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From: soundararajan seerangan

Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 1:08 AM

Subject: First Life on Earth from Space? அதி சி க ப | Mr.GK

Dear Brother MrGK and MrGK Admin Team

Unfortunately, Today I watched your above mentioned video. After that, I am unable to stop myself
to write this email. I will try to stop writing in future.

So sad that you have told / admitted that old scientists are proved wrong by upcoming new
scientists i.e. concept of spontaneous generation etc. The fact is just, upcoming new scientists
proved that old scientists are scientific idiots. It happened for “light” also. At first scientist told it is
particle, later it was told that it is wave. After that, it was proved that light is both particle as well as
wave. Science which we all believe as base of everything is not complete and fundamentally not
strong. It has to be admitted. When we believe science then science is also a religion, which needs
only belief.

When you talk about the life, you and your scientific idiots consider only the physical thing i.e. body.
Life forms on earth only when life force / energy binds with body. Body is physical thing and life
energy / spiritual energy (soul) is not physical thing. Testing amino acids / protein with phosphoric
salt etc. is bound to the body only. DNA can be used to generate body in a suitable environment but
it cannot attract life energy to bind with it, to make a life form.

You have told in the video that shooting star (meteoroids) travels distance of 50 to 100km in the
earth’s atmosphere at the speed of 10 to 20 km/s (the surface temperature of the meteor to over
2,000 Kelvin, please refer the link for the
temperature mentioned). You have also told that shooting star attains plasma state (highly reactive
chemical reactions).

Even the outer surface of meteoroids gets vaporized when it enters earth’s atmosphere. What will
be the heat conduction, convection and radiation from surface to its core? That is, temperature in
the core.

My questions:

1) Do you think, amino acids / protein / DNA can be carried by meteoroids with the surface
temperature of 2000K?
2) Do you think, highly reactive chemical reactions in plasma state is required to make organic
compounds like protein, amino acids, DNA?
3) What is the bearable temperature for any body of life forms on earth to retain its shape and

Your video is just passing the junks of scientists (without doing any self analysis) to common people
who think themselves as scientific people. Actually all are scientific idiots.
Then if you ask me, how the amino acid traces are found in the left over of the meteorites found on
earth. I do not know the fact but interesting to read the following funny story.

Cow and its dung

Cow excreted dung over a sand and a small gold ball. Cow left the place and it was left to dry under
sunlight and it became cow dung cake. The cake contains traces of sand and gold within it. Scientists
came and took the cake and tested in the lab. They found traces of sand and gold. They concluded
cow excrete silicon and gold along with undigested residue of plant matter which has passed
through the cow's gut.

Cow is outer space. Dung is meteorite. Sand and gold is amino acids and protein in the earth. Upon
hitting the surface, dung got mixed with sand and gold. Then test result shows that cow dung cake
has both of sand and gold which came from cow. Now scientists are searching for excretory organ of
cow to discover further on sand and gold.

This is how, the science will take its lead to discover the first life on earth.

If you want to know about spiritual energy, then you have to know the basics of
spirituality that talks about five elements etc. Spirituality is invented by Seers
(Siddhars and Yogis). They can only answer how the first life on earth formed. I
can guarantee you, physical scientists can never find answer for it.

Why am I writing to you?

You have many of our people as your followers. I do not want my Tamil community to be scientific
idiots. So by making you to think, it will make my Tamil community to think also. I.e. easy way to
make the truth to reach our people. I am not against science, but what we know about science is
wrong or incomplete.

We are very much mesmerized by western culture, life and technology. Also, we do not value our
culture, our way of life and discoveries. That is the reason, Tamil language, Vaastu, Astrology,
Spirituality, Siddha medicine are still not famous among our own people.

I wish I have given you some points to think. Please just acknowledge my mail for my effort.

Thanking You
Yours Truly
Soundararajan S
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