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Architecture of Cloud Computing

• CCOA: Cloud Computing Open Architecture
• Service-Oriented Cloud Computing
• Next generation Cloud Computing
CCOA: Cloud Computing Open
• Four types of resources that can be
provisioned and consumed over the Internet
– Infrastructure resources, which include
computing power, storage, and machine
– Software resources including middleware and
development resources.
– Application resources.
– Business process resources.
CCOA: Cloud Computing Open
• Two key enabling technologies could play very
important roles
– Virtualization technology
• handles how images of the operating systems,
middleware, and applications are pro-created and
allocated to the right physical machines or a slice of a
server stack.
– Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).
• a system or software architecture for addressing
componentization, reusability, extensibility, and
CCOA : 7 principles
1. Integrated Ecosystem Management for Cloud
2. Virtualization for Cloud Infrastructure
3. Service-Orientation for Common Reusable Services
4. Extensible Provisioning and Subscription for Cloud
5. Configurable Enablement for Cloud Offerings
6. Unified Information Representation and Exchange
7. Cloud Quality and Governance
7 Principles
• Support the management of the ecosystem of Cloud
• Ecosystem includes all involved services and solutions ,
vendors, partners, and end users to provide or
consume shared resources in the Cloud Computing
• Provides an integrated on-boarding process and common
utilities to hosting environment
• Support the seamless collaboration and message
exchanges among cloud vendors, partners, and clients
7 Principles
• Hardware virtualization to manage hardware
equipment in plug-and-play mode.
• Software virtualization, to use software image
management or software code virtualization
technology to enable software sharing.
7 Principles
3. Service-Orientation for Common Reusable
• to enable Cloud Computing to further realize the
business value from asset reusability, composite
applications, and mashup services.
• two major types of common reusable services:
Cloud Horizontal and Vertical Business Services.
Cloud Horizontal Business Services consist of various
platform services that hide the complexities of
middleware, database, and tools
Cloud Vertical Business Services include all domain
specific or industry-specific utility services
7 Principles
4. Extensible Provisioning and Subscription for Cloud
• Handle service providers provisioning process and
service consumers’ subscription process.
5. Configurable Enablement for Cloud Offerings
• cloud offerings should address certain business
• Example of cloud offerings is storage cloud and
infrastructure cloud
• Most cloud offerings delivered or accessed
through Web browsers
7 Principles
6. Unified Information Representation and Exchange
• The messages exchanged among cloud clients, partners
and vendors.
7. Cloud Quality and Governance
• responsible for the identification and definition of
quality indicators for Cloud Computing environment and
a set of normative guidance to govern the design,
deployment, operation, and management of the cloud
• Quality of Services (QoS) parameters : cloud entities’
reliability, response time, security, and integrity.
Service-Oriented Cloud Computing
• Attempts to establish the connections
between SOA and cloud computing issues.
• Proposes a Service Oriented Cloud Computing
– Platform as a Service: PaaS
– Software as a Service: SaaS
– SOA is an architectural pattern that guides business
solutions to create, organize and reuse its
computing components
Courtesy ISO WD 18384-2

SOA Reference Architecture ….
• The SOA reference architecture illustrated in Figure , describes nine
layers of considerations and responsibilities
• For each layer, there are three aspects that should be supported by
the SOA Reference Architecture:
– Requirements (exemplified by the capabilities for each layer). The
requirements aspect reflects what the layer enables and includes all of
its capabilities.
– Logical (exemplified by the architectural building blocks). The logical
aspect includes all the architectural building blocks, design decisions,
options, KPIs, etc.
– Physical (this aspect will be left to the implementation of the standard
by an adaptor of the standard). The physical aspect of each layer
includes the realization of each logical aspect using technology,
standards and products necessary to realize and construct the

Fig. SOA Reference Architecture from WD18384-2
Service Oriented Cloud Computing
Multi-tenancy Architecture
• Multiple Application Instance better isolation
among different tenants
• Single Application Instance not scale as well as
the latter
1. An application builder develops an application
2. The application template is registered
3. Provider subscribed to the application registry
4. Automatic matching between the requested and
registered application templates.
5. Find an application template
6. Submits it to an application template
7. Service broker will notify the application builder
8. Builder test and evaluate the service
9. Service into the target application.
Next generation Cloud Computing
• Computer can no longer be thought of in
terms of the physical enclosure
• Cloud ideally comprises a pool of physical
compute resources
• The next generation architecture for cloud
computing must completely decouple physical
resources management from virtual resource
• Provide the capability to mediate between
applications and resources in real-time.
Storage Networks & Virtualization
• Use FibreChannel (FC) protocol and
FibreChannel-based Storage Area Networks
(SAN) which provided high speed storage
Network Virtualization
• Almost become necessary to eliminate the
mess of cables.
• Needed to multiple HBAs and NICs for each
application with a single high speed Ethernet
connection and a virtual switch.
Some Important Terms
• Composability: ability to build applications from
component parts. A composable component must be:
 Modular: It is a self-contained and independent unit that is
cooperative, reusable, and replaceable.
 Stateless: A transaction is executed without regard to other
transactions or requests.
• A PaaS or SaaS service provider gets the same benefits
from a composable system that a user does, some of these
– Easier to assemble systems
– Cheaper system development
– More reliable operation
– A larger pool of qualified developers
– A logical design methodology
Some Important Terms
• Infrastructure: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) rely on
virtual machine technology
• Virtual servers described in terms of a machine image or
• Described in terms of real servers delivering a certain
number of microprocessor (CPU) cycles, memory access,
and network bandwidth to customers
• software that runs in the virtual machines defines the
utility of the cloud computing system.
• Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), also called a hypervisor is
the low-level software that allows different operating
systems to run in their own memory space and manages
I/O for the virtual machines.
• Platforms:
– A software layer used to create higher levels of
– Platforms represent nearly the full cloud software
stack, missing only the presentation layer that
represents the user interface.
• Virtual Appliances
– Applications such as a Web server or database server
that can run on a virtual machine image referred to as
virtual appliances.
– virtual appliance is a platform instance.
• major advantages of a virtual appliance:
– use the appliances as the basis for assembling more
complex services, the appliance being one of your
standardized components.
– remove the need for application configuration and
• Communication Protocols:
– use the standard Internet protocol suite
underpinned by the HTTP and HTTPS transfer
– Various forms of RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
implementations (including DCOM, Java RMI, and
CORBA) attempt to solve the problem of engaging
services and managing transactions over what is
essentially a stateless network.

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