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VMR Logics

Blood Relations
1. How is my son’s, brother’s, sister’s husband related to me?
a) Son  b) son-in-law  c) Nephew 
d) Husband  e) None of these 
2. How is my brother’s, mother’s, mother’s, only daughter related to me?
a) Mother  b) Aunt  c) Daughter 
d) Grand mother  e) None of these 
3. How is my father’s mother’s only daughter-in-law’s only child related to me?
a) Brother   b) Uncle  c) Myself 
d) Grand daughter  e) None of these 

4. How is my son’s son’s mother’s husband’s related to my daughter?
a) Son b) Brother   c) Nephew 

d) son-in-law 
d) Father 
Showing a photograph A said. “She is my mother’s mother’s son’s daughter.” How is the
person in the photograph related to A?
 A 
A 
a) Sister  b) Aunt  c) Mother 
d) Cousin  e) None of these 

6. How is my mother’s, brother’s father’s only daughter’s husband related to me?


a) Father  b) Cousin  c) Brother  

d) Nephew  e) None of these 
7. How is my sister’s, brother’s mother’s, father related to me?

a) Father  b) Grand father  c) Brother  
d) Grand son  e) None of these 
8. How is my grand father’s only son’s only child related to me?
a) My self  b) Cousin  c) Brother  
d) Can’t say  e) None of these 
9. Showing a boy a man said, “He is a son of my sister’s mother-in-law’s only son”. How is the
boy related to the man?
a) Nephew  b) Uncle  c) Brother  
d) Son-in-law  e) can’t say 
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10. How is my mother’s son’s sistern’s husband related to my mother?
a) Son  b) Son-in-law  c) Granson 
d) Can’t say  e) None of these 
11. How is my father’s father’s only son’s wife related to my mother’s mother?
a) Mother  b) Mother-in-law  c) Daughter 
d) Cousin  e) Niece 
12. Showing a photograph a woman said, “He is a brother of my mother’s only daughter’s daugh-
ter.” How is the woman related to the person in the photograph?
a) Daughter  b) Mother  c) Aunt 

d) Cousin  e) Can’t say 
13. How is my mother’s daughter’s husband related to my brother?
a) Brother   b) Cousin  c) Son-in-law 
d) Brother-in-law  e) None of these 
14. Pointing to a person, Murali said. “He is the only brother of my father’s mother’s daughter”.
How is the person related to Murali?
        
a) Brother   b) Grand father  c) Uncle 

d) Father e) None of these 

15. Showing a photograph Rosy told Mansi, “She is your mother’s brother’s wife, and is my

mother”. How is Mansi related to Rosy?


a) Sister  b) Sister-in-law  c) Cousin 

d) Niece  e) Daughter 
16. Pointing to a woman, Krishna said, “She is my brother’s father’s wife’s mother”. How is the
woman related to Krishna?
a) Mother  b) Maternal grand mother 
c) Paternal grand mother  d) Mother-in-law 
e) None of these 
17. How is Ramu’s mother-in-law’s only daughter’s son related to Ramu?
a) Brother   b) Son  c) Cousin 
d) Brother   e) Father 
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18. How is my son’s son’s mother’s daughter related to me?
a) Grand daughter  b) Daughter  c) Sister 
d) Daughter-in-law  e) Mother 
19. Pointing to a girl Mr. Chetan said, “She is my mother’s sister’s daughter’s only maternal aunt’s
daughter”. How is the girl related to Mr. Chetan.
 Mr. 
Mr. 
a) Cousin  b) Daughter  c) Sister 
d) Daughter  e) None of these 
20. How is Benjiman’s father’s only daughter-in-law’s son’s wife related to Benjiman?
a) Daughter-in-law  b) Daughter 

c) Sister-in-law  d) Grand daughter 
e) Can’t say 
21. How is my father’s father’s only son’s wife related to my sister?

a) Mother 
b) Daughter  c) Cousin 
d) Wife  e) None of these 
22. How is my mother’s only son’s wife related to my sister?
a) Cousin  b) Sister  c) Daughter 
d) Sister-in-law  e) Can’t say 
23. My father’s only brother’s wife’s only daughter’s paternal uncle is my mother’s ____

a) Husband  b) Father-in-law  c) Uncle 

d) Grand father  e) None of these 

24. Jyothi’s son’s brother’s father is Mallikharjun. How is Jyothi related to mallikharjun?

a) Cousin  b) Wife  c) Mother-in-law 
 
d) Can’t say  e) None of these 
25. Shilpa’s brother-in-law is the son of Lalita. how is Shilpa’s husband related to Lalitha’s hus-
band. If Shilpa had no siblings?
a) Son-in-law  b) Father  c) Nephew  
d) Brother   e) Son 
26. Mrs. X meets a man at party who is a brother of the sister of her husband, how is the man
related to Mrs. X?
X   
a) Husband  b) Brother-in-law  c) Brother  
d) Either A or B A B e) None of these 
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27. Mr. Anoop goes to a party hosted by his brother sonu has daughter Renu. Renu is dancing with
her brother Suraj. Then what is Anoop to Suraj?
 
a) Uncle  b) Father  c) Grand father 
d) Can’t say  e) None of these 
28. A is the uncle of B. C is the wife of B. They have a son D whose sister is E. What is A to E ?
a) Grand father  b) Grand uncle 
c) Uncle  d) Brother   e) None of these 
29. A is brother of C, their mother E who is a daughter-in-law of B. D is the only son of F who is
a husband of B. How is F related to E?

FF E
a) Daughter-in-law  b) Grand daughter 
c) Father-in-law  d) Mother-in-law 

e) Can’t say 
In the above information how is B related to C?
a) Grand son  b) Grand daughter 
c) Daughter-in-law  d) Grand mother 
e) Either a or b a b
Directions 31 to 34: The following questions are based on this given information

Ravi goes to the house of his sister Devika who is the neighbour of Madhavi. Madhavi has a daughter

Rishika. Rishika is in final year engineering. Venkatesh is father of Ravi and married to Lakshmi and has a
sister Madhavi.

  

31. How is Madhavi related to Ravi?
a) Aunt  b) Not related  c) Sister 
d) Niece  e) Cannot be determined  
32. How is Venkatesh related to Rishika?
 
a) Grand father  b) Brother   c) Cousin 
d) Uncle  e) Nephew 
33. How is Lakshmi related to Madhavi?
a) Mother-in-law  b) Sister-in-law  c) Daughter-in-law 
d) Sister  e) Daughter 
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34. How is Rishika related to Devika?
a) Cousin  b) Sister-in-law  c) Sister 
d) Not related  e) None of these 
Directions 35 to 40: Following questions are based on the following data
M visits Hyderabad where his brother Presides. P stays with his father K and mother H. P’s grand father,
R also stays with him. P has two children B and C. B’s husband is E. C is married to G. C’s son T
welcomes M on his visit.
 P M  P  K  H
35. How is M related to R?

a) Can’t say  b) Son  c) Nephew 
d) Cousin  e) Grand son 
36. How is P related G?
a) Daughter-in-law  b) Mother-in-law 
c) Father-in-law  d) Son 
e) None of these 
37. How is E related to P?

a) Father-in-law  b) Son-in-law 

c) Mother-in-law  d) Daughter-in-law 

e) None of these 

38. How is T related to B

a) Cousin  b) Son  c) niece 
d) Father  e) Nephew 
39. How is M related to C
a) Father b) Uncle  c) Grandson 
d) Nephew  e) Niece 
40. How is H related to G?
a) Grand mother  b) Mother-in-law 
c) Daughter-in-law  d) Grand daughter 
e) None of these 
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Directions for questions 41 to 45: Study the given information and answer the questions
A is the father of C. But C is not his son. E is the daughter of C. F is the spouse of A. B is the brother of C.
D is the sone of B. G is the spouse of B. H is the father of G.
ACC, ACEAFC 
BDG, BGH
41. Who is mother of D?
a) A b) G c) B d) E e) C
42. How many male members are in that family?
a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 6 e) cannot be determined
43. How is F related to E?

a) Paternal grand mother  b) Maternal grand mother 
c) Daughter  d) Grand daughter 
e) Daughter-in-law  gi
44. How is H related to B?
a) Father  b) Son-in-law  c) Grand father 
d) Father-in-law  e) Can’t say 
45. How is D related to C?
a) Aunt  b) Nephew  c) Niece 

d) Cousin  e) Grand son 

Directions for questions 46 and 47: Read the following information and answer the questions

given below it.

C is A’s father’s nephew. D is A’s cousin but not the brother of C. If A’s father has only one sibling

46. How is D related to C?

a) Cousin  b) Niece  c) Sister 
d) Aunt  e) None of these
47. How is C’s mother related to A’s father?
a) Sister  b) Sister-in-law  c) Mother 
d) Can’t say  e) None of these 
Directions for questions 48 to 50: Read the following information and answer the questions
given below.
A is son of B. C, B’s sister, has a son D and a daughter E. F is the maternal uncle of D.
ABC, BDEF, D

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48. How is F related to A?
a) Father  b) Cousin  c) Maternal uncle 
d) Paternal uncle  e) None of these
49. Who are the given below are cousins?
a) A and E AE b) F and B FB
c) C and A CA d) Can’t say 
e) None of these 
50. How is B related to C?
a) Brother   b) Sister  c) Cousin 
d) Can’t say  e) None of these 

Directions for questions 51 to 55: Read the following information and answer the questions.
There are six persons A, B, C, D, E and F in a family. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of E’s husband.
D is the father of a and grand father of F. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in a family.
 A,B,C,D,EFFCEBA
FA 
51. Who is the mother?
a) C b) D c) E d) F e) Can’t say
52. How many male members are there in that family?
 

a) Four  b) Three    c) Two  d) Can’t say 

e) None of these 

53. How is F related to E?


a) Brother   b) Sister-in-law  c) Cousin 

d) Son  e) Sister 
54. Which of the following is a group of brothers?
a) BAC b) BAD c) FAB d) FAE e) Can’t say
55. How is C related to D?
a) Grand daughter b) Daughter  c) Niece 
d) Mother  e) Sister 
Directions for questions 56 to 60: Study the given information and answer the questions.
There are eight family members I, J, K, L, M, N P and Q. J has only two children K and L. I is the mother
of K, who is a s sister. and sister of L. N is son of L. Q is brother of N. M is mother of Q. P is a grand
daughter of I.
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I, J, K, L, M, N PQJKL
KI. K,LNLQ, N
56. Who among the following is father of P?
a) N b) J c) L d) M e) can’t say
57. How is J related to N?
a) Grand mother  b) Grand father 
c) Brother d) Cousin 
e) Daughter 
58. How is M related I?

a) Daughter  b) Son-in-law  c) Son 
d) Sister-in-law  e) None of these 
59. How many children does L have?
a) one 
b) two  c) three 
d) four  e) can’t say 
60. Who is paternal aunty of Q?
a) I b) J c) M d) P e) K
Directions for questions 61 to 65: Study the following information carefully and answer the ques-

tions below it.

P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W are sitting in a row facing North but not necessarily in the same order. Q sits to the

second left of W’s wife and has two children. No male is an immediate neighbour of Q. T is the son of S1
who sits second to the right of W. S’s son sits second to the right of U. U is the brother V. U is not an
immediate neighbour of W’s wife. only one person sits between P and U. P is the mother ov V. W’s sister

S does not sit immediate right of W’s father. only five persons sit between W’s father and T. Only one
person sits between W and V. V is the father of R. V is not an immediate neighbour and T. Q sits on the
extrem left.
ST. S,W SU  
VU. U, W
PUVPWS. W  
WTWV 
61. Who is the father of W?
a) S b) Q c) U d) T e) R

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62. How is R related to P?
a) Grand mother  b) Grand father 
c) Grand daughter  d) Daughter 
e) Sister-in-law 
63. How is Q related to R?
a) Grand father  b) Great Grand father 
c) Grand son  d) Grand mother 
e) can’t say 
64. Who is sitting to the immediate right of U?
U  
a) V b) S c) T d) R e) W

65. Who are the neighbours of P?
a) V-R b) Q-R c) V-U d) W-T e) None of these
Directions for questions 66 to 70: Read the information carefully and answer the following ques-
A Δ B means A is mother of B
A Δ B A,B
A  B means A is brother of B
A  B A,B

A  B means A is husband of B
A  B A,B

A # B means A is father of B
A # BA,B
A $ B means A, B is daughter

A $ BA, B
66. What should come in place of question mark in the given expression to establish that P is sister
of Q?
P $ L # N ? Q # R
a)  b)  c) # d)  e) None of these
67. What should come in the place of question mark in the given expression to establish that S is
grandfather of T?
S # P  R  Q ? T
a)  b) # c)  d) Either  or #
e) Either  or #

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68. Which of the following expressions indicates that F is son of G?
a) A # B  G  C  F b) A  B  G  F  C
c) A # B # G  C $ F d) G  A  B  F  C
e) A  G $ B # F $ C
69. Which of the following expressions is true if the given expression P  Q # R  S $ T is
definitely true?
P  Q # R  S $ T
  
a) S is son of Q QS b) P is grand father of S SP
c) Q is mother of R RQ d) T is daughter-in-law of P PQ
e) R is sister of S SR
70. Which of the following expressions is true, if P is not daughter of Q?

a) A  B  C  P $ Q b) A # B  C  P $ Q
c) Q  A  B  P  R d) Q  A  B  P $ B
e) None of these gi
Directions for questions 71 to 75: Read the information carefully and answer the following ques-
  
P  Q means P is wife of Q
P  QP,Q
P × Q means P is sister of Q
P × QP,Q

P ÷ Q means P is father of Q
P ÷ QP,Q
P £ Q means P is son of Q

P £ QP,Q
P  Q means P is mother of Q
P  QP,Q

71. In the given expression A × B ÷ C  D £ E, what is B’s relationship with E ?

A × B ÷ C  D £ EB, E 
a) Brother   b) Father-in-law  c) Son-in-law 
d) Son  e) Brother-in-law 
72. Which of the following expressions indicates that K is brother-in-law of P?
a) L  K ÷ M ÷ N  P b) L ÷ K £ M £ N  P
c) L  K £ M ÷ N  P d) L  K × M £ N  P
e) L ÷ K ÷ M × N × P
73. In the given expression P ÷ Q × R £ S  T, what is P’s relationship with P?
P ÷ Q × R £ S  TP,T
a) Brother   b) Father  c) Cousin 
d) Grand father  e) None of these 

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74. In the given expression C  D × E  F ÷ G, What is D’s relationship with G?

C  D × E  F ÷ GD G
a) Aunt  b) Cousin  c) Daughter 
d) Niece  e) Nephew 
75. What should come in the place of question mark in the given expression to establish that C is
son-in-law of F?
F ÷A× B ?  E  C
a) × b) × c) £ d) Either × or £ e) 
Directions for questions 76 to 80: Read the given information carefully and answer the ques-
tions given below it
 
A + B means B is mother of A

A + BB,A
A $ B means B is a daughter of A
A $ BB,A
A • B means B is a brother of A
A • BB,A
A # B means B is a husband of A
A # BB,A
A – B means B is a sister of A
A – BB,A
76. In the given expression P # Q • R + S # T what is P’s relationship with T?
P # Q • R + S # TP T

a) Sister-in-law  b) Daughter 

c) Daughter-in-law  d) Son-in-law 

e) None of these 

77. In the given expression R • S – T # U – V, what is U’s relationship with R?
R • S – T # U – VUR

a) Brother-in-law  b) Son-in-law 

c) Mother-in-law  d) Sister-in-law 
e) Daughter-in-law 
78. What should come in the place of question mark in the given expression to establish that Z is
grand father of V?
a) + b) • c) – d) $ e) #
79. What should come in the place of a question mark in the given expression to establish that P is
maternal uncle of T ?
T•R?S +Q•P
a) • b) – c) + d) either • or – e) $

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80. Which of the following expressions indicates that Q is maternal grand mother of S ?
a) Q + R – P – T + S b) S + T – P + R + Q c) S + T – P • R + Q
d) S – T + P – R • Q e) None of these 
81. How is my mother’s only son’s, wife’s daughter’s only paternal aunt’s son related me ?
a) Brother /   b) Son /  c) Uncle / 
d) Nephew /  e) Father/ 
82. How is my sisterm’s husband’s mother is related to me ?
a) Mother-in-law /  b) Aunt /  c) Sister / 
d) Daughter /  e) Not related / 
3. Pointing at a boy a man said, “He is a son of my mother’s only daughter’in-law”. How is the

man realted to the boy ?
 gi
a) Son /  b) Nephew /  c) Uncle / 
d) Father /  e) Brother  
84. Pointing at a woman in the photograph Mr. Sharma said, “She is mother of my mother’s son’s
daughter”. How is that woman related to Mr. Sharma, if he is only son of his parents.
a) Wife /  b) Daughter /  c) Daughter-in-law / 

d) Sister /  e) Aunt / 

85. How is my brother’s, brother’s son’s only paternal uncle’s wife’s daughter related to me ?

a) Sister /  b) Wife / c) Daughter /
d) Mother /  e) None of these / 

Directions for Questions 6 to 10

If A + B means A is mother of B
If A $ B means A is brother of B
If A @ B means A is father of B
If A # B means A if daughter of B
A + B  A  B 
A$B  A  B 
A @ B  A  B 
A # B  A  B 

Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366
VMR Logics
86. Which of following means P is uncle of S
 ‘P’ S
a) P + Q @ R # S b) P # Q + R @ S c) P $ Q + R $ S
d) P $ Q @ R @ S e) P @ Q + R + S
87. Which of the following menas K is grand-father of N ?
K ‘N’
a) K @ L $ M @ N b) K @ L @ M # N c) K # L # M $ N
d) N @ M $ L @ K e) L $ K @ M # N
88. If, P $ Q $ R # S, then how is P related to S ?
P $ Q $ R # S‘P – S’
a) Brother /   b) Son /  c) Mother / 
d) Father /  e) Uncle / 
89. If, R # S @ T $ U, then how is R realted to ‘T’ ?
R # S @ T $ U‘R’ – ‘T’

a) Sister /  b) Mother /  c) Grand-father /
d) Son /  e) Daughter / 
90. If, M + N + O $ P # Q then how is N related to ‘Q’?

a) Mother / 
M + N + O $ P # Q‘Q’N
b) Wife /  c) Mother-in-law /
d) Sister /  e) Son / 

Telegram Channel: VMR Logics | Youtube Channel: VMR Logics Contact : 7799990705/8881888366

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