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CURSO: INGLES A) mustn't

TEMA: modal verbs, parts of a car, can (possibility) C) should
(ability) must, would, may, etc. D) are
E) is

1. She _________ climb that tree. 8.

A) can
B) cans
C) is
D) can
E) does can

2. You _________ watch TV as long as you like.

You need to do your homework.

A) can A) Bonnet
B) cans B) exhaust (pipe)
C) is C) handbrake
D) cannot D) boot/trunk
E) does can E) brake

3. I _________ carry these bags. Please 9.

_________ you help me?

A) can / can
B) can't / can't
C) can / can't
D) can't / can
E) cans / can not

4. Students in many schools ___________ have

chewing gum. It is against the rules. A) Bonnet
B) exhaust (pipe)
A) mustn't C) handbrake
B) don't have to D) bumper
C) shouldn't E) brake
D) aren't
E) isn’t 10.

5. You __________ call the police if you see a thief.

A) mustn't
B) don't have to
C) should
D) are
E) is
A) horn
B) exhaust (pipe)
6. We _______________ make noise at night. C) handbrake
D) headlight
A) mustn't E) hood
B) shouldn’t
C) should
D) are
E) is

7. If you are cold, you _________ drink something


5. You __________ call the

police if you see a thief.
1. She _________ climb that
A) mustn't
A) can B) don't have to
B) cans C) should
C) is D) are
D) can E) is
E) does can A) Bonnet
La respuesta correcta es la opción C. B) exhaust (pipe)
La respuesta correcta es la opción A. Should se utiliza para sugerir. C) handbrake
Can significa poder , para habilidades D) boot/trunk
y posibilidades. E) brake
6. We _______________ make
noise at night. La respuesta correcta es la opción D.
2. You _________ watch TV as Boot es la maletera.
long as you like. You need to do your A) mustn't
homework. B) shouldn’t
C) should 9.
A) can D) are
B) cans E) is
C) is
D) cannot La respuesta correcta es la opción B.
E) does can Shouldn’t se utiliza para sugerir en
forma negativa.
La respuesta correcta es la opción D.
Cannot significa poder en negativo ,
para habilidades y posibilidades. 7. If you are cold, you
A) Bonnet
_________ drink something hot.
B) exhaust (pipe)
C) handbrake
3. I _________ carry these A) mustn't
D) bumper
bags. Please _________ you help B) shouldn’t
E) brake
me? C) should
D) are
La respuesta correcta es la opción D.
A) can / can E) is
Bumper es la parte delantera del
B) can't / can't
C) can / can't La respuesta correcta es la opción C.
D) can't / can Should se utiliza para sugerir.
E) cans / can not

La respuesta correcta es la opción D.

4. Students in many schools

___________ have chewing gum. It is
against the rules.

A) mustn't
A) horn
B) don't have to
B) exhaust (pipe)
C) shouldn't
C) handbrake
D) aren't
D) headlight
E) isn’t
E) hood
La respuesta correcta es la opción D.
La respuesta correcta es la opción A.
Headlight son las luces frontales del
Mustn’t significa “no debe hacer” , no
es una obligación.

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