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DOI 10.

1515/bot-2012-0197 Botanica Marina 2013; 56(2): 197–205

Franciane Pellizzari*, Mariana C. Oliveira, Amanda da Silva Medeiros, Nair S. Yokoya

and Eurico C. Oliveira

Morphology, ontogeny, and phylogenetic position

of Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov. (Ulotrichales,
Chlorophyta) from the southern coast of Brazil
Abstract: A new species, Gayralia brasiliensis (Ulotrichales, Introduction
Chlorophyta), is described from Brazil on the basis of
ontogenetic, morphological, and molecular phylogenetic
Monostromatic members of the green algal order Ulo-
data. Liberation of zooids from the monostromatically
trichales are widely distributed from temperate to tropi-
bladed thalli occurred by disintegration of the zooidan-
cal seas (Leliaert et al. 2012). Some species have economic
gium wall, releasing four biflagellate cells with prominent
importance, mainly in the food and cosmetic industries
eyespots. Fusion of zooids was not observed. After zooid
(Pellizzari et al. 2007, Pise et al. 2012). Chemicals with
attachment, cell divisions gave rise to uniseriate filaments
antiviral and anticoagulant properties were recently iso-
that developed into fan-shaped blades. Only asexual
lated from some species in the genera Monostroma Thuret
reproduction was observed; this took place through recy-
and Gayralia Vinogradova (Cassolato et al. 2008, Zhang
cling of blades by germination of zooids. Phylogenetic
et al. 2008). However, the taxonomy, biology, phylogeny,
analysis based on rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
and biogeography of this group remain largely under-
sequences showed that G. brasiliensis specimens formed a
studied. The taxonomy has undergone several nomen-
monophyletic group closely related to Monostroma nitidum
clatural changes since 1960 (e.g., Gayral 1965, Bliding
and two unidentified monostromatic species from Japan
1968, Vinogradova 1969, Tatewaki 1972). Tentative revi-
and Tanzania. The genus Monostroma was polyphyletic in
sions resulted in taxon transfers, and current species are
our analysis. ITS sequences also confirmed the presence of
mainly assigned to the genera Monostroma, Gayralia, and
a second monostromatic species of Ulotrichales in the Bra-
Protomonostroma Vinogradova. The genus Monostroma
zilian coast, Gayralia oxysperma. There were overlapping
is cosmopolitan, comprising 60 species, of which only 29
morphological and life history traits between G. brasilien-
are currently accepted taxonomically (Guiry and Guiry
sis and G. oxysperma. However, these two species were
2012). Gayralia and Protomonostroma are monospecific,
clearly divergent based on ITS sequences and ontogeny.
comprising G. oxysperma (Kützing) K.L. Vinogradova ex
Scagel, P.W. Gabrielson, D.J. Garbary, L. Golden, S.C. Lind-
Keywords: Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov.; Gayralia
strom, J.C. Oliveira et T.B. Widdowson and P. undulatum
oxysperma; internal transcribed spacer; ontogeny;
(Wittrock) K.L. Vinogradova, respectively. Protomonos-
troma undulatum is found in southern Argentina and Ant-
arctica (Boraso de Zaixso et al. 2003, Quartino et al. 2005,
*Corresponding author: Franciane Pellizzari, Laboratório de Oliveira et al. 2009).
Ficologia e Qualidade de Água do Mar, Universidade Estadual do Monostromatic members of the Ulotrichales vary
Paraná (UNESPAR), Campus FAFIPAR, Comendador Correa Júnior 117, little in external morphology; however, the genera differ
82203-280 Paranaguá, PR, Brazil, e-mail:;
in the numbers of flagella on reproductive cells, ontogeny,
Mariana C. Oliveira, Amanda da Silva Medeiros and Eurico C.
and life history (Bast et al. 2009a). Gayralia oxysperma
Oliveira: Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Biociências, has saccate stages before developing laminar thalli,
Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão 277, CEP 05508900 while Monostroma may or may not have “Codiolum” and
São Paulo, SP, Brazil tubular stages (Gayral 1965). Protomonostroma undu-
Nair S. Yokoya: Núcleo de Pesquisa em Ficologia, Instituto de latum has a long blade with dentate margins, asexual
Botânica, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo,
reproduction, and quadriflagellate zooids (Boraso de
Av. Miguel Estefano 3687, CEP 04301-012 São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Eurico C. Oliveira: Departamento de Botânica, Centro de Ciências Zaixso et al. 2003).
Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, In Brazil, monostromatic members of the Ulotrichales
SC 88040-970, Brazil have been reported as Ulvaria oxysperma (Kützing)

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198 F. Pellizzari et al.: Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov.

Bliding, and Monostroma oxyspermum (Kützing) Doty Brazil (n = 10 for each population). Specimens of Gay-
(Joly 1965, Cordeiro-Marino et al. 1993, Braga 1997, Braga ralia oxysperma were collected in the inner sector of
et al. 1997). However, U. oxysperma and M. oxyspermum Antonina Bay (25°25′S, 48°42′W), Paraná State. Voucher
have been synonymized with Gayralia oxysperma basis specimens (holotype and isotype) were deposited in the
on thallus ontogeny and flagellar ultrastructural features Phycological Herbarium of São Paulo at the Instituto de
(South and Skelton 2003). Furthermore, Cordeiro-Marino Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo (SPF) and at the
et al. (1993) and Braga et al. (1997) observed two differ- Herbarium of Instituto de Botânica (SP), Brazil (Table
ent thallus ontogenies for the two monostromatic green 1). Anatomical observations were based on fresh and
species from São Paulo populations, and they identified preserved thalli (in 4% formalin). The selected material
these taxa as Ulvaria oxysperma and Monostroma sp. was cleaned, and sections were made with a razor blade.
The taxonomic criteria used for distinguishing Semipermanent slides of handmade sections stained
Gayralia and Monostroma from the South Atlantic are with aniline blue were mounted in aqueous 30% corn
controversial. Pellizzari et al. (2008) studied the ontog- syrup (Karo; Unilever, São Paulo, Brazil). Besides color,
eny and morphological characters in two populations shape, and size of the thalli, we analyzed the following
of monostromatic green algae from mangroves and morphological/anatomical characters under a micro-
estuaries of the Paraná coast in southern Brazil and scope (Axioskop 2; Zeiss, Göttingen, Germany): thallus
concluded that the populations had distinct thallus margins; position, size, and shape of holdfast; dimen-
ontogenies. However, at that time, the absence of a sion and shape of cells; and shape and number of chlo-
Codiolum phase and sexual reproduction suggested roplasts in frontal view.
that both populations could be assigned to the genus
Gayralia. Further experiments were performed, and
it was verified that the morphology, life history, and Thallus ontogeny and life history
anatomy of these taxonomic complexes had overlap-
ping features that were insufficient to establish species The specimens were transported to the laboratory in an
identities. Hayden and Waaland (2002) used a molecu- insulated container. Small marginal pieces were excised
lar approach to provide a phylogenetic framework for from the thalli, washed in sterile seawater, and placed
the Ulotrichales and Ulvales; however, in addition to G. on glass slides inside Petri dishes with sterile seawater
oxysperma and P. undulatum, DNA sequences are avail- to release zooids. After 24 h, the slides were transferred
able for only eight species of Monostroma. to 50-ml flasks filled with seawater enriched with 25%
In this work, the ribosomal internal transcribed strength modified Provasoli’s solution (PES/4; Oliveira
spacer (ITS) region, including the ITS1, 5.8S gene, and et al. 1996) at 23 ± 1°C, 20 ± 1 salinity, 14:10 h light/dark
ITS2, was sequenced as an additional tool for the iden- cycle, and an irradiance of 40 ± 10 μmol photons m-2 s-1.
tification of these monostromatically bladed species Germanium dioxide (1 mg l-1) was used to suppress diatom
of Ulotrichales. We also discuss morphology, thallus growth when necessary. The culture medium was renewed
ontogeny, and life history, which are commonly used weekly, and cultures were maintained for 2 months.
tools for specific and generic characterization in the Morphology, liberation of zooids, germination pattern,
Ulotrichales. On the basis of these studies, we describe and thallus ontogeny were observed under a photomicro-
the occurrence of two monostromatic members of the scope (Zeiss MC 80 DX).
Ulvophyceae on the Brazilian coast, and report a new
species of Gayralia.
Molecular analysis

The ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal genes were

Materials and methods obtained from 10 specimens of Gayralia brasiliensis
from Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro,
Morphological analysis Espírito Santo, Bahia, and Pernambuco states and from
three specimens of Gayralia oxysperma from Paraná and
Specimens of Gayralia brasiliensis were collected from São Paulo. An additional Gayralia sp. sample collected
mangrove pneumatophores and rocks in the outer in Tanzania was also included in the analysis. Samples
sectors of Paranaguá and Guaratuba bays (25°33′S, for molecular analysis were dried in silica gel; voucher
48°26′W and 25°52′S, 48°34′W) in Paraná State, southern specimen numbers and sample collection sites are

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Table 1 Monostromatic species sequenced in this study (SPF, Institute of Biosciences Phycological Herbarium, University of São Paulo, São
Paulo, Brazil).

Species Locality, date, and collector GenBank Voucher

Accession No. specimen

Gayralia oxysperma (Kützing) PR: Antonina Bay, PR, 09 Jul 2006, F. Pellizzari KC143758 SPF56197
K.L. Vinogradova ex Scagel, P.W. SP: Lagoinha Beach, Ubatuba, SP, 07 Aug 2005, KC143759
Gabrielson, D.J. Garbary, L. Golden, M.T. Fujii
M.W. Hawkes, S.C. Lindstrom, J.C. SC: Laguna, 23 Nov 2010, E.C. Oliveira KC143760 SPF57337
Oliveira et T.B. Widdowson

Gayralia brasiliensis Pellizzari, M.C. SC: Sambaqui Point, Florianópolis, SC, 01 Jun 2006, KC143761 SPF56250
Oliveira et N.S. Yokoya sp. nov. E.C. Oliveira
PR-1: Guaratuba Bay, PR, 11 Aug 2006, F. Pellizzari KC143762 SPF56198
PR-2: Maciel (cultivation net/pneumatophore), KC143763 SPF56157
Paranaguá Bay, PR, 01 Jan 2005, F. Pellizzari KC143764 SPF56199
SP: Dura Beach, Ubatuba, SP, 14 Oct 2008, E.C. SP427739
Oliveira SPF56199
RJ: Marambaia Island (Cadim), RJ, 15 Aug 2006, F. KC143765 SPF56285
ES: Piúna Beach, Piúna, ES, 12 Sep 2007, D. Barata KC143766 SPF57026
BA-1: Tucuruipe Beach, Trancoso, Caraíva, BA, 07 KC143767 SPF57024
May 2007, D. Barata
BA-2: Caravelas, BA, 26 Jan 2008, E.C. Oliveira KC143768 SPF57027
PE-1: Itapissuma, PE, 09 May 2007, E.C. Oliveira KC143769 SPF57025
PE-2: Itapissuma, PE, 09 May 2007, E.C. Oliveira KC143770 SPF57025
Gayralia sp. Zanzibar, Tanzania, 05 Dec 2009, E.C. Oliveira KC143771 SPF57055

States of Brazil: BA, Bahia; ES, Espírito Santo; PE, Pernambuco; PR, Paraná; RJ, Rio de Janeiro; SC, Santa Catarina; SP, São Paulo.

listed in Table 1. Total DNA was extracted (after grind- corresponding to amplification primers were removed
ing in liquid nitrogen) using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit from the alignments, yielding a final matrix of 33 taxa
(Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) according to the manufac- and 566 positions.
turer’s protocol. The ITS region was amplified by PCR Phylogenetic relationships were inferred with PAUP
using the following primers: 5′-TAGGTGAACCTGCGGAA- 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002) and MrBayes v.3.0b4 (Ronquist
GGAT-3′ (Milstein and Oliveira 2005) and 5′-ATATGCT- and Huelsenbeck 2003). An appropriate evolution model
TAAGTTCAGCGGGT-3′ (Bellorin et al. 2002), with the fol- was selected using MrModeltest 2.2 under the Akaike
lowing cycle: 94°C for 5 min; 35 × : 94°C for 30 s, 55°C for information criterion (Nylander 2004): GTR+I+G model
1 min; 72°C for 2 min; and a final extension step at 72°C with γ distribution = 1.8998; proportion of invariable
for 7 min. Amplification reactions were purified using sites = 0.4004; base frequencies, A = 0.2333, C = 0.2905,
MicroSpin S-300 columns (Amersham Bioscience, Pis- G = 0.2497, and T = 0.2265; and rate matrix, A-C = 1.0007,
cataway, NJ, USA) and sequenced using BigDye in ABI A-G = 2.7173, A-T = 1.4502, C-G = 0.3629, C-T = 4.2904, and
Prism 3100 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) G-T = 1.0000. Trees were inferred using three different
according to the manufacturer’s protocol. For each PCR, methods. A neighbor-joining (NJ) tree was built with
at least four sequences were obtained, one for each a Tamura and Nei (1993) substitution model, and a
PCR primer and one for each internal primer, 5.8SF and maximum parsimony (MP) tree was inferred by a heuris-
5.8SR (Milstein and Oliveira 2005). The full sequence tic search. In both NJ and MP trees, gaps were treated as
was obtained from both DNA strands. The consensus missing data, all sites were weighted equally, and 2000
sequences were assembled using BioEdit software replicates of bootstraps were performed. For Bayesian
(Hall 1999). Multiple alignments for ITS sequences were analyses (MB), we performed two runs consisting of four
constructed with ClustalW in BioEdit, and included Markov chains over 4,000,000 generations, sampling
other available sequences from GenBank. Ulothrix every 100 generations. The initial 50,000 generations
zonata (Z47999) was used as an outgroup. Sequences were discarded as burn in.

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200 F. Pellizzari et al.: Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov.

Results wall, and the release of four biflagellate zooids. Zooid

fusions and a Codiolum phase were not observed; there-
Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov. Pellizzari, M.C. fore, reproduction is asexual. After zooid release and a
Oliveira et N.S. Yokoya short swimming period, one of the flagella attaches to the
substratum, while the zooid spins a little longer until set-
Holotype SPF56198 (11 Aug 2006; F. Pellizzari). tling. After zooid attachment, cell divisions start, giving
Isotype SPF56199, SPF56157, SP427.739 (details in Table 1). rise to a uniseriate filament, which becomes multiseriate
Type locality Guaratuba Bay, Paraná State, south Brazil without formation of tubular or saccate stages. A small
(25°52′S, 48°34′W). foliaceous thallus develops and expands into a monostro-
Iconotype Figure 1A–D. matic plantlet after 30–40 days in culture, around 300 μm
broad. The mature thallus size is usually 7 ± 2.6 cm, with
Diagnosis Gayralia brasiliensis differs from G. oxysperma cell size and thallus thickness of ∼8 ± 3 μm and ∼25 ± 1.8 μm,
in its habitat in the intertidal zone of Brazilian shorelines, respectively. Cells are uninucleate, with a large central
in having higher halotolerance than this congener, its vacuole, parietal chloroplast, and one or two pyrenoids.
formation of a flat blade after a filamentous phase rather
than a tube in the early stages of ontogeny of the macro- Morphological analysis The morphology and vegetative
scopic thallus, and its ITS sequence. anatomy of Gayralia brasiliensis is characterized by a single,
expanded, laminar, monostromatic thallus and the absence
Description Single foliaceous monostromatic thallus, of marginal teeth (Figure 1A). The basal holdfast is discoid
bright green in nature and becoming dark olive green after (1.1±0.1 mm in diameter), formed by long rhizoidal projec-
drying. Liberation of zooids from specimens starts with mar- tions. The fronds are ca. 10 cm broad, with a thickness of
ginal zone discoloration, disintegration of the zooidangium 25.0±1.8 μm and cell lumen of 9.0±1.0 μm (Figure 1B). Cell


1 cm D

30 μm

Figure 1 Gayralia brasiliensis Pellizzari, M.C. Oliveira et N.S. Yokoya (iconotype).

(A) General aspect of the thallus (8 cm tall); (B) transverse section of the thallus; (C) detail of cells in the thallus; (D) detail of basal cells.

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F. Pellizzari et al.: Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov. 201

sizes in the transverse section are ∼7.0±1.3 μm. In frontal conditions, reproduction occurred only by asexual recy-
view, marginal and medium cells are 11±1.7 μm, and basal cling of the gametophytic blades through germination of
cells 12±1.8 μm in diameter. The rhizoidal cells are longer, biflagellate zooids, followed by several mitotic divisions.
with a length of ∼35±1.3 μm. Cells in the upper region have As there was no fusion of biflagellated zooids, the Codi-
irregular polygonal shapes; in surface view, cells are in olum phase was not formed.
groups of two (Figure 1C), becoming more elongate toward Spores from Gayralia oxysperma were liberated and
the base (Figure 1D). Cells are uninucleate with a large germinated as described for Gayralia brasiliensis; however,
central vacuole, parietal chloroplast, and one or two pyr- they produced an intermediate saccate-like stage before
enoids. We observed no perforations in thalli. The thallus giving rise to a foliaceous blade. This stage was well devel-
of Gayralia oxysperma is pale green and smaller (Figure 2) oped at ∼40 days in culture, when the plantlets were about
than that of G. brasiliensis, ∼4.2±0.7 cm in diameter and 100 μm long. The saccate stage opened up after 50 days in
∼15±0.7 μm in thickness. Cells in the transverse section culture, giving rise to a foliaceous monostromatic blade
measure ∼6±0.4 μm; marginal cells, 6±0.4 μm; mid thallus ∼200 μm in length. No sexual reproduction was observed
cells, 7±0.8 μm; basal cells, 10±1.0 μm; and rhizoidal cells, in the specimens of Gayralia we analyzed, and the asexual
25±2.5 μm. Cells are uninucleate with parietal chloroplasts cycle repeated successively.
and single prominent pyrenoids.
Molecular phylogeny ITS sequences were obtained for
Ontogeny and life history In Gayralia brasiliensis, 10 samples of Gayralia brasiliensis and three samples of
the fertile region occurs at the thallus margin and can Gayralia oxysperma collected along the Brazilian coast
occupy 15 ± 5% of the thallus area; it is differentiated by (Figure 3). An additional sequence was obtained for a
a yellow or pale brownish color. Zooid release begins sample collected in Tanzania (Table 1). The 10 samples
when the zooidangium ruptures from the mother plant of G. brasiliensis had from 99.6% to 100% identity for ITS
and the wall disintegrates, releasing four biflagellate sequences. The three samples of G. oxysperma collected
zooids per cell. Zooid fusions were not observed. After along the south-southeastern coast of Brazil were identi-
zooid release and a short swimming period, one flagel- cal and had 99.4% identity to the available G. oxysperma
lum attaches on the substratum, while the zooid spins sequence (AY016306) from Australia.
until settling. Then, by degeneration and loss of the The different phylogenetic inferences produced
flagellum, the cellular body extends to initiate the first similar results (Figure 4). Specimens of G. brasiliensis
cell (9.0 ± 1.58 μm in diameter) with a prominent eyespot formed a well-supported clade, closely related to Mon-
and positive phototropism. After the first cell divisions, ostroma nitidum and two unidentified monostromatic
a uniseriate filament is formed (30–40 μm long). After species from Tanzania and from Japan. This clade was in
14 days, a multiseriate filament (45–60 μm) is formed, turn sister to a clade containing all G. oxysperma. In our
and rhizoids become evident (100–150 μm) after 17 days. analysis taking into account the actual species circum-
After 30–40 days, a foliaceous germling with a flat fan scriptions, the monostromatic genus Protomonostroma is
shape (up to 250 μm in length) is formed; we did not monophyletic, Gayralia is paraphyletic, and Monostroma
observe saccate or tubular stages. Under experimental is polyphyletic.


1 cm

Figure 2 Gayralia oxysperma.

(A) General aspect of thallus (1.5 cm tall); (B) adult plants in the field ( ± 3 cm tall).

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202 F. Pellizzari et al.: Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov.

Morphological features, life history, thallus ontogeny, and
distinct ITS sequences support the description of the new
species Gayralia brasiliensis, which is distributed along the
Brazilian coast. The ITS sequences also support the exist-
ence of another species of monostromatic Ulotrichales in
Brazil, identified as Gayralia oxysperma. As G. brasiliensis
has some overlapping characters of morphology and life
history with G. oxysperma, several taxonomic tools were
necessary to distinguish them.
The taxonomy of ulotrichalean monostromatic algae
is complex, having several inconsistencies among differ-
ent classification tools and lack of agreement on the bio-
logical features considered as relevant for the separation
of taxa. Phenotypic variation in this group is well docu-
mented. Kida (1990) demonstrated different morpholo-
gies in Monostroma latissimum related to distinct habitats,
Figure 3 Geographical distribution of Gayralia brasiliensis (black
arrows) and Gayralia oxysperma (white arrows) along the Brazilian which is commercially recognized in Japan as “Hirohano-
coast. hitoegusa”. Also, a taxonomic key proposed for only the
SC, Santa Catarina (27°45′S, 48°30′W); PR, Paraná (25°33′S, Northern Hemisphere (Wittrock 1866) has generated disa-
48°26′W); SP, São Paulo (23°55′S, 45°47′W); RJ, Rio de Janeiro greement among authors (synopsis in Golden and Garbary
(22°37′S, 41°44′W); ES, Espirito Santo (19°59′S, 40°04′W); BA,
Bahia (13°38′S, 38°51′W); PE, Pernambuco (9°36′S, 35°42′W).
During the past two decades, the life history and
thallus ontogeny of Ulotrichales species have been
studied (Tanner 1981, Tatewaki et al. 1983, Lokhorst 1984,
Golden and Cole 1986). Gayralia brasiliensis has a thallus
ontogeny similar to M. latissimum and Protomonostroma
undulatum, except for the hollow saccate phase in M. latis-
simum and quadriflagellate zooids in P. undulatum. The
thallus ontogeny of G. oxysperma has a saccate intermedi-
ate phase.
Thallus ontogeny has been considered a fundamental
feature for identifying genera of the Monostroma complex
specimens with similar morphology. However, members
of the Ulvophyceae are known to have broad variation in
reproductive patterns, and deletion of one or the other
alternate generations is common (Ohno and Rebello 1995,
Bast et al. 2009a). Therefore, as the study of the thallus
ontogeny and life history were not sufficient to identify
the samples analyzed in this work, the addition of other
taxonomic tools, mainly molecular data, was required.
Studying ecophysiological aspects and the life history of
two monostromatic green algae from the Paraná coast,
Pellizzari et al. (2008) suggested that halotolerance could
be used as an additional character to distinguish between
Figure 4 Bayesian ITS analysis showing the phylogenetic relation- the two monostromatic green algae species that had broad
ships of the new species Gayralia brasiliensis (boldface) and other
morphological plasticity and overlapping characters. The
available species.
Bootstrap support values for MP (normal type) and NJ (italics) analy-
material was identified at that time as two different species
ses are shown on the branches. Bayesian posterior probabilities are of Gayralia. The authors found that plantlets of G. brasil-
represented by branch thicknesses (as indicated in the figure). iensis (named as Gayralia sp. 1) had a broader tolerance

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to high salinities and irradiances, with correspondingly Gayralia brasiliensis seems to reproduce only asexu-
high growth rates at a salinity of 30. In contrast, plant- ally, as fusion of zooids was not observed during the cul-
lets of G. oxysperma (named as Gayralia sp. 2) had higher turing period. However, other factors (e.g., presence of
growth rates at salinities around 15. These results suggest certain bacteria) that could influence the process of zooid
distinct physiological responses of both species that are fusion should be tested in further studies. The occurrence
congruent with their distributions on the coast of Brazil. of asexual lineages across geographic distribution ranges
Specifically, G. oxysperma is limited to the inner sectors of has been observed for many species of foliaceous algae,
estuaries or brackish waters, whereas G. brasiliensis grows such as Ulva spinulosa Okamura et Segawa (Hiraoka et al.
in mangroves and rocks from the outer sectors of estuaries 2003), suggesting that the loss of the sexual phase is
and on protected rocky shores, where salinities are > 25. common in many species.
These data also suggest that G. brasiliensis, with its larger The thallus ontogeny, morphology, and geographic
thallus, higher growth rate, and wider tolerance to envi- occurrence of G. brasiliensis partially agree with previ-
ronmental variations, has higher potential for aquacul- ous reports for a taxon identified as Monostroma sp. from
ture than G. oxysperma. southeastern Brazil (Cordeiro-Marino et al. 1993, Braga
During an ecophysiological study of monostromatic et al. 1997).
green algae from New England (USA), Guo and Mathieson Of relevance is the fact that three current tropical
(1992) reported distinct patterns of seasonal occurrence, species of Monostroma, M. crepidinium var. pseudocrepi-
longevity, zonation, and horizontal distribution within dinium V.J. Chapman, M. dactyliferum W.R. Taylor, and M.
an estuary and in open coastal areas. These authors ecuadoreanum W.R. Taylor (Taylor 1945), were last cited
concluded that Ulvaria obscura (Kützing) J. Agardh and ∼70 years ago. Furthermore, Monostroma lindaueri V.J.
G. oxysperma are widely distributed in inner areas of the Chapman, M. antarcticum V.J. Chapman, and M. moorei
estuaries and that Ulvaria is annual, whereas the occur- V.J. Chapman, described from Australia and New Zealand,
rence of Gayralia is restricted to the summer in the North- were cited by Chapman (1956) ∼60 years ago. Also con-
ern Hemisphere. In contrast, Monostroma grevillei and sidering that 1) citations for these taxa are limited and 2)
P. undulatum (as M. pulchrum) are winter-spring annuals taxonomic identifications of these samples were unac-
and occur preferentially in higher salinities in sheltered companied by explicit indication of voucher specimens,
areas. These observations were useful for identifying we presume that these references have little or no taxo-
species populations. Bast et al. (2009b) reported the occur- nomic value, and their taxonomic status remains unclear
rence of M. latissimum in three distinct habitats of marine (Guiry and Guiry 2012).
and estuarine regions within Tosa Bay, Japan. Thallus The genus Monostroma was polyphyletic in our phylo-
appearance, decay, and maturation of sporophytes were genetic analysis, as also observed by Hayden and Waaland
influenced by salinity. Despite these differences, the (2002) and Bast et al. (2009b) on the basis of the com-
ontogeny and nucleotide sequences from natural popula- bined analysis of rbcL and SSU rDNA. The lectotype of the
tions and cultivated isolates were identical. genus is Monostroma bullosum (Roth) Thuret, a freshwa-
Gayralia brasiliensis had similarities and overlapping ter species described in France, and occurring in Europe,
of characters with G. oxysperma, M. grevillei, M. latis- Australia, and New Zealand. However, while 29 species
simum, and P. undulatum. However, neither saccate nor are currently accepted, molecular marker sequences are
tubular stages during thallus ontogeny were observed in available for only eight taxa. Therefore, analyses of other
the material studied (G. brasiliensis). Moreover, we did species, especially material from the type location, are
not observe fusion of biflagellate zooids, and neither a necessary before establishing a new genus.
Codiolum phase nor alternation of generations during Considering our proposal of the new species G. brasil-
the life history. Risso et al. (2003) observed asexual repro- iensis and the actual species circumscription, the genus
duction and similar ontogenetic features in P. undulatum; Gayralia is paraphyletic. However, Gayralia sp. from Tan-
however, the zooids were quadriflagellate. zania and Monostroma sp. “Hitoegusa” were not identified
Bast et al. (2009a) mentioned the similarities in the to the species level. We propose that those specimens are
life history and thallus ontogeny between the asexual likely two other undescribed species of Gayralia. Further-
strain of M. latissimum and G. brasiliensis (as Gayralia more, Monostroma nitidum from China is quite divergent
sp. 1), and suggested that these species might be closely from M. nitidum AY026917, indicating misidentification of
related taxa. Comparing the ITS1 sequence available for one of these two specimens. We propose that the speci-
M. latissimum, the two species are closely related but still men from China represents probably another undescribed
have 5.5% divergence based on this region alone. species of Gayralia. However, the close proximity of

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204 F. Pellizzari et al.: Gayralia brasiliensis sp. nov.

M. latissimum to G. brasiliensis based on ITS1 sequences instability in this group. The use of molecular data, as a tool
suggests that the former should be transferred to the genus complementary to morphology and life history studies, is
Gayralia. Therefore, the genus Gayralia would encompass essential for better understanding the diversity and taxon-
other species, including those with alternation of hetero- omy of monostromatic green algae. Some recent and relevant
morphic generations and/or asexual life histories, and studies show that molecular phylogenetic data are indispen-
thallus ontogenies with or without saccate stages, includ- sable in assessing taxon boundaries in the Ulotrichales and
ing ontogenies with “filament-blade” development and Ulvales (Ichihara et al. 2009, Rinkel et al. 2012).
those with “filament-sac-blade” development only; this The addition of ITS sequences was necessary to estab-
expansion of Gayralia would include taxa with tolerance lish the identification of the monostromatic green alga
of higher salinities, in addition to those that occur in only occurring on the Brazilian coast. Gayralia brasiliensis,
estuarine ecosystems or brackish waters. despite overlapping of morphological/anatomical char-
The formation of a Codiolum phase has traditionally acters, has a unique ITS sequence compared with all
been considered as a ulotrichalean requisite. However, sequences deposited in GenBank. When this fact is coupled
the Codiolum phase was not observed in either monos- to an assemblage of features distinct from the 29 currently
tromatic species occurring in Brazil, and in this respect accepted species of Monostroma and from G. oxysperma,
they do not fit the older concept of the order. Monostroma the proposal of this new species is well supported.
grevillei and M. nitidum are among the minority of species
that have a Codiolum phase, producing tubes for mature Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the
zoospores. Golden and Garbary (1984) suggest that growth Coordenação de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Brazil)
and development of a thalloid and Codiolum phases for for providing a scholarship to F.M.P., and to the Conselho
Monostroma species varies considerably. Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The incongruence in taxonomic information relating to (CNPq, Brazil) for supporting M.C.O., A.S.M., and N.S.Y.
monostromatic green algae around the world, the absence
of recent revisions for the group, and a unique and ancient Received August 20, 2012; accepted January 9, 2013; online first
identification key (Wittrock 1866) have resulted in taxonomic February 11, 2013

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