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NAME : M Nur Aldi putra


Absen : 16


Once upon a time there was a male children who was eager to explore space and know all the
secrets that exist in space. He really wanted to reveal what exactly was in space, all this time
he imagined that there were aliens in space and he was very curious about the name alien.
And that child was named Roronoa.

When he was still a child or when he was 10 years old, Roronoa loved reading books related
to space and aliens, he was very curious about aliens and space. He dreamed of becoming an
astronaut and exploring the whole of space, and solving various mysteries in space.

Long story short, when he grew up and became an astronaut and got the chance to explore
space, he remembered his dream as a child, which was to explore all of space and solve the
mysteries of his mind that had not been answered by him. When he got the chance he was
excited and couldn't wait to explore space. When he arrived in space, he explored every
corner of space and looked for something called aliens, but after all this time he explored, he
did not find anything called aliens, so he felt disappointed.

When he was about to return to earth, he saw a black hole and he was very curious about it,
he then entered and then moved to another dimension, unexpectedly he was in that dimension
seeing the things he had always wanted to see, “that's right” he saw aliens and saw several
alien creatures that he did not know the name of. Roronoa was very surprised and amazed by
the things that were there, he did not expect to see these things. Then he took a camera from
his bag and photographed some things there, after he photographed some things there for
memories. He wanted to go home, but unfortunately the black hole had disappeared

He was there looking for the black hole where he entered the current dimension he was in, he
wanted to go home and return to earth, he went around looking for the black hole but still he
didn't find it. Unnoticed and without realizing it he traveled continuously for 10 years to look
for the black hole and Roronoa never found the black hole.

When he had given up hope that the black hole would return, suddenly a loud noise was
heard and it turned out that the sound came from the black hole he had been looking for.
Roronoa did not want to waste it, he then came and entered the black hole, and finally he
returned to the dimension where he should have come from.

After that he returned to his spaceship and returned to earth, Roronoa made it a very beautiful
experience at the same time stressful and frightening, because he almost could not return to
earth. And finally, after he returned to earth, he remembered all the photos he got from other
dimensions as the best memories and did not want to tell anyone, except for his

Generic structure

Orientation: Paragraf 1 and 2

Komplikation : Paragraf 3-6

Re - orientation: paragraf 7

Language feature

Conjuction of adverb of time : once upon a time , one day ,when

Simpel pas tens : You were ,stresfull

Past perfect tens : finally

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