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Intercultural Kode/sks 22ING5226/ 2 sks
Mata Kuliah
Selasa, 22 November Kelas 21RA
Hari, Tanggal
Dosen Pengampu Hj. Dina Rafidiyah, Ruang FKIP 03
S.Sos., S.Pd.Ing., S.S.,
Waktu Ujian 100 menit TTD Dosen TTD Kaprodi
Sifat Ujian Open Book

CPMK 1: to explain the theoretical concept of culture and communication

diversities around the world (CPL4, CPL1)
CPMK 2: to elaborate the occurrence of intercultural communication in different
contexts such as individual, family, work, education, and gender (CPL2,

I. Critical Thinking. Choose the right answer.

met very many people from cultures other than his own, and

Poor Bob!

In this quiz, you will read about a number of things Bob does. In each of them, he could
be better at critical thinking. For each situation, choose the aspect of critical thinking that
could most specifically help him to think more critically in that particular situation.


his hand on his chest, smiled, and gave a small bow. Since hand shaking is a

decided that the neighbor is not a friendly man. What aspect of critical thinking is
Bob missing here?
a. Critical thinkers imagine and explore alternatives
b. Critical thinking requires skepticism.

2. After meeting the neighbor, Bob and his mother talked. Bob said he thought that
the neighbor was very rude. His mom said that he seemed very friendly and

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Bob told her that was impossible. What aspect of critical thinking is Bob missing
a. Critical thinkers explore alternatives
b. Critical thinking is based on accuracy

3. Sometimes when Bob meets someone from his culture who is not polite, he realizes
that the person may simply be having a very bad day. When Bob meets someone
from another culture who is not polite, he assumes that all people from that culture
are impolite. What aspect of critical thinking is Bob missing here?
a. Critical thinking is based on relevance.
b. Critical thinking is based on fairness.

4. Bob is having problems in math class and needs a tutor. He decides to ask his Asian
classmate for help, because Bob assumes that all Asians are good at math. What
aspect of critical thinking is Bob missing here?
a. Critical thinking is thinking that is as free as possible from bias and prejudice
b. Critical thinking is a process
a person and tries never
to change his mind. What aspect of critical thinking is Bob missing here?
a. Critical thinking is based on accuracy.
b. Critical thinking is a process.
6. Bob is from a very wealthy country. He assumes that all immigrants must be poor.
What aspect of critical thinking is Bob missing here?
a. Critical thinking examines assumptions.
b. Critical thinking is based on fairness.
7. Bob and his brother were talking about the leader of a certain country. Bob called
the leader a dictator. His brother pointed out that the leader had been
democratically elected. What aspect of critical thinking is Bob missing here?
a. Critical thinking requires deep reflection.
b. Critical thinking is based on accuracy.
8. Seeing a woman dressed in the traditional clothing of her country of origin, Bob

ssing here?
a. Critical thinking is based breadth.
b. Critical thinking can be taught.
9. -centered. Much more than other people,

thinking is Bob missing here?

a. Critical thinking requires time and reflection.
b. Critical thinking distinguishes fact from opinion.
10. Bob has not been a very good critical thinker up to now, but if he is willing to work
on it, he can become a better critical thinker. What aspect of critical thinking is
relevant here?
a. Critical thinking can be learned.
b. Critical thinking distinguishes fact from opinion.

II. Active Listening and Active Reading. Choose the right answer.

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11. What is the main difference between active listening and the kind of listening most
people do most of the time?
a. An active listener listens to multiple conversations at the same time.
b. An active listener pays more attention to the speaker and what he/she is
c. An active listener is more critical.
12. nt to

about how you will reply while you are listening to someone?
a. Because if you are thinking about what you will say next, you are not
listening fully.
b. Because maybe no one will ask you to reply.
c. Because if you are thinking about how you will reply, you may need to think
what and how to say it
13. What application does active listening have to your participation in this course?
a. You must first fully understand what they are trying to communicate to you.
b. The new version of this course will provide the opportunity for voice boards.
c. None, since this is mostly a text-based course, which does not require the
use of audio.
14. Why is active listening an essential skill for a teacher?
a. Teachers need to really listen to their supervisors in order to know how to
b. EFL teachers need to be good at listening to understand what their students
are trying to say
c. Teachers need to listen to their students to know their students and support
their learning process
15. Why do active listeners need to give their full attention when listening to or reading
a message from another person?
a. Because listening is harder than reading.
c. Because inattention often leads to misunderstandings
16. Why should you reflect before responding in an online discussion board?
a. Because the first thing that you think of may not be the best response.
b. Because you may be in the wrong discussion.
c. Because the internet connection might be bad.
17. Why is it important to recognize the emotional side of things when listening to
a. If the person is crying.
b. If we deny the emotional side of things, we are not really listening to what is
being communicated.
18. How can sharing your point of view, knowledge, or experience help you to be an
active listener?
a. It reminds you what the conversation is about.
b. It allows you to engage in the conversation and help the person process what
he or she is talking about.
c. It gives you something to think about while you are listening or reading.
19. If sharing your point of view, knowledge, or experience is a technique of active
listening, does this mean we should dominate the conversation by talking about
a. Yes. The best listeners are the ones who talk the most.
b. No. Sharing your point of view is done only in to keep the other person

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c. No. This technique makes you a good active listener only if you use it in the
right amount.
20. In what kind of a conversation can you use active listening techniques?
a. In any kind of conversation.
b. Only in intellectual conversations.

IV. Kunci jawaban:

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. A

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