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Writing notes (常用詞語和片語)

意思 詞語/片語

important (adj.) 1. n. / v.+ing + is + (very) important/significant/crucial/critical/vital …
significant (adj.) 是重要的
crucial (adj.)
critical (adj.) Example: Exercising regularly is very important.
vital (adj.) Example: To prevent infectious diseases, personal hygiene is crucial.
Example: Tourism is very significant in Hong Kong’s economy.

1. It is + important/significant/crucial/critical /vital + to + v. 做…是重


Example: It is important to toughen the penalties on the offenders of drink

Example: It is crucial to integrate ethnic minorities into our society.
Example: It is critical to increase Hong Kong people’s sense of belonging to
mainland China.

1. It is + important/significant/crucial/critical/vital + for sbdy + + to +


Example: It is important for the police to strike a balance between freedom of
expression and social order.
Example: It is significant for the government to increase the number of
university places for local students.
Example: It is crucial for the government to implement waste charging as soon
as possible.

neglect (v.) 1. Sbdy + neglect / overlook / ignore / disregard + sthg 忽略
overlook (v.)
ignore (v.) Example: It is clear that our society neglects he rights of foreign domestic
disregard (v.) workers.
冷漠 Example: Many countries have overlooked the potential of renewable power
indifferent (adj.) resources.
apathetic (adj.) Example: Because of hectic lifestyle, parents often ignore the needs of their
Example: The government has disregarded public opinion and rejected
HKTV’s application for a free TV licence.

1. Sbdy + is + indifferent / apathetic + to + sthg 冷漠

Example: The government was indifferent to the plight of the poor.

Example: Many schools are apathetic to the psychological needs of students.
1. Sbdy turns a blind eye to sthg 視而不見
turn a blind eye to
Example: The government has turned a blind eye to the animal abuse
fall on deaf ears

1. Sthg falls on deaf ears充耳不聞

Example: In the consultation over landfill expansion, the concerns of Tseung

Kwan of residents have fallen on deaf ears.

Regardless of (+ / -) 1. Regardless of + n., SVO. 不顧
without regard to
(+/-) SVO + regardless of + n.
漠視 Without regard to + n., + SVO
In disregard of (-) SVO + without regard to + n.
Example: Regardless of serious knee injury, Kobe Bryant insisted on
playing the game.
Example: The Chinese government demolishes many old buildings without
regard to the opposition of residents.

1. In disregard of + n. , + SVO 漠視

SVO + in disregard of + n.
Example: The government plans to develop northeast New Territories in
disregard of the risk of the project.

popular (adj.) 1. Sthg is / are + more and more popular …越來越受歡迎
popularity (n.) Example: Dating shows are more and more popular in Hong Kong.

1. Sthg is / are getting more and more popular …越來越受歡迎

Example: Costume play is getting more and more popular among


1. Sthg is/are gaining popularity …越來越受歡迎

Example: Singing contests, like the Voice of the Stars are gaining
popularity in Hong Kong.

1. Sthg + has led to / has resulted in / has caused + the popularity

of + sthg

Example: The exam-oriented culture in Hong Kong has led to the popularity
of tutorial classes.
1. Sthg + has led to / has resulted in / has caused + the
the widespread use widespread use of + sthg
(n. phrase)
Example: The invention of smartphones has resulted in the widespread use
of communicative applications like Whatsapp and Wechat.

1. The widespread use of + sthg + v.

Example: The widespread use of credit cards among university students
has raised concerns about their spending habits.

famous (adj.) 1. Sthg / Sbdy is famous / reputable / renowned / well-known /
reputable (adj.) noted for
renowned (adj.)
well-known (adj.) + n. / v. +ing ...因…著名
noted (adj.) Example: The movie industry in Hong Kong is famous for its kung-fu
Example: The Mass Transit Railway system is reputable for its reliability.
Example: Hong Kong people are renowned for their persistence and hard
Example: The country parks in Hong Kong are well-known for their beauty.

notorious (adj.) 1. Sthg / Sbdy is notorious / infamous for + + n. / v. +ing …因…臭
infamous (adj.) 名遠播

Example: Confucianism is notorious for stifling the creativity of people.

Example: Mainland tourists are infamous for their uncivilized behavior.

known as (v.) 1. Sthg / Sbdy is known as / hailed as / acclaimed as sthg …被譽
hailed as (v.) 為…
acclaimed as (v.)
被視為 Example: Hong Kong is known as Pearl of the Orient.
regarded as Example: Hong Kong is hailed as a shopping paradise.
Example: Hong Kong is acclaimed as a gourmet paradise.

1. Sthg / Sbdy is regarded as sthg …被視為…

Example: In Hong Kong, excellent academic performance is regarded as

the key to success.

look out for (v. 1. Sbdy should look out / watch out …應該小心
watch out for (v. Example: The floor is slippery. You should look out.
1. Sbdy should look out for / watch out for sthg …應該小心…

Example: In summer, we should watch out for flies and mosquitoes

because they can easily spread diseases.
1. Sbdy should be + careful of + sthg / sbdy …應該小心…
careful (adj.)
beware (v.)
Example: We should be careful of the latest computer virus.

1. Sbdy should + beware of + sthg / sbdy …應該小心…

Example: When we go shopping in Mong Kok, we should beware of


lack (v.) 1. Sbdy / Sthg + lacks + sthg …缺乏…
lack (n.)
shortage (n.) Example: Hong Kong lacks world-class stadiums and gymnasiums.
dearth (n.) Example: In the 1950s and the 1960s, the children in Hong Kong lacked
deficient (adj.) food and entertainment.
Without (prep)
In the absence of 1. Sthg is/are lacking …缺乏
Devoid of (ph.) Example: Financial assistance for the poor is lacking in Hong Kong.
In dearth of (ph.) Example: Sports activities are lacking in the schools in Hong Kong.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + is/are + in lack of + Sthg …缺乏…

Example: Hong Kong is in lack of facilities for cultural activities like dancing
and Cantonese operas.
Example: Many teenagers in Hong Kong are in lack of determination to

1. There is + a lack of / a shortage of / a dearth of sthg …缺乏

Example: There is a lack of high-quality singers in Hong Kong.

Example: There is a shortage of housing supply in Hong Kong.
Example: There is a dearth of support for the victims of domestic violence.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + is /am/are/was/were + deficient + in + n.

Example: Hong Kong is deficient in natural resources.

1. Without / In the absence of / + n., + SVO …缺乏, …

Example: Without standard working hours, the workload of Hong Kong

workers is heavy.
Example: In the absence of legislation, it is difficult to alleviate light

1. Sbdy / Sthg + is / are + devoid of / in dearth of + Sthg …缺乏

Example: Hong Kong is devoid of inspiring and educational TV dramas.

Example: Hong Kong students are in dearth of creativity and
problem-solving skills.
enough (adj.) 1. There is (not) / are (not) + enough + n. 有足夠的…
ample (adj.)
sufficient (adj.) There is (not) / are (not) + ample + n.
不足 There is (not) / are (not) + sufficient + n.
insufficient (adj.) Example: There is not retirement protection in Hong Kong.
Example: There is ample rainfall in Indonesia.
Example: There are not sufficient facilities for the physically-disabled in
Hong Kong.

1. Sbdy + (do not/does not / did not) + has / have + enough + n. 某人


Sbdy + (do not/does not / did not) + has / have + ample+ n.

Sbdy + (do not/does not / did not) + has / have + sufficient + n.
Example: The children in Hong Kong have enough food and entertainment.
Example: The athletes in Hong Kong do not have enough resources.
Example: The schools in Hong Kong do not have sufficient facilities for
extra-curricular activities.

1. Sbdy + (do not/does not / did not) + has / have + enough + n. + to

+ v.

Sbdy + (do not/does not / did not) + has / have + ample+ n. + to + v.

Sbdy + (do not/does not / did not) + has / have + sufficient + n. + to + v.
Example: Many poor children do not have enough financial support to
perform well in schools and change their destiny.
Example: Our society is increasingly materialistic. Many people have ample
money to replace their smartphones frequently.
Example: Hong Kong does not have sufficient tourist destinations to
attract tourists from around the world.

1. There + is/are + insufficient + n.

Example: There is insufficient protection against copyright infringement in

Hong Kong.

1. Sbdy + has / have + insufficient + n.

Example: The workers in Hong Kong have insufficient holidays.

1. Sbdy + has / have + insufficient + n. + to + v.

Example: African countries have insufficient advanced technology to

develop their economies.

help (v.) 1. Sbdy / Sthg + helps sbdy + (to) + do + sthg …幫助某人做某事

Example: A balanced diet helps us strengthen our body.

Example: Mr. Yu helps Ka Yi to study English.
Example: The construction of public housing estates in the 1950s helped
many Hong Kong people to improve their living conditions.
make (v.) made 1. Sbdy / Sthg + makes sbdy + do + sthg …使某人做某事

Example: The success story of Kobe Bryant makes Mr. Yu work hard.
Example: The minimum wage makes many workers in Hong Kong benefit.
Example: The devastating typhoon made many people lose their lives.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + makes sbdy + adj. 使某人感到…

Example: Heavy schoolwork makes many Hong Kong students frustrated.

Example: Repeated food safety scandals make many people distrustful of
the food made in China.
Example: Winning gold medals in the World Cycling Championship and a
bronze medal in the London Olympics made Lee Wai-sze proud.

使 … 能夠
enable (v.) 1. Sbdy / Sthg + enables sbdy + to + do + sthg …使某人能夠做某
allow (v.) 事

Sbdy / Sthg + allows sbdy + to + do + sthg …使某人能夠做某事

Example: Social-networking websites enable people to make many friends.
Example: The open-door policy of China enabled Hong Kong to accelerate
economic development.
Example: Exchange programmes allow students to learn about different
foreign cultures.
Example: Liberal Studies allow students to develop their logical thinking and
critical thinking skils.

let (v. ) let 1. Sbdy / Sthg + lets sbdy + do + sthg …讓某人做某事

Example: Because Ka Yi was so sleepy, Mr. Yu let her take a rest.

Example: Parents should let their children participate in more
extra-curricular activities.
Example: At the end of the English lesson, the teacher let her students ask
some questions.

With (prep)
Following (conj.)

1. With + n. , + SVO 隨著…, …

Following + n. , + SVO
Example: With rising youth unemployment, countries in the world should enhance vocation training for youngsters.
Example: Following the Sars epidemic, Hong Kong adopted the Individual Travellers’ Scheme and allowed more mainland
tourists to visit Hong Kong.
remember (v.)
bear in mind (v. ph.)

1. Sbdy should remember that + SVO…應該緊記 …

Sbdy should bear in mind that + SVO

Example: We should remember that the elderly made a lot of contributions to Hong Kong when they were young.
Example: The mass media should bear in mind that they should not invade the privacy of celebrities.
1. It should be remembered that + SVO應該緊記

It should be borne in mind that + SVO

Example: It should be remembered that aging population will undermine the productivity of Hong Kong.
Example: It should be borne in mind that more competition will lead to higher quality of television programmes in Hong
admit (v.)
acknowledge (v.)
recognize (v.)

1. Sbdy should admit that + SVO …應該承認 …

Sbdy should acknowledge that + SVO

Sbdy should recognize that + SVO
Example: We should admit that the quality of local movies and songs is declining.
Example: The government should recognize that it is not doing a good job in helping poor children.

1. It should be admitted that + SVO應該承認

It should be acknowledged that + SVO

It should be recognize that + SVO
Example: While Internet slang is funny, it should be admitted that it may be indecent and compromise our communication
Example: Many teachers in Hong Kong are conscientious and enthusiastic about nurturing students. Nevertheless, it
should be recognized that the moral standard of some of the teachers is far from satisfactory.
worth noting (ph.)
noteworthy (adj.)

1. Sthg is worth noting. …值得留意

Sthg is noteworthy.
Example: The deteriorating teenage drug abuse problem is worth noting.
Example: The increasing number of socially withdrawn youths is noteworthy.

1. It is worth noting that + SVO …值得留意

It is noteworthy that + SVO

Example: It is worth noting that materialism has made many youngsters obsessed with luxury goods.
Example: It is noteworthy that many children in Hong Kong are spoilt by their parents. This will be harmful to their future
no longer (ph.)

1. Sbdy / Sthg + no longer + v. …再不…

Example: China no longer relies on agriculture.

Example: The public no longer trust the government.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + is / are + no longer + adj. …再不…

Example: With the advent of the Internet, international communication is no longer costly and difficult.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + is / are + no longer + n. …再不是…

Example: Industry is no longer the cornerstone of Hong Kong’s economy.
Example: Watching television is no longer the only entertainment of Hong Kong people.
repeated (adj.)
continuous (adj.)
incessant (adj.)
endless (adj.)
ceaseless (adj.)

1. repeated / continuous / incessant / endless / ceaseless + n. 不斷的..

Example: Repeated failures have made many students hopeless.

Example: Incessant noise has irritated the residents nearby.
Example: Endless conflicts will slow down the economic development of Hong Kong.

1. n. + has + repeatedly / continuously / incessantly / endlessly / ceaselessly + p.p.

n. + has + p.p. + repeatedly / continuously / incessantly / endlessly / ceaselessly

Example: The government has repeatedly emphasized that the development of northeast New Territories is beneficial to
the future of Hong Kong.
Example: The divorce rate in Hong Kong has increased continuously.
Example: Ka Yi ceaselessly shouted, “I am hungry! I want to eat rice!
1. Sbdy + has / have + high expectations + of + sbdy / sthg …對…
expectations (n.) 有高期望

Example: Parents in Hong Kong have high expectations of their children.

Therefore, they force them to join different kinds of courses.

1. n. + comes / came up to the expectations + of + sbdy …達到…的


n. + lives / lived up to the expectations + of + sbdy

n. + does not come / did not come up to the expectations + of + sbdy
n. + does not live / did not live up to the expectations + of + sbdy
Example: His academic results come up to his expectations.
Example: The poverty alleviation measures of the government did not live up
to the expectations of welfare groups.

1. Sbdy + v. + sthg to + come up to the expectations of sbdy …做…


Sbdy + v. + sthg to + live up to the expectations of sbdy

Example: Many students in Hong Kong are working very hard to come up to
the expectations of their parents.

1. n. + falls short of / fell short of + the expectations of sbdy

n. + is / was unable to meet + the expectations of sbdy

Example: The effectiveness of the mother tongue policy fell short of the
expectations of the government.
instead of (ph.) 1. Instead of + v. + ing, + SVO 不是…而是
rather than (ph.)
SVO + instead of + v. + ing
Example: Instead of regretting and grumbling about ourselves, we should
work hard every day to prepare for the HKDSE.
Example: We should care about neighbours and strangers instead of
ignoring them.

1. Rather than + v. + ing, + SVO 不是…而是

SVO + rather than + v. + ing

Example: Rather than wasting money, space exploration improves our living
Example: We should provide support for the disabled rather than
discriminating against them.

1. SVO + at the expense of + n. 做了一件事以…為代價
expense (n.)
cost (n.)
Example: China blindly pursued economic development at the expense of the
environment and cultural heritage.

1. SVO at all costs 不惜任何代價做了一件事

Example: Many parents in Hong Kong are willing to enhance their children’s
academic results at all costs.

by (prep) 1. By + v. + ing / n. + n. , SVO 通過..達到目的
through (prep)
SVO + by + v. + ing / n.
Example: By participating in sports, we can cultivate our sportsmanship.
Example: Some universities try to win fame by admitting child prodigies.

1. Through + v. + ing / n. + n. , SVO 通過..達到目的

SVO + through + v. + ing / n.

Example: Through graffiti, teenagers express their frustration with their life
and society.
Example: As Hong Kong is a free society, the public can vent their
dissatisfaction and anger with the government through staging protests.
recently (adv.) 1. Recently, + SVO 最近 …
lately (adv.)
SVO + recently
Example: Recently, the online sale of fake goods has increased.
Example: Some mainland scholars have discussed the feasibility of abolishing
the one-child policy in China recently.

1. Lately, + SVO 最近 …

SVO + lately
Example: Lately the police have arrested 60 members of several triad
Example: The lack of places in kindergartens for the coming academic year has
raised public concerns lately.

1. Now, + SVO 現在 …
Now (adv.)
Nowadays (adv.)
SVO + now
At present (adv.)
Example: Now, obesity is a very serious issue in the world.
Example: High-tech products are indispensable in our daily life now.

1. Nowadays, + SVO 現在 …

SVO + nowadays
Example: Nowadays, micro-blogging is very popular in China.
Example: With the widespread use of the Internet, cyber-bullying is increasingly
common nowadays.

1. At present, + SVO 現在 …

SVO + at present
Example: At present, sixty demonstrators are sitting outside the government
headquarters and protesting against its rejection of HKTV’s application of a free
TV licence.
Example: Euthanasia is illegal in Hong Kong at present.
In the future 1. In the future, + SVO 將來…..
Soon SVO + in the future
越快越好 Example: In the future, the population in China will decrease.
as soon as Example: The divorce rate will continue to soar in the future thanks to the
possible rise of individualism and the decline of traditional family value.

1. SVO + soon 即將…

Example: Brazil will host the Soccer World Cup and the Olympic Games soon.
Therefore, it is constructing stadiums and transportation facilities in full swing.

1. SVO + as soon as possible …越快越好

Example: The government should prohibit smoking in all entertainment

venues as soon as possible.


at the same time

in the meantime

1. SVO. + At the same time, + SVO. …同一時間…

n. + and + n. + v. + at the same time

Example: A good teacher should be strict. At the same time, he should care about his students’ feelings.
Example: Ka Yi and Shiro are sleeping at the same time.

1. SVO. + In the meantime, + SVO. …同一時間…

Example: It is understandable for the government to carry out reclamation to tackle the lack of land of supply. But in the
meantime, it should protect the habitat of marine animals.
support (v.)
in favour of (ph.)
agree (v.)
approve of (v.)

1. Sbdy + supports + sbdy/sthg …支持…

Example: Environmentalists support legislations to cope with light pollution.

Example: She needs to support her family. Therefore, she is working very hard.

1. Sbdy + is/are in favour of + sbdy/sthg …支持…

Example: The public is in favour of standard working hours so that they can enjoy work-life balance.

1. Sbdy + agrees + with + Sbdy A君同意B君

Example: The democrats do not agree with CY Leung. They believe that universal retirement protection is essential in our

1. Sbdy + agrees + to + sthg/v. + ing A君同意某事

Example: As most athletes can earn very little income, many people agree to the commercialization of sports.

1. Sbdy + agrees + to + v. + sthg A君同意做某事

Example: The government agreed to stall the implementation of national education due to widespread public opposition.

1. Sbdy + approves of + sthg A君贊成/批准某事

Example: Most employees in Hong Kong approve of five-day working weeks.

Example: The principal approved of the proposal to build a new gymnasium in the school.
1. Sbdy + opposes + sthg/v.+ing 某人反對某事
oppose (v.)
object to (v. ph.)
Example: Some people oppose compulsory drug-testing in secondary
schools as this will invade the privacy of students.
disagree (v.)
disapprove of (v.
1. Sbdy + objects to + sthg/v.+ing某人反對某事
Example: The Chinese government objects to abolishing capital
opposed (adj.)
punishment because it can serve as a deterrent against criminals.
against (prep.)
criticize (v.) 1. Sbdy + disagree with + sbdy某人不贊同某人
critical (adj.)
Example: The residents disagreed with the government. They pointed out
that it should not replace recreational facilities with public housing.

1. Sbdy + disagree to + sthg/v.+ing 某人不贊成某事

Example: Many people disagree to building more incinerators in Hong

Kong as they emit toxic substances and pollute the environment.

1. Sbdy + disagrees + to + v. + sthg A君不贊成做某事

Example: CY Leung disagreed to make any compromises despite the mass


1. Sbdy + disapproves of + sthg A君不贊成/不批准某事

Example: The legislators disapproved of the government’s plan to expand

the landfills in Tsueng Kwan O, Ta Ku Ling and Tuen Mun.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + opposed+ to sthg/v.+ing 某人反對


Example: Many people in the Chinese society are very conservative. For
example, they are opposed to organ transplant.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + against+ to sthg/v.+ing 某人反對某

Example: Employers in Hong Kong are against raising the minimum wage to
$35 per hour because this will increase their production cost.

1. Sbdy + criticizes + sthg/sbdy 某人反對某事

Example: A famous columnist recently criticized the local music industry.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were+ critical of + sthg/sbdy 某人反對某

Example: Employers are critical of the attitude of the Post-80s.

1. Sbdy + insists on + v. + ing / n. 某人堅持做某事
insist on (v. ph.)
persist in (v. ph.)
Example: The drink-driver insisted on his innocence.

1. Sbdy + persists in + v. + ing / n. 某人堅持做某事

Example: Despite coughing and sneezing ceaselessly, Mr. Yu persisted

in working 16 hours a day and completing the essay.

busy (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + busy + v. + ing某人忙於做某事
occupied (adj.)
occupy (v.) Example: Many sixth-formers are busy preparing for the HKDSE next
Example: The government is busy formulating policies to help the poor.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + busy + with + n. 某人忙於某事

Example: A lot of Hong Kong people are busy with their work and ignore
the well-being of their children.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + occupied+ with + n. 某人忙於某

Example: They are occupied with their rehearsal for the dancing
performance in December.

1. Sbdy + occupies + oneself in v. + ing / n. 某人忙於某事

Example: Bill Gates has occupied himself in philanthropic work.

immersed in (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + immersed+ in + v. + ing / n. 某
absorbed in (adj.) 人專心於某事
engrossed in (adj.)
dedicated to (adj.) Example: After being a member of Doctors Without Borders, he is
committed to (adj.) immersed in curing the patients in Africa.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + absorbed+ in + v. + ing / n. 某人


Example: Lee Wai-sze is absorbed in achieving excellent results in

international cycling competitions.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + engrossed+ in + v. + ing / n. 某


Example: Many teachers are respectable because they are engrossed

in nurturing the next generation.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + dedicated + to + v. + ing / n. 某


Example: Martin Luther King was dedicated to eliminating racial


1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + committed+ to + v. + ing / n. 某


Example: Mr. Yu is committed to teaching Ka Yi.

1. Sbdy + indulge + in + v. + ing / n. 某人沉迷做某事
indulge in (v.)
obsessed with (adj.)
Example: Many non-engaged youths indulge in playing online games.
preoccupied with
1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + obsessed+ with + v. + ing / n. 某人
addicted to (adj.)
hooked on (adj.)

Example: Hong Kong people are obsessed with money and fame.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + preoccupied+ with + v. + ing / n.


Example: Since the invention of smartphones, a lot of people have been

preoccupied with chatting with their friends through Whatsapp.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + addicted+ to + v. + ing / n. 某人沉


Example: He is addicted to drugs. As a result, his health is deteriorating.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + addicted+ to + v. + ing / n. 某人沉


Example: Mr. Leung is a pathological gambler. He has been hooked on

horse racing and soccer betting for five years.
fear (v.) 1. Sbdy + fears + that + SVO 某人害怕某事會發生
afraid (adj.)
frightened (adj.) Example: Many sixth-formers fear that they cannot enter university.
terrified (adj.)
1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + afraid + that + SVO某人害怕某事會

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + frightened + that + SVO某人害怕某事會

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + terrified + that + SVO某人害怕某事會發生
Example: The government is afraid that soaring property prices will result in
public anger and social instability.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + afraid of + sbdy / sthg某人害怕某人


Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + frightened of + sbdy / sthg某人害怕某人/

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + terrified of + sbdy / sthg某人害怕某人/某

Example: Middle-aged employees are afraid of unemployment.
Example: Many students are frightened of failures.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + afraid of + being + adj. 某人害怕會

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + frightened of + being + adj. 某人害怕會

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + terrified of + being + adj. 某人害怕會…
Example: Many girls are afraid of being overweight.
Example: The elderly are terrified of being lonely.

1. Sbdy + cares about + sbdy / sthg 某人關心某人/某事
care about (v.)
Example: We should care about our parents.
concerned about
Example: We should care about the welfare of animals.
Example: Our society does not care about the tribulations of the ethnic
concern (n.)
Example: Teenagers in Hong Kong do not care about current affairs.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + concerned about + sbdy / sthg 某人


Example: The Spanish government is concerned about the youth

unemployment problem in the country.
Example: The public are concerned about the plight of Guo Binbin, who
became blind after his eyes had been gouged out by his aunt.

1. Sbdy + shows concern for + sbdy / sthg某人關注某人/某事

Example: Hong Kong people showed concern for the victims of the Sichuan
earthquake and donated millions of money to them.
full of (adj.) 1. 地方 + is/am/are/was/were + full of + sthg / sbdy (…充滿人/物)
filled with (adj.)
crammed with (adj.) 地方+ is/am/are/was/were + filled with + sthg / sbdy
packed with (adj.) 地方+ is/am/are/was/were + crammed with + sthg / sbdy
擠滿人 地方+ is/am/are/was/were + packed with + sthg / sbdy
crowded with (adj.) Example: During the golden week, the tourist destinations in Hong Kong were
full of mainland tourists.
Example: Korean dramas are full of romantic scenes.
Example: Before the restriction of milk powder export, MTR stations were
crammed with parallel traders.
Example: When Girls’ Generation arrived in Hong Kong, the airport was
crammed with crazy fans.

1. 地方 + is/am/are/was/were + crowded with + sbdy 擠滿人

Example: During rush hours, MTR stations are crowded with office workers.
Example: During the firework displays, the waterfront along the Victoria
Harbour is crowded with people.


pay attention to (ph.)

focus one’s attention on (ph.)
take note of (v.)
pay heed to (v.)

1. Sbdy + pays attention 某人關心(問題)

Example: Compensated dating has deteriorated in recent years. Parents, schools and the government should pay
attention (to the problem) and educate teenage girls about the harmful effects of premature sexual behaviour.

1. Sbdy + pays attention to + sbdy / sthg 某人留心某事

Example: When our guest is speaking, we should pay attention to his speech.
Example: The students in the school do not pay attention to their teachers and always play with their smartphones.

1. Sbdy + focus one’s attention on + sbdy / sthg某人留心/關心某人 / 某事

Example: The government should focus its attention on the aging population problem and propose long-term measures
to maintain the competitiveness of Hong Kong.
Example: Teachers should focus their attention on the underperformers and provide more assistance for them.

1. Sbdy +takes note of + sthg 某人注意 某事

Example: The government should take note of constructive criticism and strive to improve its performance.

1. Sbdy +pays heed to + sthg 某人注意 某事

Example: Ka Yi must pay heed to Mr. Yu’s advice and avoid committing the same mistakes next time
suitable for (adj.)
appropriate for (adj.)
1. suitable + n.

appropriate + n.
Example: It is difficult to find a suitable English tutorial teacher.
Example: Sixth-formers need to think twice when they choose appropriate university programmes.

1. Sthg + is/am/are/was/were (not) + suitable for + sbdy (to + v.) 某物適合某人

Sthg + is/am/are/was/were + (not) appropriate for + sbdy (to + v.)

Example: Many Chinese cities are highly polluted. They are not suitable for people with respiratory diseases to live in.
Example: This exercise book is exam-oriented. It is appropriate for sixth formers.
1. Sbdy spends time + v. + ing sthg 某人花時間做某事
spend time (v.)
Example: Ka Yi spent three hours dancing.
● spent Example: Parents should spend more time communicating with their children.
time Example: The residents in Tin Shui Wai need to spend a long time commuting
from home to work every day.
take time to (v.) Example: Beijing spent seven years preparing for the 2008 Olympics.

● took 1. Sbdy spends time + on + sthg

time to
Example: Under the 334 curriculum, senior secondary students spend a lot of
time on other learning experiences.
Example: In order to enter the Chinese University, Mr. Yu spent long hours on
his academic studies every day.

1. Sbdy spends time + with + sthg 某人花時間做某事

Example: Parents should spend more time with their children.

Example: Government officials should spend more time with the grassroots.

1. Sthg takes time to + v. 某事花時間去做

Example: It takes four years to finish a university degree in Hong Kong.

Example: The reconstruction of Fukushima will take many years to complete.
spend money 1. Sbdy spends money + v. + ing sthg 某人花錢做某事
Example: According to an advertisement, parents need to spend 4 million
● spent dollars bringing up a child.
money Example: Hong Kong spends billions of dollars treating smoking-related
diseases every year.
cost money (v.) Example: Nowadays, teenagers spend a lot of pocket money buying luxury

1. Sbdy spends money + on + sthg某人花錢在某事

Example: With a view to preparing the HKDSE, some sixth-formers spend

thousands of dollars on tutorial classes every month.
Example: China spends billions of dollars on research and development

1. It + costs money + to + v. 某事花錢

Example: It costs $168,400 to complete a university degree.

1. Sbdy cancel sthg 某人取消某事
cancel (v.)
Example: The government should not cancel the export restriction of milk powder
because of its limited supply.
abolish (v.)
1. Sbdy abolish sthg某人廢除某事
do away with (v.)

Example: Since the 20 century, many countries have abolished capital



1. Sbdy do away with sthg某人廢除某事

Example: China should do away with the one-child policy to alleviate the problem
of declining birth rate.

investigate (v.) 1. Sbdy investigate sthg 某人調查某事
look into (v.) Example: The police are investigating the murder.

1. Sbdy look into sthg某人調查某事

Example: The Chinese government will look into the latest cases of H7N9 and
consider what they should do to prevent the spread of the virus.
take care of (v.) 1. Sbdy take care of sbdy 某人照顧某人

● took Example: We should take care of the elderly and let them enjoy a comfortable life.
care of
1. Sbdy care for sbdy 某人照顧某人
care for (v.) Example: The Chinese government does not care for the rural migrants.
look after (v.) 1. Sbdy look after sbdy某人照顧某人

Example: In Japan, many women resign from their jobs to look after their children.

viewed as 1. Sthg / Sbdy + is / are viewed as sthg 某人/物被視作…
regarded as Example: Tourism is viewed as the pillar of Hong Kong’s economy.
considered to 1. Sthg / Sbdy + is / are regarded as sthg 某人/物被視作…
Example: In Hong Kong, excellent results in examinations are regarded as the key
to success.

1. Sthg / Sbdy + is / are considered to be sthg 某人/物被視作…

Example: In many Catholic countries, homosexuality is considered to be immoral.

1. Sbdy + is proud of + sthg / v. + ing 某人為某事自豪
proud of (adj.)
Example: Lee Wai-see is proud of winning a bronze medal in the 2012 London
take pride in (v.)

1. Sbdy + take pride in + sthg / v. + ing 某人為某事自豪

Example: Hong Kong people take pride in the economic achievements of China
over the past three decades.
bear (v.) 1. Sbdy + bear + sthg / sbdy某人+ 忍受某事 / 某人

● bore Example: The residents in Tsueng Kwan O cannot bear the odour of the landfill.

忍受 1. Sbdy + stand + sthg / sbdy某人+ 忍受某事 / 某人

stand (v.)
忍受 Example: The victims of domestic violence should not stand the abusers. Instead,
endure (v.) they should call the police.
tolerate (v.) 1. Sbdy + endure + sthg / sbdy某人+ 忍受某事 / 某人
put up with (v.) Example: The residents in subdivided flats have to endure poor living conditions.

● put up 1. Sbdy + tolerate + sthg / sbdy某人+ 忍受某事 / 某人

Example: In order to succeed in his basketball career, Kobe Bryant has tolerated
pain and exhaustion.

1. Sbdy + put up with + sthg / sbdy某人+ 忍受某事 / 某人

Example: Many Hong Kong people cannot put up with the poor government and
consider migrating to other countries.

sympathize with 1. Sbdy + sympathize with + sbdy / sthg 某人同情某人/某事
同情 Example: Hong Kong people sympathize with the victims of the Manila Hostage
sympathetic to Crisis.
同情 1. Sbdy + is / are + sympathetic with + sbdy / sthg某人同情某人/某事
take pity on (v.)
Example: Mr. Chan is sympathetic to the plight of stray dogs .

1. Sbdy + take pity on + sbdy / sthg 某人同情某人/某事

Example: If you take pity on the starving children in Africa, you can donate money
to charities like the World Vision and the Red Cross.

need (v.)
require (v.)

1. Sbdy / Sthg + need + v. + ing 某人/某事需要…

Sbdy / Sthg + need + to be + p.p.

Example: The consumer rights of Hong Kong people need protecting.
Example: The consumer rights of Hong Kong people need to be protected.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + require + v. + ing某人/某事需要…

Sbdy / Sthg + require + to be + p.p.

Example: The causes of the accident require investigating.
Example: The causes of the accident require to be investigated.
deserve (v.)
worth (adj.)
worthy of (adj.)
worthwhile (adj.)

1. Sbdy / Sthg + deserve + v. + ing某人/某事值得…

Sbdy / Sthg + deserve + to be + p.p.

Sbdy / Sthg + deserve + n.
Example: The donors of organs deserve praising.
Example: The government deserves to be criticized for its poor performance.
Example: The abusers of animals deserve severe punishment.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + is/are worth + v. + ing某人/某事值得…

Sbdy / Sthg + is/are worth + n.

Example: Chinese History books are worth reading because we can learn from the mistakes in the past.
Example: Although achieving excellent results in the HKDSE is not easy, it is worth our effort.

1. Sbdy / Sthg + is/are worthy of + v. + ing/ n.某人/某事值得…

Example: Her dedication to teaching and nurturing students is worthy of praise.

1. It is + worthwhile + to + v. 某人/某事值得做

Example: To prepare for the English examination in the HKDSE, it is worthwhile to study more English vocabulary and
practice writing regularly.

1. Sthg + is / are + worthwhile 某事是值得的

Example: Although smartphones are expensive, they are worthwhile because they have multiple functions, like taking
photos and sending Whatsapp messages.
Example: Mr. Yu spent a lot time in his holidays improving his English. Thankfully, all the effort was worthwhile.
1. Sbdy have difficulty + v. + ing + sthg 難以
difficulty (n.) 困難
Sbdy have a hard time + v. + ing + sthg
● difficult Sbdy have trouble + v. + ing + sthg
(adj.) Example: The government has difficulty promoting sports in Hong Kong.
Example: Hyperactive students have trouble concentrating in class.
hard (adj.) 困難
trouble (n.) 麻煩 1. Sbdy find it difficult + to + v. + sthg 難以

● troubleso Sbdy find it hard + to + v. + sthg

me (adj.) Sbdy find it troublesome + to + v. + sthg
Example: Many youngsters find it difficult to find jobs in the competitive labour
Example: With tremendous workload, a lot of people find it hard to relax

1. It is difficult + (for sbdy) to + v.+ sthg 難以

It is hard + (for sbdy) to + v. + sthg

It is troublesome + (for sbdy) to do sthg
Example: It is difficult for child prodigies to get along with their older
classmates in universities.
Example: Nowadays, it is troublesome to bring up a child.

common (adj.) 1. Sthg is (very) common 某事很普遍
commonplace (adj.)
usual (adj.) Sthg is commonplace
無處不在 Sthg is usual
ubiquitous (adj.) Example: Due to the problem of obesity, heart diseases are very common.
pervasive (adj.) Example: With declining birth rates, one-child families are commonplace.

1. Sthg + is/are + ubiquitous 某事無處不在

Sthg + is/are + pervasive

Example: When you walk in the street, Korean pop culture is ubiquitous.
Example: Smartphones are pervasive in our daily life. We use them anytime

deprive of (v.) 1. Sbdy / Sthg + deprive + sbdy + of + sthg 某人/某事剝奪了某人的…

Example: The paparazzi deprive the celebrities of their privacy.

Example: Poverty deprives many children of education.
Example: The ossified education system deprived students of their creativity.
With the implementation of the new system, students can develop their logical
1. Sbdy have a sense of belonging to sthg 有歸屬感
sense of belonging
Sbdy develop a sense of belonging to sthg 建立歸屬感
sense of
Example: Many Hong Kong people do not have a sense of belonging to
Example: Students can develop a sense of belonging to their schools when
sense of
they participate in school activities.
1. Sbdy gain a sense of satisfaction獲取滿足感

Sbdy achieve a sense of satisfaction獲取滿足感

Example: Teenagers can gain a sense of satisfaction by doing voluntary work
and helping the underprivileged.

1. Sbdy gain a sense of achievement獲取成就感

Sbdy achieve a sense of achievement獲取成就感

Example: Lee Lai-shan achieved a sense of achievement after winning the first
Olympic gold medal of Hong Kong in 1996.

know (v.) knew 1. Sbdy know sthg 某人知道某事
aware of (adj.) Example: Most people do not know the harmful effects of soft drinks.
conscious of (adj.) 1. Sbdy know that + SVO某人知道某事

Example: The government knows that small-class teaching is beneficial to

secondary school. Nevertheless, it has not implemented it in all secondary
schools because of lack of funding.

1. Sbdy + is/are/be aware of + sthg 某人意識到某事

Example: The Chinese government should be aware of the deteriorating

problem of air pollution and take prompt action to address the problem.

1. Sbdy + is/are/be conscious of + sthg 某人意識到某事

Example: In a society where people are obsessed with beauty, women nowadays
are conscious of their physical appearance.

advise (v.) 1. Sbdy advise sbdy + to + v. + sthg 某人勸告某人做某事
persuade (v.) Example: Doctors advise their patients to have a balanced diet.

1. Sbdy persuade sbdy + to + v. + sthg某人說服某人做某事

Example: Homosexuals are trying to persuade the government to legalize gay

dissuade (v.) 1. Sbdy dissuade sbdy + from + v. + ing + sthg 某人勸阻某人不要做某事
discourage (v.) Example: The social worker dissuaded the woman from committing suicide.

1. Sbdy discourage sbdy + from + v. + ing + sthg某人勸阻某人不要做某

Example: The government discourages the public from abusing the ambulance

encourage (v.) 1. Sbdy encourage sbdy + to + v. + sthg 某人鼓勵某人做某事

Example: In view of the declining birth rate, the government encourages people
to have more children.
Example: Mr. Yu always encourages Ka Yi to work hard.

take advantage of 1. Sbdy take advantage of sthg + (to + v.) 某人利用某事達到目的
make good use of Example: Hong Kong should take advantage of its proximity to China to
make wise use of promote economic development.
capitalize on 1. Sbdy make good use of sthg (to + v.) 某人利用某事(達到目的)

Example: Sixth-formers should make good use of the Christmas and the Lunar
New Year holidays to prepare for the HKDSE.
Example: Parents can make wise use of weekends and communicate with their

1. Sbdy capitalize on sthg (to + v.) 某人利用某事(達到目的)

Example: Hong Kong can capitalize on its beautiful country parks to develop

suffer from 1. Sbdy suffer from sthg 某人遭受某事
fall victim to Example: Owing to long working hours, many Hong Kong people suffer from
exhaustion and stress.
● fell victim Example: A lot of obese people suffer from heart disease and diabetes.
1. Sbdy fall victim to sbdy/sthg某人成為…的受害者
fall prey to Example: Thousands of Filipinos fell victim to Super Typhoon Haiyan and lost
their lives.

1. Sbdy fall prey to sbdy/sthg某人成為…的獵物

Example: Many immature adolescents fall prey to the criminals from triad
1. Sbdy + is/are + bored with + sbdy / sthg 某人對…感到厭倦
bored with (adj.)
Example: Some socially withdrawn youths are bored with their real life and
fed up with (adj.)
therefore preoccupy themselves with the virtual world.
sick of (adj.)
1. Sbdy + is/are + fed up with + sbdy / sthg 某人對…感到厭倦
tired of (adj.)
Example: Many young people in Hong Kong are fed up with their monotonous
jobs and go on working holidays in recent years.
disgusted with
1. Sbdy + is/are + sick of + sbdy / sthg 某人對…感到厭倦

Example: Mr. Liu was sick of the money-obsessed world and moved into rural

1. Sbdy + is/are + tired of + sbdy / sthg 某人對…感到厭倦

Example: Many nurses and doctors in public hospitals are tired of working long
hours every day and consider joining private hospitals.

1. Sbdy + is/are + disgusted with + sbdy / sthg 某人對…感到厭倦

Example: Leslie Cheung was disgusted with his life and plunged to his death in

face (v.) 1. Sbdy face sthg某人面對某事
encounter (v.)
confront Sbdy encounter sthg某人面對某事
面對 Sbdy confront sthg某人面對某事
faced with (adj.) Example: We have to face a lot of obstacles in our lives.
confronted with Example: The government plans to expand the landfills in Hong Kong. However,
(adj.) it encounters a lot of opposition from the residents of Tsueng Kwan O and Tuen
面對 Mun.
In face of 1. Sbdy are faced with sthg某人面對某事

Sbdy are confronted with sthg某人面對某事

Example: Many European governments are faced with serious youth
unemployment problem.
Example: The ethnic minorities in Hong Kong are confronted with a lot of
difficulties when they try to integrate into society.

1. Facing + n. , SVO 面對某事…..

In face of + n. , SVO
Example: In face of soaring rent and declining profit, some shops have to close
1. Sthg damage the image of sthg/sbdy 某事破壞某物/某人的形象
damage (v.)
spoil (v.) spoilt
Sthg spoil the image of sthg/sbdy某事破壞某物/某人的形象
Sthg tarnish the image of sthg/sbdy某事損害某物/某人的形象
tarnish (v.)
Example: Drunken incidents have damaged the image of Gary Chaw.
Example: Frequent breakdown of the Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car spoils the
image (n.)
image of Hong Kong.
reputation (n.)
1. Sthg damage the reputation of sthg/sbdy 某事破壞某物/某人的聲譽

Sthg spoil the reputation of sthg/sbdy某事破壞某物/某人的聲譽

Sthg tarnish the reputation of sthg/sbdy某事損害某物/某人的聲譽
Example: Food poisoning incidents damage the reputation of Chinese
Example: Fraudulent retailers have tarnished the reputation of Hong Kong.

depend on (v.) 1. Sbdy depend on sbdy/sthg 某人依靠某物/某人
rely on (v.)
Sbdy rely on sbdy/sthg某人依靠某物/某人
● relied on Example: Hong Kong’s economy depends on service industries, like finance and
依靠 Example: Teenagers are not able to make a living and they have to rely on their
dependent on parents.
reliant on (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were+ dependent on sbdy/sthg 某人依靠某物/某人
independent from Sbdy + is/are/was/were+ reliant on sbdy/sthg 某人依靠某物/某人
(adj.) Example: Many poor people are dependent on the financial assistance from the
Example: China’s economic development is reliant on abundant labour supply
and government investment.

1. Sbdy + become+ dependent on sbdy/sthg 某人依靠某物/某人

Sbdy + become+ reliant on sbdy/sthg 某人依靠某物/某人

Example: Many Hong Kong students have become dependent on tutorial
Example: The old man became reliant on medicine after suffering from

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were+ independent from sbdy/sthg 某人依靠某物/


Example: Korea were independent from Japan in 1945.

1. Sbdy + become+ independent from sbdy/sthg 某人依靠某物/某人

Example: After graduation, youngsters can become independent from their

allow (v.) 1. Sbdy + allow sbdy + to + v. + sthg 准許某人做某事
permit (v.)
permitted Sbdy + permit sbdy + to + v. + sthg准許某人做某事
禁止 Example: Parents should allow their children to do part-time jobs to accumulate
ban (v.) banned working experience.
forbid (v.) forbade Example: Schools should not permit students to use smartphones because
prohibit (v.) they may distract them from studies.
stop (v.) 1. Sbdy + ban sbdy + from + v.+ing + sthg 禁止某人做某事
keep (v.) kept
deter (v.) deterred Sbdy + forbid sbdy + from + v.+ing + sthg禁止某人做某事
prevent (v.) Sbdy + prohibit sbdy + from + v.+ing + sthg 禁止某人做某事
Example: To safeguard students’ health, schools should ban tuck shops from
selling junk food.
Example: The government prohibits people from smoking in most public

1. Sbdy + stop sbdy + from + v.+ing + sthg 阻止某人做某事

Sbdy + keep sbdy + from + v.+ing + sthg 阻止某人做某事

Sbdy + deter sbdy + from + v.+ing + sthg 阻止某人做某事
Sbdy + prevent sbdy + from + v.+ing + sthg 阻止某人做某事
Example: If the government suspends the import of chickens from the mainland,
it can stop the H7N9 virus from spreading.
Example: Severe punishment can deter pet owners from abusing animals.
Example: Regular exercise can prevent us from suffering from the flu.

can (modal v.) 1. Sbdy can + v. + sthg 有能力做某事
able to (adj.) Example: The government can protect the environment through legislation and
有能力 education.
capable of (adj.)
1. Sbdy is/are/was/were+ able to + v. + sthg有能力做某事

Example: With rapid economic development in China, many Chinese people are
able to buy comfortable homes and luxury cars.
Example: As many adolescents are immature, they are not able to distinguish
right from wrong.

1. Sbdy is/are/was/were+ capable of + v.+ing + sthg有能力做某事

Example: With world-class facilities, Hong Kong is capable of organizing

international exhibitions.
1. Sbdy control a problem 某人控制問題
control (v.)
check (v.)
Sbdy check a problem
contain (v.)
Sbdy contain a problem
curb (v.)
Sbdy curb a problem
Example: Parents and schools should cooperate with each other to monitor the
behavior of rebellious teenagers. This can curb the problem of youth crimes.
Example: As China is so large, the Chinese government cannot contain the
problem of privacy.
Example: The government can curb domestic violence by providing more
counseling services.

indulge (v.) 1. Sbdy indulge sbdy 某人寵壞某人
spoil (v.) spoilt
pamper Sbdy spoil sbdy
Example: Nowadays, many parents indulge their children and give them
whatever they want.
Example: Instead of spoiling their children, parents should let them solve their
difficulties themselves.
Example: In this era, children are increasingly materialistic and dependent
because their parents pamper them.

treasure (v.) 1. Sbdy treasure the opportunity 某人珍惜機會
cherish (v.)
Sbdy cherish the opportunity
Example: We will organize the exchange trip in the coming summer holiday.
Treasure this opportunity to improve your English.
Example: As students are so busy with their schoolwork, they should cherish
the opportunity of PE lessons to exercise their body.

1. Sbdy treasure one’s life 某人珍惜生命

Sbdy cherish one’s life

Example: Life is full of adversities. However, we should treasure our life.
Example: Cherish your life. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

1. Sbdy treasure one’s loved ones 某人珍惜所愛的人

Sbdy cherish one’s loved ones

Example: Life is unpredictable. We should treasure our loved ones.
1. Sbdy grasp the opportunity 某人抓緊機會
grasp (v.)
seize (v.)
Sbdy seize the opportunity 某人抓緊機會
Example: The HKDSE is approaching. Sixth-formers should grasp the
opportunity of the Christmas holiday to prepare for it.

1. Sbdy grasp the chance 某人抓緊機會

Sbdy seize the chance 某人抓緊機會

Example: The Chinese economy is growing rapidly. Hong Kong can seize the
chance and strengthen its economic cooperation with the motherland.

seek (v.) sought 1. Sbdy seek sthg 某人尋求某物
look for (v.)
search for (v.) Sbdy look for sthg 某人尋找某物
pursue (v.) Sbdy search for sthg某人尋找某物
in search of Sbdy pursue sthg某人追求某物
in pursuit of Example: As the competition in Hong Kong is increasingly intense, more and
more youngsters seek job opportunities on the mainland.
Example: The police are searching for the 80-year-old man who suffers from
Example: People pursue wealth and fame and often forget the true meaning of

1. Sbdy + is/am/was/were + in search of + sthg

Sbdy + is/am/was/were + in pursuit of + sthg

Example: The government is in search of ways to help the impoverished
Example: With decreasing social mobility, the Post-80s are in pursuit of their
dreams and lifelong careers

1. S + V + in search of + n.

S + V + in pursuit of + n.
Example: The police are investigating the case in search of the murderer.
Example: Many people work very hard every day in pursuit of more comfortable

rife (adj.) 1. Sthg is rife. 某種現象猖獗
rampant (adj.)
pervasive (adj.) Sthg is rampant.
Sthg is pervasive.
Example: Cyber-bullying is very rife in Hong Kong. Offenders are often very
Example: Corruption was rampant in the 1950s and the 1960s. Policemen
always took bribes from the public.
1. Sbdy + always + v. + sthg 某人總是…
always (adv.)
Example: Nowadays, people always spend a lot of time on their smartphones.
often (adv.)
usually (adv.)
1. Sbdy + often+ v. + sthg 某人經常…
sometimes (adv.)
Sbdy + usually+ v. + sthg
at times (adv.)
Example: Pathological gamblers often demand for money from their families.
Example: Accountants usually work long hours and lack rest.
occasionally (adv.)
seldom 1. Sbdy + sometimes+ v. + sthg 某人有時…
永不 Sbdy + at times + v. + sthg 某人有時…
never Example: Teenagers sometimes ignore their parents’ advice and become
Example: Unscrupulous at times maximize their profit by cheating tourists.

1. Sbdy + occasionally+ v. + sthg 某人偶爾…

Example: We occasionally hear the death of marine animals at Ocean Park.

1. Sbdy + seldom+ v. + sthg 某人很少…

Example: Although our parents provide us with love and care, we seldom
express our gratitude for them.
Example: Due to global warming, the temperature in Hong Kong rarely drops
below 10 C even in winter.

1. Sbdy + never+ v. + sthg 某人永不…

Example: According to a medical research, people are healthier and less prone
to cancer if they never smoke.

suppress (v.) 1. Sbdy suppress sbdy/sthg 某人打擊某人/某現象
crack down on (v.)
Example: The government suppresses the drug abuse problem by
implementing the compulsory drug testing in schools.

1. Sbdy crack down on sbdy/sthg 某人打擊某人/某現象

Example: In order to crack down on the criminal activities of triad gangs, the
police have to monitor them continuously.

respect (v.)
respectful to (adj.)
show respect for (v.)
pay tribute to (v.)
respectable (adj.)
1. Sbdy respect sbdy/sthg 某人尊敬某人/某事

Example: In Hong Kong, people generally respect the elderly. For example, they let them have a seat on MTR trains.

1. Sbdy is/are/was/were+ sbdy/sthg 某人尊敬某人/某事

Example: Compared with western societies, Chinese people are more respectful to their parents.

1. Sbdy +show respect for + sbdy 某人對某人表示尊敬

Sbdy +pay tribute to + sbdy

Example: The audience paid tribute to the players of the two teams.

1. Sbdy + is/are + respectable 某人值得尊重

Example: Many artists are respectable because they not only entertain the general public, but also participate in
philanthropic work to help the needy.
resort to (v.)

1. Sbdy resort to legal action 某人訴諸法律行動

Example: If consumers are cheated by retailers, they can resort to legal action.

1. Sbdy resort to crimes 某人訴諸犯罪

Sbdy resort to criminal activities

Example: Nowadays, many teenagers cannot resist the temptation of luxury goods. Therefore, they may resort to criminal
activities like shoplifting and burglary.

1. Sbdy resort to death 某人訴諸自殺

Sbdy resort to suicide

Example: When people suffer from depression, they easily feel frustrated and hopeless. In the worst-case scenario, they
will resort to suicide.
tourist spots
tourist destinations
tourist attractions

1. There are + many / a lot of + tourist spots / tourist destinations / tourist attractions

Example: There are many tourist attractions in Hong Kong, like the Big Buddha, Ocean Park and Disneyland.

1. Sbdy + visit + tourist spots / tourist destinations / tourist attractions 去旅遊景點

Example: After the implementation of the Tourism Law, more mainland tourists will visit the tourist spots in Hong Kong
instead of going shopping endlessly.
1. S + V + O + on television …在電視
on television
Example: We can watch a lot of game shows, dating shows and singing contests
on the radio
on television.
on the Internet
1. S + V + O + on the radio …在電台
in newspapers
S + V + O + on the Internet …在網上
Example: Nowadays, many people are used to purchasing trendy products on
in magazines
the Internet.

1. S + V + O + in newspapers …在報紙

S + V + O + in magazines …在雜誌
Example: Instead of keeping up with current affairs, most youngsters like to read
the news of pop idols in newspapers and magazines.

value 1. Sbdy value sthg 某人重視某事
attach importance Example: Nowadays, many people value physical appearance over inner beauty.
強調 1. Sbdy attach importance to sthg某人重視某事
強調 Example: Hong Kong University attaches importance to the all-round
place emphasis on development of students. Hence, it organizes many activities and exchange
programmes for students.

1. Sbdy emphasize sthg 某人重視某事

Example: The education system in Hong Kong emphasizes the pursuit of

excellent academic results.

1. Sbdy place emphasis on sthg 某人重視某事

Example: In materialistic societies like Hong Kong, people place emphasis on

career prospects and comfortable lifestyles.

weak in (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + weak in + v. +ing / sthg 某人不擅長某事
incompetent in Example: While some Hong Kong students are good at Mathematics and science
(adj.) subjects, they are weak in Chinese Language and English Language.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + weak in + v. +ing/ sthg 某人不稱職某事

Example: The government is incompetent in enhancing the long-term

competitiveness of Hong Kong.
good at (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + good at + v. +ing / sthg 某人擅長某事
excel in (v.) Example: Hong Kong is good at cycling, windsurfing and table tennis. It often
傑出、有能力 wins medals in these events in international sports events.
excellent in (adj.)
competent in (adj.) 1. Sbdy excel in + v. +ing / sthg 某人擅長某事
adept in (adj.) Example: The United States excels in technological innovation. Over the past
proficient in (adj.) decades, it has created many high-tech products like computers and
smartphones. As a result, the living standard of human beings has drastically

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were excellent in + v. +ing / sthg 某人傑出於某事

Sbdy + is/are/was/were competent in + v. +ing / sthg 某人傑出於某事

Example: Korea is excellent in creating high-quality dramas and movies as well
as charming pop stars. As a result, the Korean wave has swept across Asia.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were adept in + v. +ing / sthg 某人熟練於某事

Sbdy + is/are/was/were proficient in + v. +ing / sthg 某人熟練於某事

Example: Some people point out that Hong Kong students are adept in doing
examination papers but lack critical thinking skills.
Example: Mr. Yu spends a lot of time improving his English vocabulary and
grammar, so he is proficient in writing English essays.

take the initiative 1. Sbdy take the initiative to + v.
took taken
採取主動 Example: The government should take the initiative to alleviate aging
take the lead population.
set a good 1. Sbdy take the initiative in + v.+ing
Sbdy take the lead in + v.+ing
Example: The government has taken the initiative in tackling the cross-border
parallel trading problem.
Example: Developed countries should take the lead in solving the global
warming problem.

1. Sbdy set a good example + by + v.+ing

Example: Parents have to set a good example by exercising regularly and

maintaining a balanced diet.
1. Sbdy + face + 數量詞 + difficulties / hardship / setbacks + in +
difficulties (n.) v.+ing/ 名詞
hardship (n.)
Sbdy + encounter + 數量詞 + difficulties / hardship / setbacks + in +
setback (n.)
v.+ing /名詞
Example: Inevitably, sixth-formers face many difficulties in their school life.
adversity (n.)
However, as long as they are determined and persistent, they can achieve their
predicament (n.)
plight (n.)
Example: Rafael Nadal has encountered a lot of hardship over the past two
years. Nevertheless, he is so resilient that he has overcome his injuries and
challenge (n.)
become the world no.1 again.
Example: Deng Xiaoping faced a lot of setback in his early years. With his
obstacle (n.)
indomitable spirit, he ultimately overcame his hardship and led China to
hurdle (n.)
phenomenal economic success.
overcome (v.)
1. Sbdy + face + 數量詞 + adversities / predicaments + in + v.+ing/ 名詞
alleviate (v.)
Sbdy + encounter+ 數量詞 + adversities / predicaments + in + v.+ing/ 名詞
relieve (v.)
Example: Aung San Suu Kyi has encountered many adversities in her life but
she never gives up.

1. Sbdy + face + 數量詞 + challenges/obstacles/hurdles + (in + v.+ing/


Sbdy + encounter + 數量詞 + challenges/obstacles/hurdles + in + (v.+ing/

Example: When sports organizations promote sports in Hong Kong, it faces a
number of challenges, including lack of funding and lack of facilities.
Example: In Hong Kong, disabled people encounter many hurdles in their life,
such as lack of job opportunities and discrimination.

1. Sbdy + overcome + difficulties/hardship/adversities/predicaments

Example: Exhaustion and frustration are inevitable in our life. However, we will
overcome our difficulties so long as we are confident of ourselves.
Example: Hong Kong was plagued by the Sars outbreak in 2003 and 299 people
were dead. The economy was plunged into recession. With determination and
persistence, Hong Kong finally overcame the adversity.

1. Sbdy/Sthg + alleviate +

Sbdy/Sthg + relieve +
Example: The government has alleviated the plight of poor people by providing
financial assistance.
Example: Rental subsidies can relieve the hardship of low-income people.
1. Sbdy + instill + sthg + into + sbdy 某人將…灌輸給某人
Instill (v.)
inculcate (v.)
Sbdy + inculcate + sthg + into + sbdy
Example: Parents should instill the concept of independence into children.
convey (v.)
Example: Schools need to inculcate positive attitude towards life into students.
educate (v.)
1. Sbdy + convey + sthg + to sbdy 某人將…傳達給某人

Example: The principal conveyed the importance of hard work to students during the
morning assembly.

1. Sbdy + educate + sbdy + about + sthg 某人教育某人…

Example: The government often educates the public about personal hygiene
through commercials and campaigns.

vulnerable 1. Sbdy/Sthg + is/are/was/were + vulnerable + to sthg/sbdy 某人/某事易收
(adj.) 某人/某事影響
(adj.) Sbdy /Sthg + is/are/was/were + susceptible + to sthg/sbdy
prone (adj.) Sbdy/ Sthg + is/are/was/were + prone + to sthg/sbdy
影響 Example: Adolescents are vulnerable to peer influence.
influence (v.) Example: Our physical and mental health is susceptible to stress.
Example: Obese people are prone to diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

1. Sbdy/Sthg + is/are/was/were + easily influenced + by + sthg/sbdy

Example: The behavior of children is easily influenced by their parents.

deserve (v.) 1. Sbdy + deserve + praise + for + v. + ing / n. 某人因為某事值得稱讚
praise (n.) Sbdy + deserve + applause + for + v. + ing / n.
applause (n.) Sbdy + deserve + compliment + for + v. + ing / n.
compliment Sbdy + deserve + credit + for + v. + ing / n.
(n.) Example: Foreign domestic helpers deserve praise for serving Hong Kong people
credit (n.) well.
praise (v.) Example: The police force deserve applause for maintaining the law and order of
applause (v.) Hong Kong.
compliment Example: The Chinese government deserves credit for improving the living
(v.) standard of millions of people.
credit (v.)
1. Sbdy + praise/applause/compliment/credit sbdy + (for sthg) 某人因某事

Example: Instead of criticizing their children, parents can praise them for their good
Example: The president complimented the soldiers for their bravery and patriotism.
1. SVO + in sbdy’s free time/spare time/leisure time 在空閒時間做….
free time
spare time
In sbdy’s free time/spare time/leisure time, + SVO
leisure time
Example: We should communicate more with our parents in our spare time.
Example: In their leisure time, many Hong Kong people like singing karaoke and
watching movies.

1. Sbdy + spend + sbdy’s + free time/spare time/leisure time + v. + ing 某


Example: Some Hong Kong people spend most of their free time playing games
and chatting on their smartphones.
Example: If we suffer from tremendous pressure in our life, we can spend our
leisure time listening to soft music.

choose (v.) 1. Sbdy + choose + to + v. 某人選擇做…
寧願 Example: When facing setbacks in their life, some people choose to commit suicide.
prefer (v.)
preferred 1. Sbdy + prefer + to + v. 某人寧願做…

would rather Example: As Hong Kong is a business-oriented city, many sixth-formers prefer to
+ v. 寧願 study Business Administration in university.

1. Sbdy + would rather + v. 某人寧願做…

Example: Socially-withdrawn youths would rather play computer games at home all
the time.

attitude (n.) 1. Sbdy + have + positive + attitude + to + life/work/study 對生命/工作/學習

Sbdy have + negative + attitude + to + life/work/study對生命/工作/學習有負面態

Example: No matter what difficulties we are facing, we should have positive
attitude to life.
Example: Many employees in Hong Kong have negative attitude to their work.
Although some of them can earn high income, they hardly have any job satisfaction
and do not like their jobs.

interested in 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + interested in + n. / v. +ing 某人對某事有興趣
喜歡 Example: A lot of teenagers are interested in Korean culture.
fond of (adj.) Example: Apparently, the government is not interested in promoting sports in Hong
keen on (adj.) Kong.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + fond of + n. / v. +ing 某人喜歡某事

Sbdy + is/are/was/were + keen on + n. / v. +ing 某人喜歡某事

Example: In general, women are fond of shopping.
Example: Hong Kong people are keen on reading colourful and sensational news
join (v.) 1. Sbdy + join + sthg 某人參加某活動
take part in Example: In order to improve their English and broaden their horizons, students can
join study tours and exchange programmes.
● took
part 1. Sbdy + take part in + sthg 某人參加某活動
Sbdy + participate in + sthg 某人參加某活動
參加 Example: Many singers and artists took part in the charity show to raise funds for
participate in the poor.
出席 Example: Lee Wai-sze has participated in many international cycling competitions,
attend (v.) like the the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. She has won many medals for
從事 Hong Kong.
engage in (v.)
1. Sbdy + attend + sthg 某人出席某場合

Example: The members of the Geography Club should attend the weekly meeting
on Friday after school.

1. Sbdy + engage in + sthg 某人從事某工作

Example: In China, nearly half of the population still engages in agriculture.

Example: In Hong Kong, some youngsters engage in criminal activities to earn quick

tortured by (v.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + tortured by + sbdy / sthg 某人被折磨
tormented by
(v.) Sbdy + is/are/was/were + tormented by + sbdy / sthg
折磨 (v.) Example: Although some women are tortured verbally and physically by their
beset with (v.) husbands, they dare not report to the police.
Example: In the exam-oriented education system in Hong Kong, students are
tormented by countless assignments, tests and examinations.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + beset with + sbdy / sthg 某人被困擾

Example: In Hong Kong, the parents of new-born babies are beset with multiple
problems, like the shortage of milk powder and kindergarten places.


serious (adj.)
severe (adj.)
grave (adj.)

1. Sthg is a + serious / severe / grave + problem 某事是一個嚴重的問題

Example: Drug abuse is a serious problem in Hong Kong.

Example: Food poisoning is a grave problem in mainland China.

1. Sbdy + face a + serious / severe / grave + problem 某人面對嚴重的問題

Sbdy + encounter a + serious / severe / grave + problem

Example: China will face a serious shortage of young workers.
Example: Hong Kong needs to encounter a severe problem of wealth gap.

1. The problem is (of sthg) + serious / severe / grave 問題是嚴重的

Example: The problem of light pollution is severe in Hong Kong.

Example: The problem of privacy invasion is grave in Hong Kong.
worrying (adj.)
alarming (adj.)

1. Sthg + is + worrying 某問題令人擔憂

Sthg + is + alarming 某問題令人擔憂、警惕

Example: With the kidnapping of a toddler in Kowloon City, the safety of children in Hong Kong is worrying.
Example: With the widespread use of the Internet, the problem of cyber-bullying is alarming.

1. Sthg + is a/an + worrying problem/issue 某事是令人擔憂的問題

Sthg + is a/an + alarming problem/issue 某事是令人擔憂、警惕的問題

Example: The increasing dependence of Hong Kong teenagers is a worrying problem.
Example: The rising number of cross-border trafficking of drugs is an alarming issue.
introduce (v.)
implement (v.)
adopt (v.)
measure (n.)
policy (n.)

1. Sbdy + introduce + measure / policy 某人實行措施/政策

Sbdy + implement + measure / policy 某人實行措施/政策

Example: China introduced the one-child policy in 1979.
Example: The government implemented measures to curb speculation in the property market last year.

1. Sbdy + adopt + measure / policy 某人採取措施/政策

Example: Employers should adopt measures like flexible working hours to allow their employees to enjoy work-life
one’s 1. V. + ing / + 活動+ can + broaden one’s horizons 某活動可以擴闊某人的視野
Example: Participating in extra-curricular activities can broaden our horizons.
1. Sbdy + can + broaden one’s horizons 某人可以擴闊視野

Example: Through reading different kinds of books such as fictions, biography and fairy tales students can
broaden their horizons.
more 1. n. + is/are/was/were + more and more + adj …越來越…
more n. + is/are/was/were + increasingly + adj.
increasin Example: The prices of food in fast-food shops are more and more expensive.
gly (adv.) Example: Nowadays, children are increasingly dependent on their parents.

costly 1. N. / V. + ing + is/are/was/were + costly 某事代價很大
cost a lot Example: Developing north-east New Territories is very costly.
money 1. N. / V. + ing + cost a lot of money某事代價很大

Example: Organizing international sports events usually costs a lot of money.

大 1. huge/great/immense/enormous/tremendous + n. 巨大的…
(adj.) Example: Every year, Chinese people spend a huge amount of money on luxury goods.
great Example: In Hong Kong, teachers face immense pressure in their life. Apart from teaching students, they
(adj.) have to handle enormous administrative work.
(adj.) 1. n. + is/am/are/was/were + huge/great/immense/enormous/tremendous …是巨大的
s (adj.) Example: With limited amount of university places, the competition in the HKDSE is great.
tremend Example: While civil servants are often criticized, their contributions to Hong Kong are tremendous.

worried 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + worried about + sbdy/sthg 某人擔心某人/某事
緊張 Example: Some people are worried about the harmful effects of dating shows.
(adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + nervous about + sbdy/sthg 某人為某人/某事緊張
anxious Example: Parents are nervous about the academic results of their children.
1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + anxious about + sbdy/sthg 某人為某人/某事緊張

Example: Some teenage girls are anxious about their physical appearance and weight.
Pearl of the Orient
東方之珠 1. Hong Kong + is known as + the + Pearl of
shopping paradise the Orient 香港被稱為東方之珠
gourmet paradise Example: With economic prosperity and dazzling
飲食天堂 night view, Hong Kong is known as the Pearl of the
vibrant city Orient.
1. Hong Kong + is known as + a shopping
paradise / a gourmet paradise / a vibrant

香港被稱為購物天堂 / 飲食天堂 / 動感之都

Example: Large-scale shopping malls are ubiquitous
in Hong Kong. Therefore, it is known as a shopping

1. As everyone knows, Hong Kong is the

Pearl of the Orient. 眾所周知,香港是東方之

1. As everyone knows, Hong Kong is a
shopping paradise / a gourmet paradise
/ a vibrant city眾所周知,香港是購物天堂 /
飲食天堂 / 動感之都

Example: As everyone knows, Hong Kong is a

gourmet paradise. You can taste different kinds of
food from different countries, like Korea, Japan and
Example: As everyone knows, Hong Kong is a
vibrant city. We can enjoy a wide variety of
entertainment here.

valuable (adj.) 1. valuable / invaluable / precious + n. 珍貴
invaluable (adj.) 的…
precious (adj.)
Example: In recent years, China has protected
valuable cultural heritage so as to develop tourism.

1. n. + is/are/was/were + valuable /
invaluable / precious …是珍貴的

Example: Life is precious. We should treasure it and

make the full use of it.
waste (v.) 1. Sbdy + waste + sthg 某人浪費…
squander (v.)
Sbdy + squander + sthg某人浪費…
Example: Women obsessed with beauty squander a
lot of money on cosmetic products.

1. Sbdy + waste + sthg + on + n. / v. + ing某


Sbdy + squander + sthg + on + n. / v. + ing某人

Example: Non-engaged youths waste a lot of time
on online games.
Example: The obese man squanders a large sum of
money on buying junk food.

peaceful (adj.) 1. peaceful / harmonious + n. 和平的/和諧的
和諧的 …
harmonious (adj.)
Example: Hong Kong people usually express their
dissatisfaction through peaceful means.

1. n. + is/are/was/were + peaceful /
harmonious …是和平的/和諧的

Example: Hong Kong is not a harmonious society.

Social conflicts are frequent.

punish (v.) 1. Sbdy punish sbdy (for sthg) (為某事)而懲
打擊 罰某人
combat (v.)
fight (v.) Example: In order to alleviate the problem of online
打擊 privacy, the government should severely punish the
crack down on (v.) uploaders of music and movies.
clamp down on (v.)
1. Sbdy combat sthg 某人打擊某問題

Sbdy fight sthg 某人打擊某問題

Example: Through increasing punishment, the
government can combat drunk driving.

1. In order to + combat sthg, + SVO / SVO +

in order to + combat sthg

In order to + fight sthg, + SVO / SVO + in order

to + fight sthg
Example: In order to fight corruption, the colonial
government set up the Independent Commission
Against Corruption (ICAC) in 1974.
1. In order to + crack down on sthg, + SVO /
SVO + in order to + crack down on sthg

In order to + clamp down on sthg, + SVO / SVO

+ in order to + clamp down on sthg
Example: The police force have infiltrated triad
societies with undercover policemen in order to
investigate and crack down on their crimes.

distasteful (adj.) 1. Sthg/Sbdy + is/are/was/were +
disgusting (adj.) distasteful/disgusting/repugnant 某事/某
repugnant (adj.) 人令人反感

Example: The behavior of animal abusers is

Example: In the video, Uncle Bus shouted foul
languages at the young man. While some of them
thought the video is amusing, it was repugnant for
some other people.

1. distasteful/disgusting/repugnant + n. 令人

Example: There was repugnant smell in the toilet.

1. It is/was +
distasteful/disgusting/repugnant + to see
+ n. 看到…,令人反感

It is/was + distasteful/disgusting/repugnant +
to hear + n. 聽到…,令人反感
Example: It is distasteful to see the photos of dead
bodies on newspapers.

1. It is/was +
distasteful/disgusting/repugnant + to see
that + SVO看到…,令人反感

It is/was + distasteful/disgusting/repugnant +
to hear that + SVO聽到…,令人反感
Example: It is disgusting to hear that the people in
Syria has suffered from violence.
poor (adj.) 1. poor/impoverished/destitute/needy/under
impoverished (adj.) privileged/ disadvantaged + people
destitute (adj.)
有需要的 Example: The government should care about the
needy (adj.) needs of poor people.
社會地位低下的 Example: Through becoming voluntary workers, we
underprivileged can give our helping hands to needy people.
disadvantaged (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were
注意: +poor/impoverished/destitute/needy/und
上述的6個形容詞前面加上 “the”,會變成名詞 erprivileged
poverty (n.) / disadvantaged
impoverishment (n.) Example: While wealthy people can live in luxurious
destitution (n.) apartments, many people in Hong Kong are
poverty line (n.) impoverished.
貧窮線 Example: In Hong Kong, the welfare of the ethnic
minorities is not safeguarded. Many of them are

1. the poor / the impoverished / the

destitute 貧窮的人

the needy 有需要的人

the underprivileged / the disadvantaged社會地
Example: The government is responsible for helping
the poor.
Example: Most of the revenue of the Hong Kong
Jockey Club is used to help the needy.

1. Sbdy + suffer from + poverty /

impoverishment / destitution 某人遭受貧窮

Example: Although the coastal regions in China are

prosperous, many people in central and western
China suffer from poverty.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + in + poverty /

impoverishment / destitution 某人處於貧窮

Example: Due to poor governance and ceaseless

natural disasters, most North Korean people are in

1. Sbdy + live below the poverty line 某人生


Example: According to the government, a fifth of

Hong Kong’s population lives below the poverty
vicious circle (n.) 1. SVO + This will result in a vicious circle. 這

SVO + A vicious circle will form. 惡性循環會形成

Example: Sadly, poor children are deprived of
opportunities to raise their competitiveness. This will
result in a vicious circle and they are more likely to
be impoverished in the future.

illegal (adj.) 1. N. / V. + ing + is/am/are/was/were +
illicit (adj.) illegal …是非法的

N. / V. + ing + is/am/are/was/were + illicit

Example: Trafficking drugs is illegal.
Example: Animal abuse is illicit. Offenders may be
sent to jail.

1. illegal + n. 非法的…

illicit + n.
Example: In the 1960s and the 1970s, many illegal
immigrants from China and Vietnam came to Hong

terrible (adj.) 1. N. / V. + ing + is/am/are/was/were +
horrible (adj.) horrible …是恐怖的
gruesome (adj.) 2. N. / V. + ing + is/am/are/was/were +
terrible …是恐怖的
3. N. / V. + ing + is/am/are/was/were +
4. N. / V. + ing + is/am/are/was/were +

Example: The hygiene in India and many Southeast

Asian countries is horrible.
Example: Mr. Wong was very terrible when he lost
his temper.
Example: The murder scenes in some local movies
are gruesome.

1. horrible + n.
2. terrible + n.
3. scary + n.
4. gruesome + n.

Example: In November, a horrible terrorist attack

happened in Beijing. Three terrorists and two tourists
were killed in Tiananmen.
Example: It is always foggy and rainy in Britain. Many
people hate the terrible weather there.
express opinion 1. Sbdy + express one’s opinion + about +
express viewpoints sbdy/sthg
express anger Sbdy + express one’s viewpoints + about +
表示憤恨 sbdy/sthg
express resentment Example: I am writing to express my opinion about
表示失望 the legalization of same-sex marriage.
express disappointment Example: The guest speakers expressed their
表示沮喪 viewpoints about expanding landfills.
express frustration
表示不滿 1. Sbdy + express + one’s anger + with +
express dissatisfaction sbdy / sthg 某人對某人/某事的憤怒
express discontent
Sbdy + express + one’s resentment + with +
sbdy / sthg某人對某人/某事的憤恨
Example: The protestors expressed their anger with
the government.

1. Sbdy + express + one’s disappointment +

with + sbdy / sthg 某人對某人/某事的失望

Sbdy + express + one’s frustration + with +

sbdy / sthg某人對某人/某事的沮喪
Example: I am writing to express my
disappointment with the services of your hotel.
Example: Some youngsters express their
frustration with society through anti-social behavior.

1. Sbdy + express + one’s dissatisfaction +

with + sbdy / sthg 某人對某人/某事的不滿

Sbdy + express + one’s discontent + with +

sbdy / sthg 某人對某人/某事的不滿
Example: As Hong Kong is a free society, people can
express their dissatisfaction through different
channels, like newspapers and protests.
Example: In a forum yesterday, some employers
expressed their discontent with the attitude of the
popular 1. N./V. + ing + is/are/was/were + popular …
時髦的 受歡迎
fashionable Example: ICQ and MSN Messenger were very
popular among teenagers a decade ago.

1. popular + n. 受歡迎的…

Example: Candy Crush is a very popular

smartphone application in the world.

1. Sthg + is/are/was/were + trendy …是時髦

Sthg + is/are/was/were + fashionable

Example: Korean fashion is trendy.

1. trendy + n. 時髦的…

fashionable + n.
Example: GAP is a fashionable clothing brand. It
has opened many stores in the world.

jealous of (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + jealous of +
envious of (adj.) sbdy / sthg 某人羨慕某人/某事
envy (v.) Sbdy + is/are/was/were + envious of + sbdy /
envy envied sthg某人羨慕某人/某事
Example: Many Hong Kong people are jealous of
the wealth of Li-Ka-shing.
Example: Many women are envious of Michelle Lee,
who is pretty and married to a tycoon.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + envy + sbdy /

sthg 某人羨慕某人/某事

Example: Most men envy David Beckham for his

charm and excellent football skills.
1. N. + is/are/was/were + excellent …是非常好的
excellent (adj.)
fantastic (adj.)
N. + is/are/was/were + fantastic
superb (adj.)
N. + is/are/was/were + superb
Example: Professor Shen’s academic results were excellent when he was a
Example: Ka Yi’s dancing performance is fantastic.

1. excellent + n. 非常好的…

fantastic + n.
superb + n.
Example: Tourists often praise Hong Kong for its excellent food and hotels.
Example: Yunnan is well-known for its fantastic scenery.
Example: Hong Kong’s superb infrastructures and low tax rates are the reason why
so many foreign enterprises have invested here.

criticize (v.) 1. Sbdy criticize sbdy for + n. / v. + ing 某人為某事批評某人
condemn (v.) Example: Some people criticize adolescents for their obsession with luxury goods.

1. Sbdy condemn sbdy for + n. / v. + ing

Example: CY Leung condemned the organizers of the Occupy Central Movement

for disrupting social order.

consider (v.) 1. Sbdy + consider + n. 某人考慮某事
think about (v.)
think thought Sbdy + think about + n.
take into Sbdy + take into account + n.
account Example: When couples want to have babies, they have to consider the cost and
(v.) their ability to provide an excellent growing environment for their future children.
take took taken Example: When showbiz journalists report the news of celebrities, they have to
think about the celebrities’ privacy.

prepare (v.) 1. Sbdy + prepare + sthg 某人準備某事

Example: The Geography Club will prepare some snacks for the participants of the

1. Sbdy + prepare for + sthg 某人準備某事

Example: Sixth-formers are preparing for the 2014 HKDSE through doing mock
exam papers and attending tutorial classes.

1. Sbdy + prepare to + v. + sthg

Example: The government prepares to take some measures to help the poor.

disappear (v.)
vanish (v.)
die out (v.)

1. Sthg/Sbdy + disappear 某事/某人消失

Sthg/Sbdy + vanish
Sthg/Sbdy + die out
Example: With the popularity of smartphones, like iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones, traditional mobile phones have
almost disappeared.
Example: Due to urban development, many historical buildings in are vanishing.
competition (n.)
cut-throat (adj.)
fierce (adj.)
intense (adj.)
keen (adj.)

1. cut-throat competition 激烈的競爭

fierce competition
intense competition
keen competition
Example: Sixth-formers have to go through cut-throat competition in the HKDSE in order to enter university.
Example: Owing to the fierce competition in the labour market, we have to continuously improve our competitiveness.

1. The competition + 詳細資料+ is/was + cut-throat 競爭是激烈的

The competition +詳細資料+ is/was + fierce

The competition +詳細資料 + is/was + intense
The competition +詳細資料 is/was + keen
Example: The competition for kindergarten places in Hong Kong is keen.
Example: Many parents force their children to attend talent classes and tutorial classes because the competition in Hong
Kong is intense.
up-to-date (adj.)
out-of-date (adj.)

1. up-to-date + n. 最新的、新潮的事物

Example: Through browsing, you can get the up-to-date news of the world.

1. out-of-date + n. 過時的、落伍的事物

Example: Mr. Yu is still using an out-of-date Nokia 3110 mobile phone.

1. Sthg + is/are + up-to-date 事物是最新的、新潮的

Example: The fashion sold in Zara and H&M is up-to-date.

1. Sthg + is/are + out-of-date 事物是最新的、新潮的

Example: Most of the information in textbooks are out-of-date.

1. deep-rooted + n. 根深柢固的事物
entrenched + n. 根深柢固的事物
Example: Discrimination against women is a deep-rooted phenomenon in China.
1. Sthg + is/are + deep-rooted 某事是根深柢固的

Sthg + is/are + entrenched某事是根深柢固的

Example: Mutual distrust is entrenched in our society.

tired (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were / feel + tired 某人感到疲倦
exhausted (adj.)
令人疲倦的 Sbdy + is/are/was/were / feel + exhausted某人感到疲倦
tiring (adj.) Example: Office workers are tired after a day of hard work.
exhausting Example: Judy felt exhausted after she had participated in two mock examinations.

1. N. / V. + ing + is/are/was/were + tiring 某事令人疲倦

N. / V. + ing + is/are/was/were + exhausting某事令人疲倦

Example: Bringing up children is not only tiring, but also costly.
Example: Preparing for the HKDSE is exhausting, but it is worthwhile.

give up (v.) 1. Sbdy + give up + n. / v. + ing 某人放棄某事

Example: To enter university, many Form 6 students give up their leisure time and
study hard.
Example: In order to be healthier, he gave up smoking two years ago.

basic (adj.) 1. basic + n. 基本的…
(adj.) elementary + n.
Example: After finishing primary school, students have learnt basic English
Example: Through participating in our course, you can learn some elementary
dancing skills.

translate (v.) 1. Sbdy + translate words into action將說話轉化為行動
transform (v.)
Sbdy + transform words into action
Example: Ka Yi always says she will work hard. Now, she should translate words
into action.
Example: Establishing the official poverty line is a welcome development.
Nevertheless, the government needs to transform words into action and take
some concrete measures to alleviate poverty.

prefer preferred
would rather
1. Sbdy + prefer + v. + ing 某人寧願

Example: Teenagers nowadays prefer listening to Korean songs.

1. Sbdy + prefer + to + v. 某人寧願

Example: Without friends and jobs, socially withdrawn youths prefer to play computer games.

1. Sbdy + prefer + v. + ing + to + v. + ing 某人寧願…,不願…

Example: Many secondary school students prefer attending tutorial classes to trusting their school teachers.

1. Sbdy + would rather + v. 某人寧願

Example: Many people would rather download music illegally.

1. Sbdy + would rather + v. 某人寧願,不願…

Example: Youngsters would rather apply for low-paid jobs in offices than become construction workers.
poor (adj.)
pitiful (adj.)
pathetic (adj.)

1. poor +n. 可憐的…

pitiful + n.
pathetic + n.
Example: Shiro is a poor pet. Its owner often forgets to feed it.
Example: Susan is a pathetic girl. She is always left alone by her parents.

1. N. + is/are/was/were + poor …是可憐的

N. + is/are/was/were + pitiful
N. + is/are/was/were + pathetic
Example: The victims of the typhoon disaster are poor. They lack food and shelters.
Example: The situation of homeless people is pitiful. Many of the cannot afford to rent
even a subdivided flat.
ashamed (adj.)

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were+ ashamed (of + v. + ing) 某人因…而羞恥

2. Sbdy + feel+ ashamed (of + v. + ing)

Example: When his teacher was scolding him, he was ashamed.

Example: Unlike foreign students, Hong Kong students feel ashamed of asking questions.
老人家 Example: As elderly people made great contributions to the success of Hong
Kong, the government should provide them with sufficient financial assistance to
old people ensure that they can enjoy a fruitful life.
elderly people Example: On buses and MTR compartments, we should vacant our seats for aged
aged people people.
the elderly Example: According to the Census, the elderly will account for one-fourth of Hong
長者 Kong’s population.
senior citizens Example: In Hong Kong, senior citizens aged 65 can enjoy a wide variety of

convey (v.) 1. Sbdy + convey + sthg + to + sbdy 某人傳達訊息給某人
deliver (v.)
溝通 Sbdy + deliver + a sthg + to + sbdy
communicate (v.) Sbdy + communicate + sthg + to + sbdy
訊息 Example: The government can convey the importance of environmental
message (n.) protection to the public through TV commercials.
Example: Schools should deliver a clear message to students that
extra-curricular activities are as important as academic studies.

choices (n.) 1. There are + 數字 + choices. 有..選擇
options (n.)
alternatives (n.) There are +數字 + options.
There are +數字 + alternatives.
Example: There are two choices for smokers. They can abandon smoking and
their health will not deteriorate. On the other hand, they can continue smoking but
they are more likely to suffer from deadly diseases.

1. Sbdy + have +數字 + choices. 某人有..選擇

Sbdy + have +數字 + options.

Sbdy + have +數字 + alternatives.
Example: Coastal countries have two alternatives. They can strengthen their
disaster prevention mechanism and relocate some of the residents away from
hazard-prone zones. On the other hand, they can do nothing and but they will
suffer from severe death tolls in future disasters.

1. Sbdy + make a choice. 某人作出選擇

Example: When economic development conflicts with heritage preservation, we

have to make a choice.
1. Sbdy keep quiet 某人保持寧靜
quiet (adj.)
peaceful (adj.)
Example: When we study in a library, we should keep quiet.
tranquil (adj.)
1. a quiet environment 寧靜的環境

a peaceful environment
a tranquil environment
Example: Through visiting country parks, we can forget about our hectic life and
enjoy ourselves in a peaceful environment.

force (v.) 1. Sbdy + force + sbdy + to + v. + sthg 某人強迫某人做某事
compel (v.)
Sbdy + compel + sbdy + to + v. + sthg
Example: In Hong Kong, tiger parents are ubiquitous. They often force their
children to enroll in tutorial classes and talent classes.
Example: In poor countries, parents often compel their children to become child
labour so that they can make ends meet.

angry (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were / feel + angry 感到憤怒
annoyed (adj.)
irritated (adj.) Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were / feel + annoyed
exasperated (adj.) Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were / feel + irritated
infuriated (adj.) Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were / feel + exasperated
Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were / feel + infuriated
Example: Environmentalists are angry because the world has not done anything
to cope with the problem of global warming.
Example: The teacher was irritated as his students were not serious about their

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + angry + at / by + sbdy/sthg 因為某事/


Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + annoyed + at / by + sbdy/sthg

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + irritated + at / by + sbdy/sthg
Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + exasperated + at / by + sbdy/sthg
Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + infuriated + at / by + sbdy/sthg
Example: The public are annoyed by the soaring property prices.
Example: The customers were irritated at the poor services of the hotel.
Example: Passengers are exasperated by the frequent mechanical failures of
MTR trains.

confident (adj.)
confidence (n.)

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + confident of + sbdy/sthg 某人對…有信心

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + confident about + sbdy/sthg

Example: Many people are not confident of the future of the city.
Example: Parents are confident about the quality of foreign milk powder.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + confident of + v. + ing 某人有信心做某事

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + confident about + v. + ing
Example: The Chinese government is confident of maintaining rapid economic growth.
Example: According to a survey, the Post-80s are not confident of buying their homes.

1. Sbdy + has/have + confidence + in + sbdy / sthg某人對…有信心

Example: The government has confidence in the effectiveness of waste charging.

1. Sbdy + has/have + confidence + in + v. + ing某人有信心做某事

Example: Tokyo has confidence in hosting the 2020 Olympics.

1. Sthg / V. + ing + strengthen one’s confidence + in + sthg/v. + ing 某事加強某人的信心

Sthg / V. + ing + enhance one’s confidence + in + sthg/ v. + ing

Example: Participating in extra-curricular activities can strengthen our confidence.
Example: Foreign exchange trips can enhance our confidence in speaking English.

1. Sthg / V. + ing + weaken one’s confidence + in + sthg/v. + ing 某事減弱某人的信心

Sthg / V. + ing + lower one’s confidence + in + sthg/ v. + ing

Example: Repeated criticism weakens the confidence of teenagers.
Example: Successive scandals lower people’s confidence in Chinese dairy products.
explore (v.)
fulfill (v.)
realize (v.)
develop (v.)
potential (n.)

1. Sbdy + explore + one’s potential 某人發掘潛能

Example: Through participating in talent shows, students can explore their potential.

1. Sbdy + fulfill + one’s potential 某人實現潛能

Sbdy + realize + one’s potential

Example: After becoming a pop singer, Joey Yung finally realized her potential.

1. Sbdy + develop + one’s potential 某人發展潛能

Example: Students can develop their potential by trying a wide variety of activities.
damage (v.)
destroy (v.)
damage (n.)
destruction (n.)

1. Sbdy/ Sthg + damage + sthg 某人/某物破壞某物

Sbdy /Sthg + destroy + sthg

Example: Last week, some adolescents damaged my car.
Example: In recent years, many mainland tourists have been cheated by unscrupulous retailers. Apparently, these incidents
damage the reputation of Hong Kong.
Example: Super Typhoon Haiyan destroyed the central parts of the Philippines.

1. Sthg/Sbdy + cause damage to + sthg 某人/某物為某物帶來破壞

Sthg/Sbdy + cause destruction to + sthg

Example: Heavy rain caused damage to the vegetable farms in China.
Example: The 311 earthquake caused destruction to the north-eastern part of Japan.
know (v.)
know knew

● known

learn (v.)
learn learnt
understand (v.)

● understood

comprehend (v.)

1. Sbdy + know + more about + sthg 某人更了解某事

Sbdy + learn+ more about + sthg

Sbdy + understand + more about + sthg
Sbdy + comprehend + more about + sthg
Example: Through studying Liberal Studies, students can know more about current affairs.
Example: We can learn more about wildlife by visiting country parks.
Example: Students can understand more about foreign cultures through studying overseas.
depend on (v.)
hinge on (v.)

1. Sthg/V. + ing + depend on + sthg/v. + ing 某事取決於某事

Sthg/V. + ing + hinge on + sthg/v. + ing

Example: Success depends on hard work.
Example: Achieving excellent results in the HKDSE hinges on determination and persistence.
all-round (adj.)
comprehensive (adj.)
thorough (adj.)

1. all-round + n. 全面的…

comprehensive + n.
thorough + n.
Example: Learning sports and arts can ensure the all-round development of teenagers.
Example: The government has to take comprehensive measures to tackle the aging population problem.
Example: After thorough investigation, the police found out that the baby was not kidnapped.

satisfied with (adj.)

content with (adj.)
1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + satisfied with + sthg/sbdy 某人滿意某事/某人

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + content with + sthg/sbdy

Example: Many foreigners are not satisfied with the air quality of Hong Kong.
Example: According to a survey, most people will be content with a 5% salary rise.
ruin (v.)
spoil (v.)
spoil spoilt

1. Sthg + ruin + one’s future 某事破壞某人的將來

Sthg + spoil + one’s future

Example: Drug abuse will ruin our abuse. Therefore, we should resist the temptation from our peers and say no to drugs.
Example: Shoplifting will spoil our future. We will be sent to jail if we commit the crime.
stop stopped
abstain from

1. Sbdy + stop + v. + ing 某人戒除做某事

Sbdy + abandon + v. + ing

Sbdy + abstain from + v. + ing
Example: Teenagers should stop relying on their parents.
Example: After Mr. Chan abandoned drinking, his health improved significantly.
Example: You should abstain from gambling. Otherwise, your family will be ruined.
indoor activities
outdoor activities
indoors (adv.)
outdoors (adv.)

1. Sbdy + hold / organize + indoor activities 某人舉辦室內活動

Sbdy + hold / organize + outdoor activities 某人舉辦室外活動

Example: Schools can hold indoor activities, like dancing competition and book exhibitions.

1. Sbdy + join / participate in + indoor activities 某人參加室內活動

Sbdy + join / participate in + outdoor activities 某人參加室外活動

Example: In summer, we can participate in outdoor sports activities to exercise our body.

1. SVO + indoors

SVO + outdoors
Example: Due to heavy rain, students had to stay indoors.
Example: Don’t always stay in bed. Go outdoors and enjoy the sunshine.
incentives (n.)

1. Sbdy +has/have + incentives + to + v. 某人有誘因去做某事

Example: Owing to affluence, some youngsters do not have incentives to work hard.

1. Sbdy + provide + incentives + for + sbdy +( to + v.) 某人提供誘因給某人(做某事)

Example: The government can provide some incentives for couples to have more babies.
1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were+ willing to + v. + sthg 某人願意做某事
willing to (adj.)
Example: To enjoy working holidays, many young people are willing to sacrifice
unwilling to (adj.)
their jobs.
reluctant to (adj.)
Example: In order to earn higher income, Hong Kong people are willing to work
long hours.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were+ unwilling to + v. + sthg 某人不願意做某事

Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were+ reluctant to + v. + sthg 某人不願意做某事

Example: Sadly, many Hong Kong people are unwilling to donate blood.
Example: In the past, sick people were reluctant to wear masks. However, since
the outbreak of Sars, more people have been willing to do so as they have raised
their awareness of personal hygiene.

financial 1. Sbdy + have + huge/great + financial difficulties 某人有很大的財政困
difficulties (n.) 難
financial burden Sbdy + have + huge/great + financial burden 某人有很大的財政負擔
(n.) Example: Nowadays, many university students over-spend with their credit cards.
When they cannot repay their loans, they have great financial difficulties.

1. Sbdy + face+ huge/great + financial difficulties 某人面對很大的財政困

Sbdy + face + huge/great + financial burden 某人面對很大的財政負擔

Example: Many people living in Sham Shui-po face great financial difficulties.
They have to endure poor living conditions.
Example: Parents in Hong Kong face huge financial burden. They have to spend
a lot of money to bring up their children.

1. Sthg + cause + huge/great + financial difficulties + to sbdy 某事對某


Sthg + cause + huge/great + financial burden + to sbdy某事對某人造成財政

Example: The high rent and transportation cost in Hong Kong cause great
financial burden to poor people.

tend to (v.) 1. Sbdy + tend to + v. + sthg 某人傾向於做某事

Example: When people become the victims of domestic violence, they tend to
tolerate the abusers and do not report to the police.
Example: When a country becomes richer, people tend to eat more meat and fatty
food. As a result, some of the them will become obese.
1. Sbdy + can + v. + sthg 某人能夠做某事
can (modal v.)
Example: We can enjoy the beauty of wildlife in country parks.
able to (adj.)
Example: With the use of information technology, teachers can interact with
capable of (adj.)
1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + able to + v. + sthg 某人能夠做某事
manage to (v.)
Example: In Hong Kong, convenience stores are ubiquitous. As a result, people
fail to (v.)
are able to buy basic necessities anytime anywhere.

1. Sbdy + is/am/are/was/were + capable of + v.+ing + sthg 某人能夠做某

Example: The government should strengthen vocation education in secondary

schools and universities so that youngsters will be capable of working efficiently
after their graduation.

1. Sbdy + manage to + v. + sthg 某人能夠做某事

Example: In the dancing competition, Ka Yi managed to dance beautifully.

1. Sbdy + fail to + v. + sthg 某人做某事不成功

Example: A few days ago, a Primary 5 student who was teased by her classmates
jumped to her death. Sadly, her school failed to discover her plight and provide
help for her.

salutary to (adj.) 1. V. + ing / N. + is/are + salutary to sbdy 某事對某人有益身心
therapeutic to
(adj.) V. + ing / N. + is/are + therapeutic to sbdy某事對某人有益身心
Example: Participating in extra-curricular activities is salutary to all of us.
Example: Regular exercise is therapeutic to students.

promote (v.) 1. V. + ing / n. + can + promote + growth/development 某事可以促進發展
foster (v.)
facilitate (v.) V. + ing / n. + can + foster + growth/development某事可以促進發展
增長 growth (n.) V. + ing / n. + can + facilitate + growth/development某事可以促進發展
發展 Example: Developing more tourist destinations can promote economic growth.
development (n.) Example: Leadership training can facilitate the psychological development of
understanding teenagers.
理解 1. V. + ing / n. + can + promote + understanding某事可以促進理解

V. + ing / n. + can + foster + understanding某事可以促進理解

V. + ing / n. + can + facilitate + understanding某事可以促進理解
Example: Freqeuent communication can foster understanding between parents
and children.
cater to (v.) 1. Sbdy + cater to + sbdy/sthg 某人迎合某人/某事

Example: Fast food shops like Fairwood and Café de Coral provide different
dishes to cater to the tastes of different people.
Example: In Hong Kong, newspapers tend to cater to readers through publishing
sensational or even pornographic content.

obligated to (adj.) 1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + obligated to + v. + sthg 某人有責任做某事
compelled to
(adj.) Sbdy + is/are/was/were + compelled to + v. + sthg某人有責任做某事
responsible for Example: The government is obligated to protect the cultural heritage in Hong
(adj.) Kong.
Example: Teachers are compelled to inculcate knowledge and positive attitude in

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were responsible for + v.+ing + sthg 某人有責任做


Example: The government is responsible for protecting the rights of consumers.

Example: Your restaurant is responsible for providing high-quality food and

1. Sbdy + has/have the responsibility to + v. + sthg 某人有責任做某事

Example: Schools have the responsibility to alleviate the emotional problems of


discriminate 1. Sbdy + discriminate against + sbdy 某人歧視某人
against (v.)
look down on (v.) Example: Many local people discriminate against ethnic minorities, like the
歧視 Indians, the Nepaleses and the Africans.
(n.) 1. Sbdy + look down on + sbdy 某人歧視某人
prejudice (n.) Example: We should not look down on the mentally-disabled and
physically-disabled people. Instead, we should provide more assistance for them.

1. Sbdy + have + discrimination + against + sbdy某人歧視某人

Example: In bygone days, western people had discrimination against the

Chinese and called them the sick men in East Asia.

1. Sbdy + have + prejudice + against + sbdy某人歧視某人

Example: In recent years, many Hong Kong people have had prejudice against
mainlanders. They regard them as locusts as they have eroded the precious
resources in Hong Kong.
1. Sbdy + have + interests 某人有興趣
interests (n.)
Sbdy + have + hobbies 某人有嗜好
hobbies (n.)
Sbdy + have + pastimes 某人有消遣
Example: Nowadays, secondary school students have many interests, like
pastimes (n.)
fashion and Korean pop stars.
Example: In Hong Kong, many elderly people can enjoy a comfortable and fruitful
life. They have a lot of pastimes, like playing taichi and eating out in restaurants.

1. Sbdy + develop + interests 某人有興趣

Sbdy + develop + hobbies 某人有嗜好

Sbdy + develop + pastimes 某人有消遣
Example: In universities, we will have more leisure time and can develop our
interests, such as dancing and rowling.
Example: Although working is important, we should also relax ourselves and
develop our hobbies.

dump (v.) 1. Sbdy + dump + sthg 某人拋棄某物
abandon (v.)
discard (v.) Sbdy + discard + sthg某人拋棄某物
throw away (v.) Sbdy + throw away + sthg某人拋棄某物
dispose of (v.) Sbdy + dispose of + sthg某人拋棄某物
Example: Yesterday, Mary dumped her boyfriend.
Example: Our landfills have almost reached full capacity. Therefore, we should
not discard our rubbish directly. Instead, we should put it in recycling bins.
Example: If we dispose of burning cigarettes in the streets, they may cause fire.

study (v.) 1. Sbdy + study + sthg 某人學習、研究某事
investigate (v.) Example: In Hong Kong, many students would like to study profession-related
subjects, such as Business Administration, Accountancy and Medicine.
Example: The government is studying the feasibility of increasing public housing

1. Sbdy + investigate + sthg某人調查、研究某事

Example: The Fire Services Department is investigating the cause of the fire.
Example: Scientists are investigating the cure for cancer.

rich (adj.)
wealthy (adj.)
affluent (adj.)
well-off (adj.)

1. rich / wealthy / affluent / well-off + person / people / businessmen富裕的人

rich / wealthy / affluent / well-off + city / country 富裕的城市/國家

Example: In Hong Kong, there are thousands of wealthy people. Sadly, there are also more than a million people who live
below the poverty line.
Example: South Korea is an affluent country. Most people can enjoy high living standard.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + rich / wealthy / affluent / well-off 某人富裕

A city / A country + is/are/was/were + rich / wealthy / affluent / well-off

Example: Bill Gates is very rich. He has donated billions of dollars.
Example: Compared with many Asian countries, Hong Kong is well-off.

1. Sbdy + is/are/was/were + the richest / the wealthiest / the most affluent 某人最富裕

A city / A country + is/are/was/were + the richest / the wealthiest / the most affluent
Example: Li Ka-shing is the wealthiest man in Asia.
Example: Japan is the most affluent country in Asia.

1. Sbdy + has/have become + richer / wealthier / more affluent 某人變得更富裕

A city / A country + has/have become + richer / wealthier / more affluent

Example: As many Hong Kong people have become more affluent, they can afford to buy luxury goods.
Example: In recent years, China has become wealthier and wealthier.
lavish (adj.)
luxurious (adj.)
extravagant (adj.)
sumptuous (adj.)

1. lavish / luxurious / extravagant / sumptuous + n. 奢華的事物

Example: Many Chinese tycoons are living a luxurious life.

Example: Many local artists are wealthy and can enjoy an extravagant lifestyle.
Example: The businessman has spent millions of dollars to decorate his sumptuous home.

1. N. + is/are/was/were + lavish / luxurious / extravagant / sumptuous 某物是奢華的

Example: The lifestyle of some Hong Kong people is luxurious as they live in extravagant homes and drive expensive cars.
Example: The banquet last night was sumptuous. All the guests were satisfied after the banquet.
1. Sthg + is/are/was/were + spreading + in + 地方 (…在…蔓延)
spread (v.)
proliferate (v.)
Sthg + is/are/was/were + proliferating + in + 地方 (…在…蔓延)
Example: The H7N9 virus is spreading in Shenzhen.
Example: The hill fire was spreading quickly yesterday.
Example: The phenomenon of cyberbullying is proliferating in Hong Kong.
Example: Every day, you can read the news of suicides. Apparently, pessimism
and negative attitude towards life are proliferating in Hong Kong.
boring (adj.) 1. boring / dull / tedious / dreary + n. 沉悶的事物
dull (adj.)
tedious (adj.) Example: It was a boring tutorial class. Many students fell asleep.
dreary (adj.) Example: Many Hong Kong people are having a tedious lifestyle. They work from
morning till night and can hardly relax themselves.

1. N. / V. + ing + is/are/was/were + boring / dull / tedious / dreary 某事物


Example: Life is dull but we can create meaningful and beautiful dramas in our
Example: The campus life in Hong Kong is dreary. Students have to face endless
assignments, tests and examinations.

attractive (adj.) 1. attractive / appealing / tempting + n. 吸引的事物
appealing (adj.)
tempting (adj.) Example: There are many attractive tourist destinations in Macau.
Example: The fat boy wanted to keep fit, so he resisted the tempting junk food.

1. N. / V. + ing + is/are/was/were + attractive / appealing / tempting某事


Example: The scenery in Hong Kong is attractive, so the city can attract millions
of tourists every year.
Example: Although some jobs are appealing, youngsters should carefully choose
their jobs so that they will not fall prey to criminals.
Example: The luxury hand bags were tempting but the woman had no money to
buy them.

troublesome 1. troublesome / thorny + issue
棘手的 troublesome / thorny + problem麻煩的、棘手的問題
thorny (adj.) Example: Drug abuse is a thorny issue in Hong Kong.

1. The problem is troublesome / thorny

The issue is troublesome / thorny 問題是麻煩、棘手的

Example: In Hong Kong, rubbish disposal is troublesome as the city lacks land.
marry (v.) 1. Sbdy + marry / marries / married+ sbdy 某人與某人結婚
get married (v.) Example: In recent years, many local men have married women from the
get married to (v.) mainland.
divorce (v.)
get divorced (v.) 1. Sbdy + gets married / get married / got married 某人結婚
get divorced to
(v.) Sbdy + gets married to / get married to / got married to+ sbdy 某人與某人
marriage (n.) 婚姻 結婚
divorce (n.) 離婚 Example: In the past, people got married when they were very young.
Example: Mr. Chan got married to his wife at the age of 30.

1. Sbdy + divorce / divorces / divorced+ sbdy 某人與某人離婚

Example: Nicholas Tse divorced Cecilia Cheung a few years ago.

1. Sbdy + gets divorced / get divorced / got divorced 某人離婚

Sbdy + gets divorced to / get divorced to / got divorced to sbdy某人與某人

Example: In bygone days, marriage was long-lasting. Nowadays, people get
divorced easily for different reasons, like misunderstanding and financial

1. marriage婚姻

divorce 離婚
Example: Loyalty and mutual respect are the prerequisite for a happy marriage.
Example: In recent decades, the divorce rate in Hong Kong has been rising.

demolish (v.) 1. Sbdy + demolish + sthg 某人清拆某建築物
pull down (v.)
Sbdy + pull down + sthg某人清拆某建築物
Example: Since the 1970s, China has demolished many historical buildings to
make way for residential development.
Example: Social activists think that the government should not blindly pursue
economic development and pull down valuable historical buildings.

cheat 1. Sbdy + cheat + sbdy 某人欺騙某人
Sbdy + deceive + sbdy某人欺騙某人
Example: Criminals often capitalize on the ignorance of old people and cheat

1. Sbdy + cheat + sbdy + into + v. + ing + sthg某人欺騙某人

Sbdy + deceive + sbdy+ into + v. + ing + sthg某人欺騙某人

Example: The young man deceived the housewife into buying a fake LV handbag
misleading (adj.) 1. misleading + n. 令人誤導的事
deceptive (adj.)
deceptive + n. 令人誤導的事
Example: The newspapers in Hong Kong often publish misleading stories.

1. Sthg + is/are/was/were + misleading 某事令人誤導

Sthg + is/are/was/were +deceptive某事令人誤導

Example: The behavior of many retailers in Hong Kong is deceptive. The new
consumer protection law can deter unscrupulous retailers from cheating

contribute to (v.) 1. Sbdy + contribute to + n. 某人為…貢獻
contribution (n.) Example: When the elderly were young, they contributed a lot to our society.
Example: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs contributed to the development of computer

1. Sbdy + make contribution to + n. 某人為…貢獻

Example: Foreign domestic workers have made a lot of contributions to Hong

Example: Deng Xiaoping made many contributions to the economic
development in China.

determined 1. Sbdy + be / is/are/was/were + determined (…是有決心的)
tenacious Sbdy + be / is/are/was/were + tenacious (…是堅毅的)
persistent Sbdy + be / is/are/was/were + persistent(…是堅毅的)
Example: If we want to achieve excellent results in the HKDSE, we should be
determined and persistent.

1. a determined person 有決心的人

a tenacious / persistent 堅持的人

Example: Kobe Bryant is a determined and persistent athlete. Even when he
faces setback, he does not easily give up.

underline (v.) 1. Sbdy + underline / stress / emphasize + that + SVO 某人強調…
stress (v.)
emphasize (v.) Example: Catholics stress that the legalization of homosexual marriage will erode
the moral foundation of our society.

1. Sbdy + underline / stress / emphasize + n. 某人強調…

Example: The government emphasizes the all-round development of


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