In The Realm of Education

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In the realm of education, there is an ongoing debate about whether students should focus solely

on their favorite subjects or be required to study a broad range of subjects. (Background

information-Paraphrase đề). [Advocates of both viewpoints present compelling arguments.] This
essay will explore both perspectives and offer my opinion on the issue. (Thesis statement)

Proponents of allowing students to study their favorite subjects argue that passion and interest
drive motivation and deeper learning (Topic sentence). When students are genuinely interested
in a subject, they are more likely to engage deeply, retain information better, and perform well.
This focused approach can lead to expertise in specific fields, which is highly beneficial in a
specialized job market (Explanation). For instance, a student passionate about mathematics
might excel and innovate in that field if allowed to concentrate exclusively on it (Example) .
Additionally, studying subjects of interest can increase student satisfaction and reduce dropout
rates, as they feel more connected to their educational journey. (Additional idea)

Conversely, those who support a broad curriculum argue that exposure to a wide range of
subjects is crucial for the holistic development of students. (Topic sentence). A well-rounded
education fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which are essential in
today's interconnected world (Explanation). For example, understanding basic principles of
science, literature, and social studies can enhance a student's ability to make informed decisions
and understand diverse perspectives. (Example). Moreover, early exposure to various subjects
allows students to discover interests and talents they might not have recognized if they had only
focused on their favorite subjects. (Additional idea)

In conclusion, both focused and broad educational approaches have their merits. (Summary). In
my opinion, a balanced approach is ideal. While it is important to nurture students' passions, a
foundational knowledge in a variety of subjects is essential for their overall development. By
combining the two, we can create an educational system that not only fosters specialized skills
and deep interest in particular subjects but also ensures well-rounded development, (Give
opinion) equipping students with the diverse knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a complex

*Màu xanh: có thể lược bỏ

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