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In order to ensure a successful implementation of electronic health records, the organization must
identify and define strategic roles. These planning roles may be defined in three categories:leadership,
internal stakeholders, and external stakeholders. The governing body (board) is an example of which of
the following? - ANSWER ☑☑Leadership only

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the optimal relationship between strategic
planning and strategic IM planning in a healthcare entity? - ANSWER ☑☑The two process are clearly
related. It is important for the CIO to be involved in both processes to ensure that IS priorities are
congruent with the overall strategic plans of the entity.

Medical record number - ANSWER ☑☑One way to examine readmission's with a given time frame at
your faculty is to retrieve patient data for that time frame and look for duplicates of which attribute
common in clinical data sets?

A drug interaction alert would be a typical function of a _______. - ANSWER ☑☑Decision support

Which code set would be utilized to create a report showing a hospital's case mix index? - ANSWER
☑☑DRG (Diagnosis Related Group)

A set of standards that provides universal names and codes for a laboratory and clinical results is
___________. - ANSWER ☑☑LONIC

Your chief financial officer has contacted you because your facility's case-mix index increased last year.
He wish to hear your theory on why this is so. Among the options below, which would best explain an
increase in the case-mix index? - ANSWER ☑☑The quality of clinical documentation improved

Activities of daily living (ADL) are components of - ANSWER ☑☑MDS and OASIS
Assume you are the manager of a 10-physician group primary care practice. The physicians are
interested in contracting with an application service provider to develop and manage patient records
electronically. Which of the following statements is an indication that an ASP may be a good idea for this
practice? - ANSWER ☑☑The practice does not have an upfront capital or IT staff needed to purchase
and implement a system from a health information systems vendor.

Maps from terminologies to classifications (and possibly from classifications to terminologies) are
expected to _____. - ANSWER ☑☑Facilitate "enter once, use many" functionally

Which of the following basic services provided by an HIE entity ensures that information can be
retrieved as needed? - ANSWER ☑☑Secure data transport

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the optimal relationship between strategic
planning and strategic IM planning in a healthcare entity? - ANSWER ☑☑The two process are clearly
related. It is important for the CIO to be involved in both processes to ensure that IS priorities are
congruent with the overall strategic plans of the entity.

Which type of indicators measure the actual results of care for patients and populations, including
patient and family satisfaction? - ANSWER ☑☑Outcome

Which of the following activities is likely to occur in the analysis phase of the systems development life
cycle? - ANSWER ☑☑Examine the current system and identify opportunities for improvement

Which RVU component is best suited for measuring physician productivity? - ANSWER ☑☑wRVU

The physician fee schedule is based on what component(s)? - ANSWER ☑☑All of these

Comparing the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM diabetes mellitus codes and documenting variations creates
a______________. - ANSWER ☑☑Data map

Medical security diagnosis-related groups (MS-DRGs) represent a prospective payment system

implemented by the CMS to reimburse hospitals a predetermined amount for services provided to -
ANSWER ☑☑inpatients
A research instrument that is used to gather data and information from respondents in a uniform
manner through the administration of a predefined and structured set of questions and possible
responses is called a(n) ________. - ANSWER ☑☑Survey

An example of a database that depends on standardized data definitions is _____________. - ANSWER

☑☑A statewide cancer data system

Which of the following is an external user of data? - ANSWER ☑☑Public health department

Which of the following indexes and databases includes patient-identifiable information? - ANSWER
☑☑Master population/patient index

HIM departments may be the hub of identifying, mitigating, and correcting MPI errors, but that
information often is not shared with other departments within the healthcare organization. After
identifying procedural problems that contribute to the creation of the MPI errors, which department
should the MPI manager work with to correct these procedural problems? - ANSWER ☑☑Registration
of patient access

The inpatient data set incorporated into federal law and required for Medicare reporting is the
____________. - ANSWER ☑☑Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set

Standardized sets of valid, reliable, and evidence-based measures implemented by the Joint
Commissions are called _____________. - ANSWER ☑☑Core (performance) measures

The computer-based process of extracting, quantifying, and filtering discrete data that reside in a
relational database is called ________. - ANSWER ☑☑Data mining

In terms of grouping and reimbursement, how are the MS-LTC-DRGs and acute care MS-DRGs similar? -
ANSWER ☑☑Organizing into MDCs (Major Diagnostic Category)

Which of the following is not a valid use of a relative weight assigned to each MS-DRG? - ANSWER
☑☑Measure of cost of living
The leader of the coding performance improvement team wants all of her team members to clearly
understand the coding process. Which of the following would be the best tool for accomplishing this
objective? - ANSWER ☑☑Flowchart

Which of the following elements is found in a charge description master? - ANSWER ☑☑Procedure or
service charge

An audit tracking database would contain information from the health care claim payment advice that is
in what format? - ANSWER ☑☑835

Data showing a physician's professional fee charges would be found on which billing format? - ANSWER

The practice of "normalization" of a database prevents duplication of data elements and ensures the
data conforms to a standard. There are three forms of normalization. The third normal form requires
which of the following? - ANSWER ☑☑Elimination fields that do not depend on the key

Which of the following is the process of refining a data model to reduce redundant storage of
information and best describe the data and its relationships? - ANSWER ☑☑Normalization

You need to interface data automatically from one clinical system to another. Which framework is most
commonly used for this purpose in the healthcare system? - ANSWER ☑☑HL7

An executive has asked you to provide a single report that requires you to draw from data in multiple
tables within a SQL-compliant database. Which of the following is the SQL operator that will you allow
you to do this? - ANSWER ☑☑JOIN

In healthcare, one of the primary uses for data warehouses is _________. - ANSWER ☑☑Outcomes

The most basic, or core, element in an information system is the _______. - ANSWER ☑☑data
The first level of HCPCS consists of _____. - ANSWER ☑☑CPT

ICD-10-CM is an example of a _______. - ANSWER ☑☑clinical classification

In SNOWMED-CT, this term is used to describe how concepts are linked to one another: - ANSWER

The process by which concepts and terms in one system are associated with concepts and terms in
another system is called ________. - ANSWER ☑☑mapping

Which of the following acronyms represents the language used to extract data from a database? -

If a database contains two tables: physicians, patients. If a physician may be linked to many patients and
patients may only be related to one physician, what is the cardinality of the relationship between the
two tables? - ANSWER ☑☑One-to-many

Which of the following is an example of unstructured data? - ANSWER ☑☑pathology report

Dictated and transcribed reports and notes written by the physicians and other practitioners are
examples of _________ - ANSWER ☑☑Unstructured data

The term that describes the ability of one information system to exchange data with another
information system is _______. - ANSWER ☑☑interoperability

Which is the data model that is most widely used to illustrate a relational database structure? -
ANSWER ☑☑Entity-relationship diagram

The technology that converts human language into data that can be translated then manipulated by
computer systems is - ANSWER ☑☑Natural language processing
The management of all aspects of health data and information through the application of computers
and computer technologies is called - ANSWER ☑☑healthcare informatics

The emergency data standards that are meant to create a health history for an individual are _______. -
ANSWER ☑☑DEEDS (Data elements for Emergency Department Systems)

The technology commonly utilized for automated claims processing (sending bills directly to third-party
payers) is: - ANSWER ☑☑electronic data interchange

When an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is implemented as a relational database, an attribute will
become a - ANSWER ☑☑field

Which of the following individuals would most likely to be responsible for the technical aspects of the
DBMS? - ANSWER ☑☑Database administrator

Which of the following coding systems is not used to characterize procedures performed on a patient? -

SNOMED CT is a _________-based terminology. - ANSWER ☑☑concept

What are LONIC codes used for? - ANSWER ☑☑identifying test results

In today's healthcare entity, physicians use the _______ to access multiple sources of patient
information within the entity's network. - ANSWER ☑☑clinician portal

Which of the following code set(s) is utilized in the RBRVS prospective payment system? - ANSWER

Which of these is a weakness of Microsoft Access? - ANSWER ☑☑Limited user support and control
Which data system serves as the source system for LOINC coded services? - ANSWER ☑☑LIS
(Laboratory Info System)

SQL may be used to - ANSWER ☑☑all of these

What database design practice prevents the duplication of data elements? - ANSWER ☑☑normalization

Which of the following keywords precedes the listing of variables to be returned from an SQL query? -

Among the software programs listed below, the one best suited to detailed statistical analysis of data is
which of the following? - ANSWER ☑☑SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

Nonparametric tests such as a Kruskal-Wallis are advantageous compared to their parametric

counterparts for which of the following reasons? - ANSWER ☑☑they require fewer assumptions about
the underlying data

Which of the following is an expression of the extent of a linear relationship between two variables? -
ANSWER ☑☑correlation

Your chief medical officer has requested that you track patient satisfaction over time and in a way that
attempts to separate routine variation from true underlying changes over time. The best tool to select
from the options below is a(n) - ANSWER ☑☑statistical process control chart

When a data analyst develops a sample selection involving the choice of every fourth patient from each
clinic schedule for each physician during the course of a three month period, this sampling technique
being used by the analyst is called which of the following? - ANSWER ☑☑Systematic random sampling

chart - ANSWER ☑☑

chart - ANSWER ☑☑
The type of statistical techniques used to make conclusions based on a sample are: - ANSWER

The mean is an appropriate statistic to use to measure which type of data? - ANSWER ☑☑ratio

chart - ANSWER ☑☑

If a health plan analyst wanted to determine if the readmissions rates for two hospitals were statistically
different, which hypothesis test should be used? - ANSWER ☑☑two-sample Z-test for proportions

A researcher would like to test the null hypothesis that the lengths of stay at two hospitals are equal.
What statistical test should the researcher use in this situation? - ANSWER ☑☑t-test for means

We want to compare the average weight of patients before and after a specialty diet is administered.
We expect the weight to decrease after administration of the diet. Which of the following tests should
be conducted to determine if the average weight for each patient is less at the conclusion of the diet? -
ANSWER ☑☑paired t-test

The variable that may cause the change in a second variable is called the - ANSWER ☑☑independent

If the correlation between years of experience and salary is positive, what can you conclude about the
slope of a regression line that might be fit to describe the relationship? - ANSWER ☑☑the slope will be

Which of the following is an assumption made regarding the residuals in least squares regression? -
ANSWER ☑☑the mean is zero

they are independent

they are approximately normally distributed

A sampling technique that divides the population into subsets and then selects a random sample within
each subset is called - ANSWER ☑☑stratified random sampling
In order to increase the precision of a confidence interval and leave the confidence level the same, the
same size must be - ANSWER ☑☑larger

If an analyst is studying the wait times at a clinic and the only list of patients available is hard copy,
which sampling technique is the easiest to use? - ANSWER ☑☑systematic sampling

What is the biggest problem with using mean length of stay as a facility statistic? - ANSWER ☑☑it is
influenced by outlier values

Average length of stay is an example of a - ANSWER ☑☑descriptive statistic

chart - ANSWER ☑☑

SPSS is a - ANSWER ☑☑statistical analysis software package

Where D= dead and A= alive, what is the proportion of patients that died in the sample of of 10?

D,D,A,A,A,A,A,A,D,A - ANSWER ☑☑30%

Which of the following attributes is required for a sample to be statistically valid? - ANSWER ☑☑it must
be reproducible

If an analyst divides the population into groups and randomly selects groups to make up the sample,
then the sampling technique used is? - ANSWER ☑☑cluster sampling

The post-operative infection rate for a sample of cases for one unit in a hospital was 3 percent in a
sample of 150 cases. What ranges represents a 95-percent confidence interval for a the population post-
operative infection rate? - ANSWER ☑☑(0.3 percent, 5.7 percent)

chart - ANSWER ☑☑
We have conducted a t-test to determine if the hospital mean for DRG XXX is significantly different from
the population mean for DRG XXX. The calculated t is -3.39 and the critical t is -1.96. In this case we: -
ANSWER ☑☑reject the null hypothesis

An analyst wishes to test the hypothesis that the wait time in the emergency department is longer on
weekends than weekdays. What is the alternative hypothesis? - ANSWER ☑☑the average wait time is
longer on the weekends

You are preparing a budget presentation to the board. They have asked for a presentation on the
percentage of salary budget spent on temp salary, hourly employees, and salary employees. What graph
would be most appropriate to convey this data? - ANSWER ☑☑pie chart

In comparing mortality rates between hospitals, it is important to also consider the - ANSWER
☑☑severity of illness

graph - ANSWER ☑☑

An analyst has been asked to work on the development of a home health strategic plan. Which of the
following data sets would be most helpful in developing this analysis? - ANSWER ☑☑UACDS

Your facility is engaged in a research project concerning patients newly diagnosed with type 2

diabetes. The researchers notice older patients have a longer length of stay than younger patients.

They have seen a - ANSWER ☑☑positive correlation between age and length of stay

Under what circumstances is it acceptable to use a non-probability sample for an audit? - ANSWER
☑☑When not generalizing to the population

graph - ANSWER ☑☑

In analyzing the reason for charges in a hospital's Medicare case-mix index over time, the analyst extract
data from the information warehouse at which level of detail? - ANSWER ☑☑Discharge level
chart - ANSWER ☑☑

The facility's Medicare case-mix index has dropped, although other statistical measures appear constant.
The CFO suspects coding errors. What type of coding quality review should be performed? - ANSWER
☑☑focused audit

This type of data display tool is used to illustrate frequency distributions of continuous variables, such as
age and length of stay (LOS): - ANSWER ☑☑histogram

The ICD coding system was originally designed to be a ________________ - ANSWER ☑☑disease
tracking system

Patient payments and charges are likely to be found in a: - ANSWER ☑☑patient accounting database

Which graph is the best choice to use when exploring the relationship between length of stay and
charge for a set of patients? - ANSWER ☑☑scatter diagram

Which of the following situations might result in a compliance audit? - ANSWER ☑☑High CC/MCC
capture rate

30-day morality rates are considered a - ANSWER ☑☑outcome of care measure

A computer software program that assigns appropriate MS-DRGs according to the information provided
for each episode of care is referred to as a - ANSWER ☑☑grouper

The surgery department is evaluation its postoperative infection rate of 6 percent. The chief of surgery
asks the quality improvement coordinator to find the post-operation infection rates of 10 similar
hospitals in the same geographic region to see how the rates compare. The process is called ______ -
ANSWER ☑☑benchmarking

The capture of secondary diagnoses that increase the incidence of CCs and MCCs may be benchmarked
against other facilities by using which dataset? - ANSWER ☑☑MEDPAR
The science of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that information is
referred to as - ANSWER ☑☑data analytics

graph - ANSWER ☑☑

Analyzing patterns of care can help identify - ANSWER ☑☑all of these

Which kind of data might be displayed on a pie chart? - ANSWER ☑☑percentage of discharges by third-
party payer

In which of the following examples does the gender of the patient constitute information rather than a
data element? - ANSWER ☑☑in a study comparing the incidence of myocardial infarctions in black
males as compared to white females

The application of information science to the management of healthcare data and information through
computer technology is referred to as - ANSWER ☑☑healthcare informatics

Data taken from the health record and entered into registries and databases are considered a(n): -
ANSWER ☑☑secondary data source

graph - ANSWER ☑☑

Name of element, definition, application in which the data element is found, locator key, ownership,
entity relationships, date first entered system, date element terminated from system and system of
origin are all examples of - ANSWER ☑☑metadata

Rates for population-based statistics are reported per 1,000, 10,000, or 100,000 individuals. Rates for
healthcare facility statistics are reported per _______ cases. - ANSWER ☑☑100
Which national database was created to collect information on the legal actions (both civil and criminal)
taken against licensed healthcare providers? - ANSWER ☑☑Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data

You want to graph the number of deaths due to prostate cancer from 2005 through 2012. Which graphic
tool would you use? - ANSWER ☑☑line graph

Which data collection program is the basis for the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
value-based purchasing program? - ANSWER ☑☑Hospital Compare

Fifty percent of patients treated at our facilities have Medicare as their primary payer. This is an example
of what type of information? - ANSWER ☑☑aggregate

The percent of antibiotics administered immediately prior to open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)
surgeries or the percent of deliveries accomplished by cesarean section are examples of what type of
performance measure? - ANSWER ☑☑process measure

graph - ANSWER ☑☑

An important part of the maintenance of the master patient index is to resolve situations where a
patient is assigned to another patient's medical record number. This is an example of which of the
following? - ANSWER ☑☑overlay

What database would be most critical to validate and test for users preparing to enter a RHIO or HIE? -
ANSWER ☑☑MPI (Master Patient Index)

Your facility is preparing to implement a system wide clinical documentation system. Two years of data
from existing systems will be backloaded into the new system for continuity of care. Current systems
define the field for BMI as either Body-Mass index of BMI. What step should be taken to ensure the data
fills to the EMI in the new system? - ANSWER ☑☑data mapping from current to new system

High-quality information is contingent on - ANSWER ☑☑reliable data

Assuring that data have been accessed or modified only by those authorized to do so is a function of -
ANSWER ☑☑data integrity

ASTM Standard E2522-07 provides guidance to healthcare organizations in developing - ANSWER ☑☑

Health Level 7 (HL7) - ANSWER ☑☑Better enables interoperability when standard terminologies are

Health information loses PHI status and is no longer protected by the HIPAA Privacy Rule when it -
ANSWER ☑☑is deidentified

To ensure quality of data, the Cancer Committee reviews the abstracting done by the cancer registry
personnel. This is a method of ___________ reliability. - ANSWER ☑☑interrater

Which dimension of data quality is defined as "data that is free of errors"? - ANSWER ☑☑accuracy

An audit trail is a good tool for which of the following? - ANSWER ☑☑reconstruction electronic events

Laboratory data is successfully transmitted back and forth from Community Hospital to three local
physician clinics. This successful transmission is dependent on which of the following standards? -

Of the following resources, the best resource to use in defining the structure of the EHR is the -
ANSWER ☑☑HL7 Functional Model

Which of the following is an example of what an audit trail checks for? - ANSWER ☑☑Unauthorized
access to a system

The HIPAA methods titled Expert Determination and Safe Harbor are ways that which of the following
can be achieved legally? - ANSWER ☑☑deidentification
An EHR system can provide better security than a paper record for protected health information system
due to: - ANSWER ☑☑Access controls, audit trails, and authentication systems

In which of the following phases of systems selection and implementation would the process of running
a mock query to assess the functionality of a database be performed? - ANSWER ☑☑testing

The individual most likely to lead strategic planning for a healthcare organization's information system is
the - ANSWER ☑☑CIO (Chief Information Officer)

The purpose of the data dictionary is to _________________ definitions and ensure consistency of use. -
ANSWER ☑☑standardize

Which of the following is a mechanism that retrospectively records and examines data revisions in
information systems? - ANSWER ☑☑audit controls

Medical information loses PHI (Protected Health Info)status and is no longer protected by the HIPAA
Privacy Rule when it - ANSWER ☑☑is deidentified

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