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reaction paper: Genetically Modified Organisms: Create Glowing Bacteria!


The wide-ranged biological purposes of bio-luminescence include but are not limited to
attraction of mates, defense against predators, and warning signals. In the case of
bioluminescent bacteria, bio-luminescence mainly serves as a form of dispersal. to warn or
evade predators), to lure or detect prey, and for communication between members of the same


The world of science and technology has always been a realm of constant innovation and
discovery. One of the most intriguing advancements in this domain is the creation of Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOs), specifically, the development of glowing bacteria. This
phenomenon, which seems to be plucked straight out of a science fiction novel, has sparked a
whirlwind of reactions, ranging from awe to concern.

The process of creating glowing bacteria involves the insertion of a gene, typically from a
bioluminescent organism like a jellyfish, into a common bacterium such as E. coli. This
manipulation of life at the molecular level is not just fascinating but also a testament to the
leaps and bounds genetic engineering has made over the years. The ability to alter and control
the genetic structure of an organism to the extent that it can glow in the dark is a remarkable
scientific achievement.

The potential applications of such a breakthrough are vast and varied. In the field of medical
diagnostics, these glowing bacteria could be used as 'biological markers' to detect and monitor
diseases, potentially revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare. In the realm of
environmental science, they could serve as indicators of water contamination or other
environmental hazards. The possibilities seem endless - from lighting up dark spaces without
the need for electricity to even being used in art installations.

However, as with any scientific advancement, the creation of genetically modified glowing
bacteria also raises a host of ethical and ecological concerns. What happens if these modified
bacteria escape into the environment? Could they upset the delicate balance of existing
ecosystems or outcompete native species? These are not just hypothetical questions but real
concerns that need addressing.
The potential risks highlight the need for robust regulatory frameworks and rigorous risk
assessment procedures. It is essential to ensure that our pursuit of scientific advancement does
not inadvertently lead to ecological disasters. This is a delicate balance to strike, but it is a
necessary one.

Furthermore, the creation of such organisms also brings to the fore ethical questions about the
extent of human intervention in nature. Are we overstepping our boundaries by manipulating life
to this extent? This is a topic that invites much debate and is a reminder that science does not
operate in a vacuum but is intertwined with societal norms and values.

In conclusion, the creation of genetically modified glowing bacteria is a symbol of the incredible
progress we have made in the field of genetic engineering. It holds the promise of numerous
benefits but also poses significant challenges. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is
possible, it is crucial that we do so with a sense of responsibility and foresight, ensuring that
our scientific endeavors are always grounded in ethical considerations and respect for the
natural world.


Bioluminescent bacteria are light-producing bacteria that are predominantly present in sea
water, marine sediments, the surface of decomposing fish and in the gut of marine animals.
While not as common, bacterial bioluminescence is also found in terrestrial and freshwater

Bioluminescent bacteria are light-producing bacteria that are predominantly present in sea
water, marine sediments, the surface of decomposing fish and in the gut of marine animals.
While not as common, bacterial bioluminescence is also found in terrestrial and freshwater
bacteria.[1] These bacteria[clarification needed] may be free living (such as Vibrio harveyi) or in
symbiosis with animals such as the Hawaiian Bobtail squid (Aliivibrio fischeri) or terrestrial
nematodes (Photorhabdus luminescens). The host organisms provide these
bacteria[clarification needed] a safe home and sufficient nutrition. In exchange, the hosts use
the light produced by the bacteria for camouflage, prey and/or mate attraction. Bioluminescent
bacteria have evolved symbiotic relationships with other organisms in which both participants
benefit close to equally.[2] Another possible reason bacteria use luminescence reaction is for
quorum sensing, an ability to regulate gene expression in response to bacterial cell density

1. Green Fluorescent Protein

3. Bioluminescence
6.Genetic Modification
7. Gene expression
8. Reporter Gene
9.Environmental Monitoring
10.Transgenic Organism

● What is the role of plasmids in molecular cloning?

● How can you increase or decrease the transformation efficiency of a reaction?
● How are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) used today?


Hastings, J W; Nealson, K H (1977). "Bacterial Bioluminescence". Annual Review of

Microbiology. 31 (1): 549–595.

Millipore Sigma (n.d.). Bacterial Transformation. Retrieved August 28, 2020.

● Keep the plate below 30C(80F) for 4-12 hours or until you see growth.
● Take the plate into a dark room and you should be able to see glowing bacteria.
● Once the bacteria start glowing keep in a cool dark place.

For GM plants, the bacterium most frequently used is called Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The
gene of interest is transferred into the bacterium and the bacterial cells then transfer the new
DNA to the genome of the plant cells. The plant cells that have successfully taken up the DNA
are then grown to create a new plant.

Bacterial bioluminescence is created by bacterial luciferase, a protein that cause a chemical

reaction to take place with a Flavin MonoNucleotide (FMN) molecule. When this chemical
reaction happens light is created.


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