0 Acts Introduction Notes

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Acts Introduction notes.

Be familiar with pauls missionary journey and what happened.

 We will be tested over memory work and explain short answer.

 We will need to know the context of acts…. What happens in each chapter.
 7 individuals appointed to Cre for widows acts 6 , conversion of lidia acts 16 ect…
Need to memorize the content of the chapters as far as major events are concerned.
The book of acts… the great commission on display.

 Mark 16:15-16 go unto all the world…. Confirming the word with signs following.
 Acts of the apostles is what it can be known as.
 1-12 is about the ministry of peter.
 12-end is about the ministry of Paul.
 The holy spirit is a very prominent part of this book.
 The miracles performed at the time were like scaffolding helping to make a building,
once the building is finished you do not leave the scaffolding up. The scaffolding is
removed due to the building being finished it is the same with God’s Word.
Acts is a companion volume to the Book of Luke.

 Luke 1:1-4 compared to Acts 1:1. They compliment each other.

 The end of the book of acts was about 61 A.D
 Acts spans about 30 years of time.
Check Diagrams for study material.

 1-7 Jerusalem
 8-12 Judea and sumaria
 13-28 Asia, Europe, Rome.
 Peter, Stephen, Philip, james, Paul. 4 journeys.
 Spans A.D 30 – A.D 61
Paul converted in Chapter 9, 22, 26
Make sure to have the order of cities he visited memorized.

 1st 2nd and 3rd missionary journey need to be memorized.

 Who were some of the people who were not converted.
 Pauls imprisonment into Jerusalem
1st in the case in conversion there agency and instumentalities employed in effecting it.
2nd the changes effected in the individual who is subject of it.
The Holy spirits message caused those who heard it to want to be Baptized.

 Hebrews 9:15-17 shows that the Testament did not go into effect until the Testator
Dies. This was true with the Thief on the cross.

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