Voynich Manuscript Cipher Writings

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Doc ID: 6588663

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1\•. lo. l60 1D th• Fab)u C.ol�tioa� ilow ·.tn tu. Ran Book
liOOII ot tu !.ibr&1'7· ot Goamaaa u ca" .Xbt l&ixttllA leek'•
whttlAWt etc., ·p�int- J.D· J..oactaa 1n· 165?. : · ..
•• jou. -�"rhapa- k=•• a tew ot..,..uaociawa ...., I· hff• · been. . . .
illt,...� .. tor a mlllbei- of',..,..
and a• a pvely le1n1'e•tiM . ·
hOH· project, in -tr,111i? t.o •k• ••• �·.ot th• •....ii.d · ..·
.f.o,n!eb MamiaortJ,\,· which contalu cipheJ", •1t1aca--....ill�g�
·· atu1buted· to Roa•r a.on.- · tianni NUhed Mli• tentat.i'ff ooulu­
eiOD• w1th r••P� ·to tt\e bu1o' nature.·fit .the ff)'p'lOCJ'&phio •1at•
'· · : ullder�ina . thti 'ff1�1nl ·�·the V071l1cp 1'.U, I
baa HUObin, h&Ye.
· . thJoo.ach. -� lU.eJ"•tun.for ·certain t1P•• ot •tat.•• ncg•atad 1n
. th'e 16th � · l?t.h Ce .....lu as ."w••rl&l lu.r;uac
. ••• • The- Can
a.olt book reo��tlt oan_ to 'fl¥ attention · &114 i' lit•.Tffl meh
. \o h&T• a ·oow .ot· it tor detailed and ov.t'ul.at.11dy ·ot lta u.a­
tut.•• It · ..... ditt1oult and expe1111Y' to obi.ain t,h•.book, and . ·..
in·:l1w ot ,�. -- lt••lt• a pboto1tai10· ffP7 wOllll.d do. Bltt the .
. .penonal eq,�tl�. f# pbo\oat.&tlllc 1t at the iibralt ·a.1ce1 ••

h••1t.te •.on th• oi.tier haad, I oould probal».l., kn. \,a. .,.k
4ou •1th oUI' owntaoWtie•• U' \he book ooald tM'aiilcle aftllabi.
tor Ju.t om, day. ·anci could Mk• aore thl,a..... tor the la...
ot -r uaccia\�• .in the pr.Jeot.. · ·
· Ia Yi•• :�t i� :iact. ·
that it .�. throqlt.,. 1atv•••ion t.hat ·
the Umv, uqw.riid · the labJ'U Colleet1•, 'owld _,- Po••i'bl,
ll&h &Jl a1e;t.io11 to·the·i..1bra:ry•, n.t.• &nil 1.t. .. wro1' ta.
HOk tff the tiae u4 purpo.. 1nd1oawd'l · .....
, . -.y
··••wl'lnc'1CN ot s, appno�t.1o
nqueat· u4 •1t.b oWds.l. O'M\ins•, l • . ·
kind· oonaiduatioD , of' ·
· · ·:. · .

. '• ..

�.- J..a\htr' H.· Iwau
LillftJ"S.. ot c'ongre" · ·
· lubt.n8'on11 D.- · C.
,' .

Approved for Release by NSA on 07-18-2017, FOIA Case # 101982

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