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Supporting Lecturer:
Aulia Hanifah Q,M.Pd

Study Program:
Mathematics Education

Arrange by:
Group 1
1. Sifriyatunnisa (23310002)
2. Suci Kumala Dewi (23310004)
3. Diva Meysa Nabila (23310009)

Universitas Muhamammadiyah Metro

Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No.116, Iringmulyo, Kec. Metro Tim., Kota Metro,
Lampung 34112

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahirrabbil 'alamin. Thank you for the presence of God who has given us gifts. So we
can complete this paper on time.

Do not forget we would like to thank all those who have helped us to complete this paper.
Especially for lecturer Aulia Hanifah, M.Pd. who have guided us. Of course, without the help of
those who help us, we would not be able to complete this paper.

As authors, we realize that there are many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper. So, we
humbly accept criticism and suggestions from readers so that we can improve this paper.

We hope that this paper will be useful for readers.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Metro, 7 Oktober 2023





1.1 Background
1.2 Formulation of the problem
1.3 Objective





1.1 Background
Lines and angles play a role in many aspects of daily life. It is important for us to be
confident in measuring an angle, calculating angles and drawing angles in order to succeed in
math exams. But having a strong knowledge of lines and angles can also help our
understanding of the world. If we look around us, we find many uses of lines and angles,

1) All buildings have a structure of lines and angles,

2) Paintings and drawings use lines and angles,

3) Writing text is done in one line,

4) Books are made in square corner format,

5) In dances and lines to align positions we imagine imaginary lines,

6) Car parking is done in a queue, except when parking at an angle,

7) Architects calculate angles and lines in designing buildings,

8) Construction workers ensure the slope of a line in constructing a building and there are
many more angles and lines we find in our daily lives.

Most of our buildings, they have right angles, they are built straight up and the roofs are
angular or straight. Even if there is a Mosque dome, the principles of lines still apply to the
basic structure. The dome structure must be maintained by measuring each angle and line of
points to the center of the base where all points meet. In the construction industry, angles
make the difference whether a building is safe or not. Architects and contractors need to
calculate the exact angle to make the structure stand upright and allow rainwater to drain off
the roof. Furthermore, without ensuring all structures are built with straight lines, construction
workers cannot guarantee that windows and doors will match. If the angles and lines are
calculated incorrectly, or not built accurately, the structure could have collapsed, twisted gaps,
or possible water ingress. Construction workers use the knowledge learned in school about
lines and angles to make these critical decisions on which our safety depends.

When you perform congregational prayers, realize that you are already doing the benefits
of lines. The rows in prayer should be straight and tight between worshippers. So it looks
organized when viewed from above. Another example, when you watch a Saman dance
performance (a dance of the Gayo tribe, Aceh) which is usually performed for important
traditional events. Saman dance floor patterns use straight line floor patterns, both vertical and
horizontal. The floor pattern used has a certain meaning, namely a description of human
relations with other humans.

In accordance with the explanation above, it is appropriate for us to learn and understand
about the lines and angles themselves. As a form of gratitude and fulfill our obligations as
Muslims in studying. Therefore, this paper is compiled with the aim of making it easier for
both writers and readers to learn lines and angles.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What are lines and angles?

2. What is the relationship between lines?

3. What is the relationship between angles?

1.3 Objectives

1. To understand what lines and angles are.

2. To know the relationship between lines.

3. Understand the relationship between angles.

1.4 Benefits

This paper was prepared by the author with the aim of fulfilling the Scientific English
Course assignment. The author hopes that the preparation of this paper can facilitate both
readers and writers in studying Lines and Angles.


2.1 Lines

a. Definition of Line

A line is an arrangement of points (can be infinite) that are next to each other and in a row
extending in two directions (right left or up and down). It has only one dimension, which
has two opposite directions and extends infinitely far in both directions. Unlike the ray,
the ray is part of a line that has nothing but one direction to extend and one end point
called the base point of the ray. there is also what is called a line segment or line segment,
which is part of a line or ray that has 2 end points, also called the boundary point of the
line segment. Consider the following image:

Image description:

- AB is called the line AB with a two-way arrow above the letter AB;

- AB is called ray AB with the base point at A (with an arrow above the letter AB
pointing to the right);

- AB is called line segment AB

b. Relationship between Two Lines

The relationship between two lines depends on the dimension being discussed. The
relationship between two lines in dimension two (flat plane) will be different from
dimension three (space).

1) Parallel lines
Two parallel lines are if the lines are in one flat plane and will never meet or intersect
if the lines are extended to infinity. The symbol of two parallel lines is //. Two lines
are called parallel to each other if the two lines are in one plane or their extensions
will never intersect. There are several properties of parallel lines, namely:

- Past a point outside the line, exactly one other line can be made parallel to the

- If there is a line that intersects one of the two parallel lines, then the line will
intersect the second line;

- If a line is parallel to another line, the two lines will also be parallel to each

- Lines g and h parallel are denoted by g/h.

2) Intersecting lines

Two lines will be called intersecting if the two lines have a cut point or commonly
referred to as the point of intersection. The two lines form 4 line rays that are allied at
one starting point, namely point T.

3) Intersecting lines

Two lines will be called intersecting if the two lines have at least two intersection
points. For example, the hands of a clock when it shows 12:00 am. Then the two
hands coincide.
Lines AB and AC are two congruent lines, they coincide.

4) Lines crossing

Two lines cross each other if the two lines are not parallel and do not lie in one plane.

c. Midpoint of Line Segment and Bisector

Regarding line segments, there are several concepts below:

1) The midpoint of a line segment is a point that separates/divides the line segment into
line segments of equal size (congruent).

T is the midpoint of PQ so that PT = TQ

2) The bisector of a line segment is the line that separates/divides the line segment into
line segments of equal size (congruent).

M is the bisector of PQ so PT = TQ
2.2 Angles

a. Definition of an Angle

An angle is what is formed by the intersection of two rays or two straight lines. This
angle is an area formed by a ray that is rotated at the base of the ray. Angles are denoted
using the symbol "∠".

In mathematics, an angle can be interpreted as a region formed due to the presence of

two ray lines whose base points are allied or coincide. An angle in geometry is the
amount of rotation of a line segment from one base point to another position. In addition,
in regular two-dimensional shapes, an angle can also be defined as the space between two
intersecting straight line segments.

An angle has three important parts, namely:

 The leg of the angle, which is the ray line that forms the angle.
 Angle point, which is the base or intersection point where the ray lines intersect.
 Angle area, the area between the two legs of the angle.

b. Types of Angles

By considering the amount of rotation formed from the beginning to a full rotation,
angles can be defined as follows: (Gellert, 1977: 147 - 148)

1) Taper angle
The magnitude of less than a quarter of a full turn

2) Right angle -siku

The magnitude of a quarter of a full turn.

3) obtuse angle

Magnitude more than a quarter turn, less than half a turn

4) Straight angle

Magnitude of a full half-turn

5) Reflex angle
Magnitude of more than half a turn, less than one turn

6) Full angle

Magnitude of one full turn

c, Angle Units of Measure

Three kinds of angle units are widely used degrees, radians and gradians.

1) Units of Degree

If a circle has a radius drawn on it that divides it into 360 equal parts, then the
angle between any two consecutive radii is called 1 degree, denoted 1°. Thus, 1° is
the measure of an angle that is 1 360 full revolutions. One degree is divided into 60
equal parts, each of which is called 1 minute (1' ). One minute is divided into 60
equal parts, each called 1 second (1''). So in this angle measure, 1° = 60' = 3,600''.
In calculations, mixed units are often used. In degrees denoted by the decimal
system, for example 280 .30'.45'' can be calculated in the following way:

28° .30'.45'' = 28° +30/60 + 45/3600= 28° + 0,5 + 0,0125 = 28,5125°

2) Radian Units
The magnitude of θ radians is the measure of the central angle that intersects an
arc equal to the length of the radius of the circle θ = s / r, if s = r then the angle θ is
1 radian. Since the circumference of a circle or the arc length of a full circle is 2𝜋𝑟,
the magnitude of the angle of a full circle is 2𝜋𝑟 radians.

The calculation is as follows:

2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 360°

𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 180°

1/4𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 90°

1 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 360/2π = 57.29577

1° = 0,0174532

A unit circle is a circle whose radius is 1 unit long. Then the circumference is
2𝜋. Furthermore, the magnitude of the central angle - suudt can be expressed
according to the length of the arc. For example, the arc length of 1/8 of a circle is
often called 45° according to its central angle, although it only applies if the radius
length is 1 unit.

3) Gradian Units

This unit rarely appears in textbooks, but appears in scientific calculators. In

calculators, it is known as the GRAD symbol. This angular unit is widely used for
geological purposes. An arc of 1 gradian on the surface of the earth's equatorial
circle is approximately equal to a distance of 100 km.

So, 400^g = 360° so 10^g = 9° or 1g = 0.90

d. Relation of Two Angles

1) Right angles
If there are two angles that are adjacent to each other and form a right angle, then
one angle will become a right angle for the other angle so that the two angles are
called right angles (complements).

2) Straight angles
If there are two angles that are adjacent to each other and form a straight angle, then
one angle will be a straight angle for the other angle. So that the two angles can be
referred to as angles that are perpendicular to each other (supplement).

3) Opposite Angles
The figure below shows two intersecting lines AB and CD forming four angles at
point O.

The four angles are ∠𝐴𝑂𝐶, ∠𝐵𝑂𝐶, ∠𝐵𝑂𝐷 and ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷. Two pairs of angles are
opposite, namely :

o ∠𝐴𝑂𝐶 is opposite to ∠𝐵𝑂𝐷

o ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 is opposite to ∠𝐵𝑂𝐶.

The figure also shows that ∠𝐴𝑂𝐶 and ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 form a straight angle as well as
∠𝐵𝑂𝐶 and ∠𝐵𝑂𝐶.

So ∠𝐴𝑂𝐶 + ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 = 180° and ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 + ∠𝐵𝑂𝐷 = 180°.

Because ∠𝐴𝑂𝐶 + ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 = 180° and ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 + ∠𝐵𝑂𝐷 = 180°

Then ∠𝐴𝑂𝐶 + ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 = ∠𝐴𝑂𝐷 + ∠𝐵𝑂𝐷

So that ∠AOC = ∠BOD

In the same way it is obtained that ∠AOD = ∠BOC

From the above we can conclude that two opposite angles will have the same angle

e. Transversal Two Lines

The line that intersects the two lines is called the transversal line. As a result of
two lines being cut by a line, pairs of angles will be formed, namely a facing angle, an
opposite inner angle, an opposite outer angle, a one-sided inner angle, and a one-sided
outer angle.

In the figure below, line m and line n are parallel where l is the transversal. Line l
intersects lines m and n to form 8 angles, namely ∠A_1, ∠A_2, ∠B_7, and ∠B_8 which
are external angles and ∠A_3, ∠A_4, ∠𝐵5, and ∠B_6 which are internal angles.
1) Confronting Angles

Face angles are two angles (an internal angle and an external angle) that are not
adjacent on the same side of the transversal. In the figure below, line m is parallel to
line n and both lines are cut by line l, then there are pairs of facing angles namely:
∠A_1 and ∠B_5, ∠A_2 and ∠B_6, ∠A_3 and ∠B_7 and ∠A_4 and ∠B_8 and their
angle magnitudes are equal.

2) Opposite Inner Angles

Opposite internal angles are two non-adjacent internal angles on opposite sides of a
transversal. In the picture below, line m is parallel to line n, both lines are cut by
line l. There are pairs of opposite interior angles, namely ∠A_(3) and ∠B_6 and
∠A_4 and ∠B_5, the magnitudes of both angles are equal.

3) Opposite Outside Angles

Opposite external angles are two non-adjacent external angles on opposite sides of
a transversal. In the figure below, lines m and n are parallel, then both lines are cut
by line l to form pairs of opposite external angles, namely ∠A_1 and ∠B_8 and
∠A_2 and ∠B_7. The magnitudes of both angles are equal.
4) Inside Angles

Unilateral internal angles are two internal angles that lie on the same side. In the
figure below, lines m and n are parallel, then line l intersects lines m and n so that
there are pairs of unilateral interior angles, namely ∠A_(3 )and ∠B_5 and ∠A_4
and ∠B_6. The sum of the magnitudes of the two angles is 180°.

5) Unilateral Outside Angles

Unilateral external angles are two external angles that lie on the same side. In the
figure below, lines m and n are parallel, then the two lines are cut by line l to form
pairs of unilateral external angles, namely ∠A_1 and ∠B_7 and ∠A_2 and ∠B_8.
The sum of the angles is 180°.


3.1 Conclusion

 A line is an arrangement of points (can be infinite) that are next to each other and extend
in both directions (right left or up and down). If there are two lines then these lines will
be related. There are several relationships between two lines, namely: parallel lines,
intersecting lines, intersecting lines, crossing lines.
 The midpoint of a line segment is a point that separates / divides the line segment into
line segments of the same size (congruent)
 The bisector of a line is the line that separates/divides the line segment into line segments
of the same size (congruent)
 An angle is what is formed by the meeting of two or more lines.
 Angle notation: ∠
 The three parts of an angle: angle leg, angle point, angle region.
 Types of angles: acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, reflex angle, full
 Angle units of measure: degree unit, radian unit, gradian angle.
 Relation of two angles, namely: right angles, angles, opposite angles.
 Transversal two lines consist of several types: facing angle, opposite inner angle,
opposite outer angle, unilateral inner angle, unilateral outer angle.

3.2 Suggestions

 For the Compiler: in the preparation of this paper, there are still not many sources used
and the preparation is still not completely neat.
 For Readers: with the compilation of this paper can be easily understood by readers. So
that it can increase knowledge and facilitate understanding, especially in Line and Angle

As writers we realize the many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper. So, we really
hope for suggestions from readers.

Kusmayanti, V. dkk.(2020). Modul Pembelajaran Matematika Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Garis Dan Sudut. Terdapat dari

Ponidi, dkk. (2020). Modul 7 Garis dan Sudut. Terdapat dari

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