Interview v1

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Tell me about yourself.

Answer: "I have a degree in BSED Social studies and a licensed professional teacher. Before landing a job
as virtual business operator. I have 4 years’ experience as a field lecturer. Also I am a volunteer teacher
in Kalayag, a nonprofit organization who served our Lumad people. And I’m passionate about teaching
kids in the mountain for I believed that education must be inclusive and not exclusive.

Why do you want to work here?

Answer: "I admire your school’s commitment to holistic education and your innovative teaching
methods. I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to a school that values both academic
excellence and personal development."

What are your strengths?

Answer: "I’m highly organized and patient. I excel at classroom management and creating a positive
learning environment. My strong communication skills help me connect with students, parents, and
colleagues effectively."

What are your weaknesses?

Answer: "I sometimes take on too much responsibility because I want to ensure my students succeed.
However, I’m learning to delegate more and seek help when needed to maintain a healthy work-life

Experience and Skills

Can you describe a challenging work situation and how you overcame it?

Answer: During my on the job training I had a student who struggled with reading. I implemented a
targeted intervention plan, worked closely with the reading specialist, and regularly communicated with
the parents. Over time, the student made significant progress."

Why did you leave your last job?

Answer: "I’m looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow as an educator. Your school’s
reputation for professional development and innovative teaching methods aligns with my career goals."

How do you handle stress and pressure?

Answer: "I stay organized and prioritize tasks. When stressed, I take a few minutes to practice deep
breathing or take a short walk. This helps me stay focused and maintain a calm classroom environment."

Role-Specific Questions

What do you know about our school?

Answer: "Your school is known for its strong emphasis on quality education and its supportive
community environment. I’m particularly impressed by your commitment to integrating technology into
the curriculum."

How do you differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of your students?
Answer: "I use a variety of instructional strategies, including small group work, individualized instruction,
and incorporating different learning materials. I also regularly assess student progress and adjust my
teaching methods accordingly."

Can you describe your ideal classroom environment?

Answer: "My ideal classroom is one where students feel safe, respected, and motivated to learn. It’s an
environment that encourages curiosity, collaboration, and creativity, with clear expectations and
positive reinforcement."

Behavioral Questions

Describe a time when you had to work as part of a team.

Answer: "I collaborated with my grade-level team to develop a cross-curricular unit. We pooled our
resources, shared ideas, and created a comprehensive plan that integrated science, math, and literacy,
which was well-received by the students."

Have you ever had a conflict with a coworker? How did you handle it?

Answer: "Yes, I had a disagreement with a colleague about a student’s learning plan. I scheduled a
meeting to discuss our perspectives and found a middle ground that incorporated both of our ideas,
which ultimately benefited the student."

Give an example of a time you showed initiative.

Answer: "I noticed a need for more parent involvement in our classroom. I organized a series of
workshops to educate parents on how they can support their children’s learning at home, which led to
increased engagement and student success."

Closing Questions

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Answer: "I see myself continuing to grow as an educator, possibly taking on leadership roles such as a
mentor for new teachers or a curriculum coordinator. I want to contribute to the development of
innovative teaching strategies and make a positive impact on my students’ lives."

Why should we hire you?

Answer: "although I have no formal teaching experience inside the classroom. But I can contribute in
creating engaging lesson plans and my strong classroom management skills, I’m confident I can make a
positive impact on your students. I’m passionate about teaching and committed to continuous
professional development."

Do you have any questions for us?

Answer: "Yes, can you tell me more about the professional development opportunities available for
teachers at your school? Also, how does your school support teachers in integrating new technologies
into the classroom?"

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