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A for Today,
Magazine Hope for Tomorrow
of Understanding January-February 2016
July-August 2022

The New
Alternative Lifestyles: Are They Really Harmless? 10 • What Are They Teaching Your Children? 15
Sex, Marriage and Family: The Spiritual Significance 20 • Leaving Our Nets for Christ 28
CONTENTS July-August 2022

4 The New Sexual Revolution
We face a serious revolution. Large numbers
of young adults identify as LGBTQ. Schools are

Photos, from top: Ridofranz/iStock/Getty Images Plus, JackF/iStock/Getty Images Plus, angeluisma/iStock/Getty Images Plus Cover: Sudowoodo/ iStock/Getty Images Plus
programming preteens to believe they can
choose to be a boy or girl. Society is in a satanic
battle against God Himself, marriage, the family,
the natural order as God designed us and
God’s plan for mankind. This battle is already
in your home!

10 Alternative Lifestyles:
Are They Really Harmless?
Hollywood, government, politicians, academia,
the mainstream media, corporate America and
even the U.S. military are pushing alternative
lifestyles as normal and even admirable and

desirable. What they’re not telling us is the
enormous toll of human suffering this brings.
What is the truth?

15 What Are They Teaching

Your Children?
The battle for social change in the United States
is increasingly taking place among vulnerable
young people, especially in our public schools.
And the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

20 Sex, Marriage and Family:

The Spiritual Significance
God created human beings male and female
so that we might enjoy a loving sexual relation-
ship in marriage leading to families. But what

15 28
is the spiritual significance and purpose God
has in mind?

23 God’s Instruction Manual

for Sex and Marriage
God made us male and female and gave man- DEPARTMENTS
kind the institution of marriage. He also gave
us an instruction manual for sex and marriage 18 Current Events and Trends
so that these might work as He designed to An overview of events and conditions around the world
fulfill His purpose.
30 Letters From Our Readers
28 Leaving Our Nets for Christ Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts
Jesus’ first disciples left their lives as fishermen
to follow Jesus. This commitment would be 31 Beyond Today Television Log
tested and renewed—an example to all of us. A listing of stations and times for the Beyond Today TV program

2 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

“We’re Coming for Scott Ashley

Your Children!” Managing editor

who publicized such perverse brainwashing found them-
t was only last summer that the San Francisco Gay selves censored and frozen out of social media.)
Men’s Chorus was hit with a wave of backlash after the American entertainment media is hard at work brainwash-
group posted an online video with members singing ing your children into accepting sexually deviant lifestyles.
about indoctrinating children to accept the gay agenda. GLAAD, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,
In its opening verse one of the members sang to Ameri- recently boasted that out of 775 regular series characters in
can parents: “You’re just frightened. You think that we’ll U.S. primetime TV, nearly 12 percent are LGBTQ (lesbian,
corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer/questioning).
just this once, you’re correct.” If that sounds much higher than the percentage of the
After the backlash, the group quickly backpedaled and U.S. population that falls into those categories, it is much,
issued a statement that the song was merely “tongue- much higher—and by design. This inflated representation is
in-cheek humor” and that conservatives had “taken the meant to make such lifestyles seem normal and attractive.
lyrics out of context to support a narrative that suits their Is it having an effect? Consider that a recent major
intolerant and hateful needs.” study found that more than 30 percent of U.S. Millennials
What lyrics were “taken out of context”? Apparently —basically those today in their 20s and 30s—now
such lines as these: identify as LGBTQ. The researchers concluded that the
“We’ll convert your children, happens bit by bit. Quietly increase is particularly driven by social and news media
and subtly, and you will barely notice it. coverage pushing LGBTQ as “safe and cool.”
“The gay agenda is coming home, the gay agenda is here! In his powerful dissent from the U.S. Supreme Court’s
“We’re coming for them, we’re coming for your children!” majority decision to legalize homosexual marriage, Justice
The song concludes with dozens of homosexual men Samuel Alito gave this sobering warning: “Today’s deci-
singing multiple times, “We’ll make an ally of you yet!” sion . . . will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling
Hmmm. I distinctly remember when the U.S. Supreme to assent to the new orthodoxy . . . [It] will be exploited
Court in 2015 was hearing arguments to decide on the by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige
legality of gay marriage, we were all assured that it was of dissent . . . Those who cling to old beliefs [such as the
just a matter of “equality” and that homosexuals only biblical foundation of marriage] . . . will risk being labeled
wanted the right to marry just like anyone else. as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers,
Apparently that was not all. For in American society and schools . . . By imposing its own views on the entire
the floodgates have since opened to virtually every kind country, the [court] majority facilitates the marginalization
of sexual deviancy imaginable and then some. of the many Americans who have traditional ideas.”
It wasn’t that long ago that we started hearing about “drag Justice Alito’s words proved prophetic. Now those who
queen story hour” showing up at local libraries all across the stand up for biblical values—as we do in Beyond Today
United States. Today I learned that the famous American magazine and television—are branded bigots, haters,
toy manufacturer Mattel has introduced a new collector homophobes and worse. In today’s “cancel culture,” views
doll modeled after the winner of a TV drag queen contest. such as ours—based in the Bible and 400 years of nation-
Digging a little deeper, I learned that another major national al Judeo-Christian values—are routinely silenced (see our
U.S. toymaker, Fisher-Price, recently introduced another set last issue on “The Conspiracy to Cancel God”).
of dolls clearly intended for an audience of young children Meanwhile, God says of cultures like ours that flaunt
—drag queens with flamboyant gowns and hairdos. their sins: “They display their sin like the people of
Meanwhile, the U.S. state of Florida recently passed a law Sodom and don’t even try to hide it. They are doomed!
to prevent teachers from discussing sex, gender identity and They have brought destruction upon themselves” (Isaiah
sexual orientation with 5- to 8-year-olds. This was largely 3:9, New Living Translation, emphasis added).
in response to many videos and class handouts that showed Yes, they are coming for your children. And a time of
up online during public school Covid shutdowns in which reckoning is also coming. Will you be standing with God
teachers of children of all ages were found to be encouraging when that time comes?
their students to question and explore their sexual identity
and, in some cases, how to touch themselves for sexual plea-
sure! (Meanwhile, as is more and more common, parents

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 3

The New
We face a serious revolution. Large numbers of young adults identify as LGBTQ.
Schools are programming preteens to believe they can choose to be a boy or girl.
Society is in a satanic battle against God Himself, marriage, the family, the natural
order as God designed us and God’s plan for mankind. This battle is already in your home!
by Darris McNeely

o you see the words “boy or girl” in the lines this fact in our lifetime. I know it has cheapened the qual-
above? My writing software’s spell correction ity of life. The fact that we go about our daily life accepting
kept prompting me to change it to “child,” a abortion—the murder of millions of unborn children—as
“more gender-inclusive term.” Where I later normal has desensitized us to the sanctity of life, mother-
write “bride and groom,” I was prompted to change that hood and the value of the family to society. It appears that
to “couple.” That’s how pervasive this revolution is. Roe v. Wade could be overturned with a ruling soon to be
I grew up in the 1960s during a time of great cultural and announced by the Supreme Court, but incalculable dam-
social upheaval. A major transformation occurred that gave age has been done. The battle for abortion has been fought
a name to the period—the Sexual Revolution. A main driver along a deep and wide cultural fault line.
behind it was “the Pill,” an oral contraceptive for women
approved for widespread use in 1960. With the Pill readily Another stage of sexual revolution
available, now people could engage in sexual relationships Today we face another stage in the sexual revolution. We
more freely without fear of pregnancy. can call it a “new sexual revolution,” recognizing that there’s
This was huge. Casual sex, euphemized by the term really nothing new under the sun in terms of human deg-
“free love,” became the clarion call among youth and radation. Previous ages have always had sexual immoral-
older generations. ity. (Ever study ancient Greece and Rome?) Abortion and
Attitudes toward traditional morality and the family forms of infanticide were part of many ancient cultures.
structure radically changed over the decade, especially with However, when it comes to the depths of sexual confu-
God and prayer removed from U.S. public schools in 1962 sion, self-loathing, vile sexual perversions and denial of
and ’63. Then in 1973 came another event connected with biology by today’s ruling media, government and enter-
increased immorality and further breakdown of traditional tainment elites, we may be seeing a new depth of cultural,
morals. The Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legal- social and spiritual perversion that would shock even
ized abortion. Since then, more than 60 million legal abor- those of ancient Sodom.
tions have been performed in America alone. We will briefly examine what is happening. The news
I don’t expect any of us to understand the full impact of and headlines will be familiar to you, as they are a never-

4 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
empowerment through Jesus Christ.
We understand the difficulty of
changing deep-rooted patterns of
extreme behavior and thinking.
We also know there is competent
help for those who desire. We stand
on God’s promise that “when the
wicked turns from his wickedness
and does what is lawful and right,
he shall live because of it” (Ezekiel
33:19, emphasis added throughout).
One for the ages
Like me, you were likely astound-
ed when Judge Ketanji Brown
Jackson was questioned before the
U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee
earlier this year as a nominee for
the Supreme Court. When asked by
Tennessee Senator Marsha Black-
burn, “Can you provide a definition
of the word woman?” the
To deny biology, genetic science and the basic judge could only answer, “I
can’t . . . I am not a biologist.”
sexuality of men and women, one must willingly I understand the normal
take part in a lie perpetuated by key influencers. evasion that is part of poli-
tics. But this is one for the
ending part of today’s news cycle. stand equally before God as sinners ages. This line could define our time
Readers of Beyond Today should in need of forgiveness. God’s law as one of rank stupidity. That a sitting
understand that what is occurring defines how we should live. When we federal judge being considered for
before our eyes is not normal and cross the line into disobedience and the highest judicial role in the nation
could lead to a shattering of the fam- sin, there are consequences. We are would say this is astounding. What
ily structure as we have traditionally seeing those consequences today. should be even more astounding, but
known it. In fact, that seems to be the Our role in Beyond Today is not to sadly isn’t, is that she was approved
clear intent! condemn the sinner, but to clearly for a seat on highest court in the land.
If that happens, humanity will have point out the sin. We want each Judge Brown knew that to be
severed itself from the divine institu- individual to understand truth, God’s confirmed by a liberal majority of the
tion God created for perpetuating the truth, on the matter. We sympathize U.S. Senate, she had to appear woke
human race. The family—the biblical with those caught in behavior and or progressive. She had to show align-
family of a biological male (father) patterns of thinking damaging to ment with the politically correct ideas
and female (mother) committed by mind and body. To those who know of today’s elites. She would not have
marriage to one another—is under they are trapped and enslaved to sin, received her confirmation without
direct attack in this new sexual revo- we offer understanding concerning demonstrating she was on board
lution. It will impact every one of us! that struggle and the knowledge of with the new revolution in gender
God’s love and truth (see “Sexual and sexuality. Her answer signals her
Ridofranz/iStock/Getty Images Plus

What does God say? Identity Issues: What to Do, How to decisions on cases before the court
As we consider here the conse- Help” on page 12). will tilt not toward adhering to the
quences of sin on individuals and a Part of that truth is that there is a nation’s Constitution, but toward the
nation and culture, we’ll be looking way out of the trap. The chains can be progressive agenda.
to the Bible’s teaching about families, broken. We take no pleasure in the Never mind the fact this is a highly
morality and the alphabet soup of suffering of the many. We want to help educated woman who knows the dif-
LGBTQ+. It’s vital to know what God people turn from destructive behavior ference between men and women—
says about behavior that runs counter and live righteously before God. All and the fact that being a woman was
to His eternal spiritual law. All of us can find forgiveness, healing, hope and a stated prerequisite to her nomina-

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 5

tion by President Joe Biden. She is

obviously willing to participate in a
lie. It’s that simple. To deny biology,
genetic science and basic sexuality
one must take part in a lie repeated
so often by key influencers. Her
answer shows the depth to which
this new sexual revolution has taken
the nation. It will be very hard to
come back from such a position and
its consequences.
To participate in a lie of this mag-
nitude can immeasurably harm a
culture. It goes against nature itself to
deny biological sexuality within
the genetic structure. A man has The new sexual revolution is intent on driving a
an XY chromosome. A female
has an XX. Our sex is literally wedge between parents and children, in effect
written into every one of the
trillions of cells of our body.
breaking down the natural order of the family.
This is how God made man needed is staggering. Those early I suspect we are watching the rising
and woman. Genesis tells us the first grade school years—spanning ages up of what may be the diminishing
woman was taken from the side of 5 to 8—used to be a time of learning remnant of a generation of people
the man and that the two are distinct. to work together and show respect who knew a different America where
Their distinction goes beyond struc- within the context of a normal life of at least the framework of biblical
ture to function as well. The woman boys and girls playing amid a tradi- morals and ethics formed the foun-
was made to carry another human tional family setting. dation of religion and education.
life in her womb. That life can only Opponents of the Florida bill This is not to ignore the inequalities,
be engendered by or from a biological dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill injustice, racism and, yes, sin that has
male with specific distinctions. This even though it doesn’t contain those always been a part of every society.
is the natural order from God as words or the word “gay” at all. Calling But there was a time when a majority
revealed in the Bible. it that is meant to stir emotions and knew right from wrong on matters
Romans 1 describes the result of cloud the facts, making it seem hate- critical to maintaining order in soci-
abandoning and denying what God fully exclusionary to rally support in ety. There was a time when a Supreme
has set in order: “Therefore God opposing it. Court nominee would not hesitate to
gave them over in the desires of their But polls show that a majority of give an honest answer to the ques-
hearts to impurity, to dishonor their people, even many on the liberal tion, “What is a woman?”
bodies among themselves. They side, are against classroom instruc- Perhaps the biggest “canary in
exchanged the truth of God for a lie tion on sexuality and gender identity the coal mine” in this picture is the
and worshiped and served the cre- with children in that age group. And reaction from Florida-based Disney
ation rather than the Creator, who is thankfully many parents are wak- Entertainment. Irate Disney execu-
blessed forever!” (verses 24-25, New ing up to the dangers being inflicted tives began openly saying they would
English Translation). on children within public schools. inject more “queer” story lines and
Maria Korneeva/iStock/Getty Images Plus

(To learn more, see “What Are They sexual deviancy into their entertain-
“Don’t Say Gay”
Teaching Your Children?” beginning ment offerings.
In March the U.S. state of Florida’s on page 15.) In a leaked recording of a video
senate took on current progressive Right-thinking parents in Florida conference call, one Disney executive
politics by passing the “Parental and Virginia have banded together to bragged about her “not-at-all-secret
Rights in Education” bill. Governor resist the sinister changes that have gay agenda” and attempts at “adding
Ron DeSantis immediately signed it crept into today’s education elite. And queerness” wherever she could in
into law. This bill restricts “classroom the reaction is not only against gen- kids’ shows. Another employee talked
discussion about sexual orientation or der indoctrination. Parents are also openly about his attempts to “explore
gender identity” in pre-K to third grade. seeing the absurdity of critical race queer stories” and introduce “gender
That such a law would even be theory being taught to youth. non-conforming characters.”

6 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Astute observers of Disney have seen a programming who cried out about moral corruption in ancient Israel
shift from the traditional mores for some time. With the and Judah. People of those nations went as far as to sacri-
decades of family entertainment in the Disney archives, fice their children in fire to a pagan god named Molech. Is
you must wonder if there will be a movement to remake not sacrificing our children’s lives and minds to demonic
much of it to fit an acceptable gender-progressive format. perversion today in line with that?
Will they make Davy Crockett a “trans frontiersman”? If you think God doesn’t see or care, remember that He
How about the seven dwarves? Will they have to go cauterized the place of ancient Sodom on the earth with
because they offend a particular group of people? Will blazing fire from the sky (see our January-February 2022
there be male Disney princesses? One shudders to think issue for more about this event). Mankind had become so
what they would do to Mickey Mouse or Snow White. corrupt and evil in Noah’s day that only the eight people
of Noah's family were spared when God literally washed
Let’s be plain away the evil of that world. Should we think our evil age
The reaction to the Florida law by activist groups and will escape judgment?
Disney is the clearest example of where this new sexual The new sexual revolution involves driving a wedge
revolution is going. It is to a new world where harmful between parents and children, breaking down the natu-
practices such as gender transformation are accepted as ral order of the family. Those fomenting it are intent on
normal. Where society has the right to teach your chil- teaching children sinful ideas on sexuality and morality
dren, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews and that are starkly opposed to what the Bible teaches.
the young kids on your block that they are neither boys Such indoctrination used to begin in universities where
nor girls but whatever they feel like at the moment. hard-working parents would send their sons and daugh-
The goal is not just to teach them they can identify as ters only to find them returning home filled with ideas
whatever gender they think they are, but that they can based on critical race theory, immorality and an anti-god
also undergo harmful psychiatric molding and surgery to agenda. Now this teaching has crept into the very earliest
change their behavior and anatomy. The long-term dam- classrooms, starting with children in pre-kindergarten.
age is incalculable. (See “Alternative Lifestyles: Are They Hence the need for laws like the one recently passed in
Really Harmless?” beginning on page 10.) Florida. Of course, that is not nearly enough to turn the
We are watching a systematic effort to groom children tide—especially when schools deliberately keep parents
into a perverted system teaching an unnatural, unbiblical in the dark about what their children are being taught.
and destructive approach to sexuality. This is being done
in the open before our eyes. The record of those promot- What can you do?
ing gay pride, LGBTQ+ normalization and the acceptance You can take steps to protect your family from this
of other forms of sexual perversion is clear. There have pervasive evil culture. And make no mistake, it is evil.
been coverups in schools of sexual assault stemming from First, realize this is happening in the public-school
trans bathroom policies allowing biological teenage boys systems where your children may attend. Teachers today
to use girls’ restrooms. How about the five-day work- must conform to curricula shaped by “experts”—with
shops to teach kids to dress in drag offered by the Seattle false ideologies about critical race theory, inclusiveness
Museum of Pop Culture? and social justice shaping what is taught about history,
Institutions of education, entertainment and media are language and even science and math in some cases. The
being weaponized to create environments where chil- training of teachers today shapes their minds to accept
dren, without the consent or knowledge of parents, are and promote lifestyles quite different from what you find
groomed to accept or become participants in a system proper and would teach your children.
of pedophilia and sexual perversion. You can get more involved at your children’s schools to
An article at The Federalist showed from the American register opposition to such ideas being injected into the
Bar Association the definitions for those who groom chil- curriculum. You can also be more proactive with your
dren for their predatory behavior. Listed among the many children about the ideas they hear at school, whether
behaviors that can be sexually arousing to adults preying from teachers or friends. Do not abdicate your role as
on children was “discussing sexually explicit information their primary teacher in life.
under the guise of education” (Kylie Zempel, “Weirdos If you’re able, you could even homeschool your chil-
Who Want to Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely dren or send them to private education promoting
Be Stigmatized As Groomers,” April 7, 2022) proper values. One benefit of the Covid school lock-
Yes, this is all unpleasant and shocking. You may think downs was that many parents finally could see what their
this out of place in a magazine devoted to preaching the children were being taught in online classes, and many
gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. Sadly, it parents realized they could provide their children a
is not out of place. It is in line with every prophet of God much better education at home.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 7

You should also know what is on your television set or is the pattern that expands through all Scripture. A man
computer from streaming services like Disney+, Netflix and woman forming a nuclear family and having children,
and others. The programming today includes both subtle who grow and have their own families with children. Gen-
and blatant messaging promoting LGBTQ+ lifestyles. eration after generation follows this pattern. At the heart of
These are presented as acceptable and normal. Even the each generation is the family, a father and mother and their
basic broadcast networks have joined in, featuring more children. This development repeats and expands. The Bible
and more LGBTQ+ characters and storylines. contains more about family than most realize.
You and your children are being groomed to fit into a Many scriptures also provide teaching about how to deal
culture shaped by the new sexual revolution. This is not with a family that might be broken by divorce. Through
God’s culture. The culture has entered our homes and what He directed Moses to write, God shows how to treat
lives in every manner. We must be vigilant to see this and broken families and ensure continuity. Where there is a
proactive to push back and push it out. widow without a husband there is a law to protect her.
Most importantly, you need to ground yourself in what When there are orphans there are built-in teachings for the
the Bible says about sexuality, family and morality. Today’s community to protect and provide for them.
new sexual revolution is a full-on frontal attack against the The well-known story of Ruth contains details showing
family, described in the Bible as a divine union of a man how this works. Ruth, who was a widow, and her mother-
and a woman with children as part of the union who are in-law Naomi were provided for within Bethlehem by
nurtured, protected and taught godly morality. laws meant to preserve a family name and property. At
Today’s families are evolving against the backdrop of the heart of the marriage of Ruth to Boaz are laws meant
this revolution. More children live in homes where two to preserve the order, peace and security of the nuclear
parents cohabit without the benefit of marriage. High family structure to which Christ spoke.
divorce rates create huge numbers of single-parent homes Indeed, God Himself promises to fill the brokenness if
without the father/mother role models children need. we turn to Him: “A father of the fatherless, a defender of
With children being targeted at young ages to consider widows, is God in His holy habitation” (Psalm 68:5).
changing their gender, the individual blocks of the tradi- In the New Testament the basic covenantal duty of
tional families of the future are being altered. marriage and family is reaffirmed in the Gospels and the
You can arm yourself with truth about God’s design for teaching of the apostle Paul. The family is at the heart of
the family. Let’s look at some basic scriptures to under- the gospel message. In Ephesians we have a passage that
stand this truth. centers on the duties of husband and wife. It is worth quot-
ing its entirety for the accurate view it gives us about how
A biblical worldview this fundamental union of the family works and what it
A foundational scripture is found in Matthew 19, where pictures on the spiritual level. Let us look closely to see:
Jesus was tested with the question, “Is it lawful for a man “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
to divorce his wife for just any reason?” (verse 3). Jesus For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head
responded: “Have you not read that He who made them at of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore,
the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be
this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be to their own husbands in everything.
joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the
then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify
God has joined together, let not man separate” (verses 4-6). and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,
This passage is important for several reasons in form- that He might present her to Himself a glorious church,
ing our biblical worldview on this subject. It goes to the not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she
foundation of the world and God’s intent for the created should be holy and without blemish.
order. God designed two sexes, male and female—not an “So husbands ought to love their own wives as their
infinite number of genders. own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no
When a man and woman come together in marriage,
they are joined by God. Therefore, marriage is of divine
origin. Marriage is not a humanly devised cultural insti- Why are we living in such a chaotic, confused
tution. I have conducted many weddings. In each one I age? What’s behind the constant turmoil? Why are
tell the bride and groom, “Marriage is a divine institution the very foundations of society and culture under
attack? To understand, you need to read our free
ordained of God at creation.” This anchors them and their study guide Are We Living in the Time of the End?
new relationship in Scripture. Download or request your copy today!
When we go back to Genesis we see the first human par-
ents, Adam and Eve, and from them family develops. This

8 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
If you like Beyond Today,
you’ll love our website!
one ever hated his own flesh, but
nourishes and cherishes it, just as
the Lord does the church. For we are
members of His body, of His flesh
and of His bones.
“‘For this reason a man shall leave
his father and mother and be joined
to his wife, and the two shall become
one flesh.’ This is a great mystery, but
I speak concerning Christ and the
church. Nevertheless let each one of
you in particular so love his own wife
as himself, and let the wife see that
she respects her husband” (Ephesians

A man and woman bound in the
loving, divine union of marriage is ou won’t believe all the great things
one of the most beautiful parts of you’ll discover at the Beyond Today
human life. Giving birth to children website at!
and bringing them up to under- You’ll find past issues of Beyond Today,
stand love, to come to know God, each packed with articles about world
and to have respect for their bodies trends and events, family and social
as instruments of godly conduct, issues, prophecy in the news and Beyond
embraces the whole purpose of amount
Today’s eye-opening, in-depth perspective of
human life. The family is a pattern of informa-
of the divine relationship between
the Bible. Discover articles about creation and
evolution, profiles of biblical personalities, tion about the Bible.
God the Father and His Son, the Lord The most in-depth is
Jesus Christ. We come to understand proofs of the Bible and so much more!
our online Bible commen-
the destiny of human life as part
tary, a study that takes you Abrahams Journey
of Their family when we examine
the scriptural teaching of marriage
on a chapter-by-chapter
and family. We are to be spiritually journey of discovery through the Bible with
married to Christ, with all of us the supplementary reading and graphic aids such
children of God the Father. as charts and maps to open up your under-
The confusion generated by the standing of the Scriptures as never before.
new sexual revolution is intent on You’ll also find answers to frequently asked
breaking down the biblical pattern Explore our large library of study guides cover- Bible questions, helpful material on dozens
of marriage and family. Make no mis- ing a variety of biblical, ­family and social issues of biblical topics, and so much more!
take, it is a satanic lie that is working. and themes. Take a look at our publi­cations in
We are taught in Scripture to love You can also listen to or download sermons,
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died for every sinner, and everyone
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and to know the love of God. But in Use our search tool to find material on any
preaching and teaching this truth we subject—marriage, family, biblical teachings,
cannot deny the truth of human sexu- current events, prophecy, you name it. Feel free
ality and marriage as God intended— to download all these to your own computer,
and what it means to corrupt it. tablet or smartphone so you can study them
Nor can you ignore this truth in depth, or request your own printed copies
either. We urge you to seriously con- to be mailed right to your home!
sider the culture war around us. Arm
yourself with truth to protect you and
This website is packed with an astounding
your loved ones!

Visit today! B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 9


Alternative Lifestyles:
Are They Really Harmless?
Hollywood, government, politicians, academia, the mainstream media, corporate America and
even the U.S. military are pushing alternative lifestyles as normal and even admirable and desirable.
What they’re not telling us is the enormous toll of human suffering this brings. What is the truth?
by Mike Kelley

n the culture war battles raging that lead to good health if obeyed—or logical distress and higher rates of
across the Western world, the sickness, disease and death if violated. smoking and alcoholism. Lesbian and
issues of LGBTQ and transgender The push toward acceptance of bisexual women, in particular, have
“rights” have shoved and shoul- “alternative lifestyles” has been been found to be prone to having
dered their way to center stage. As is decades in the making. Beginning multiple chronic conditions. Surveys
the case with the abortion issue, some in the 1960s with the growth of the have shown transgender people more
states have begun to take sides. In “new morality,” a satanic, anti-God likely to be overweight, depressed
April, Florida governor Ron DeSan- movement has pushed in every way and foregoing of treatment for these
tis signed legislation outlawing the possible for acceptance of LGBTQ and other health problems than the
teaching or discussion of transgender (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender general population (Human Rights
issues with kindergarten and elemen- and queer/questioning) lifestyles. Campaign Foundation survey and
tary school children up to third These efforts have met with much report, July 2018).
grade. This action shocked LGBTQ success, especially in the United The Human Rights Campaign
and transgender rights advocates, but States, with acceptance of these (HRC), an LGBTQ advocacy and
helped bring into full consciousness lifestyles growing rapidly. A Gallup lobbying organization, confirms that
the growing transgender debate. poll conducted in May 2015 showed one in three LGBTQ people suffers
Yet lost in all the rhetoric and 53 percent of Americans had come to from mental illness, compared with
emotional heat is a related issue the believe that gay and lesbian lifestyles one in five heterosexual adults—a rate
mainstream media have largely cho- are morally acceptable. That view has more than 50 percent higher. LGBTQ
sen to ignore—the danger to physical since increased: A more recent poll populations are nearly four times
StudioMikara/iStock/Getty Images Plus

and mental health suffered by those from early 2022 indicates that accep- more likely to suffer clinical depres-
who practice these lifestyles. tance of LGBTQ lifestyles has grown sion, with those who are younger
to 62 percent. being most at risk. In the survey cited
Penalties for violating natural laws Although government and most above, HRC reported that 40 per-
The issue can be summed up sim- media refuse to discuss it, it’s well cent of LGBTQ youth suffered from
ply: There are real and severe penalties documented that LBGTQ people live depression most of the time, as com-
to be paid for violating laws of health with much higher risks of physical pared to just 12 percent of the general
and morality. Though most people and mental health problems than the youth population. Confusion over
either don’t know about or refuse to general population. gender and sexual identity, along with
acknowledge them, natural laws exist They experience higher psycho- still-considerable societal rejection,

10 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
were cited as leading causes. homosexuality and bestiality (Leviti- sex “marriages” must be recognized
As might be expected from such cus 18:22-23, 20:13) and against cross- in all 50 states.
elevated rates of depression, suicide dressing (Deuteronomy 22:5), New
and suicide attempts among the Testament writers such as the apostle Deviancy has consequences
LGBTQ population are very elevated, Paul condemned such practices. The deviant sexual practices of the
also at a rate four times the general One such powerful passage is Greek and Roman worlds are well
population. Romans 1, where Paul excoriates the documented. Some of the most well-
Setting aside higher suicide rates, evil and degeneracy of the pagan known of the Greek philosophers,
several studies have documented Roman world around him. After such as Aristotle and Plato, promoted
shorter lifespans among homosexual condemning the refusal of Roman certain homosexual relationships.
men. A Canadian study published society to even acknowledge the one Alexander the Great is believed to
in the International Journal of Epi- true God (verses 18-21), he lashes have been bisexual. Homosexual rela-
demiology back in 1997 noted that out against its evil sexual practices: tionships were common in ancient
in urban gay areas, life expectan- “For this reason God gave them up to Rome, especially among the upper
cies of homosexual men had shrunk vile passions. For even their women classes. Roman emperors such as
to about 55 years, comparable to exchanged the natural use for what is Hadrian, Titus and Nero, the emperor
during Paul’s time in Rome, kept
Although seldom discussed, it is well docu- young male lovers.
mented that LBGTQ people live with much These societies paid a price for such
practices. As reported by the National
higher risks of physical and mental health Library of Medicine, most ancient
societies were plagued with sexually
problems than the general population. transmitted diseases. Language too
life expectancies in the 1870s. The against nature. Likewise also the men, explicit to relate here describes the
researchers found that in one major leaving the natural use of the woman, various diseases that affected ancient
Canadian city, life expectancy for gay burned in their lust for one another, populations from their widespread
men was 8 to 20 years less than the men with men committing what is deviant sexual practices.
average for all men. shameful, and receiving in themselves The Israelites had lived for centuries
the penalty of their error . . .” (verses among the pagan Egyptians, whose
Natural consequence 26-27, emphasis added throughout). culture, though in some ways one
of lawbreaking History confirms that Roman soci- of the most advanced in the ancient
The various alternative lifestyles ety, as was the case with most ancient world, tolerated and practiced many
involve deviation from the sexual cultures, was afflicted with the same forms of sexual deviancy. Histories
laws our Creator set in place. God, sexual sins—and sexually transmitted of ancient Egypt show they suffered
the One who designed the human diseases—that plague us today. from many of the same diseases that
body and the processes that allow Writing to the church at Corinth, plague our modern society, including
human beings to reproduce, pro- whose membership consisted largely heart disease, cancer and many forms
vided mankind with a guidebook for of formerly pagan converts, Paul of sexually transmitted diseases.
human behavior—your Bible. In this instructed them regarding certain It seems that mankind refuses to
“operation manual” He clearly spells evil practices: “Do you not know that learn from the past. These diseases
out His rules for human sexuality, the unrighteous will not inherit the are still with us, and in many cases
rules that center on the use of sex for kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: are on the increase.
human reproduction and expressing neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
love between husband and wife. nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor Millions still dying from AIDS
For thousands of years mankind has sodomites . . . will inherit the kingdom The early 1980s were marked by
rejected those laws, practicing every of God.” He went on to make clear to the worldwide AIDS plague, as the
type of abominable sexual activity them that they could not return to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syn-
imaginable. Yet God’s laws remain their evil ways: “But such were some drome proliferated among much of
inviolable, with blessings for obedi- of you” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). the world’s homosexual population,
ence and curses for disobedience, as The United States was founded ultimately killing millions. Since that
spelled out in Deuteronomy 28. largely on Judeo-Christian prin- time modern drugs have somewhat
Society cannot cleanse what God ciples. Yet in 2015 the U.S. Supreme abated the spread of AIDS, and the
declares to be evil. In addition to the Court, in a 5-4 decision, ignored this general public thinks that AIDS is no
Old Testament prohibitions against national heritage, ruling that same- longer a major threat. But is that true?

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 11

Figures from the UN World Health pandemic, which is said to have The same can be said about the
Organization (WHO) show that 2020 caused more than 6 million deaths more traditional common STDs—
began with an estimated 38 million worldwide as of May 2022. Yet AIDS syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. In
people infected with HIV, the virus has killed almost a third of that num- spite of the pharmaceuticals available
associated with AIDS. Nearly 2 million ber since the start of 2020, and nearly today, a 2019 report from the U.S.
more became infected that year, and 36 million—almost the population of Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
an estimated 680,000 died. Perhaps Canada—since its onset in 1982. vention (CDC) show that new cases of
surprisingly, more than half of these Many think the development of these diseases have risen for six years
were women and girls who contracted powerful drugs has largely conquered in a row, reaching an all-time high
the disease from male sexual partners. this disease. But these drugs, which that year.
Let’s put this in perspective. Since have been around for more than 35 Also largely unreported are the
its outbreak in early 2020, worldwide years, have only contained and slowed links between AIDS and Covid-19.
attention has focused on the Covid the disease—not stamped it out. According to the UN’s World Health

Sexual Identity Issues: What to Do, How to Help

ith all the ever-worsening confusion and chaos in the world ter is the widespread absence of fathers in the home. A wonderful way
today, how can we distinguish fact from fiction and good from for a caring man to help a single mother is to spend quality time with her
evil? In our quest for truth regarding healthy minds and bodies children.
and relationships, our starting point, foundation and filter should be God’s The teenage years are a time of curiosity and confusion. Don’t be
“instruction book” for mankind, the Bible (see John 17:17; Proverbs 1:7; shocked if one of your children indicates some level of gender confu-
9:10). sion—after all, they’re being exposed to it regularly. Listen, but present
The Bible is in perfect harmony with science. In fact, God created sci- to your child factual knowledge that this confusion will pass—that your
ence! The Bible celebrates the fact that our “marvelous” human bodies and child was born a boy or girl and will be much happier if he or she accepts
minds are “wonderfully made” by God! (Psalm 139:14). God’s design in that. God absolutely does not want us to mutilate our bod-
In His perfect wisdom, God made two versions, male and female (Gen- ies by trying to change our God-given gender.
esis 1:26-27). Every chromosome in a human body is proof that the body Be mindful of the need to help others by sharing your well-informed
is either male (with the XY chromosome) or female (with the XX chromo- understanding and convictions whenever the circumstances warrant (see
some). With surgery and drugs, body parts can be altered, but an actual 1 Peter 3:15). While we are to “hate evil” (Proverbs 8:13), we must strive
sex change is impossible. Sadly and tragically, however, more and more to be like God who loves everyone and desires that everyone ultimately be
confused people—both adults and kids—are trying to “switch genders” saved (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9). With everyone, be respect-
or are at least contemplating it! ful, kind, compassionate and patient (see Colossian 4:5-6; 1 Peter 3:15).
So what can we do to further educate ourselves and learn how to help Be courageous and encourage your loved ones to be brave. Courage is
family members and friends to recognize and resist deceptions and temp- an essential and priceless virtue, but sadly it is all too rare. It takes courage
tations and make wise decisions? to swim upstream, to resist public pressure and peer pressure and to stand
First of all, stay close to God (obey Him, pray to Him, and listen as He up for what is right (see Joshua 1:5-9).
speaks to us through His Word). Also please read the other enlightening Learn about local groups and organizations that can support you or that
and alarming articles in this issue of Beyond Today related to this subject. you can support and assist. A team effort is often more effective.
And continue to seek up-to-date factual knowledge of the ever-evolving Beware of “higher education,” as most colleges are very expensive and
propaganda and pressures. many are more focused on “woke” indoctrination than true education.
Regularly and earnestly pray for yourself, your loved ones and friends, Many careers today don’t require four-year degrees from such institu-
and for all those who are struggling to resist the forces of deception and tions, though some still do. Learning a skilled trade can be more finan-
evil. Occasionally fast along with your prayers. For a good understanding cially rewarding than a university degree. A person can remain properly
of Bible study, prayer, fasting and other spiritual tools, we recommend our grounded in an academic setting, but it takes awareness and diligence.
free study guide Tools for Spiritual Growth. Thoroughly check out any school you are considering for your children.
Remember that you are not alone. God sympathizes with your stresses Many public and private high schools and grade schools teach unbiblical and
and He wants you to rely on Him to replace anxiety with peace of mind even anti-biblical ideologies. Consider home-schooling your children. It’s
and even joy (see Philippians 4:4-13). more doable than you might think. There are numerous fine organizations
God holds parents and guardians responsible to daily teach, guide, that offer guidance and assistance to home-schooling parents.
encourage and inspire their children to understand the priceless principles Lastly, if you’re a female, enjoy being a female! If you’re a male, enjoy
of God’s Word and way of life (see Deuteronomy 6). Decide when to com- being a male! More than that, celebrate the fact that God has blessed you
pletely shield your children from bad influences and when to explain to with an ideal and wonderful mind and body!
them how God views those influences. An ever-increasing societal disas- —Don Hooser

12 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Organization, people “living with HIV experience more
severe outcomes and have higher comorbidities from
Covid-19 than people not living with HIV.” In 2021 it Who’s Behind
Beyond Today?
reported that most people living with HIV lacked access
to Covid vaccines, and that for the HIV-positive, the
risk of dying from Covid was double that of the general
Growing gender confusion
While the acceptance of gay and lesbian lifestyles has
been longer in the making, the current upsurge in gender
confusion has more recently burst onto the scene. Today,
children as young as seven and eight are encouraged to

W ho’s behind the Beyond Today magazine and

television program? Many readers have won-
dered who we are and how we are able to provide
Beyond Today free to all who request it. Simply put,
Beyond Today is provided by people—people from all
walks of life, from all over the
world, as enabled by God.
These people have a com-
mon goal—to proclaim the
gospel of the coming King-
dom of God to all the world
and to teach all nations to
observe what Christ com-
manded (Matthew 24:14;
We are dedicated to pro-
claiming the same message
Jesus Christ brought—the
wonderful good news of the
coming Kingdom of God
(Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:14-15;
Luke 4:43; 8:1). That message
truly is good news—the
answer to all the problems
that have long plagued humankind.
Through the pages of this magazine, on the airwaves
of our TV show, and in dozens of helpful study guides
question the validity of their biological sex. (also free), we show the biblical answers to the dilem-
mas that have defied human solution and threaten our
Medical and psychological journals today are filled
very survival.
with articles and studies on gender dysphoria, showing We are committed to taking that message to the
how confused so many people, especially the young, are entire world, sharing the truth of God’s purpose as
about their identities, roles in society, the social circles taught by Jesus Christ and His apostles.
they want to belong in, and even their correct gender. By The United Church of God has congregations and
the time they reach puberty, many young teens are asking ministers around the world. In these congregations
questions about whether they are really male or female. believers assemble to be instructed from the Scriptures
fizkes/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Gender identity did not seem to be an issue with previ- and to fellowship. For locations and times of services
ous generations. But should it be any surprise this is surg- in your area, contact us at the appropriate address on
page 31. Visitors are always welcome.
ing in a society where masculinity is under attack, where
little boys are accused of exhibiting “toxic masculinity” For additional information, visit our website:
and told they should develop more female traits? Where
little girls are discouraged from playing with dolls, wear-
ing dresses and encouraged to adopt masculine traits?
This crisis is real, especially among children and teen-
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 13

agers. Children confused about whether they are male or ators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’” In that lies
female exhibit many mental health problems, including their problematic future, because it’s “not easy nor wise
depression, feelings of isolation and desires for self-harm. to live in a counterfeit sexual garb” (2018, pp. 101-102).
In their mental confusion they try to dress in clothing These altered people try to live counterfeit lives, and
of the opposite gender, and often avoid participation in few are able to successfully pull it off. Sweden is one of
gender-specific sports. Some face bullying and harassment the most transgender-friendly nations on earth, where
from classmates. Many struggle with suicidal thoughts. thousands have undergone sex-reassignment surgery.
Suicide rates among transgender youth are particu- Yet a 30-year study there documented “lifelong medical
larly disturbing. A study reported in Forbes last spring unrest” among the majority of those who had undergone
showed 52 percent of all transgender young people in the these drastic alterations of their bodies. At 10 to 15 years
United States seriously considered suicide in 2020. Across after surgery the suicide rate of this group rose to 20 times
all ethnic groups, approximately 18 percent, nearly one in that of their comparable peers.
five, actually attempted suicide. These young people felt We should ask: Are some of these measures going too
the rejection, isolation and loneliness brought on by their far? For decades, gender researchers have known that the
lifestyle made life sim-
ply not worth living. Even in transgender-friendly Sweden, among those who
Can we really had undergone sex-reassignment surgery, the suicide
change a child’s sex?
rate eventually rose to 20 times the rate of their peers.
If a child experi-
ences feelings of gender confusion before puberty, the majority of transgender youth, anywhere from 65 to 90
oft-prescribed solution is puberty blockers—drugs that percent, eventually outgrow their gender confusion and
stop or delay the onset of puberty traits, such as breasts cease to identify as transgender. But those who bring out
in girls or deeper voices in boys. More intense measures this fact risk the wrath of many among today’s psycho-
can involve hormone therapy, even “gender reassignment logical and medical communities, with both of these now
surgery.” pledging allegiance to children's gender selection and
Each year thousands of preteen and early teen girls— affirming that as early in life as possible.
who don’t feel like girls—undergo masculinizing hor- Government officials have even implied that parents
mone therapy. A doctor will administer the male hor- who deny such gender-affirming care are guilty of child
mone testosterone, which suppresses the menstrual cycle abuse and could end up with their children removed from
and induces wanted male physical characteristics. Psychi- their custody to provide the needed gender treatment and
atrists and medical doctors who advocate such practices acceptance.
claim it reduces psychological and emotional distress,
social functioning and quality of life. We reap what we sow
Even more invasive is “gender reassignment surgery,” Although it’s scrupulously suppressed by media and
in which surgical procedures are employed to change governments, the evidence is clear and overwhelming.
the anatomy. Chosen by only one in four transgender or These lifestyles may appear to be enlightened and give
nonbinary people, it’s designed to give transgender people adherents a sense of sexual freedom. They may be sup-
a body that aligns with their desired gender. Surgeries can ported by academia, the mainstream media, Hollywood,
range from relatively minor plastic surgery to changing corporate America and, sadly, even the U.S. military.
facial features to those of the opposite sex, to removal of But God labels them for what they really are—immoral,
female breasts and, in the most drastic cases, reworking degenerate, destructive and unhealthy. Those caught up
of a person’s genitalia to resemble that of the opposite sex. in such lifestyles usually experience lifelong misery, frus-
In general, the American psychiatric and medical com- tration and unhappiness that could be avoided if people
munities now support these procedures as supposedly would only follow what God says.
beneficial to the emotional health of transgender individ-
uals. But many medical practitioners think otherwise. LEARN MORE
One is Dr. John McHugh, former chief psychiatrist What’s behind the dramatic cultural shifts
at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. As quot- taking place around us? Is something much
ed in the book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to bigger and sinister at work that few recognize?
You need to read our free study guide Are We
the Transgender Moment, Dr. McHugh states: “Transgen- Living in the Time of the End? to understand
dered men do not become women, nor do transgendered Download or request your copy today!
women become men.” Rather, they become “feminized
men or masculinized women, counterfeits or imperson-

14 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
What Are They Teaching
Your Children?
The battle for social change in the United States is increasingly taking place among vulnerable
young people, especially in our public schools. And the stakes couldn’t be any higher.
by Lewis VanAusdle

was up before sunrise getting ready vidual is irrelevant (even though it’s
for my day. Of course, at the age of literally embedded in every single cell
seven that mostly involved watch- of his or her body) and that everyone
ing cartoons and making myself should choose their own gender, sex
breakfast. and sexuality based on their own
That early in the morning, I tried perceptions and feelings. The propo-
my best to be quiet since no one else nents further maintain that “gender
was awake yet and for some reason stereotypes” of male and female have
my older sister didn’t like to be woken led to oppression and discrimination
up before she had to be. and that therefore traditional ideas
We knew that by a certain time we about gender, sex and sexual orienta-
had to be out the door, heading up tion must be abolished.
the gravel road to the corner where
the bus picked us up. If we were late “Gender Theory” holds that biological sex
my mother would most likely have
to drive us to school, so we were sure
is irrelevent. Gender, sex and sexuality are
to stick to our schedule. My parents choices based on personal perception.
sent my siblings and me off to school
every day, trusting our teachers to Reading, writing and “Gender For several decades such ideo-
give us a basic education. Theory” logical discussions have largely been
When children walk through On top of attempting to educate the confined to academic circles. But
the doors of a school, parents have next generation in history, literature, in recent years these theories have
certain expectations. They trust that science and mathematics, the U.S. been slowly incorporated into the
the teachers, who have gone to school public education system has begun public school curricula of younger
Vladimir Vladimirov/iStock/Getty Images Plus

specifically to learn to educate young incorporating the morals, values, and younger students—even being
minds, will instruct students in the theories and philosophies of public injected into areas of study that are
fundamentals they’ll need to success- opinion and popular culture into completely unrelated.
fully complete their education and the everyday education of children. The pushing of these philosophies
one day find a career. Nowhere is this push—which has is intended to influence the moral
Although that concept of educat- been subtly building through the and ethical values of young children
ing the youth in the fundamentals years—more evident than in the regardless of what their parents value
of knowledge is still touted as the incorporation and teaching of ideas and believe. Essentially, the role of
primary goal of public education, it’s such as “Gender Theory” or “Critical instilling guiding beliefs and values in
increasingly evident that a major sec- Gender Theory.” children is being removed from the
ondary goal is coming to the forefront Proponents of this ideology argue parents and given to school districts,
of the curriculum in many countries. that the biological sex of an indi- administrators and educators.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 15

SIECUS, the Sexuality Information

and Education Council of the United
States, is a major national provider of
sex education materials. Its website,
with the tagline “Sex Ed for Social
Change,” boasts: “Sex education has
the power to spark large-scale social
change . . . Sex ed . . . connects and
addresses a variety of social issues.
Sex ed sits at the nexus of many
social justice movements—from
LGBTQ rights and reproductive
justice to the #MeToo movement . . .”
As the purveyors of this material
used in public schools across mul-
tiple subjects admit, the intention
behind it is “to spark large-scale
social change” rather than just to
educate children.
Needed learning suffering amid
According to a survey done by U.S. percent of Millennials (born between mother, mother-in-law against her
News & World Report, in 2021 the 1984 and 2002) in the United States daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law
United States ranked number one in identify as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, against her mother-in-law.” These
education based on a global survey bisexual, transgender, queer or ques- kinds of family dynamics can happen
that weighed “having a well-devel- tioning). The number is 39 percent when there is strong disagreement
oped public education system, wheth- among Gen Z (those between ages 18 about fundamental beliefs and values.
er people would consider attending and 24). The numbers among Millen- Jesus said that members of the same
university there and if that country nials who consider themselves to be household would be divided over
provides a top-quality education.” Christian are lower, but not signifi- their commitment to following Him
And yet it is easy to find news sto- cantly so. in their lives. It’s beyond the proper
ries about school districts with high mandate of the educational system to
percentages of high school students Parents’ responsibility for teach children a set of values contrary
testing at elementary school levels in properly teaching their children to that of their parents. To go as far as
subjects such as math and reading. The role of parents and family in hiding the dynamics of a child’s men-
Reports regularly emerge of students the education and moral instruction tal, emotional and spiritual struggles
graduating from high school who of America’s youth is being degraded. from his or her parents further pro-
not only cannot read at grade level, Children are being taught from a very motes disunity and distrust between
but cannot even read their diplomas. early age that they can choose their parent and child.
Recently the Program for Interna- own sex, gender, and sexual orienta- Even more dangerous than that is
tional Student Assessment ranked the tion without their parents having the pushing aside of the role of God
United States 25th in the world (out any knowledge of or input into the and His Word as the guide for how
of 77 countries) in average scores for decision. The God-given family struc- mankind should live. What does the
math, science and reading—in spite ture, which includes the vital role of Bible say about who is responsible for
of spending $14,455 per pupil per year. parents in the education of their own the education of the next generation?
JackF/iStock/Getty Images Plus

It seems, at least in part, that aca- children, is being dismantled and “Children, obey your parents in
demics are pushed aside for the sake replaced with educators attempting the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor
of social agendas. The methods being to instill values contrary to the Word your father and mother,’ which is the
used to promote such ideas (i.e., of God. first commandment with promise:
social media, entertainment, school Notice Jesus Christ’s words in Luke ‘that it may be well with you and you
curricula, etc.) are having an effect on 12:53: “Father will be divided against may live long on the earth.’ And you,
the youth of the country. According son and son against father, mother fathers, do not provoke your children
to a 2021 Barna study, a shocking 30 against daughter and daughter against to wrath, but bring them up in the

16 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
training and admonition of the Lord” baptized, my pastor then laying his His Father just before His crucifixion
(Ephesians 6:1-4). hands on my head and praying that about His followers, said: “I do not
Having a public education system God would give me His Holy Spirit. pray that You should take them out of
isn’t in itself inherently dangerous, I survived the public education sys-the world, but that You should keep
and not all teachers, administrators tem without becoming indoctrinated them from the evil one. They are not of
and districts have hidden agendas the world, just as I am not of the world.
into a false way of life. I wasn’t swayed
they are trying to force on unsuspect- by popular opinion. I’ve always con- Sanctify them by Your truth. Your
ing children and their parents. How- sidered myself to have been sheltered word is truth. As You sent Me into the
ever, parents should pay attention to by God while being allowed the world, I also have sent them into the
what their children are being taught freedom to choose the way I wanted world. And for their sakes I sanctify
and do their best to be proactive in to live. I was also blessed to have Myself, that they also may be sanctified
the education of their own family. been brought up by parents who were by the truth” (John 17:15-19).
While their children are under their themselves committed to God. As we’ve seen, parents have the
care as they grow, parents have the In the time since I finished school,obligation to bring up their children
direct responsibility to teach them and even since the time I worked in a “in the training and admonition of
according to the Word of God. This the Lord.” We must do our best to
public school, the pressures to broadly
prepare our children by teaching
In their own words, education in public schools them from the Word of God, by hav-
ing our own conversations with them
is being used “to spark large-scale social about what they might come across
change” rather than just to educate children. as part of their education in school,
by being an example of what is right,
is universal for all Christian families accept and embrace the plummet- and by helping our children in their
regardless of which country they live ing values of society have greatly struggles when those come.
in or what culture they come from. increased. With rising ideological We also must pray that, when the
The laws of God are for everyone and indoctrination, the children and young time comes for them to decide, they
essential to facing the deceptions of adults who want to follow God’s way also choose to embrace the truth
the “god of this age” who has deceived of life will likely not have it so easy. of God rather than the deception
the whole world (see 2 Corinthians They may be faced with criticism, pushed by the world.
4:4; Revelation 12:9). ridicule and disdain over what they
believe. Other people may try to con-
Dealing with ideological vince them that the truth of God and What does the Bible tell
indoctrination what their parents have taught them us about gender, mar-
riage, sex and family?
Eventually I made my way through are out of date or are “judgmental” or These, properly delin-
elementary school and middle school “hateful” of the practices and beliefs of eated, are foundational
and graduated from high school. I others. We cannot perpetually shelter to civilized and orderly
went on to attend and graduate from our children from the world, which society. You need to
two public universities. In the midst means they will be exposed to these lies. understand God’s de-
sign and purpose in them! Download or
of my education I made the decision So they will need to learn to navigate request your free copy of Marriage and
to formally make a commitment to through some very challenging moral Family: The Missing Dimension.
following in the footsteps of Jesus arguments and difficult situations.
Christ. I repented of my sins and was Jesus Himself, when He prayed to

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B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 17
& PROPHECY Current Events & Trends

Transtrenders: a harmful spreading social contagion

mom writing on Substack’s “Parents with gender dysphoria is extremely rare? As she viral spread of this identity.
Inconvenient Truths about Trans” states: goes on to say, it’s a social contagion, with ev- A Canadian sex neuroscientist argues that
“My teenage daughter has decided that eryone imitating each other to fit in, the new “these sharply increasing numbers are the result
she is ‘trans.’ So have all her friends. Not some subculture providing a sense of identity and of the social capital gained nowadays from iden-
of them. Not most of them. Every. Single. One. tifying as something other than a heterosexual
She had never heard of trans, and had no signs of woman or man . . . This is in tandem with edu-
gender dysphoria, until she was moved to a new, cators’ growing obsession with teaching sexual
cool trans-friendly school by her unsuspecting, and gender identity curriculum to students at as
politically liberal parents. There she met a group young of an age as possible, including those in
of geeky (or dare I say nerdy?), smart, slightly kindergarten” (Debra Soh, “Doubling of LGBT-
(but not very) gender nonconforming, artsy kids. Identifying Americans Is Due to Trendiness,”
As I understand it, they all discovered ‘trans’ Washington Examiner, Feb. 25, 2022).
together. The old ‘cis’ friends were swiftly dis- While some of these “transtrenders” may yet
carded in favour of this exciting new peer group” transition out, psychological harm is being done,
(“Trans: A Dangerous Youth Subculture,” April 11, belonging. They can bond together in their “vic- and some may be persuaded into hormone drugs
2022). timhood” while they are increasingly celebrated and physical alteration with permanent effects.
How can a group of teens all become trans as brave and special. Various clinicians and Let us all pray for the healing of the minds of
at the same time, especially when actual psychologists have sounded an alarm over the today’s confused generation.

Feminist author decries fruits of sexual revolution

n a recent series of articles in Britain’s Daily teaser: “Yes, it’s hard work, she says, and most holding down a good job and setting up a

Photos, from left: Vladimir Vladimirov/Getty Images Plus, Yasin Ozturk/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Mail excerpted from her new book The Case don’t live up to a romantic ideal, but it still of- household suitable for the raising of children.
Against the Sexual Revolution, feminist au- fers the best protection possible for a woman In other words, he has to tame himself. Father-
thor Louise Perry argues that the sexual revo- and her children” (“Get married and do your hood then has a further taming effect, even at
lution has been a disaster for women: best to stay married,” May 28). the biochemical level . . . A society of tamed
“For younger women in particular, today’s Perry makes many valuable observations men is a better society to live in—for men,
sexual culture is destructive, divorcing love here, and what she says is well worth read- for women and for children.
and commitment from sex and favoring one- ing—though she does not, unfortunately, “The monogamous marriage model is also
night stands, casual ‘hook-ups’ and ‘friends make it all the way to the biblical counsel of the best solution yet discovered to the prob-
with benefits’ arrangements. Worse still, it avoiding sex outside of marriage altogether. lems presented by child-rearing . . . Such a
pressures them into promiscuity, bombards She does point out that “while the mono- model allows mothers and children to be phys-
them with violent pornography and tells them gamous marriage model may be unusual, it is ically together and at the same time financially
to enjoy being humiliated and assaulted in bed also spectacularly successful. When monoga- supported . . .
. . . Once you permit the idea that people can my is imposed on a society it tends to become “Which is why—as a feminist—the most
be product, everything is corroded . . . richer and more stable, with lower rates of important piece of advice I can offer to the
“The sexual revolution that began in the both child abuse and domestic violence. young women of today is this: get married and
1960s certainly freed women from the bur- “Birth rates and crime rates both fall, do your best to stay married. Particularly if you
dens of chastity and motherhood . . . But it also which encourages economic development, have children . . . These directives are hard to
brought the triumph of the playboy, pretend- and wealthy men, denied the opportunity follow because we no longer live in a culture
ing they were liberating women when in truth to devote their resources to acquiring more that incentivises perseverance in marriage. But
it was their own libidos and depravities they wives [in polygamous society], instead invest it is still possible for individuals to go against
were liberating” (“Why the sexual revolution in property, businesses, employees and other the grain and do the harder, less-fashionable
has been a disaster for women today—but a productive endeavours. thing.”
gift for men,” May 27, 2022). “A monogamous marriage system is suc- For more perspective on the sexual revolu-
Yet it has also been terribly corrupting and cessful in part because it pushes men away tion and to see what God has to say on these
harmful to men as well—consigning many to from cad mode, particularly when pre-marital matters, be sure to read the other articles
different varieties of trouble and heartache. sex is also prohibited. If a man wants to have in this issue of Beyond Today and our free
In the next extract she takes on other sex in a way that’s socially acceptable, he has study guide Marriage and Family: The Missing
feminists who deride marriage. Per the article to make himself marriageable. That means Dimension.

18 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Another horrific school shooting Overestimating
O U.S. population
n May 24, 2022, we saw another terrible not be willing to hear it.
school shooting, this one in Uvalde, Texas, The answer isn’t getting rid of all the guns,
when an 18-year-old crazed gunman as some suggest. Apparently, this youth was
sprayed elementary school classrooms with bul-
lets, leaving 19 children and two teachers dead.
very troubled—abusing animals, threatening
others and making cuts on his face. Beyond his
There is no answer anyone can give to assuage the family traumas, there was likely demonic influ- olling data from YouGov (Jan. 14-20,
deep hurt families have suffered with this kind of ence. And the wayward society no doubt helped 2022) reveals that Americans seriously
senseless loss. Our hearts go out to them all. to shape the way he was. miscalculate the size of demographic
In considering such incidents we are struck The fact is, while mankind has achieved groups within the United States—overes-
with how things have changed in America over amazing technological advances in this age, our timating minority population figures and
the past few decades. These kind of events re- spiritual development is abysmal, our problems underestimating the majority. This is likely
main relatively rare, and the odds of being killed being spiritual in nature. due to media portrayal of society, helping
Many of our political leaders, educators, to drive certain narratives and agendas.
and ecclesiastical leaders have no real spiritual Some of the estimates follow, along with
understanding, and many seem openly proud true proportions drawn from the U.S. Cen-
to stand with those who reject God’s laws and sus Bureau and other sources. No doubt this
commandments (see Isaiah 3:9). They have happens in other countries as well.
willingly participated in the destruction of the • Native American: estimated 27%;
family and of the roles of men and women in actual 1%
marriage. Many of them willingly support the • Jewish: estimated 30%; actual 2%
perversion of the institution of marriage and • Black: estimated 41%; actual 12%
the murder of the unborn in abortion. • Hispanic: estimated 39%; actual 17%
this way very low, but there was a time when When we obey God there is hope and hap- • Asian: estimated 29%; actual 6%
such an event was unthinkable. Now it’s sadly piness, and not the horrible despair so many • White: estimated 59%; actual 64%
not. suffer. The way of life most people live produces • Household income over $500,000:
Many have an unshakable sense that some- brokenness and ungodly character. Thankfully, estimated 26%; actual 1%
thing is terribly wrong with our society, as it there is great hope for everyone in God’s plan, • Left-handed: estimated 34%; actual 11%
drifts farther away from God. But the needed and it involves a transformation of character • Vegan or vegetarian: estimated 30%;
changes are a leap too far. A similar sense no (see Romans 12:2). actual 5%
doubt gripped ancient Israel. The people then The work of the Church is to preach the gospel • Transgender: estimated 21%; actual 0.6%
were both fearful and complacent about the of the Kingdom of God as a witness and to warn • Gay or lesbian: estimated 30%; actual 3%
direction of the nation. And horribly, they were this world of the destructive direction of the • Bisexual: estimated 29%; actual 4%
willingly misled to forsake the laws of God, their way of life they are living. After we have done • Atheist: estimated 33%; actual 3%
leaders leading them to destruction. this, the end will come (Matthew 24:14; 7:13-14). • Muslim: estimated 27%; actual 1%
Likewise, in the United States and the West- Let us all pray: “Your kingdom come. Your will • Christian: estimated 58%; actual 70%
ern world today we are seeing a great betrayal be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew • Live in New York City: estimated 30%;
of our people more than at any time in our his- 6:10). Of that coming time, God tells us, “They actual 3%
tory. And we need to brace ourselves for more shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy moun- • Live in California: estimated 32%;
and more bad news. tain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge actual 12%
What causes a young man to have such bit- of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah Source: “From millionaires to Muslims, small
terness and rage that he would lash out to shoot 11:9). To better understand why God allows the subgroups of the population seem much
his grandmother and then gun down all of those world to continue on its painful course for now, larger to many Americans” (,
children and the teachers? We should realize download or request our free study guide Why March 15, 2022).
that the majority of people in this world would Does God Allow Suffering?

How can you make sense of the news?

So much is happening in the world, and so quickly. Where are today’s dramatic and dangerous
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cerned with the direction the world is heading. So are we. That’s one reason we produce the
Beyond Today daily TV commentaries—to help you understand the news in the light of Bible
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B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 19

Sex, Marriage and Family:

The Spiritual Significance
God created human beings male and female so that we might enjoy a loving sexual relationship
in marriage leading to families. But what is the spiritual significance and purpose God has in mind?

he hope for a happy, fulfill- traditional unions. Experience has Were we designed for marriage
ing marriage to the person shown time and again that these bib- and family?
we most deeply love is one of lical guidelines for relationships and Yet with all the sexual experimenta-
the most entrenched desires parenting are the ones that work best. tion, almost everyone wants the same
of men and women. Happily sharing good life, including children. It seems
our hopes, dreams, fortune and the Are there any rules?
as though people were psychologically
breadth of life’s experiences in the However, many people aren’t sure wired to desire marriage and family.
most intimate way is one of the most whether God really exists or whether But why are we like this? Is it pos-
fulfilling endeavors of all. His instructions are relevant today. sible that we were designed this way
A good marriage further blessed Some believe that human beings came from the beginning by a Creator?
with happy, respectful, successful into existence by evolutionary forces, What would have happened to the
children who provide the same kind following blind natural selection and human race had men and women not
of grandchildren is the crowning the survival of the fittest. This theory been created with a desire for sexual
touch of a good life. And what a life postulates that people are simply activity that would ensure procreation,
this is! We’d all love to have this higher-level animals and that there a longing for intimacy both emotional-
story be our story. Everyone wants are no spiritual laws to guide human ly and physically with another person
the results. But not everyone wants conduct, no requirement that sexual and a desire for offspring?
to live the life that produces them. relations be solely within marriage. Was it pure chance that things
From the beginning God revealed Experimenting from this perspec- worked out this way? For those who
that marriage was a special union tive, or because they simply didn’t have eyes to see, these inborn traits
between a man and woman because, to want to follow the biblical instruc- are simply additional indicators
put it bluntly, that was the way to have tions, men and women through the among many that all point to the
children. Sexual intercourse between ages have tried many different sexual inescapable fact that humanity was
a male and female united in marriage relationships, including premarital designed and crafted by God. The
produced children within that family. sex, adultery, polygamy (one man Bible explains that we were made in
Yet the benefits of traditional marriage with multiple wives), polyandry (one God’s own image (Genesis 1:27)—
extend beyond reproduction. woman with multiple husbands), meaning in our general appearance
Studies continue to show that men homosexuality and group marriages. as well as with minds to think.
and women generally live longer and Today premarital sex, adultery An important principle is also
happier lives when they are married and homosexual relationships have revealed here that is continued in
to someone of the opposite sex. In all gained greater acceptance—chal- marriage and family—that human
these traditional unions, children lenging and undermining traditional life is patterned after spiritual,
likewise generally grow up more marriage. The assumption among nonphysical, unseen realities. Just
socially adept and financially suc- many, including governments and as human beings were made in the
cessful than children who grow up judges legislating acceptance of all image of God, marriage and family
in alternative arrangements. views and people regardless of their are patterned after spiritual concepts.
There is definitely a strong social practices and lifestyles, is that all
case to be made for traditional choices are equal—so people can God, the Designer of sex,
monogamous marriage between do whatever they want. Sadly, this marriage and family
one man and one woman. There is approach is presumed to be morally To understand the spiritual signifi-
an incontrovertible biblical case for superior to all others. cance of sex, marriage and family,

20 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
to first create people as temporary
flesh and blood beings, subject to
death, and then give us the opportu-
nity to live forever as spirit beings in
His eternal family. If we will respond
to God in love and obedience, God
offers us this great promise.
God eventually is going to make
this offer to become part of His fam-
ily to every human being. Explain-
ing God’s love for all His children,
another of Christ’s followers, the
apostle Peter, wrote: “The Lord is
not slack concerning His promise,
as some count slackness, but is long-
To understand the spiritual significance of sex, suffering toward us, not willing that
marriage and family, we must turn to our Creator, any should perish but that all should
come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
to learn what He had in mind in making us. God doesn’t want anyone to lose out
we must turn to God, our Creator, to us that God is creating His own family. on this opportunity of a lifetime—the
learn what He had in mind in mak- Additional passages reveal this same opportunity for an eternal lifetime!
ing the human race. astounding truth. In Hebrews 2:10 we This is God’s overall, transcendent
While we could go to the first book find that Jesus was and continues to purpose for creating humanity—to
of the Bible, Genesis, to learn about be involved in God’s plan and purpose offer us the opportunity to become
marriage and how God created the of “bringing many sons to glory.” part of His eternal family, His own
first human beings, we must go to The apostle Paul also wrote of “the children. If we will repent and be
other sections of God’s Word to learn Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from baptized, we can receive this marvel-
why He created us as we are. whom the whole family in heaven and ous gift. When baptized, we receive
When we turn to these passages, earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14-15). God’s Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)—some-
we learn of a plan that God had not thing that sets us apart as His chil-
only for Adam and Eve, the first God designed us to be part dren. Paul, in Romans 8:14, explains
human beings, but for all of human- of His family that “as many as are led by the Spirit
ity—every person who has lived or Paul also encouraged God’s people of God, these are sons of God.”
will yet live. We also find that human at Corinth with His specific promise:
marriage and family reflect this plan, “Therefore ‘Come out from among Becoming children of the Father
which was determined before the them and be separate, says the Lord. Of course, when we respond to
foundation of the world. Do not touch what is unclean, and God’s command to repent and be
Shortly after Jesus Christ came to I will receive you.’ ‘I will be a Father baptized, we still live as physical
earth and lived as God in the flesh, to you, and you shall be My sons and human beings, not yet changed into
one of His followers, the apostle daughters, says the Lord Almighty’” spirit. To reassure newly baptized
John, wrote a book to prove to his (2 Corinthians 6:17-18). Christians, Paul likened this process
contemporaries and humanity today Just as human families have chil- of becoming children of God to the
that Jesus was indeed God. dren born to them who are part of manner in the Roman world of his
In this work, John says of Jesus: their families, God initially created day by which one came to receive all
“He was in the world, and the world Adam and Eve and their progeny— the rights and privileges as a son and
was made through Him, and the all of us—to become part of His fam- heir within a family.
DjelicS/iStock/Getty Images Plus

world did not know Him. He came to ily. Physical families are thus a type In verse 15 Paul continues, “The
His own, and His own did not receive of God’s own spiritual family. Spirit you have received is not a spirit
Him. But as many as received Him, Continuing this theme, Revelation of slavery leading you back into a
to them He gave the right to become 21:7 adds, “He who overcomes shall life of fear, but a Spirit that makes
children of God, to those who believe inherit all things, and I will be his us sons, enabling us to cry ‘Abba!
in His name” (John 1:10-12, emphasis God and he shall be My son.” These Father!’” (New English Bible). In
added throughout). scriptures and others tell us that addition to the promise of becoming
The phrase “children of God” tells God’s plan from the beginning was God’s sons, this verse shows that our

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 21

relationship to God can become very close and personal. The spiritual implication of marriage
Paul goes on to explain in verse 17 that “since we are Similar to the way a human family reflects God’s plan
his children, we will share his treasures—for everything to have a family, human marriage also reflects a spiritual
God gives to his Son, Christ, is ours, too” (New Living relationship. Human marriage is modeled after the rela-
Translation 1996). tionship between Jesus Christ and the Church.
In the Roman world of Paul’s day, a father would declare Notice how Paul explains this concept. After discuss-
his son to be fully his son and heir when the son reached ing the responsibilities of husbands and wives and the
a certain age of maturity in young adulthood. Before that relationship between them, Paul says: “This is a great
declaration, the son was held in a very inferior position to mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
his father. But when this coming of age was declared, the Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his
son would be legally invested with all the rights, powers own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects
and privileges of a son and heir of his father. her husband” (Ephesians 5:32-33).
Paul refers to this process in Romans 8 (and Galatians What a beautiful example the relationship between
4, where he uses very similar language to make the same Christ and the Church is! Paul explains that Christ loved
point). The process wasn’t complete until the son reached the Church so much that He gave His life for her (verse
this coming of age and received full rights and privileges. 25). How could those of us in the Church ever doubt His
Continuing this theme, Paul wrote in verse 23: “And even love for us? How could we not respond to the things He
we Christians, although we have the Holy Spirit within asks us to do?
us as a foretaste of future glory, also groan to be released The fact that marriage between a man and a woman is
from pain and suffering. We, too, wait anxiously for that a type of the relationship between Christ and the Church
day when God will give us our full rights as his children, is further understood through a vision Jesus Christ
including the new bodies he has promised us” (NLT 1996). revealed to John recorded in the last book of the Bible,
Paul explains that our status now is like that of chil- the book of Revelation.
dren who haven’t reached that point of having all the full After Jesus returns to take over the kingdoms of this
rights of sonship yet—though we will attain that status earth and establish the Kingdom of God, He reveals that
in the resurrection to immortality at Christ’s return He is going to be involved in a very special marriage.
(1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). Here is how John recorded the vision: “‘Let us be glad and
God’s inspiration of Paul to use this analogy under- rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb
scores the reality and absolute guarantee God makes that has come, and His wife has made herself ready.’ And to her
we can indeed become His children, ultimately living it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright,
forever in His family. God’s promise of full rights of son- for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he
ship will be bestowed at the resurrection or change from said to me, ‘Write: “Blessed are those who are called to the
mortality to immortality, at which time we will be invest- marriage supper of the Lamb!”’” (Revelation 19:7-9).
ed with all the powers and privileges of a divine son. The faithful saints who have obediently followed Jesus
Echoing these same thoughts, John writes in 1 John Christ will collectively become the Bride of Christ. Their
3:1-3: “Behold what manner of love the Father has righteous behavior is likened to fine, costly linen.
bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! A happy human marriage gives us insight into a
Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not greater marriage—one that will truly last forever because
know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it both parties will be immortal spirit. Similar and closely
has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know related to family, marriage also gives us a window of
that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we insight into God’s love and plan for humanity. Because
shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope human marriages are patterned after this spiritual rela-
in Him purifies himself.” tionship, they can help us comprehend this present and
The astounding truth revealed in this verse is that we, future God-plane relationship!
like Christ, will have life eternal in unimaginable power
and glory! To get a glimpse of what our glorified appear-
ance will be like, read Revelation 1:12-16, where Christ’s LEARN MORE
glorified appearance is described. (To learn more about This article is excerpted from our free study
what it means to purify oneself to become a child of God, guide Marriage and Family: The Missing Di-
mension. This valuable guide will help you dis-
request our free study guides Transforming Your Life: The
cover what the Bible says about marriage and
Process of Conversion and What You Need to Know About family, dating, bringing up children and much
Baptism.) more. Download or request a copy today!
Simply put, God’s plan for humanity is a family plan.
Now what about marriage?

22 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
God’s Instruction Manual
for Sex and Marriage
God made us male and female and gave mankind the institution of marriage. He also gave us an
instruction manual for sex and marriage so that these might work as He designed to fulfill His purpose.

hen we buy a new appli- simply an animal and there is no
ance or tool, it’s common God, then there are no divine direc-
to see on the outside of
the box: “Some assembly When all tions! If there are no divine direc-
tions, logically, we’d want to get the

else fails,
required. Instructions inside.” Of best statistical information available
course, many of us don’t bother with from research so we could make
the instructions. We just put together decisions based on the greatest like-
the item as best we can. Sometimes
that works, but if it doesn’t, we have read the lihood of happiness and success.
Yet some people don’t want to be

to go back and read the directions to told what works. Apparently, they’d
find out what we did wrong. As the rather take their chances (and poor
old saying goes, “When all else fails, chances they are) on their own with-
read the instructions.” out any guidance whatsoever. Does
When it comes to sex and mar- that make sense?
riage, many have used the same We can be grateful, however, that
approach. They do it without bother- the Bible does provide instruction on
ing to read the instructions. Sadly, marriage. And not only that, but the
the result is that many relationships validity of this instruction is continu-
and marriages aren’t working. Hus- ally being backed up by research. Do
bands and wives find they can’t live you want to know what these instruc-
together in peace. Because couples tions are? Will you be willing to live
don’t read or heed the instructions, by the guidelines? Or are you com-
marriages are failing at abysmally mitted to the path of least resistance
high rates. The tragic result is that bring heartache to the adults and and willing to suffer the sure conse-
more and more children are being children alike—with the children quences of broken laws?
raised in single-parent homes. especially suffering when separated We each must choose what we will
We could bury ourselves in the from one of their biological parents. do. Remember, no choice is also a
statistics concerning the failure rates This is true no matter the age of the choice—usually a poor one. So what
of marriages from around the world, children when the parents split up. does God say? Where can we find His
but the overall picture would remain directions?
Oleksandr Bushko/iStock/Getty Images Plus

the same: Divorce, or the dissolution Instructions for marriage

of marriage as some prefer to term Recognizing the failure rate of so Background to the first marriage
it, plagues humanity in almost every many marriages today, a logical per- When God created human beings,
nation. son will examine the causes for the He made two “models”—one male,
Faced with these numbing reports, failures to see what might be done one female. Genesis 1:27 says, “So
many are choosing to forego mar- to save his or her relationship from God created man in His own image;
riage and simply live together. Under a similar fate. in the image of God He created him;
these conditions, because there are When we make the decision to male and female He created them.”
no marriages, there are no divorces examine the instructions, we also Reflecting on His creation, including
to report when couples break up. face the critical matter of where to making us male and female, Genesis
But these same broken relationships turn for such instruction. If man is 1:31 says, “Then God saw everything

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 23

that He had made, and indeed it was male with no corresponding female. Adam and Eve were thinking or how
very good.” they felt while they got to know each
Sexuality in human beings was God creates Eve other. But in the next two verses
not designed to just be okay; it was Single people often find themselves we learn the outline of marriage as
designed to be extremely good! And in lonely circumstances. They want established by God.
it’s great and wonderful when we use friendships and feel the isolation of “Therefore a man shall leave his
this special gift of God in the way He being alone. Because of situations father and mother and be joined to
intended. Sadly, many people do not all too common in our world, even his wife, and they shall become one
respect their sexuality (or others’) as married people can experience lone- flesh. And they were both naked,
they should. Through immoral sexual liness. God recognized that Adam the man and his wife, and were
behavior they belittle what God intend- had a problem and provided him the not ashamed” (verses 24-25). Let’s
ed to be a very special experience.
The account of the first marriage is
recorded in Genesis 2. Here we read
that God initially created Adam as
the only human being. In mankind’s
earliest beginning, there was no Eve
to be found: “But for Adam there was
not found a helper comparable to
him” (verse 20). At this time Adam
was single, isolated, the only human
being anywhere.
The Bible reveals that something
was wrong with this scene. After
God created Adam, He “put him in
the garden of Eden to tend and keep
it” (verse 15). So Adam had a respon-
sibility. Adam explored
and learned all about A marriage exhibiting a godly bond is characterized
the world—animals,
plants, the beautiful by two people who are willing to listen to each other
and intricate variations and talk about their differences in a spirit of humility.
of God’s creation. Not
only was he learning, but God gave perfect solution—a woman to be his examine this outline more closely.
him the privilege of naming all the wife. God knew just how to form the
birds and animals and other living woman. Leave one’s father and mother
creatures (verse 19). Scripture emphasizes another An important aspect of marriage is
Whether Adam realized it or not, aspect of the first marital relation- leaving “father and mother,” as God
God knew something about him was ship. Because God made Eve from instructed, to establish a new fam-
incomplete. “And the Lord God said, Adam’s side, an undeniable bond ily unit. Adam and Eve did not have
‘It is not good that man should be existed between Adam and Eve. This physical parents to leave, but future
alone; I will make him a helper compa- point was undoubtedly significant generations would need to apply this
rable to him’” (verse 18). Let’s think for to Adam. His first recorded words instruction. Honoring parents and
a moment about why it was not good regarding Eve were, “This is now bone seeking their advice is advisable,
for Adam to be alone. He, of all the of my bones and flesh of my flesh; but newlyweds need to remember
LukaTDB/iStock/Getty Images Plus

physical living creation, was without she shall be called Woman [Hebrew that they are a new family unit. Just
a helper on his own level (verse 20). ishah] because she was taken out of because things were done a particu-
Imagine how Adam must have Man [Hebrew ish]” (verse 23). Adam lar way in your family does not mean
felt when he observed that animals recognized his link to this wondrous your spouse will want to do things
had their mates. Through his obser- creature named Eve. She was part of the same way.
vations of the animal kingdom, him, and he was part of her. Two people must learn to work
in its maleness and femaleness, he together in marriage, showing
was reminded that he was the lone The first marriage respect and love to each other. Such
human being on the planet. He was a This account does not tell us what an approach follows the biblical

24 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
principles of wives submitting to building and preserving the mari- of young adults of both sexes engage
their husbands and husbands loving tal bond is well worth the time and in sexual intercourse before mar-
and honoring their wives (Ephesians effort. Husbands and wives who are riage. Many couples believe they
5:22, 25; 1 Peter 3:1, 7). Establishing committed to this process often see should do this before marriage
family guidelines and traditions in their marriage partner as their best to know whether they are “sexu-
an atmosphere of love and respect friend. This is simply another way ally compatible,” thinking this will
gives the newly married man and of describing the kind of bond God improve the odds of their mar-
woman a foundation on which to desires for every marriage. riage succeeding. However, studies
build their lives. A marriage exhibiting this godly have conclusively shown that when
bond is characterized by two people people live together and have sex
Be joined together who are willing to listen to each before marriage, this action actually
Another principle from Genesis other and talk about their differences increases the likelihood that when
2:24 is that a husband should be or problems in a spirit of humility. If they do get married, their marriage
“joined” to his wife. Today we would they cannot solve their problems on will fail.
say he should bond with her. Other their own, they seek counsel because God intended sex to be part of the
than God, she should be his highest they value their relationship and marriage relationship and that it not
commitment. A man should build this don’t want to lose it. take place outside of marriage. Only
special, close relationship with his Studies confirm that measuring in the married state does God per-
wife. The idea of clinging to multiple the level of conflict in a relationship mit sexual relations (Hebrews 13:4;
partners is foreign to this account. can accurately predict whether a 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 18; 7:2-5). His
Even though God allowed the marriage will survive. People whose instructions for us to refrain from
practice of polygamy to go on during marriages are failing often say they any kind of sexual activity before or
the Old Testament period, with some have lost the desire for a special outside of marriage are safeguards
biblical characters having multiple relationship with their mate. for the marriage relationship.
wives at the same time, such arrange- Some marriage partners have God intended sex to be an intimate
ments were not God’s intent from the rekindled this desire by asking God experience that will bind a husband
beginning. In listing the qualifica- for a loving, humble attitude and and wife together. In marriage it
tions of bishops, or overseers, of the doing things to show love to their certainly can, and following these
Church, 1 Timothy 3:2 makes it clear mate, even when they don’t feel like instructions helps marriages survive
that such a man must follow God’s it. Many married people have found and flourish.
instructions and “be blameless, the that the feelings they long for return But disregarding God’s instruction
husband of one wife.” when they start doing the things that carries a price. Engaging in sex with
How can husbands and wives bind two people together. multiple partners before marriage
“join” with each other and make dramatically lessens one’s ability to
their relationships loving and Become one flesh form that kind of close and lasting
lasting? Simple actions like hugs, The next principle from Genesis bond after marriage. Since so many
kisses and pledges of love build and 2 says that a husband and wife shall men and women engage in sex before
strengthen the bond God intended become one flesh; that is, enjoy an marriage, it’s no wonder so many
for marital partners. When husbands intimate sexual relationship with one find it difficult to build and maintain
and wives constantly work at build- another (verse 24; compare 1 Corin- that kind of closeness after marriage.
ing their relationship, they find it thians 6:16). The way to reverse the trend of
easier to agree on practical options in The steps that lead to a loving broken marriages and safeguard
settling their family disagreements. sexual relationship are vital to a suc- one’s own relationship is simple:
Some people think love is a magi- cessful marriage. While God wants Accept and practice God’s instruc-
cal, mysterious emotion that two those planning to marry to develop a tion to restrict sex to marriage.
people fall into or out of for no deep and lasting friendship, He also Such an approach shows honor and
apparent reason. The truth is differ- teaches that we should not indulge in respect for the sexuality God has
ent: Loving relationships must be sex until after the marriage ceremo- given us.
nurtured. They require effort. Love ny. Regrettably, many people today In this approach, sex is not cheap-
is care and consideration directed fail to follow God’s instructions in ened or lowered to a common animal
toward another person, not just an this matter. “Dating” someone now behavior. Instead it is an honorable act
ethereal emotion over which we have has often come to mean having a reserved for the most intimate human
no control. sexual relationship with that person. relationship of all, entered into with
However, the work involved in In Western societies the majority the most honorable intentions.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 25

Not ashamed Mutual submission in love

The last principle from God’s first guidelines for mar- Not understanding the beautiful context and loving
riage reveals that Adam and Eve were naked but not leadership these instructions are built on, some wives
embarrassed by their nakedness (Genesis 2:25). Since have refused to say they will submit to their husbands.
they were the only two people on the planet, privacy was Sometimes men and women alike have mistakenly
not an issue. Sexuality was not and is not intrinsically assumed these instructions were sexist and demeaning
dirty or shameful. to women. But in the context of Paul’s explanation, this
Within marriage a husband and wife should feel com- instruction is most respectful of both sexes and repre-
fortable with each other’s masculinity or femininity. But sents an important key for happy marriages.
revealing too much of one’s body to other members of the Husbands and wives who are continually fighting each
opposite sex outside of marriage invites breaking God’s other over authority and control experience a level of con-
commands against lust and unlawful sexual relations. flict and misery that often leads to divorce. Husbands and
Jesus warned that “whoever looks at a woman to lust wives who fully and mutually submit themselves to the
for her has already committed adultery with her in his pattern Paul reveals usually find happiness and peace.
heart” (Matthew 5:28). Men and women alike need to When genuine love and respect prevail in a marriage,
control their minds and dress modestly to discourage the husband and wife learn much from each other. Each
sexual arousal and temptation outside of marriage. brings strengths into the relationship. For example, wives
often excel in relational needs. Husbands often have a
Godly leadership within marriage
strong orientation toward problem solving.
In Paul’s explanation that marriage is modeled on the Husbands and wives who become aware early in their
relationship that would ultimately exist between Christ marriage that each brings strengths to their relationship
and the Church, he also teaches us about leadership within and discuss how they can use those strengths to their
the husband-wife relationship. Just as Jesus is the head of mutual advantage gain the most from His instructions.
the Church, husbands are to be the leaders within their But mates who “beat each other over the head” with
marriages: “For the husband is head of the wife, as also scriptures intended to benefit their relationship miss the
Christ is head of the church . . .” (Ephesians 5:23). point. Some abusive husbands, with little or no respect
The way Jesus leads the Church is the way husbands for their wives’ feelings or contributions, will command
should lead their wives. Jesus was and is “. . . the Savior them to submit, and some indignant wives retort that
of the body”—the Church (same verse). He literally gave they’ll submit only when their husbands start acting the
His life in love for the Church. way they should. The key here is that each person must
With this thought in mind, Paul instructed husbands do his or her part.
in the way they should lead: “Husbands, love your wives, Each must apply the instruction given him or her.
just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself Although individuals can positively influence their mates
for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the by their unilateral actions, it is far better when both the
washing of water by the word, that He might present husband and wife accept and live by God’s instructions
her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or for their respective roles in marriage.
wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy As one might expect, God’s instructions for marriage
and without blemish. have proven to be the best way to experience peace and
“So husbands ought to love their own wives as their happiness. Marriage is one of God’s most wonderful
own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no gifts to mankind. It is a treasure worth working on,
one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes cherishing and sustaining. His instructions are as valid
it, just as the Lord does the church” (verses 25-29). today as ever. To follow them is to make the honorable,
When a leader exhibits the kind of love and commit- godly choice. No shame comes from following God’s
ment that Jesus showed the Church, it’s easy to follow instructions—only beneficial and lasting rewards!
such a person. We know that this kind of leader always
has our best interests at heart. Paul’s teaching to hus-
bands was that they needed to be the kind of leaders who
would also be easy for their wives to follow. This article is excerpted from our free study
Based on this expectation of husbands, Paul taught guide Marriage and Family: The Missing Di-
mension. This valuable guide will help you dis-
wives to “submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. cover what the Bible says about marriage and
For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head family, dating, bringing up children and much
of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, more. Download or request a copy today!
just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be
to their own husbands in everything” (verses 22-24).

26 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Is Homosexuality Acceptable to God? struggling with this or other sexual sins must
strive to “take captive every thought to make it
obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV). All

hat does the Bible say about homosexu- Moreover, studies of identical twins where one must refrain from giving in to sexual tempta-
ality? “Homosexual” can be defined as twin is homosexual and the other is not prove tions—whether motivated by lust or a desire
a person with an ongoing same-sex that homosexuality isn’t determined by genetic to love and be loved. All should avoid placing
attraction (SSA) instead of opposite-sex (het- makeup. No “homosexual gene” has been themselves in situations where they might be
erosexual) attraction (OSA). Most homosexuals found in years of searching. These factors show tempted to engage in sinful behavior (1 Corin-
believe they are unable to change this orientation. that SSA is developed after birth, sometimes thians 6:18).
Because many homosexuals have experienced being rooted in early childhood circumstances. Again, it is important to remember the dif-
their SSA from an early age, it seems “inherent” Third, regardless of any conditions that may ference between homosexual orientation or
to them—that they have always been that way. predispose a person to homosexuality, we are same-sex attraction and active homosexual lust
Consequently, growing numbers of people are all expected to make moral decisions regardless and behavior. The same-sex attraction is not in
being conditioned to accept homosexuality as a of our circumstances. God doesn’t permit us to itself a sin, but fantasizing about and giving in
normal variation of human sexuality. rewrite His rules simply because our corrupted to sexual temptations are. While many people in
The Bible does not address the subject of nature is inclined toward sin. our society today reject God’s instruction on this
homosexuality from the standpoint of sexual We all sin, having minds that are set against subject, there are many others who feel same-sex
orientation. But it clearly has laws that address God and His ways (Romans 3:23; 8:7; Jeremiah attraction who are coming out of the homosexual
choices people make regarding sexual activity 17:9). The challenge for each of us in responding lifestyle to live in obedience to God’s instruction.
and relationships, because those are things that to God is to repent of our sins—to change our We understand that struggling against
people can control. lives, with His help, in conforming to His stan- homosexual temptation is difficult, and can be
God made human beings male and female, dards (Romans 12:1-2). painful. We understand that the developmen-
and His Word tells us that sex was designed tal factors of homosexuality are complex and
for only male-female relationships within mar- Change with God’s help that people with homosexual orientation are
riage. Because adultery, fornication (premarital God can change the life of a person involved also God’s children and are worthy to love and
sex) and homosexual activity are all outside in homosexual behavior. In 1 Corinthians 6, be loved.
of male-female marriage, all are violations of the apostle Paul addresses men and women
God’s instructions. in the church at Corinth. He lists many forms of Importance of right friendships
The Bible forbids homosexual practices in behavior—including homosexual acts—that Our loving Creator created human beings
several places, including Genesis 19:1-25, Leviti- will keep a person from being in God’s Kingdom male and female–designing man and woman
cus 18:22 and 20:13, and Judges 19:1-25. Every (verses 9-10). Then Paul makes this statement: specifically for intimate sexual connection in
violation of a law of God is a sin (1 John 3:4; 5:3). “And that is what some of you were. But you a loving marriage relationship. Sexual activity
All sins must be repented of for one to have a were washed, you were sanctified, you were outside of this context “misses the mark” of
right relationship with God. justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ living according to God’s intent for creating us
In the New Testament, Romans 1:24-27, and by the Spirit of our God” (verse 11, New male and female. However, God also designed
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and 1 Timothy 1:9-10 International Version). us for affectionate non-erotic love between
refer to homosexual activity in the same way. Paul apparently knew former active homo- people of the same sex. (The close-knit love
The passage in Romans condemns both male sexuals in the church at Corinth. So the mes- between David and Jonathan is a well-known
and female homosexual activity. The only two sage that homosexuals can repent of a sexually biblical example of non-sexual love between
sexual options God approves of are hetero- active lifestyle is not new. Homosexuals have two men.) As love and sex are not the same
sexual marriage and abstinence outside of that. been experiencing change in lifestyle since the thing, a person struggling with homosexual
Bible was written. God’s Word presents the attraction can learn to experience deep affec-
Flawed reasoning approach of hating the sin but loving the sinner tion and love for another member of the same
Some homosexuals argue that God made and treating everyone with respect and kind- gender in a non-sexual way.
them the way they are and that He therefore ness, acknowledging that “all have sinned and To make lifestyle changes, it’s very impor-
must approve of homosexuality. Such reason- fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23; tant for men with SSA to have good male
ing is flawed for several reasons. compare John 3:16). friends and for women with SSA to have good
First, God made all of us with free moral What is the responsibility of one who wants female friends—all committed to live by God’s
agency—we choose what we will think, to be a Christian but struggles with a deeply moral standards.
believe and do. We are not robots incapable of ingrained attraction to members of his or her Several enlightening articles are posted on
making our own choices or governing our own own sex? That person is obligated to control our website that are dedicated to help-
behavior. his or her sexual desires in the same way that ing Christians struggling with homosexuality,
Second, one’s environment and childhood heterosexual adults must exercise self-control addictions and other dysfunctional behaviors.
experiences have been proven to have a great over their sexual desires. Recognizing that sin One thorough article is titled “Homosexuality
impact on a person’s developing sexuality. begins in the mind (James 1:13-15), a person and Same Sex Attraction (SSA).”

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 27
AND YOU Follow Me...

Leaving Our Nets for Christ

Jesus’ first disciples left their lives as fishermen to follow Jesus. This
commitment would be tested and renewed—an example to all of us.
by Robin Webber

early 2,000 years ago several fishermen were became so full of fish it almost broke. Their business
going about their generational heritage of cast- partners, James and John, came to the rescue in their
ing nets into the Sea of Galilee. The rhythm of boat to save the plenteous catch that almost sank both
life, like the lapping of waves on the shore, was boats (verses 6-7). Imagine the smile on Jesus’ face and
slow, steady and reassuring. Once on shore they would the awe, laughter and joy of the watching crowd.
clean and mend their nets and hang them to dry. These
nets were precious, their families’ survival depending on Realizing the need for Him
them. Practically speaking, their nets meant everything! In this moment Peter grasped the emptiness of the
But all was about to change. Jesus would enter “their works of his own hands and that his well-mended nets
turf” and declare that now was decision-making time! alone could not save him. He cried out for Jesus to depart
This dynamic moment, related in Matthew 4:18-22, Mark from him, as he was a sinful man feeling guilty and
1:16 and Luke 5:1-11, offers meaningful consideration for unworthy. This fisherman knew he was as personally
us today about what it means to heed Christ’s ongoing empty as his nets had been (verse 8).
and expanding call of “Follow Me.” But Jesus was not deterred. He was here to fill Peter’s
life and that of his companions with another assign-
Miraculous intervention ment—to follow Him and become fishers of men (verse
Jesus stood on the shore watching the fishermen going 9). He’d just shown them that they didn’t need those
about their trade. He was no stranger to them. Besides nets; what they needed was Him! “Do not be afraid,” He
rubbing shoulders amid lakeside towns, brothers James said, “From now on you will catch men” (verse 10). Jesus
and John were related to Him, their mothers being knew the moment was ripe. They were ready to “launch
sisters. Andrew was present at the Jordan River when out” to wherever He would have them go on land or sea,
John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus “the Lamb of God” and He would always be on board with them.
(John 1:29-36) and was afterward directly asked by Jesus, The four fishermen’s response? They immediately left
“What do you seek?” and invited to come and see more their boats (Matthew 4:22; Mark 1:20) and “forsook all
at His lodging (John 1:35-39). Believing Jesus to be the and followed Him” (Luke 5:11). Pulling up their personal
Messiah, Andrew brought his brother Simon, later called anchors, they dropped their nets, got out of the boat
Peter, to meet Him (verses 40-42). and handed over their past, present and future to the
But now came a momentous day when Jesus walked beckoning Man on the shore.
into their world to share a miraculous lesson and grant
a life-changing invitation. The brothers had been out all Fully committing—now and through life
night on the lake, having given their all with nothing to So, what does this have to do with you today? Per-
show for it. James and John were nearby mending their haps you’ve shown some interest in the teachings of
own nets in their boat. Jesus Christ, passing near Him like the Galileans of His
Jesus seized on the moment as He stepped into Simon’s time. Perhaps you’ve even had short visits with Him like
boat, spoke in front of a crowd and challenged the fisher- Andrew and Simon first did. But is that all that’s desired
man, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets of you? Or have you come to a “reality check” like Peter
for a catch” (Luke 5:1-4). Peter initially balked, declaring in realizing all our personal efforts through our own
it a waste of time since it was now daylight and the fish resources resemble Peter’s nighttime fishing—nothing to
could see and avoid the nets, but he further replied, “Nev- show for it?
ertheless at Your word I will let down the net” (verse 5). God doesn’t want to just rub shoulders with you or
What followed is a snapshot moment of amazement. simply settle for a drive-by visit. What He wants is that
In following Jesus’ directive, Peter and Andrew’s net you—with all your heart and immediacy in heeding His

28 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
words—pull up your anchor of self, get out of your leak- times asks Peter, “Do you love Me?” (verse 15). The first
ing boat of life, leave your nets and obey Christ’s direc- time He words it, “Do you love Me more than these?”
tive of “Follow Me.” And not just once but again and (emphasis added).
again and again—wherever He takes us and no matter Barclay comments that this can mean one of two
what comes our way. things. On one hand, the term “these” may be referring
Some of us may be saying: “Been there, done that. I’m to Peter’s fellow disciples, so that the question is if Peter
in!” Peter said as much, but more would come his way loves Jesus more than the other disciples love Jesus—
after that initial trusting response. Peter would take his referring to Peter’s earlier slight of the others in notori-
eyes off Jesus in walking with Him on the water and start- ously saying, “Even if all are made to stumble because of
ing to sink (Matthew 14:22-32), in chiding Jesus when you, I will never be made to stumble” (Matthew 26:33).
He spoke of being killed (Matthew 16:22-23), in running With Jesus pointing to the gathered disciples, Peter’s
away like all the others at Jesus’ arrest (Mark 14:50), and in words haunt him and he must admit in his heart that He
didn’t live up to his professed commitment.
It’s time to launch
But here Barclay proposes another thought—
that the scope of this first inquiry is wider
than that. He suggests that the risen Christ
sweeps His hand over a broader landscape as
Peter visually follows His Master’s gestures and

What He wants is that you

heed His words, leave your
nets and obey His directive
of “Follow Me.”
denying Jesus three times that same night (Luke 22:54-62). beholds the familiar waters set before them, the beached
Peter stumbled. We all stumble even after initially com- boats on the shore, and the drying nets, with Jesus asking,
mitting to “get out of our boats” for Christ. “Do you love Me more than [you love] these?”
Regardless, Jesus in this place has created the perfect
Renewing the relationship teaching moment: Peter! Remember this is where it began.
Perhaps some of us have gradually resettled into the You left this seashore with Me. And here we are again.
familiar, comfortable world of our past nets, despite Remember: You walked toward Me out on this same water
Jesus’ assurance that we don’t need those nets—that at one time. And yes, you sank but for a moment and I
we need Him. Yet God is patient and won’t let us go. pulled you up. Just as I told you when we first talked right
Meeting us on our turf, Christ keeps on knocking on here, it’s time to “launch” once again.
the doors of our hearts (Revelation 3:20). Often life is He was pounding home the eternal reality: You don’t
a circle, with Christ bringing us back around to drive need these—you need Me!
home the lesson. Whether you are just now responding to Jesus’ invita-
William Barclay, in his commentary on the Gospel of tion of “Follow Me” or responded long ago but somehow,
John (Vol. 2, p. 285), paints a powerful picture of Peter’s somewhere have lost your way, this message is for you.
return to the point of life-changing encounter. The It’s time to launch, with Him at your side!
now-risen Christ meets the disciples (now for the third
angeluisma/iStock/Getty Images Plus

time—John 21:14) at the spot in Galilee to which He had LEARN MORE

directed them to go (Matthew 26:32). But why? While
waiting for His appearance they went fishing again, and Jesus Christ extends to us the invitation
“Follow Me”—meaning to follow Him and
their nets once again came up empty. Christ appears on
be His disciple. But do you truly know who
the shore and comes to the rescue, again performing a and what Jesus really was and is? To learn the
miracle of filling their nets with fish (John 21:3-8). answers, download or request our free study
But now Jesus desires Peter to “launch” into a deeper guide Jesus Christ: The Real Story.
relationship with Him and knocks (pounds?) on the
door of His heart with point-blank questions. Jesus three

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • July-August 2022 29

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