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Expression of Ideas – Transitions level 3. C.

In comparison,

1. Most of the planets that have been discovered D. For example,

outside our solar system orbit G-type stars, like our
Sun. In 2014, ______ researchers identified a 4. Award-winning travel writer Linda Watanabe
planet orbiting KELT-9, a B-type star more than McFerrin considers the background research she
twice as massive and nearly twice as hot as the conducts on destinations featured in her travel
Sun. Called KELT-9b, it is one of the hottest books to be its own reward. ______ McFerrin
planets ever discovered. admits to finding the research phase of her work
Which choice completes the text with the most just as fascinating and engaging as exploring a
logical transition? location in person.

A. likewise, Which choice completes the text with the most

logical transition?
B. however,
A. By contrast,
C. therefore,
B. Likewise,
D. for example,
C. Besides,

2. The Babylonian king Hammurabi achieved much D. In fact,

during his forty-year reign. He conquered all of
Mesopotamia and built Babylon into one of the 5. In 1873, Spanish scientist Santiago Ramón y
most powerful cities of the ancient world. Today, Cajal observed that brain fibers have distinct
______ he is mainly remembered for a code of boundaries with clear end points, a finding that
laws inscribed on a seven-foot-tall block of stone: went against earlier assumptions about the brain.
the Code of Hammurabi. ______ scientists had assumed that the brain was a
Which choice completes the text with the most continuous web of fused fibers, not a vast network
logical transition? of distinct, individual cells.

A. therefore, Which choice completes the text with the most

logical transition?
B. likewise,
A. However,
C. however,
B. Previously,
D. for instance,
C. As a result,

3. Some members of the US Supreme Court have D. Likewise,

resisted calls to televise the courtʼs oral arguments,
concerned that the participants would be tempted to 6. Okot pʼBitekʼs poem Song of Lawino (1966)
perform for the cameras (and thus lower the quality explores postcolonial Ugandan life through the
of the discourse). ______ the justices worry that eyes of a woman living in a rural village. With its
most viewers would not even watch the full vibrant imagery, bitingly satiric tone, and dexterous
deliberations, only short clips that could be use of traditional Acholi song and phraseology, the
misinterpreted and mischaracterized. poem inspired a generation of East African writers.
Which choice completes the text with the most ______ those who adopted its style are often
logical transition? referred to as Okot School poets.

A. However, Which choice completes the text with the most

logical transition?
B. Additionally,
A. Nevertheless,
B. Fittingly, A. For example,
C. By comparison, B. To conclude,
D. Instead, C. Similarly,

D. In other words,
7. Because an achiral molecule is symmetrical,
flipping it yields a structurally identical molecule.
A flipped chiral molecule, ______ can be compared 10. In 2019, researcher Patricia Jurado Gonzalez
to a glove that has been turned inside out: it and food historian Nawal Nasrallah prepared a stew
produces a structurally inverted molecule rather from a 4,000-year-old recipe found on a
than an identical one. Mesopotamian clay tablet. When they tasted the
dish, known as pašrūtum (“unwinding”), they
Which choice completes the text with the most
found that it had a mild taste and inspired a sense
logical transition?
of calm. ______ the researchers, knowing that
A. in other words, dishes were sometimes named after their intended
effects, theorized that the dishʼs name,
B. by contrast,
“unwinding,” referred to its function: to help
C. for example, ancient diners relax.
D. similarly, Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition?
8. Jhumpa Lahiriʼs story collection Interpreter of A. Therefore,
Maladies features multiple stories about romantic
relationships. In “This Blessed House,” newlyweds B. Alternately,
argue over whether to replace items left by the
C. Nevertheless,
previous owners of their new home. ______ in “A
Temporary Matter,” a husband and wife attempt to D. Likewise,
rekindle their relationship during a four-night
11. In 1933, the Twentieth Amendment to the US
Which choice completes the text with the most Constitution was ratified. The amendment
logical transition? mandates that presidential inaugurations be held on
A. Granted, January 20, approximately ten weeks after the
November election. ______ this amendment
B. For example, requires newly elected US senators and
C. Likewise, representatives to be sworn into their respective
offices on January 3.
D. Hence,
Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition?
9. Before Californiaʼs 1911 election to approve a
proposition granting women the right to vote, A. Instead,
activists across the state sold tea to promote the
cause of suffrage. In San Francisco, the Womanʼs B. For instance,
Suffrage Party sold Equality Tea at local fairs. C. Specifically,
______ in Los Angeles, activist Nancy Tuttle
Craig, who ran one of Californiaʼs largest grocery D. In addition,
store firms, distributed Votes for Women Tea.

Which choice completes the text with the most

logical transition?
12. The more diverse and wide ranging an animalʼs B. In particular,
behaviors, the larger and more energy demanding
the animalʼs brain tends to be. ______ from an C. For example,
evolutionary perspective, animals that perform only D. Conversely,
basic actions should allocate fewer resources to
growing and maintaining brain tissue. The
specialized subtypes of ants within colonies 15. Earthʼs auroras—colorful displays of light seen
provide an opportunity to explore this hypothesis. above the northern and southern poles—result,
broadly speaking, from the Sunʼs activity. ______
Which choice completes the text with the most the Sun releases charged particles that are captured
logical transition? by Earthʼs magnetic field and channeled toward the
poles. These particles then collide with atoms in the
A. Subsequently,
atmosphere, causing the atoms to emit auroral light.
B. Besides, Which choice completes the text with the most
C. Nevertheless, logical transition?

D. Thus, A. Specifically,

B. Similarly,
13. In his 1925 book The Morphology of C. Nevertheless,
Landscape, US geographer Carl Sauer challenged
prevailing views about how natural landscapes D. Hence,
influence human cultures. ______ Sauer argued
that instead of being shaped entirely by their
16. When, in the 1800s, geologists first realized
natural surroundings, cultures play an active role in
that much of Earth had once been covered by great
their own development by virtue of their
sheets of ice, some theorized that the phenomenon
interactions with the environment.
was cyclical, occurring at regular intervals. Each
Which choice completes the text with the most Ice Age is so destructive, though, that it largely
logical transition? erases the geological evidence of its predecessor.
______ geologists were unable to confirm the
A. Similarly, theory of cyclical Ice Ages until the 1960s.
B. Finally, Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition?
C. Therefore,
A. Hence,
D. Specifically,
B. Moreover,
14. Establishing Coordinated Universal Time C. Nevertheless,
(UTC) is no easy task. Each month, readings of a
single second from atomic clocks around the world D. Next,
are taken and sent to the International Bureau of
Weights and Measures (BIPM) in France. ______
17. Originally coined by economist Joan Robinson
BIPM metrologists perform the meticulous work of
to refer to markets with multiple sellers of a
assembling these minutely disparate readings into a
product but only one buyer, the term “monopsony”
globally shared time standard.
can also refer to markets where demand for labor is
Which choice completes the text with the most limited. In a product monopsony, the single buyer
logical transition? can force sellers to lower their prices. ______ in a
labor monopsony, employers can force workers to
A. There, accept lower wages.
Which choice completes the text with the most oxygen combines with chemicals in the fireflyʼs
logical transition? abdomen to produce a glow. ______ when the
firefly stops drawing in oxygen, the reaction—and
A. Earlier, the glow—cease.
B. Instead, Which choice completes the text with the most
C. Similarly, logical transition?

D. In particular, A. For instance,

B. By contrast,
18. The chemical trimethylamine N-oxide not only
C. Specifically,
gives fish their fishy smell but also protects them
from crushing hydrostatic pressure in deep waters. D. In conclusion,
Trimethylamine N-oxide strengthens the bonds
between water molecules in a fishʼs body. ______
these water molecules maintain their linked 21. With her room-sized installation The
structure at extreme depths, thus preventing Interstitium, Iranian American artist Laleh Mehran
pressure-related damage. succeeded in creating a space that felt, as intended,
both “familiar and distant.” ______ with a video
Which choice completes the text with the most screen placed at the far end of the coal slag-
logical transition? encrusted room, her installation was reminiscent of
a typical movie theater—albeit one found in a
A. Nevertheless, subterranean coal mine.
B. As a result, Which choice completes the text with the most
C. However, logical transition?

D. For instance, A. Next,

B. Nevertheless,
19. One poll taken after the first 1960 presidential
C. Indeed,
debate suggested that John Kennedy lost badly:
only 21 percent of those who listened on the radio D. Instead,
rated him the winner. ______ the debate was
ultimately considered a victory for the telegenic
young senator, who rated higher than his opponent, 22. Researchers Helena Mihaljević-Brandt, Lucía
Vice President Richard Nixon, among those Santamaría, and Marco Tullney report that while
watching on the new medium of television. mathematicians may have traditionally worked
alone, evidence points to a shift in the opposite
Which choice completes the text with the most direction. ______ mathematicians are choosing to
logical transition? collaborate with their peers—a trend illustrated by
a rise in the number of mathematics publications
A. In other words, credited to multiple authors.
B. Therefore, Which choice completes the text with the most
C. Likewise, logical transition?

D. Nevertheless, A. Similarly,

B. For this reason,

20. A firefly uses specialized muscles to draw
C. Furthermore,
oxygen into its lower abdomen through narrow
tubes, triggering a chemical reaction whereby the D. Increasingly,
23. Although those who migrated to California in C. For example,
1849 dreamed of finding gold nuggets in
streambeds, the stateʼs richest deposits were buried D. Rather,
deeply in rock, beyond the reach of individual
prospectors. ______ by 1852, many had given up
26. In November 1934, Amrita Sher-Gil was living
their fortune-hunting dreams and gone to work for
in what must have seemed like the ideal city for a
one of the large companies capable of managing
young artist: Paris. She was studying firsthand the
Californiaʼs complex mining operations.
color-saturated style of Franceʼs modernist masters
Which choice completes the text with the most and beginning to make a name for herself as a
logical transition? painter. ______ Sher-Gil longed to return to her
childhood home of India; only there, she believed,
A. Furthermore, could her art truly flourish.
B. Still, Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition?
C. Consequently,
A. Still,
D. Next,
B. Therefore,
24. Archaeologist Sue Brunning explains why the C. Indeed,
seventh-century ship burial site at Sutton Hoo in
England was likely the tomb of a king. First, the D. Furthermore,
gold artifacts inside the ship suggest that the person
buried with them was a wealthy and respected
27. At two weeks old, the time their critical
leader. ______ the massive effort required to bury
socialization period begins, wolves can smell but
the ship would likely only have been undertaken
cannot yet see or hear. Domesticated dogs, ______
for a king.
can see, hear, and smell by the end of two weeks.
Which choice completes the text with the most This relative lack of sensory input may help explain
logical transition? why wolves behave so differently around humans
than dogs do: from a very young age, wolves are
A. Instead, more wary and less exploratory.
B. Still, Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition?
C. Specifically,
A. in other words,
D. Second,
B. for instance,

25. In the early 1900s, Jovita Idár fought injustice C. by contrast,

on both sides of the Mexico–United States border.
As a reporter for the Texas newspaper La Crónica, D. accordingly,
she voiced support for the Mexican peopleʼs revolt
against authoritarian rule. ______ she founded the
28. To discover which fruit varieties were grown in
League of Mexican Women, a group that advocated
Italyʼs Umbria region before the introduction of
for the rights of Mexican Americans.
industrial farming, botanist Isabella Dalla Ragione
Which choice completes the text with the most often turns to centuries-old lists of cooking
logical transition? ingredients. ______ she analyzes Renaissance
paintings of Umbria, as they can provide accurate
A. Additionally, representations of fruits that were grown there long
B. In conclusion,
Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition?

A. In sum,

B. Instead,

C. Thus,

D. Additionally,

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