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VMR Logics


Directions for questions 1 to 12: In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses
of action numbered 1 and 2. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for im-
provement, follow-up further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. on the basis of the information
given in the statement to be true, decide which of the two given suggested courses of action legally follows
for pursuing given answer.
a) if only 1 follows
b) if only 2 follows
c) if either 1 or 2 follows
d) if neither 1 nor 2 follows
e) if both 1 and 2 follow
 

 gi
1. Statement:
Student unions are polluted with the interference of outside politicians.
Couses of Action:
1) The student unions must be banned.
2) Student union leders must be elected by the college management.
 



2. Statement:
India has been continuously experiencing milatary threats from its neighbouring countries.
Courses of Action:
1) India should declare a war.
2) Indis should get the neighbours into a serious dialogue to reduce the tension at its borders.
3. Statement:
Many students failed in Maths Paper-I in first year, first semister engineering studies.
Courses of Action:
1) Students must be given more practice in Maths Paper-I
2) Maths Paper-I must be removed from the syllubus.

Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366
VMR Logics

 
    
 
4. Statement:
The C.B.I receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
Courses of Action:
1) CBI should try to catch the officer red handed an then take a strict action against him.
2) CBI must wait for some more complaints about the officer and then take a strict action
against him.
 

 
 
    
5. Statement:
An extremist group has revealed that they get arms and ammunations from the army of country
Courses of Action:
1) Country ‘x’ should take immediate action and it should check the veracity of the statement.
2) A committee should be made to look into this matter.

 
 x     

 
x 

6. Statement:
A fil star of the country ‘A’ has gotton an intimidation from a mafia group.
Courses of Action:
1) Govt. should pay no attention towards this becuase this is a trifle matter.
2) Govt. should arrange tight security and momentous watch of the situtation as well as tap the
phone call of the filmstar and the suspected criminal.
 
A 
 
   
    
Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366
VMR Logics
7. Statement:
The power supply corporation has threatened some states to reduce power supply due to
accumulating huge arrears.
Courses of Action:
1) The concerned states should pay back the arrears to the corporation.
2) Consumers in these states should be notified so that they can expect random power cuts and
keep alternative provisions.
 
 

8. Statement:
Terrorism has become a headeache not only in India but all over the world.
Courses of Action:

1) Countires should reach a pact among themselves on co-operating to address the causes of

2) Individual countries should be given unrestricted had in deal with the problem on their own.
 
 

9. Statement:
The fourth biggest automaker company of country X has declared itself debt laden.

Courses of Action:
1) The company should chalk out a plan to revamp itself and cut jobs if it has surplus employ-

2) the company should close down its business.

 
X 
 
        
10. Statement:
The law and order in state X has completely gone beyond control of state machiners.
Courses of Action:
1) President rule should be imposed.
2) Necessary constitutional amendements should be made to find a permanent wayout.
 
X 
Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366
VMR Logics

 
 
11. Statement:
The officer incharge had a lunch that some money was missing from office safe.
Courses of Action:
1) He should inform the police.
2) He should get it recounted with the help of a staff and check it with the balance sheet
 
 

12. Statement:
According to a recent survey, Aids is going to become the most dreaded diseases in India.
Courses of Action: gi
1) The government should declare people infected with HIV as non-citizens.
2) Research on AIDS should be stepped up.
 
 
HIV 

Directons for questions 13 to 15: In each question below is given a statement followed by three
courses of action numbered I, II and III. Choose the correct answer from the given choices.

13. Statement:
The beauty contest was won by an Indian girl despite European girls being the favorites.
Course of Action:

1) India should send more girls for such contests.

2) India should ban such beauty contests.
3) Proper incentives should be given to the girl.
 
 
a) only 1 b) only 1 & 3 c) only 3 d) only 2 e) none of these
14. Statement:
A noted business man died in police custody despite repeated requests made by him to have
medical aid.

Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366
VMR Logics
Course of Action:
1) A thorough enquiry should be made into the case and officials involved should be penalized.
2) The jailer should be hanged.
3) Compensation should be given to the dependents of the businessman.
 
 
a) only 1 b) only 2 & 3 c) only 3 d) only 1 & 3 e) all of these
15. Statement:

A recent survey has revealed that more accidents occur on highways in cities than on any other
types of roads.
Course of Action:
1) Highways should be built away from cities.
2) Speed limit laws on highways should be strictly enforced.
3) A law should be made to prevent excessive flow of traffic on highways.
 


a) only 3 b) only 2 & 3 c) only 2 d) only 1 e) all of these

Directions for questions 16 to 20: Given below are five items. Each item describes a situation and is
followed by four possible responses. Indicate the response you find most appropriate choose only one

response for each item.

16. Statement:
You have differences of opinion regarding the final report prepared by year subordinate that is
to be submitted urgently. The subordinate is justifying the information given in the repost you
Courses of Action:
1) convince the subordinate that he is wrong. 2) Tell him to reconsider the results.
3) Revice the report on your own. 4) Tell him not to justify the mistake.
  
   
   
a) only 1 b) only 2 c) only 3 d) only 4

Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366
VMR Logics
17. Statement:
As a citizen you hae some work with a government department. The official calls you again and
again, and without directly asking you, sends out feelers for a bribe. You want to get your work
Courses of Action:
1) Give a bribe
2) Go to the higher officer for help verbally complaining about feelers.
3) Ignore the feelers.
4) Send in a formal complaint.
 
  

a) only 1 b) only 2 c) only 3 d) only 4
18. Statment: gi
You are handling a time bound project. During the project review meeting, you find that the
project is likely to get delayed due to lack of cooperation of the team member.
Course of of Action:
1) You would warn the team members for their non cooperation.
2) Look into the reasons, for non coopeation.
3) Ask for the replacement of team members.
4) Ask for extension of time citing reasons.
 


 

a) only 1 b) only 2 c) only 3 d) only 4
19. Statement:
You are involved in setting up a water supply project in a remote area. Full recovery of cost is
impossible in any case. The income levels in the area are low and 25% of the population is
below poverty line (BPL). When a decision has to be taken on pricing you would.....
Courses of Action:
1) Recommend that the supply of water to be free of charge in all respects.
2) Recommend that the user pay a one time fixed sum for installation of taps and usage of water
be free.
3) Recommend that a fixed monthly charge be levied only on the ono BPL families and for BPL
families water should be free.
Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366
VMR Logics
4) Recommend that the users pay a charge based on the consumption of water with differen-
tiated charges for non BPL and BPL families.
 
     
 
 

  
20. Statement:
You are handling a priority project and have been meeting all the deadlines and are
thereforeplanning your leave during the projecet. Your immediate boss does not grant your
leave citing the urgency of the project. You would....
1) Proceed on leave without waiting for the sanction.
2) Pretend to be sick and take leave.
3) Approach higher authority to reconsider the leave application.
4) Tell the boss that it is not justified.
 
  

 

 

a) only 1 b) only 2 c) only 3 d) only 4

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