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MarkVIe Maintenance Class

Monitoring Software

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Learn the basic software structure

Learn how to interpret software patterns
Learn how to find function block help
Learn how to identify and understand linked
user blocks

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Software Structure

Application Software – Actually

controls the process or turbine
• Component editor – Software
Library Containers – contain
libraries of reusable blocks that
can be referenced and used by
the application software
• At System Level
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Software Structure – Function Blocks
Basic unit and lowest level of Application
Inputs on left of block outputs on right of block
Help is available by selecting the block right click and
select Item Help
Blue text inside the block are predefined and are
called block Pins

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User Blocks

Grouping of Function blocks

I.E. _SpdLdRFDLN26

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Embedded User Blocks

One or More User Blocks

that are part of a higher
level user block
I.E. _SpdLdRfDLN26 is an
embedded user block
that is part of the
G1_SPDLD user block

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Linked User Blocks

A Grouping of Functions into a Library

container so that the user block can be used
over and over.
I.E. Timer_sec

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Understanding Linked User Blocks
No Help Available so we must open the linked
user block to see what functions make up this
linked user block
We must understand each function block
within the Linked User Block to totally
understand the Linked User Block
If the Linked user block is unlinked from the
library the chain icon is broken

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Understanding Linked User Blocks - 2
Click on the + in the outline view to expand the
Linked user block

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Understanding Linked User Blocks - 3

The timer_sec Linked user block is made up of the following

Function Blocks
Calc_1, Move_1 ,Calc_2 ,Move_2 ,Bfilt_1

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Basic Function Blocks – Move Block

The MOVE block transfers the value of the input

signal, SRC, into the output signal, DEST. The data
transfer occurs each time the block runs and the
ENABLE pin is TRUE. The analog variants of the block
can be used to perform data type conversions as
well as memory move operations. The Boolean
variant of MOVE is used to move only a logical state
and cannot convert the data type.

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Basic Function Blocks – Rung Block

The Relay Ladder Logic block solves a Boolean equation of Boolean

inputs, placing the result in the output variable. This block is a rubber
block that accepts maximum of 16 inputs. The equation is a Boolean
equation and can be specified using the ladder logic. The equation is not
allowed to be changed online by the toolbox. If you modify the equation,
it needs to be built and downloaded again. The values for the inputs can
be modified online and supports following operations:
Operation Operator
Parenthesis ()
OR +
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Basic Function Blocks – Calc Block

The CALC block performs mathematical operations, defined by EQUAT, on the inputs, A-H, and
places the result in the output signal, OUT. The data type of the inputs, A-H, and output, OUT, is
implied by the block data type selected in toolbox. The block accepts signals of any analog data
type for the inputs and the data type for all inputs and the output must match. This block is a
rubber block that accepts a maximum of 8 inputs, A-H. A modification to the equation, EQUAT,
requires a download before the change takes effect. The following operators are supported within
+ (add), - (subtract), * (multiply), / (divide), ^ (power),
% (modulus), ABS() (absolute value), NEG() (negate),
RND() (round to nearest integer), SQR() (square root),
COS() (cosine), SIN() (sine), TAN() (tangent), ACS() (arccosine),
ASN() (arcsine), ATN() (arctangent).
The equation must be stated in terms of the operators and the A - H operands. The trigonometric
functions expect angle operands to be expressed in units of radian.
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Basic Function Blocks – Bfilt Boolean

The Boolean Filter block passes a rising TRUE value

on the IN pin to the OUT pin if IN remains TRUE for
PU_DEL(in milliseconds) time. The block passes a
falling FALSE value on the IN pin to the OUT pin if IN
remains FALSE for DO_DEL(in milliseconds). Negative
values of PU_DEL and DO_DEL are interpreted as

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Basic Function Blocks – Compare

The compare blocks compares two values and sets

an output Boolean reflecting the result. The input
signal data type is implied by the block data type.
The comparison functions are greater than (gt),
greater than or equal (ge), equal (eq), not equal (ne),
less than or equal (le), or less than (lt).

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Basic Function Blocks – Select Block

The Select block moves one of the eight inputs, or the

cascade pin into the output, based on the prioritized
evaluation of the eight selection pins. Working in ascending
order from SEL1 the first TRUE value encountered causes
the corresponding input to be moved to the output. If none
of the selection pins are TRUE then the cascade pin is moved
to the output. Multiple Select blocks may be chained
together to create large selection groups. This is a rubber
block and accepts a maximum of eight sets of inputs.
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Basic Function Blocks – Timer Block

The TIMER block accumulates incremental time into

CURTIME while RUN is TRUE. When CURTIME is equal to
MAXTIME, AT_TIME transitions to TRUE. If RUN is FALSE then
timing is suspended but the value in CURTIME remains. If
RESET is TRUE then CURTIME is set to zero and counting is
suspended. The AUTO_RS flag can reset the timer after it
reaches MAXTIME. In this mode, AT_TIME will be true for one
scan and the CURTIME will be set to the residual count so
that no time is lost.

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Basic Function Blocks – Pulse Block

The Pulse block generates a boolean one-shot of the

specified width (WIDTH in milli seconds) at the output
pin on the rising edge of the trigger. Once the pulse
is initiated it persists until it times out regardless of
the value of the trigger. The previous state of the
trigger is stored with each execution sweep so the
falling edge of the next trigger may be seen prior to
the end of the pulse. A specified pulse width of 0 will
result in a one sweep pulse.
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Tracing Signals
Connectivity of a block
pin is show in red to
assist in tracing the
signal when the block
pin is selected
Signal descriptions are
provided when you
hover your mouse over
a signal name

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Lab #4

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