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B~hOQd. AdolfBit1er was bern Qn April2() Braunau, ~ust.ria.a small town.

aeress the inn River from GerrrIany~ Ht was the fourth child ofthetbitd marriage afAlais Jilitler; a c~b1B ~cial. Alois Hitler was 51years .old. When Adolfwas1l0tli. Adetp's mOther; ~l~b1d, Was 28'1.-e<iIS old. 'She wasafarmer?s 4al~ghiej;., .... . .

Aloi~ :EUtler died'll;l. 1,90$ @d A:d@lleft h],gil '~chQ()l' 7.@ 2: year$ l.~t:t;,at'l1l,. ~e of

;:~o ~!.~:e~;:~~~~:;t:~~!;:g~=~~k:!
r~~lf$iii Viemta,

W 1~:(J1"mtle:t::'WeltH~VIenna, the

qapnt>l oA.ustri~;Btmgary.


'$o:mtinte,~ b.e'f?~ldlii$ dta~$flAd duriJI$' ~;np$tat1rl& .~l'!'.iA vteIln%$'Q~i~~g 'P~~g~~lfte 14(ld comfo~ly biiJ1$Ij:ai1 atHBt.
and idly


G~y surrencl~redill No:vemberl~18,heJwasjn amilitary,hospitaI,recovermglrom temporary blindness thairesultedfroIn his ekposurell1hattleto mustard"gas. Fre was de~ly $hak~fiby'1:henews 'QftJie ~ee.,' He believed :that the tiniiyt)I"tlie,Gennan nation was 1fu:eatenetL anti tliathe ,ntiI$t attemptto$aw Getmany_ ,"


RIse'to Po.lVe,t~ )Defeat In WotldWht .1shocked 1\l1e'G(;:trnart pQple. Despair in turrnoitmcieased as tJi army tettl.J.tA'4 bankrupt ~'qlij'itr,y.. Millions of ~ermanseould t~a


t~~e '



~;~~rn~;~~:t::::~~~jd~:~~:r~ German

trtoIiev last almost:,alf value . ~~mrtl1~ijjsts ~~nat6l f~l1i , iFlrJlil; :g(j'Yernm:e:p;~s"

ti~:f~~ :u.p,;.Q~O~

. QUN@v.,8.~1923.at_,a_ta:I1Y:iii,aMUiricli beer1lalLHitierprodaimed aNazl, The riexfday hetrled to SelZBthe Bavarian !!ov.emmenthi'What: be,came,known as tlle Beer HaI1,:Putsc1'h mt1~~~~ff:ed bytlie(Jerrnati geneTa:l.Enol1 F.W. Ludendorff. leqd,ver 2.000 storm: troopers aria ,marbh~{!ainst the:aavariait' - ,


'~e'otthe )f~#~h Hitler was freed aboutnhie: months after" his mal. He left .' pri~9n ihD:ecembet 19~4.
Great changes. had ta.kenpla6e in Getmany ill. 19~i4. A sehedtrle fot Geti;mlny reparations payPlent$ help:ed $fabilize the Getman ctui'el1cy~and the nation showed signs of recovering tom the. war. Most people had wo. homes; fO:Q<1, hope fQttfie future. and

By this time, Bitler had assembled some of the people who would help him rise to
power. they included Joseph Go:ebhels; the cmetNazi ptopagand1st~ Hetrtra.rui Goering, who became second in cob;iriiaitd to.fIltlet~ Rudolfliess, Hitler's faithfui private ..


In 193"0the worldwide Great Deoression hit Germafi'Vi:,WOfket'S~ faced uii~mployment;md hungt." ~'Jhat atneyear, Germany agre/i ~~1heYoung 'l~ (jf 1~~~' s t9 reschedule reparations paylllents, Xn,1928 ljitlet laUnched a


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