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Handout-Key Notes

Units 6-9

Unit 6
Student’s Book
p. 62

1. Awe - a feeling of great respect, sometimes mixed with fear or surprise: As children we
were rather in awe of our grandfather.

2. Awesome - 1) causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear: An awesome

challenge lies ahead of them. 2) extremely good: You look totally awesome in that dress.

p. 63
3. Majestic [m ə ' ʤestɪk] - დიდებული, გრანდიოზული

p. 177 - TED Talk transcripts

4. Mingle - შერევა
5. Reverence ['r ə v( ə )r( ə )ns] – პატივისცემა, მოწიწება, მოკრძალება
6. Quiznos - a fast-food restaurant brand based in Denver, Colorado, that specializes in
offering toasted submarine sandwiches (= long, thin loaf of bread filled
with meat or cheese, and often lettuce, tomatoes, etc.)
7. Blowout – იოლი გამარჯვება; (სპორტში) გამარჯვება დიდი ანგარიშის სხვაობით;
გასაოცარი წარმატება; a sports competition in which one side wins by a very large
amount: If the game is a blowout, fans start to leave before it’s over.
8. Raise the bar - to raise the standards of quality that are expected of or required for
9. Schmuck [ʃmʌk] - a stupid or silly person: Her husband is such a schmuck!
10. Firehose - სახანძრო შლანგი
11. Jackass ['ʤækæs] – 1) donkey; especially: a male donkey 2) a silly, stupid person
12. Highs and lows - the good parts and bad parts: He talked about the highs and lows of his
career in film.
13. Schlep [ʃlep] - თრევა
14. Pharaoh ['fe ə r ə u] ['fer ə u] – (the title of) a king of ancient Egypt
15. Freak – ახირება; ჟინი
16. Headstone – საფლავის ქვა
17. Steep - ციცაბო
18. Carved – ამოკვეთილი, ამოჭრილი
19. Grand Canyon – a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the United States
in the state of Arizona ([ærɪ'z ə un ə ] )
20. Louis Daguerre [ də’ɡɛər] – (1789 – 1851) French artist, photographer and inventor,
who devised one of the first practical photographic processes - daguerreotype
([d ə 'ger ə uta ɪp] - დაგეროტიპი)

21. Whip out – ამოღება (სწრაფი მოძრაობით)

22. D-Day – the day during the Second World War when the Allies began their invasion of
Europe by attacking the coast of northern France
23. Amphibious [æm'fɪbɪ ə s] – სადესანტო; executed (განხორციელებული) by
coordinated action of land, sea, and air forces organized for invasion
24. Pollinate ['pɔl ə ne ɪt] – დამტვერვა
25. Apollo 11 – the spaceflight (კოსმოსში გაფენა) that landed the first humans on the
Moon, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin [ ɔ:ldrɪn] , on July 20, 1969
26. Kitty Hawk - a village in northeast North Carolina, near Kill Devil Hill, where the Wright
brothers made the world's first aeroplane flight (1903)
27. Take over – 1) to begin to have control of something 2) to replace someone or
28. Y’all – (UK) [ jɔ:l], (US) [ jɑ:l] – (you all) used to address a group of people that you are
speaking to: See y'all later.
p. 65
29. Conscious – 1) გაცნობიერებული; შეგნებული 2) გონებაზე მყოფი
30. Reflect – ასახვა, გამოხატვა
31. Distract – ყურადღების გადატანა / გაფანტვა

32. Engaging – pleasant, attractive, and charming: an engaging smile/manner/person

p. 66
33. Afford - მატერიალურად გაწვდე, გქონდეს საშუალება; მისცე თავს უფლება
34. Occasionally - ზოგჯერ
35. Bargain ['bɑ:gɪn] – სარფიანად (იაფად ან ფასდაკლებით) შეძენელი საქონელი
36. Flowchart – a type of diagram representing a process using different symbols
containing information about steps or a sequence of events. Each of these symbols is linked
with arrows to illustrate the flow and direction of the process
37. Drill – ბურღი
38. Toolbox – ხელსაწყოების ყუთი

p. 67
39. Extend the guarantee - to increase the period of time during which the guarantee (= a
promise to repair or replace a product) can be used
40. Make up one’s mind - გადაწყვეტილების მიღება
41. Bid – ფასის შეთავაზება (აუქციონზე)
42. Takeaway – a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but taken somewhere
else to be eaten
43. Consumerism – 1) სამომხმარებლო ინტერესის სტიმულირება 2) მომხმარებლობა
3) მომხმარებელთა უფლებების დაცვა
p. 68
44. Free-range - relating to or produced by farm animals that are allowed to move around
outside and are not kept in cages: free-range eggs/chickens
32. Ethical consumption - buying products which were ethically produced and/or which
not harmful to the environment and society. This can be as simple as buying free-range
eggs or as complex as boycotting goods produced by child labour
33. Disposable cup - ერთჯერადი ჭიქა
34. Wasteful – არაეკონომიური
35. Carbon dioxide (CO2) - the gas formed when carbon (ნახშირორჟანგი) is burned, or
people or animals breathe out: dioxide emissions (გამოყოფა)
36. Single-use - ერთჯერადი გამოყენების
37. Deprive – ჩამორთმევა, წართმევა
38. Blow up - აფეთქება
39. Cut back - შემცირება
40. Literally – ამ სიტყვის პირდაპირი მნიშვნელობით
41. To be off – to leave a place or to depart to another one
42. Ethical awareness - the understanding of the rights and duties that constrain
the individual as a member of a community
43. Hardwood – strong, heavy wood or the tree it comes from

p. 69
57. Throwaway - ერთჯერადი გამოყენების
58. Factor in – გათვალისწინება, მხედველობაში მიღება
59. Counterfeit ['kaunt ə f ɪt] – ყალბი, ფალსიფიცირებული
60. Minefield – დანაღმული მინდორი
61. Varied ['ve ə r ɪd] – მრავალფეროვანი
62. Air-freight – ტვირთის გადაზიდვა ავიაგზებით
63. Knock-on effect – დომინოს ეფექტი; When an event or situation has a knock-on effect,
it causes other events or situations, but not directly: If one or two trains run late, it has a
knock-on effect on the entire rail service.
64. Consideration – განსახილველი / გასათვალისწინებელი რამ; a particular subject
or fact that needs to be thought about when judging something: Safety is an important
65. Water footprint – the amount of fresh water utilized in the production or supply of the
goods and services used by a particular person or group
66. Five-a-day - the five portions of fruit and vegetables that people are recommended to
eat every day as part of a healthy diet

p. 70
67. Landline phone – 1) a traditional telephone line in which a telephone is connected to
the public network by cables 2) telephone service provided by such cables: I don’t have a
landline, please call me on my cell phone.
68. Clarification - an explanation or more details that makes something clear or easier to

p. 71
69. Broadband - a fast internet connection that does not use telephone lines: Starbucks has
entered deals that will deliver wireless broadband access in its cafes.
70. Fibre-optics - ბოჭკოვანი ოპტიკა; the use of very thin glass or plastic threads through
which light can travel to carry information, especially in phone, television, and computer
71. Plug in – ჩართვა, შეერთება
72. Intensifier [ɪn’tensɪfaɪə] – a word, especially an adverb or adjective, that has little
meaning itself but is used to add force to another adjective, verb, or adverb: In the phrases “
an extremely large hall" and "I strongly object", "extremely" and "strongly" are both
73. Appalling [ ə 'p ɔ:lɪ ŋ ] – shocking and very bad

p. 72
74. Youth worker - someone whose job is to help young people deal with problems with
their families, at school, or with the law. The usual American word is counselor
['kauns( ə )l ə ]
75. Power tool - a tool that operates with an electric motor

p. 73
76. Publicize – რეკლამის გაკეთება, გახმაურება
77. Inflatable – გასაბერი
78. Key ring – a metal or plastic ring used for keeping your keys together
79. Archery – მშვილდოსნობა; the skill or sport of shooting arrows
Unit 6
p. 54
1. Bay - ყურე, უბე

p. 55
2. Spoil - გაფუჭება
3. Marvelous – გასაოცარი, განსაცვიფრებელი
4. Miracle – სასწაული, საოცრება
5. Filmmaker – კინორეჟისორი
6. Rapid – ჩქარი, სწრაფი
7. Squid – კალმარი
8. Astonishing – განსაცვიფრებელი, საკვირველი
9. Breathtaking – აღმაფრთოვანებელი, სულისშემკვრელი
10. Endure – გაძლება, ატანა
11. Accessible [ ə k'ses ə bl] – 1) ხელმისაწვდომი 2) ადვილად გასაგები

12. Be struck by - to be very impressed by or pleased with (something or someone):

Visitors are always struck by the beauty of the landscape.

p. 56
13. Store card - a small plastic card that can be used as a method of payment at a particular
shop, with the money being taken from you at a later date
14. Loan application – განაცხადი სესხის მიღებაზე
15. Fabulous – 1) წარმოუდგენელი, განსაცვიფრებელი 2) მითიური, ლეგენდარული
16. Discouraged - having lost your confidence or enthusiasm for something: I think he felt
discouraged because of all the criticism he'd received.
17. Put someone off - to discourage someone from doing something, or from liking
someone or something
p. 57
18. Emerge - გაჩენა, წარმოქმნა
19. Intended – განზრახული, ჩაფიქრებული
20. Valid – მოქმედი
21. Careless – გაუფრთხილებელი, დაუდევარი; უზრუნველი, ლაღი
22. Frequent flyer miles - accumulated miles in reward for using this airline: I've
accumulated so many frequent flyer miles that I've earned a round-trip ticket to London.

p. 58
23. Label - იარლიყი, ეტიკეტი
24. Decent – საკმარისი, მისაღები; წესიერი

p. 59
25. Ethical food - food with a low carbon footprint; food that's based upon high animal
welfare standards; food that's based upon sustainable farming methods; food that is not
over packaged and where resources are not wasted
26. Explode - აფეთქება
27. Unreliable – არასაიმედო
28. Get rid of – თავიდან მოშორება
29. Arts and crafts - the skills of making objects, such as decorations, furniture and pottery
(=objects made from clay) by hand
30. Acorn ['eɪkɔ:n] - რკო
31. Mighty – ძლიერი
32. Oak – მუხა
33. From little acorns, mighty oaks grow – something great can come from a modest
34. Money doesn’t grow on trees - said to warn someone to be careful how much money
they spend, because there is only a limited amount: "Mum, I'd like a new bike." "I'll have to
think about it - money doesn't grow on trees, you know!"

35. Weed - სარეველა

36. To grow like a weed – to grow very quickly
37. Don’t let the grass grow under your feet - act now without any delay
38. It’s like watching grass grow - extremely boring: For me, watching cricket match would
be like watching grass grow.
39. Absence makes the heart grow fonder - when people we love are not with us, we love
them even more

p. 60
40. Put it another way - used when you are going to explain something in a different way in
order to make it easier to understand
41. Basically ['beɪsɪk( ə )l ɪ] - ძირითადად
42. Upsetting – making someone feel worried, unhappy, or angry: Seeing her again would be
an upsetting experience after so many years.
43. Utilities – კომუნალური მომსახურება

p. 61
44. Overall - in general rather than in particular, or including all the people or things in
a particular group or situation: The overall situation is good, despite a few minor problems.
45. Terms – პირობები (კონტრაქტის, ხელშეკრულების)
46. Reasonably – საკმაოდ
47. Hidden fees - charges that are difficult to notice, for example because they are not
included in the basic price of something
48. Content [k ə n'tent] – კმაყოფილი
49. Flexible – მოქნილი
50. As ever - in the same way as always: As ever, I was the last to find out.

p. 62
51. Pedometer [pɪ'dɔmɪt ə ] - an instrument usually in watch form that records the
distance a person covers on foot by responding to the body motion at each step
52. Convert ['kɔnvɜ:t] - someone who changes their beliefs, habits, or way of living
53. Complaint - ჩივილი, პრეტენზია, უკმაყოფილება
54. Utterly – მეტისმეტად, უკიდურესად, სრულებით, აბსოლუტურად
55. Storyline – სიუჟეტი; plot

p. 63
56. Screen – ეკრანი, მონიტორი
57. Action-packed – full of exciting events
58. Page-turner – a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly:
Her latest novel is a real page-turner.
Unit 7
Student’s Book
p. 75
1. Civil war – სამოქალაქო ომი
2. Limb [lɪm] – კიდური
3. Housing – საცხოვრებელი; საცხოვრებელი პირობები; საცხოვრებლით
4. Sore [sɔ:] - ნატკენი, წყლული
5. Pressure sore – injury to skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure
on the skin
6. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [mæg'net ɪk 'rez( ə )n ə ns] – ბირთვული

მაგნიტური რეზონანსი; a system for producing electronic pictures of the organs inside a
person's body, using radio waves and a strong magnetic field
7. Socket ['sɔkɪt] – ჩაღრმავება, ფოსო, ბუდე

p. 177 - TED Talk transcripts

8. Prosthetic [prɔs' θ et ɪk] - პროთეზის
9. Physical resources – მატერიალური რესურსები
10. Rebel (n) ['reb( ə )l] - მეამბოხე, აჯანყებული; ამბოხი; (v) [rɪ'bel] – აჯანყების
11. Estimated – 1) დაახლოებით; სავარაუდო 2) შეფასებული
12. Devastation – განადგურება
13. Prosthesis ['prɔsθɪsɪs] (sing.); prostheses ['prɔsθɪsi:z] (pl.) – პროთეზი
14. Residual [rɪ'zɪdju ə l] - დარჩენილი; ნარჩენი
15. Residual limb - the part of the body that remains after an amputation has been
16. Prosthetist ['prɔs θ et ɪst] - a specialist in prosthetics

17. Mould [m ə uld] - შაბლონური ჩამოსხმა; cast; to make an object by

pouring hot liquid, such as melted metal, into a shaped container where it becomes hard
18. Single-material – ერთკომპონენტიანი მასალისგან დამზადებული
19. Intolerable [ɪn'tɔl( ə )r ə bl] – აუტანელი
20. Blister ['blɪst ə ] – წყლული, კოჟრი
21. Custom – შეკვეთით დამზადებული
22. Finite ['faɪnaɪt] - შეზღუდული; საბოლოო
23. Strain – 1) დაძაბვა, დაჭიმვა 2) დეფორმაცია
24. Novel ['nɔv( ə )l] – ახალი; ორიგინალური, არასტანდარტული; new and original,
not like anything seen before
25. Trial ['traɪ ə l] – მცდელობა; კვლევა; სინჯი; a test, usually over
a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is:
They're doing clinical trials on a new drug.
26. Wrap up [ræp] – დასრულება
27. Meaningful – მნიშვნელოვანი; შინაარსიანი, აზრიანი; საინტერესო (ცხოვრება)
28. Interface ['ɪnt ə fe ɪs] – the area in which two subjects or systems affect each other or
have links with each other

p. 77
29. Properly - სათანადოდ
30. Conventional – ჩვეულებრივი, ტრადიციული, სტანდარტული
31. Feedback – გამოხმაურება, რეაქცია
32. Heal – განკურნება
33. Ramp [ræmp] – პანდუსი
34. Braille [breɪl] – ბრაილის შრიფტი (უსინათლოთა წერა–კითხვის სისტემა)
35. Implement ['ɪmplɪment] – განხორციელება, შესრულება; მოქმედებაში მოყვანა

p. 78
36. Approve – მოწონება; დამტკიცება, დადასტურება
37. Driverless car – უპილოტო (თვითმართვადი) ავტომობილი
38. Solar cells – მზის ელემენტები; a device converting solar radiation into electricity

1. Stem cell – ღეროვანი უჯრედი; a cell, especially one taken from a person or animal in
very early stage of development, that can develop into any other type of cell

p. 79
39. Nanotechnology [nænəʊtek’nɒlədʒi] - the science of making or working with things that
are so small that they can only be seen using a powerful microscope
40. Dispose of sb/sth - to get rid of someone or something or deal with something so that
the matter is finished
41. Diverse - მრავალფეროვანი
42. Sunscreen ['sʌnskri:n] – a substance that you put on your skin to prevent it from
being damaged by the sun
43. Bandage – ბინტი
44. WHO (The World Health Organization) – a department of the United Nations that aims
to improve health all over the world and limit the spread of diseases
45. Adhesive [ ə d'hi :sɪv] – წებოვანი
46. Patch – a piece of material (such as adhesive plaster) used medically usually to cover a
47. Bionics [baɪ' ə un ɪks] – the technique of replacing a limb or body part by an artificial
limb or part that is electronically or mechanically powered
48. Decay [dɪ'keɪ] – დაშლა, ლპობა, ხრწნა
49. Biodegradable [baɪ ə ud ɪ'greɪd ə b ə l] - ბიოდეგრადირებადი;
able to decay naturally and in a way that is not harmful: Biodegradable packaging helps to
limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.

p. 80
50. Currently - ამჟამად
51. Recreation – ძალების აღდგენა, დასვენება
52. Hardware – კომპიუტერული აპარატურა / ტექნიკა
53. Shortage – უკმარისობა, დეფიციტი
54. Variation [ve ə r ɪ'eɪʃ( ə )n] – ცვალებადობა, მერყეობა
55. Headteacher – someone who is in charge of a school; principal
56. Set up - მოწყობა; შექმნა, დაარსება

p. 81
57. Competent ['kɔmpɪt( ə )nt] - გათვითცნობიერებული, კომპეტენტური, მცოდნე
58. Digital economy / Internet economy / New economy / Web economy – a world
economy that is based on advanced technology and internet trading. Coined
(გამოგონილი) in the late 1990s, it referred to (დაკავშირებულია, ეხება) the impact of
information technology on the economy and stated that traditional measures of value were
no longer valid because technology was changing the world so quickly and dramatically
59. Be in favour of sth. – to support or approve of something: Are you in favour of a ban on
60. In effect – სინამდვილეში, ფაქტობრივად; in fact or in practice: So in effect the
government has lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.
61. Interactive whiteboard – a large electronic screen linked to a computer, that is used in
a classroom to show information and that can be written on by touching it with a finger or
special pen, etc.: Most schools are now well equipped with interactive whiteboards.
62. Concerned – 1) განხილული 2) (რაიმესთან) დაკავშირებული

p. 82
63. PIN number (personal identification number) - პინ კოდი; a secret number that
a person uses together with a special card to get money from their bank account out of
a machine, or when paying by credit card
64. Statement (bank statement) - a record of the amount of money paid into and taken out
of your bank account during a particular period of time
65. Charge - the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an
activity or service: Is there a charge for children or do they go free?
p. 83
66. Take turns - if you take turns, you and other people do the same thing, one after the
other: The mothers in our group take turns driving the children to school.
67. Ensure - უზრუნველყოფა, გარანტირება
68. Contraction – a short form of a word or combination of words that is often
used instead of the full form in spoken English:"Won't" is a contraction of "will not".
69. Precise [prɪ'saɪs] – ზუსტი
70. Apparently – როგორც ჩანს, ალბათ; აშკარად
Unit 7
p. 64
1. Violent- 1) ძლიერი, მძვინვარე 2) ძალადობრივი
2. Feature (v) - to include someone or something as an important part

p. 65
3. Fortunate - იღბლიანი, ბედნიერი
4. Dramatically – მნიშვნელოვნად
5. Be entitled to – უფლების ქონა
6. Defeat – დამარცხება
7. Due to - გამო
8. Medical condition – a disease, illness or injury
9. Alter – შეცვლა, გადაკეთება
10. Capacity – ნიჭი, უნარი
p. 66
11. Release - გამოშვება
12. Satellite – ხელოვნური თანამგზავრი
13. Accurate – ზუსტი; უტყუარი
14. Crash – if a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating: My laptop's
crashed again.
15. Expose – გამჟღავნება, გამოაშკარავება
16. Dissatisfied – უკმაყოფილო

p. 67
17. Convenient - მოსახერხებელი, კომფორტული
18. Aircraft – თვითმფრინავი
19. Vastly ['vɑ:stlɪ] – მეტად, დიდად
20. Supersonic [su:p ə 's ɔnɪk] - faster than the speed of sound,
or able to fly faster than sound travels: a supersonic plane; supersonic speed.
21. Supersonic jet – an aircraft able to fly faster than the speed of sound. It was developed
in the second half of the twentieth century and has been used almost entirely for research
and military purposes
22. Hybrid robot (hybrot) - a cybernetic organism in the form of a robot controlled by a
computer consisting of both electronic and biological elements. The biological elements are
typically nerve cells connected to a computer chip
23. Survivor – (ცოცხლად) გადარჩენილი

p. 68
24. Tyre - საბურავი
25. Pedestrian – ქვეითად მოსიარულე
26. Route – მარშრუტი
p. 69
27. Get round - to succeed in avoiding or solving a problem: We can get round
the problem of space by building an extension (მიშენება).
28. Inspire – შთაგონება, ინსპირირება
29. Technobabble [ teknəʊ’bæb(ə ) l] - technical language that is
difficult for ordinary people to understand
30. Technophile ['tekn ə (u)fa ɪl] - a person who is interested in
modern technology and enjoys using it
31. Information superhighway - ინფორმაციული მაგისტრალი; the internet and other
systems that allow people to share information electronically; the concept of a worldwide
network of computers capable of transferring all types of digital information at high speed
32. Screen saver – a program that protects a computer screen by automatically producing a
moving image if the computer has not been used for a few minutes
33. Search engine – საძიებო სისტემა; a computer program that finds information on the
internet by looking for words that you have typed in
34. Up to a point - გარკვეულწილად, ერთგვარად, ნაწილობრივ
35. The point of no return – the stage at which it is no longer possible to stop what you are
doing and when its effects cannot now be avoided or prevented: Scientists fear that global
warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
36. Beside the point – not important or not related to the subject being discussed:
The fact that he doesn't want to come is beside the point - he should have been invited.
37. Point the finger (at someone) - to say that someone should be blamed: I just tried to do
what was right, and now everyone's pointing the finger at me.
38. A case in point - an example that shows that what you are saying is true or helps to
explain why you are saying it: Lack of communication causes serious problems and
their marriage is a case in point.

p. 70
39. Electronic mailing list (Mailing list) - a compilation (კრებული) of email addresses that
are used to send email to multiple users simultaneously
40. Tap -to touch the screen of a phone, tablet, computer, etc. in order to give
an instruction for something to happen

p. 71
41. Loyalty card - a card that is given to a customer by a business, used by the business to
reward the customer for buying goods or services and to record information about what
they buy
42. Receipt - ჩეკი, ქვითარი
43. Verification [verɪfɪ'keɪʃ( ə )n] - 1) შემოწმება, კონტროლი 2) დადასტურება,

p. 72
44. Sketch - ესკიზი; ჩანახატი
45. Model ['mɔd(ə)l] – ნიმუში; მაკეტი, შაბლონი
46. Neatly – კოხტად, აკურატულად
47. Engine ['enʤɪn] – ძრავა
Unit 8
Student’s Book
p. 85
1. Flexitime (US – Flextime) - მოქნილი გრაფიკი; a system of working in which
people work a set number of hours within a fixed period of time, but can change the time
they start or finish work
2. Dress-down Friday - in some organizations, a day when employees can wear more
informal clothes: In the US, where dress-down Fridays have been common for years, bosses
noted that productivity rose with the relaxed atmosphere.
3. Paternity leave - a period of time that a father is legally allowed to be away from
his job so that he can spend time with his new baby
4. Desperation [desp( ə )'re ɪʃ( ə )n] - სასოწარკვეთილება
5. Contention – 1) მტკიცება 2) კამათის საგანი
6. Nursery – 1) a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their
parents are at work: The store has a nursery where you can leave your children while
you shop.
7. Policy – პოლიტიკა, კურსი, სტრატეგია; სისტემა, სტანდარტი, წესი
8. Compressed syllable [k ə m'prest] – შეკუმშული მარცვალი
9. Miserable – საწყალი, უბადრუკი, უბედური; wretched ['reʧɪd]
10. Corporate warrior - the term used by Nigel Marsh (Australian author and marketer) in
his talk in 2010, describing the classic unbalanced work-life situation
11. Boundary - საზღვარი, ზღვარი
12. Mate – მეგობარი, ამხანაგი, პარტნიორი

p. 178 - TED Talk transcripts

13. Weakling - სუსტი ადამიანი; ლაჩარი
14. Take stock of – შეფასება
15. Startled – 1) შეშინებული 2) ძლიერ გაოცებული
16. Neglect – უგულვებელყოფა
17. Thorny – 1) ეკლიანი 2) რთული; წინააღმდეგობებით აღსავსე
18. Step back – განზე გადგომა; to temporarily stop being involved in an activity or
situation in order to think about it in a new way
19. Conspicuous [k ə n'sp ɪkju ə s] – თვალშისაცემი

20. Striking – გასაოცარი

21. Screaming – so striking or conspicuous as to attract notice as if by screaming
22. Nub [nʌb] – არსი (საქმის)
23. Nub of the issue - საქმის არსი, მორალი; the most important or basic part of the issue /
problem: What do you think is the nub of the problem?
24. Elongate ['i:lɔ ŋ ge ɪt] – 1) დაგრძელება 2) გახანგრძლივება
25. Time frame – (რაიმესთვის გამოყოფილი / შეზღუდული) დროის პერიოდი
26. Commute – to make the same journey regularly between work and home
27. Get a grip (on oneself) - თავის ხელში აყვანა, ემოციების გაკონტროლება
28. Attend to sb / sth – 1) to help someone or deal with something:
Doctors tried to attend to the worst injured soldiers first. 2) to deal with a task, problem,
etc.: We have some urgent business to attend to.
29. Stomach crunches - an exercise to make your stomach flatter, done while lying on your
back with your knees bent
30. Daunting ['dɔ:ntɪ ŋ ] – შიშის გამომწვევი; დამაბნეველი
31. Mess around – to spend time doing various things that are not important, without any
particular purpose or plan
32. Swings - საქანელა
33. Tuck in – to make someone comfortable in bed, especially a child, by arranging the
covers around them: Daddy, if I go to bed now will you tuck me in?
34. Upheaval [ʌp'hi:v( ə )l] – 1) აღმავლობა 2) ძვრა; მიღწევა
35. Moronic [m ə 'r ɔnɪk] – very stupid
36. Simplistic – გამარტივებული

p. 87
37. Extract - ამონაწერი, ამონარიდი
38. Convince – დარწმუნება, დაჯერება
39. First-hand experience – საკუთარი გამოცდილება
40. Relate to sth – to understand a situation or someone's feelings because you have
experienced a similar situation or similar feelings: The culture that he describes is so
different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to relate to.
41. Pace – ტემპი, სიჩქარე

p. 88
42. Retirement - პენსიაზე გასვლა
p. 89
43. Persuade - დაყოლიება, დარწმუნება, დაჯერება
44. Fulfillment – 1) შესრულება, განხორციელება 2) კმაყოფილების გრძნობა (მიზნის
მიღწევის შედეგად)
45. Keep an eye on sb / sth – თვალ–ყურის მიდევნება
46. Adjust – რეგულირება

p. 90
47. Leisure time - თავისუფალი დრო
48. Heritage centre – a museum that houses exhibits describing the culture and history of a
particular place and its inhabitants
49. Performing arts - სასცენო ხელოვნება; forms of entertainment such as acting, dancing,
and playing music
50. Leisure industry – the segment of business focused on entertainment, recreation, and
tourism related products and services
51. Theme park – თემატური პარკი; a large outdoor area where people pay to go to enjoy
themselves. All the different activities in a theme park are usually based on a
particular idea or theme
52. On the contrary – პირიქით
53. Annual leave – ყოველწლიური (ანაზღაურებადი) შვებულება
54. Catch up with - to talk to someone you have not seen for some time and find out what
they have been doing: Come over tomorrow and we can catch up.
55. Get away from it all - have a holiday in a place that is very different from where you
normally live and work
56. Have a change of scene - go somewhere different after being in a particular place for a
long time: What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?
57. Put your feet up - to relax and do very little: After working all week, you deserve to
put your feet up.
58. Quality time - time spent with close family, partners or friends that is in some way
important, special, productive or profitable
59. Recharge your batteries - to rest so that you can get your energy back: I get four weeks
holiday a year to recharge my batteries.
60. Refreshed – less tired, more energetic and relaxed
61. Switch off - to stop giving your attention to someone or something: If he gets bored, he
just switches off and looks out the window.
62. Clear your head - relax so you can think clearly: After an argument I need time to clear
my head, to become calm.
63. Unwind - მოდუნება
64. Chill out – დამშვიდება; მოდუნება

p. 91
65. Hiking - ლაშქრობა
66. Contrasting [k ə n'tra :stɪ ŋ ] - საპირისპირო
67. Route – 1) მარშრუტი, გზა 2) საშუალება, მეთოდი
68. Distinction – განსხვავება; განმასხვავებელი ნიშანი / თვისება
69. Come into play – to start to happen or have an effect; to become a factor in a particular
70. Be up to – to be doing something: What are you up to at the moment?

p. 92
71. Option - არჩევანი, ალტერნატივა, ვარიანტი
72. Expense – ხარჯი

p. 93
73. Premises - შენობა
74. Mix – to be with or communicate well with other people: Do you
mix with a wide variety of people in your job? She mixes very well - I guess that's why she's
so popular.
75. Drawback – 1) ნაკლი 2) ხარვეზი 3) ხელისშემშლელი ფაქტორი
76. Cater for – to provide what someone or something wants or needs: There are plenty of
events taking place at the festival to cater for all tastes.
77. Propose – შეთავაზება
78. Confirm – 1) დადასტურება 2) დამტკიცება
79. All in all – საერთო ჯამში

p. 94
80. Found – დაარსება, დაფუძნება; Founder - დამაარსებელი, დამფუძნებელი
81. So far – until now
82. Education authority / Education department – the department of a local authority

(ხელისუფლების ორგანო) that is concerned with education, or the government

department concerned with education

p. 95
83. Intranet – ინტრანეტი, შიდაკორპორატიული ქსელი; a system of connected
computers that works like the internet and allows people within an organization to
communicate with each other and share information
84. Crash – ავარია
85. Prompt – მინიშნება
86. Better off – 1) უკეთესი 2) უფრო შეძლებული
87. Enrolment – 1) რეგისტრაცია, ოფიციალურ სიაში შეყვანა 2) მიღება; ჩარიცხვა
Unit 8
p. 74
1. Theology [θɪ'ɔləʤɪ] - თეოლოგია, ღვთისმეტყველება
2. Major – 1) დიდი, მსხვილი (კომპანია) 2) მთავარი
3. Multitasking – the performance of multiple tasks at one time

p. 75
4. Beyond [bɪ'jɔnd] - მიღმა
5. Claims – აცხადებს
6. Monotasking [' mɔ nəʊtɑ:skɪŋ] - the act of doing only one task at
a time, especially in order to work more effectively
7. Temptation - ცდუნება
8. Positive psychology – a science of positive aspects of human life, such as happiness, well-
being and flourishing (წარმატება)
9. Hooked - მიჯაჭვული; enjoying something so much that you are unable to stop having
it, watching it, doing it, etc.: I was hooked after two episodes.
10. Playful – მხიარული, ცელქი
11. Firmly – მყარად, მტკიცედ

p. 76
12. Cope with - თავის გართმევა, გამკლავება
13. Occasion – შემთხვევა
14. Implement ['ɪmplɪm ə nt] – შესრულება, განხორციელება
15. Genuinely – გულწრფელად
16. Appreciated [ ə 'pri :ʃɪeɪtɪd] – დაფასებული, ღირებული
17. Put sb up to sth - to encourage (წაქეზება) someone to do something, usually something
wrong: I think he was put up to it by his friends.
p. 77
18. Questionnaire [kwesʧ ə 'ne ə ] - კითხვარი, ანკეტა
19. Insist on - დაჟინებით მოთხოვნა
20. Establish – ჩამოყალიბება, შექმნა
21. Constantly – მუდამ, გამუდმებით
22. Nightmare – კოშმარი

p. 78
23. Take it easy - to be relaxed; to not expend too much effort
24. After all – 1) ბოლოს და ბოლოს 2) ყოველივეს მიუხედავად
25. Minor – უმნიშვნელო
26. Adjustment - რეგულირება, კორექტირება, შესწორება
27. Step away from – to stop being involved in a situation because it is difficult to deal with
or does not give you any advantages

p. 79
28. Mention - ხსენება
29. Burn out – გადაწვა; extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much
30. Bow out [bau] – (რაიმეში) მონაწილეობის მიღების შეწყვეტა, „თამაშიდან
გასვლა“, პოზიციების დათმობა
31. Cave in – 1) ჩამონგრევა 2) დათმობა, დანებება (დანებდე)
32. Cut in - ჩარევა; შეწყვეტინება
33. Cut sth out – to stop eating or drinking something, usually to improve your health: Since
my heart attack, I've cut fatty foods out altogether.
34. Fit in - შეგუება, ადაპტაცია, შეწყობა; to feel that you belong to a particular group and
are accepted by that group: It's no surprise she's leaving - she never really fitted in.
45. Fit sb / sth out – აღჭურვა; to provide someone or something with all of the things that
will be needed: The apartments are fitted out to the highest standard.
46. Drown out [draun] - ჩახშობა (ხმის)
47. Drown in sth - დახრჩობა; to have more of something than you are able to deal with:
I'm drowning in unpaid bills.
48. Play it by ear - to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops, rather than acting
according to plans made earlier: We can't make a decision yet. Let's just play it by ear.
49. Play for time - შეყოვნება დროის მოგების მიზნით
50. Play on words – სიტყვების თამაში
51. Preferable - უპირატესი; პრივილეგირებული
52. Treatment – მოპყრობა; დამოკიდებულება
53. Favours – კეთილგანწლობილია, წყალობს
54. Play favourites – to give preferable treatment to someone or something one likes or
favours more than others: The teacher is always playing favourites in class, letting the
students she likes go home a little bit earlier than the rest.

p. 81
55. Disappointed - იმედგაცრუებული
56. Nevertheless – მიუხედავად ამისა, თუმცა
57. Barely – 1) ძალიან მცირედ 2) ძლივს 3) იშვიათად
58. Follow-up – მომდევნო, შემდგომი; დამატებითი

p. 82
59. Sign-off - the conclusion of a letter, broadcast, etc.
60. Surrounded - გარშემორტყმული

p. 83
61. Grateful - მადლიერი
62. Fancy – to want to have or do something: Do you fancy a drink this evening?
63. Pick sb up – მგზავრის აყვანა
64. Houseboat - a boat that people use as their home, often kept in one place on
a river or canal

Unit 9
Student’s Book
p. 97
1. Area of expertise [ekspɜ:'ti:z] – სპეციალიზაციის სფერო
2. Visual literacy – the ability to recognize and understand ideas conveyed through visible
actions or images (such as pictures)
3. Doodle - a drawing or pattern that you make while thinking about something else or
when you are bored
4. Pursuit [p ə 'sju :t] - 1) დევნა 2) ლტოლვა 3) საქმიანობა
5. Concept map – a diagram that depicts relationships between different concepts. It
typically uses circles or boxes and connecting lines to represent concepts. Concept maps
are often created to help users organize their thinking, brainstorm new ways to connect
concepts and share information, helping viewers to understand how one concept relates to
the other
6. Scold [sk ə uld] - დატუქსვა; გალანძღვა; tell off
7. Boardroom – 1) სხდომათა დარბაზი 2) დირექტორთა საბჭო
8. Kinaesthetic [ kɪnis’θetɪk] – კინესთეტიკური; relating to the use of sense organs in
your muscles and other body parts to feel the position and movements of your body:
Kinaesthetic learning through a physical activity.

p. 98
9. Key point - ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანი (საკვანძო) პუნქტები
10. Relearn – ხელახლა სწავლა
11. Take in - to completely understand the meaning or importance of something: I had to
read the letter twice before I could take it all in.

p. 179 - TED Talk transcripts

12. Resistance - წინააღმდეგობა
13. Counter to – საწინაღმდეგო
14. Flattering – if something is flattering, it makes you appear more attractive
15. Simpleton ['sɪmplt( ə )n] – fool; a person lacking in common sense
16. Yankee Doddle - a well-known American song, the early versions of which date back to
the American Revolution (1775–83). It is often sung patriotically in the United States today
and is the state anthem of Connecticut [k ə 'net ɪk ə t]
17. Swindle - თაღლითობა
18. Ridicule ['rɪdɪkju:l] - დაცინვა, აგდება
19. Dawdle ['dɔ:dl] – 1) ზოზინი 2) უსაქმურობა
20. Dilly daily – 1) დროის ფუჭად კარგვა 2) უსაქმურობა
21. Monkey around – to behave in a silly, playful way: The kids were just monkeying around,
throwing things at each other.
22. Substance - არსი; შინაარსი; რაიმე ღირებული
23. Import ['ɪmpɔ:t] – აზრი, არსი, მნიშვნელობა
24. Averse [ ə 'v ɜ:s] – ცუდად / ანტიპათიით / ზიზღით განწყობილი
25. Neurologist [nju ə 'r ɔləʤɪst] – ნევროლოგი; ნევროპათოლოგი
25. Sigmund Freud [frɔɪd] - (1856 -1939) an Austrian neurologist and the founder of
psychoanalysis (method for treating mental illness through dialogue between a patient and
a psychoanalyst) and also a theory which explains human behavior
26. Psych [saɪk] – ფსიქოლოგია
27. Hurtle ['hɜ:tl] – სროლა, დაგდება, ტყორცნა
28. Retain – 1) შენახვა; შენარჩუნება 2) დამახსოვრება
29. Pre-emptive – 1) უპირატესი 2) პრევენციული
30. Information processing ['pr ə uses ɪ ŋ ] – ინფორმაციის / მონაცემთა დამუშავება
31. Intake ['ɪnteɪk] – ათვისება
32. Chew on sth - to think about something: This documentary certainly offers much to chew
33. Modality [m ə 'dæl ə t ɪ] - 1) ზემოქმედების საშუალება
2) შეგრძნების სახეობა (ტაქტილური, ვიზუალური)
34. Equated with – გათანაბრებული
35. Anthropology [ænθr ə 'p ɔləʤɪ] – ანთროპოლოგია (მეცნიერება ადამიანის
წარმოშობის, ევოლუციისა და ადამიანთა რასის შესახებ)
36. Unfold [ʌn'fəuld]- გახსნა, გამომჟღავნება
37. Visual language – a system of communication using visual elements
38. Predictable [prɪ'dɪkt ə bl] – პროგნოზირებადი
39. Native – თანდაყოლილი; ბუნებრივი
40. Be privy to sth ['prɪvɪ] – იყო ინფორმირებული (საიდუმლოს შესახებ) to be told
information that is not told to many people: I was never privy to conversations between top
41. Precursor [prɪ'kɜ:s ə ] – წინამორბედი
42. Abu Dhabi [æbu:'dɑ:bɪ] [ɑbu:] - the capital city of the United Arab Emirates
43. Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi - a transnational museum dedicated to contemporary art and
culture and which present to the world some of the most important artistic achievements
of our time
44. War room - a room in the building of a military, political, or business organization
equipped with the technical means to gather information, plan strategy, direct activities,
etc., esp. for a military or political campaign
45. Leverage ['li:v( ə )r ɪʤ] - გამოყენება (საკუთარი სარგებლისთვის)
46. Information density – ინფორმაციის ინტენსიური ნაკადი
47. Portal ['pɔ:t( ə )l] – პორტალი; შესასვლელი; კარიბჭე

p. 99
48. Simultaneously - ერთდროულად
49. Encounter – წააწყდე (მაგ. სირთულეებს)
50. Lose focus – lose concentration; become absent-minded (გონებადაფანტული)
51. Setting - გარემო
52. One or the other for me – one of two people or things but not the other: One or the
other of
us will have to go.

53. At a glance – 1) მაშინვე; immediately: He could tell at a glance that something

was wrong.
2) ერთი შეხედვით (at first glance): At first glance I thought it was a dog, but I
was mistaken.
p. 100
54. Objective - მიზანი
55. Target audience – სამიზნე აუდიტორია; the particular group of people to which an
advertisement, a product, a website, television or radio programme is directed
56. The big picture – the whole situation, as opposed to particular parts of it: Board needs to
look at the bigger picture when taking investment decisions.
57. Background – საერთო მონაცემები; (ბიოგრაფიული) მონაცემები; წარმოშობა

p. 101
58. Essential - აუცილებელი, არსებითი; სასიცოცხლოდ მნიშვნელოვანი
59. Omitted – გამოტოვებული
60. Storyboard – a series of drawings used to plan the order of action and events in a film,
television advertisement, etc.: We have done storyboards for a number of TV commercials.
61. Art director – მხატვრული დირექტორი / ხელმძღვანელი; someone who is
responsible for the visual style and images in magazines, newspapers, product packaging,
and movie and television productions. They work for advertising and PR firms, newspaper
and magazine publishers, specialized (სპეციალური) design services firms, and the
theatre, motion picture (კონოფილმი) and video industries
62. CLIO Awards - an annual award program that recognizes innovation and creative
excellence (უბადლო ოსტატობა) in advertising, design and communication, as judged by
an international panel (ექსპერტთა ჯგუფი) of advertising professionals

p. 102
63. Agreeing to differ - if two people agree to differ, they accept that they have different
opinions about something and stop trying to persuade each other that they are right
64. Keep track - თვალის გადევნება; საქმის კურში ყოფნა; to make certain that you know
what is happening or has happened to someone or something: My sister has had so many
different jobs, it's hard for me to keep track of what she's doing.
54. Species ['spi:ʃi:z] – სახეობა, ჯიში; the species - კაცობრიობა, (ადამიანთა) მოდგმა
55. Predator ['pred ə t ə ] - მტაცებელი
56. Countless – უთვალავი
57. Nonsense ['nɔns( ə )ns] – უაზრობა, სისულელე, აბსურდი
58. Untrue – მცდარი, არასწორი
59. Unimaginative – წარმოსახვის უნარის არმქონე
60. Dynamism ['daɪn ə m ɪz( ə )m] – დინამიკა
61. Dynamic – დინამიური; აქტიური; ენერგიული
63. Precision [prɪ'sɪʒ( ə )n] – სიზუზტე, სისწორე; გარკვეულობა

p. 103
64. Escape - გაქცევა, თავის დაღწევა
65. Exaggerated – გაზვიადებული
66. Intuitive [ɪn'tju:ɪtɪv] – ინტუიციური; ინტუიციის მქონე
67. Alternatively [æl'tɜ:n ə t ɪvlɪ] – ალტერნატივის სახით
68. Stephen Hawking – (1942 – 2018) English theoretical physicist

p. 104
69. Queue up - რიგში დგომა
70. Pre-order – to order a product before it has become available: To pre-order the album,
visit our website.
71. Make a point – to argue or promote an idea: I suppose the people who wrote that stuff on
the wall were trying to make a point, but they mainly made a mess.

p. 105
72. Lightbulb moment – a moment when you suddenly realize something or have a
good idea: It was a light-bulb moment for me when I realized I could no longer go on
without help.
73. Tip - სასარგებლო რჩევა; მინიშნება
74. Spot a problem – შეამჩნიო / დაადგინო პრობლემა
74. Frustrated - იმედგაცრუებული
75. Come about – გამოჩენა, წარმოშობა, წარმოქმნა
76. Weird – უცნაური
77. Pop into one’s head – something that pops into your head is an idea that you
suddenly have
78. Distract - ყურადღების გადატანა
79. Imprecise – არაზუსტი, გაურკეველი
80. On one occasion – once
81. Prototype ['pr ə ut ə ta ɪp] - პროტოტიპი; საცდელი ნიმუში; მაკეტი
Unit 9
p. 84
1. Gamestorming - a game that is designed to generate a business result such as making a
decision, solving a problem or developing a strategy. It is seen as an alternative to a
traditional meeting. Game is typically designed to ask questions, visualize ideas, combine
ideas, experiment and other techniques that may stimulate creativity

p. 85
2. Wicked ['wɪkɪd] - 1) ბოროტი, ავი 2) დამღუპველი
3. Odd – უცნაური
4. Merely ['mɪ ə l ɪ] – უბრალოდ, მხოლოდ
5. Locate (v) - ადგილმდებარეობის დადგენა
6. Make sense – გაგება, აზრის გამოტანა

p. 86
7. Carry out – ჩატარება
8. Survey - კვლევა, გამოკითხვა
9. Purpose – მიზანი
10. Vlog – a video blog: a record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiences that
you film and publish on the internet
11. Vlogger – someone who makes vlogs and posts them on the internet
12. Ban – აკრძალვა
13. Offensive – შეურაცხმყოფელი
14. Input ['ɪnput] – შენატანი; წვლილი; something such as energy, money,
or information that is put into a system,organization, or machine so that it can operate: I
didn't have much input into the project, the help I gave was small.

15. Trophy ['tr ə uf ɪ] - ჯილდო; სამახსოვრო საჩუქარი; თასი

16. Direct Marketing - პირდაპირი მარკეტინგი; the activity of marketing production
and services by communicating directly with consumers by phone, mail, or on the internet
17. Hall of Fame - a building that contains images of famous people and interesting things
that are connected with them

p. 87
18. Speaker - დინამიკი
19. Volume – ხმის სიმძლავრე
20. Definitely – უდავოდ
21. Reject – უარყოფა
22. Involve – ჩაბმული, ჩართული; ჩათრეული
23. Cotton - ბამბა; ბამბის ქსოვილი

p. 88
24. Argument – 1) არგუმენტი, მტკიცებულება 2) დისკუსია, დავა
25. Equally – თანაბრად
26. Column – სვეტი; რუბრიკა (გაზეთში, ჟურნალში)
27. Happened to do sth - to do something by chance (შემთხვევით): I happened to meet an
old friend in town.
28. Fold [f ə uld] – დაკეცვა
29. Laundry ['lɔ:ndrɪ] – სარეცხი

p. 89
30. Have nothing to do with - საერთო არაფერი ქონდეს
31. Brainbox – a very clever person
32. Brainwave – (მოულოდენელი) ბრწყინვალე იდეა
33. Brain drain – ტვინების გადინება; the situation in which large
numbers of educated and very skilled people leave their own country to live and work in
another one where pay and conditions are better
34. Brain fade – a short time when someone cannot think clearly, or cannot remember
35. Brain-teaser – a form of puzzle that requires thought to solve
36. Temporarily ['temp( ə )r( ə )r( ə )l ɪ] – დროებით
37. Tricky – გაქნილი, ეშმაკური
38. Matter-of-fact – ფაქტებზე დაფუძნებული; ემოციების გამოვლენის გარეშე;
not showing feelings or emotion, especially in a situation when emotion would
be expected: He spoke in a very matter-of-fact way about the accident.
39. Grey matter – ჭკუა, ტვინი
40. It’s only a matter of time – it is certain to happen at some time in the future
41. Focal ['f ə uk( ə )l] - მნიშვნელოვანი; ცენტრალური
42. The heart of the matter – საქმის არსი; the focal, central, or most important element
of a topic, problem, or issue

p. 90
43. product range / product assortment - პროდუქტის ასორტიმენტი; all the types of
products that a company or store sells
44. Concern – შეშფოთება, შეწუხება

p. 91
45. Imprecise [ɪmprɪ'saɪs] - არაზუსტი, გაურკვეველი
46. Post-it note - a brand name for a small, coloured piece of paper for short messages that
can be stuck temporarily to something else
47. Accidentally [æksɪ'dent(ə)lɪ] – შემთხვევით
48. Glue – წებო

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