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2 Hydraulic Optimization
The objective of this section is to learn to perform hydraulic optimization to
determine the best nozzles sizes to be installed on the bit. Determining the
right nozzles sizes for an application is vital to maximize the ROP of the bit.
Through experience it has been determined that top hole sections (26", 17
1/2", 14 3/4") with Roller Cone Bits usually obtained best ROP by optimizing
the nozzles sizes for Impact Force. When it comes to PDC bits, the effect of
Horsepower per square inch or HSI is very important, specifically in Water
Based Muds or muds with poor shale inhibition (the ability of a mud system
to prevent the clay or shale cuttings from agglomerating or sticking to the
bit and causing bit balling). See Fig. 6.61 for a correlation between ROP and
HSI for a PDC application in WBM. a unit of HSI increase results in more
than double the ROP of the bit.

Fig. 6.61 Influence of HSI on ROP. Created from DRS data, Dragon Field, Turkmenistan, 12
PDC bits, WBM application.

Computer programs are used to calculate the best nozzle sizes to be

installed on the bit. In Smith Bits, the program of choice is called Yield
Point. MI Drilling Fluids has a state of the art hydraulics program called
Virtual Hydraulics. The main difference between the two is the ability to
account for the effect of temperature changes in the behavior of the mud in
Virtual Hydraulics. This becomes important in offshore drilling at great
depths for the purpose of accurately calculating the pressure exerted by the
mud to the formations (commonly known as Equivalent Circulating Density
of ECD) and prevent fracturing them. For most applications Yield Point
provides a reliable estimation of wellbore and bit hydraulics.

How does a hydraulics program work?

The user specifies:

6.2 Hydraulic Optimization

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The circulating system,
The drilling fluid, and
The boundary conditions of maximum flow rate and Stand Pipe
Pressure (SPP) available.
The hydraulics program then calculates the pressure losses in the circulating
system as a function of:
Flow. See Fig. 6.62. Higher flow, higher pressure losses.
Length of pipe/annulus. Longer distance, higher pressure losses
Mud Weight, Plastic Viscosity, Yield Point. Higher values, higher
pressure losses.
Geometry of the fluid path: Internal Diameter, nozzle sizes, annular
space. Smaller sizes, greater pressure losses.

Fig. 6.62 Stand Pipe Pressure vs. Flow. Example Stand Pipe Pressure vs. Flow for Yield Point
Hydraulics program

Pressure drop accross components such as MWD, Motors, Turbodrills, LWD

that is not just a function of Internal Diameter is also considered. The
general equation to calculate Stand Pipe Pressure is:
Stand Pipe Pressure (SPP) = Pressure Loss Surface Equipment +
Pressure Loss Drill String + Pressure Loss Bit + Pressure Loss
Pressure Loss Surface Equipment is a function of length and diameter
of the Standpipe, Hose, Swivel and Kelly (if this is the case)
Pressure Loss Drill String = Pressure Loss Drill Pipe + Pressure BHA.
This is mainly a function of length and internal diameter of the
component, and is more complex for tools such as motors,

6.2 Hydraulic Optimization

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turbodrills, MWD/LWD, in this cases the specifications of the tools
should be examined.
Pressure Loss Bit = (MW x Q2)/(10858 x TFA2), MW is mud weight in
ppg, Q is flow in gpm, TFA is Total Fluid Area of the nozzles. The
influence of nozzle diameter or total flow area (TFA) has on rig
operation is easy to appreciate. It is a significant part of the
adjustments made to bits before they go through the rotary table. To
determine required TFA, application conditions such as drilling
depths, mud properties, bottom-hole assembly, bit size, and available
surface equipment must be considered. Often, factors such as
equipment capacity limits available hydraulic horsepower; nozzles
must then be sized accordingly.
Pressure Loss Annulus = Is a function of the annular space and the
lenght of it.

Nozzle Diameter
By means of an iterative process the best nozzle sizes are determined in
order to maximize Horsepower per Square Inch (HSI) or Impact Force (IF)
while properly cleaning the hole within the boundary conditions specified.
The following sections illustrate this process.

6.2.1 The Circulating System

The user enters a description of the circulating system:

Surface Equipment. See Fig. 6.63

Mud Pumps. SeeFig. 6.64. Further explanation of how a pump is
modeled as follows:
Type: Triplex and Duplex for pumps with 3 pistons and 2
pistons respectively. See Fig. 6.65
Stroke Length: The length of travel of the piston, greater
lengths will result in a higher volume of mud being pumped per
Liner Size: Not to be confused with the liner that operators used
to case the production zone of the well, this liner refers to the
diameter of the piston.
Smaller liner sizes will allow for higher pressure (and
higher pressure drop at the bit, beneficial for higher HSI)
Larger for higher volume, commonly used to drill surface
holes, however bigger liner sizes pump lower pressures
than smaller liner sizes.

Fig. 6.63 Surface Equipment data entry screen for Yield Point Hydraulics Program

6.2 Hydraulic Optimization

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Fig. 6.64 Mud pumps data entry screen in Yield Point

Fig. 6.65 Triplex Pump

Rated pressure: Maximum pressure that the pump can pump at,
Strokes per minute: Is the number of times the pistons in one
pump travel the stroke length. higher strokes per minute will
result in higher flow rates being pumped. Usually 70-110
strokes per minute per pump.
Allowable pressure: Percentage of the Maximum pressure that
the pumps is allowed to pump at, usually 80%

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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Volumetric Efficiency: Percentage of the theoretical volume
being pumped by the pistons every time that travel the stroke
length, usually 95%
Available Max S.P.P. Maximum stand pipe pressure that
realistically the drilling contractor would allow for the pumps. It
is usually lower than Allowable pressure, and is commonly
referred to as the "pop off" valve pressure.
Drillstring. See Fig. 6.66.
Internal Diameter. It is very important in order to properly
model the circulating system to enter the Internal Diameter or
ID or the pipe correctly. Incorrect ID will render the calculation
inaccurate as most of the pressure required to pump the fluid is
consumed in the drillstring.
Outside Diameter. It is more forgiving when it comes to the
impact on the calculation because the pressure required to
pump the fluid through the annular from the bit back to surface
is considerably lower than the one inside the drillstring.
Mud motors. Also known as Positive Displacement motors or
PDM, are tools with a mechanism that transforms hydraulic
energy from the mud into mechanical energy to rotate the bit.
See Fig. 6.67. To model PDM, an estimation of the pressure
required to pump fluid through the tool needs to be made, in
order to do this, the pressure required to flow mud across the
tool, commonly referred to as "off bottom pressure" needs to be
determined from mud motor specs, 50% of the maximum
"differential pressure" (on/off bottom) from mud motor specs
should then be added. See Fig. 6.68
Motor Differential Pressure. Fig. 6.69. It is determined as
the difference in stand pipe pressure when the bit is
drilling vs. the bit off bottom. Increasing WOB results in
more depth of cut for PDC bits, higher bit torque and
more difficulty for the fluid to pass through the motor,
turning the rotor inside the stator and therefore
increasing the stand pipe pressure. When the WOB is
excessive, and the bit creates high torque, the rotor can
no longer rotate the bit therefore stalling the motor.
Frequently motor stalling is observed with low torque
motors and aggressive PDC bits. Motor stalling will cause
the linen (rubber) inside the motor to wear and break,
something commonly known as motor "chunking", this
pieces of rubber usually plug the nozzles of the bit. See
Fig. 6.70
Lobe configuration. PDC bits produce a lot of torque due
to their cutting mechanism, therefore PDM with higher
torque output should be preferred, those with the higher
number of lobes. See Fig. 6.71
Stages. It refers to the number of complete wraps of the
stator, see Fig. 6.72. Prefer higher number of stages for
increased motor torque capability for application with
PDC bits.

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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Power Drive X6/Orbit. Commonly known as rotary steerable
"push the bit" systems, this tools have 3 pads that push
constantly against the formation. By controlling the direction
they push, directional drillers are able to change the direction of
the wellbore. These tools require pressure drop across the
nozzles of the bit in order for them to work properly; because of
this hydraulic optimization is not possible with these tools.
Higher pressure drop will result in the seals of the tool washing
out and lower pressure would result in the pads not able to
push against the borehole wall with enough force to change the
trajectory of the wellbore. Fig. 6.73. If low flow rate is required
to prevent washing out the formation and the bit has many
nozzles, it could be that in order to achieve the required
pressure drop at the bit, nozzles smaller than 10/32" in size are
required. This is not recommended because it increases the
likelihood of plugging a nozzle. In such a case a nozzle restrictor
is installed in the Power Drive and the pressure drop at the bit
(and HSI) is even lower, thus affecting ROP. To avoid this
situation, consider bits that have lower nozzle count so the
pressure drop can be at the bit nozzles rather than the nozzle
restrictor of the tool. The following table summarizes the
pressure drop requirements for PD X6 and Orbit (From InTouch
ticket 5921520):

Fig. 6.66 Drillstring Data Entry screen in Yield Point

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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Fig. 6.67 Positive Displacement Motor. Motor convert hydraulic energy to mechanical
in form of RPM and torque output to the bit. Consist of helical shaped rotor and stator.
Rotor has one less lobe than stator Eg. # stator lobes = # rotor lobes +1

Fig. 6.68 Motor Specifications and how to model the tool. Off Bottom pressure is 110psi,
maximum differential pressure is 860, Total pressure to be entered in Yield Point Hydraulics
= 110+860/2= 550psi.

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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Fig. 6.69 Motor Differential Pressure

Fig. 6.70 Motor Chunking

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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Fig. 6.71 PDM number of lobes and Torque/RPM Output. Higher rotor/stator lobe ratio
should be preferred with PDC bits.

Fig. 6.72 Stages in a PDM

Fig. 6.73 Power Drive X5, X5 and Orbit. These tools have 3 pads close to the bit that push
against the borehole wall in order to change the trajectory of the wellbore in the opposite
direction of the push.

PD Range of Pressure
Orbit 400-900psi, preferred 550-750psi
PD X6 (675+) 450-750psi, preferred 500-650psi

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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PD Range of Pressure
PD X6 (475) 400-700psi, preferred 450-600psi

Power Drive Xceed. This rotary steerable system has an internal bent
angle, that "points" the bit in the desired direction. The orientation of
the bend is controlled by an electrical motor. This tool has not
restriction in terms of pressure drop required at the bit for proper
Power Drive/Archer. This rotary steerable system is called hybrid
because it has both mechanisms "push" and "point" the bit. Four pads
inside the tool push a shaft connected to the bit to create an offset and
point the bit in the desired direction. See Fig. 6.74. This tool also
requires 550-750psi (preferred 600-700psi) pressure drop across the
nozzles of the bit in order for it to work properly, because of this
hydraulic optimization is not possible with this tool. See Intouch
ticket 5921520 for more information and the PD2 hydraulic calculator.
Annular geometry. This is accomplished by specifying casing and
open hole size. See Fig. 6.75
Directional Data. If the wellbore is directional, it is necessary to
include this information:
For a proper hole cleaning assessment
Accurate Equivalent Circulating Density. This is the density of
the mud augmented by the pressure losses in the annular and
represents the amount of pressure that is exerted on the
bottom of the hole. This pressure should not exceed the
Fracture Gradient of the formation in order to avoid mud losses
into the formation.

Fig. 6.74 Power Drive Archer. Four pads push to point a shaft connected to the bit in the
desired direction.

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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Fig. 6.75 Casing and Open Hole sizes

6.2.2 The Drilling Fluid

The user now specifies the Drilling Fluid (mud) and its characteristics. See
Fig. 6.76
Mud Type.
Water Based Muds. These muds are environmentally friendly,
but could have issues with shale inhibition, risk of bit balling is
higher with this type of muds.
Oil Based Muds. See Fig. 6.77 for a comparison between OBM
and WBM
Synthetic Oil Based Muds. OBM and Synthetic Oil Based Muds
have the best shale inhibition and therefore prevent bit balling.
See Fig. 6.78
Brine/Sea Water

Friction pressure calculations. This is the mathematical model that the

software uses to predict the total pressure required to pump the
desired flow rate through the circulating system. The following
models are available in Yield Point:
Auto Select. This is the recommended option for those who are
new to calculating hydraulics.
API Bulletin 13D

6.2.1 The Circulating System

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Standard Power Law - Not recommended for drilling fluids as
the Yield Point is assumed to be cero.
Smith Tool Formulae
Empirical Model
OBM/SBM formulae
Newtonian Fluid - Not recommended for drilling fluids as the
Yield Point is assumed to be cero.

Fig. 6.76 Mud Data

Fig. 6.77 WBM vs OBM

6.2.2 The Drilling Fluid

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Fig. 6.78 Oil vs. Water Based Fluids. Water based mud KCL/PHPA has the worst behavior in
terms of drilling performance and shale inhibition, risk of bit balling increases with this type
of mud. KCl: Potasium chloride mud. PHPA: Parially-Hydrolyzed polyacrylamide. LAO
SOBM: Linear Alphaolefin, H2C=CH2, is a synthetic fluid, this type of fluid is more
biodegradable than other olefins.

Mud Density. Also known as Mud Weight (MW).

Standard API Unit
Pounds Per Gallon (lb/gal or ppg)
Other Units
Specific Gravity (S.G.) -Pounds Per Square Inch Per Foot
Baseline values
Fresh Water density = 8.34 ppg (1.0 S.G.)
Oil Base (Diesel) = 7.0 ppg (0.84 S.G.)
Mud varies from 8.4 to 19.0+ ppg
Plastic viscosity. Also known as PV. Is the resistance to flow due to
mechanical friction. Common units are centipoises and Pascal Sec. It
depends on the concentration of solids, size and shape of those solids
and the viscosity of the fluid. Higher viscosity values will result in
more dificulty pumping the mud through the circulation system and
therefore higher pressure values.
Yield Point. Initial resistance of a fluid to flow due to electro-chemical
or attractive forces between solids contained in it. No movement of
the fluid occurs until this yield stress is overcome. Common units are
lbs/100ft2 and Pascal. For a relationship between PV, MW and YP see
Fig. 6.79

6.2.2 The Drilling Fluid

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Fig. 6.79 PV, YP and MW

6.2.3 Drilling Fluid Properties and ROP

The factors that affect rate of penetration are numerous. A rigorous analysis
of drilling rate is complicated due to the difficulty of isolating the variable
under study. For example, interpretation of field data may involve
uncertainties due
to the possibility of undetected changes in rock properties. Studies of
drilling fluid effects are difficult due to the preparing two mud systems
having all properties identical except one which is under observation. The
following results from a paper published by Paiman, Ghassem and Salmani:
Effect of Drilling Fluid Properties on Rate of Penetration provide an insight
onto the effect of Plastic Viscosity, Solids Content and Mud Weight on ROP.

The drilling conditions for wells in the study mentioned above were as
Hole Size: 17.5"
Roller Cone Bit
Formations: Relatively soft formations, estimated at 5000 psi
Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS)
Results as follows:

Effect of Mud Weight

Increasing mud weight will result in increased bottom hole pressure and
difficulty removing the cuttings from the bottom of the hole, thus reducing
the ROP. See Fig. 6.80 Increasing mud weight increases the overbalance
Overbalance Pressure = Circulating Mud Pressure - Formation Pore Pressure.

6.2.2 The Drilling Fluid

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Fig. 6.80 Effect of Mud Weight on ROP. NROP: Rop normalized by WOB and RPM.

Mud logging unit usually monitor sudden ROP increases as a potential

indication of a reduction in the Overbalance pressure due to the increase of
Formation Pressure and thus the risk of having an influx of fluids from the
formation into the mud system (kick). Excessive overbalance pressure can
dramatically affect ROP.
Circulating pressure is calculated as a function of Hydrostatic Pressure and
Pressure Losses as the drilling fluid is circulated in the annulus.

Effect of Solids Content

The study found a decrease in rate of penetration as the solid content
increased in the mud. See Fig. 6.81. By comparing the slope in the linear
equations for Mud Weight and Percentage of solids -4.5 vs. -1.51 it can be
said that the effect of Mud Weight on ROP is more significant.

Fig. 6.81 Effect of Solids Content on ROP. NROP: ROP normalized by WOB and RPM

Effect of Plastic Viscosity

ROP decreases as Plastic Viscosity increases. See Fig. 6.82. The effect of
plastic viscosity on ROP is greater than that of Solids content as shown by
the slope of the linear equations: -2.66 vs. -1.51.

6.2.3 Drilling Fluid Properties and ROP

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Fig. 6.82 Effect of Plastic Viscosity on ROP. NROP: Normalized ROP by WOB and RPM

6.2.4 Boundary Conditions

The user now specifies the boundary conditions for the calculation and takes
a guess on the nozzle sizes, see Fig. 6.83:
Maximum pressure (Pmax), from pump data.
Working Stand pipe pressure, slightly lower than Pmax
A guess of nozzle sizes
Maximum flow rate, from pump data
Depth in and Depth out for the bit run
Mud weight: density of the drilling fluid
Rate of penetration: Speed of drilling, in order to predict hole

Fig. 6.83 Specifying Boundary Conditions and Nozzles Sizes in Yield Point. From Field
Experience very seldom the system can be optimized for maximum HSI (65% of the
allowable pressure at the bit) or IF (48% of the allowable pressure at the bit). It is
recommended For "Jet Size Optimization Options" to select "No Optimization". The user will
perform the optimization.

6.2.3 Drilling Fluid Properties and ROP

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6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size
The following principles should be practiced:
Maximize IF with Roller Cone Bits, soft formation, top hole sizes such
as 26", 17 1/2" and 14 3/4".
Maximize HSI While cleaning the hole. Maximizing HSI for PDC bits is
very important if drilling clays, shales or mudstone with WBM, this
will result in higher ROP and less risk of bit balling. See Fig. 6.84.
For Matrix body bits: 2.5 HSI minimum is recommended,
however this may not be possible if a mud motor is in the
string, due to surface pressure limitations. For mud motors aim
at having at least 1.0 HSI. More than 8.0 HSI is not
recommended as it could cause erode the bit. Also in some soft
formations, HSI may need to be limited in order to prevent
washouts, field experience will dictate the maximum value.
Washing out the formation could result in difficulty obtaining
the desired directional response from directional drilling tools,
if already drilling, directional drillers may choose to lower the
flow rate to lower the HSI.
For Steel body bits: Field experience will dictate, it has been
observed erosion with 3.0 HSI, a minimum of 1.5 is
For Roller cone bits: Cone shell erosion is likely for HSI higher
than 5.0

Fig. 6.84 Influence of HSI on ROP. Created from DRS data, Dragon Field, Turkmenistan, 12
PDC bits, WBM application.

In order to maximize HSI the total area of the nozzles or Total Fluid
Area (TFA) must be minimized (See Fig. 6.85) and flow maximized.
The minimum recommended nozzle size is 10/32" to prevent plugging

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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the nozzles. However, this causes the pressure drop at the bit to be
higher, thus increasing the total pressure of the circulating system;
this could perhaps limit the amount of flow that can be pumped to the
point that it may not be enough to clean the hole. For this reason HSI
can only be maximized as long as the hole is being cleaned.
The maximization of HSI should be performed always at Depth Out of
the run. As drilling progresses, more pipe is being added, therefore
resulting in higher pressure requirements to pump the same amount
of flow, optimizing for the shallower depth could result in Stand Pipe
Pressure (SPP) too high, therefore limiting the amount of flow and
perhaps affecting hole cleaning.
The fluid regime in the annulus should be laminar (see Fig. 6.86), high
enough to clean the hole, having turbulent flow could result in:
Erosion of the borehole wall (commonly known as washouts)
and/or BHA components
High annular pressure, causing higher Equivalent Circulating
Density (ECD) and risk of fracturing the formation.

Fig. 6.85 Bit Hydraulics Parameters. Q = Flow (gpm), MW = Mud Weight (ppg), BHHP =
Hydraulic Horsepower @ bit, Delta Pb = Bit Pressure Drop (psi), TFA = Total Fluid Area or
total area of the nozzles (in2), D = Hole Diameter (in), Vn = Jet velocity (ft/s), An = Area of the
nozzle (in), IF = Impact Force (lb)

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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Fig. 6.86 Laminar and Turbulent Flow in the Annulus

Yield Point software allows for an easy visualization of flow regime in the
annulus, see Fig. 6.87
The criteria to asses proper hole cleaning in wellbores of 0 to 30deg of
inclination is called Cutting Transport Ratio (CTR), it is calculated as:
CTR = (Annular Velocity - Slip Velocity)/Annular Velocity*100. See
Fig. 6.88. For wells higher than 30 deg, rotation of the pipe is
necessary to remove the cuttings from the low side of the wellbore,
according to K&M Technologies, experts on drilling extended reach
wells, this number is 120RPM or more. The following table shows the
recommended flow rate based upon bit diameter and ROP:

ROP RANGE GPM/Inch Bit Diameter

5 - 10ft/hr 25-39
10-15ft/hr 35-49
15-25ft/hr 38-50
25-50ft/hr 40-60

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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ROP RANGE GPM/Inch Bit Diameter
>50ft/hr 50-80

Verify the jet velocity to be between 350 and 450 ft/s, the
recommended minimum is 250ft/s to avoid plugged nozzles. Fig. 6.89

Fig. 6.87 Flow Regime in the Annulus - Yield Point Software. Purpule means Poor Cutting
Transport or hole cleaning. Green means Laminar Flow, Red means Turbulent Flow and
Orange for Transition flow between Laminar and Turbulent.

Fig. 6.88 Cuttings Transport in Wells with Low Inclination

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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Fig. 6.89 Jet velocities and Plugged Nozzles Occurrences. Example for North Sea showing a
12-14% increase in plugged nozzles when running jet velocities <165 ft./sec. Recommended
guideline of 250 ft/sec minimum provides an adequate safety margin.

Regarding Yield Point Hydraulics software, this is the procedure for HSI
After specifying the boundary conditions, click Calculate.Fig. 6.90.
Yield Point has two calculation modes (see Fig. 6.91):
Operating. The nozzle sizes are fixed, (the bit is in the hole) and
the user is only allowed to play with the ranges of flow, MW,
Depth and ROP. Note that the initial calculation performed by
Yield Point maintains the nozzle sizes specified by the user and
maximizes the flow at Depth Out to reach the Maximum System
Pressure. See Fig. 6.92. This of course may result in turbulent or
transitional flow in the annulus.
Design. In this mode, the user is allowed to change the TFA
(Total Fluid Area of the nozzles)

Select Design Mode. Yield Point Software now calculates the TFA to
maximize HSI. See Fig. 6.93 Note Poor Cutting transports ratio
indicated by purple shading of the annulus in Fig. 6.94
User should now increase the flow rate until Proper Cuttings
Transport Ratio is obtained (annulus turns green - indicating laminar
flow), this will yield the maximum realistic HSI possible with good
hole cleaning. SeeFig. 6.95.
The TFA was automatically calculated by YP. Now an estimation of
nozzle sizes should be performed, to do this click on Calc.Jets as
shown in Fig. 6.96. Note that 10/32" should be the minimum nozzle
size, adjust if necessary.
Change YP mode to Operating if wanting to see the SPP at the
beginning of the run. Print the report at Depth Out.
The details for the Hydraulics Optimization workflow using YP can be
seen in Fig. 6.97.

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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Fig. 6.90 Specifying Boundary Conditions and Nozzles Sizes in Yield Point. From Field
Experience very seldom the system can be optimized for maximum HSI (65% of the
allowable pressure at the bit) or IF (48% of the allowable pressure at the bit). It is
recommended For "Jet Size Optimization Options" to select "No Optimization". The user will
perform the optimization.

Fig. 6.91 Calculation modes in Yield Point

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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Fig. 6.92 Operating Mode in Yield Point

Fig. 6.93 Yield Point Design Mode - First Screen. Note how the software shows the flow rate
to maximize HSI (blue curve), this flow rate in isufficient to clean the hole as it appears in the
region of Poor Cutting Transport. A higher flow rate is needed. Note that if optimizing for
IF, around 750gpm should be pumped

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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Fig. 6.94 Flow Regime for Inital Design Mode Calculation in YP

Fig. 6.95 Maximum HSI possible for good hole cleaning - YP

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Fig. 6.96 Calculating Jet Sizes - YP

Fig. 6.97 Hydraulics Optimization Workflow using YP PDC Nozzle Guidelines

6.2.5 Iterating to find the best nozzle size

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When possible, always nozzle a bit with one size nozzle (symmetric).
If different sizes are used, always ensure the maximum nozzle size
difference corresponds to the Allowable Nozzle Size Combination
Place the LARGE NOZZLES in the CENTER of the bit. Roller Cone Nozzle Guidelines

Roller Cone Nozzle guidelines were discussed in 6.1 Bit Hydraulic Design.
See Fig. 6.98.
Use vectored-flow configuration (nozzles or tubes) in severe bit
balling conditions
For asymmetric nozzle configurations (cross-flow), in the case of
blanking a nozzle, the one that is "leading" the cone with the fewest
gauge row inserts should be selected.
Use center jets in formations that have a bit balling tendency
20% or less flow should go through it.
However, in large hole, soft formation, high ROPs, up to 25% of
the total flow with diffuser nozzle installed.
Use diverging center jets to minimize cone erosion and fluid

Fig. 6.98 Roller Cone Nozzle Guidelines PDC Nozzle Guidelines

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