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To study Mendelian inheritance using seeds of different

size of any plant. colour!
Pea seed sample, enamel tray, petri dishes, notebook, pencil/pen.
1. Take a lot of about 100 pea seeds in an enamel tray.
2. Separate out round and wrinkled seeds and put them in separate petridishes.
3. Note down the number of round and wrinkled seeds and calculate their approximot.
4. Repeat the process for the other contrasting trait of the seed i.e., yellow and green colonr


Present your findings in the form of a table given below. Data related to two findings is
given in the table, record your finding in the same way.
Table 14.1

S. Characters/Traits of seed Total no. of No. of seeds showing con Approximate

No. seeds observed trasting form of the trait ratio
1. Seed shape (Round/Wrinkled) 106 80(Round) : 26 (wrinkled) 3.07: 1
2. Seed colour (Yellow/Green) 110 83 (Yellow):27 (Green) 3.07: 1


The contrasting forms in both the traits of pea seed (ie., seed shape and seed colour'
show an approximate ratio of 3 : 1. This ratio is exactly the same as obtained by Mendel tor
monohybrid crosses and indicate that the dominant and recessive forms of seed shape and sed
colour exist in the ratio of 3: 1in the population of pea seeds.

1. Take a sufficiently large number of seed lot for analysis to minimise the error:
2. Observe the contrasting form of the trait carefully.

Objective. To analyse seed sample of pea for Mendelian dihybrid ratio of


Pea seed sample, enamel tray, petridishes, notebook,
1. Take a lot of about 250 pea seeds in an
enamel tray.
2. Separate out yellow round, yellow wrinkled, green round and green wrinkled seeds and
put them in separate petridishes.
3. Note down the number of seeds in each plate and find out their approximate ratio.

Present your findings in the form of a table. Data related to one finding is given in the
table, record your findings in the same way.
Table 14.2

Total no. of No. of yellow No. of yellow No. of green No. of green Approximate
seeds observed round seeds wrinkled seeds round seeds wrinkled seeds ratio

257 145 48 48 16 9.06 :3:3:1

Theratio of yellow round: yellow wrinkled :green round : green wrinkled is approximately
9:3:3:1, which is exactly the same as obtained by Mendel for a dihybrid cross. This indicates
that the contrasting genes for seed colour and seed shape show an independent assortment in
the population of pea seeds.

Same as in Experiment 14.1.

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