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1-on-1 Bahasa Malaysia Tutor

Tutor: Fatihah
Student: Ms. Tuqa

Course Outline & Module

1.0 Scope

a) To learn the basic slang of Bahasa Malaysia among peers, colleagues, meetings, etc.
b) To learn the basic slang when purchasing items or inquiring the seller at a convenient
c) To understand how to fill in documents written in Bahasa Malaysia.

2.0 Module Objectives:

After completing this module, you will:

a) Able to comprehend and speak in basic Bahasa Malaysia.
b) Able to write and fill in documents written in Bahasa Malaysia.

3.0 Course outline

1st Day ● Introduction to Bahasa Malaysia day-to-day communication.

Hari Pertama ● Basic day-to-day sayings ie ordering at Mamak, purchasing at
a small convenient store.
● Q&A

2nd Day ● Recap of Day 1

Hari Kedua ● Understanding the basic Bahasa Malaysia slang used among
friends and colleagues.
● Q&A

3rd Day ● Recap of Day 2

Hari Ketiga ● Understanding the basic Bahasa Malaysia slang used in
meetings, discussions.
● Q&A

4th Day ● Recap of Day 2

Hari Keempat ● Learn how to fill in documents, letters, etc written in Bahasa
● Q&A

5th Day ● Scenario Pop Quiz.

Hari Kelima ● End of class.

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