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The chart compares population shares in various regions of the world with the distribution of
wealth in these same regions.
· It can be seen that population shares in almost all cases do not relate to the distribution
of wealth.
· North America has only approximately 6% of the world’s population but it has 34% of
global wealth.
· Similarly, Europe has 15% of the global population but almost double of that number on
global wealth.
· On the other hand, the total wealth of people in China, India, Africa, Latin America and
the Caribbean, and the other poor countries in Asia-Pacific is far less than their shares of the
world population.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 The graph shows comparison of meat, salt and fish consumption in China, in the years 1985-2010.
 Food consumption is measured by grams per person per week.
 Fish is the most preferred food throughout the period where 600 grams/person/week was consumed
in 1985 and increased to almost 900 grams/person/week in 2010.
 Salt was highly consumed in 1985 at almost 500 grams/person/week, but showed a decreasing
trend over the course of 25 years.
 Although, meat was the least consumed food type, its consumption rate increased steadily and
reached the same level as salt (200 grams/person/week) in 2010.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 The illustrations show the changes that happened in a particular town in the course of 20
 There have been major changes on some parts of the area such as the farmland which was
made in to a Nursing School, and the Shopping Centre which was turned into a Cancer
 The main road and the carpark remained the same.
 Lastly , the hospital has a Pharmacy built adjacent to it.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

o The pie chart shows the different reasons why students have poor attendance in UK
Schools in the year 2007.
o It can be seen that the main reason for poor attendance is due to lack of parental
guidance at home with both parents working.
o One-fourth of the results points to the lack of discipline, while social factors such as
peer pressure and bullying accounted for 15% of the results.
o The least considered factor is the student’s upbringing.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

o The pie charts show the budget allocation of people in Japan and Malaysia on certain
categories including housing, transport, food, health care and other goods and
o Overall, it can be seen that Japanese spend most on goods and services, while
Malaysians allot most of their investments in housing. Both, however, spend the least
on healthcare.
o While the Japanese people spend only 6% on healthcare, and around a-fifths (20%)
on food, transportation and housing, their purchases of other goods and services tops
the list at 29%.
o On the other hand, the Malaysians allocate more than a thirds of their money on
housing and only about one-fourth on food and other purchases. Their expenditures
on transportation and healthcare are kept at a minimum with only 10% and 3%,
  The pie charts show the comparison of online sales from different retail sectors in
Canada, in two periods, 2005 and 2010.
  In 2005, the highest sales recorded was from the Electronics and Appliance at 35%
which is almost double the sales of Video Games.
  In 2010, the sales of electronics and appliance went down by 5% while video games
sales increased to 23%.
  Similarly, food and beverage sales records showed an increase from 22% to 32%.
  Lastly, home furnishings decreased by 10% within 5 years.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 The table shows the comparison of rail transport usage in four different countries: UK, USA,
Japan and Italy.
 In terms of popularity among the passengers, UK ranked number 1, followed closely by Italy
with only .4 differences.
 Japan railway has the highest number at 1,980 kilometers per head of population.
 USA, on the other hand, carried the most load of cargo with 2,820 billion of tons, and had the
least number of people using the railway with only 0.3.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 Majority of the girls play NetBall, while its the least liked by the boys
 Majority of the boys enjoy playing Soccer
 A very small percentage of girls play Cricket, on the other hand, this sport is preferred by
about 10% of boys, ranking 3rd among sports choices
 similar proportion of boys and girls are into tennis and basketball

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 The bar chart shows the unemployment rates among women in the countries that make up the
United Kingdom, both in 2013 and in 2014.
 There has generally been a small decrease in female unemployment rates from 2013 to 2014,
except in Scotland.
 In 2013, 5.6% of women in Northern Ireland were unemployed. The only country with a
smaller percentage of women unemployed was Wales, with a rate of 5.4%. Both countries
saw a decrease in the percentage of unemployed women in 2014. In Northern Ireland, the
percentage fell to 4.6% and in Wales it fell to 5%.
 England had the greatest percentage of unemployed women in 2013, with 6.8%. However,
this decreased by 0.3% in 2014.
 Scotland was the only country which had an increasing percentage of unemployed women. In
2013, it had 6.1% of women out of work. This increased to 6.7% in 2014, making it the
country with the highest female unemployment rate of the four countries.

Life cycle of plastics

Sample Points to Include in Response:

o cereal is used as raw material

o glucose is obtained from cereal which is fermented (undergo fermentation) to
produce polymer
o polymer is used to make plastic bottles
o once plastic bottles are used and disposed into garbage, these are recycled

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 Largest number of commuting method is by train, around 60

 Second largest number is by car, around 30
 Smallest number can be found in both walking and cycling, around 10
 Total number of respondents is around 100
 The graph shows information about methods of commuting.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

o Table lists top ten most livable states in the US for 2007 and 2011
o Rankings based on factors such as household income, home ownership, educational
attainment, crime and poverty rates, infant mortality, and unemployment
o New Hampshire was the highest ranked state for both years
o Utah and Wyoming closely followed as the next most livable states
o Mississippi was judged to be the least livable state for nine out of the last ten years
o Overall, rankings are based on a combination of economic, social, and health factors
to determine livability of each state.
Food chain of an owl

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 Diagram represents the food chain of an owl

 First stage involves producers, with flowers given as an example
 Producers are consumed by caterpillar in the subsequent stage
 Caterpillar is then consumed by frog, which is the secondary consumer
 Snake consumes frog in the next stage
 The ultimate consumer in this food chain is an owl, which consumes the frog
 All organisms play a vital role in a food chain

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 Graph shows information about the composition of the sun by percentage

 Hydrogen is the largest component at around 65%
 Helium is the second largest component at around 30%
 Nitrogen, carbon, and silicon are the smallest components at around 1%
 Oxygen makes up approximately 3% of the sun's composition
 Hydrogen is represented by the color blue on the graph
 Overall, the graph provides information about the relative abundance of different elements in
the sun.

Sample Points to Include in Response:

 Line chart illustrates forms of electricity generation in China between 1994 and 2004
 Two main types of electricity are conventional thermal and hydroelectric
 Electricity generation has been steadily increasing, starting at around 900 billion kilowatt-
hours in 1994 and rising to over 2000
 Conventional thermal generation is much more common than hydroelectric power
 Conventional thermal power accounts for most of the growth in electricity generation
 Overall, the chart provides information about the trends in electricity generation in China
over a ten-year period, and the dominance of conventional thermal power in this sector.

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