand,
this doesn’t mean employees themselve can brush off any responsibility. Instead, they should own
up to the mistake along with their employer as well.

5. Do you think services are better now than in the past?

Due to new policies regarding workers’ rights, customer service staff are now more motivated to
go to work as they are protected by the law. For example, it is considered illegal to pay employees’

August English

minimum wage without penalty if they work an extra shift on the weekend. Therefore, when their
rights are guaranteed, people can go to work with a smile on their face.


1. up to standard (idiom): đủ tốt


His work is not up to standard.

Sản phẩm của anh ta không đạt tiêu chuẩn.

2. Off the top of my head (idiom): theo trí nhớ


"What's the capital of Vietnam?"

"I don't know off the top of my head, but I could go and look it up."

“Thủ đô của Việt Nam là gì”

“Theo trí nhớ của tôi thì không rõ, nhưng mà để tôi tra thử”

3. Local specialty (phrase): đặc sản


Oysters are a local specialty of the area.

Hàu là đặc sản của khu vực này.

4. Rip-off (noun): chặt chém/giá quá cao so với chất lượng


Designer label clothes are just expensive rip-offs.

Hàng thiết kế đắt một cách bất hợp lý.

5. make a scene (phrasal verb): gây náo loạn


August English

Joan made a scene when the restaurant lost her dinner reservation.

Joan làm ầm ĩ cả lên vì nhà hàng không tìm thấy chỗ cô ấy đặt trước.

6. take accountability/own up (phrasal verb): nhận trách nhiệm/thú nhận


Harry should take accountability for his actions.

Harry nên nhận trách nhiệm cho hành vi của anh ta.

7. Minimum wage (noun): mức lương tối thiểu


With the rent crisis nowadays, people cannot live off minimum wage anymore.

Với khủng hoảng thuê nhà hiện nay, mọi người không thể sống với mức lương tối thiểu

8. Brush off (phrasal verb): rũ bỏ


He brushes off his relationship with his ex-girlfriend.

Anh ta rũ bỏ hết mọi thứ với bạn gái cũ.

20. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event
You should say

Who he/she is

What you know about him/her

What he/she is like in real life

What achievement he/she has made

And explain why you admire him/her

August English

(Who he/she is) I'd like to talk about Nguyễn Huy Hoàng, an incredible swimmer from my country
- Vietnam. He was born in the year 2000 in Quảng Bình, which is in North Central of Vietnam.
From when he was just a kid, everyone could see he had this natural talent for swimming. He
really caught the eye of a lot of people in the sports world.

(What you know about him/her) He's super humble and totally committed to becoming the best
in his field. People who know him always say good things about how disciplined and hard-working
he is. These qualities have played a huge role in his success.

(What achievement he/she has made) What really stands out is his performance in the 2019
World Aquatics Championships in South Korea. He didn't just qualify for the Tokyo Olympics;
he also broke his own national record in the 800m freestyle. On top of that, he won gold in the
400m and 1500m freestyle at the Southeast Asian Games the same year.

(And explain why you admire him/her) But what I find most impressive about him is that he's
like a trailblazer for sports in Vietnam, especially swimming. He's broken down barriers and set
an example for young athletes in a country where swimming isn't usually the go-to sport. He shows
that with the right attitude and work ethic, you can achieve amazing things, no matter where you
come from.

1. natural talent (n) : tài năng bẩm sinh


Hoa has a natural talent for singing.

Hoa có tài năng bẩm sinh trong việc hát ca nhạc.

August English

2. catch the eye (collocation): thu hút mọi ánh nhìn


A sudden movement caught my eye.

Một cử động đột ngột đã thu hút ánh nhìn của tôi

3. be committed to (v): cam kết với


We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year.

Chúng tôi cam kết rút quân đội vào cuối năm.

4. stands out (phrasal verb) : nổi bật


We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.

Chúng tôi có nhiều ứng viên tốt cho công việc, nhưng một người nổi bật hơn so với
những người còn lại.

5. trailblazer (n): người tiên phong


She was a trailblazer in bringing nursing into a degree program.

Cô ấy là một người tiên phong trong việc đưa ngành y vào chương trình đại học

August English

6. go-to (adj): lựa chọn hàng đầu/ lựa chọn tốt nhất

For 20 years, Wild Mountain was the go-to store for outdoor enthusiasts.

Trong suốt 20 năm, Wild Mountain luôn là cửa hàng lựa chọn hàng đầu cho những người
yêu thể thao.

7. work ethic (collocation): đạo đức nghề nghiệp


Bill's work ethic was never very strong.

Đạo đức nghề nghiệp của Bill không mạnh mẽ lắm.

Part 3

1. Should students have physical education and do sports at school?

Absolutely, I think physical education should be a cornerstone in the school curriculum. Not only
does it promote physical well-being, but it also plays a crucial role in emotional and psychological
development. It helps kids blow off steam and improves focus, which in turn enhances academic
performance. For example, incorporating sports teaches children invaluable life skills like
teamwork and discipline.

2. What qualities make an athlete?

Well, being an athlete is not just about physical strength; the mental side is also crucial. The ability
to keep one's cool under pressure can make or break an athlete's performance. Additionally,
dedication and hard work are undeniable. Athletes need to put in the hours and go the extra mile
to hone their skills. Lastly, a competitive spirit is also essential. Wanting to outperform not just
others but also oneself can propel an athlete to greater heights.

August English

3. Is talent important in sports?

Yes, of course. Talent is definitely a stepping stone, but it's not the be-all and end-all. Talent can
give you a head start, but it's the hard work and perseverance that will keep you in the game. I've
seen many talented individuals fall by the wayside simply because they didn't put in the effort to
improve or they didn't handle setbacks.

4. Is it easy to identify children’s talents?

Well, that's a bit of a tricky question. Some kids are late bloomers, and their talents might not be
readily apparent. On the other hand, there are child prodigies who show clear signs of
extraordinary abilities from a young age. So, I think that parents and teachers should keep an eye
out for any sparks of talent. However, it's important not to judge children based on initial
impressions; they should be allowed to explore various interests.

1. cornerstone (n) : điểm cốt lõi


In most countries, the family unit is still the cornerstone of society.

Ở hầu hết các quốc gia, gia đình vẫn là điểm cốt lõi của xã hội.

2. blow off steam (idiom) nghỉ xả hơi


Call me anytime you need to blow off some steam

Gọi cho tôi bất cứ lúc nào bạn cần nghỉ ngơi xả hơi

3. go the extra mile (idiom) làm nhiều hơn cả những gì mong đợi

He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.

Anh ấy là người tốt, luôn sẵn sàng làm nhiều hơn cả những gì mong đợi vì bạn bè.

August English

4. hone (v) Mài giũa


The bone had been honed to a point.

Cái xương đã được mài giũa đến một điểm nào đó.

5. competitive spirit (phrase) Tinh thần cạnh tranh


The competitive spirit is an essential part of that contest.

Tinh thần cạnh tranh là một phần quan trọng của cuộc thi đó

6. propel (v): thúc đẩy


The film propelled him to international stardom.

Bộ phim đã góp phần đẩy anh ta vươn tầm thành một ngôi sao quốc tế.

7. stepping stone (phrase) : bước đệm


I see this job just as a stepping stone to better things.

Tôi xem công việc này chỉ là một bước đệm để đạt được những điều tốt đẹp hơn.

8. be-all and end-all (idiom) cái quan trọng nhất, điều cốt lõi

We all agreed that winning was not the be-all and end-all.

Chúng tôi đều đồng tình rằng việc chiến thắng không phải là quan trọng nhất

9. head start (idiom) : khởi đầu thuận lợi


August English

You've got a head start over/on others trying to get the job because you've got relevant
work experience.

Bạn đã có sự khởi đầu thuận lợi hơn so với những người khác cố gắng có công việc vì
bạn đã có kinh nghiệm làm việc liên quan

10. fall by the wayside (idiom) thất bại trong việc làm gì đó, hoặc dừng lại không làm nữa

So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?

Vậy tại sao một công ty tồn tại qua một cuộc suy thoái trong khi đối thủ của họ thất bại và
bị loại bỏ?

11. keep an eye out (idiom) Cảnh giác


Keep an eye out for spyware programs that install themselves on your computer.

Hãy cảnh giác với các chương trình gián điệp tự cài đặt trên máy tính của bạn.

21. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful

You should say:

Where you saw it

What it advertised

And why you remember it

(Where you saw it)

August English

Nowadays, every time you watch TV, you feel like being bombarded by a series of
advertisements. From time to time, I come across some adverts that amuse me. Today, I will
talk about one such compelling TV commercial today which I saw at my home a while ago.

(What it advertised)

This is a “car advertisement” where a Mercedes Car is congratulating the “BMW” Car
company, the fierce competitor of Mercedes cars, on its 100th anniversary with a very cheeky
message that writes “Thanks for 100 years of competition. The previous 30 years were
somewhat dull”. The ad also displays the signature “kidney grille” symbol of BMW car,
which is located at the front and in the middle of the two front headlights, while also very
cleverly ‘illuminating’ the message right below the signature “grille” in order to remind the
BMW car company that Mercedes is the “senior campaigner” in the car manufacturing
industry. The advertisement was displayed on a plain dark background with a contrasting
white color message in order to keep it as much simple as possible.

(And why you remember it)

The advertisement impressed me right away, because it was largely hilarious yet insightful
at the same time. I like this advertisement because of its “unique theme” where it shows that
a particular company is very much able to promote its products while actually congratulating
its competitors also at the same time in a very graceful, and yet, clever manner. Mercedes has
managed to throw a “subtle’ challenge in a “congratulatory” tone that BMW would never
really be able to “outcompete” its unparalleled senior competitor no matter how hard it tries.
Whoever came up with the idea for this advertisement must have put in a lot of imagination
and originality.

Other vocabulary:

August English

1. bombard [v]: address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage: bị tấn công dồn
Eg: We were bombarded with information and statistics.

2. compelling [adj]: evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible

way: hấp dẫn, thú vị
Eg: She gave a compelling and intensely dramatic performance.
3. cheeky [adj]: slightly rude or showing no respect, but often in a funny way: tráo tr ở,
táo tợn
Eg: I thought that that was particularly cheeky.

4. illuminate[v]: to explain and show more clearly something that is difficult to

understand: giải thích
Eg: Do you believe in the article which illuminates the issues at stake?
5. hilarious [adj]: extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter: khôi hài
Eg: Daniell's evaluation of the many twentieth-century translations is sometimes hilarious.

6. insightful [adj]: having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive.: sâu sắc
Eg: This is a very thoughtful, insightful analysis.

7. unparalleled [adj]: better than all others: không thể sánh bằng
Eg: He had a talent unparalleled by any other politician in this country.

8. originality [n]: the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as
anything or anyone else: sự độc đáo
Eg: We were impressed by the originality of the children's work.

22. Describe a difficult task that you campleted at work/study that you felt proud of
You should say

What the task was

How you completed it

Why the task was difficult

August English

Why you were proud of the completion of the task

(What the task was) I'd be happy to talk about a challenging task that I tackled successfully,
leaving me quite proud of the outcome.

(How you completed it) So, the task was to complete a comprehensive market analysis for a new
product launch at work. This involved focusing deeply on market trends, consumer behavior, and
competition, among other things.

To complete this, I really had to roll up my sleeves and dive into a mountain of data. I made use
of cutting-edge software tools for data analytics and even reached out to industry experts for
insights. Time management was crucial, so I broke down the enormous task into manageable
chunks and set deadlines for each.

(Why the task was difficult) The reason this task was so difficult is its complexity and the tight
timeline. I was dealing with aspects of the business I hadn't touched before. Plus, I also had to
complete my regular day-to-day responsibilities, so it was like walking a tightrope.

(Why you were proud of the completion of the task) Why was I proud? Well, when I finally
handed in the report, it received glowing reviews from the higher-ups. Not only did I manage to
complete it on time, but I also provided fresh insights that my team had overlooked. This market
analysis later played a pivotal role in shaping the product's successful launch.

So, pulling off this challenging task not only boosted my confidence but also earned me the respect
of my colleagues and supervisors. It showed me that with the right mindset, and a dose of hard
work, one can overcome it, even under pressing circumstances.

August English

1. roll up one’s sleeves (idiom) chuẩn bị làm gì


There's a lot of work to do, so roll up your sleeves and get busy.

Có rất nhiều công việc phải làm, vậy nên cậu hãy chuẩn bị và bắt đầu làm việc đi.

2. dive into (phrasal verb) Lao vào


When he saw the children fighting, he just dived in to sort it out.

Khi anh ấy thấy trẻ em đánh nhau, anh ấy chỉ lao vào để giải quyết.

3. cutting-edge (adj) Tiên tiến


This is an ambitious book, which aims to pull together cutting-edge research in formal

Đây là một cuốn sách tham vọng, mục tiêu của nó là tổng hợp các nghiên cứu tiên tiến về
ngữ nghĩa hình thức.

4. manageable chunks (phrase) những phần nhỏ dễ giải quyết và quản lí


I am tempted to tear it into manageable chunks, but that might rob it of its majesty.

August English

Tôi thật muốn chia nó thành các phần nhỏ đễ dễ quản lí, nhưng điều đó có thể làm mất đi
sự đồ sộ của nó.

5. walk a tightrope (idiom) đối mặt với tình huống khó khăn, tiến thoái lưỡng nan

Many manufacturers have to walk a tightrope between pricing their goods too high and not
selling them, and pricing them low and losing money.

Nhiều nhà sản xuất phải đưa ra những quyết định khó khăn và tiến thoái lưỡng nan giữa
việc định giá sản phẩm của họ quá cao và không bán được sản phẩm, và việc định giá thấp
và mất tiền.

6. glowing reviews (collocation) Nhận xét rất tích cực


Not everyone gave the album a glowing review.

Không phải ai cũng đánh giá cao album này

7. higher-ups.(n) cấp trên


They're still waiting for a decision about the extra money from the higher-ups.

Họ vẫn đang chờ đợi quyết định về tiền thêm từ cấp trên.

8. pull off (phrasal verb) Thành công trong việc thực hiện

August English

The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.

Ngân hàng trung ương đã thực hiện một trong những cuộc cứu hộ tài chính lớn nhất trong
những năm gần đây.

Part 3

1. What are the things that make people feel proud of in the world of work?

In the professional environment, various factors can elicit a sense of pride. Well, achieving set
targets, contributing to team success are some of the obvious ones. However, the impact of one's
work also plays a huge role. For instance, if someone's project leads to positive social change or
business growth, that could be a major source of pride for those who did it.

2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?

Yes, generally speaking, overcoming a challenging obstacle or finishing a complex task tends to
evoke a strong sense of achievement and pride. It serves as a testament to one's skills, hard work,
and resilience. The satisfaction derived from meeting a difficult challenge can be deeply fulfilling.

3. Are there specific industries or professions where people tend to feel prouder of their
work? Why?

I think the level of pride one feels often varies more with the individual and the nature of the task
rather than the industry itself. However, professions that have a direct impact on societal well-
being, like healthcare, education, or emergency services, may feel very proud. In these sectors, the
connection between one's work and positive outcomes for others is often more visible, thus
fostering a greater sense of accomplishment.

4. Can external factors, such as societal recognition or industry awards, impact an

individual's sense of pride in their work?

Absolutely, external validation like industry awards or public recognition can greatly amplify
one's sense of pride. For example, objective markers of success and excellence could reinforce
one's self-assessment of their achievements. However, it's important to note that while these

August English

awards can enhance pride, they should not be its sole basis. The intrinsic satisfaction derived from
doing a job well is vital too.

1. elicit (v) Trích xuất, gợi ra


They were able to elicit the support of the public.

Họ đã có thể lấy được sự ủng hộ của công chúng.

2. testament (n) Bằng chứng


He is a walking testament to the value of hard work.

Anh ấy là một bằng chứng sống cho giá trị của làm việc chăm chỉ.

3. amplify (v) Khuếch đại


A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret and loss for the relatives.

Một đám tang có thể khuếch đại những cảm xúc của hối hận và mất mát đối với người thân.

4. reinforce (v) Củng cố


The pockets on my jeans are reinforced with double stitching.

Túi của quần jeans của tôi được củng cố bằng đường may kép

5. intrinsic (adj) cốt lõi, thực chất

Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum

Toán học là một phần bản chất của chương trình học tại trường học.

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23. Describe an exciting activity that you experience

Who with you

When it happened

What exercise do you do

Explain how you felt about it

I'd be delighted to share an experience of an exciting activity that I'll always remember.

(Who with you/ When it happened) So, the activity was skydiving, and I had the pleasure of
doing it with a group of close friends. This thrilling adventure happened last summer when we
were looking for ways to spice things up a bit.

(What exercise do you do) Now, as for the exercise involved, skydiving is more mental than
physical. You really need to muster up the courage to jump out of a plane flying thousands of
meters above the ground. We had to go through a brief training session, learning about the
equipment and safety procedures. Then, it was time to take the plunge, quite literally!

(Explain how you felt about it)

The feeling was absolutely exhilarating. The moment we leapt from the plane, it was as if time
stood still. My heart was racing for real. However, as I was free-falling I felt an immense sense of
freedom. And when the parachute finally deployed, I felt an unparalleled sense of
accomplishment and relief.

Looking back, this activity was a roller coaster of emotions but in the best way possible. It
pushed me out of my comfort zone. I would even say it was a transformative experience that
made me see life from a different perspective.

1. spice sth up (idiom) Làm cho cái gì thêm thú vị

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He'd spiced up his speech with a few jokes.

Anh ấy đã làm cho bài diễn thuyết thêm thú vị bằng một vài câu đùa.

2. muster up (phrasal verb) Tập hợp, tích lũy cái gì

She finally mustered up the courage to ask him for more money.

Cô ấy cuối cùng đã dành ra đủ can đảm để yêu cầu anh ta thêm tiền.

3. take the plunge (idiom) quyết định sau khi đã cân nhắc rất lâu
They're finally taking the plunge and getting married.

Họ cuối cùng đã suy nghĩ kĩ càng và tiến tới hôn nhân

4. exhilarating (adj) Đầy sự hứng thú

I find skiing absolutely exhilarating.

Tôi thấy việc trượt tuyết thật sự đầy sự hứng thú.

5. Time stands still (idiom) Thời gian dường như dừng lại
I saw the car coming straight towards me, and for a moment time stood still.

Tôi thấy chiếc xe đang tiến thẳng về phía tôi và trong một khoảnh khắc, thời gian dường
như dừng lại.

6. parachute (n) Dù
For whatever reason his parachute failed to open.

Vì lý do nào đó, dù của anh ta không mở ra.

7. roller coaster (n) Khoảng thời gian mà mọi điều thay đổi một cách chóng mặt
He was on an emotional roller coaster for a while when he lost his job.

Anh ta trải qua một thời gian cuộc sống đầy biến động khi mất việc làm.

8. comfort zone (n) Vùng an toàn

Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones.

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Leo núi đá làm nhiều người vượt ra khỏi vùng an toàn của họ.

9. transformative (adj) Có tính biến đổi, biến dạng

The whole experience was transformative

Toàn bộ trải nghiệm đó đã biến dạng


1. What activity do young people like to do?

In today's digital age, young people are quite drawn to technology-based activities, such as social
media scrolling, online gaming, and streaming content. However, traditional pastimes like hanging
out with friends, participating in sports, and going to concerts or festivals still hold significance.

2. How do the preferred activities of young people today differ from those of previous

As we can see, the generational shift is rather evident. Earlier generations were more inclined to
outdoor activities like picnics, or simple games like hide-and-seek. Now, with the advent of
technology, many activities have moved online. While previous generations might have gathered
around a board game, today's youth are more likely to connect over a multiplayer online game.

3. What factors influence the choice of activities among young people, such as friends, family,
or societal trends?

I suppose that many factors come into play when young people pick their activities. Peer pressure
or the need to fit in often sways their choices. Family influence can't be ruled out either, especially
in activities related to culture or tradition. Societal trends, amplified by social media, also play a
huge role, too. Personally, I think what's seen as 'cool' can really tip the scales in favor of certain

4. Are there gender differences in the types of activities that young people tend to enjoy?

Yes, I do believe that some gender differences do persist in activity preferences. For instance,
competitive sports like soccer or basketball might be more popular among young men, whereas

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activities like yoga or group dance classes could attract more young women. However, it's crucial
to note that these are not hard and fast rules; personal preferences often transcend gender norms.

1. be drawn to (v) Bị thu hút bởi

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall blond man standing at the bar.

Bàn mắt cô ấy ngay lập tức bị thu hút bởi người đàn ông tóc vàng cao đang đứng ở quầy

2. multiplayer (adj) Chơi nhiều người

The game doesn't boast any kind of multiplayer action, off or online.

Trò chơi không có bất kỳ loại hoạt động chơi nhiều người nào, ngoại trừ hoặc trực tuyến."

3. ruled out (phrasal verb) Loại trừ

I won't rule out a June election.

Tôi không loại trừ khả năng có cuộc bầu cử vào tháng Sáu."

4. tip the scales (idiom) điều gì đó đã ảnh hưởng đến quyết định của một tình huống khác
She was a good candidate, but her lack of computer skills tipped the scales against her.

Cô ấy là một ứng cử viên tốt, nhưng việc thiếu kỹ năng máy tính đã khiến quyết định
nghiêng về phía khác.

5. persist in (v) Tiếp tục, khăng khăng

If he persists in asking awkward questions, then send him to the boss.

Nếu anh ta tiếp tục đặt những câu hỏi phiền hà, thì hãy gửi anh ta đến gặp sếp

6. hard and fast rules (idiom) Quy tắc rõ ràng

There's no hard and fast rule when it comes to making an offer.

Không có quy tắc cố định và rõ ràng nào khi đến việc đưa ra một đề xuất.

7. transcend (v) Vượt qua, vượt lên trên

The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.

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Những bộ phim hay nhất là những bộ phim có khả năng vượt qua giới hạn về quốc gia hoặc
văn hóa.

24. Describe a historical period you are interested in

You should say:

When it was

What you are interested in

What you already knew

And explain why you would like to know more

This is such a tough question because our country, Vietnam, is rich in history with resounding
victories and well-known historical events…but to single out a particular period to learn more
about it, I would choose the Air Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

(When it was) To the best of my knowledge, this battle took place in December of 1972. 51
years have passed but the echo of ‘Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory still resonates from
generation to generation, illustrating national strength and representing every Vietnamese’s

(What you are interested in) Since secondary school, I was taught about this event during my
History lessons. At home, I often watch documentaries to have a deeper understanding of this
unexpected victory. Back in the day, the world believed that the US would win because it was
such an asymmetric confrontation with the superiority of the US’s air force and modern
technology. However, contrary to all expectations, our military won the battle, successfully
preserving our independence and keeping the peace.

(What you knew) Through some online articles and books, I have read the biography of some
heroic and intelligent soldiers who sacrificed their lives to shoot down the B-52 bomber which
was considered the most advanced weapon at that time to save the lives of innocent civilians in
Ha Noi. I’m so grateful for their supreme sacrifice in saving our nation.

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(And explain why you would like to know more) But that’s not enough! I wish I had more
opportunities to visit some museums or buy some books to learn more about the tactics and
strategies that our military applied to achieve such a resounding victory.

1. asymmetric (adj): bất cân xứng

Some of the rugs have regular geometric designs and others are decorated with asymmetric
shapes. (Một vài tấm thảm được thiết kế thành hình học thông thường còn vài cái khác đựơc
trang trí bởi những hình bất đối xứng.)

2. confrontation (n): sự đối đầu

Some couples seem to like confrontation, but Josh and I hardly ever argue. (Một vài cặp đôi
hay đối đầu, cãi nhau nhưng Josh với tôi ít khi cãi lộn)

3. superiority (n): lợi thế

The Australian team soon demonstrated their superiority over the opposition. (Đội Úc nhanh
thể hiện lợi thế áp đảo đối phương)

4. biography (n): tiểu sử

He wrote a biography of Winston Churchill. (Ông ấy viết tiểu sử của Winston Churchill)

5. resounding (adj): vang dội

The remake of the movie was a resounding success (Sự tái bản của bộ phim này là một thành
công vang dội)

Part 3

1. Should everyone know history?

Absolutely, there’s no doubt that history plays a pivotal role for every nation and its citizens.
Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, cultures, and technologies were

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built, how they operated, and how they have changed. The rich history of the world helps us to
paint a detailed picture of where we stand today. Moreover, the more we understand the history
of our own country, the deeper the gratitude we feel towards our previous generations.

2. In what ways can children learn history?

In the national curriculum, children are taught about historical figures and events quite early
but most of the lessons are quite dry and boring. Besides, students can read books on history or
watch movies, and documentaries to have a deeper understanding of national history, hence
promoting patriotism. In addition to that, parents should spend time taking their children to
some museums to explore history with them and help them broaden their knowledge.

3. Is it hard to protect historical buildings?

Yes. Since historical buildings have stood the test of time for centuries plus the ravages of
wars, they are quite vulnerable. Preserving and maintaining these buildings usually takes a lot
of time, effort and budget. A country should invest a funds in restoring these relics, hiring
skilled masons and experts and accepting the risks involved in the protection process. Besides,
some historical buildings now serve the purpose of a museum for visitors to come and learn
about history. The authorities also need to ensure such a huge influx of visitors doesn’t harm
the structure of the building.

1. stand the test of time (idiom): trải qua sự thử thách của thời gian

many of her recipes have stood the test of time (Vài công thức nấu ăn của cô ấy mãi trường tồn
cùng thời gian)

2. ravages (n): sự tàn phá

The ravages of war reach my conscience.(Cảnh tàn phá của chiến tranh thấu đến lương tâm tôi.)

3. mason (n): thợ xây

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He does his job as a mason. (Ông làm thợ nề.)

4. How do museums teach people history?

Visiting museums could give people first-hand experience of learning more about history
because they could observe some historical artefacts and antiques, listen to the stories of the
guide and gain a deeper insight into the history. For example, when visiting a War Museum,
people, especially the young generation could get an opportunity to access the belongings, hats
or weapons of some martyrs and then they would understand how brutal war is and recognise
the need to preserve national peace. Besides, with the advancement of technology, most
museums nowadays apply technology to better visitors’ experience. People could visit a 3D
Museum, watch movies or use their smartphones to discover the story behind each artefact.

1. first-hand experience (collocation): trải nghiệm tận mắt

Most of us have firsthand experience of teaching. (Hầu hết chúng tôi được trải nghiệm tận
mắt việc dạy học)

2. artefacts (n): cổ vật

The museum's collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times. (Bộ sưu tập của
bảo tàng bao gồm các cổ vật từ thời tiền sử)

3. martyr (n) liệt sĩ

5. Will museums be replaced by technology someday?

Museums will not be substituted by technology in the future because they play an integral role
in defining and preserving a country’s culture and tradition. Although most of the artefacts have
pictures taken of them and posted on the internet with detailed stories behind them, visiting
museums and beholding the objects give people a sense of patriotism and solidarity, as well
as arouse their love for history. In addition, because museums often promote the development

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of tourism by attracting tourists, this does not only introduce a country’s rich history to
international friends but also generates a stream of revenue for the government.

1. patriotism (n): lòng yêu nước

Vietnamese people are well - known about patriotism.(Dân tộc Việt Nam được nhiều người
biết đến về lòng yêu nước.)

2. solidarity (n): tinh thần đoàn kết

They are promoting international solidarity.(Họ đang thúc đẩy tình đoàn kết quốc tế.)

3. arouse (v): đánh thức (cảm xúc,..)

It's a controversial plan that is sure to arouse strong opposition. (Đó là một kế hoạch gây
tranh cãi, chắc chắn khơi dậy sự phản đối mạnh mẽ.)

4. stream of revenue (collo): dòng lợi nhuận

We have been successful in developing a whole stream of revenue from non-core

businesses. (Chúng tôi đã thành công trong việc tạo ra các dòng lợi nhuận từ các doanh
nghiệp không cốt lõi

25. Describe a person you study or work with who is successful in his/her life
Tham khảo bài: Describe a person who just moved into your community and brought a positive

You should say:

Who this person is

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When and where this person moved to your community

How you know this person And explain how you feel about this person

(Who this person is) I would like to talk about a remarkable individual named Lisa, who
recently moved into our community and has brought a significant positive influence. Lisa is an
accomplished artist and an inspiring social activist. She relocated to our neighborhood
approximately six months ago, having previously lived in a bustling city.

(How you know this person) I first became acquainted with Lisa when she organized a
community art exhibition at our local gallery. Her exceptional talent and passion for using art
as a medium for social change instantly caught my attention. We had the opportunity to connect
during the event, and since then, I have had the privilege of getting to know her better through
various community initiatives.

(When and where this person moved to your community) Lisa's arrival has undoubtedly
revitalized our community. She has actively engaged with local residents, organizing
workshops and art programs for children and adults alike. Her dedication to promoting
creativity, inclusivity, and social justice has been truly remarkable. Through her artistic skills
and advocacy, Lisa has been able to ignite a sense of unity and empower individuals to express
themselves freely.

(And explain how you feel about this person) Personally, I find Lisa to be an incredibly
inspiring and compassionate individual. Her commitment to making a positive impact in our
community is evident in every interaction I've had with her. She possesses a genuine warmth
and a genuine desire to bring about positive change. Lisa's ability to connect with people from
diverse backgrounds is truly commendable, and she has become a role model for many,
including myself.

Furthermore, Lisa's infectious enthusiasm and unwavering determination have encouraged me

to actively participate in community initiatives. I have seen firsthand the transformative power

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of her work, witnessing individuals discovering their creative potential and embracing social
causes they were previously unaware of.

In summary, Lisa's presence in our community has been a breath of fresh air. Her artistic
talents, combined with her unwavering commitment to fostering positive change, have brought
new energy and a sense of purpose to our neighborhood. I am grateful for the opportunity to
know and collaborate with her, and I genuinely believe that her positive influence will continue
to shape and inspire our community for years to come.

1. Be remarkable (a): đáng chú ý

Ex: Her artistic talent is truly remarkable.

Khả năng nghệ thuật của cô ấy thực sự đáng chú ý.

2. A social activist (n): nhà hoạt động xã hội, chính trị

Ex: The social activist organized protests to raise awareness about human rights issues.

Nhà hoạt động xã hội tổ chức các cuộc biểu tình nhằm nâng cao nhận thức về các vấn đề nhân

3. Be acquainted with something (a): quen thuộc với

Ex: I am acquainted with the local customs and traditions.

Tôi quen thuộc với phong tục và truyền thống địa phương.

4. Exceptional (a): ngoại lệ, độc nhất

Ex: Her academic achievements are exceptional.

Thành tích học tập của cô ấy là độc nhất.

5. To have the privilege of something (phrase): có vinh dự, có đặc quyền

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Ex: I have the privilege of working with a talented team.

Tôi có vinh dự được làm việc cùng một đội ngũ tài năng.

6. To revitalize (v): tái sinh

Ex: The government launched a program to revitalize the urban areas.

Chính phủ triển khai một chương trình để tái sinh các khu vực đô thị.

7. To ignite (v): kích thích, đốt cháy

Ex: Her passionate speech ignited a spark of inspiration among the audience.

Bài diễn thuyết đầy đam mê của cô ấy đã kích thích một tia lửa cảm hứng trong khán giả.

8. Be genuine (a): chính cống, xác thực, chân thành

Ex: I appreciate her genuine concern for others.

Tôi đánh giá cao sự quan tâm chân thành của cô ấy đối với người khác.

9. Be unwavering (a): kiên định, vững vàng

Ex: Despite the challenges, she remained unwavering in her determination to succeed.

Mặc dù gặp khó khăn, cô ấy vẫn kiên định trong quyết tâm thành công của mình.

10. Community initiatives (n): sáng kiến cộng đồng

Ex: The local residents initiated various community initiatives to improve their neighborhood.

Các cư dân địa phương đã khởi xướng nhiều sáng kiến cộng đồng nhằm cải thiện khu phố của

11. To be a breath of fresh air (phrase): một luồng sinh khí mới

Ex: The new employee brought innovative ideas and was a breath of fresh air in the

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Nhân viên mới mang đến những ý tưởng đột phá và là một luồng sinh khí mới trong nơi làm

12. Be grateful for (a): biết ơn vì điều gì

Ex: I am grateful for the support and opportunities I have been given.

Tôi biết ơn vì sự hỗ trợ và cơ hội mà tôi đã nhận được.

Part 3:

1. What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?

-> Various individuals may choose to live by themselves for different reasons. Young adults
who have recently entered the workforce often opt for independent living as they seek personal
growth, freedom, and the ability to make their own decisions. Additionally, professionals with
demanding careers, individuals who value solitude, or those who prioritize privacy may also
prefer living alone. Moreover, elderly individuals who have become empty nesters or have lost
their partners may choose to live independently as a way to maintain their autonomy and

2. What skills do you think young people need to learn in order to live independently?

-> To live independently, young people should develop a range of essential skills. Financial
literacy is crucial, including budgeting, managing expenses, and understanding basic economic
concepts. Practical skills such as cooking, cleaning, and household maintenance are also
important for daily living. Effective time management, organizational skills, and the ability to
prioritize tasks help maintain a balanced lifestyle. Additionally, strong communication and
interpersonal skills contribute to building relationships and resolving conflicts independently.

3. How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently?

-> Parents and teachers play vital roles in preparing young people for independent living.
Firstly, they can instill a sense of responsibility and self-reliance by gradually assigning age-
appropriate tasks and responsibilities at home and in school. Financial education programs can

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be introduced to teach young people about money management and saving strategies. Practical
life skills can be integrated into the curriculum, offering workshops or courses on cooking,
cleaning, and basic home maintenance. Moreover, fostering open communication and providing
guidance on decision-making and problem-solving can empower young individuals to
navigate challenges they may face when living independently.

1. To opt for (v): chọn

Ex: I have decided to opt for the vegetarian option at the restaurant.

Tôi đã quyết định chọn món ăn chay ở nhà hàng.

2. Solitude (n): sự cô độc

Ex: Sometimes I enjoy the solitude of being alone in nature.

Đôi khi tôi thích sự cô độc của việc ở một mình trong thiên nhiên.

4. Autonomy (n): tính tự động, độc lập

Ex: The company encourages employees to take initiative and work with autonomy.

Công ty khuyến khích nhân viên tự chủ và làm việc độc lập.

5. Time management (n): kĩ năng quản lý thời gian

Ex: Effective time management is crucial for productivity and success.

Quản lý thời gian hiệu quả là rất quan trọng để đạt được năng suất và thành công.

6. Interpersonal skills (n): kĩ năng mềm

Ex: Good interpersonal skills are essential for building strong relationships.

Kỹ năng giao mềm là rất quan trọng để xây dựng mối quan hệ mạnh mẽ.

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7. Self-reliance (n): sự độc lập, tự lực

Ex: Living on my own has taught me self-reliance and independence.

Sống một mình đã giúp tôi học được sự độc lập và tự lực.

8. Guidance on (n): sự chỉ đạo, hướng dẫn

Ex: The teacher provided guidance on how to solve the math problem.

Giáo viên đã cung cấp hướng dẫn về cách giải quyết bài toán toán học.

9. Decision-making (a): quyết định

Ex: The decision-making process involves careful consideration of all options.

Quá trình ra quyết định liên quan đến việc xem xét cẩn thận tất cả các lựa chọn.

10. Problem-solving (a): giải quyết vấn đề

Ex: Problem-solving skills are highly valued in the workplace.

Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề được đánh giá cao trong môi trường làm việc.

11. To navigate (v): đánh dấu

Ex: He was able to navigate through the complex maze with ease.

Anh ấy có thể điều hướng qua mê cung phức tạp một cách dễ dàng

26. Describe a place-not in your home- where you go to relax

Tham khảo bài “Describe a place far away from your area of living which you would visit in
the future”

You should say:

- Where it would be

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- How you would like to travel there

- What you would do there
- And explain why you would like to go there

(Where it would be) I have always dreamed of visiting Singapore, the second safest city in
the world, right behind Tokyo. This city-state takes pride in its miraculous transformation
from a fishing village with literally no human and natural resources into the nation which tops
many rankings in the world, from education to GDP per capita, leaving its regional peers far

(How you would like to travel there) Despite flying from Ho Chi Minh city to Singapore
only takes barely 2 hours, it would be a lot better if I had a chance to go on a voyage in a 5-
star cruise departing from Saigon Harbour to Singapore Cruise Centre, which is a more
luxurious option than flying. In this way, not only can I enjoy my trip inside Singapore but
also the journey to there.

(What you would do there) As I got to know some Singaporean students during my
participation in outreach programmes with them in Vietnam, the first thing I would do is to
have a reunion dinner with them as well as head out for some drinks at the Long Bar of Raffles
Hotel, worldwide known for its world-class cocktail called the Singapore Sling. Also, I would
love to pay a visit to the Gardens by the Bay, in which there are a variety of trees and flowers.

(And explain why you would like to go there) Singapore is my dream destination as it is a
hub of cross-cultural exchange as people from all over Asia settled here and built a mutual
home called Singapore. Also, the architecture of buildings in this city-state has continuously
made it to the top 10 most beautiful buildings in the world. Most importantly, this is a smart
city which might be a real learning experience for me.

1. To take pride in something (phrase): tự hào về cái gì đó.

We take pride in the high quality of our food.

Chúng tôi tự hào về chất lượng đồ ăn của chúng tôi.

2. Miraculous (adj): thần kì

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He made a miraculous recovery from heart disease.

Anh ấy đã vượt qua căn bệnh tim một cách thần kì.

3. To leave someone far behind (phrase): vượt xa cái gì đó

The company has left its close rivals far behind.

Công ty nào đã vượt xa những đối thủ cạnh tranh của nó rất xa.

4. Voyage (n): chuyến tàu

Christopher Columbus brought cattle on his second voyage to America in 1493.

Christopher Columbus đã mang một con bò trên chuyến tàu thứ hai của ông ấy đến Mỹ vào
năm 1493.

5. Head out (phrase): đi ra ngoài

I was heading out of the room when she called me back.

Tôi đang đi ra khỏi phòng thì cô ấy gọi tôi lại.

6. Pay a visit (phrase): thăm thú/ghé qua

I think I’ll pay a visit to the library when in town

Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ ghé qua thư viện khi đến trung tâm.

7. Cross-cultural (adj): đa văn hóa.

This is a study of cross-cultural communication in the global marketplace.

Đây là một bài nghiên cứu về giao tiếp đa văn hóa trong thị trường quốc tế.


1. Do you think modern life gives people enough time for leisure?

August English

I personally do not think that modern life gives people enough time for leisure. As the economy
expands, more work needs to be done to serve rising demands, which creates heavy workloads
for people and deprives them of time for leisure.

2. What’s the most important factor for a tourist attraction?

The most important factor for a tourist attraction is sustainable development. If a tourist
attraction expands unsustainably and welcomes an overwhelming number of visitors, the
atmosphere, cultural values and environment there will be degraded.

3. Do you think that we should have more public holidays?

I think there should be more public holidays. It is clear that tourist attractions in each long
weekend in Vietnam are packed with tourists, which places a huge burden on the tourist
attractions themselves. Therefore, giving people more public holidays will disperse the
accumulated number of people going on a trip on present public holidays.

4. What do people need before travelling to another country?

When traveling to another country, it is essential that people learn some basic phrases of the
native language there so that they can communicate with the local who cannot speak English.
Also, travellers should also be aware of cultural differences so as not to show inappropriate
behaviour in the host country.

5. Is there any difference between young tourists and old tourists?

Absolutely yes! The clearest difference is that old tourists are more interested in package tours
while young tourists tend to travel solo.

6. Do you think tourism will harm the Earth?

I believe that tourism does do harm to the Earth although it is deemed as a smoke-free
industry. The chemicals used in restaurants and hotels are usually discharged into water
bodies without treatment while tourists oftentimes leave behind a lot of trash wherever they

7. Which method of travel do you consider safest?

August English

Definitely flying. Although I usually have butterflies before each flight, I feel a better sense
of safety when flying compared to driving a scooter on congested roads of Ho Chi Minh city.

8. In 20 or 30 years’ time, how do you think travelling will be different from what it is

Budget hotels will give way to apartments for lease on AirBnB and package tours will become
a thing of the past. More and more people, with the assistance of technology, will be able to
travel on their own and stay at their preferred lodges.

1. Workload (n): khối lượng công việc

Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.

Giáo viên luôn than vãn về khối lượng công việc lớn của họ.

2. To deprive someone of something (phrase): lấy cái gì khỏi ai đó.

He was deprived of food for three days.

Anh ấy bị tước mất đồ ăn trong vòng ba ngày.

3. To place a burden on something (phrase): đặt gánh nặng lên cái gì đó

Buying a house often places a large financial burden on young couples.

Mua một căn nhà luôn đặt một gánh nặng tài chính lên các cặp đôi trẻ.

4. To disperse (v): phân tán

Police dispersed the crowd that had gathered.

Cảnh sát đang phân tán đám đông đang tụ tập từ trước đó.

5. Package tour (n): tour theo gói

We bought a cheap package tour to Spain and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.

Chúng tôi mua một gói tour khá rẻ đến Tây Ban Nha và ở trong một khách sạn kế biển.

6. To do harm to something (phrase): làm hại cái gì đó.

August English

The bond offers great benefits for issuers without doing any harm to investors.

Trái phiếu mang lại lợi ích lớn cho các nhà phát thành mà không gây hại cho nhà đầu tư.

7. To deem (v): xem là

The area has now been deemed safe.

Vùng này đã được cho là an toàn.

8. To discharge (v): thải ra

The oil that was discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.

Lượng dầu bị thải ra biển đã gây hại tới nhiều loài chim và động vật.

9. To have butterflies (idiom): rất lo lắng.

I had terrible butterflies before I gave that talk in Venice.

Tôi thực sự rất run sợ và lo lắng trước khi đưa ra diễn văn đó ở Venice.

10. Give way to (phrase): nhường đường cho ai đó.

Please give way to alighting passengers before boarding the train.

Xin vui lòng nhường đường cho các khách xuống tàu trước khi lên tàu.

11. Lodge (n): nhà nghỉ.

A ski/hunting lodge

Nhà nghỉ dành cho những người trượt tuyết hoặc săn bắn.

27. Describe something you did or you need to do quickly in a short time
What you had to do

Why you had to it in a hurry

How well you did this

And explain how you felt about the experience

August English

(What you had to do)

Recently, I had to tackle an unexpected situation at work that required me to prepare a last-
minute presentation for a client meeting.

(Why you had to it in a hurry)

The task was to create a comprehensive report summarizing our project's progress, which wasn't
initially scheduled until the following week. Unfortunately, due to a sudden change in the client's
availability, the meeting was rescheduled, leaving me with only a few hours to put together a
compelling presentation.

(How well you did this)

I dove headfirst into gathering data, creating slides, and rehearsing key talking points. Despite
the time constraints, I managed to make a visually appealing presentation. I made use of
relevant charts to convey information effectively, ensuring that the client could easily grasp the
project's status.

(And explain how you felt about the experience)

Having to complete such a task quickly not only tested my skills but also provided a valuable
learning experience. I felt a mix of satisfaction and relief. While the last-minute nature of the
task was stressful, the successful completion of the presentation under a tight deadline
showcased my ability to perform well under pressure. It highlighted the importance of
adaptability and quick thinking in a professional setting, emphasizing the need to stay composed
even when faced with unexpected challenges.

1. last-minute (adj): phút cuối

His attorneys hoped for a last-minute reprieve.

Các luật sư của ông hy vọng được ân xá vào phút cuối.

2. put together (phrasal verb): gắn lại

The vase broke, but I managed to put it together again.

Chiếc bình đã vỡ nhưng tôi đã có thể gắn nó lại được.

3. compelling (a): hấp dẫn

It's a fairly compelling argument for going.

August English

Đó là một lý lẽ khá thuyết phục để đi.

4. dive headfirst into (idiom) : cắm đầu vào cái gì đó

Don't dive head-first into biking when you're not ready. Start small

Đừng lao đầu vào việc đạp xe khi bạn chưa sẵn sàng. Khởi đầu nhỏ

5. time constraints (n): hạn chế về mặt thời gian

6. make use of (v): tận dụng/ lợi dụng
We must make use of every weapon we have in the fight against terrorism.

Chúng ta phải tận dụng mọi vũ khí có được trong cuộc chiến chống khủng bố.

7. showcase (v): trưng bày

The exhibition is an annual showcase for British design and innovation.

Triển lãm là nơi trưng bày thường niên về thiết kế và đổi mới của Anh.

8. stay composed: giữ bình tĩnh

She stayed remarkably composed throughout the funeral.

Cô ấy giữ thái độ điềm tĩnh đáng kinh ngạc trong suốt tang lễ.


1. Do you think it’s ok to arrive late when meeting a friend?

Well, I don’t think so. You know, I believe showing up on time is a sign of respect in any
relationship, especially with friends. I mean, life happens, and occasional lateness, like once in
a blue moon, might be forgiven, but if it becomes a habit, it could strain the friendship.
Communication is key, though. If you're running late, a quick message can make a huge
difference in how it's perceived.

2. What should happen to people who arrive late for work?

In a professional setting, punctuality is typically emphasized for a smooth and efficient

workflow. Arriving late for work might have consequences such as reprimands, warnings, or
even impacting one's professional reputation. That’s why many companies often have policies in
place to address tardiness, aiming to ensure a productive and timely work environment.

3. Can you suggest how people can make sure they don’t arrive late?

August English

To ensure punctuality and avoid being late, personally, I often plan ahead and factor in
potential delays. This means estimating the time required for transportation, affected by things
such as traffic conditions, and any unexpected weather like rain as well. Another helpful tip I
learnt from my friend is to set multiple alarms or reminders. Utilizing your smartphone or any
other digital device, you can set alarms at different intervals to keep you on track and alert you
to the time. In the past, honestly, every morning was like a rat race, I always felt stressed by the
potential of arriving at school late. But, after forming a habit of preparing the night before, I can
streamline my morning routine and minimize the risk of last-minute delays.

1. life happens (idiom): Đời mà! Chuyện gì cũng có thể xảy ra được.
2. once in a blue moon (idiom): thỉnh thoảng, hiếm khi


My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.

Chị tôi sống ở Alaska nên tôi chỉ gặp chị ấy một lần vào dịp trăng xanh.

3. strain (v): làm căng thẳng


This relationship has been strained almost to the breaking point.

Mối quan hệ này đã căng thẳng đến mức gần như rạn nứt.

4. run late (phrasal verb): đến muộn


She called to tell her boss that she was running late due to an accident that was holding
up traffic.

Cô gọi điện để nói với sếp rằng cô sẽ đến muộn do một vụ tai nạn gây ùn tắc giao thông.

5. reprimands (noun): sự khiển trách


His boss gave him a severe reprimand for being late.

Ông chủ của anh ta đã khiển trách anh ta nặng nề vì đến muộn.

August English

6. plan ahead (phrasal verb): lên kế hoạch trước


It’s a good idea to plan ahead.

Đó là một ý tưởng tốt để lên kế hoạch trước.

7. factor in (phrasal verb): tính trước đến điều gì đó


People are earning more, but when inflation is factored in, they are no better off.

Mọi người đang kiếm được nhiều tiền hơn, nhưng khi tính đến lạm phát, họ cũng không
khá hơn.

8. keep someone on track (phrase): đảm bảo rằng ai đó/cái gì đang vận hành/ đi đúng


My students are so rambunctious and inattentive. I have the hardest time keeping them on
the right track.

Học trò của tôi rất nghịch ngợm và thiếu tập trung. Tôi gặp khó khăn nhất trong việc giữ
họ đi đúng hướng.

9. a rat race (idiom): lối sống của con người hiện đại, nơi con người đấu đá vì quyền lực và


He decided to get out of the rat race, and went to work on a farm.

Anh quyết định thoát khỏi cuộc đua của thời cuộc và đến làm việc tại một trang trại

10. streamline (v) : cắt giảm


The cost-cutting measures include streamlining administrative procedures in the


August English

Các biện pháp cắt giảm chi phí bao gồm tinh giản các thủ tục hành chính trong công ty.

28. Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person

Where you had it

Who you had it with

What the conversation was

What the conversation was about

(Where you had it)

Recently, I had a delightful conversation with Mrs. Minh, a charming elderly lady from my

(Who you had it with)

We crossed paths at a local coffee shop, a cozy spot that seems to be a favorite among the
community's seniors for its warm atmosphere and good coffee.

(What the conversation was about)

Our conversation began organically as we found ourselves sharing a table due to the limited
seating. Mrs. Minh, an 85-year-old retired librarian, started talking about her extensive travels
during her younger years. We delved into stories about her adventures across Europe, Asia, and
Africa, and she painted vivid pictures of the diverse cultures she had encountered.

What made the conversation so engaging was not just the places she visited but the unexpected
twists and turns of her journeys. Mrs. Thompson regaled me with tales of chance encounters,
and the kindness of strangers that made her travels truly memorable.

Throughout our chat, I was struck by her animated storytelling and the twinkle in her eye as she
relived those moments. It felt like I was flipping through the pages of a well-worn travel diary,
each story unfolding with a mix of humor and nostalgia.

August English

Our encounter was more than just a casual chat; it was a journey through time and cultures. I left
the coffee shop with a sense of admiration and inspiration. Mrs. Minh’s tales not only
transported me to different corners of the world but also highlighted the importance of embracing
life's adventures with an open heart. It left me with a desire to explore the world and collect
stories of my own, just like she did in her youth.

1. to cross paths (v): gặp nhau

It was a pleasure meeting you - I hope we crossed paths again.

Rất vui được gặp bạn - Tôi hy vọng chúng ta lại gặp nhau.

2. to delve into (phrasal verb): đào sâu, tìm hiểu quá sâu
She said she was tired of journalists delving into her private life.

Cô cho biết cô cảm thấy mệt mỏi khi các nhà báo đào sâu vào cuộc sống riêng tư của cô.

3. twists and turns (idiom): nhiều chỗ lắt léo/ khúc mắc, khó khăn
It's a story that's so fantastic, so full of twists and turns, that it would be hard to make up.

Đó là một câu chuyện quá tuyệt vời, đầy những khúc mắc và khó có thể bịa ra.

4. to regale with (v): làm ai đó giải trí/ vui vẻ với cái gì

The sailor regaled us all night with stories of his adventures.

Người thủy thủ đã chiêu đãi chúng tôi suốt đêm bằng những câu chuyện về cuộc phiêu
lưu của anh ấy.

5. to flip through: lướt qua cái gì đó (thường là sách/ tạp chí/…)

I think I glanced at that fact while quickly flipping through some glossy magazine.

Tôi nghĩ là tôi đã liếc nhìn sự thật đó trong khi lướt nhanh qua một số tạp chí bóng loáng.

6. well-worn (adj): được dùng quá nhiều ( nghĩa bóng: có tính cũ kĩ)
Ecology can be written about without relying on well-worn examples such as tropical

Sinh thái học có thể được viết mà không cần dựa vào những ví dụ cũ kỹ như rừng mưa
nhiệt đới.

7. to feel nostalgia (adj): hồi tưởng về quê nhà

Some people feel nostalgia for their schooldays.

Một số người cảm thấy hoài niệm về thời đi học của mình.

August English

Part 3:

1. What is the difference between the conversation between men and women?

Well, when it comes to the differences in communication between men and women, it's
fascinating to observe how social and cultural factors influence their conversational styles.
Generally, women tend to prioritize building connections and nurturing relationships in their
conversations. They often share personal experiences, emotions, and intricate details, fostering a
sense of intimacy. On the other hand, men, in many cases, gravitate toward a more direct and
solution-oriented approach. Their communication style tends to be focused on facts and
solutions rather than delving deeply into personal experiences. But, I think that these are just
broad generalizations, and individuals may exhibit a wide range of communication styles
irrespective of gender.

2. Which conversation is better on the phone or face-to-face?

Ah, I mean, it’s such an eternal debate – phone versus in person conversations! Well, the choice
between the two hinges on the context and the nature of the interaction.

Face-to-face conversations hold a unique charm because they allow for a deeper connection.
You can pick up on facial expressions, body language, and nuances that add richness to the
communication. It's more personal and fosters a sense of closeness. However, in our fast-paced
world, the convenience of phone conversations cannot be ignored. They are handy for quick
updates, especially when geographical distances pose a challenge. So, the preference really boils
down to the purpose of the conversation and the desired level of connection.

3. Why do people get nervous while they give presentations?

I would say giving presentations is the bane of many of us. The nervousness that accompanies
public speaking often stems from the fear of judgment and the pressure to deliver a flawless
performance. The concern about forgetting important points or stumbling over words adds to the

It's a common human experience to worry about not meeting expectations in front of an
audience. However, with dedicated practice and confidence-building exercises, these nerves can
be gradually tamed.

August English

4. Why is body language important?

I will say, body language is the silent power of communication. Why? It's a fascinating aspect
that often goes unnoticed but plays a crucial role in conveying messages. Our gestures,
expressions, and posture can communicate volumes without uttering a single word. For instance,
crossed arms may signal defensiveness, while maintaining eye contact exudes confidence and
sincerity. Being attuned to our own body language and understanding signals from others can
significantly enhance the effectiveness of communication.

1. nurture (v): dưỡng dục


She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.

Cô muốn ở nhà và nuôi con.

2. intricate (adj): phức tạp


The watch mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair.

Cơ chế hoạt động của đồng hồ cực kỳ phức tạp và rất khó sửa chữa.

3. Intimacy (n): sự thân mật


It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many

Rõ ràng từ sự thân mật hóm hỉnh của họ là họ đã là bạn tốt trong nhiều năm.

4. gravitate toward/to something/someone (v): hướng về/về cái gì/ai đó


Susie always gravitates toward the older children in her playgroup.

Susie luôn hướng về những đứa trẻ lớn hơn trong nhóm của mình.

August English

5. solution-oriented (adj): hướng đến giải pháp


Being solution-oriented leader means you won't sleep until you help find the answer
and/or fix a problem

Trở thành người lãnh đạo định hướng giải pháp có nghĩa là bạn sẽ không ngủ cho đến khi
giúp tìm ra câu trả lời và/hoặc khắc phục vấn đề

6. irrespective of (phrase) : mà không


The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins.

Pháp luật phải được áp dụng bất kể nguồn gốc dân tộc của ai đó.

7. hinge on/upon something (phrasal verb): xoay quanh cái gì đó


The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial.

Vụ án của bên công tố xoay quanh bằng chứng của một nhân chứng đã chết trước phiên

8. handy (adj): thuân tiện cho việc gì


We found it handy to have a cellular phone.

Chúng tôi thấy thật tiện lợi khi có một chiếc điện thoại di động.

9. boil down to (phrasal verb) : là lí do của việc gì


The problem boils down to one thing - lack of money.

Vấn đề tập trung vào một điều - thiếu tiền.

August English

10. stems from (phrasal verb) : bắt nguồn từ


Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.

Sự bất đồng của họ bắt nguồn từ sự hiểu lầm.

11. flawless (adj): hoàn hảo


The countdown was flawless, and the space missile went off exactly on schedule.

Việc đếm ngược thật hoàn hảo và tên lửa không gian đã phóng đúng theo lịch trình.

12. stumble over (phrasal verb): nói vấp, đọc vấp (thường là trong bài thuyết trình)


When the poet stumbled over a line in the middle of a poem, someone in the audience
corrected him.

Khi nhà thơ vấp phải một dòng ở giữa bài thơ, có người trong khán giả đã sửa lại cho

13. Tame (verb): kiểm soát


He'll need to tame his temper if he wants to succeed.

Anh ấy sẽ cần phải kiềm chế tính nóng nảy của mình nếu muốn thành công.

14. exude (verb): toát ra


She just exudes confidence.

Cô ấy chỉ thể hiện sự tự tin.

15. attune to (verb): hòa hợp với, thích nghi với

August English


My ears are beginning to attune to the subtle differences in intonation.

Tai tôi bắt đầu thích nghi với những khác biệt tinh tế trong ngữ điệu.

29. Describe a job you would not like to do.

You should say:

What it is?

Is it difficult or easy?

And explain why you do not want to get this job?

(What it is?)

Well, if I had to choose one particular job among the many jobs that I would not enter as my
committed career path, I suppose it would be a doctor. As I see it, this job does not really suit
my ability, interests, temperament and inclination.

(It is difficult or easy?)

Needless to say, being a doctor is one of the most stressful and demanding jobs that you could
ever imagine, not to mention the lengthy process one has to undergo to get to being one. To
become a fully-fledged practicing physician, you have to finish four years of college, four
years of medical school, and sometimes a fellowship (lengths also depend on specialty). Until
all of this is finished, you won’t be on a doctor’s salary. Some people believe that all that
time is not worth it.

(And explain why you do not want to get this job?)

As I see it, a lot is expected of doctors. Many doctors are constantly on call. Most doctors
work more than 40 hours a week. Their work is stressful because they deal with sick and

August English

often frustrated people. They carry a substantial burden on their shoulders because people
lives’ are in their hands. The pursuit of the medical profession is only meant for those
individuals who can cope with the extremes. Currently, I’m doing a bachelor’s degree in
English, so I would prefer to embark on jobs related to English and international
communication like being a tour guide or an interpreter. This allows for a more enviable
income and more prospective career advancements for me personally.

Vocabulary from Education:

 bachelor’s degree:
Meaning: an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years

Example: I was doing a Bachelor’s Degree and it was a bit of a challenge

Other vocabulary:

9. inclination [n]: a tendency to do sth: khuynh hướng, bản năng

Eg: There is an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject.
10. not to mention [expression]: used when you want to emphasize something that you are
adding to a list: chưa kể đến là
Eg: He's one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know.
11. undergo [v]: to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change:
trải qua
Eg: She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.

12. fully-fledged [adj]: completely developed or trained: chính thức, đủ tư cách

Eg: Within months the student had become a fully-fledged instructor.

August English

13. (be) on call [adj]: If a worker such as a doctor is on call, he or she is available to
work or make official visits at any time when needed: trực, làm nhiệm vụ
Eg: She's a doctor, so she's often on call at the weekend.
14. substantial [adj]: large in amount, value or importance: đáng kể
Eg: Substantial numbers of people showed their support to the reform.
15. pursuit [n]: the act of looking for or trying to find sth: sự theo đuổi
Eg: She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.
16. cope with [v]: deal effectively with something difficult: giải quyết
Eg: We highly regard his ability to cope with stress.
17. enviable [adj]: sth that is enviable is the sort of thing that is good and that other people want
to have too: đáng ghen tị
Eg: He is in the enviable position of having two job offers to choose from.

30. Describe an occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise
Where you heard the noise

Who/what made the noise

How you reacted to the noise

And explain how you felt about the noise

(Where you heard the noise)

One memorable instance when noise took center stage occurred during a music festival I
attended last summer. The venue was a spacious outdoor park where various artists and bands
were performing on multiple stages.

(Who/what made the noise)

The primary source of the noise was a dynamic rock band playing on the main stage. Their
electrifying performance resonated throughout the entire area, reaching every nook and cranny
of the venue. The bass reverberated in my chest, and the drumbeats were like a rhythmic
heartbeat, creating an immersive experience.

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(How you reacted to the noise)

Rather than being bothered by the noise, I found myself swept away by the energy and
excitement of the event. In response to the noise, my reaction was one of joy and exhilaration.
The lively atmosphere, combined with the pulsating beats and an enthusiastic crowd, made it an
unforgettable experience. I embraced the noise as an integral part of the festival's vibrancy. I
joined the crowd in dancing and singing along, fully immersed in the lively ambiance.

(And explain how you felt about the noise)

In essence, the noise at the music festival wasn't an annoyance but a key element contributing to
the overall enjoyment, leaving me with a positive and lasting impression of that lovely summer

1. take center stage (phrase): trở nên được chú ý nhiều hơn
It was left to Heather to take center stage in the negotiations.

Heather được giao vai trò trung tâm trong cuộc đàm phán.

2. dynamic (a): năng động

She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.

Cô ấy trẻ, năng động và sẽ là sự bổ sung tuyệt vời cho đội.

3. every nook and cranny (idiom): mọi ngóc ngách

Every nook and cranny of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of their trips abroad.

Mọi ngóc ngách trong nhà đều chất đầy những món quà kỷ niệm của những chuyến đi
nước ngoài của họ.

4. reverberate (v): phản chiếu (hình ảnh), vang vọng (âm thanh)
The narrow street reverberated with/to the sound of the workmen's drills.

Con đường hẹp vang vọng cùng với tiếng tập luyện của công nhân.

5. bother (v): làm phiền

Don't bother making the bed - I'll do it later.

Đừng bận tâm đến việc dọn giường - tôi sẽ làm việc đó sau.

6. sweep away (phrasal verb): quét sạch

A large wave swept away half the sandcastle.

Một cơn sóng lớn cuốn trôi nửa lâu đài cát.

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7. vibrancy (n): sự sống động

No one can fail to be struck by the vibrancy of New York.

Không ai có thể không bị ấn tượng bởi sự sống động của New York.

Part 3:

1. What kinds of places should be noise-free?

When we contemplate noise-free environments, it's evident that certain places necessitate
tranquility to uphold their intended purpose. Libraries, for instance, are noise-free zones,
fostering an atmosphere conducive to concentrated reading and study. Additionally, hospitals,
where patients are on the path to recovery, greatly benefit from a serene environment; or
workplaces, particularly emphasizing focus and productivity for the workers. These spaces play a
crucial role in promoting productivity, healing, and learning, making a noise-free atmosphere.

2. Can people bring children to these noise-free places?

Well, bringing children into such environments requires thoughtful consideration. You know, we
can not make sure that children can completely be silent, so it’s essential for parents or guardians
to use their judgement. In some cases, in places like libraries or hospitals, where maintaining
silence is crucial, it would be wise to seek alternative childcare options. However, in places with
more flexibility, like waiting areas or community centers, a reasonable level of noise might be
more acceptable.

3. Why can’t people make noise in a church?

I think the hushed atmosphere of a church is deeply rooted in the reverence and solemnity
associated with religious practices. Therefore, making noise in a church can disrupt the
sacredness of the space, and somehow, distract worshippers from their prayer. Churches are
places of worship, reflection, and spiritual connection, and maintaining a quiet ambiance allows
individuals to engage in their devotion without external disturbances. I believe that silence in
such places is a cultural and religious norm that underscores the respect to these sacred spaces.

4. What public morals should people follow in your country?

There are some public morals, serving as societal guidelines in Vietnam and promoting order as
well. One of them is respecting the elderly. It is customary for younger individuals to show
deference and consideration to older generations, both in language and behavior. Education is
also highly valued in Vietnamese culture and public morals. Students are expected to show

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respect for their teachers, and academic success is often viewed as a source of pride for both the
individual and their family. I am really proud and appreciate these Vietnamese public morals, as
they collectively form a social contract, fostering a sense of unity and consideration among the
diverse members of my society.

1. contemplate (verb): bàn về, nói về, xem xét về


The owner of the team contemplated moving his football club to another city.

Chủ sở hữu của đội dự tính chuyển câu lạc bộ bóng đá của mình đến một thành phố khác.

2. conducive to (adj): thuận lợi


Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night's sleep.

Một môi trường ồn ào như vậy không có lợi cho một giấc ngủ ngon.

3. It is customary (phrases): Theo truyền thống thì


In my village, it is customary for a girl to take her mother's name.

Ở làng tôi, theo tục lệ con gái sẽ lấy họ mẹ.

4. deference (noun): sự tôn trọng


She covered her head out of/in deference to (= because of a polite respect for) Muslim

Cô ấy che đầu mình vì/để tôn trọng phong tục Hồi giáo.

31. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot

You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What this person likes to talk about

(Who this person is)

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Now, I’m going to tell you about a talkative person whom I know. This person has been my
best friend, Ashley, since we were freshmen in college.

(How you know this person)

When we first met each other in class, we were both shy and unsociable. Things started to get
better when we came across each other in Singapore, after which we explored the city-state
together to see the tourist attractions. We started to have more interaction and communication
with each other and even though we came back to Vietnam more than a year ago, we just can’t
stop talking about our trip to Singapore.

(What this person likes to talk about)

After the trip, Ashley liked to talk about our experience in Singapore, in an academic way
though. For example, she would talk to everyone she knew about things like how the people
there seemed to live in harmony with one another, how they behaved towards us, or how
developed it was economically. Especially, she was extremely good at bargaining so she would
tell everyone about how she haggled over prices when going shopping in Singapore. Apart
from that, Ashley, as an undergraduate majoring in International Relations, likes to discuss
political problems as well as international issues which the entire world is encountering. She
always says that we have to see the big picture. Luckily, I am also the type of person who
wants to keep abreast of what’s going on in the world, so it is easy for me to follow what she
says with interest.

Not only does she talk about international relations, she also likes to share whatever she knows
in everyday life. She is always one of the first students in school to know the teachers’ latest
stories and usually leaks the news to the rest of the class. However, in general, making small
talk is not her thing. She’s a serious as well as a sociable person, and she much prefers to chat
face to face rather than spending time on social networking sites online.

I think that I’m quite lucky to have such a talkative friend like Ashley, as with her, I’m never
bored because, whenever I’m down, she’s always there to tell me more stories.

August English


Các từ thuộc chủ đề Communication and Personality:

1. to live in harmony with one another
Meaning: to live with others in a way which avoids conflict or disagreement
Example: The students who share the house are all good friends and they are able to live in
harmony with one another.

2. to see the big picture

Meaning: to understand all the important aspects of a situation
Example: Students sometimes get confused with so many details to remember, but our history
teacher is able to make us see the big picture.

3. to keep abreast of something

Meaning: to have the most recent information about something
Example: This site helps doctors to keep abreast of the latest drugs available.
4. to make small talk
Meaning: to talk in a polite way about unimportant things
Example: I enjoy a serious discussion, and I don’t like to make small talk simply to be polite
to others.

5. social networking sites

Meaning: websites on which you communicate with people who share your interests
Example: Young people today waste too much time on social networking sites such as
Facebook or Linkedin.


 freshman (noun): a student who is in his or her first year at university or college: sinh viên
năm nhất.

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Eg: Freshmen are more likely to participate in extra-curricular activities than final-year

Sinh viên năm nhất thường hay tham gia hoạt động ngoại khóa hơn sinh viên năm cuối.

 unsociable (adjective): not friendly or enjoying the company of other people

Eg: Although Sarah appears to be unsociable, she’s friendly when you get to know her well.

 to come across (phrasal verb): to meet unexpectedly: vô tình gặp ai đó.

Eg: I came across Adele at a tourist attraction in London yesterday.

Tôi vô tình gặp Adele ở một điểm tham quan nổi tiếng ở London hôm qua.

 to explore (verb): to travel around an area, in order to get to know it: khám phá (thường hay đi
với điểm du lịch)

Eg: Foreign tourists need to spend at least two weeks to explore Vietnam.

Khách du lịch nước ngoài thường dành ra 2 tuần để khám phá Việt Nam.

 tourist attraction (noun): an interesting place for tourists to visit: điểm du lịch nổi tiếng.

Eg: Ben Thanh market is a well-known tourist attraction.

Chợ Bến Thành là một điểm du lịch nổi tiếng.

 to bargain / haggle over prices (verb): to argue about the price of something in order to reach
agreement: trả giá.

Eg: Tourists should haggle before they buy something in China, as prices are usually
unreasonably expensive.

Khách du lịch nên trả giá đi đến Trung Quốc bởi giá thường mắc một cách vô lý.

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 to encounter (verb): to experience something, especially something difficult or unpleasant:

gặp (thường là khó khăn, thử thách).

Eg: Vietnam is encountering environmental problems such as pollution and deforestation.

Việt Nam đang gặp phải vấn đề về môi trường.

 to leak (verb): to give information secretly

Eg: My sister leaked the news of my wedding plans before I had the chance to tell my friends.

 down (adjective): sad or depressed

Eg: When I failed the exam, I felt down, but then I became determined to study harder.

32. Describe an occasion when you used a map

(When you used the map)

Not too long ago, I found myself in a bustling city for a vacation, and it was during this trip that I
had to rely on a map. It happened on a bright morning when I decided to explore the historic
district, known for its labyrinthine streets and charming alleys.

(Where you were)

I was in the heart of the city, surrounded by architecture and vibrant markets.

(Why you used the map)

The reason for using the map was simple – I wanted to make sure I didn't miss any key
landmarks and so that I could efficiently navigate my way through the maze of streets. So, I had
a paper map in hand, and I unfolded it with a sense of both excitement and mild apprehension.

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The historic district is renowned for its hidden gems, and the map was my

tool to uncover them. I checked the map for notable attractions, local eateries, and points of
interest, ensuring I could make the most of my time exploring the area.

(And explain how you felt about the experience)

Using the map felt like embarking on a treasure hunt, each turn and intersection revealing a
new facet of the city's history and culture. It added an element of adventure to my exploration,
and I found joy in the process of unfolding the map, tracing routes, and discovering unexpected

In the end, the experience of using the map not only helped me find the streets efficiently but
also enriched my travel experience. The map became more than just an item of navigational
equipment; it fostered a sense of independence when traveling, something I’d like to repeat.

1. historic district (n): khu vực mang tính lịch sử cao

This district happens to be a historic district, and there are certain sites in the
neighbourhood which are of very great historic value.

Quận này tình cờ là một quận có tính lịch sử cao và có một số địa điểm trong khu vực lân
cận có giá trị lịch sử rất lớn.

2. labyrinthine (n): mê cung

Beneath the city lies a labyrinthine network of tunnels.

Bên dưới thành phố là một mạng lưới đường hầm như mê cung.

3. maze (n) : mê cung

The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages.

Phần cũ của thị trấn là một mê cung với những lối đi hẹp.

4. renowned (adj): nổi tiếng

The region is renowned for its outstanding natural beauty.

Khu vực này nổi tiếng với vẻ đẹp tự nhiên nổi bật.

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5. hidden gems (phrase): viên ngọc ẩn dấu

This hotel is a hidden gem, it is not expensive.

Khách sạn này là một viên ngọc ẩn, nó không đắt tiền.

6. treasure hunt (n): trò chơi săn tìm kho báu

For the time being, at any rate, there will be only one document and the treasure hunt will
now be over.

Dù sao đi nữa, hiện tại, sẽ chỉ có một tài liệu duy nhất và cuộc săn tìm kho báu sẽ kết

7. intersection (n): ngã tư, giao điểm

Turn right at the next intersection.

Rẽ phải ở ngã tư tiếp theo.

8. facet (n): mặt/ khía cạnh của một vấn đề

She has so many facets to her personality.

Cô ấy có rất nhiều khía cạnh trong tính cách của mình.

9. navigational equipment (n); công cụ điều hướng

The pilot equipment and onboard navigational equipment are some of the most advanced.

Thiết bị thí điểm và thiết bị định vị trên tàu là một trong những thiết bị tiên tiến nhất.

Part 3

1. What do people usually do when they get lost?

I think it depends. When people find themselves lost, their actions often depend on the
circumstances and available resources. Commonly, people might try to retrace their steps to a
familiar location, seek assistance from locals or authorities, or use navigation tools like maps or
GPS devices to get their bearings. In urban areas, asking for directions or using smartphone
navigation apps are typical strategies, while in more remote locations, relying on traditional
maps or compasses may be necessary.

2. What are the differences between paper and digital maps?

It’s quite straightforward to recognise the difference. Paper maps offer a tangible and portable
way to navigate without relying on electronic devices. They can be used without the need for
batteries or internet connectivity. Digital maps, like Google Maps for example, on the other

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hand, provide real-time updates, interactive features, and the ability to zoom in for detailed
views. They often incorporate additional information like live traffic data, points of interest, and
user reviews. The choice between the two is often based on personal preference, with some
valuing the simplicity and reliability of paper maps, while others appreciate the convenience and
functionality of digital ones.

3. What do you think of in-car GPS navigation systems?

I suppose in-car GPS navigation systems have become integral tools for modern travelers.
Basically because these systems offer real-time, turn-by-turn directions, often with voice
guidance, making navigation more convenient and accessible. They can provide information on
traffic conditions, alternative routes, and points of interest. While some appreciate the accuracy
and convenience of in-car GPS, others may still keep traditional maps as a backup, recognizing
that technology can sometimes have limitations or glitches.

4. What do people often do with a map?

People employ maps for various purposes, such as navigation, trip planning, and geographical
exploration. Maps can help individuals locate specific destinations, understand the layout of
unfamiliar areas, and identify points of interest. Outdoor enthusiasts may use maps for activities
like hiking or camping to navigate through diverse terrains. Additionally, maps are valuable
tools for educators, researchers, and businesses for visualizing and analyzing geographical data.

5. Why do most people prefer to use a paper map?

Definitely because it’s simple to use, it offers reliability, and especially the lack of reliance on
technology. Paper maps don't require batteries, internet connectivity, or software updates. Some
individuals find the act of physically unfolding a map and tracing their route with a finger to be
a more tactile and engaging experience. Furthermore, paper maps can serve as a backup in
situations where electronic devices may fail or run out of power.

6. How does learning to read a map help you learn more about your country?

Reading maps is an educational journey to me. It fosters a deeper understanding of geography,

topography, and the spatial relationships within a country. For example, I can explore and
immerse myself in the diverse features of Vietnam, from mountains and rivers to cities and
landmarks, from historical sites like the ancient town of Hoi An, to the bustling streets of Hanoi.
Besides, following these routes on maps, I also can gain a sense of historical movements and

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events that have shaped Vietnam. For instance, understanding the Ho Chi Minh Trail's path
during the Vietnam War provides historical context and appreciation for the challenges faced
during that period.

1. Get one’s bearings (idiom): định vị, xác định vị trí


The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get our bearings several times.

Hệ thống đường bộ phức tạp đến mức chúng tôi phải dừng lại để xác định phương hướng
nhiều lần.

2. retrace one’ssteps (idiom): trở về lại chỗ cũ


She walked straight past her office and then had to retrace her steps.

Cô đi thẳng qua văn phòng của mình và sau đó phải lùi bước.

3. tangible (adj): hữu hình


We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action.

Chúng ta cần bằng chứng hữu hình nếu muốn khởi kiện.

4. Portable (adj): có thể cầm tay, có thể mang đi qua lại


The laptop's ultra compact design makes it extremely portable and practical.

Thiết kế siêu nhỏ gọn của máy tính xách tay làm cho nó cực kỳ di động và thiết thực.

5. Backup (n): vật hỗ trợ


The party is going to be outdoors, so we'll need to organize somewhere as a backup in

case it rains.

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Bữa tiệc sẽ diễn ra ngoài trời nên chúng ta cần tổ chức ở đâu đó để dự phòng phòng
trường hợp trời mưa.

6. Glitches (n): những trục trặc nho nhỏ


We'd expected a few glitches, but everything's gone remarkably smoothly.

Chúng tôi đã dự đoán một vài trục trặc nho nhỏ, nhưng mọi thứ diễn ra khá suôn sẻ.

7. employ (v): sử dụng


Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results.

Phân tích thống kê tinh vi đã được sử dụng để có được những kết quả này.

8. Terrain (n): địa hình


The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.

Xe xử lý đặc biệt tốt trên địa hình gồ ghề.

9. tracing one’s route (phrase): vẽ đường đi của mình trên bản đồ giấy
10. topography (n): địa hình


Volcanoes have sculpted the topography of the island.

Núi lửa đã tạo nên địa hình của hòn đảo.

11. spatial (adj): thuộc về không gian


This task is designed to test children's spatial awareness

Nhiệm vụ này được thiết kế để kiểm tra nhận thức về không gian của trẻ em

12. immerse oneself in (phrases): đắm mình vào cái gì

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She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.

Cô lấy một số cuốn sách từ thư viện và đắm mình vào lịch sử và văn hóa Do Thái.

33. Describe a peson who is good at teamwork

Who the person is
What his or her characteristics are
What you did together
Explain why you enjoyed working with him/her

(Who the person is) When it comes to teamwork, I can’t help but think about Liam, my old
partner-in-crime from college. He wasn’t just a smart student, but a total team player who knew
how to grasp the opportunity and gain success.

(What are his or her characteristics) Liam had the knack for thinking outside the box and
keeping his cool under certain circumstances. No matter how harsh the situation got, he always
calmed down and found a way to deal with it. I remember that time we were up all night
crunching numbers for that economics presentation. He kept the whole team pumped up by
telling jokes and contributing the most.

(What you did together) We tackled a bunch of projects together, from organizing campus
events to launching a student newspaper. Specifically, we used to collaborate on a project
studying the impact of coral bleaching on fish populations. It was a complex undertaking,
requiring meticulous data collection, statistical analysis, and creative interpretation. Liam's
leadership was invaluable. He delegated tasks efficiently, ensuring everyone played to their
strengths while fostering a sense of shared ownership. I was astonished by his talent. There were
times when we hit snags and disagreements and would lose our temper, but Liam never gave
up and always listened carefully to come up with creative solutions. He had this amazing ability
to make everyone feel heard and on the same page, even when we were coming from different

(Explain why you enjoyed working with him/her) Working with Liam was like being on a
winning team, every time. He'd go the extra mile to cater to everyone’s needs and celebrate
everyone's victories like they were his own. He knows how to play ball, cheers everyone up
when there’s any achievement, and takes responsibility for every small task. That's the mark of a

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true team player, someone who encourages other team members to try their best and achieve


1. partner-in-crime (n): anh chị em, bạn bè chí cốt

Example: I’m looking for a partner-in-crime.

Tôi đang tìm một người bạn chí cốt

2. grasp the opportunity (v): nắm bắt lấy cơ hội

Example: I will work closely with the coaches and grasp any opportunity I can get.

Tôi sẽ làm việc chặt chẽ với các huấn luyện viên và nắm bắt mọi cơ hội có thể có được.

3. to have a knack for something (idiom): có khả năng đặc biệt

Example: He has a knack for remembering faces

Anh ấy có khả năng ghi nhớ các khuôn mặt.

4. to think outside the box (idiom): suy nghĩ táo bạo

Example: Thinking outside the box could be enough to put a business ahead of its

Suy nghĩ sáng tạo có thể đủ để đưa doanh nghiệp vượt lên trên các đối thủ cạnh tranh.

5. to keep one’s cool (phrsal verb): giữ bình tĩnh

Example: If you keep your cool, you won’t fail the test.

Nếu bạn giữ bình tĩnh, bạn sẽ không trượt bài thi.

6. to pump up (phrasal verb): Khuyến khích

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Example: The coach pumped the team up before the match

Huấn luyện viên cổ vũ cả đội trước trận đấu.

7. meticulous (adj): tỉ mỉ

Example: Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.

Nhiều giờ chuẩn bị tỉ mỉ đã được dùng để viết cuốn sách này.

8. to hit a snag (idiom): gặp trở ngại

Example: In no time the interview device hit a snag.

Chẳng mấy chốc, thiết bị phỏng vấn gặp trục trặc.

9. to lose one’s temper (v): nổi nóng, mất bình tĩnh

Example: If you lose your temper, you become so angry that you shout at someone or
show in some other way that you are no longer in control of yourself.
Nếu mất bình tĩnh, bạn sẽ trở nên tức giận đến mức hét vào mặt ai đó hoặc thể hiện bằng
cách nào đó rằng bạn không còn kiểm soát được bản thân nữa.

10. to go the extra mile (idiom): nỗ lực hết mình

Example: You therefore need to go the extra mile when carrying out any research.

Do đó, bạn cần phải nỗ lực nhiều hơn khi thực hiện bất kỳ nghiên cứu nào.

11. to cheer one’s up (phrsal verb): làm ai đó vui, vui

Example: When you cheer up or when something cheers you up, you stop feeling
depressed and become more cheerful.

Khi bạn vui lên hoặc khi có điều gì đó làm bạn vui lên, bạn sẽ không còn cảm thấy chán
nản và trở nên vui vẻ hơn.

Part 3

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1. How do other people in your team think he is?

Other team members in my team seem to be on the same wavelength about his dedication and
behaviors. They always admire him for his knowledge and characteristics. He’s such an attentive
and approachable leader who always tries to figure out all of the problems of the team and
encourages everyone to strive for success.

2. What do you think are the characteristics of a good leader?

A good leader doesn’t have any specific standards, according to my opinion. But in my eyes,
they wear an invisibility cloak of competence, being the most crucial connection in the team.
Integrity and vision will be the first priorities of a good leader as they have to gather everyone
around, make plans for upcoming activities, and predict what problems will come up in the near
future. Moreover, communication skills are also significant, ensuring everyone hears and
understands the journey ahead. And finally, they're champions of their team, which includes a
huge amount of knowledge about human resources to recognize individual strengths and
empowering everyone to shine.

3. What happens if you don’t have a good leader?

Without a good leader, the journey can resemble a Jackson Pollock painting – chaotic and
directionless. Individual talents go untapped, leading to frustration and wasted potential.
Decisions become tangled vines, suffocating progress. Then, the spirit of the team goes down,
where confusion and finger-pointing arise. For instance, there was a time that I observed that
situation. It was when we studied a subject called Academic Skills at university. Because every
member of my team was up to their ears, we decided to choose a leader, and the tasks would be
divided equally. But then problems came up, and we couldn’t deal with them because there was
no leader to guide us. It's a stark reminder of the vital role leaders play in shaping a sense of
purpose and shared success.

4. Why do some people not like teamwork?

There are several reasons behind the unwillingness to do teamwork. Firstly, for some, it's the fear
of losing autonomy, their personal characteristics and time swallowed up taking part in the
group. As they are used to working alone and not depending on any other’s decisions or benefits,

August English

they prefer to worship a solitary way. Secondly, they might have had negative experiences,
witnessing power struggles or unequal workloads, which leads to a fear of teamwork. Ultimately,
understanding these diverse perspectives is key to fostering a team environment that values both
individual contributions and collaborative magic.

5. Do you think young people are suitable for teamwork?

For me, age shouldn't be a key point in teamwork as people could express a sense of
collaboration at different ages. However, young people offer a distinct perspective, brimming
with fresh ideas and unbridled enthusiasm. Their tech-savvy skills can navigate the digital
landscape with ease, and their open minds embrace innovative solutions. Of course, mentorship
and guidance are crucial to channeling their energy effectively. But given the right platform and
support, young hands can steer the teamwork vehicle towards incredible destinations.

1. to be on the same wavelength (idiom): đồng cảm, cùng quan điểm

Example: It's great to work with people who are on the same wavelength

Thật tuyệt nếu được làm việc cùng với những người đồng quan điểm

2. untapped (a): chưa được khai thác

Example: The country’s forests are largely untapped resources.

rừng của đất nước phần lớn là tài nguyên chưa được khai thác.

3. finger-pointing (n): đổ lỗi

Example: There's the usual finger-pointing when mistakes are made.

Mọi người thường đổ lỗi cho nhau khi mắc sai lầm

4. to be up to ears (idiom): bận bịu

Example: We are up to our ears in work

Chúng tôi bận tối mặt tối mày.

5. solitary (n): một mình

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Example: He was a solitary child

Cậu ấy là đứa trẻ thích được ở một mình

6. tech-savvy (a): công nghệ cao, hiện đại

Example: The state needs more tech-savvy workers for its hi-tech industries.

Nhà nước cần nhiều lao động am hiểu công nghệ hơn cho các ngành công nghệ cao.

34. Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school
What the activity was
How often you did that activity
Who you usually did it with
And explain why you enjoyed doing that activity

(What the activity was) When it comes to my childhood, there was a dusty playground and a
game we usually called "Dragon Hunters." We'd gather after recess, a group of adventurers,
armed with cardboard swords and shields drawn on cereal boxes.

(How often you did that activity) Some of my childhood besties and I often gathered around
and began the match every Friday. We tried to win the game with endless effort. It wasn't just
about who swung the meanest cardboard sword (though I did have a wicked parry-riposte
combo!). We'd think outside the box, weaving tales of fire-breathing beasts lurking in the
bushes and magical potions hidden in the sand. The playground transformed into a fantastic
landscape, every crack in the asphalt a potential dragon's lair, every fallen leaf a shimmering
scale. We'd put our heads together, whispering conspiracies and battle plans, our imaginations
sparking off each other like flint and steel.

(Who you usually did it with) My trusty lieutenants in this grand quest were Maya and Ben.
Maya, an energetic and loyal soldier, was our fearless leader, always first to charge into battle
with a war cry that could scare off a real dragon. Ben, the quiet strategist, would keep an eye on

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the ball, mapping out our attacks and scouting for enemy dragons (usually the older kids who
wouldn't let us build sandcastles in their territory).

(Why you enjoyed doing that activity) We all fell head over heels with that game. It was more
than just the thrill of the game. “Dragon Hunters” was the activity for us to escape from reality,
a place where we bent over backwards and anything was possible. We were heroes, not just
kids in unsuitable outfits. We built castles in the sky, literally and figuratively, and learned the
power of collaboration and the magic of shared imagination. It was a world where we made our
own rules and we almost thought that we were in Wonderland.


1. recess (n): kỳ nghỉ

Example: During summer recess, the newspaper sent him travelling round the country

Trong kỳ nghỉ hè, tờ báo cử anh đi du lịch khắp đất nước

2. endless (adj): không ngừng nghỉ, bất tận

Example: We used to have endless arguments about politics.

Chúng tôi từng có những cuộc tranh cãi bất tận về chính trị.

3. to think outside the box (idiom): suy nghĩ táo bạo

Example: Thinking outside the box could be enough to put a business ahead of its

Suy nghĩ sáng tạo có thể đủ để đưa doanh nghiệp vượt lên trên các đối thủ cạnh tranh.

4. shimmering (adj): lung linh

Example: We drove across the desert, through the shimmering heat haze.

Chúng tôi lái xe băng qua sa mạc, xuyên qua làn sương mù nắng nóng lung linh.

5. to put one’s head together (phrasal verb): cùng nhau suy nghĩ

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Example: If we put our heads together, we can think of a solution.

Nếu chúng ta cùng nhau suy nghĩ, chúng ta có thể nghĩ ra giải pháp.

6. conspiracy (n): âm mưu

Example: The three men are accused of conspiracy.

Ba người đàn ông bị cáo buộc là đang có âm mưu bất chính.

7. to spark off (phrasal verb): bắt đầu, gây ra

Example: This, he feared, might spark off further violence from one, if not both, of the
groups involved, and achieve little of significance.

Ông lo ngại điều này có thể gây ra thêm bạo lực từ một, nếu không phải cả hai, trong số
các nhóm liên quan và không mang lại nhiều ý nghĩa.

8. lieutenant (n): trung úy

Example: He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

Ông được thăng cấp trung úy.

9. to feel head over heels (phrasal verb): cảm thấy mến/ thích cái gì (ngay từ lần đầu tiên)

Example: I was very attracted to men and fell head over heels many times.

Tôi cảm thấy bị thu hút bởi đàn ông và đã nhiều lần thích họ.

10. to escape from something (v): thoát khỏi

Example: A lion has escaped from its cage.

Một con sư tử đã thoát khỏi chuồng của nó.

11. to bend over backwards (idiom): làm mọi cách để giúp đỡ ai

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Example: They bent over backward to make sure their guests were comfortable

Họ làm mọi cách để đảm bảo rằng hành khách đang cảm thấy thoải mái.

Part 3

What activities do children often do in your country?

In my country, kids paint their days with a vibrant palette of activities. Outdoor fun reigns
supreme, with parks filled with the echoes of hopscotch games and the joyful shrieks of kids
playing hide and seek. In villages, you might find them swimming in the river or building rickety
forts from bamboo. Indoors, they usually play board games, crackling with laughter, and
coloring books blossom with fantastical landscapes. It's a beautiful tapestry woven with
imagination, curiosity, and a healthy dose of mischief.

2. What do parents in your country let their children do?

Parents are usually stuck between a rock and a hard place whether they should protect their
children or let them spread their wings. They understand the value of scraped knees and muddy
jeans, knowing they pave the way for resilience and resourcefulness. However, safety is the
most important factor. Parental supervision ensures responsible exploration, with open
communication building trust and guiding children towards making good choices. It's a mixture
of letting go and holding on, nurturing independence while providing a safety net.

3. What are the differences between activities at home and at school?

Activities at home and school serve different purposes. At home, children may engage in more
relaxed and recreational activities, like playing with siblings or watching educational programs.
At school, activities are often structured to support learning and development, such as group
projects, sports, and various clubs, with structured activities fueling academic growth. From
solving math problems to crafting essays, these activities hone critical thinking and
communication skills.

4. Why do some people like to participate in activities?

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People gravitate towards activities for myriad reasons. Some seek the thrill of physical
challenges, finding exhilaration in scaling mountains or mastering a dance routine. Others crave
the quiet satisfaction of creating something tangible, be it a watercolor painting or a meticulously
organized bookshelf. For some, activities are social bridges, forging bonds through shared
laughter and teamwork. Ultimately, it's a celebration of self-expression, personal growth, and the
simple joy of being fully engaged in a pursuit that ignites one's soul.

5. What activities do people do in their free time?

In their free time, people in Vietnam often engage in a range of activities. This may include
socializing with friends and family, going to cafes, playing sports, or pursuing hobbies like
reading or gardening. Many also enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking or visiting cultural and
recreational places. Bookworms get involved in fantastical worlds, while avid cooks experiment
in their culinary laboratories. Nature lovers adore admiring the beauty of nature. All in all, it just
depends on their favorite types of activities and they just do the ones that give them a chance to
recharge and simply escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

35. Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school

What occasion did you wear the uniform
Why you had to wear it
What did you do in your uniform
And explain how you felt when you wore it

(What occasion did you wear uniform) My most vivid memory about wearing the uniform was
the time when we visited the National Space Centre on our school trip. Being in blue jumpsuits
and floppy white helmets, we weren't just students anymore; we were budding astronauts, ready
to blast off into space.

(Why you had to wear it) If my memory serves me well, when I was in grade four, our primary
school decided to take us to the Open Day - which was a big chance for students to explore
different kinds of jobs, therefore helping them to fulfil their dreams. Our team chose to explore
the Space Center because we wanted to know more about the lives of the astronauts. And at the

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Center, we had the opportunity to wear the uniform which gave us an air of seriousness,
transforming our classroom cliché into focused missions.

(What did you do in your uniform) We checked each other's oxygen tanks, practised zero-
gravity drills on the inflatable moonwalk, and whispered about landing on Mars with the
enthusiasm of seasoned spacefarers. More than just a shared identity, those uniforms fueled our
collaboration. When we huddled around an intricate rocket model, the blue fabric became a
symbol of our unified mission. We didn't just work together; we were comrades, united under
the same starry sky. Even the minor squabbles over who got to be "Mission Commander" felt
cosmically important, adding a playful spark to our shared adventure.

(How you felt when you wore it) Looking back, those jumpsuits hold more than just the
memory of a fun trip. They remind me of the power of shared purpose and the thrill of stepping
into a new identity, the exciting feeling of flying among the stars. In the near future, I will
become an excellent astronaut.


1. vivid (adj): sống động, chân thực

Example: He's one of those people with a very vivid imagination - every time he hears a
noise he's convinced it's someone breaking in.

Anh ấy là một trong những người có trí tưởng tượng rất sống động - mỗi khi nghe thấy
tiếng động, anh ấy tin chắc rằng đó là ai đó đang đột nhập.

2. to blast off (phrasal verb): bắt đầu, cất cánh

Example: The space shuttle blasted off on schedule.

Tàu con thoi đã phóng đúng lịch trình.

3. inflatable (adj): nổi lên được, được bơm hơi, đầy khí

Example: Most of the studies use inflatable devices with three components.

Hầu hết các nghiên cứu đều sử dụng các thiết bị bơm hơi có ba thành phần.

4. comrade (n): đồng đội

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Example: Many of his comrades were killed in the battle.

Nhiều đồng đội của ông đã thiệt mạng trong trận chiến.

5. squabbles (n): tranh cãi

Example: Polly and Susie were having a squabble about who was going to hold the dog's

Polly và Susie đang tranh cãi xem ai sẽ dẫn đầu con chó.

6. huddle around (v): vây quanh

Example: Employees huddled round television sets at the company headquarters.

Nhân viên quây quần quanh những chiếc tivi tại trụ sở công ty.

7. cliché (n): chuyện phiếm, lời nói sáo rỗng

Example: My wedding day - and I know it's a cliché - was just the happiest day of my

Ngày cưới của tôi - và tôi biết đó là một lời nói sáo rỗng - chính là ngày hạnh phúc nhất
trong cuộc đời tôi.

Part 3

Why should students wear uniforms?

In my view, the most significant reason is to create equality. When wearing uniforms, poor
students tend to feel less humiliated and embarrassed about their family background and thus
focus more on study. Another reason is that uniforms cultivate a sense of belonging and unity in
a school, eventually creating a favourable learning environment for all students. Ultimately, the
decision depends on the school's culture and the needs of its students.

2. Why should people at work wear uniforms?

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There are several reasons why people at work usually put on uniforms. First of all, there are
some specific professions that require employees to wear uniforms. For example, healthcare
workers, such as nurses and doctors, military personnel, law enforcement officers, firefighters,
and airline pilots wear specific uniforms. These uniforms are often designed to be functional and
practical, as well as to distinguish the wearer from the general public. Moreover, as I said
before, wearing uniforms creates equality and thus makes people feel they are in the same
situation as their coworkers.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?

Wearing a uniform has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages is that it
helps to create a sense of unity and identity among those who wear it. This is especially
important in schools and other organizations where teamwork and cooperation are essential.
Additionally, a uniform can help to eliminate socioeconomic distinctions and promote equality
among individuals. However, some people may feel restricted or uncomfortable in a uniform and
it may hinder their ability to express their individuality and creativity.

1. humiliated (a): nhục nhã, ngại ngùng

Example: I've never felt so humiliated in my life.

Tôi chưa bao giờ cảm thấy nhục nhã đến thế trong đời.

2. to distinguish (v): phân biệt

Example: I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.

Đôi khi tôi gặp khó khăn khi phân biệt tiếng Tây Ban Nha với tiếng Bồ Đào Nha.

3. socioeconomic (a): thuộc về kinh tế xã hội

Example: College Board officials said the difficulties arise more from socioeconomic
than from ethnic differences.

Các quan chức của College Board cho biết những khó khăn phát sinh từ kinh tế xã hội
nhiều hơn là từ sự khác biệt sắc tộc.

4. to hinder (v): cản trở

Example: Her progress certainly hasn't been hindered by her lack of experience.

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Sự tiến bộ của cô ấy chắc chắn không bị cản trở bởi sự thiếu kinh nghiệm.

5. individuality (n): tính cá nhân

Example: It's a competent essay but it lacks individuality.

Đó là một bài luận hay nhưng nó thiếu tính cá nhân.

36. Describe an important journey that was delayed

Describe an important journey that has been delayed

You should say:

When it was

Why it was important

How it was delayed

And how you felt about it

(When it was)

Today, I’m going to describe an important journey that was delayed. It was a trip organized to
Bach Ma national park for all students in my high school three years ago, with a view to raising
students’ awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.

(Why it was important)

The reason why it was of great importance is because this educational trip is a beneficial way for
student to acquire both knowledge and experience. I remember when notified of this trip, our
class together searched a lot of information about the park. We were enthralled to see pictures
of several thousands trees, faunas and floras, hills, lakes etc of this place. Our biology teacher
used to tell us that this national park boasts a lot of endangered species. Through this trip, we
were able to learn more about the importance of forests, the necessity and our responsibility to

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alleviate environmental problems, making the world a better place for all the species and not just
for humans only.

(How it was delayed)

Against our expectations, the weather that day was so horrible that the headmaster decided to
delay this journey for the sake of students’ safety. This situation was so unexpected because I
clearly remember that the weather of the day before was perfect with a mild temperature.
However, the unexpectedly unfavorable weather eventually hindered our plan.

(And how you felt about it)

Needless to say, my friends and I were quite pissed off. To me, the whole trip promised to be
enlightening and truly practical, which would offer students a getaway from daily heavy
schoolwork. However, our school rearranged the trip for the students and we managed to get to
the park 2 months later, which was an unforgettable experience for us all.

Vocabulary from Environment:

 endangered species
Meaning: categories of animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct

Example: Many tourists expressed their concern about the increasing rate of endangered
species in this zoo.

Other vocabulary:

1. with a view to [expression]: with an intention to do sth: với mục đích làm gì đó

Eg: The politician reveals the truth with a view to gaining more faith from the public.

2. (be) enthralled by sth [adj]: be attracted to sth that is so interesting, beautiful : bị mê hoặc,
cuốn hút

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Eg: The child watched, completely enthralled by bright moving images.

3. (to) boast [v]: have sth that is impressive and that you can be proud of : sở hữu, lấy làm
kiêu hãnh khi có được

Eg: The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course.

4. alleviate [n]: to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe: làm dịu đi

Eg: The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.

5. for the sake of [expression]: in order to help or bring advantage to someone: vì lợi ích của

Eg: He moved to the seaside for the sake of his health.

6. unfavorable [adj]: not tending to help; not likely to lead to a positive result: không có lợi

Eg: Unfavorable weather conditions this morning caused a postponement of the launch of the
space shuttle.

7. hinder [v]: to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of
something: cản trở

Eg: High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.
8. (be) pissed off [adj]: very annoyed; angry: bực tức

Eg: He'd kept me waiting for an hour so I was pissed off to start with.
9. enlightening [adj]: giving sb information so that they understand sth better: khai sáng, bổ

Eg: The lecture was so enlightening that all the students loved it.

10. getaway [n]: an escape from sth : sự trốn thoát

Eg: If you aspire to a getaway from the harshness of life, this place is a suitable one.

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4. Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?

(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, probably. (Give an example (often a personal
example)) Free public transport would reduce the number of cars on the road. Global warming
is a serious issue and if public transport was free, more people would use it, taking cars off the
road and substantially cutting down CO2 emissions. With more users, bad public transport
networks would be improved by the government, to make it increasingly approachable. It’s
definitely a worthwhile incentive.
5. How can transportation in rural areas be developed?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Reliable transportation is needed for rural residents to
access healthcare services, consumer services, employment and educational opportunities, and
social services. It is also important for accessing recreation and other activities of daily life.
(Explain your reason or reasons) Therefore, the long-term investment in an efficient and
affordable system of transportation would lay the foundation for economic growth in rural areas
and help ensure that people can obtain services and participate in public life.
6. How do people usually go travelling?
(Give a direct answer to the question) People travel quite often nowadays. (Explain your reason
or reasons) The presence of modern technology and low-cost air travel has eased much of the
burden associated with travelling. Since we now have access to more tools and infrastructure,
the transportation system as well as travel have been improved. For example, roads are better,
wider and more accessible; therefore, the need to travel has increased rapidly.
7. In what ways can the traffic conditions in a city be improved?
(Give a direct answer to the question) For me, upgrading rail and subway systems in cities could
ensure that traffic congestion is properly addressed. (Explain your reason or reasons) Unlike
cars and buses, trains are capable of transporting hundreds of people simultaneously and thus
would meet the transport demand of a vast number of passengers. In fact, trains do not have to
go through intersections and traffic lights, and dedicated lines ensure their travel is hardly

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Vocabulary from Town and City:

 public transport
Meaning: public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed routes.

Example: This city offers an excellent system of public transport.

Vocabulary from the environment:

 to cut down on emissions

Meaning: to reduce the amount of gases sent out into the air

Example: People must be made aware of the need to cut down on emissions from their cars if
we are to reduce air pollution.

 global warming

Meaning: the process by which the Earth is getting hotter, as a result of the greenhouse effect

Example: Perhaps the major environmental challenge which faces humanity today is global
warming, because it threatens our survival.

Other vocabulary:

18. approachable [adj]: (of a place) able to be reached from a particular direction or by a
particular means.: dễ tiếp cận
Eg: The headland it was built on forms a natural stronghold with the sea on three sides and is
only approachable from the north.

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19. incentive [n]: something that encourages you to do sth: động lực

Eg: In my country, there is literally no incentive for people to save fuel

20. long-term [adj]: that will last or have an effect over a long period of time: dài hạn
Eg: At the moment, long-term investment in education would favour the overall development of
this nation.

21. lay the foundation for sth [expression]: set, start a principle, an idea or a fact that
something is based on and that it grows from: đặt nền tảng cho cái gì
Eg: Respect and friendship lay a solid foundation for marriage.

22. burden [n]: a duty that causes worry, difficulty or hard work : gánh nặng
Eg: I don’t want to become a burden to my family when I’m old.
23. intersection [n]: a point or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect: ngã tư
Eg: If you remember back to an economics class you might have taken, much time was spent on
the intersection of lines in those graphs.

37. Describe a time when you helped someone (you worked or studied with)
Tham khảo bài “Describe a time you helped a friend”

 Where you helped him or her

 Why you helped
 How you helped
 And how you felt about it

(Where you helped him or her) Ignoring someone who is in need of help is considered as
the height of bad manners, I believe. Therefore, I try to give others a hand whenever Ican.
Helping my classmate to improve his English proficiency has been one of the most
successful and meaningful achievements I’ve ever had in my life. My classmate, John,
struggled with every single English test due to his low level of language command. It can
be said that John’s exposure to English was too little for him to have the chance to practice
his skills, the reason for which was probably his financial background. I was assigned to
taking the responsibility of tutoring him by the teacher. I usually helped John in cafés.

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However, sometimes we also went to the parks where there were foreigners for him to
practice with.

(Why you helped them) I love helping others. That’s the first reason. Another reason is
that English has been of great significance to me, so I believe that if John can develop a
strong command of English, he will open up a new chapter in his life.

(How you helped them) John and I went to a café each weekend in order to review all the
knowledge acquired during the whole week. John offered to treat me but as I could
recognise his suffering from hardship, we reached a consensus on this and agreed that we
would take turns to treat each other. During week days, we would go to the park in which
an immense number of foreigners jogged so that John could have the chance to practice his
listening and speaking skills, as well as expand his vocabulary. At weekends, as
aforementioned, we would review the phrases he had learned throughout the whole week
so that they would be imprinted on his memory clearly and always be ready for use.

(And explain how you felt about it) And finally, my belief has turned out to be true, at
least in the case of John. He emerged as one of the best performers in class. Also, he was
able to get a job in this field, which ensured his quality of life and improved his living
standards as he was able to feed himself at the age of 17. John’s considerable success made
me feel more than just happy and proud. This is indeed one of the few things in which I
take pride.

Vocabulary from education:

1. Command (n): một lượng kiến thức về môn học/ngôn ngữ

Example: She has an impressive command of the English language.

2. Expand sb’s vocabulary (phrase): mở rộng vốn từ.

Example: Reading books plays a pivotal role in expanding your vocabulary.

Đọc sách đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc mở rộng vốn từ.


3. The height of something (phrase): đỉnh cao của cái gì đó.

Example: She was at the height of her career when they met.

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Cô ấy đang trên đỉnh cao của sự nghiệp khi họ gặp nhau.

Cô ấy có lượng kiến thức Anh ngữ tuyệt vời.

4. Assign (v): ra nhiệm vụ

Example: UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital.

Quân đội của Liên Hợp Quốc được ra nhiệm vụ là xây lại bệnh viện.

5. Reach a consensus on sth (phrase): thỏa thuận được về cái gì đó.

Example: Could we reach a consensus on this matter? Let's take a vote.

Liệu chúng ta có thể thỏa thuận chung được về vấn đề này không? Hãy bầu chọn đi.

6. Take turns (phrase): theo lượt

Example: The mothers in our group take turns driving the children to school.

Những người mẹ trong nhóm chúng tôi theo lượt chở tụi nhỏ đến trường.

7. Imprint (phrase): ghi vào.

Example: That look of grief would be imprinted on her mind forever.

Cái nhìn đầy giận giữ đó sẽ bị ghi vào trí nhớ của cô ấy mãi mãi.

8. Turn out (phrase): thành ra

Example: The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.

Sự thật thành ra lạ hơn so với những gì chúng tôi dự đoán.

9. Feed oneself (phrase): nuôi sống ai đó

Example: Earning 10.000 dollars per month, he is able to feed himself and his whole

Với 10.000 kiếm được mỗi tháng, anh ấy có khả năng nuôi sống chính mình và cả gia đình.

Part 3

1. Should parents help their kids in their homework?

It is essential that parents help their children with homework that is within their capabilities
instead of sending them to tuition classes. This can act as an incentive for children to study

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independently instead of relying too much on their teachers, thus sharpening their self-
studying skills.

2. What kind of advice should parents give their children?

Parents should give their children advice on how to learn things by heart effectively and
tell them to not to skip class so as not to fall behind with their studies. Moreover, if
possible, parents should help their children answer questions that are beyond their
children’s capabilities.

3. Should parents give children advice? Why?

Definitely yes, parents should give their children advice without losing their temper. I
believe that parents’ advice, if given in a correct way, will be instrumental in transforming
them into useful members of society and keep social evils off.

4. Can kids provide any help to parents?

Yes of course. They can share household chores with their parents. Also, children can
assist their parents with groceries when their parents are too busy with their work.

Vocabulary from education:

1. To learn by heart (phrase): học thuộc lòng

Example: My father can still recite the poems he learned by heart at school.

Bố tôi vẫn có thể đọc lại các bài thơ mà ông ấy học thuộc lòng ở trường

2. Skip class (phrase): cúp tiết

Example: I skipped class and went to the park instead.
Tôi cúp tiết và thay vào đó đi đến công viên.
3. Fall behind with studies (phrase): học tuột dốc

Example: He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his studies.

Anh ấy bị ốm 6 tuần và học bị thụt lại với tiến độ trên trường.

Other vocabulary:

1. Keep something off (phrase): tránh cái gì đó

Example: Wear a hat to keep the sun off

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Đội mũ để tránh ánh nắng.

2. Household chores (phrase): chia sẻ việc nhà

Example: By the time he’d finished all the household chores it was mid-afternoon.

Vào lúc anh ấy xong hết việc nhà, trời đã giữa trưa.

3. Lose temper (phrase): mất bình tĩnh

Example: The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper.

Những đứa trẻ quá quậy đến nỗi tôi mất bình tĩnh.

38. Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after watching it
What the movie was
Who you watched it with
Why you were touched by the movie
And explain how you felt about the movie

(What the movie was and what was it about) The movie that still tugs at my heartstrings like
a well-worn teddy bear is "Cinema Paradiso." It's a fast-moving story under the sun-drenched
skies of a sleepy Italian town, where Toto, a wide-eyed kid, falls under the spell of the local
movie theater and its gruff yet gentle projectionist, Alfredo.

(Who you watched with) I first stumbled upon this gem late one rainy night, lying lazily on the
sofa with my grandma. Toto's journey unfolded when he met and was mentored by Alfredo - a
rough but kind man who transformed the dusty projector room into a magical place. Their
unlikely friendship, tinged with unspoken affection, was achingly beautiful, like a melody
played on a worn-out piano.

(Why you were touched by the movie) But "Cinema Paradiso" isn't just a nostalgic and
peaceful life story. When tragedy strikes, the wonderful world Toto and Alfredo have built
breaks. It wasn't just the poignant plot; it was the raw, genuine portrayal of sadness and love that
made me cry a lot. Tragic fate had torn them apart and they might have no chance to see each
other anymore.

The movie's final act, a montage of iconic film scenes echoing through Alfredo's fading eyesight,
was emotionally moving. It was a love letter to cinema, to the transformative power of stories,

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and to the bittersweet beauty of letting go. As the credits rolled, my grandma and I sat in silence,
the movie's echoes still resonating in the room.

(How you felt about the movie) "Cinema Paradiso" wasn't just a movie; it was like a daily story
about separation and union. It's a testament to the power of film to not just entertain, but to touch
us at our core, reminding us of the preciousness of life, love, and the stories that bind us


1. to tug at the headstrings (idiom): khơi dậy lòng thương cảm

Example: Miss Cookson knows exactly how to tug at readers' heartstrings.

Cô Cookson biết chính xác cách lay động trái tim người đọc.

2. fast-moving (adj): chuyển biến nhanh

Example: Companies such as these need to adapt constantly in fast-moving markets.

Những công ty như thế này cần phải thích ứng liên tục trong các thị trường chuyển động

3. sun-drenched (adj): đầy nắng, tràn ngập ánh nắng

Example: New York fashion week kicked off in a sundrenched Manhattan yesterday.

Tuần lễ thời trang New York đã khai mạc tại Manhattan ngập nắng ngày hôm qua.

4. gruff (adj): cọc cằn

Example: He's quite a sweet man beneath the gruff exterior.

Anh ấy là một người đàn ông khá ngọt ngào bên dưới vẻ ngoài cộc cằn.

5. stumble upon (phrasal verb): tình cờ phát hiện ra

August English

Example: Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new

Các công nhân tình cờ phát hiện ra bức tranh khảm khi đang đào móng cho một tòa nhà

6. unfold (v): mở ra

Example: He watched her expression as she unfolded the letter.

Anh quan sát vẻ mặt của cô khi cô mở lá thư ra.

7. achingly (adv): vô cùng, đến nao lòng

Example: Sung by the world's greatest tenor, this aria is achingly beautiful.

Được hát bởi giọng nam cao vĩ đại nhất thế giới, bản aria này đẹp đến nao lòng.

8. nogalstic (adj): hoài niệm

Example: Talking about our old family holidays has made me feel all nostalgic.

Nói về những ngày nghỉ cũ của gia đình chúng tôi khiến tôi cảm thấy hoài niệm.

9. poignant (adj): sâu sắc

Example: The photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days.

Bức ảnh gợi lại những ký ức sâu sắc về những ngày hạnh phúc hơn.

10. tear one’s apart (phrasal verb): chia cắt, chia rẽ

Example: If something tears people apart, it causes them to quarrel or to leave each

Nếu có điều gì chia rẽ con người, nó sẽ khiến họ cãi nhau hoặc rời xa nhau.

11. resonate (v): vọng lại

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Example: His voice resonated in the empty church.

Giọng nói của anh vang vọng trong nhà thờ trống vắng.

12. bind someone together (phrasal verb): kết nối/ liên kết/ tập hợp

Example: There are many external galaxies to our own, each a collection of stars, gas and
dust bound together by gravity.

Có rất nhiều thiên hà bên ngoài của chúng ta, mỗi thiên hà là một tập hợp các ngôi sao, khí và
bụi liên kết với nhau bằng lực hấp dẫn.

Part 3

What movies young people are watching now?

Even though people have a variety of movie genres to choose from, cartoons are always rated
very highly among viewers of all ages, especially the young. In the past, people thought cartoons
were only for kids. But today, even grown-ups love watching them too! No one can deny the fact
that cartoons are extremely funny to watch and they can make us laugh until we forget
everything, including the stress of work.

2. What is the difference between going to the cinema and at home?

Well, watching a movie in a movie theatre and watching it at home has some notable differences.
First, the theatre has a really large screen, modern sound system, great visual impact and an
arrangement where we tend to watch it with a large number of people we do not know at all. We
have to fit in with the time schedule and follow some rules to watch the movie and can't take a
break whenever we want as the movie continues to run. We will spend a lot to enjoy a movie at a
modern and cosy theatre and we will often decide to watch a movie with friends or family there.

On the contrary, we usually watch movies at home on our computer screen, laptop or a large TV
which is not as large as the theatre’s screen. The sound and visual impression are not comparable
to the theatre’s but we have the freedom to watch it whenever we want and can take breaks as
many time as we want. We usually watch a movie at home with some of our family members or
alone unlike a cinema hall. Finally, it costs very little and sometimes nothing to watch a movie at

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home. Finally, we often watch a movie at home because we want to watch that very movie alone
while going to a cinema could be a social activity with friends.

3. Do you think people will prefer watching movies in theaters in the future?

Due to the improvements in the quality of stereo sound and visual effects such as the advent of
3D TV, people are starting to watch films at home more than before. To some extent, I think this
will have a negative impact on the turnout at cinemas. However, I think people will continue to
enjoy outings to the cinema as going to the cinema can be deemed a social event, which cannot
be substituted by watching films at home.

1. genre (n): thể loại

Example: What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?

Cuốn sách thuộc thể loại nào - hài hay bi kịch?

2. to deny (v): phủ nhận

Example: Neil denies that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did.

Neil phủ nhận việc anh ấy làm vỡ cửa sổ, nhưng tôi chắc chắn rằng anh ấy đã làm vậy.

3. cosy (a): ấm cúng

Example: This room is nice and cosy in the winter.

Căn phòng này đẹp và ấm cúng vào mùa đông.

4. turnout (n): đám đông, số lượng người

Example: The turnout at an event is the number of people who go to it or take part in it.

Tỷ lệ cử tri đi bỏ phiếu tại một sự kiện là số người đến dự hoặc tham gia vào sự kiện đó.

5. to substitute (v): thay thế

Example: I took out the words "he" and "his" and substituted them with "they" and

Tôi bỏ đi các từ "anh ấy" và "của anh ấy" và thay thế chúng bằng "họ" và "của họ".

August English

39. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently that makes you happy

You should say:

What the activity is

I usually go out for a walk in the morning every day and play some outdoor games every now and
then, but what I did last Saturday was something different. That day, I went out on my bicycle as
part of my morning exercise. When cycling past a park, I saw a group of cyclists discussing
something enthusiastically, so I came closer. After a few minutes, I found out that they were
planning to ride round the city in 3 hours with their bicycle and they would start that in the next
30 minutes.

Who invited you to participate in it

The team leader asked me to join them just when I was about to leave. They said it was free so I
started cycling with them through the major parts of the city.

Whether you asked for help in the activity

Cycling for the whole 3-4 hours was not as easy as I expected but that was not a problem. I tried
my best to finish the route all by myself, though other group members were willing to give me a
hand. Before the roads got crowded, we managed to get back to the park and I found that I was
dead-tired, yet completely proud of myself.

And explain what change you had in the activity

After that thrilling experience, I felt lucky to meet new friends from every walk of life with the
same hobby. I was also very impressed by the beauty of my city, which I had never had a chance
to appreciate during rush hours. This is certainly an invaluable memory and I will definitely join
the group in their future gatherings.


August English

1. every now and then (idiom): thỉnh thoảng


We still get together for lunch every now and then.

Chúng tôi sẽ thỉnh thoảng cùng nhau ăn trưa.

2. give someone a hand (idiom): giúp đỡ ai đó


Could you give me a hand with these suitcases?

Bạn có thể giúp tôi cầm hành lý không?

3. dead-tired (adjective): kiệt sức

After 10 hours working in the office, he came home dead-tired.

Sau 10 tiếng làm việc ở văn phòng, anh ấy kiệt sức trở về nhà.

4. every walks of life (idiom): đủ mọi thành phần, tầng lớp


Members of the gym include lawyers, teachers, plumbers, and hairdressers - people from all walks
of life.

Thành viên của phòng tập thể hình có cả luật sư, giáo viên, thợ sửa ống nước và thợ cắt tóc - những
người từ đủ thành phần, tầng lớp trong xã hội.

Part 3

1. What outdoor activities are popular in VietNam?

August English

In my country, many people are fond of playing badminton, riding bicycles, and walking in the
mornings and afternoons. Some sports that have been adopted from other cultures are also popular,
such as basketball, especially among youngsters. One outdoor activity that is enjoyed by all
generations is volleyball. It can be adjusted in various ways to suit the players’ sex and age without
any impact on the health benefits.

2. What are the differences between after-class activities done by middle and older children?

In Vietnam, it can obviously be observed that children in each age group will partake in different
sets of activities after school although this gap is fading over time. While middle schoolers enjoy
skill-oriented experiences, their brothers and sisters are attending extra classes to help them pass
exams with flying colours. Nevertheless, children in big cities are now sadly under study pressure
regardless of their age.

3. Do you think it's better for people to change jobs when there are new chances?

I am certainly in favour of job hopping whenever the timing is right. Firstly, if one employee has
outgrown his role in the company, it is be reasonable to look for more room to prosper in a new
position. Also, people switch jobs with a view to gaining valuable experience. It makes sense in
the case that the company they are at is not advancing in technology or size and they feel static.

4. Should young people try as many new activities as possible?

From my point of view, doing new things frequently will help the young broaden their horizons,
so I am totally leaning towards this suggestion. First, trying unfamiliar things helps them gain
valuable experience, which will provide vital preparation for adulthood. Additionally, succeeding
in something you have never done before will give you the chills that can help to ease pain and


1. fond of (adjective): yêu thích


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She was very fond of horses.

Cô ấy rất yêu thích những chú ngựa.

2. with flying colours (idiom): rất thành công, với thành tích cao.


They pass the university entrance exam with flying colours.

Họ đã thành công đỗ kỳ thi tuyển sinh đại học với thành tích cao.

3. job hopping (noun): nhảy việc


Many graduates view job hopping as a quick way to develop their career at the start.

Nhiều sinh viên mới tốt nghiệp xem nhảy việc là một cách nhanh chóng để phát triển sự nghiệp
lúc sơ khởi.

4. give the chills (idiom): gây phấn khích


The ending of the movie gives me the chills whenever I think about it.

Cái kết của bộ phim làm tôi rất phấn khích mỗi khi nghĩ về nó.

40. Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live without it

Tham khảo bài “Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home

● What it is
● When your family had it
● How your family got it

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● And explain why it is important for your family

(What it is) My dad has a hobby of keeping valuable pieces of furniture in our home, some
of which have become antiques and are worth up to thousands of dollars now. Among all
the antiques in my home, the one of greatest significance to me is the 80-year-old piano
used by four generations of my family. Currently, my niece is learning her first lessons on
that instrument.
(When your family had it) Rumour has it that this instrument was a result of the
collaboration of a renowned piano manufacturer, Steinway and Sons, and my great
grandfather, who was gifted with outstanding carpentry skills. The later generations are
now totally in the dark about the exact year it was completed as the instrument is generally
believed to have come into use during the late 1930s. Until now, the instrument has
undergone a total of two main restoration projects and been maintained on an annual basis.
(How your family got it) To be honest, the later generations, including myself, have no
clue how my great grandfather got the chance to directly work with Steinway and Sons in
designing and building the piano. All I know is that as a carpenter, he was mainly in charge
of designing the piano and assuring the quality of the wood Steinway opted for. Meanwhile,
the world-renowned piano manufacturer was responsible for building and assembling the
parts of the piano.
(And explain why it is important for your family) I proudly hail from a long lineage of
professional musicians. My great grandfather and my grandfather were successful
musicians, while my father is currently a music director of a cathedral’s choir. Nearly
everyone in my family can play at least the piano and the pipe organ. This piano is where
we learn our first lessons and have nourished generations of talents.
1. Antique (n): đồ cổ
Example: My mother collects antiques.
Mẹ thôi thu thập đồ cổ.
2. Rumour has it (that) (phrase): người ta đồn
Example: Rumour has it (that) you're going to be the next managing director. Is it true?
Người ta đồn là cậu sắp thành giám đốc điều hành hả. Thật không vậy?

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3. Renowned (adj): nổi tiếng

Example: The region is renowned for its natural beauty.
Vùng này rất nổi tiếng vì vẻ đẹp tự nhiên của nó
4. To be in the dark (idiom): không biết gì/không được cung cấp thông tin
Example: Our boss tends to keep us in the dark most of the time.
Sếp thường rất ít khi cung thấp thông tin gì cho chúng tôi.
5. To come into use (phrase): bắt đầu được sử dụng
Example: Computers first came into use in the early 1950s.
Máy vi tính bắt đầu được sử dụng vào những năm đầu của thập niên 50.
6. On a monthly/regular/yearly basis (phrase): hằng tháng/thường xuyên/hằng năm
Example: Skills need to be updated on an ongoing basis.
Kĩ năng cần được cập nhật tiên lục.
7. To hail from (phrase): đến từ
Example: Joe originally hails from Toronto.
Joe đến từ Toronto.
8. Lineage (n): dòng dõi
Example: She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.
Cô ấy tất tự hào về dòng dõi hoàng gia của mình.

41. Describe a street market you have been to

You should say:
When it was
Where it was
What you bought
How you felt about the shopping experience

(When it was)

I first paid a visit to a street market in spring two years ago, when I was traveling abroad.
I was lucky to have arrived in time for such warm, sunny weather, which really enhanced
my overall experience.

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(Where it was)

The market was called the Chinatown Market in Singapore, located not so far from the
iconic Merlion. Being the shopaholic that I am, I was extremely excited to see a crowded,
busy shopping area full of different merchandise.

(What you bought)

As Singapore is famous as a tourist attraction, the market was thronged with tourists
looking for souvenirs. I guess that’s the reason why the market was so full of souvenir
shops. Strolling through the length of the street, I was bombarded with a diverse range
of things for sale at prices to suit every pocket. Here, you can find everything you could
ever imagine, ranging from food, bags and clothes to keychains and jewelry. I was told that
the market was understood to be a place which offers acceptable quality at relatively low
prices, which is rare in such a pricey place as Singapore. I ended up buying lots of t-shirts
for my friends back home.

(How you felt about the shopping experience)

The visit was unforgettable. Visiting the market was a unique opportunity for me to dig
deeper into Singaporean culture. Besides buying goods, I also managed to make small
talk with the local stallholders and residents, which gave me a view into their daily
lifestyle. That was far more interesting and vivid than any written description I have ever
read about the country so far. In my opinion, a trip to Chinatown market would come
highly recommended for anyone with a thirst for cultural experiences.


Từ vựng chủ đề Communication & Personality:

1. to be a shopaholic/a workaholic

Meaning: a person who spends too much time shopping/too much time working

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Example: Although I sometimes enjoy shopping for bargains, I would not describe myself
as a shopaholic because I have other interests too.

2. to make small talk/to exchange pleasantries

Meaning: to talk in a polite way about unimportant matters such as the weather

Example: I enjoy a serious discussion and I don’t like to make small talk or exchange
pleasantries with others simply in order to be polite.

Ví dụ: Tôi thích những cuộc nói chuyện nghiêm túc chứ không thích nói chuyện xã giao
với người khác chỉ vì phép lịch sự.

Từ vựng chủ đề Tourism:

1. to be thronged with tourists

Meaning: refers to the situation of a place having a great number of visitors crowded or
considered together

Example: At weekends, London, in particular, is thronged with tourists, and certain areas
of the city such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden are swarming with visitors.

Ví dụ: Vào cuối tuần, cụ thể ở London, đầy những du khách và một số khu vực tong thành
phố như Oxford Street hay Convent Garden thì chật ních người.

2. to have a thirst for something

Meaning: to have a strong desire for something

Example: He has been all over the world, but he still has a thirst for seeing new places and
enjoying new experiences.

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Ví dụ: Anh ấy đã đi khắp thế giới, nhưng vẫn khao khát được đặt chân tới những nơi mới
lạ và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm mới.

Từ vựng chủ đề Education:

1. to bombard someone with something

Meaning: to continually send someone something, esp. to inform or influence them.

Example: Every day it seems as if we are bombarded with e-mail messages warning of
computer viruses.

Ví dụ: Ngày nào chúng tôi cũng như thể bị khủng bố bằng những tin nhắn qua email về
việc cảnh báo có virus máy tính.

Từ vựng chủ đề Reading:

1. to understand somebody/something to be/have something

Meaning: to think or believe that something is true because you have been told that it is

Example: The President is understood to be in favour of more spending on the military.

Ví dụ: Chủ tích nước được cho là sẽ chi nhiều hơn cho quân sự

2. to dig deep (into something)

Meaning: to search thoroughly for information

Example: Computer technology has enabled authorities to dig deep into all kinds of
personal records relating to ordinary citizens.

Ví dụ: Công nghệ thông tin đã cho phép chính quyền các nước tìm hiểu sâu về các loại
thông tin cá nhân liên quan đến công dân của họ.

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3. to come highly recommended

Meaning: to be praised by a lot of people

Example: Books by classic authors always come highly recommended, but work by new
and talented writers should not be overlooked.

Ví dụ: Sách viết của các tác giả cũ thường được đánh giá cao, nhưng cũng không nên bỏ
qua những tài năng mới.

42. Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager

- What the skill was

- Where you learnt it

- How you learnt it

- And explain how useful it was

(what it is) More than 11 years ago, whenever I came across a street pianist, it took me quite
long to take my eyes off him. I was passionate about music, especially the piano. Luckily, I
had the chance to learn the piano from a classically trained pianist who was willing to train
me for free as there was a shortage of pianists for the church choir. Without hesitation, I
made up my mind to follow him.

(where you learnt it) As I mentioned previously, I was trained to play the piano for the choir
in my church’s services. Also, because I did not have the instrument at that time, I had to
learn the piano at the church. Albeit learning at a church, which is supposed to be a quiet and
solemn place, all the sessions were full of laughter because there were also other fellows
trying to play the piano with me.

(how you learnt it) Filled with effervescence, I was eager to play the first notes of my life.
However, things did not go as expected as I started to realise that the piano was a lot harder

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than I had thought. Keeping in mind that the more I played, the better I would become,
however, classical songs again posed a great challenge even when I felt that my ability to
play the instrument was already competent. The thought of giving up sprang to my mind
but luckily, the trainer was making lots of effort to keep the fire burning inside me and I
quickly got rid of that negative thought before being back on track.

(and explain how useful it was) I have been learning the piano for more than 10 years. Yet,
I never stop learning new challenging classical songs apart from playing simple songs for the
services so that I can ensure that my skills will not worsen. Indeed, it only took me around 1
year to play for the services quite confidently and smoothly.

1. To come across sth/someone: vô tình gặp ai đó/thứ gì đó.

Example: I came across him in the library after work, and we got into a
great conversation about Hemingway.

Tôi vô tình gặp anh ấy trong thư viện sau khi làm và chúng tôi đã có một cuộc nói chuyện về

2. To take someone’s eyes off sth/someone (phrase): đưa mắt ra khỏi ai đó/gì đó.

Example: Ken couldn't take his eyes off Judy.

Ken không thể đưa mắt khỏi Judy.

3. To make up someone’s mind (idiom): quyết định.

Example: I'm not sure what flavor I want—I'm still making my mind up.

Tôi vẫn chưa chắc là mình muốn vị nào, tôi vẫn đang quyết định.

4. Solemn (adj): trang nghiêm

Example: a solemn procession

Một cuộc diễu hành trang nghiêm

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5. Effervescence (n): khí thế, năng lượng.

Example: he was filled with such effervescence

Anh ấy tràn đầy năng lượng.

6. To be competent at something: có khả năng làm việc gì đó tốt.

Example: I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.

Tôi sẽ không nói là anh ấy quá xuất sắc nhưng anh ấy thực sự có khả năng làm việc tốt.

7. To spring to someone’s mind (idiom): đập vào đầu ai đó.

Example: Say the word "Australia" and

a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind.

Mỗi khi ai đó nói về Australia là hình ảnh của biển và đại dương xanh lại đập vô đầu tôi.

8. Keep the fire burning (idiom): giữ cháy ngọn lửa (đam mê).

Example: when I was about to give up on my dream, my parents immediately took actions to
keep the fire burning.

Khi tôi chuẩn bị bỏ cuộc với ước mơ của mình, bố mẹ tôi liền can thiệp và nuôi dưỡng ngọn
lửa đam mê của tôi.


1. What is the most practical skill in this modern world?

I would say that the most practical skill in this modern world is technology literacy. It is
pressing that everyone should acquire a good grasp of technology so as not to fall behind
the times and stay relevant to the whole world’s trends.

2. What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

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Computer skills are probably the hardest to learn. They require a sophisticated brain that is
capable of analysing numbers and digits as well as an ability to remember a process well.

3. What kinds of professions require practical skills?

Technology and arts-related professions usually require practical skills. For example, a singer
needs to train his vocal skills while a programmer needs special computer skills.

1. Technology literacy (phrase): khả năng sử dụng công nghệ

Technology literacy is now one of the most important criteria for many jobs.

Khả năng sử dụng công nghệ là một trong những điều kiện rất quan trọng cho nhiều công

2. To acquire a good grasp of something (phrase): nắm chắc cái gì đó.

He has a good grasp of the issues.

Anh ấy nắm chắc được vấn đề.

3. Fall behind (phrase): thụt lùi

Companies that failed to modernize fell behind quite dramatically.

Những công ty không chịu đổi mới đã thụt lùi khá nhiều.

43. Describe a time when you were very busy

You should say:
When it happened
Where you were
What you did
And how you felt after that
(When it happened) I had to organize a college tournament in Paris last summer. As a result, I
busy was for an entire week. I was kept occupied from dawn to dusk. In reality, organizing a
cultural festival is a difficult task. I had to do nearly everything by myself, and I was alone.
Despite the fact that some of my classmates assisted me, I was responsible for everything.

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(Where you were) Initially, I was tasked with developing a strategy and assembling a team to
fulfill the duties. Unfortunately, I was unable to find suitable applicants to assist me in the process.
As a result, I had to do everything on my own. The program's planning began the night before,
and I barely slept that night.
(What you did) Organizing the entire event was not as simple as it seemed. I had to arrange for
the prizes and take the appropriate measures to get them ordered and delivered in time for the
award ceremony. In addition, I was in charge of preparing the venue on the college campus.
Eventually, everything was completed, but there was some elements of disorganization.
(And how you felt after that) The emotions were mixed. At one point, I considered giving up
since no one helped me with the planning and preparation. But I didn't give up and completed the
task. As a result, it was a success. The most significant thing is that I was subsequently honored
for the event. And I must say that it was a fantastic week for me.
1. From dawn to dusk (idiom): từ sáng tới khuya
When the power was out, we had to do as much as we could from dawn to dusk.
2. On my own (phrase): một mình
I don’t mind going to the movies on my own.

Part 3:
1. Do you like to be always busy?
No, I don’t want to be always up to my ears in work or assignments. However, I always try to
occupy myself with something when I have free time. Otherwise, I would feel that I’ve wasted
that time. For example, I would do household chores or hit the gym whenever I don’t have any
assignments to get done.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?
Being occupied definitely offers some clear advantages. First, people will not think that they’re
useless when they are free while others are working. Second, they will gain recognition from their
bosses for their hard work. However, being always busy is not without disadvantages. Sometimes,
I think that people are busy because they are unable to manage their time well, leading to the fact
that they cannot get their work done on time and become extremely busy. This can negatively
affect their health and productivity.
3. What kind of pressure may people experience at work?
Peer pressure, of course! People may easily get jealous of their peers’ achievements, which may
lead to toxic competition in the workplace. No one wants to be left behind by their colleagues
having the same position as them. Other types of pressure include office politics, in which
employees can be mentally drained because of unnecessary drama in the workplace.

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1. up to someone’s ears (idiom): rất bận rộn
I'm up to my ears in work.
Tôi rất bận rộn với công việc của mình
2. drain (verb): làm ai đó mệt mỏi/kiệt sức
The long journey completely drained me.

44. Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time
You should say:

what it was;

why you set this goal;

whether it was difficult to achieve this goal;

and explain how you felt about achieving this goal.

(What it was)

Well, I’m going to describe a goal, which I tried my uttermost to achieve and succeeded in
the end with. The goal was set during my high school’s years, where I entered the English
National Contest held yearly for gifted high school students, which is usually regarded as the
most cut throat competition for students nationwide.

(Why you set this goal)

I was a student in an English gifted class then and I have always had a keen interest in English.
Participating in such an honorable competition had been my long-held dream since
secondary school. Besides, earning a prize in this contest would open up more opportunities
for me to study abroad and get access to a more advanced education, which would be a golden
opportunity for personal development. Indeed, back then, for students specializing in
English like me, studying abroad could be a life-changing experience for students, allowing
for tremendous academic, professional, and personal growth.

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(Whether it was difficult to achieve this goal)

Of course, it can be very challenging and cumbersome to earn a spot in the national team to
compete, not to mention claim a prize. Falling short of my expectations to join the school
team for the National Contest, I was eliminated in the last round and had to wait for the next
year. Instead of being disappointed and demotivated, I displayed a firm commitment to
change and try harder. I sought advice and assistance with my essays and language skills. In
grade 12, I improved vastly and won a place in the school team for the National Contest.

(And explain how you felt about achieving this goal)

Well, this achievement means a lot to me because it reaffirms the faith that hard work does
get recognized and appreciated. I take pride in the way I faced up to my scholastic setbacks
with decency and resilience. My strenuous efforts and unflinching belief helped me to
overcome obstacles, make progress, and seek out opportunities to succeed, which laid the
foundation for my further progress in life.

Vocabulary from Business:

 cut throat competition

Meaning: intense competition

Example: Entering the national football team is a cut throat competition for all.

Other vocabulary:

24. tried one’s uttermost [expression]: to do something as well as you can by making a
great effort: cố gắng hết sức
Eg: She tr ied her utmost to f inish on t ime.

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25. honorable [adj]: bringing or worthy of honor: danh dự

Eg: Military service was considered an honorable career choice.

26. a golden opportunity [expression]: a special, wonderful opportunity: cơ hội vàng, cơ hội
tuyệt vời
Eg: Businesses have a golden opportunity to expand into new markets.

27. tremendous [adj]: (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense.: rất lớn
Eg: For these women and for hundreds of other men and women who have experienced
tremendous loss, the past year has piled myriad emotions on top of profound sadness.
28. cumbersome [adj]: difficult to do or manage and taking a lot of time and effort: nhọn
nhằn, khó khăn
Eg: Critics say that the process for amending the Constitution is cumbersome, but
others defend it.
29. falling short of [expression]: to be less than the amount or standard that is needed or that
you want: không đạt tới
Eg: He would sack any of his staff who fell short of his high standards.
30. demotivate [v]: to make someone less enthusiastic about sth: làm nhụt chí
Eg: She was very demotivated by being told she had little chance of being promoted.
31. setback [n]: something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing: sự
trở ngại
Eg: There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans.
32. overcome [v]: to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something: vượt qua
Eg: Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.

45. Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on

You should say

 Where you went

 Who you went with

 What was unusual

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And explain how you feel about it

(Where you went) I would like to talk about one of the worst journeys of mine. I went on
this journey a while ago, one year to be precise, during my trip to Bali, Indonesia. Due to the
fact that tourist attractions in Bali were located quiite far away from each other, we had to
rely on car rental services offered there. One service lasted 8 hours, any extra hour would
cost an additional 20 dollars.

(Who you were with) I was travelling with other 6 cousins, which eased the burden placed
on me. They were also relatively surprised that the traffic in Bali was that horrible.

(What was unusual) When working on the itinerary, I did factor traffic jams in, for which
Bali is notorious. Yet, my trip from Denpasar to Ubud lasted up to 10 hours because of traffic
jam, although I had decided to drop some sites. I nearly died in the car because my bladder
was full but the car did not seem to be moving.

(And explain how you feel about it) In general, I still dread to think of commuting around
Bali by car. Although I went out of season in the monsoon season, there were still hordes of
tourists, which was the reason for the congestion on routes between attractions. I thought it
would be the holiday of a lifetime, but Bali turned out so disappointing because of the
congestion as well as low-quality services.

Vocabulary from holidays:

1. Tourist attraction: điểm hút khách du lịch

Example: Florida has numerous tourist attractions.

Florida có rất nhiều điểm hút khách du lịch.

2. Rental (n): sự thuê mướn

Property rental is quite expensive here.

3. Out of season (phrase): ngoài mùa cao điểm/trái mùa

Example: Tomatoes are out of season now.

Tomatoes đang trong lúc trái mùa.

4. Hordes of tourists (phrase): đám đông khách du lịch

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Example: Hordes of tourists are taking the buffet food as if there was no tomorrow.

Đám đông khách du lịch đang lấy đồ ăn buffet như thể là không có ngày mai.

3. Factor something in (phrase): tính cái gì (vào cái gì đó)

Example: People are earning more, but when inflation is factored in, they are no better off.

Con người đang làm ra nhiều tiền hơn, nhưng khi tính lạm phát vào, thì cũng chả tốt hơn gì.

4. Work on (phrase): làm/luyện tập cái gì đó

Example: His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his stamina.

Kĩ thuật nhảy của anh ấy khá ổn, nhưng cần phải luyện tập thêm sức chịu đựng.

5. Drop (v): bỏ

I'm going to drop yoga and do aerobics instead.

Tôi sẽ bỏ tập yoga và tập aerobics thay vì yoga.

Bonus question: Would you choose to have an unusual holiday like such again?

I personally do not think that I will have an unusual holiday like this again. I will try to avoid
cities or regions that are notorious for congestion because it is such a waste of time and
money. We should spend money to enjoy breathtaking scenery rather than be stuck in traffic.

Part 3

 Do Vietnamese people have a lot of holidays?

No. Vietnamese people only have a handful of holidays in a year, pretty little compared to
their neighbours. The number of public holidays in Vietnam is only 11 days, compared to
50 days in Malaysia.

 Where do Vietnamese people often go for holidays?

Public holidays in Vietnam are relatively short, normally ranging from one to two days only,
apart from the Lunar New Year holiday, which grants people 5 days off. Therefore,
Vietnamese people only make use of those short holidays to go to weekend destinations
such as Vũng Tàu, which is an ideal coastal destination for those who like the beach. Đà Lạt
is also another popular choice for people from Ho Chi Minh city.

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 How does tourism help a country?

At its most basic level, tourism brings much needed foreign money into a country.
International visitors and their hefty wallets are the perfect solution for developing countries’
desperate in need for foreign money. The presence of these tourists in areas with limited
resources can also help improve local conditions such as roads, transportation and access to
modern conveniences.

 Talking about eco-tourism, does it have more benefits or drawbacks?

Eco-tourism definitely brings more benefits to the economy, the environment and society as
a whole. As a major in tourism, I learn that eco-tourism activities have to involve educating
tourists about the ecosystem, thus increasing their awareness of the responsibility for
preserving the ecosystem. Meanwhile, ordinary tourist activities are merely visiting places
and taking photos.

Vocabulary from holidays:

1. Public holiday: ngày lễ quốc gia

Example: New Year's Day is a public holiday in many countries.

Ngày năm mới là ngày nghỉ lễ tại rất nhiều quốc gia.

2. Weekend destination: điểm đến cuối tuần

Example: Vung Tau has long been an ideal weekend destination for people in Ho Chi Minh

Vũng Tàu từ đâu đã là điểm đến cuối tuần lý tưởng cho những người ở thành phố Hồ Chí

3. Hefty (adj): lớn

Example: Her salary will go up by a hefty 13 percent.

Lương của cô ta sẽ tăng một lượng lớn, khoảng 13%.

46. Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something in the public
(in the restaurant or other place)
Where and when it happened

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What he/she complained about

What the result was
And explain how you felt about the experience

(Where and when it happened) I remember a recent incident when I was at a restaurant in the
city center. It was a busy evening, and the atmosphere was lively. While enjoying my meal at a
corner table, I couldn't help but overhear a man at the adjacent table who was grumbling loudly.

(What he/she complained about) The man was making a fuss about his steak, going on and on
about how it was overcooked and lacked flavor. He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the
slow service and even the temperature of the restaurant. It was like he had a chip on his

(What the result was)

The waiter, remaining calm and composed, tried their best to address his concerns. They offered
to replace the steak or provide an alternative, but the man continued to voice his complaints. The
manager stepped in, genuinely apologizing and even offering a complimentary dessert to make
amends. However, the man remained dissatisfied and didn't seem willing to let go of his
grievances. The incident concluded with the man leaving the restaurant, visibly discontented.

(And explain how you felt about the experience)

As for my own feelings about the experience, it was a bit uncomfortable. The tension in the
restaurant increased as everyone became aware of the ongoing complaints. On one hand, I felt
sympathy for the staff who were doing their best to rectify the situation. On the other hand, I
found the man’s behavior a bit over the top. It made me realize that some people are never
satisfied, no matter how hard you try to please them.


1. making a fuss about (idiom): trở nên tức giận và phàn nàn.


I thought Mom might make a fuss but she was in a good mood.

Tôi tưởng mẹ có thể sẽ làm ầm lên nhưng mẹ đang có tâm trạng tốt

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2. have a chip on your shoulder (idiom): luôn tỏ ra tức giận vì bạn nghĩ mình bị đối xử bất công
hoặc cảm thấy mình không tốt bằng người khác.


He’s got a chip on his shoulder, because his parents don’t allow him to buy a car as everyone else

Anh ấy đang có vẻ bực tức vì bố mẹ anh ấy không để anh ấy mua xe như những người khác và
anh ấy nghĩ rằng ai cũng hơn anh ấy vì điều đó.

3. make amends (phrase) : làm điều gì đó để cải thiện tình hình sau khi làm sai điều gì đó.


He gave her a present to make amends for his rudeness.

Anh ấy tặng cô ấy một món quà để đền bù cho sự thô lỗ của mình.

4. over the top (idiom): quá cực đoan và không phù hợp, hoặc đòi hỏi quá nhiều sự chú ý hoặc
nỗ lực, đặc biệt là theo cách không kiểm soát được.


This situation is over the top. Someone do something to stop all this bickering.

Tình huống này đã quá thể rồi. Ai đó hãy làm gì để dừng cuộc cãi vã này lại đi.

Part 3:

1. Do you think complaining is important for business?

Absolutely! Complaining plays a vital role in the business world. It's like a double-edged sword
– while it may initially seem negative, it holds the power to drive positive change. When
customers voice their concerns, it provides businesses with an opportunity to address issues,
rectify mistakes, and enhance their products or services. Businesses should embrace complaints
as a stepping stone towards growth and customer satisfaction. By actively listening to
complaints and taking appropriate actions, businesses can build trust, improve their reputation,
and foster long-term customer loyalty.

2. Do you think it’s important for a business company to train their employees to react to
the customer's complaints?

Without a doubt, businesses should invest in training their employees to handle customer
complaints effectively. By providing training, businesses ensure that their employees are well-

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prepared to handle any challenge that comes their way. Employees should be trained to be as
cool as a cucumber, staying calm, empathize with irate customers and provide suitable
solutions. This empowers employees to de-escalate tense situations and ensure customer
satisfaction. It's like turning lemons into lemonade – transforming complaints into opportunities
to impress customers and strengthen their loyalty.

3. Do you think for a complaint it is better to speak to someone or write it down like in an

I think the choice between speaking to someone directly or writing down a complaint, such as in
an email, depends on various factors and personal preferences. Speaking to someone allows for
an immediate and heart-to-heart conversation, allowing for immediate rapport and the
possibility of finding a swift resolution. On the other hand, writing down a complaint, like
crafting an email, provides a documented record of the concern, ensuring that details are
accurately conveyed and can be referred to in the future. Additionally, writing allows customers
to articulate their thoughts with precision, taking the time to gather their words and providing a
well-thought-out account of their experience. Ultimately, businesses should offer multiple
channels for customers to voice their complaints, allowing them to choose the method that best
suits their preferences and circumstances.


1. double-edged (phrase): Something that is double-edged acts in two ways, often with one
negative and one positive effect


The government's programme to grow cash crops for export is a double-edged sword because it
has created a local food shortage.

Chương trình trồng cây thương mại để xuất khẩu của chính phủ là con dao hai lưỡi vì nó đã tạo
ra tình trạng thiếu lương thực tại địa phương.

2. Express/show/voice a concern about/for (phrase) : bày tỏ sự lo lắng, quan tâm


She expressed her deep concern about their living conditions.

Bà ta bày tỏ mối quan tâm sâu sắc về điều kiện sống của họ.

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3. stepping stone (n): something that helps someone advance or achieve something:


I hope this job will be a stepping stone to something better.

Tôi hy vọng công việc này sẽ là bước đệm cho điều gì đó tốt đẹp hơn.

3. come one’s way (phrase): Chỉ điều gì đến/xảy ra với bạn


I really hope this promotion comes my way because it sounds like a fascinating position.

Tôi thực sự hy vọng cơ hội thăng tiến này sẽ đến với tôi vì nó có vẻ là một vị trí hấp dẫn.

4. as cool as a cucumber (idiom): rất bình tĩnh hoặc rất bình tĩnh, đặc biệt khi điều này gây
ngạc nhiên


I expected him to be all nervous before his interview but he was as cool as a cucumber.

Tôi cứ nghĩ là anh ấy sẽ vô cùng lo lắng trước khi phỏng vấn nhưng anh ấy vẫn hết sức bình tĩnh.

5. heart-to-heart (adj): (of a conversation) between two people, usually close friends, in which
they talk honestly about their feelings


It turned out to be a good heart-to-heart chat.

Hóa ra đó là một cuộc trò chuyện chân tình.

6. rapport (n): sự hiểu biết tốt về ai đó và khả năng giao tiếp tốt với họ


She has an excellent rapport with her staff.

Cô ấy có mối quan hệ tuyệt vời với nhân viên của mình.

7. thought out (adj): If something is carefully/well/badly thought out, it is carefully/well/badly



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To me the whole idea seems to be badly thought out.

Đối với tôi toàn bộ ý tưởng dường như được nghĩ ra một cách tồi tệ.

47. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home

Who this person is

How you know him/her

How he/she makes you feel welcome

And explain how you feel about this person

(Who this person is)

One person who immediately comes to mind when it comes to making people feel welcome in
their home is my close friend, Sarah.

(How you know him/her)

I got to know her a few years ago through a mutual friend, we instantly hit it off and became good
friends. Since then, I've had the pleasure of visiting her home on numerous occasions, and each
time, I've been amazed by her hospitality.

(How he/she makes you feel welcome)

Whenever I step into Sarah's house, she greets me with a genuine smile and open arms. She has a
way of making me feel like a part of her family. Sarah pays attention to every detail, making sure
her guests feel comfortable and well taken care of.

She goes above and beyond to ensure everyone's needs are met. Whether it's offering a refreshing
drink or preparing delicious homemade snacks, she always goes the extra mile. Sarah's
thoughtfulness and generosity make me feel valued and appreciated as a guest in her home.

(And explain how you feel about this person)

What impresses me most about Sarah is her ability to make everyone feel included. She engages
in conversations with each person, making sure no one feels left out. She has a knack for
connecting people and creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

I have great admiration and respect for Sarah's hospitality. Being in her home feels like a sanctuary,
a place where I can relax and be myself. Her welcoming nature has taught me the importance of
making others feel comfortable and valued when they visit my own home.


August English

1. hit it off (phrase): to like someone and become friendly immediately.


She met him in a club. They hit it off immediately and lived together for two years before getting

Cô gặp anh ở một câu lạc bộ. Họ thân nhau ngay lập tức và sống với nhau hai năm trước khi kết

2. go above and beyond sth (idiom): làm nhiều hơn hoặc tốt hơn mức thường được mong đợi ở
ai đó.


We have a very dedicated team of people who go above and beyond what is required.

Chúng tôi có một đội ngũ rất tận tâm gồm những người luôn làm tốt hơn những gì được yêu cầu.

3. go the extra mile (idiom): nỗ lực nhiều hơn mong đợi ở bạn.


He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.

Anh ấy là một chàng trai tốt, luôn sẵn sàng nỗ lực hết mình vì bạn bè.

4. has a knack for (idiom): có khả năng( đặc biệt, bẩm sinh..), hay biết cách làm.....


My younger brother has a real knack for fixing computers.

Em trai tôi thật sự có khả năng sửa chữa máy tính.

Part 3

1. Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why?

In my country, people do often invite others to their homes, but it can vary depending on the
circumstances. Inviting someone to your home is like extending a warm welcome and sharing a
slice of your life with them. It's a way to strengthen closer relationships and create a sense of
community. People invite others to their homes for various reasons, such as celebrating special
occasions like birthdays or holidays, hosting dinner parties, or simply to spend quality time
together in a more intimate setting.
+ Thông tin khóa học Package online:

August English

2. What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes?

Well, I think that people who are naturally warm and hospitable are more likely to invite others
to their homes. It's like having an open-door policy, where they embrace the opportunity to
connect with others on a deeper level. These individuals may have a generous spirit, enjoying the
company of others and having a knack for making others feel welcome and at ease. They see
their home as a sanctuary, and inviting others in is like opening their hearts and creating a
welcoming atmosphere.

3. Who are more likely to invite others to their homes, people in the countryside or people
in the city?

It's difficult to generalize, but I believe that people in the countryside may be more inclined to
invite others to their homes. Living in the countryside can create a stronger sense of community
and neighborliness. It's like being part of a tight-knit community where everyone knows each
other and is willing to lend a hand. In such areas, people often have more spacious homes and a
slower pace of life, making it easier to host gatherings and accommodate guests. However, that's
not to say that people in cities don't invite others to their homes. It ultimately depends on
individual personalities and the cultural norms of the specific region.

4. Are tourist attractions in the countryside more welcome than those in the cities?

I wouldn't say that tourist attractions in the countryside are more welcome than those in the
cities. It's more about the unique experiences each location offers. Tourist attractions in the
countryside often showcase natural beauty, tranquility, and a chance to escape the hustle and
bustle of city life. On the other hand, city attractions offer a vibrant atmosphere, cultural
diversity, and a wide range of entertainment options. It's like comparing apples to oranges –
both have their own charm and appeal to different interests and preferences.

5. What facilities are there in the tourist attractions in your country?

Tourist attractions in my country offer a variety of facilities to cater to visitors. For example,
popular attractions often have visitor centers or information booths where tourists can obtain
maps, brochures, and guidance. They may provide guided tours or audio guides to enhance the
visitor's experience. Additionally, many attractions have amenities like restrooms, picnic areas,
and food stalls or restaurants to cater to visitors' needs. Some larger attractions even have
souvenir shops where tourists can purchase mementos to remember their visit. It's all about

August English

going the extra mile to ensure visitors have a comfortable and enjoyable experience while
exploring the attractions.


1. strengthen a relationship (collocation): if a relationship or link strengthens, it makes it

closer and more likely to last for a long time.


Police hope that the meetings with young people will help to strengthen relations when they
might become more strained.

Cảnh sát hy vọng rằng việc gặp gỡ với các bạn trẻ sẽ giúp củng cố mối quan hệ trong những thời
điểm có thể trở nên căng thẳng hơn.

2. have a knack for (idiom): rất bình tĩnh hoặc rất bình tĩnh, đặc biệt khi điều này gây ngạc


My younger brother has a real knack for fixing computers.

Em trai tôi thật sự có khả năng sửa chữa máy tính.

3. tight-knit (adj): kết nối, gắn kết chặt chẽ


The two communities are closely knit by a common faith.

Hai cộng đồng được gắn kết chặt chẽ bởi một đức tin chung.

4. give/lend someone a helping hand (idiom): giúp đỡ ai đó


These tax cuts will give the industry a helping hand.

Việc cắt giảm thuế này sẽ giúp ích cho ngành công nghiệp.

5. hustle and bustle (phrase): hối hả, nhộn nhịp


August English

I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.

Tôi yêu sự hối hả và nhộn nhịp của khu chợ.

6. go the extra mile (idiom): nỗ lực nhiều hơn mong đợi ở bạn.


She’s a hard worker and always goes the extra mile.

Cô ấy là một nhân viên chăm chỉ và luôn làm việc vượt bậc.

48. Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved

What the facility is

When it was renovated and improved

What has been renovated and improved

And explain how you feel about it

(What the facility is)

One public facility that recently underwent a remarkable renovation and improvement is the town
library. It has always been a cherished community resource, but it was starting to show its age.

(When it was renovated and improved)

The renovation took place last year, and the transformation was astonishing. They really went the
extra mile to make it a top-notch destination for avid readers like me.

(What has been renovated and improved)

Several aspects of the library were renovated and improved. Firstly, the physical layout was
revamped. The cramped and outdated shelves were replaced with modern, open bookcases that
allowed for better organization and easier browsing. The seating areas were expanded, providing
more comfortable spaces for readers to immerse themselves in their favorite books.

In addition to the physical changes, the library embraced technology in a big way. They installed
new computers with high-speed internet access, enabling visitors to conduct research, access
online resources, and even borrow e-books.

The improvement that impressed me the most was the addition of a dedicated children's section.
They created a vibrant and interactive space with colorful book displays, cozy reading nooks, and
educational toys.

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(And explain how you feel about it)

Personally, I feel absolutely thrilled about the renovated library. It has become a heaven for book
enthusiasts. The improvements have breathed new life into the library, making it more welcoming
and accessible to a broader range of visitors.


1. top-notch (adj): excellent; of very good quality.


The new conference centre has top-notch facilities.

Trung tâm hội nghị mới có cơ sở vật chất hàng đầu.

2. avid readers (phrase): người đam mê đọc sách.


Her shelf is packed with hundreds of book. She's always been an avid reader.

Kệ của cô ấy chứa hàng trăm tuyển sách. Cô ấy đó giờ luôn là một người ham đọc sách.

3. immerse themselves in something (phrasal verb): đắm chìm vào việc gì đó.


She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.

Cô lấy một số cuốn sách từ thư viện và đắm mình vào lịch sử và văn hóa Do Thái.

4. thrilled (adj): cực kỳ hạnh phúc về điều gì đó.


I was thrilled that so many people turned up to the party.

Tôi rất vui mừng khi có rất nhiều người đến tham dự bữa tiệc.

5. breathe (new) life into (idiom): to give new energy and excitement to (something).


She is credited with breathing new life into contemporary art.

Cô được ghi nhận là người đã thổi sức sống mới vào nghệ thuật đương đại.

August English

Part 3

1. What are the benefits of public facilities?

Public facilities bring a plethora of benefits to the community. Firstly, they promote inclusivity
by providing access to essential services and amenities for all members of society. Moreover,
they act as a melting pot by offering spaces for social interactions and gatherings, where people
can come together, and foster a sense of community spirit. Additionally, public facilities
contribute to the overall well-being of individuals by providing recreational opportunities and
promoting physical and mental health. They also boost economic growth by attracting tourists,
stimulating local businesses, and creating employment opportunities.

2. Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?

Some public transport methods, such as the subway, have gained popularity by cutting through
traffic congestion and getting commuters to their destinations in the blink of an eye. Moreover,
subway systems often have extensive networks, providing connectivity to various parts of the
city. Their fixed schedules and frequent service intervals pull out all the stops, ensuring a
reliable and punctual journey for daily commuters.

3. Why are some public transport methods unpopular?

I think the unpopularity of certain public transport methods can stem from inadequate
infrastructure or service coverage, leading to limited accessibility and inconvenience for
potential users. Another factor is the sky-high costs associated with some modes of public
transport that make them less attractive. Additionally, if the frequency or reliability of service is
inconsistent, it can discourage people from relying on them. Comfort and overcrowding issues,
such as cramped buses or trains during peak hours, can also contribute to the unpopularity of
certain public transport methods.

4. What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?

Preferences for transportation can vary among different age groups. Young people often lean
towards more flexible and convenient options, such as ride-sharing services or bicycles, which
offer freedom and independence. They may also be more inclined to use public transport
methods like buses or subways due to affordability and environmental considerations. On the
other hand, older individuals may prefer more comfortable and accessible options, such as taxis
or private vehicles, to accommodate their specific needs and mobility requirements. However,

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it's worth noting that preferences can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances and
personal preferences.

5. What do you think are the differences between Vietnamese square dancing now and in
the future?

For me, when it comes to Vietnamese square dancing, the differences between now and the
future could be quite interesting. In the future, we might see a fusion of traditional and modern
elements. Vietnamese square dancing could take on a contemporary twist, incorporating new
dance styles and music genres to bring a fresh appeal. Besides, advancements in technology
might also come into play, with dancers connecting online, sharing performances, and learning
new routines through virtual platforms. However, it will be crucial to maintain the authenticity
and cultural heritage of Vietnamese square dancing, like striking a balance between preserving
tradition and embracing innovation.


1. a plethora of (n): a very large amount of something, especially a larger amount than you
need, want, or can deal with


There's a plethora of books about the royal family.

Có rất nhiều sách viết về hoàng gia.

2. melting pot (n): a place where many different people and ideas exist together, often mixing
and producing something new


New Orleans is one of the great melting pots of America.

New Orleans là một trong những nơi hội tụ lớn nhất của nước Mỹ.

3. cut through something (phrasal verb): If you cut through something difficult that usually
causes problems, you quickly understand it or deal with it so that it does not cause problems for


She always manages to cut through the complex theory and get at the facts.

August English

Cô ấy luôn cố gắng vượt qua những lý thuyết phức tạp và đi đến sự thật.

4. in the blink of an eye (idiom): rất nhanh


In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Thoắt một cái, hắn biến mất.

5. pull out (phrasal verb): If a vehicle pulls out, it starts moving onto a road or onto a different
part of the road


A car pulled right out in front of me.

Một chiếc ô tô lao thẳng tới trước mặt tôi.

6. stem from (phrasal verb): bắt nguồn từ


Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.

Sự bất đồng của họ bắt nguồn từ sự hiểu lầm.

7. sky-high (adj, adv): Sky-high prices or charges are very high


The price of oil went sky-high when war broke out.

Giá dầu tăng vọt khi chiến tranh nổ ra.

8. lean toward sth (phrasal verb): to be interested in something and be likely to do a particular


He said he was leaning toward entering the race for governor.

Ông cho biết ông đang hứng thú về việc tham gia cuộc đua giành chức thống đốc.

9. be inclined to (phrasal verb): to have a tendency to (do something)

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I am inclined to accept their invitation.

Tôi có khuynh hướng chấp nhận lời mời của họ.

9. take on something (phrasal verb): to begin to have a particular quality


Her voice took on a troubled tone.

Giọng cô ấy trở nên bối rối.

10. come into play (idiom ): If something comes into play, it starts to have a use or an effect in a
particular situation, and if it is brought into play, it is given a use or an effect


This machine will come into play in the summer.

Cái máy này sẽ phát huy tác dụng vào mùa hè.

11. strike a balance idiom (idiom ): cân bằng, đáp ứng yêu cầu của cả 2 bên.


It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity.

Đó là vấn đề làm nổi bật sự cân bằng hợp lý giữa chất lượng và năng suất.

49. Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

You should say:
- What it is
- How it helps you
- What you think about it

(What it is)

August English

Today I’m going to tell you about a great aid of mine in improving my concentration on study:
that is instrumental music. By instrumental music I mean music with a bare melody and without
any lyrics, played using acoustic instruments.

(How it helps you)

I had experienced the problem of short attention span for a long time until my brother gave me a
tip: listening to music while studying. At first I doubted his suggestion, but so hopeless was I that
I followed his advice anyway. I created a playlist of instrumental music, which was neither too
loud nor too boring, under the name “Various Artists” on Spotify. Eventually, the solution turned
out to be far more effective than I ever expected. It was and has been a workable solution up to
To begin with, putting on headphones and listening to just one single source of sound reduces
almost all other disturbing noises around. Now that I can’t hear anything else other than the music,
my concentration is no longer disturbed by the traffic noise, people mingling and giggling, or other
mixed noises coming from elsewhere. The other way this approach works is that instrumental
music helps you establish a very peaceful state of mind, which is perfect for paying attention and
making you ready for receiving knowledge. As it does not contain lyrics, it generally does not ask
listeners to engage and understand the words, thereby not distracting them. When I listen to that
playlist, the melody simply releases my mind from stress and various irrelevant thoughts, just to
focus on one thing: the assignment I’m working on.
After just a month of trying out this technique, my attention span has been considerably extended,
and I have become more productive and gained significantly better study results.

(What you think about it)

Although it didn’t seem to be a good idea at first, the musical idea has been working so well on
my studies that I would recommend it to anybody having the same problem.


- Attention span: the length of time that you can concentrate on some ideas or activities : khả năng
tập trung.
Social networks these days seem to stunt my children’s attention span. (Mạng xã hội thời nay làm
thui chột khả năng tập trung của lũ trẻ nhà tôi.)
Extend one’s attention span: kéo dài khả năng tập trung
- Aid (n): người giúp đỡ, sự giúp đỡ, phụ trợ
- Give someone a tip (on something): cho ai đó một bí kíp (để làm gì đó).
My friend gave me a tip on playing truant without being noticed. (Bạn tôi chỉ tôi bí kíp trốn học
mà không bị phát hiện).
- Doubt (something/someone): nghi ngờ (điều gì/ai đó)
I doubt your honesty (Tôi nghi ngờ sự thành thật của cô quá)

August English

- So hopeless was I that I followed him anyway: Hồi đó tôi vô vọng quá rồi nên cứ làm theo anh ấy
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ của cấu trúc “So…that…”: So + adj + verb + subject + that …: Quá như thế
So handsome was he that I fell in love with him at very first sight (Anh ấy đẹp mê ly luôn nên tôi
đã đổ đứ đừ từ hôm đầu tiên gặp)
- Workable: khả thi = feasible
Selling all these books away is the only workable approach. (Bán hết số sách này là cách duy nhất
có thể thực hiện được.)
- Now that = because = as = since: bởi vì
Now that I love you so much, I can do anything you want me to do. (Anh yêu em nhiều lắm, nên
em muốn gì anh cũng chiều hết.)
- Mingling and giggling: trò chuyện, giao lưu và cười đùa
This is a camp for freshmen, you should mingle and giggle with your new friends as much as
possible! (Đây là hội trại dành cho sinh viên năm nhất, các cậu nên làm quen nói chuyện và cười
đùa với bạn bè mới quen nhiều nhất có thể!)
- Playlist: danh sách nhạc
- Instrumental music: nhạc không lời, tạo nên bởi nhạc cụ hoặc nhóm nhạc cụ
- Lyric: lời bài hát
- State of mind: trạng thái thần kinh, tâm trạng
Balanced state of mind: trạng thái thần kinh ổn định
- irrelevant thought: suy nghĩ không liên quan
- Productive (adj): hiệu quả, năng suất
Productive farming method: phương pháp canh tác năng suất
Productive working style: Phong cách làm việc hiệu quả
- Recommend something to someone: giới thiệu, đề xuất cái gì cho ai
I recommend visiting St Paul’s Cathedral when you come to Melbourne. (Tôi đề xuất là ông nên
tham quan Nhà thờ St Paul’s khi ông đến Melbourne)

Part 3:
Is it important to keep concentrating on something?
- (Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, the ability to keep yourself focused is of absolute
importance. (Explain your reason or reasons) A high level of concentration is followed by high
productivity and efficiency, which means not only can it bring about better results, it can help save
a great deal of time and effort as well. (Give an example) For example, when I really pay attention
to doing my homework, it will only take me about 30 minutes to submit a quality answer. (Explain
the opposite or negative) In contrast, if I keep getting distracted; then procrastinate finishing it,
it can take days and finally get me nowhere.
What can be done if there is too much noise around?

August English

- (Give a direct answer to the question+ Explain) I suggest two solutions when you are distracted
by a lot of noise around. One way is that you can simply find another place to work, a much quieter
place and stay away from those sources of disturbing sounds. The other way is to try to reduce the
effect or intensity of the noise. (Give an example) For instance, if your concentration is affected
by the traffic noise, you should close all doors and windows, or install soundproof equipment.
When is it the easiest to be concentrated on something?
- (Give a direct answer to the question) It depends on who we are when it is that we find optimal
for concentration. (Explanation) Because according to the differences in each person’s body
functioning, people may differ in living habits. (Give an example) In everyday life I have seen
some people who wake up early in the morning because they consider this time the best part of the
day to work; but also when it comes to a great many others, they find themselves most productive
and focused only in the late evening.


- be of great/absolute importance = be really important: rất quan trọng

This document is of great importance to our company (Tài liệu này tối quan trọng đối với công ty
chúng ta.)
- high level of concentration: khả năng tập trung cao độ
- procrastinate (v): trì hoãn
Don’t procrastinate submitting your assignment! (Đừng trì hoãn việc nộp bài luận đấy!)
- In contrast (to sth): Ngược lại, Đối lập
- Disturb (v): cắt ngang
Don’t disturb me while I’m speaking (Đừng cắt lời tôi khi tôi đang nói)
- Intensity: cường độ
- Soundproof: chống ồn, cách âm
Soundproof curtain: Rèm cách âm
- Optimal (adj): tối ưu
This is the optimal time for action (Đây là thời điểm tối ưu cho hành động.)
I need to maintain an optimal temperature for the experiment (Tôi cần phải duy trì một nhiệt độ
lý tưởng nhất cho thí nghiệm này)
- Body’s functioning (n) : chức năng cơ thể
- Living habits (n): thói quen sống
- A great many = many = a lot of
- When it comes to (something/someone) = As regards to (something/someone) = Regarding
(something/someone) = …: Liên quan đến (ai/cái gì), Khi nói về (ai/cái gì)
When it comes to football, I’m a big fan of Spain’s national team. (Nói về bóng đá thì tôi hâm mộ
đội tuyển quốc gia Tây Ban Nha)

August English

50. Describe somethings lost by others but found by you

What it was

When and where you found it

What you did after you found it

And explain how you felt about finding it.

(What it was)

Well, let me tell you about this interesting incident that happened to me. I stumbled upon a lost set
of car keys.

(When and where you found it)

It was just a couple of weeks ago when I was taking a leisurely walk in the park near my house.
As I was strolling along, I noticed something shiny on the ground. It was a set of car keys! It
seemed like someone had dropped them without even realizing. It was a lucky break for me to
come across them.

(What you did after you found it)

After finding the keys, I couldn't just leave them there. I knew how frustrating it can be to lose
your keys, so I decided to take action. I examined the keychain and found a small tag with a phone
number. It was the owner's contact information.

Without wasting any time, I gave the owner a call and explained the situation. We arranged to
meet at a nearby coffee shop later that day. When we met, I handed over the lost keys, and the
relief on the owner's face was priceless.

(And explain how you felt about finding it)

It was a great feeling to know that I had made someone's day by returning their lost belongings.
It felt like a small victory, knowing that I had done a good deed and helped someone out. It also
reminded me of the importance of being observant and willing to lend a helping hand.


1. stroll (verb): to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially for pleasure


An elderly couple strolled hand in hand in the park.

Một cặp vợ chồng già nắm tay nhau đi dạo trong công viên.

2. lucky break (phrase): having good things happen to you

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Finding that money was a lucky break. It was our good fortune.

Tìm thấy số tiền đó là một sự may mắn. Đó là sự may mắn của chúng tôi.

3. handed over (phrasal verb): to give something to someone else


We were ordered to hand over our passports.

Chúng tôi được lệnh giao nộp hộ chiếu.

4. made someone's day(adj): to make someone happy


Seeing Adrian again after such a long time really made my day.

Gặp lại Adrian sau một thời gian dài thực sự khiến tôi có một ngày tuyệt vời.

Part 3:

1. Why do some people like to collect old things?

People have various reasons for enjoying collecting old things. Some people have a penchant
for collecting old things due to their intrinsic value and historical charm. They find solace in
preserving relics of the past, like a treasure trove of memories. Additionally, collecting old items
can be seen as a hobby or a form of artistic expression, allowing individuals to appreciate the
craftsmanship and aesthetics of bygone eras

2. Will children take possession of things they pick up?

Children often have an innate curiosity and tendency to pick up things they find intriguing.
Whether it's rocks, leaves, or small trinkets, they may feel a sense of ownership over these
newfound treasures. They might clutch them tightly and be unwilling to let go. However, it is
crucial for parents to guide them in understanding the principles of ownership and respect for
others' belongings.

3. How should parents educate them?

Parents should impart valuable lessons about ownership and responsibility in a way that is easy
for their children to understand. They can set clear rules and boundaries, explaining why it's

August English

important to ask for permission before taking something that doesn't belong to them. Parents can
also lead by example, showing their children how to share, be generous, and express gratitude.
By engaging in activities that promote these values, parents can help children develop a sense of
empathy and appreciation for others' possessions. Through patient and consistent guidance,
parents can shape their children's understanding of ownership and instill values that will serve
them well in life.


1. have a penchant for (phrase): có xu hướng, thiên hướng (sở thích, mong muốn làm gì).


Ives had a penchant for musical experimentation.

Ives có thiên hướng thử nghiệm âm nhạc.

2. solace (n): help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried


Music was a great solace to me.

Âm nhạc là niềm an ủi lớn lao đối với tôi.

3. innate (adj): An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have


Cyril's most impressive quality was his innate goodness.

Phẩm chất ấn tượng nhất của Cyril là lòng tốt bẩm sinh của anh ấy.

4. impart (v): truyền đạt thông tin cho ai đó


If the movie has any lesson to impart, it’s that parents shouldn’t aim for perfection.

Nếu bộ phim có bài học nào muốn truyền tải thì đó là cha mẹ không nên hướng tới sự hoàn hảo.

5. instill (v): dần dần đưa một cảm giác, ý tưởng hoặc nguyên tắc vào tâm trí ai đó để nó có ảnh
hưởng mạnh mẽ đến cách sống của người đó

August English


My parents instilled in me a love of reading.

Cha mẹ tôi đã truyền cho tôi niềm đam mê đọc sách.


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