2021 Exam Section I

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2021 University of Pretoria 9 July 2021

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics WTW 256 Exam Section I

Time 45 minutes Marks: 18

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Please note: Marks are not awarded for an answer only - show your steps clearly.
No calculators may be used.

1. For the following initial value problem, determine (without solving) the interval(s) on which the
solution of the initial value problem is certain to be unique. Justify your answer.
√ 1
(ln t)y 0 + y = 1, y( ) = 2.
2. Classify the following differential equation as separable, homogeneous, linear or Bernoulli and then
find a general explicit solution.
dy y(ln y − ln x + 1)
= .
dx x
3. Classify the differential equation as separable, homogeneous, linear or Bernoulli and then find an
implicit solution of the initial value problem.
dy −x6 y 3 √ 1
x + 2y = √ , y( 3) = .
dx 4−x 2 9
4. The predicted number of fish (in tonnes) in a fish-farming dam is given by the solution of the initial
value problem
dy y2 5
=y− − , y(t0 ) = y0 , t ≥ 0.
dt 12 3
(a) If farming starts with 6 tonnes of fish, sketch the graph of the initial value problem, without
solving the problem. The graph must show all relevant information. 2
(b) If the farmer started out with 6 tonnes of fish, how much fish is the most that he could hope to
have in the dam over the long term? Motivate your answer. 1
(c) What would happen if the farmer started out with half a tonne of fish? Motivate your answer. 1

5. Consider the differential equation

y 000 + 16y 0 = sin 2x cos 2x.

Assume that the method of undetermined coefficients is used to solve the differential equation. Give
a general solution of the corresponding homogeneous differential equation and then give only the
general form of a particular solution, yp , of the differential equation, that is, without determining the
values of the coefficients. 2
6. Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find a particular solution yp to the differential equation
y (4) − 2y 000 − 8y 00 = 12x − 1.
You can assume that yc = c1 + c2 x + c3 e4x + c4 e−2x . (The coefficients of the particular solution, yp ,
must be determined.) 2

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