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MarkVIe Maintenance Class

Viewing Trip Log Data

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GE Proprietary Information - Privileged and Confidential

Learn how to locate and view the trip log

Use the Trip Log to analyze Trips
Use Trip Log Live Data for non trip analysis

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GE Proprietary Information - Privileged and Confidential
The MarkVIe has a trip log feature that captures data,
alarms, events and SOE’s (max 200, 50 post trip)
for the following times and sample rates
Time Sample Rate
19 hrs 10 mins
4 Hrs 1 min Trip Log Live Data
40 Mins 10 Sec +
20 Mins 1 sec
Configurable - Frame Rate Capture Blocks
Trip Log
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GE Proprietary Information - Privileged and Confidential
Location of Data WorkstationST

Xx = Device name (G1)

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Trip Log File Times

The file name for the trip log is in UTC

The modified time in windows explorer is in
local time

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Viewing the Trip Log

Navigate to the trip log directory

Double click on the trip log file name

The file will be opened with the ToolboxST

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Viewing the Trip Log - 2

In the variable
browser window
select the first
signal name and
<Ctrl+A> to select
Select the OK

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Analyzing the trip
Select the
Events tab
and navigate
to the trigger
Double click
on the
trigger event

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Analyzing the trip -2
One cursor is
now at the
trip trigger
Move the
cursor to the
left of the
trigger and
zoom in on
the data

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Determining the cause of the trip

The cause of the trip should be just before or

just after the trigger.
In this example the trip is due to exhaust over

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Trip Log Live Data
In some cases the user might want to look at short
term data that is not trip data.
We can use the trip log live data for this purpose.
Trip log live data is stored for 48 hrs then deleted
To open the data double click on the trip log live
data filename.
Trender will start and we may view the data the
same as a trip log

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GE Proprietary Information - Privileged and Confidential
Lab # 11

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GE Proprietary Information - Privileged and Confidential

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