Pellizzari 2008 - Gayralia SPP From Southern Brazil

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J Appl Phycol (2008) 20:75–82

DOI 10.1007/s10811-007-9183-6

Life-history, thallus ontogeny, and the effects of temperature,

irradiance and salinity on growth of the edible green seaweed
Gayralia spp. (Chlorophyta) from Southern Brazil
Franciane Pellizzari & Eurico C. Oliveira &
Nair S. Yokoya

Received: 20 October 2006 / Revised and accepted: 1 March 2007 / Published online: 15 June 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract Gayralia K.L. Vinogr. is a monostromatic green areas of the estuary, while Gayralia sp. 1 grows in outer
alga of commercial importance in the southern Brazil, and areas, where salinity values are higher than 20 psu. These
its cultivation is being considered. This paper reports some data indicate that Gayralia sp. 1 has a higher potential for
basic aspects of the biology of this poorly known genus. aquaculture than Gayralia sp. 2 due to its larger thalli,
Two populations of Gayralia spp., from outer and inner higher GR, and wider tolerance to environmental variations.
sectors of Paranaguá Bay, showed an asexual life history
with a distinct pattern of thallus ontogeny. In one Keywords Aquaculture . Brazil . Edible algae . Gayralia .
population (Gayralia sp. 1), zooids developed an expanded Monostromataceae
monostromatic blade directly, while in the other (Gayralia
sp. 2) zooids produced an intermediate saccate stage, before
giving rise to a monostromatic blade. Thalli of the two Introduction
species differ in size and in cell diameter. The effects of
temperature (16–30°C), irradiance (50–100 μmol Edible monostromatic green seaweed has been gathered on
photons m−2 s−1), and salinity (5–40 psu) on the growth the coast of Paraná state, southern Brazil, and sold to
of both populations were assessed. Plantlets of Gayralia sp. restaurants offering Japanese food. This activity is sporadic
1 from in vitro cultures showed a broader tolerance to all and restricted by the availability of natural stocks, whose
salinity and irradiance levels tested, with the highest growth abundance is erratic. In view of this commercial importance,
rate (GR; mean 17% day−1) at 21.5°C and 100 μmol photons there is local interest in cultivating this seaweed as an
m−2 s−1. Plantlets of Gayralia sp. 1 collected during the economic alternative for the local population, as well as to
winter in the field showed higher GR, ranging from 5% decrease pressure on other over-exploited resources in the
day−1 to 7.5% day−1 in salinities from 20 to 40 psu, and region, especially the mangroves and rain forest ecosystems.
2.0% day−1 and 4.3% day−1 for plantlets collected during Monostromatic green algae in Brazil have been identi-
the summer. Gayralia sp. 2 from the field showed highest fied as Ulvaria oxysperma (Kützing) Bliding, or Mono-
GR at salinity of 15 psu. These results suggest distinct stroma oxyspermum (Kützing) Doty in previous reports
physiological responses of the two species, in accordance (e.g., Joly 1965; Cordeiro-Marino et al. 1993; Braga 1997;
with their distribution: Gayralia sp. 2 is limited to the inner Braga et al. 1997). However, Pellizzari (2005) studied two
populations of monostromatic green algae from mangroves
and estuaries of the Paraná coast, and concluded that both
F. Pellizzari (*) : E. C. Oliveira
populations should be assigned to the genus Gayralia K.L.
Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Vinogr. based on preliminary molecular analysis of small
Cx. Postal 11461, 05422-970 São Paulo, SP, Brazil subunit (SSU) rDNA.
e-mail: Investigation into the responses to environmental varia-
N. S. Yokoya
tions of seaweeds of economic interest is a common
Instituto de Botânica, Seção de Ficologia, approach to understanding their behavior in order to
C. Postal 4005, 01061-970 São Paulo, SP, Brazil improve maricultural programs. Among the abiotic factors
76 J Appl Phycol (2008) 20:75–82

that influence the growth, reproduction and distribution of Experiments on the interaction of temperature and
seaweeds, temperature and salinity are paramount (e.g., irradiance were carried out on a temperature and light
Lüning 1981; Lobban et al. 1985; Yokoya and Oliveira gradient plate (Oliveira et al. 1995, 1996), using plantlets
1992a, b). Some studies have reported the influence of from in vitro cultures. Temperatures ranged from 16 to 30°C,
environmental factors on the growth of commercial species at intervals of approximately 1.5°C. Photon flux densities
of green seaweeds from temperate zones (Soe-Hitun et al. were provided by cool–white fluorescent lamps (OSRAM) at
1986; Guo and Mathieson 1992; Dan et al. 2002; Kalita and 100, 75 and 50 μmol photons m−2 s−1, and a light:dark cycle
Tytlianov 2003; Cohen and Fong 2004; Leskinen et al. of 14:10 h. Plantlets (30 mg) were placed in vials with
2004), but little is known of species from tropical regions. 50 mL PES/4 medium, salinity 20 psu. Each treatment was
Braga et al. (1997) were the first to analyze the growth rates tested in duplicate.
of two different species of monostromatic green algae from Effects of salinity variation were tested with plantlets
the Brazilian southeastern coast in different ranges of from laboratory cultures and from the field. Salinities
temperature and salinity. ranged from 5 to 40 psu, at intervals of 5 psu, and each
Pellizzari et al. (2007) reported a pilot experiment to treatment was tested in triplicate. Seawater (32 psu) was
cultivate Gayralia sp. 1 in Paraná state, but many questions filtered, sterilized and concentrated by freezing. Gradual
have yet to be answered before this cultivation reaches a melting and mixtures provided all the desired salinities. The
commercial scale. Here, we present some basic information final salinity was checked with a refractometer (ATAGO
aimed at establishing the biological basis for a rational model S/MILL; Japan). In a second experiment, plants
cultivation of this seaweed in the large estuarine system of of both populations (ca. 1 cm in diameter) were collected
Paraná state. from BP and GP areas, during the summer of 2003 and
the winter of 2004, respectively. Salinity experiments
were performed under the same conditions as already
Materials and methods described.
Medium renewal, weighing (fresh biomass), and mor-
Life-history, thallus ontogeny and morphological analysis phological observations were made weekly during 1 month
for each experiment. Before weighing, plantlets were
Thalli of two populations of Gayralia were collected from blotted with absorbent paper to remove excess water.
pneumatophores of Laguncularia racemosa C.F. Gaertn., a Growth rates (GR) were determined by variations in fresh
common mangrove tree in the region, in Paranaguá Bay, biomass (mg) following Bird et al. (1979), and expressed as
Paraná state, southern Brazil. Gayralia sp. 1 was collected percent day−1.
from the outer area (BP—25° 51′ S and 48° 34′W), and Voucher specimens of Gayralia spp. were deposited in
Gayralia sp. 2 was collected from the inner area (GP—25° the herbaria SP (Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo State,
32′ S and 48° 23′ W). Small pieces from the margins of the Brazil) and SPF (Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de
thallus were isolated and cultured in seawater enriched with São Paulo, Brazil).
25% Provasoli´s solution (PES/4, Oliveira et al. 1996), at 23±
1°C, 20±1 psu, 14:10 h light:dark cycle, and irradiance of 40± Statistical analysis
10 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Morphology, liberation of zooids,
germination pattern and thallus ontogeny were observed under Analysis of variance (ANOVA) using repeated measures
a photomicroscope (Zeiss, Germany). was conducted to evaluate the effects of temperature and
irradiance on growth of Gayralia sp.1. ANOVA of two
Temperature, irradiance and salinity experiments factors was also used to detect the influence of salinity on
growth of Gayralia spp., aiming to compare the develop-
Specimens of Gayralia sp.1 were collected from the outer ment of both species and during two seasons. Fisher's LSD
area of Paranaguá Bay, and transported to the laboratory in test was used as the post-hoc analysis.
an insulated container. Marginal pieces (±1 cm) were
excised from the thalli, washed in sterile seawater and put
on glass slides inside Petri dishes with sterile seawater. Results
After 24 h, the slides were transferred to 40 mL PES/4
medium, and cultured at 22±1°C, salinity 20 psu, and Life-history, thallus ontogeny and morphological analysis
14:10 h light:dark cycle. Germanium dioxide (1 mg L−1)
was used to suppress diatom growth when necessary. After Liberation of zooids from specimens of Gayralia sp. 1
30 days, plantlets (ca. 1 mm) were transferred to 50 mL started with disintegration of the zoosporangium wall
glass flasks to start the experiments. (Fig. 1a), and the release of four biflagellate zooids
J Appl Phycol (2008) 20:75–82 77

Fig. 1a–g Thallus ontogeny of

Gayralia sp.1 from the outer
sector of Paranaguá Bay (BP).
a Zooid released. b Biflagellate
zooids. c Cell body before set-
tling (5–7 μm diameter). d Cells
with prominent eyespot. e First
cell division. f Uniseriate fila-
ment formation (7 days,
30–40 μm); multiseriate fila-
ment (14 days, 45–60 μm), rhi-
zoid formation (17 days,
100–150 μm). g Development
of a plantlet with an expanded
monostromatic blade
(30–40 days; > 200 μm)

(Fig. 1b). Zooid fusions were not observed. After a short began (Fig. 1e), giving rise to a uniseriate filament that
period of swimming, one of the flagella attached to the became multiseriate after 14 days (Fig. 1f). A small leafy
substratum while the zooid spun a bit longer before settling thallus, showing around 300 μm, was observed after 30–
(Fig. 1c). After zooid attachment (Fig. 1d), cell divisions 40 days (Fig. 1g). Cells were uninucleate, with a large
78 J Appl Phycol (2008) 20:75–82

Fig. 2a–c Thallus ontogeny of

Gayralia sp. 2 from the inner
sector of BP, showing an inter-
mediate saccate stage after
20 days of culture (a, b). After
40 and 50 days the saccate frond
opened at the tip, giving rise to a
plantlet with expanded and long
monostromatic blade (c). Bars
30 μm

central vacuole, parietal chloroplast and one pyrenoid. Responses to temperature, salinity and irradiance
Plantlets attained 0.1±0.3 cm after 50–60 days.
Zooids from plants of Gayralia sp. 2 were liberated and Gayralia sp. 1 tolerated a wide range of temperature,
germinated as described for Gayralia sp. 1, but produced an irradiance and salinity, being more sensitive to higher
intermediate tube-like stage before giving rise to a blade temperatures and lower salinities. The optimum tempera-
(Fig. 2). This stage was well-developed at around 40 days ture was between 20.0°C and 21.5°C under the highest
in culture, when the plantlets were about 100 μm long irradiance tested (post hoc 0.002 and 0.0003, respectively;
(Fig. 2a,b). The saccate stage opened up after 50 days in Fig. 3). Thallus degenerated at temperatures higher than 25°C
culture, giving rise to a flat monostromatic blade of around at 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1, and died at the end of the
200 μm (Fig. 2c). No sexual reproduction was observed in experiment. Mean GR of plants cultured at 20.0 and 21.5°C
either population of Gayralia spp. and the asexual cycle were 13.0% day −1 , under irradiances of 75 μmol
repeated successively. photons m−2 s−1 and 14.0% day−1 and 17.0% day−1 at
A morphological comparison of the two species is 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Two way ANOVA evaluating the
presented in Table 1. The thallus of Gayralia sp. 1 is effect of temperature and irradiance on increase of biomass in
usually larger (from 4 to 9 cm), with cell size and thallus Gayralia sp. 1 showed that GR (p=0.002) was significantly
thickness of around 8±3 μm and 25±1.8 μm, respectively. affected by temperature, but not by irradiance (P=0.542,
The thallus of Gayralia sp. 2 is smaller (maximum 4 cm), Table 2).
with cell size and thickness of around 6±1.4 μm and 15± Although a peak of GR of Gayralia sp.1 cultured in vitro
2 μm, respectively. was observed at 40 psu salinity, no significant differences
in GR were observed among the salinities tested (ANOVA
P=0.22, Fig. 4). However, plants of Gayralia sp.1 colleted
in the field showed a distinct response. Fronds collected
during winter and summer showed different responses
Table 1 Morphological characteristics of two populations of mono- when submitted to a salinity gradient, (P=0.030; Fig. 4).
stromatic green seaweeds from Paranaguá Bay (BP). Gayralia sp.1 GR of the summer plants is higher at 20 psu salinity
specimens were collected from the outer sector of the estuary and (P=0.04), and Fisher´s test showed significantly higher GR
Gayralia sp.2 from the inner sector. Values represent length and width
(mean ± standard deviation; n=6) in winter plants at salinities up to 20 psu (P=0.0009,
mainly at 40 psu). When we compared cultured plantlets
Gayralia sp. 1 Gayralia sp. 2 with plants from the field, the differences in GR were
Color Green Pale green
significant (P=0.0061).
Frond sizes (cm) 7.2×6.8±2.7×1.5 4.2×3.0±0.7×0.9 Gayralia sp. 2 had, in general, a lower GR when
Thickness (μm) 25±1.8 15±0.7 compared to Gayralia sp. 1 under salinity gradient (Fig. 5).
Cell size 7×11±1.3×1.5 5×7±0.4×0.5 Higher GR were observed at 10, 15 and 20 psu salinities,
(transverse section; μm) being 1.5, 2.5 and 1.4% day−1, respectively.
Marginal cells (μm) 8×13±1.6×1.9 6×7±0.4×0.5 The ANOVA comparing differences in GR of Gayralia
Medium cells (μm) 9×13±2×1,8 5.5×8±0.8×0.9
sp.1 and G. sp.2 collected during the summer and submitted
Basal cells (μm) 10×14±1.4×1.8 9×11±1.0×1.1
to the salinity gradient was significant (P=0.018). Fisher´s
Rhizoidal cells (μm) 35×11±1.3×0.7 25×7±2.5×0.6
test showed that GR were significantly higher for Gayralia
J Appl Phycol (2008) 20:75–82 79

Fig. 3 Growth rates (GR) of 25

Gayralia sp. 1 cultured at sev-
eral temperature and irradiances
(μmol photons m−2 s−1) after
35 days at salinity 20 psu. Each 50
data point is the mean of two 75
replicates. Bars Standard 100

GR (% day -1)

16 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 30
Temperature (0C)

sp.2 at 15 psu (P=0.002) compared to the other salinities , dealing with two different species of Gayralia. Leskinen et
and for Gayralia sp.1 at 20 psu (P=0.005). al. (2004), working with Ulva intestinalis and Ulva
compressa in the Baltic Sea, used halotolerance as an
additional character, besides genetic variation using internal
Discussion transcribed spacer (ITS) markers, to distinguish morpho-
logical plastic species with overlapping characters.
The occurrence of an asexual life history in both popula- Based on the systematics of the genus Monostroma
tions of monostromatic green algae from mangroves and described by Tatewaki (1972), Gayralia sp. 1 showed a
estuaries of the Paraná coast corroborates the conclusion thallus ontogeny similar to M. latissimum and M. undu-
that both populations should be assigned to the genus latum [=Protomonostroma undulatum (Wittrock) K.L.
Gayralia based on preliminary molecular analysis of SSU Vinogr.], while thallus ontogeny of Gayralia sp. 2 was
rDNA (Pellizzari 2005). However, differences in thallus similar to M. oxyspermum [=Gayralia oxysperma (Kutz.)
and cell sizes, and thallus ontogeny, as well as distinct K.L. Vinogr. ex Scagel et al.]. However, further studies on
responses to environmental parameters, indicate that we are molecular systematics of Brazilian monostromatic green

Table 2 Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) used to test the influence of the independent variables (physical parameters) on the growth rate
(GR) of Gayralia spp.

Variables Degrees of freedom F P

Irradiance (I) 2 0.624 0.542

Temperature (T) 9 3.885 0.002
Interaction I vs T Gayralia sp. 1 18 1.596 0.125
ANOVA (P value) Post hoc (Fisher LSD) Post hoc (Fisher LSD)
Salinity vs GR Gayralia sp. 1 (culture) 0.223
Salinity vs GR Gayralia sp. 1 0.030 P=0.04 P=0.0009
(field plants);
summer × winter
Summer; salinity 20 psu Winter; salinity 40 psu
Salinity vs GR of Gayralia sp. 1 0.018 P=0.005 Gayralia sp.1; salinity 20 psu P=0.002 Gayralia sp.2;
and sp. 2 (field plants) salinity 15 psu
80 J Appl Phycol (2008) 20:75–82

Fig. 4 Comparison of GR of 30
Gayralia sp.1 at several salin-
ities (psu) in young plants from
laboratory culture and from BP, field (summer)
collected during the winter and 25
field (winter)
summer of 2003. Each data
in vitro
point is the mean of three
replicates. Bars Standard 20

GR (% day -1)


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Salinity (psu)

algae are necessary to clarify the species identities. The responses are typical of monostromatic green seaweeds that
physiological responses and thallus ontogeny of Gayralia are distributed mainly in estuaries of subtropical and
spp. are partially in accordance with observations reported temperate zones and are subjected to a broad fluctuation
for monostromatic green species identified as Monostroma of salinity (Biebl 1937).
sp. and Ulvaria oxysperma in Brazil (Cordeiro-Marino et Exponential growth occurred from 16 to 24°C in
al. 1993; Braga et al. 1997), which were considered as Gayralia sp. 1 (data not shown) and the upper limit of
eurythermic and euryhaline species. These physiological survival was around 26°C, which was lower than observed

Fig. 5 Comparison of GR of 6
Gayralia sp.1 and Gayralia sp.2
collected from the outer and
inner sectors of BP, respectively, 5
during the summer of 2004. Gayralia sp.2
Each data point is the mean of Gayralia sp.1
three replicates. Bars Standard 4

GR (% day-1)


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Salinity (psu)
J Appl Phycol (2008) 20:75–82 81

by Braga et al. (1997) for a monostromatic green species the outer sectors of the estuary, where salinity is higher than
collected from the southern coast of São Paulo State. These 20 psu. Based on these results, Gayralia sp. 1 was selected
responses suggest the existence of ecotypic differentiation for a mariculture program in Paraná state (Pellizzari et al.
among populations from São Paulo and Paraná states. 2007). Another advantage of this species is that cultivation in
Although statistical analysis indicates that GR are the outer sector of the estuary could avoid conflict with the
affected predominantly by temperature, Gayralia sp. 1 utilization of the inner areas for oyster and shrimp
showed the highest growth rates from 20°C to 22°C, at cultivation.
100 μmol photons m−2 s−1, and from 20 to 40 psu salinity,
ranges that should be utilized to select seasons and areas for
cultivation. These values are in accordance with observa- Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Brazil) for
tions on the distribution of the species in the area made by providing a scholarship to F.P., and to the Conselho Nacional de
Pellizzari (2005), who found larger fronds during the winter Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Brazil) for
with temperature ranging from 19 to 21°C. Specimens kept supporting E.C.O. and N.S.Y. We thank Mauricio Camargo for
at higher temperatures (ca. 25°C) showed low tolerance to comments on statistics.
higher irradiances, a fact already observed by Cordeiro-
Marino et al. (1993) for Monostroma sp. collected at
Espírito Santo state in southeastern Brazil. Although we
utilized a small range of irradiances, it was quite clear that References
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