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Module 1 Activities

Answer the following question based on the video you have watched.

In your own understanding, what is the difference between the deductive and inductive approaches to
teaching grammar?

- A deductive approach involves teaching learners a general rule, which is

then applied to specific language examples and refined through practice
exercises. An inductive approach entails learners detecting or noticing
patterns and developing a 'rule' for themselves before practicing the

The words we use to make question word questions: WHo, WHat, HoW

In YOUR OWN WORDS, state your insights of the following terms. 1 to 2 sentences ONLY

1. Universal grammar: It is a theory that suggests that some rules of grammar are hard-wired into
the brain, and manifest without being taught
2. Traditional grammar: It is based on the principle of Latin grammar, it is commonly taught
in schools
3. Prescriptive grammar: A prescriptive grammar is a set of rules about language that reflect
how people believe language should be used.
4. Descriptive grammar: The grammatical components and norms of a language as they are
actually used are outlined in descriptive grammars.


To what extent does teaching grammar help learners to be competent with the English language?
- Learning grammar is essential to learning English. Being proficient in grammar enhances
your ability to communicate in English. Building confidence when speaking or writing in
the language also heavily depends on grammar. With proper grammar, you can increase
the meaning and readability of your sentences.


Now, state the difference between syntax and semantic.

- Language is structured using syntax. Word order and sentence structure are
examples of syntax elements that can help explain a word's meaning. The
meaning of individual words is known as semantics. When a word's meaning is
unclear, the definitions of words around it can provide insight into what the
word probably means.
Compose a 4-stanza poem of any topic of your choice. Each stanza should have four lines. It can be
rhyming or free verse. Provide a catchy title. After composing, identify all the words used under each part
of speech.

Nouns Pronouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Conjunctions Prepositions Interjections

Love, I, You, Me, Look, Free, Kind, The, But, At, In, Of,
Way, I’m, With, Feel, Hard, Our, When, Like, a, To,
Smell, Your, Think, So, For,
Spell, That, Are, Never,
Sunset, What, Watch, As, Hard,
Warmt Mine, Neede Not,
h, d, Am, Sometim
Heart, See, es, Too,
See, Do,
Offerin Offerin
g, Give, g,
Know, Could,
Wish, Give,
Story, Know,
Blur Preten

Why is it important to know the different criteria in the subsentenial terminology?

You may build proper sentences by determining how words operate in a sentence by knowing the eight
basic elements of speech: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, interjection, and
preposition. Your ability to construct sentences will improve as a communicator.

In your own understanding, what is the difference between lexical category and grammatical category?

Lexical and grammatical categories differ from one another in that new words can be added to lexical
categories, which are open, while new words cannot be added to grammatical categories, which are

Module 3


Observe the given group of words.

1. Was full of singing the trip home

2. "Hit Jillian the ball."
3. College I enjoy.
4. People are very annoying who text on their phone.

What do you observe with the given group of words? Do they make sense?

Look at the given picture, what can you infer about it?

I would say that the picture illustrates the various linguistic analysis levels that a successful sentence
structure ought to have. Additionally, it is the foundational knowledge of linguistics.
A. Apply your understanding of the four sentence patterns by writing sentences according to the instructions
below. Practice restating the same ideas in different ways using the sentence patterns.

1. Write a simple sentence.

Denise’s favorite color is purple.
2. Write a compound sentence that joins the clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
I want to lose weight, yet I eat too much.
3. Write a compound sentence that joins the clauses with a semicolon.
My dad’s birthday is today; however, I haven’t bought a present yet.
4. Write a complex sentence that includes an independent clause followed by a dependent clause beginning with
because or although.
Although I’m not very good, I really enjoy singing.
5. Write a complex sentence that includes a dependent clause beginning with after, when, or while followed by
an independent clause.
When he handed in his homework, he forgot to hand the teacher the last stage.

B. Apply It: Read the following passage. It contains mistakes. Answer the questions that follow.

Cleaning House

(1) Luis was concerned that his friend Sarabeth looked a little sad at school one day. (2) “What’s wrong, my
friend?” he asked, putting his arm around her.

(3) Sarabeth signed, “I’m worried about my mom. (4) She was laid off from the factory last week. (5) Fortunately,
she found another job right away—a really great one in an office—but she seemed unusually nervous about it when
she left the house this morning. (6) I wish I were rich. (7) Or at least that I could help with the expenses.”

(8) “Don’t fret. (9) Sara, your mom is one of the toughest women I know.” (10) Luis was happy to see a smile
overtake the sad expression on Sarabeth’s face before he left her to go to soccer practice.

(11) Practice was a wash for Luis. (12) Coach said, “If you don’t have your physical signed yet, you can’t play
today.” (13) Luis should have stayed and watched, but he was starved, so he decided to go home early and surprise
his mom.

(14) When he got home, he heard his mom’s voice coming from the study. (15) “That looks great, Carla. (16) Just
dust the shelves, and then you should vacuum the floor. (17) After that, you’re free to go.” (18) Luis peeked around
the corner to see his mom handing a check to Sarabeth’s mom.

(19) “Thank you, Mrs. Montego. (20) I appreciate you hiring me.”

(21) Luis wanted to go back in time and unlearn everything he had just seen and heard. (22) Trying to save both of
them the embarrassment, Luis snuck back outside and waited until after Sarabeth’s mom had left before reentering
his house.

Answer each of the following questions in reference to “Cleaning House.”

1. When Luis speaks to Sarabeth in sentence 2, which verb mood does he use?
Interrogative mood.
2. What is the verb mood in sentence 4?
Indicative mood.
3. What is the verb mood in sentence 6? How do you know?
The verb mood in sentence 6 is Subjunctive mood since the statement expresses a wish or a request.
4. Rewrite sentence 8 in the interrogative mood.
“Fret you not?”
5. In sentence 12, which verb mood does Coach use? How do you know?
The verb mood that the coach uses is a conditional mood as he expresses his conditions that depend on a
particular circumstance.
6. What is wrong with sentence 16? How should sentence 16 be revised?
I can say that there is nothing wrong with the grammar of sentence 16 yet if we are going to rephrase the
sentence into a more concise sentence and show a parallel structure we can say “You should dust the shelves
and then vacuum the floor”.


When writing, which is better to use, active voice or passive voice? Explain

Active voice. Because using active voice often improves understanding, whereas passive voice allows to
avoid unneeded repetition.

In your own understanding, what is the difference between theme and rheme?

In discourse analysis, a theme refers to the topic being researched, the objective of the report, and the
clause's concern. Rheme refers to the remaining information, or the context in which the theme is formed.

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