Homework 1

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University of Colorado-Boulder MATH 2300 Homework 1

Turn in the following problems:

1. (a) We are a learning community that values contributions we make to each other. Write
your thoughts on the importance of submitting work that is your own.
(b) Read through the syllabus for consequences of cheating, and failing to adhere to the
standards and expectations for our learning community. Write out the policies for
cheating on written homework and quizzes.

2. Arya, Idris, and Lucy are all working to find the integral for

∫ dx

Each of them use a different approach.

1 1 1 1
• Arya factors the integral ∫ dx = ∫ dx = ln ∣x∣ + C
2x 2 x 2
1 1 1 1
• Idris uses the substitution u = 2x to get: ∫ dx = ∫ du = ln ∣2x∣ + C
2x 2 u 2
1 1 1
• Lucy uses the substitution u = 2x to get: ∫ dx = ∫ du = ln ∣2x∣ + C
2x u 2
(a) Explain why each of their approaches are valid or invalid.
(b) Explain which of the three (or all of three) correctly evaluated the integral ∫ dx.

University of Colorado-Boulder MATH 2300 Homework 1

3. In class, Michael and Kayla were working together on the following problem in class:

Find ∫ x 3 − 2x dx.

(a) Kayla says, “u should be (3 − 2x) because I always pick the most inside factor of a
function as my u.”
i. Will Kayla’s substitution work in this case? Explain your reasoning.
ii. Does Kayla’s idea work for all u-substitutions (if it does explain, if not give an
example were it does not)?

(b) Michael says the u should be 3 − 2x because I always pick the most complicated factor
of a function as my u.”
i. Will Michael’s substitution work in this case? Explain your reasoning.
ii. Does Michael’s idea for all u-substitutions (if it does explain, if not give an example
were it does not)?

4. Determine if the following statements are true or false.

• If the statements is true, explain why.

• If the statement is false, give an example of a specific function or graph that shows the
statement is false AND provide an explanation of how your example shows that the
statement is false

(a) ∫ t sin (5 − t) dt can be evaluated using the integration technique of Integration by Parts.
(b) If you evaluate an integral using the integration technique of Integration by Parts, then
it does not matter which factor you choose for u.
(c) We can evaluate the integral ∫ (sin (x))3 (cos (x))3 dx by using the substitution u =
sin (x), and then evaluating ∫ (u)3 (du)3 .

University of Colorado-Boulder MATH 2300 Homework 1

5. Depending on which resource you refer to you will find one of the two formulas for Integration
by Parts:

• ∫ f (x)g ′ (x) dx = f (x)g(x) − ∫ g(x)f ′ (x) dx

• ∫ u dv = uv − ∫ v du

Explain how these two formulas relate to each other. Use a specific example to support your

6. Given f (x) = F ′ (x), use the table below to evaluate ∫ xf ′ (x) dx

x f (x) F (x)
0 2 10
1 −5 8
2 −6 2
3 −1 −2
4 10 2
5 27 20

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