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01. Tendon is a structure which connects
a) A bone with another bone
b) A nerve with a muscle
c) A muscle with a bone
d) A muscle with a muscle
02. Sarcolemma is a membrane found in
a) Nerve fibre
b) Cardiac muscles
c) Skeleton muscles fibre
d) Heart
03. Ensheathing of muscles is called
a) Fascia
b) Peritoneum
c) Ligament
d) Tendon
04. The generation of excitation-contraction coupling involves all the
following events except
a) Generation of end-plate potential
b) Release of calcium from troponin
c) Formation of cross-linkages between actin and myosin
d) Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP
05. The special contractile protein actin is found in
a) Thick filaments of A-bands
b) Thin filaments of I-bands
c) Both thick and thin bands
d) Whole of myofibril
06. The contractile protein of skeleton muscle involving ATPase
activity is
a) Myosin
b) Actin
c) Actinin
d) Troponin
07. Muscles responsible for the movement of food in the stomach are
a) Unstriated
b) Striated
c) Cardiac
d) None of the above
08. Muscles are red because of the presence of
a) Myoglobin and mitochondria
b) Haemoglobin and golgi bodies
c) Globulin and mitochondria
d) Protein and lysosome
09. The dark bands in a myofibril are due to overlapping of
a) Only thick bands
b) Only thin bands
c) Both thick and thin bands
d) None of the above
10. The muscle fatigue occurs due to accumulation of
a) Pyruvic acid
b) ATP
c) Lactic acid
d) Carbon dioxide
11. The dark bands of a skeletal muscles are known as
a) Anisotropic or A-band
b) Isotropic or I-band
c) Z-band
d) Both in A and I-band
12. Major protein in the thick filament of skeletal muscles fibre is
a) Tropomyosin
b) Myosin
c) Actin
d) Troponin
13. Muscles of the heart are
a) Voluntary, striated
b) Voluntary, smooth
c) Involuntary, striated
d) Involuntar, smooth
14. Largest number of muscles will be found in
a) Head
b) Neck
c) Back
d) Arm
15. Contraction of a muscle is caused by
a) Myosin
b) Actin
c) ATP
d) Actomyosin complex
16. The given figure is associated with myosin monomer (meromyosin).
Identify A to C. A

a) A – cross arm, B – head, C – ATP binding sites

b) A – head, B – cross arm, C – ATP binding sites
c) A – head, B – cross arm, C – calcium binding sites
d) A – head, B – cross arm, C – GTP binding sites
17. Electron microscopic studies of the sacromeres have revealed that
during muscle contraction
a) The width of A-band remains constant
b) The width of the H-zone becomes smaller
c) The width of I-band increases
d) The diameter of the fibre increases
18. During muscle contraction
a) Chemical energy is changed into electrical energy
b) Chemical energy is changed into mechanical energy
c) Chemical energy is changed into physical energy
d) Mechanical energy is changed into chemical energy
19. The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to
a) Extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A-band
b) The absence of myofibrils in the central portion of A-band
c) The central gap between myosin filaments in the A-band
d) The central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin
filaments in the A-band
20. Identify the tissue shown in the diagram
and match with its characteristics and its location.
a) Smooth muscles, show branching, found in the
walls of the heart
b) Cardiac muscles, unbranched muscles, found
in the walls of the heart
c) Striated muscles, tapering at both-ends,
attached with the bones of the ribs
d) Skeletal muscle, shows striations and closely attached with the
bones of the limbs
21. See the figure of actin filaments. Identify A, B and C.
a) A – Troponin, B – Tropomyosin, C – F-actin
b) A – Troponin, B – Tropomyosin, C – Myosin
c) A – Troponin, B – Myosin, C – F-Tropomyosin
d) A – Tropomyosin, B – Troponin, C – F-actin
22. ATPase of the muscle is located in
a) Actinin
b) Troponin
c) Myosin
d) Actin
23. Macrophages and leucocytes exhibit
a) Ciliary movement
b) Flagellar movement
c) Amoeboid movement
d) Gliding movement
24. Which of the following would allow no movement?
a) Cartilaginous joint
b) Synovial joint
c) Ball and socker joint
d) Fibrous joint
25. Joint between femur and acetabulum is known as
a) Pivotal
b) Ball and socket
c) Hinge
d) Saddle
26. Joint between femur and tibio-fibula is
a) Hinge joint
b) Saddle joint
c) Pivot joint
d) Imperfect joint
27. Joint between ribs and sternum is
a) Cartilaginous
b) Angular joint
c) Fibrous joint
d) Gliding joint
28. Sutural joints are found between
a) Parietals of skull
b) Humerus and radio-ulna
c) Glenoid cavity and pectoral girdle
d) Thumb and metadarsal
29. The contraction of muscle of shortest duration is seen in
a) Heart
b) Jaws
c) Intestine
d) Eyelids
30. The biceps and triceps muscles are found in
a) Fore arm
b) Shank
c) Shoulder
d) Lower Jaw
31. Ciliary muscles are found in
a) Diaphragm of a mammal
b) Eyes of vertebrates
c) Heart of vertebrates
d) Stomach of frog
32. Select the correct statement with respect to disorders of muscles
in humans.
a) Failure of neuromuscular transmission in myasthenia gravis can
prevent normal swallowing
b) Accumulation of urea and creatine in the joints cause their
c) An overdose of vitamin-D causes osteoporosis
d) Rapid contractions of skeletal muscles causes muscle dystrophy
33. Select the letter from the figure that most appropriately
corresponds to the structure. A E D
I. A–band, II. I–band,
III. Sarcomere, IV. H–zone,
V. Myosin, VI. Actin, VII. Z – line B
a) I – E, II – D, III – F, IV – A, V – B, VI – C, VII – G F
b) I – E, II – D, III – F, IV – G, V – C, VI – A, VII – B
c) I – E, II – D, III – C, IV – G, V – B, VI – A, VII – F
d) I – E, II – D, III – F, IV – G, V – B, VI – C, VII – A
34. Ribs are attached to
a) Scapula
b) Sternum
c) Clavicle
d) Ilium
35. Intervertebral disc is found in the vertebral column of
a) Birds
b) Reptiles
c) Mammals
d) Amphibians
36. Which one of the following is showing the correct sequential order
of vertebrae in the vertebral column of human beings?
a) Cervical - lumbar - thoracic - sacral – coccygeal
b) Cervical - thoracic - sacral - lumbar - coccygeal
c) Cervical - sacral - thoracic - lumbar – coccygeal
d) Cervical - thoracic - lumbar - sacral - coccygeal
37. Knee joint and elbow joints are examples of
a) Saddle joint
b) Ball and socket joint
c) Pivot joint
d) Hinge joint
38. Bone is distinguished from the cartilage by the presence of
a) Collagen
b) Blood vessels
c) Lymph vessels
d) Haversian canals
39. Interphalangeal joints are
a) Fixed joints
b) Hinge joints
c) Immovable joints
d) Straight joints
40. The given figure represents rib cage. Identify A, B and C

a) Tarsal, ribs, vertebral column
b) Scapula, ribs, vertebral column
c) Sternum, ribs, vertebral column
d) Coccyx, ribs, vertebral column
41. Study the diagram given below. B
Parts labelled as A, B, C, D and
respectively represent. C

a) Parietal , Frontal , Temporal , Occipital condyle, Hyoid bone
b) Frontal , Parietal , Temporal , Hyoid bone, Occipital condyle
c) Frontal , Temporal , Parietal , Occipital condyle, Hyoid bone
d) Frontal , Parietal , Temporal , Occipital condyle, Hyoid bone
42. The given figure indicates vertebral
column of human (right lateral view).
Parts labelled as A, B, C and D
respectively represent

a) Cervical vertebra, Intervertebral disc, B

Sacrum and Lumbar vertebra
b) Cervical vertebra, Intervertebral disc, D
Lumbar vertebra and Coccyx
c) Cervical vertebra, Intervertebral disc, Sacrum and Coccyx
d) Lumbar vertebra, Intervertebral disc, Sacrum and Coccyx
43. The collar bone is known is
a) Scapula
b) Coracoid
c) Stapes
d) Clavicle
44. The bony sockets of the jaws in which the teeth are implanted, are
known as
a) Alveolus
b) Fossae
c) Dentaries
d) Thecae
45. The first vertebra, the atlas by its articulation with axis vertebra
facilitates a
a) Noding movement
b) Forward movement
c) Rotatory movement
d) Backward movement
46. The number of vertebrae present in cervical, thoracic, lumbar,
sacral and coccyx regions respectively are
a) 12, 7, 5, 1, 1
b) 1, 7, 5, 12, 1
c) 7, 5, 1, 12, 1
d) 7, 12, 5, 1, 1
47. Find out the correct order of number of bones in the parts of skull
such as cranial bones, facial bones, hyoid bone and middle ear bones
a) 14, 8, 1 and 6
b) 6, 8, 14 and 1
c) 14, 8, 6 and 1
d) 8, 14, 1 and 6
48. The 8th and 9th ribs are known as false ribs because their external
portions are attached to
a) Xiphisternum
b) Costal cartilage of 7th rib
c) They have no costa
d) They are not true ribs
49. Which one is not cranial bone?
a) Frontal
b) Zygometic
c) Temporal
d) Sphenoid
50. Sella turcica is a
a) Covering of kidney
b) Covering of testis
c) Depression in brain
d) Depression in skull which lodges the pituitary body
51. The number of floating ribs in human body is
a) 6 pairs
b) 3 pairs
c) 5 pairs
d) 2 pairs
52. The vertebrae which bears the whole weight of the skull is
a) Axis
b) Sacral
c) Cervical
d) Atlas
53. How many ribs are present in human beings?
a) 6 pairs
b) 9 pairs
c) 12 pairs
d) 15 pairs
54. Axis vertebra of a mammal differs from atlas in
a) Absence of centrum
b) Presence of small centrum
c) Presence of central canal
d) Presence of odontoid process
55. Number of bones in skull is
a) 26
b) 28
c) 107
d) 39
56. In human beings the cranium is formed by
a) Eight bones of which two are paired
b) Fourteen bones of which six are paired
c) Ten bones of which two are paired
d) Twelve bones of which four are paired
57. In man the axial skeleton is made up of
a) 80 bones
b) 100 bones
c) 103 bones
d) 106 bones
58. The number of bones in half of the lower jaw of man is
a) 1
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
59. In man the thoracic region is composed of
a) Ribs and thoracic vertebrae
b) Ribs and sternum
c) Ribs, sternum and vertebrae
d) Ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae
60. Tongue bone is
a) Hyoid bone
b) Maxillary
c) Dentary
d) Quadrato-jugal
61. Cervical vertebrae are located in
a) Thoracic region
b) Abdominal region
c) Neck region
d) Lumbar region
62. The major function of the intervertebral discs is to
a) Absorb shock
b) String the vertebrae together
c) Prevent injuries
d) Prevent hyperextension
63. A shallow depression in the scapula which receives the head of the
upper arm bone is known as the
a) Acetabulum
b) Neural arch
c) Glenoid cavity
d) None of the above
64. Humerus bone is situated in
a) Thigh
b) Lower arm
c) Upper arm
d) Shank
65. Inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals
a) Osteoporosis
b) Tetany
c) Arthritis
d) Gout
66. Muscular dystrophy is
a) Auto immune disorder affecting neuromuscular junction leading to
fatigue, weakening and paralysis of skeletal muscle.
b) Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle mostly due to genetic
c) Inflammation of joints.
d) Inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals.
67. Rapid spasms (wild contractions) in muscle due to low calcium in
body fluid is seen in
a) Tetany
b) Arthritis
c) Gout
d) Osteoporosis
68. Each coxal bone is formed by the fusion of
a) three bones
b) four bones
c) two bones
d) five bones
69. The dorsal, flat, triangular body of scapula has a slightly elevated
ridge called
a) spinal cord
b) stapes
c) clavicle
d) spine
70. Spine of scapula projects as a flat, expanded process called the
a) acetabulum
b) spinous process
c) glenoid
d) acromion
71. Pectoral and pelvic girdle bones help in the articulation of the
upper and the lower limbs respectively with
a) axial skeleton
b) apendicular skeleton
c) skull
d) pubic symphysis
72. Ilium, ischium and pubis fuse to form
a) pectoral bone
b) coxal bone
c) knee cap
d) acetabulum
73. In Paramoecium, ______ helps in the movement of food through
cytopharynx and in locomotion.
a) cilia
b) flagella
c) pili
d) brush border
74. Hydra can use its _______ for capturing its prey and also use
them for locomotion.
a) tentacles
b) flagella
c) limbs
d) buds
75. Ciliary movement occurs in most of our internal tubular organs
which are lined by
a) cuboidal epithelium
b) ciliated epithelium
c) simple epithelium
d) glandular epithelium
76. Flagellar movement helps in
a) swimming of spermatozoa
b) maintenance of water current in the canal system of sponges
c) in locomotion of Protozoans like Euglena.
d) All of the above
77. Skeletal muscles are primarily involved in
a) locomotory actions
b) digestion of food
c) changes of body postures
d) Both (a) and (c)
78. Each organised skeletal muscle in our body is made of a number
of muscle bundles also called
a) fascicles
b) fascia
c) myofibrils
d) None of these
79. Fascia is a
a) keratin sheath
b) muscular tissue
c) epithelial tissue layer
d) collagenous connective tissue layer
80. "I" in I-band means
a) Invisible
b) Isosceles
c) Isomorphic
d) Isotropic
81. Each actin filament is made of
a) two F-actins
b) two G-actins
c) three F-actins
d) three G-actins
82. Muscle contraction is initiated by a signal sent by the central
nervous system via a
a) motor neuron
b) sensory neuron
c) parasympathetic neuron
d) None of these
83. A neural signal reaching neuromuscular junction releases
a) neurotransmitter
b) ATP molecule
c) secondary messenger
d) enzyme
84. Muscle contains a red coloured oxygen storing pigment called
a) RBCs
b) cyanoglobin
c) myoglobin
d) hemoglobin
85. Skeletal system consists of a framework of
a) bones and a few muscles
b) only bones
c) bones and a few cartilages
d) None of these
86. Bone and cartilage are
a) fluid connective tissues
b) epithelial tissues
c) muscular tissues
d) specialised connective tissues
87. Each middle ear contains how many tiny bones?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
88. The vertebral column constitutes the main framework of the
a) trunk
b) skull
c) appendicular region
d) entire body
89. Each limb is made of
a) 3 bones
b) 30 bones
c) 28 bones
d) 60 bones
90. The two halves of the pelvic girdle meet ventrally to form the
pubic symphysis containing
a) elastic cartilage
b) smooth cartilage
c) hyaline cartilage
d) fibrous cartilage

01. C 11. A 21. A 31. B 41. D 51. D 61. C 71. A 81. A

02. C 12. B 22. C 32. A 42. C 52. D 62. A 72. B 82. A
03. A 13. C 23. C 33. D 43. D 53. C 63. C 73. A 83. A
04. B 14. C 24. D 34. B 44. A 54. D 64. C 74. A 84. C
05. B 15. D 25. B 35. C 45. C 55. B 65. D 75. B 85. C
06. A 16. B 26. A 36. D 46. D 56. A 66. B 76. D 86. D
07. A 17. A 27. A 37. D 47. D 57. A 67. A 77. D 87. C
08. A 18. B 28. A 38. D 48. B 58. A 68. A 78. A 88. A
09. C 19. D 29. D 39. B 49. B 59. D 69. D 79. D 89. B
10. C 20. D 30. A 40. C 50. D 60. A 70. D 80. D 90. D

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